Chapter 01 be 동사 Unit 01 be 동사의현재형과과거형 CHECK UP p b PRACTICE p.13 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 1. It s 2. I m 3. You re 4. He s 5. They re 1. am

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Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,

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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장



Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이


1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and

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♡BASIC1 1강-8강♡



How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활

2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직

Your First Grammar GRAMMAR BEAN 4 정답 및 해설 wide



49-9분동안 표지 3.3





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4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정

Unit Five: Conversation Three.

PART 01 문장의구성요소와문형의이해 G R A M M A R 단어가모여이루어진것을문장 (sentence) 이라고한다. 의미전달을위해반드시필요한주요성분과문장의주요성분을좀더꾸며주는수식어구가함께어우러져 문장을구성하게된다. 01. 문장의구성요소문장의주요성분 : 주어, 술어

3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

Look and Listen 다음을 듣고, 각 대화의 상황에 알맞은 그림을 골라 번호를 써 봅시다. 3 Listen and Do 다음을 듣고, Emily와 Richard가 가고 싶어하는 곳에 표를 해 봅시다. 3 Korean Folk Museum Listen and T



Being friends with the face in the mirror


어법성 판단 문제


4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

#1_초급 본문

Mom: What s he wearing? Child: He is wearing some space clothes. Mom: Yes, he is an astronaut. [Page 8-9] Mom: Where is this? Child: It is a desert. C




소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

일반동사긍정문 A 일반동사현재형 일반동사는 be동사 (am, are, is) 와조동사 (will, can, may, must ) 를제외한동사로, 주어의동작이나상태를나타낸다. 일반동사의현재형은일상적인활동, 습관, 일반적인사실을나타낸다. 일반동사는현재시제일때주어의인칭에따라

23 Lesson 1. What are you going to do tomorrow? [개념강의] 24 Lesson 1. What are you going to do tomorrow? [실전강의 A] 25 Lesson 1. What are you going to do

[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Given the enormous size of the box, I didn t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. Given: ~



Chapter 01 be 동사 Unit 01 be 동사의현재형과과거형 CHECK UP p.12 1. b PRACTICE p.13 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 1. It s 2. I m 3. You re 4. He s 5. They re 1. am 2. is 3. were 4. are 5. was 1. There is 2. There are 3. There is 4. There are 5. There are 1. My favorite subject is 2. The weather was 3. Teddy and I are 4. There was an email Unit 02 be 동사의부정문과의문문 CHECK UP p.14 1. c 2. b PRACTICE p.15 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 1. I m not 2. You re not / You aren t 3. He s not / He isn t 4. She wasn t 5. They re not / They aren t 1. isn t 2. aren t 3. weren t 4. aren t 5. wasn t 1. Are you 2. Am I 3. Is Peter 4. Were they 1. The meal isn t 2. aren t busy 3. Was the movie, was Grammar for Writing A 1. is fresh 2. There is a bus 3. Are you cold 4. They weren t[were not] there 5. Mary isn t[is not] tall / Mary s not tall 6. There are four seasons p.16-17 B C D 7. was six years old 1. We are middle school students 2. You were a shy kid 3. Is the street dangerous 4. Were you at the concert 5. The book was not interesting 6. There were three children in the park 1. a. was tired b. am not tired 2. a. was at school b. isn t[is not] at school 3. a. were at home b. aren t[are not] at home 4. a. weren t[were not] in the library b. are in the library 1. There is a baseball game 2. There are many people 3. There is a vase 4. There are some flowers p.18-21 1. 1 2. 4 3. 5 4. are 5. was 6. There is 7. There are 8. 5 9. 4 10. 2 11. 2 12. 3 13. 4 14. 3 15. 1 16. 3 17. Is, is 18. Are, aren t 19. Is this movie funny 20. Jack and Bill aren t[are not] twins 21. There is a mic 22. is thick, isn t[is not] boring 23. wasn t[was not] expensive 24. were in the swimming pool 25. 2, 4 26. 3 27. 3 28. X, are 29. X, was 30. X, are 31. The comedians was The comedians were 32. My English teacher are My English teacher is 33. There is There are, I were I was 1 now로보아현재시제이고, 주어가 1인칭단수이므로 am을쓴다. 2 yesterday로보아과거시제이고, 주어가 3인칭단수이므로 was를쓴다. 3 last night으로보아과거시제이고, 주어가 3인칭복수이므로 were를쓴다. 4 this year로보아현재시제이고, 주어가 1인칭복수 (Andy and I) 이므로 are를쓴다. 5 two years ago로보아과거시제이고, 주어가 3인칭단수이므로 was를쓴다. 6 There is + 단수명사 (a cat) 7 There are + 복수명사 (33 questions) 8 1 was 2 is 3 were 4 are 9 1 am not 2 isn t 3 wasn t 5 aren t 10 2 Was Jenny ~? 에대한답변 : Yes, she was. / No, she wasn t. 11 2 I am의부정형 : I m[i am] not 12 3은 is, 나머지는 was 13 4는 is, 나머지는 isn t 2 Grammar Inside L1

14 3 the stores 는 3 인칭복수이므로 Are 가되어야한다. 15 There is + 단수명사, There are + 복수명사 (1 There is There are) 16 There are + 복수명사 : ~ 들이있다 17 주어가 3 인칭단수 (this bag) 이므로 is 를쓴다. 18 현재시제이고주어가 1 인칭복수이므로 are 를쓴다. Are we ~? 에대한부정의대답은 No, we aren t. 이다. 19 3 인칭단수주어의현재시제의문문 : Is + 주어 ~? 20 3 인칭복수주어의현재시제부정문 : 주어 + aren t[are not] 21 There is + 단수명사 : ~ 가있다 22 현재시제이고주어가 3 인칭단수이므로 is 를쓴다. is 의부정형 은 isn t[is not] 이다. 23 과거시제이고주어가 3 인칭단수일때의부정형은 wasn t[was not] 을쓴다. 24 과거시제이고주어가 3 인칭복수일때는 were 를쓴다. 25 1 주어가 3 인칭단수이므로 be 동사과거형은 was (were was) 3 주어가 3 인칭단수 (Tokyo) 이므로 be 동사현재형의부정 문은 isn t (aren t isn t) 5 There are + 복수명사 (is are) 26 c. 주어가 3 인칭단수이므로 be 동사과거형은 was (were was) d. There is + 셀수없는명사 (are is) 27 Jenny were hungry this morning. Jenny was hungry this morning. The girls was noisy on the subway. The girls were noisy on the subway. 28 현재시제이고주어가 1 인칭복수 (Claire and I) 이므로 are 를 쓴다. 29 과거시제이고주어가 3 인칭단수 (The dog) 이므로 was 를 쓴다. 30 There are + 복수명사 (a lot of books) 31 과거시제이고주어가 3 인칭복수 (The comedians) 이므로 were 를쓴다. 32 현재시제이고주어가 3 인칭단수 (My English teacher) 이 므로 is 를쓴다. 33 첫번째는현재시제이고복수명사 (beautiful beaches) 가쓰 였으므로 there are 를쓴다. 두번째는 last summer 로보 아과거시제이고주어가 I 이므로 was 를쓴다. Chapter 02 일반동사 Unit 01 일반동사의현재형 CHECK UP p.24 1. a 2. c 3. b PRACTICE p.25 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 1. eat 2. cries 3. have 4. sleeps 5. works 6. go 1. check 2. studies 3. washes 4. love 5. teaches 6. reads 1. has 2. tries 3. watches 4. closes 1. know that girl 2. live in London 3. goes to school Unit 02 일반동사의과거형 CHECK UP p.26 1. c 2. c 3. b PRACTICE p.27 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 1. spoke 2. put 3. made 4. slept 5. washed 1. called 2. had 3. came 4. baked 5. bought 6. planned 1. worried 2. finished 3. invited 4. went 1. met Ann 2. taught English 3. got an email 4. watched the soccer game Unit 03 일반동사의부정문 CHECK UP p.28 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c Answer Key 3

