4 Traditions, celebratory events, Food culture Learning to conjugate 5 Understanding the mentality, tourist spots Learning the question words 6 체험활동 (

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4 Traditions, celebratory events, Food culture Learning to conjugate 5 Understanding the mentality, tourist spots Learning the question words 6 체험활동 ( 야외수업 ) Outdoor activity 7 Music, books, fairy tales 8 Discussion about what we learned and thoughts about the class Trying to write and talk using everything we have learnt Review, discussing the class and the language 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -Getting to know each other -Class sessions overview -Morocco country profile -Moroccan History -Geography and weather -Economy -Best of Morocco -Tourist attractions -Culture and traditions -Festivals and wedding customs -Moroccan kitchen virtual tour -Special food and dishes Outdoor activity: Lunch in Moroccan restaurant -Morocco and Korea: Similarities and cultural differences -Future prospects of Morocco-Korea relations -Closing and last words (thanks and opinions) -Arabic language origins -Alphabet -Arabic calligraphy art -Main arabic grammar rules -Greetings -Arabic conversation phrases and common sentences -Review -French language introduction 내용 Contents 1 Hispanic culture and history Alphabet + Greetings 2 Venezuela culture and history Verb (SER) + Adjective I 3 Hispanic and Venezuelan food Verb (ESTAR) + Adjective II 4 Tourism in Venezuela Introduce by yourself lot / few / very + Articles + A 5 Venezuelan traditions 6 Prepare Venezuelan food - Outdoor activity Describe thing people, food, animal and 7 South America dance Merengue) (Salsa and Demonstrative verbs pronouns + Basic 8 Venezuela arts and music Review

1 Introducing myself, Chinese traditional culture, food and my hometown Simple Chinese greetings and different types of Chinese 2 Introducing cultures of other Chinese regions and of a couple of minority nationality (1) Learning 15 Chinese alphabet (Pinyin) and simple greetings 3 Introducing minority nationality (2): Culture, food and language Reviewing the 15 Chinese alphabet and learning 15 new Chinese alphabet, as well as pronunciation practice. 4 Introducing Chinese festivals, and Playing traditional games together Reviewing the 30 Chinese alphabet and learning 10 new Chinese alphabet 5 Chinese most famous travelling spots (1) Reviewing the alphabet, learning the remaining Chinese alphabet, as well as pronunciation practice. 6 Outdoor activity: Singing, Chatting and Playing games 7 Chinese most famous travelling spots (2) Start to learn simple Chinese text and Chinese nursery rhyme 8 Introducing the famous amusement parks and water parks in China, and famous Chinese food Learning another Chinese nursery in different regions of China rhyme, and dialogue practice. 1 2 대략적으로인도네시아의위치, 상태와인구에대한소개인도네시아에있는다양한문화및역사소개 글자 ( 모음과자음 ) 소개와인사말 숫자및구성법 ( 계산 ) 3 대중문화 : 노래, 드라마, 영화등자기소개연습 4 인도네시아의유명한여행및관광명소소개방향 ( 여행대화 ) 5 음식문화문및서빙대화 6 체험활동 ( 야외수업 ) Outdoor activity 7 문화차이 ( 문화와종교 ) 8 종강식및자유수업 다른언어의영향설명및복습마무리복습 Review 1 Orientation and overview Alphabet 2 Culture & history Pronunciation 3 Tourisctic places Practice 4 Popular culture Greetings 5 Food culture Grammar 6 Outdoor activity 7 Comparison of cultures Usage 8 Closing Review

1 오리엔테이션및베트남전반소개알파벳 I, 발음, 성조연습 2 전통문화및역사소개 ( 민속의상, 설날의풍습, 생활예절, 쇼핑... 기념일, 화폐 ) 알파벳 II, 자음, 모음, 3 여행및관광명소소개인사하기 I 4 대중문화 : 노래, 드라마, 영화소개인사하기 II 5 음식문화이름묻기 6 체험활동 ( 야외수업 ) 7 문화차이국적관련표현 8 종강식및자유수업마무리복습 1 Icebreaking activities and overview Basic Phonetics & Phonology 2 Traditional Culture & history Basic Greetings 3 Festivals & Traditional Delicacies Pronoun and Numbers 4 Food Culture Family Trees 5 Malay Songs Simple sentence structure 6 Cultural Difference Simple self instroduction 7 Closing Review 8 Outdoor Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mga Nilalaman (Contents) Kultura Atbp. ( 문화 /Culture) Wika ( 언어 /Language) Ang Wikang Filipino: The Basics Introduction to Basic Filipino Words and Greetings Ang Bayan Kong Pilipinas An Introduction to the Philippines/Orientation Lupain ng Ginto t Bulaklak Brief summary of Philippine History and Traditions Ano ito? Common Filipino Words Galaw-galaw Isa, Dalawa, Tatlo! Philippine traditional and contemporary Numbers and Counting (Time and art (Song, dance, pop culture) Money) Langhap-Sarap Bigkasin! Philippine food and delicacies Pronunciation of common and confusing words Ikot-Ikot Mabuhay! Famous destinations in the Philippines Common phrases and sentences Ikaw, Siya, Sila, Ako, Tayo Sino ako? Philippine Relations with the World Self-introduction in the Philippine language and other useful phrases Humayo at Kumain! Philippine-themed lunch and outdoor discussion Ano ang aking natutuhan? Ano ang aking gagawin? Summary of the classes Discussion with the students

( 1 일본전통문화소개히라가나 2 일본전통놀이소개및체험 인사말 3 제고향소개 ( 오사카 ) 자기소개 4 홋카이도소개 여행을가서자쓰는말1 5 일본오타쿠문화소개 여행을가서자쓰는말2 6 체험활동 ( 야외수업 ) Outdoor activity 7 일본영화시청 여행을가서자쓰는말3 8 전국관광지소개 마무리복습