PRACTICE p.29 STEP 1 1. don t 2. doesn t 3. don t 4. doesn t 5. doesn t 6. doesn t STEP 2 1. didn t[did not] rain 2. didn t[did not] call 3. didn t[did not] pass STEP 3 1. didn t come 2. don t like 3. doesn t have STEP 4 1. doesn t work 2. don t listen 3. didn t take 4. don t wear Unit 04 일반동사의의문문 p.34-37 1. 5 2. 2 3. 3 4. 5 5. 5 6. 4 7. 3 8. 5 9. a gets up b reads 10. a had b didn t win 11. a don t[do not] b doesn t [does not] 12. 5 13. 4 14. I didn t 15. he does 16. they don t 17. 4 18. 3 19. 1 20. doesn t[does not] smoke 21. rained, stopped 22. cleans his room 23. read a book 24. didn t[did not] come to school 25. 1, 5 26. 4 27. 4 28. X, have 29. X, take 30. X, fixes 31. We eat We ate 32. I doesn t I don t, I find I found 33. I writes I write, I go I went CHECK UP p.30 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. c PRACTICE p.31 STEP 1 1. Does 2. Do 3. Does 4. Do 5. Does STEP 2 1. Did, enjoy 2. Did, go 3. Did, play STEP 3 1. you don t 2. she does 3. I did 4. they didn t STEP 4 1. Does Susan sing 2. Do you like 3. Did he buy 4. Did they win Grammar for Writing p.32-33 A 1. doesn t[does not] have a camera 2. opens at 9 a.m 3. didn t[did not] go to bed 4. went to the movies 5. Does Jack speak 6. don t[do not] remember his name 7. Did you buy B 1. doesn t eat meat 2. do not watch that TV show 3. Did you fight with 4. I take piano lessons 5. Do they have pets 6. Emily visited her grandmother C 1. gets up 2. goes to school 3. has lunch 4. comes home 5. watches TV 6. studies English D 1. doesn t[does not] like 2. Does she have 3. didn t[did not] sleep 4. Did you read 1 5 study의 3인칭단수형 : studies 2 2 teach의과거형 : taught 3 3 동사 likes의형태로보아주어는 3인칭단수가되어야한다. 4 주어가 3인칭단수 (Tim) 이고현재의일을묻고있으므로 Does를쓴다. 5 일반동사과거형의부정문 : didn t[did not] + 동사원형 6 (A) 주어가 3인칭단수 (Karen) 이므로 goes (B) 주어가 We이므로 take 7 (A) 주어가 3인칭단수이므로 doesn t (B) 주어가 you이므로 Do 8 각각 10 minutes ago와 last night으로보아과거의일을나타내므로과거형인 (A) washed (B) went를쓴다. 9 주어가 3인칭단수 (my dad) 이고반복되는습관을나타내므로현재형인 a gets up b reads를쓴다. 10 last Friday로보아과거의일을나타내므로과거형인 a had b didn t win을쓴다. 11 문맥상부정문이자연스러우므로 a 주어가 I일때는 don t b 주어가 3인칭단수 (Colin) 일때는 doesn t를쓴다. 12 5 last week로보아과거의일을나타내므로동사의과거형을쓴다. (swims swam) 13 4 Did + 주어 + 동사원형? (came come) 14 Did + 주어 + 동사원형? 에대한부정의대답 : No, 주어 + didn t. 15 Does + 주어 + 동사원형? 에대한긍정의대답 : Yes, 주어 + does. 16 Do + 주어 + 동사원형? 에대한부정의대답 : No, 주어 + don t. 17 일반동사과거형의의문문 : Did + 주어 + 동사원형? 18 주어가 3인칭단수일때일반동사현재형의부정문 : doesn t[does not] + 동사원형 19 질문이과거형이므로과거형으로답한다. 20 주어가 3인칭단수일때일반동사현재형의부정문 : doesn t[does not] + 동사원형 21 과거의일을나타내므로동사의과거형을쓴다. 22 주어가 3인칭단수 (Jeremy) 이고반복적인습관을나타내므로 4 Grammar Inside L1

동사원형 + -(e)s 형태로쓴다. 23 과거의일을나타내므로동사의과거형을쓴다. 24 일반동사과거형의부정문 : didn t[did not] + 동사원형 25 2 일반동사과거형의의문문 : Did + 주어 + 동사원형? (met meet) 3 주어가 3 인칭단수일때일반동사현재형 : 동사원형 + -(e)s (cook cooks) 4 last Friday 로보아과거의일을나타내므로동사의과거 형 (have had) 26 a. 주어가 3 인칭단수이므로일반동사앞에 doesn t 을쓴다. (don t doesn t) d. 일반동사과거형의부정문 : didn t[did not] + 동사원형 (not played didn t[did not] play) 27 Jake and I do have not money. Jake and I don t[do not] have money. 28 주어가 3 인칭단수일때, 일반동사현재형의의문문 : Does + 주어 + 동사원형? 29 일반동사과거형의부정문 : didn t[did not] + 동사원형 30 fix 의 3 인칭단수형 : fixes 31 last weekend 로보아과거에일어난일이므로동사 eat 의 과거형인 ate 을쓴다. 32 첫번째는주어가 I 이고반복되는습관을나타내므로현재형부 정문인 don t 을쓴다. 두번째는이메일을발견한것이과거의 일이기때문에동사 find 의과거형인 found 를쓴다. 33 첫번째는 every day 를보아반복적인습관을나타내므로동 사의현재형이와야하나, 주어가 I 이므로동사원형을그대로 쓴다. 두번째는문맥상 잠자리에늦게든것 은어제있었던일이기때문에과거형인 went를쓴다. STEP 4 1. can t[cannot] visit 2. May[Can] I use 3. couldn t reach 4. am able to lift Unit 02 must, have to, should CHECK UP p.42 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c PRACTICE p.43 STEP 1 1. finish 2. not be 3. has to 4. don t have to 5. cannot 6. must not STEP 2 1. have to 2. has to 3. have to 4. has to 5. has to STEP 3 1. must not run 2. don t have to keep 3. must not cross 4. doesn t have to get up STEP 4 1. must say 2. should not waste 3. doesn t have to help Grammar for Writing p.44-45 Chapter 03 조동사 Unit 01 can, may CHECK UP p.40 1. b 2. b A B C D 1. must be happy 2. Can[May] I borrow 3. Can you answer / Are you able to answer 4. may be late 5. must[should] not make a noise 6. should[must, have to] wear a seat belt 7. don t have to leave a tip 1. Can you play the cello 2. can t be a liar 3. May I try on these shoes 4. is able to use 5. should not fight with your brother 6. I have to call Gary 1. must be 2. can make 3. May I open 4. You have to wear 1. have to feed 2. can order pizza 3. must finish 4. shouldn t[should not] stay up PRACTICE p.41 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. c 1. can t sleep 2. Can, have 3. can solve 4. can draw 1. may be 2. may not come 3. May, see p.46-49 1. 3 2. 4 3. 5 4. 3 5. 3 6. 3 7. must 8. can t[cannot] 9. may 10. 2 11. 4 12. 4 13. 3 14. 5 15. must not 16. don t have to Answer Key 5

17. can t 18. 2 19. 2 20. has to[must, should] take care of 21. don t have to buy 22. may go 23. couldn t[could not] find 24. must be great 25. shouldn t[should not] drive 26. 1, 2 27. 2 28. 3 29. O 30. X, not come 31. X, doesn t have to 32. must are must be 33. should say not should not say 34. may is may be, must knows must know 29 허가를나타내는 may 30 조동사의부정문은조동사뒤에 not을붙여나타낸다. 31 주어가 3인칭단수이므로 doesn t을쓴다. 32 조동사뒤에는항상동사원형을쓴다. 33 조동사의부정문은조동사뒤에 not을붙여나타낸다. 34 조동사뒤에는항상동사원형을쓴다. 1 may와 can은 ~ 해도좋다 ( 허가 ) 의의미를나타낸다. 2 must와 have to는 ~ 해야한다 ( 의무 ) 의의미를나타낸다. 3 can과 be able to는 ~ 할수있다 ( 능력, 가능 ) 의의미를나타낸다. 4 허가를나타내는 can이와야한다. 5 추측을나타내는 may가와야한다. 6 must는의무 (~ 해야한다 ) 와강한추측 (~ 임에틀림없다 ) 의의미를나타낸다. 7 must: ~ 임에틀림없다 ( 강한추측 ) 8 can t[cannot]: ~ 할수없다 9 may: ~ 일지도모른다 ( 추측 ) 10 2는 ~ 해도좋다 ( 허가 ), 나머지는 ~ 할수있다 ( 능력, 가능 ) 11 4는 ~ 임에틀림없다 ( 강한추측 ), 나머지는 ~ 해야한다 ( 의무 ) 12 4는 ~ 해도좋다 ( 허가 ), 나머지는 ~ 일지도모른다 ( 추측 ) 13 3 주어가 3인칭단수이므로 has to를쓴다. 14 5 you must not you don t have to (must not: ~ 해서는안된다, don t have to: ~ 할필요가없다 ) 15 ~ 해서는안된다 의의미를가진 must not이와야한다. 16 ~ 할필요가없다 의의미를가진 don t have to가와야한다. 17 ~ 할수없다 의의미를가진 can t가와야한다. 18 2 can t be는 ~ 일리가없다 는의미로문맥상맞지않는다. 19 may not: ~ 하지않을지도모른다 20 주어가 3인칭단수이므로 has to를쓴다. 의미상 must와 should도가능하다. 21 don t have to: ~ 할필요가없다 22 may: ~ 일지도모른다 ( 추측 ) 23 가능을나타내는 can의과거부정형은 couldn t[could not] 이다. 24 must: ~ 임에틀림없다 ( 강한추측 ) 25 should의부정형은 shouldn t[should not] 이다. 26 3 조동사뒤에는항상동사원형을쓴다. (cooks cook) 4 can은 be able to와같은의미를나타낸다. (can is 혹은 able to pass pass) 5 조동사의부정문은조동사뒤에 not을붙여나타낸다. (must don t must not) 27 b. be not able to: ~ 할수없다 (doesn t isn t) e. don t/doesn t have to + 동사원형 : ~ 할필요가없다 (cleaning clean) 28 Claire and Sue has to study all night. Claire and Sue have to study all night. The birthday cake don t have to be big. The birthday cake doesn t have to be big. Chapter 04 진행형과미래시제 Unit 01 진행형 CHECK UP p.52 1. c 2. b PRACTICE p.53 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 1. am eating 2. waiting 3. not working 4. learning 5. dancing 6. is staying 1. are sitting 2. am joking 3. is making 4. isn t raining 5. is crying 1. were watching 2. was running 3. were studying 4. wasn t lying 1. are having 2. isn t wearing 3. Were you cutting 4. was looking for Unit 02 will, be going to CHECK UP p.54 1. b 2. b 3. c PRACTICE p.55 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 1. be 2. to take 3. not forget 4. change 5. are going to 1. will help 2. won t be 3. will make 1. We re going to go 2. I m not going to eat 3. He s going to clean 1. will have 2. won t break 3. is going to move 4. Are, going to study 6 Grammar Inside L1

Grammar for Writing A B C D p.56-57 1. are waiting for 2. Will you leave 3. was lying 4. won t[will not] be at home 5. Are you going to buy 6. wasn t[was not] listening to 7. am not going to watch 1. The train is arriving 2. Will you play chess 3. Nancy is going to bring 4. Is the musical going to start 5. Were they working 6. We are not speaking 1. is shining 2. aren t[are not] swimming 3. is cooking 4. are standing 5. Were, taking 1. am going to post 2. will turn down 3. won t[will not] be 4. Are, going to read p.58-61 1. 4 2. 3 3. 3 4. 4 5. 5 6. 4 7. 5 8. 3 9. is drawing 10. was running 11. is going to water 12. are going to go 13. 4 14. 2 15. 2 16. 5 17. 3 18. a are traveling b are going to visit 19. a will be b won t[will not] give up 20. is putting on his shoes 21. were taking a walk 22. am not reading a comic book 23. Will you buy the watch 24. We are not going to meet 25. 1, 2, 5 26. 4 27. 2 28. X, Are 29. X, were having 30. X, I m not going to 31. is sleep is sleeping, will gets up will get up 32. am studying was studying 33. met will[am going to] meet, His plane are going to His plane is going to, he is going not to he isn t[is not] going to 1 4 -ie로끝나는동사의 v-ing형은 ie를 y로고치고 ing를붙인다. (lie lying) 2 지금진행중인일을나타내므로현재진행형을쓴다. 3 미래를나타내므로 will이나 be going to를쓴다. ( 주어가 I이므로 will see 또는 am going to see) 4 미래를나타내므로 will이나 be going to를쓴다. ( 주어가 We이므로 will go 또는 are going to go) 5 will + 동사원형 : ~ 할것이다, will의의문문 : Will + 주어 + 동사원형? 6 과거진행형 : be동사의과거형 + v-ing, 과거진행형의의문문 : be동사의과거형 + 주어 + v-ing? 7 5 주어가 3인칭단수이므로 is going to play가되어야한다. 8 3 주어가복수이므로 were making이되어야한다. 9 현재진행형 : be 동사의현재형 + v-ing 10 과거진행형 : be 동사의과거형 + v-ing 11 주어가 3 인칭단수이므로 is going to water 가되어야한다. 12 주어가복수이므로 are going to go 가되어야한다. 13 4 진행형의부정문 : be 동사 + not + v-ing (doesn t isn t) 14 2 will 의의문문 : Will + 주어 + 동사원형? (buys buy) 15 2 be going to 의부정문 : be not going to + 동사원 형 (I m going not to watch I m not going to watch) 16 과거의한시점에진행중이던일을나타내므로과거진행형을 쓴다. (be 동사의과거형 + v-ing) 17 3 Are you v-ing? 에대한대답 : Yes, I am. / No, I m not. 18 a 현재진행형 : be 동사의현재형 + v-ing b be going to + 동사원형 : ~ 할예정이다 19 a will 뒤에는동사원형을쓴다. (will am will be) b will 의부정문 : won t[will not] + 동사원형 20 현재진행형 : be 동사의현재형 + v-ing 21 과거진행형 : be 동사의과거형 + v-ing 22 진행형의부정문 : be 동사 + not + v-ing 23 will 의의문문 : Will + 주어 + 동사원형? 24 be going to 의부정문 : be not going to + 동사원형 25 3 will 의의문문 : Will + 주어 + 동사원형? (likes like) 4 be going to 의부정문 : be not going to + 동사원형 (is going not to is not going to) 26 a. 주어가 3 인칭단수이므로 is 가되어야한다. (be going to is going to) d. will 뒤에는동사원형을쓴다. (will goes will go) 27 I was knowing the answer. I knew the answer. She won t cries in front of people. She won t cry in front of people. Is Ben and Lily going to play the game? Are Ben and Lily going to play the game? 28 미래를나타내므로 be going to 의 Are 를쓴다. 29 과거의한시점에진행중이던일을나타내므로과거진행형을 쓰는데, 주어가 3 인칭복수이므로 were having 을쓴다. 30 be going to 의부정문 : be not going to + 동사원형 31 첫번째는현재진행중인일을나타내므로현재진행형인 be 동 사 + v-ing 를쓴다. 두번째는 will 뒤에동사원형이와야한다. 32 과거의한시점에진행중이던일에대해이야기하고있으므로 과거진행형을써야한다. 33 첫번째는미래시제이므로 will meet 이나 am going to meet 이, 두번째는주어가 3 인칭단수 (His plane) 이므로 is going to 가, 세번째는 be going to 의부정문어순에따라 is not going to 가되어야한다. Answer Key 7

Chapter 05 동사의종류 Unit 01 감각동사 + 형용사 CHECK UP p.64 1. c 2. b PRACTICE p.69 STEP 1 1. rich 2. to help 3. warm 4. to answer STEP 2 1. sad 2. easy 3. an angel 4. fresh STEP 3 1. to be 2. to stop 3. to give 4. to read STEP 4 1. keeps my juice cold 2. made him a millionaire 3. asked her to speak up 4. told me to finish PRACTICE p.65 STEP 1 1. warm 2. nice 3. lovely 4. sounds 5. good STEP 2 1. great 2. 3. sleepy 4. 5. salty STEP 3 1. feel 2. sounds 3. look 4. smells STEP 4 1. felt soft 2. sounds exciting 3. look beautiful Unit 02 목적어가두개필요한동사 CHECK UP p.66 1. c 2. b 3. a PRACTICE p.67 STEP 1 1. for 2. to 3. for 4. for 5. of STEP 2 1. told 2. bought 3. cooked 4. sent STEP 3 1. him an email 2. me some sandwiches 3. his cell phone to me STEP 4 1. taught them math 2. brought me a newspaper 3. made gloves for her brother 4. sent a birthday card to David Unit 03 목적격보어가필요한동사 CHECK UP p.68 1. a 2. a 3. c 4. c Grammar for Writing p.70-71 A 1. looks expensive 2. made me a kite / made a kite for me 3. felt thirsty 4. taught me Japanese / taught Japanese to me 5. made him a great writer 6. advised me to drink water 7. lent her his camera / lent his camera to her B 1. showed my report card to my parents 2. This soap doesn t smell good 3. found the window open 4. made him a hero 5. gives us useful information 6. asked me to explain the word C 1. found it exciting 2. pass me the salt / pass the salt to me 3. call me Kim 4. feel terrible D 1. felt hungry 2. asked my brother to make 3. made me pancakes / made pancakes for me, smelled great 4. tasted strange p.72-75 1. 4 2. 3 3. 4 4. 5 5. 3 6. a fan letter to him 7. some napkins for you 8. 3 9. 5 10. 1 11. 3 12. gave it to 13. buy some milk for 14. 3 15. 5 16. 5 17. 2 18. 3 19. tastes bitter 20. looks peaceful 21. feels soft 22. found the mailbox empty 23. make some cookies for you 24. asked me to carry her books 25. 2, 4, 5 26. 3 27. 4 28. O 29. X, useful 30. X, to his brother 31. strangely strange, clean to clean 32. Tori him him Tori, looks happily looks happy 33. come to come, to her for her 1 간접목적어앞에전치사 for를쓰는동사는 buy이다. 2 B의응답으로미루어보아빈칸에는긍정적인내용이들어가야 8 Grammar Inside L1

한다. 또한감각동사뒤에는형용사를쓰므로 3이알맞다. 3 look + 형용사 : ~ 해보이다 (nicely nice) 4 keep은목적격보어로형용사를쓴다. (quietly quiet) 5 3 make는목적격보어로동사원형을쓴다. 6 send + 간접목적어 + 직접목적어 는 send + 직접목적어 + to + 간접목적어 형태로바꿔쓸수있다. 7 get + 간접목적어 + 직접목적어 는 get + 직접목적어 + for + 간접목적어 형태로바꿔쓸수있다. 8 3은목적어가두개필요한수여동사 make, 나머지는목적격보어가필요한동사 make 9 5 buy는간접목적어앞에전치사 for를쓴다. 10 show + 직접목적어 + to + 간접목적어, advise + 목적어 + to부정사 11 (A) sound + 형용사 : ~ 하게들리다 (B) send + 직접목적어 + to + 간접목적어 (C) tell + 목적어 + to부정사 12 give + 직접목적어 + to + 간접목적어 13 buy + 직접목적어 + for + 간접목적어 14 3 find + 목적어 + 형용사 (beautifully beautiful) 15 5 make는간접목적어앞에전치사 for를쓴다. (to for) 16 5 sound + 형용사 : ~ 하게들리다 (interestingly interesting) 17 tell + 간접목적어 ( 에게 ) + 직접목적어 (~ 을 ) 또는 tell + 직접목적어 + to + 간접목적어 18 expect는목적격보어로 to부정사를쓴다. 19 taste + 형용사 : ~ 한맛이나다 20 look + 형용사 : ~ 해보이다 21 feel + 형용사 : ~ 하게느끼다 22 find + 목적어 + 형용사 23 make + 직접목적어 + for + 간접목적어 24 ask + 목적어 + to부정사 25 1 tell은목적격보어로 to부정사를쓴다. (eat to eat) 3 sound + 형용사 : ~ 하게들리다 (nicely nice) 26 c. teach는간접목적어앞에 to를쓴다. (for Emma to Emma) e. order는목적격보어로 to부정사를쓴다. (finish to finish) 27 I showed to my grandmother the painting. I showed the painting to my grandmother. / I showed my grandmother the painting. 28 taste + 형용사 : ~ 한맛이나다 29 find + 목적어 + 형용사 30 lend + 직접목적어 + to + 간접목적어 31 첫번째는감각동사 (smell) 다음에형용사가와야하므로 strange가되어야한다. 두번째는 tell + 목적어 + to부정사 이기때문에 to clean이되어야한다. 32 첫번째는 name + 목적어 + 명사 어순을따라야한다. 두번째는감각동사 (look) 다음에형용사가와야하므로 happy가되어야한다. 33 첫번째는 ask + 목적어 + to부정사 이기때문에 to come 이되어야한다. 두번째는 buy가간접목적어앞에전치사 for 를쓰기때문에 to her를 for her로고쳐야한다. Chapter 06 명사 Unit 01 셀수있는명사 vs. 셀수없는명사 CHECK UP p.78 1. b 2. c PRACTICE p.79 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 Unit 02 관사 1. watches 2. songs 3. knives 4. women 5. mice 6. photos 7. buses 8. houses 9. tomatoes 10. toys 11. babies 12. feet 1. cats 2. cities 3. Health 4. 5. teeth 6. bread 1. a cup of coffee 2. a bowl of soup 3. two glasses of milk 4. three pieces of furniture 1. five classes 2. salt 3. a glass of juice CHECK UP p.80 1. c 2. c PRACTICE p.81 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 1. an 2. by bus 3. the 4. a 5. The, the 6. The 1. a 2. 3. the radio 4. 5. The 1. X 2. an 3. X 4. a 5. X 6. The 1. the window 2. the movies 3. plays tennis Grammar for Writing A p.82-83 1. has two watches 2. four women 3. turn on the air conditioner 4. a bottle of water 5. went to the park by bike 6. saw an elephant 7. two slices[pieces] of pizza Answer Key 9

B C D 1. will get the door 2. The world is changing 3. The picture on the table is 4. plays the guitar well 5. yoga classes twice a week 6. bought books on the Internet 1. travel by train 2. saw the key 3. play soccer 4. once a month 5. in the sky 6. play the drums 1. two bowls of cereal 2. a cup of tea 3. three slices of bread 4. a glass of chocolate milk p.84-87 1. 5 2. 3 3. 3 4. 2 5. 3 6. 4 7. 4 8. 2 9. leaves 10. tea 11. 5 12. 2 13. 3 14. an 15. X 16. the 17. the 18. 4 19. 4 20. health 21. a cat, dogs 22. The newspaper 23. by taxi 24. a piece of cake 25. 2, 4, 5 26. 2 27. 2 28. X, thieves 29. X, The pencil 30. X, the Internet 31. A supermarket The supermarket, a orange an orange 32. to movies to the movies, a movie the movie 33. teas tea, two piece of cheesecake two pieces of cheesecake 1 5 piano의복수형 : pianos 2 3 knife의복수형 : knives 3 3 sugar는셀수없는명사로항상단수형으로쓴다. 4 2는관사바로다음단어인 empty의발음이모음으로시작하므로 an을쓰고, 나머지는모두 a를쓴다. 5 3 money는물질명사로항상단수형으로쓴다. (moneys money) 6 4 Australia는고유명사로앞에관사를쓰지않는다. (an Australia Australia) 7 4 two cups of coffee: 커피두잔 8 2 by + 교통수단 을나타낼때는관사를쓰지않는다. (by a bus by bus) 9 There were로보아빈칸에복수명사가와야하므로 leaf의복수형인 leaves를쓴다. 10 tea는셀수없는명사이므로앞에 a/an을쓰지않으며항상단수형으로쓴다. 11 보기와 5는 ~ 마다 (= per) 의의미이다. 12 (A) 특정하지않은하나를나타내는 a (B) 앞에언급된특정한것을나타내는 the 13 3 by + 통신수단 을나타낼때는관사를쓰지않는다. (by a fax by fax) 14 하나의 (= one) 의의미를갖는부정관사 an을쓴다. 15 장소가본래의목적으로쓰일때는관사를쓰지않는다. 16 세상에하나밖에없는것 (the world) 에는정관사 the를쓴다. 17 정황상무엇인지알수있는특정한것을나타낼때나, 세상에하나밖에없는것 (the moon) 에는정관사 the를쓴다. 18 two slices of bread: 식빵두장 19 play the + 악기이름 20 health는추상적인개념을나타내는명사이므로앞에 a/an을쓰지않으며항상단수형으로쓴다. 21 하나의 (= one) 의의미를갖는부정관사 a를쓰고 (a cat), 복수형 (dogs) 을쓴다. 22 명사뒤에수식어구가있어가리키는대상이분명할때는정관사 the를쓴다. 23 by + 교통수단 을나타낼때는관사를쓰지않는다. 24 a piece of cake: 케이크한조각 25 1 man의복수형 : men (mans men) 3 money는물질명사로항상단수형으로쓴다. (moneys money) 26 b. by + 교통수단 을나타낼때는관사를쓰지않는다. (by the plane by plane) c. 세상에하나밖에없는것앞에는정관사 the를쓴다. (An earth The earth) e. 식사이름앞에는관사를쓰지않는다. (the breakfast breakfast) 27 Minho sent me pictures by the email. Minho sent me pictures by email. I read the book for a hour. I read the book for an hour. My foot are too cold in the winter. My feet are too cold in the winter. 28 thief의복수형 : thieves 29 명사뒤에수식어구가있어가리키는대상이분명할때는정관사 the를쓴다. 30 일부매체앞에는항상정관사 the를쓴다. 31 첫번째는 supermarket이앞문장에서이미언급되었기때문에앞에정관사 the를쓴다. 두번째는 orange의발음이모음으로시작하므로 an을쓴다. 32 첫번째는 movies와같은일부매체를나타낼때는항상정관사 the를쓰므로 the movies가되어야한다. 두번째는앞에서 movie가이미언급되었기때문에정관사 the를쓴다. 33 첫번째는 tea가셀수없는물질명사이므로항상단수형으로쓰고, 복수형은단위를나타내는표현을써서나타내야하므로 two cups of tea가알맞다. 두번째또한단위를나타내는표현을복수형으로써서 two pieces of cheesecake로써야한다. 10 Grammar Inside L1

Chapter 07 대명사 Unit 01 인칭대명사 CHECK UP p.90 PRACTICE p.95 STEP 1 1. some 2. any 3. one 4. it 5. some, any STEP 2 1. ones 2. it 3. one 4. one STEP 3 1. any 2. some 3. some 4. any STEP 4 1. any flowers 2. need one 3. some magazines 1. b 2. c PRACTICE p.91 STEP 1 1. hers 2. their 3. himself 4. you 5. herself 6. our STEP 2 1. her 2. They 3. He 4. Its 5. them STEP 3 1. introduce myself 2. help yourself to 3. by herself 4. enjoy yourself STEP 4 1. his phone number 2. talks to herself 3. use yours Unit 02 this, that, it Grammar for Writing p.96-97 A 1. It s[it is] rainy and windy 2. This street 3. tell us about yourself 4. any news 5. We made some plans 6. new one 7. like him B 1. Those are my cousins 2. I will give these flowers to Ronda 3. It is dark in the room 4. Will you have some cake 5. We took the pictures of ourselves 6. Can I get yours C 1. didn t bring it 2. old ones don t fit 3. buy one D 1. by himself 2. hurt herself 3. helped themselves 4. made ourselves at home CHECK UP p.92 1. c 2. b 3. a p.98-101 PRACTICE p.93 STEP 1 1. This 2. It 3. these 4. It 5. Those 6. that STEP 2 1. those 2. that 3. This STEP 3 1. It s[it is] Tuesday 2. It s[it is] windy 3. It s[it is] 9:30 p.m 4. It s[it is] November 15 STEP 4 1. these pictures 2. That song 3. It is June 7 Unit 03 one, some, any CHECK UP p.94 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. c 1. 2 2. 3 3. 2 4. 5 5. 2 6. 1 7. 2 8. 5 9. 3 10. 4 11. his 12. us 13. 4 14. 2 15. 3 16. 4 17. myself 18. It 19. a one b it 20. This gift 21. some tea 22. It s[it is] summer 23. any snow 24. trust yourself 25. 3, 4 26. 4 27. 3 28. O 29. X, myself 30. X, hers 31. purple one purple ones 32. mine room mine[my room], by me by myself 33. some food any food, Help oneself Help yourself 1 Jane을대신하는목적격대명사는 her이다. 2 these + 복수명사 (cookies) 3 앞에나온명사 (a laptop) 와같은종류의불특정한것을가리킬때 one을쓴다. 4 부정문에서 조금도 의의미를나타내는 any를쓴다. 5 1 This apple 3 her email address 4 by himself 5 his dog 6 2 his wallet 3 It is 4 our English teacher 5 ourselves 7 1 me 3 them 4 hers 5 myself Answer Key 11

8 (A) 에는소유격, (B) 에는소유대명사가와야한다. 9 3 날짜를나타낼때는비인칭주어 it을쓴다. (This It) 10 4 this coat는 3인칭단수사물이므로 it을쓴다. (they re it s) 11 그의것 의의미를나타내는소유대명사 his를쓴다. 12 전치사의목적어자리이므로목적격대명사 us를쓴다. 13 4 부정문에서 조금의 의의미를나타내는 any를쓴다. (some any) 14 2 긍정문에서 조금의 의의미를나타내는 some을쓴다. (any some) 15 3 앞에나온명사 (a car) 와동일한것을가리키는 it을쓴다. (one it) 16 4 앞에나온명사 (pens) 와같은종류의불특정한것을가리키는 one을쓴다. (a black it a black one) 17 주어 (I) 의행동을강조하는재귀대명사 myself를쓴다. 18 첫번째빈칸에는날씨를나타내는비인칭주어 It을, 두번째빈칸에는앞에나온 the air conditioner를가리키는대명사 It 을쓴다. 19 a 앞에나온명사 (a bank) 와같은종류의불특정한것을가리키는 one, b 거리를나타내는비인칭주어 it 20 this + 단수명사 : 이 (~) 21 권유를나타내는의문문에서 조금의 의의미를나타낼때는 some을쓴다. 22 계절을나타낼때는비인칭주어 it을쓴다. 23 부정문에서 조금도 의의미를나타낼때는 any를쓴다. 24 목적어와주어가같을때는목적어자리에재귀대명사를쓴다. 25 1 명암을나타낼때는비인칭주어 it을쓴다. (This It) 2 긍정문에서 조금의 의의미를나타낼때는 some을쓴다. (any some) 5 명사앞에소유격이와야한다. (she her) 26 a. 날짜를나타낼때는비인칭주어 it을쓴다. (This It) c. 동사뒤에목적격이와야한다. (his him) 27 This gloves protect my hands. These gloves protect my hands. Those are mine new toys. Those are my new toys. 28 의문문에서 몇개의 의의미를나타낼때는 any를쓴다. 29 목적어와주어가같을때는목적어자리에재귀대명사를쓴다. 30 소유대명사 hers를쓴다. 31 앞에나온복수명사 (boots) 와같은종류의불특정한것을가리키므로 ones를쓴다. 32 첫번째는 나의것 을뜻하는소유대명사 mine 혹은 나의방 을뜻하는 my room을쓴다. 두번째는 혼자서 의의미를나타내야하므로 by myself를쓴다. 33 첫번째는 조금도 의의미를나타내는부정문이므로 any를쓴다. 두번째는 Help oneself를상대방 (you) 에알맞은재귀대명사형태로고쳐써야한다. Chapter 08 형용사와부사 Unit 01 형용사 CHECK UP p.104 1. c 2. a PRACTICE p.105 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 Unit 02 부사 1. friendly 2. lucky 3. a few 4. much 5. something wrong 1. new 2. delicious 3. serious 4. sad 1. little 2. a lot of 3. few 4. much 1. was sick 2. little coffee 3. a few questions 4. someone nice CHECK UP p.106 1. a 2. c PRACTICE p.107 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 1. fast 2. heavily 3. Suddenly 4. late 5. always eat 1. studied 2. loudly 3. spent 4. long 5. solved 6. I don t remember his name 1. You should always lock the door 2. He is rarely absent from work 3. I will never tell your secret to others 4. Jane usually has strawberry ice cream for dessert 1. goes to bed early 2. found, easily 3. often plays 12 Grammar Inside L1

Unit 03 원급, 비교급, 최상급 CHECK UP p.108 1. c PRACTICE p.109 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 1. new 2. hotter 3. better 4. longest 5. more comfortable 1. taller than 2. larger than 3. thinner than 4. bigger than 5. earlier than 6. more difficult than 1. the smartest 2. the strongest 3. the worst 4. the most crowded 1. faster than 2. the best hotel 3. as nice as 4. more popular than Grammar for Writing A B C D p.110-111 1. is polite 2. beautiful picture 3. the door quietly 4. some[a few] students 5. much bigger than Venus 6. the hottest day 7. rarely has interviews 1. She felt sad about the news 2. He spread a little butter 3. is the best player on his team 4. studied as hard as Amy 5. much more interesting than science 6. Kevin often asks questions 1. older than 2. more expensive than 3. the fastest 1. few trees 2. much money 3. many shoes 4. little rain p.112-115 1. 5 2. 1 3. 5 4. 2 5. as tall as 6. heavier than 7. the biggest 8. 1 9. 2 10. 4 11. 5 12. 5 13. 4 14. much 15. a few 16. little 17. 3 18. 2 19. better than 20. the most intelligent person 21. is as short as last spring 22. We found something interesting 23. I often take a walk in the park 24. 1, 3, 4 25. 1 26. 3 27. X, high 28. X, little 29. X, cheaper 30. drives usually usually drives, fastly fast 31. greatly great, the more beautiful the most beautiful 32. the most smart the smartest, the funnyest the funniest, much many[a lot of, lots of] 1 명사 (baby) 를꾸며주는형용사가와야한다. 2 much, even, far, a lot 등은비교급앞에쓰여비교급을강조한다. 3 1 slowly 2 quiet 3 expensive 4 large 4 1 nice 3 perfectly 4 good 5 quickly 5 as + 형용사의원급 + as: ~ 만큼 한 6 형용사의비교급 + than: ~ 보다더 한 7 the + 형용사의최상급 : 가장 ~ 한 8 빈도부사는일반동사앞에쓴다. 9 빈도부사는조동사의뒤, 일반동사의앞에쓴다. 10 4 명사 (address) 를꾸며주는형용사가와야한다. (newly new) 11 5 cold의최상급 : the coldest 12 quickly의비교급 : more quickly 13 young의최상급 : the youngest 14 much + 셀수없는명사 : 많은 ~ 15 a few + 셀수있는명사의복수형 : 약간의 ~ 16 little + 셀수없는명사 : 거의없는 ~ 17 (A) 주어 (A turtle) 를보충설명하는형용사 slow (B) 동사 (eat) 를꾸며주는부사 slowly 18 (A) 명사 (question) 를꾸며주는형용사 hard (B) 동사 (know) 를꾸며주는부사 hardly 19 good의비교급 : better 20 intelligent의최상급 : the most intelligent 21 as + 형용사의원급 + as: ~ 만큼 한 22 -thing으로끝나는대명사는형용사가뒤에서꾸며준다. 23 빈도부사는일반동사앞에쓴다. 24 2 빈도부사는일반동사앞에쓴다. (buys sometimes sometimes buys) 5 a few + 셀수있는명사의복수형 (a little a few) 25 a. (a) little + 셀수없는명사 (a few (a) little) d. 빈도부사는일반동사앞에쓴다. (go rarely rarely go) e. nice의비교급 : nicer (more nice nicer) 26 Andy didn t put many salt in his soup. Andy didn t put much salt in his soup. Did you hear new anything? Did you hear anything new? 27 high는형용사와부사의형태가같다. highly는 매우 라는다른뜻을가진부사이다. 28 little + 셀수없는명사 : 거의없는 ~ 29 cheap의비교급 : cheaper 30 첫번째는빈도부사가일반동사의앞에와야하므로 usually drives의어순으로쓴다. 두번째는동사 (drive) 를꾸며주는부사인 fast는형용사와부사의형태가같으므로 fast로쓴다. 31 첫번째는명사 (vacation) 를꾸며주는형용사가필요하므로 great를쓴다. 두번째는 beautiful의최상급인 the most beautiful을쓴다. Answer Key 13

32 첫번째는 smart 의최상급인 smartest, 두번째는 funny 의 최상급인 funniest 를쓴다. 세번째는셀수있는명사 (funny stories) 와함께쓰는 many, a lot of 또는 lots of 를쓴다. Unit 03 동명사의역할 CHECK UP p.122 1. b 2. c 3. b Chapter 09 to 부정사와동명사 Unit 01 to 부정사의명사적용법 CHECK UP p.118 1. a 2. c 3. b PRACTICE p.123 STEP 1 1. 목적어 2. 보어 3. 목적어 4. 보어 5. 주어 STEP 2 1. uploading 2. giving 3. not eating 4. skiing STEP 3 1. Traveling 2. buying 3. writing 4. spending 5. making STEP 4 1. are busy preparing 2. avoid eating 3. Changing hairstyles 4. playing the violin PRACTICE p.119 STEP 1 1. 목적어 2. 주어 3. 보어 4. 목적어 5. 보어 STEP 2 1. a. go b. to go 2. a. to walk b. walk 3. a. win b. to win STEP 3 1. how to play 2. what to buy 3. whether to believe 4. where to stay STEP 4 1. It, to find 2. what to say 3. is to read 4. needs to get Unit 02 to부정사의형용사적, 부사적용법 CHECK UP p.120 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. b Grammar for Writing p.124-125 A 1. hope to have 2. money to buy 3. opening the window 4. exciting to watch 5. went out to get 6. riding the rollercoaster 7. how to use B 1. is to have a house on the beach 2. stopped eating fast food 3. something special to show you 4. Solving the problem is impossible 5. turned on the TV to watch the news 6. what to do C 1. difficult to answer 2. kept crying 3. go shopping 4. to be a designer 5. how to download 6. sorry to hear D 1. to interview 2. dancing 3. to build 4. how to take care of PRACTICE p.121 STEP 1 1. time 2. an interesting city 3. something important 4. enough money STEP 2 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a STEP 3 1. to read 2. to get good seats 3. to study music 4. to win the prize STEP 4 1. something to give 2. glad to meet 3. plans to open 4. to buy clothes p.126-129 1. 2 2. 4 3. 4 4. 3 5. 4 6. to 7. to be 8. painting 9. 5 10. 3 11. 2 12. 4 13. to leave her hometown 14. to pick up his friend 15. taking acting lessons 16. 4 17. 4 18. 5 19. busy talking to the guests 20. to rest on the grass 21. Listening[To listen] 22. It, to exercise 23. We hope to win the game 24. We stopped cheering for the players 25. 1, 3, 4 26. 4 27. 3 28. X, to buy 29. X, studying 30. O 31. learn to learn 32. decided stay decided 14 Grammar Inside L1

to stay, feel like to have feel like having 33. where go to where to go, places visit places to visit, worth travel worth traveling 1 to 부정사가주어로쓰일경우에는보통주어자리에가주어 It 을사용하여 It ~ to-v 형태로쓴다. 2 동사 enjoy 는목적어로동명사를쓴다. 3 앞의명사 (a person) 을꾸며주는 to 부정사가와야한다. 4 where to-v: 어디서 ~ 할지 5 보기와 4 는동사의목적어역할을하는 to 부정사의명사적 용법 6 감정의원인과목적을나타내는 to 부정사의부사적용법 7 동사 want 는목적어로 to 부정사를쓴다. 8 동사 finish 는목적어로동명사를쓴다. 9 5 는 to 부정사의부사적용법 ( 목적 ), 나머지는명사적용법 ( 동 사의목적어 ) 10 3 은 to 부정사의부사적용법 ( 결과 ), 나머지는형용사적용법 11 2 는보어역할을하는동명사, 나머지는동사의목적어역할 12 4 where to-v: 어디서 ~ 할지 (to take where where to take) 13 감정의원인을나타내는 to 부정사의부사적용법 14 목적을나타내는 to 부정사의부사적용법 15 전치사 (in) 의목적어역할을하는동명사 16 -thing/-one/-body + 형용사 + to-v 의어순 17 (A) It ~ to-v 형태로쓴 to 부정사의명사적용법 ( 주어역할 ) (B) a key 를꾸며주는 to 부정사의형용사적용법 18 (A) when to start: 언제시작할지 (B) where to buy: 어디에서살지 19 be busy v-ing: ~ 하느라바쁘다 20 목적을나타내는 to 부정사의부사적용법 21 주어역할을하는동명사혹은 to 부정사 22 to 부정사가주어로쓰일경우에는보통주어자리에가주어 It 을사용하여 It ~ to-v 형태로쓴다. 23 동사 hope 는목적어로 to 부정사를쓴다. 24 동사 stop 은목적어로동명사를쓴다. 25 2 주어역할을하는동명사혹은 to 부정사 (Teach Teaching[To teach]) 5 목적을나타내는 to 부정사의부사적용법 (enjoy to enjoy) 26 b. to 부정사가형용사적용법으로쓰일때는꾸며주는말뒤에 위치한다. (to wear something something to wear) d. It ~ to-v 형태로쓴 to 부정사의명사적용법 (losing to lose) 27 He promised sending me presents. He promised to send me presents. Robert went fish with his dad. Robert went fishing with his dad. 28 목적을나타내는 to 부정사의부사적용법 to buy 를쓴다. 29 give up 은목적어로동명사를쓰는동사이므로 studying 을 쓴다. 30 감정의원인을나타내는 to 부정사의부사적용법이다. 31 It ~ to-v 형태로쓴 to 부정사의명사적용법이므로 to learn 을쓴다. 32 첫번째는동사 decide 의목적어로 to 부정사를써야하므로 to stay 를쓴다. 두번째는 ~ 하고싶다 라는표현인 feel like v-ing 를써야하므로 having 을쓴다. 33 첫번째는 어디서 ~ 할지 라는뜻의 where to-v 를써야하 므로 to go 를쓴다. 두번째는명사 (places) 를수식하는형 용사적용법의 to 부정사인 to visit 을쓴다. 세번째는 ~ 할 가치가있다 라는표현인 be worth v-ing 을써야하므로 traveling 을쓴다. Chapter 10 전치사 Unit 01 장소를나타내는전치사 CHECK UP p.132 1. a 2. b PRACTICE p.133 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 1. in 2. on 3. on 4. at 5. in 6. at 1. in 2. on 3. at 1. over 2. in front of 3. behind 1. under a tree 2. next to my house 3. across from my school 4. from the hotel to downtown Unit 02 시간을나타내는전치사 CHECK UP p.134 1. c 2. a PRACTICE p.135 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 1. at 2. in 3. at 4. on 5. in 6. on 1. at 2. after 3. before 4. for, in 1. during the summer 2. for two weeks 3. during our vacation 4. during class 5. for 30 minutes 1. around 4 p.m 2. from Monday to Friday 3. between 3 and 5 p.m. Answer Key 15

Unit 03 기타전치사 CHECK UP p.136 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. a PRACTICE p.137 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 1. me 2. for 3. by 4. to 5. about 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. a 1. to 2. by 3. with 1. with a bat 2. about World War II 3. for her friends 4. to the bookstore Grammar for Writing A B C D p.138-139 1. in the bottle 2. before the game 3. with my friends 4. at 5 p.m 5. under the seat 6. during training 7. on the second floor 1. stood next to me 2. sat in front of the TV 3. have classes from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 4. is between China and Japan 5. planned a surprise party for Amy 6. parked across from the restaurant 1. at a restaurant 2. over the table 3. on the wall 4. with a fork 1. to 6 p.m 2. on Mondays 3. for two hours in the morning 4. at 4 p.m p.140-143 1. 3 2. 1 3. 2 4. after 5. between, and 6. 4 7. 3 8. 5 9. from 10. at 11. for 12. 1 13. 2 14. across from 15. between, and 16. next to 17. 4 18. 2 19. 3 20. 4 21. to, by 22. for, after 23. about, during 24. between Kelly and Tim 25. are in front of the movie theater 26. 3, 4, 5 27. 3 28. 4 29. X, on 30. X, him 31. O 32. in May 14 on May 14, on 7 p.m. at 7 p.m. 33. next the beach next to the beach, with taxi by taxi 34. at the morning in the morning, at the sea in the sea, In night At night 1 요일앞에는전치사 on을쓴다. 2 월앞에는전치사 in을쓴다. 3 장소의한지점을나타내는 at을쓴다. (at home: 집에 ) 4 after: ~ 후에 5 between A and B: A와 B 사이에 6 to: ~ 에게, ~ 로 7 for: ~ 을위해, ~ 동안 8 with: ~ 와함께, ~ 을가지고 9 from A to B: A부터 B까지 10 하루의때를나타낼때는 at을쓴다. (at noon: 정오에 ) 11 for + 숫자를포함한구체적인기간 : ~ 동안 12 1은 ~ 위에 를의미하는 on, 나머지는장소의한지점을나타내는 at을쓴다. 13 2는장소의한지점을나타내는 at, 나머지는공간의내부나국가, 도시를나타내는 in을쓴다. 14 across from: ~ 맞은편에 15 between A and B: A와 B 사이에 16 next to: ~ 옆에 17 4 날짜앞에는전치사 on을쓴다. (in on) 18 2 공간의내부를나타낼때는전치사 in을쓴다. (at in) 19 3 ~ 을위해 의의미를나타낼때는 for를쓴다. (to for) 20 from A to B: A부터 B까지 21 to: ~ 로 ( 목적지 ), by: ~ 로 ( 교통수단 ) 22 for + 숫자를포함한구체적인기간 : ~ 동안, after: ~ 후에 23 about: ~ 에관하여, during + 특정한때를나타내는명사 : ~ 동안 24 between A and B: A와 B 사이에 25 in front of: ~ 앞에 26 1 하루의때를나타낼때는 at을쓴다. (during at) 2 공간의내부를나타내는 in을쓴다. (over in) 27 c. for + 숫자를포함한구체적인기간 : ~ 동안 (during for) e. between A and B: A와 B 사이에 (between the land to the island between the land and the island) 28 It is sunny and warm on spring. It is sunny and warm in spring. 29 요일앞에는전치사 on을쓴다. 30 전치사뒤에대명사가올때는목적격을쓴다. 31 near: ~ 근처에 32 첫번째는날짜앞이므로전치사 on을쓴다. 두번째는구체적인시각앞이므로전치사 at을쓴다. 33 첫번째는 ~ 옆에 를나타내는 next to를쓴다. 두번째는교통수단을나타내는전치사 by를쓴다. 34 첫번째는오전을나타낼때쓰는전치사 in, 두번째는공간의내부를나타내는전치사 in, 세번째는하루의때를나타내는전치사 at을쓴다. 16 Grammar Inside L1

Chapter 11 접속사 Unit 01 and, but, or, so CHECK UP p.146 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c PRACTICE p.151 STEP 1 1. that 2. If 3. that 4. because 5. doesn t come STEP 2 1. that 2. If 3. that 4. because STEP 3 1. that he is brilliant 2. If you need my help 3. because she was too busy STEP 4 1. that he is right 2. because I studied hard 3. It is strange that 4. If you take a taxi PRACTICE p.147 STEP 1 1. and 2. interesting 3. or 4. so 5. or STEP 2 1. and 2. or 3. but 4. so STEP 3 1. he went to the doctor 2. he lost the game 3. he weighs 70 kg 4. he will go to the movies STEP 4 1. pretty and smart 2. but I should leave Unit 02 when, before, after, until CHECK UP p.148 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. a PRACTICE p.149 STEP 1 1. When 2. get 3. After 4. until 5. before STEP 2 1. b 2. d 3. c 4. a STEP 3 1. When she saw me 2. until the storm is over 3. before I get on the train 4. After he had a car accident STEP 4 1. until the bus came 2. After we had dinner 3. When I was young 4. before the movie starts Unit 03 because, if, that CHECK UP p.150 1. a 2. c 3. b Grammar for Writing p.152-153 A 1. until I crossed the finish line 2. (that) this ticket is expensive 3. because he often tells lies 4. After he had dinner 5. is old but useful 6. so he bought a new one 7. after the bus left B 1. She bought meat and vegetables 2. when he heard the news 3. but I m very busy 4. It is true that 5. if you find the boy 6. until we reach the top C 1. but she lost the contest 2. or we can order pizza 3. and he bought some clothes 4. so I booked early D 1. after he left the office 2. before his wife got home 3. When his wife arrived 4. Because the food was delicious p.154-157 1. 1 2. 2 3. 2 4. 4 5. 2 6. 3 7. 2 8. 1 9. 5 10. or 11. but 12. that 13. 5 14. 1 15. 3 16. 3 17. because blue is my favorite color 18. when the doorbell rang 19. If you re[you are] free 20. until the rain stops 21. because my parents went out 22. It is surprising that he 23. because I hurt my arm 24. 2, 4, 5 25. 3 26. 3 27. X, that 28. X, gets 29. O 30. think when think that, will become becomes 31. but so, Peter or Pam Peter and Pam, tired or happy tired but happy 32. If I was When I was, before because Answer Key 17

1 and: 그리고 2 or: 또는 3 but: 그러나 4 1 and( 그리고 ) 2 both A and B(A 와 B 둘다 ) 3 but( 그러나 ) 5 either A or B(A 또는 B 둘중하나 ) 5 2 and 로연결된것은문법적으로대등해야한다. (quiet quietly) 6 3 조건을나타내는 if 절에서는미래를나타내더라도현재시제 를쓴다. (will hurry hurry) 7 2 when: ~ 할때 8 1 은 but( 그러나 ), 나머지는 so( 그래서 ) 9 5 는 or( 또는 ), 나머지는 but( 그러나 ) 10 or: 또는 11 but: 그러나 12 that 절이문장에서보어로쓰여 ~ 하는것 (~ 이다 ) 의의미를나 타낸다. 13 because: ~ 하기때문에 14 so: 그래서 15 after: ~ 한후에 16 (A) or: 또는 (B) that 절이동사 (think) 의목적어로쓰여 ~ 하는것을 의의 미를나타낸다. 17 because: ~ 하기때문에 18 when: ~ 할때 19 if: 만약 ~ 하다면 20 until: ~ 할때까지 21 because: ~ 하기때문에 22 that 절이문장에서주어로쓰일때는 It ~ that + 주어 + 동 사 형태로쓴다. 23 because: ~ 하기때문에 24 1 or: 또는 (and or) 3 조건을나타내는 if 절에서는미래를나타내더라도현재시제 를쓴다. (will rain rains) 25 a. if: 만약 ~ 하다면 (That If) e. that 절이문장에서주어로쓰일때는 It ~ that + 주어 + 동사 형태로쓴다. (if that) 26 Both Ian or Mickey are great artists. Both Ian and Mickey are great artists. I ll wait until the bus will come. I ll wait until the bus comes. 27 that 절이문장에서보어로쓰여 ~ 하는것 (~ 이다 ) 의의미를나 타낸다. 28 시간을나타내는접속사가이끄는절에서는미래를나타내더라 도현재시제를쓴다. 29 if: 만약 ~ 한다면 30 첫번째는동사 think 의목적어로 ~ 하는것을 의의미를나타 내는 that 절이와야한다. 두번째는조건을나타내는 if 절에서 는미래를나타내더라도현재시제를쓰므로 becomes 를 그러나 의뜻인 but 을쓴다. 32 첫번째는 ~ 할때 의뜻인 when 을, 두번째는이유를나타내 는 because 를쓴다. Chapter 12 의문문, 명령문, 감탄문 Unit 01 의문사 who, what, which CHECK UP p.160 1. c 2. c 3. a 4. c PRACTICE p.161 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 1. Who 2. Whom 3. Which 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a 1. Whose 2. What 3. Who 4. Which 1. Which is cheaper 2. Who[Whom] do you respect 3. What did he study Unit 02 의문사 when, where, why, how CHECK UP p.162 1. a 2. c PRACTICE p.163 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 1. Where 2. How 3. When 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a 1. How old 2. How much 3. How long 4. How far 1. Where does Erica 2. When did they 3. Why do you 쓴다. 31 첫번째는 그래서 의뜻인 so 를, 두번째는 그리고 의뜻인 and 를, 세번째는 tired 와 happy 가상반된내용이기때문에 18 Grammar Inside L1

Unit 03 부가의문문 CHECK UP p.164 1. c 2. b 3. b 4. b PRACTICE p.165 STEP 1 1. he 2. is 3. won t 4. do 5. didn t STEP 2 1. doesn t it 2. didn t you 3. should we 4. wasn t he 5. were they STEP 3 1. can he, he can 2. aren t they, they are 3. didn t you, I didn t 4. does it, it doesn t STEP 4 1. will you 2. won t you 3. don t they Unit 04 부정의문문, 선택의문문 CHECK UP p.166 1. a 2. c PRACTICE p.167 STEP 1 1. Don t 2. or 3. Which 4. No 5. They speak French. STEP 2 1. Isn t it cold 2. Didn t she come 3. Won t you join STEP 3 1. Did you read a book or a newspaper 2. Do you want to watch a movie or take a walk 3. Will he come this Saturday or next Saturday STEP 4 1. Doesn t she get up 2. Which, summer or winter Unit 05 명령문, 감탄문 CHECK UP p.168 1. c 2. b PRACTICE p.169 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 don t 1. Be quiet 2. Don t[do not] touch 3. Bring 4. Don t[do not] open 5. Please slow down / Slow down, please 1. lazy Susan is 2. a great movie (it was) 3. handsome the man is 4. expensive shoes (these are) 1. Don t make noise 2. What a cute puppy 3. Let s eat ice cream Grammar for Writing p.170-171 A 1. When was the festival 2. How can I get 3. Who made 4. Where did you buy 5. Give me 6. Isn t Ms. Jones 7. will visit China, won t she B 1. Let s go to the mountains 2. How tall this building is 3. How often do you eat out 4. Why don t you get 5. Do not enter that room 6. Which did you like better C 1. Where is 2. who told 3. What did you eat 4. When will you do 5. Who[Whom] do you like 6. Which is more interesting D 1. A. doesn t he B. No, he doesn t 2. A. isn t she B. No, she isn t 3. A. didn t they B. Yes, they did 4. A. does he B. Yes, he does p.172-175 1. 5 2. 1 3. 5 4. 4 5. 4 6. Yes, I do 7. No, she isn t 8. a fast runner (he is) 9. boring this show is 10. 2 11. 5 12. 3 13. 5 14. 4 15. 3 16. 5 17. How 18. Don t 19. 4 20. 4 21. are from Japan, aren t they 22. Let s find 23. How many rooms are there 24. Don t park your car here 25. 1, 2, 5 26. 2 27. 3 28. X, Yes, she does. 29. X, didn t he 30. X, knows 31. What dirty How dirty, shall you will you 32. coffee and tea coffee or tea, What do you Why do you 33. Why do we Why don t we, Looks at Look at, are they aren t they STEP 1 1. What 2. Clean 3. Don t leave 4. How 5. Let s not 6. Please 1 대답이 because로시작하며이유를말하고있으므로질문은 why로시작한다. Answer Key 19

2 who: 누구 3 where: 어디에, 어디서 4 4 why don t you ~? 는 ( 너 ) ~ 하는것이어때? 의의미이다. 5 4 ~ 에얼마나오래머무를것이니? 에대한대답이므로머무는기간으로답해야한다. 6 대답하는내용이긍정이므로 Yes, I do. 를쓴다. 7 대답하는내용이부정이므로 No, she isn t. 를쓴다. 8 What + a(n) + 형용사 + 명사 (+ 주어 + 동사 )! 9 How + 형용사 / 부사 (+ 주어 + 동사 )! 10 1 doesn t he 3 won t you 4 does she 5 did they 11 5 How many + 셀수있는명사 : 얼마나많은수의 ~ (How much countries How many countries) 12 3 Let s not + 동사원형 ~: ( 우리 ) ~ 하지말자 (Not let s Let s not) 13 5 What + 형용사 + 복수명사 (+ 주어 + 동사 )! (How What) 14 선택의문문 : Which ~, A or B? 15 yesterday를묻는의문사는 when이다. 16 with Jane을묻는의문사는 who이다. 17 how much: 얼마 ( 의 ), how: 어떻게 18 Don t + 동사원형 : ~ 하지마라 Don t you ~?: 너는 ~ 하지않니? ( 부정의문문 ) 19 What + a(n) + 형용사 + 명사 (+ 주어 + 동사 )! 20 Why don t you ~?: ( 너 ) ~ 하는것이어때? 21 부가의문문 : 긍정문뒤에는부정의부가의문문을쓰고, 주어는대명사로바꾼다. 22 Let s + 동사원형 : ( 우리 ) ~ 하자 23 How many + 셀수있는명사 : 얼마나많은수의 ~ 24 Don t + 동사원형 : ~ 하지마라 25 3 Let s not + 동사원형 ~: ( 우리 ) ~ 하지말자 (Let s don t Let s not) 4 How many + 셀수있는명사 : 얼마나많은수의 ~ (How much How many) 26 b. What + 형용사 + 복수명사 (+ 주어 + 동사 )! (What a lucky What lucky) d. 명령문의부가의문문은항상 ~, will you? 로쓴다. 27 How diligent are they! How diligent they are! Don t turns off the air conditioner. Don t turn off the air conditioner. 28 His name is Larry. 라는대답으로보아대답하는내용이긍정이어야하므로 yes로답해야한다. 29 부가의문문 : 긍정문뒤에는부정의부가의문문을쓰고, 주어는대명사로바꾸며, 시제는앞의평서문과같은것을쓴다. 일반동사는 do/does/did로바꾼다. 30 의문사가주어일때는 3인칭단수취급한다. 31 첫번째는 How로시작하는감탄문 How + 형용사 (+ 주어 + 동사 )! 를쓰며, 두번째는명령문의부가의문문 will you? 를쓴다. 32 첫번째는선택의문문 Which ~, A or B? 이므로 or를쓰고, 두번째는 Because로답하고있으므로의문사 Why를써서묻는것이알맞다. 33 첫번째는 우리 ~ 하지않을래? 의뜻을나타내는 Why don t we ~? 를쓰고, 두번째는명령문이므로동사원형으로시작하도록 Look을쓰며, 세번째는긍정문뒤에는부정의부가의문문을써야하므로 aren t they? 를쓴다. 20 Grammar Inside L1

GRAMMAR workbook Answer Key LEVEL 1

GRAMMAR BASICS Chapter 01 be 동사 01 품사 p.2 Unit 01 be 동사의현재형과과거형 p.4-6 A 1. with 2. may 3. at 4. never 5. friendly 6. ask 7. bravo B 1. 대명사 2. 접속사 3. 전치사 4. 감탄사 5. 부사 6. 형용사 7. 명사 8. 동사 9. 형용사 10. 동사 11. 명사 12. 부사 02 문장의성분 03 구와절 p.3 A 1. 목적어 2. 주어 3. 보어 4. 보어 5. 동사 6. 보어 7. 주어 8. 수식어 9. 목적어 10. 동사 B 1. 구 2. 구 3. 절 4. 구 5. 구 6. 구 7. 구 8. 절 9. 절 10. 절 A 1. am 2. are 3. is 4. are 5. is 6. was 7. are 8. were 9. are 10. was B 1. I m[i am] 2. We re[we are] 3. You re[you are] 4. They re[they are] 5. He s[he is] 6. We were 7. I was 8. This song was 9. Jenny was 10. Those boys were C 1. am 2. was 3. are 4. is 5. were 6. are 7. am 8. is 9. were 10. was D 1. There are 2. There is 3. There are 4. There is 5. There is 6. There are A 1. Your clothes are 2. There is an orange 3. My father is 4. They were 5. It was cloudy 6. There are 12 months 7. There was a coffee shop B 1. He is a tennis player 2. It was a sad movie 3. There were five books 4. I was 150 cm tall 5. We are in the classroom 6. They were late for work Unit 02 be 동사의부정문과의문문 p.7-9 A 1. Are 2. isn t 3. Is 4. am not 5. Are 6. aren t 7. Was 8. wasn t 9. is not 10. weren t B 1. isn t 2. aren t 3. wasn t 4. isn t 5. aren t 6. isn t 7. aren t 8. isn t 9. weren t 10. isn t C 1. Are you 2. Is it 3. Are we 4. Am I 5. Is this cell phone 6. Was the hotel 7. Are you 8. Were Billy and Rosy D 1. isn t[is not] 2. Are they 3. 4. Was Fred 5. aren t[are not] 6. Was your brother 7. Are you 8. aren t[are not] 22 Grammar Inside L1 Workbook

A 1. I m[i am] not 2. Are you 3. Is she 4. Were your parents 5. He isn t[is not] / He s not 6. The museum isn t[is not] B 1. He was not kind 2. We are not lazy 3. These comic books were not fun 4. Susan isn t at the airport 5. Is that man Mr. Woods 6. Was the restaurant open 7. Are they our new neighbors A 1. The wild animals live 2. My dog follows 3. Tom worries about 4. Cherries have 5. Rachel eats 6. Susan understands 7. A lot of people use B 1. know her uncle 2. goes around the earth 3. works in a restaurant 4. look like sisters 5. watches TV after dinner 6. leaves the station at 5 o clock p.10-12 Unit 02 일반동사의과거형 p.16-18 1. 1 2. 2 3. 5 4. 4 5. 3 6. 5 7. There are 8. There is 9. Were, were 10. Is, isn t 11. 2 12. 3 13. 5 14. 5 15. 3 16. His name isn t[is not] John Brown 17. The kids aren t[are not] at school 18. Was Julia with her family 19. Are Karen and Mark doctors 20. There were some photos 21. Are those pens 22. is Monday, was Sunday 23. isn t[is not] healthy, is tasty 24. Are Mr. Bonds Is Mr. Bonds, he aren t he isn t 25. It is It was, The party weren t The party wasn t A 1. stayed 2. met 3. talked 4. live 5. bought 6. studied 7. comes 8. left 9. shared 10. invited B 1. jumped 2. asked 3. put 4. worried 5. dropped 6. had 7. lost 8. grew 9. saw 10. took C 1. stopped 2. sat 3. read 4. forgot 5. moved D 1. went to bed after midnight 2. bought some grapes 3. slept for four hours 4. met in front of the school 5. played baseball 6. came in the afternoon 7. gave us chocolate cake Chapter 02 일반동사 Unit 01 일반동사의현재형 p.13-15 A 1. live 2. opens 3. take 4. has 5. grows 6. eat 7. watches 8. learns 9. make 10. do B 1. goes 2. smiles 3. comes 4. fixes 5. studies 6. brushes 7. meet 8. start 9. flies 10. sells C 1. have 2. sends 3. sleep 4. washes 5. cries 6. drink 7. snows 8. love 9. teaches 10. runs D 1. has 2. walks 3. catches 4. 5. cleans 6. starts 7. tells 8. A 1. Steve told 2. He drew 3. It rained 4. They found 5. The bus schedule changed 6. Kevin made 7. We tried B 1. had a cold yesterday 2. called me at 6 a.m 3. left Toronto last weekend 4. sang a song at the party 5. I washed my face 6. Joe broke my cell phone Unit 03 일반동사의부정문 p.19-21 A 1. don t 2. doesn t 3. didn t 4. don t 5. didn t 6. doesn t 7. didn t 8. doesn t 9. doesn t 10. didn t B 1. don t like 2. doesn t eat 3. didn t play 4. don t walk 5. didn t enjoy 6. doesn t remember Answer Key 23

C 1. don t need 2. don t bite 3. don t use 4. doesn t talk 5. doesn t work 6. didn t watch 7. didn t cry 8. didn t stop 9. didn t wash 10. didn t meet D 1. doesn t like 2. 3. didn t understand 4. 5. didn t eat 6. didn t leave 7. 8. didn t call A 1. doesn t[does not] like 2. don t[do not] get up early 3. didn t[did not] save much money 4. don t[do not] fit me 5. didn t[did not] begin 6. doesn t[does not] drink coffee B 1. don t have many friends 2. didn t answer my question 3. did not go to the theater 4. You don t look happy 5. I didn t bring my textbook 6. does not watch action movies 7. doesn t change his hairstyle p.25-27 1. 4 2. 1 3. 4 4. 3 5. 3 6. we do 7. he did 8. she doesn t 9. a works b goes 10. a watched b had 11. 4 12. 5 13. 2 14. 2 15. 1 16. learned 17. doesn t[does not] buy 18. 4 19. Did it rain 20. rode a bike 21. doesn t[does not] open 22. Does Billy exercise at the gym 23. Did you call me 24. 25. X, didn t give Chapter 03 조동사 Unit 01 can, may p.28-30 Unit 04 일반동사의의문문 p.22-24 A 1. Do 2. Does 3. Do 4. Did 5. Does 6. Did 7. Do 8. Did 9. Do 10. Did B 1. Do, remember 2. Did, make 3. Did, forgive 4. Does, live 5. Did, lie 6. Do, eat 7. Did, have C 1. Does your sister study 2. Did the man catch 3. Did you have 4. Do Amy and Dennis play 5. Does your father watch D 1. Do you want 2. Does she like 3. Did you hear 4. 5. Did he come 6. Did Bobby write 7. Did you get up 8. 9. Did Sam dance 10. Do your friends A 1. sleep 2. be 3. Can 4. answer 5. can t 6. may 7. are able to 8. may not 9. can t 10. may B 1. can cook 2. can t buy 3. can lift 4. can t use 5. can draw 6. May, see 7. may not join 8. may leave 9. may be 10. may not like C 1. am able to jump 2. aren t[are not] able to finish 3. are able to buy 4. is able to get 5. are able to drive 6. isn t[is not] able to arrive D 1. 2. couldn t 3. not able to 4. 5. may be 6. can solve 7. may not be 8. can t A 1. Do you and Alex chat 2. Do we need 3. Does Lily know 4. Do you know 5. Did they meet 6. Did you read B 1. Do you want a red shirt 2. Did the kids break this window 3. Does Kate have a laptop 4. Did Lena pick her dress 5. Do we go to City Hall 6. Did your brother bring his raincoat 7. Does your uncle work A 1. Can[May] I leave 2. can[am able to] stand on my hands 3. can t[cannot] / isn t [is not] able to ride a bike 4. can[may] go to bed 5. may move to New York 6. may not snow 7. couldn t[could not, were not able to] use the Internet B 1. We can see the lake 2. His office may not be open 3. May I read this magazine 4. Can I speak to Mr. Anderson 5. Neil may be in the library 6. Can your cat climb trees 24 Grammar Inside L1 Workbook

Unit 02 must, have to, should p.31-33 A 1. has 2. be 3. have to 4. meet 5. doesn t have to 6. should 7. have to 8. must not 9. must 10. must not B 1. have to make 2. must be 3. have to hurry up 4. have to study 5. have to wear 6. must know 7. have to get up 8. must go C 1. don t have to worry 2. must not play 3. must not hit 4. don t have to help 5. must not run 6. don t have to stay 7. must not bring 8. don t have to stand 9. must not park 10. doesn t have to work D 1. must not 2. 3. has to 4. don t have to 5. must have 6. 7. doesn t have to 8. A 1. has to work 2. should wait for 3. don t have to write the letter 4. have to go to bed 5. must like him 6. must not touch anything 7. must be B 1. We should leave now 2. has to listen to my advice 3. don t have to wash my hair 4. Naomi must grow flowers 5. should not eat ice cream 6. must not enter James this building p.34-36 Chapter 04 진행형과미래시제 Unit 01 진행형 p.37-39 A 1. blowing 2. Is 3. lying 4. was 5. sitting 6. changing 7. is sleeping 8. closes 9. is 10. is knocking B 1. am parking 2. is talking 3. Is, learning 4. aren t fighting 5. were listening 6. are tying 7. was jogging 8. is buying 9. Were, eating 10. isn t using C 1. is kicking 2. are wasting 3. is snowing 4. are planning 5. was baking 6. was raising 7. was waiting 8. were walking D 1. is painting 2. isn t[is not] 3. 4. isn t[is not] crying 5. 6. Are 7. 8. A 1. is singing 2. am packing 3. aren t[are not] eating 4. Are you coming 5. wasn t [was not] smiling 6. Were you exercising 7. are counting B 1. My parents are sitting 2. Kevin is not brushing his teeth 3. I am collecting foreign coins 4. Isabel is asking a question 5. The man was carrying books 6. They were not swimming 1. 2 2. 3 3. 5 4. 4 5. 3 6. Can 7. may not 8. have to 9. 4 10. 3 11. 4 12. 2 13. 1 14. 2 15. is able to kick 16. has to explain 17. may not like 18. must be 19. should not talk to strangers 20. don t have to shout 21. Can I say something 22. X, can [is able to] play 23. Unit 02 will, be going to p.40-42 A 1. be 2. take 3. going to 4. they 5. listen 6. isn t 7. to travel 8. not going 9. to invite B 1. will like 2. will be 3. won t buy 4. won t come 5. won t worry 6. will melt 7. won t lose 8. will help C 1. We re[we are] going to go 2. I m[i am] not going to see 3. She isn t[is not] / She s not going to tell 4. Are you going to buy 5. Are they going to borrow 6. Mark is going to pay Answer Key 25