488 최우석ㆍ윤민철ㆍ조미라ㆍ권지영ㆍ김지회ㆍ이희정ㆍ김풍호,. LOHAS, (Kim et al., 2007). (,,, ) (York and Gossard, 2004) kg/ 53.3 kg/, 50.2 kg/, 39.5 kg/ (FAO, 206).., (Jeo

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한수지 50(5), 487-493, 207 Original Article Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 50(5),487-493,207 가리비 (Patinopecten yessoensis) 및키조개 (Atrina pectinata) 의부위별중금속함량및위해도평가 최우석 윤민철 조미라 권지영 김지회 이희정 김풍호 * 국립수산과학원식품위생가공과, 국립수산과학원연구기획과 Heavy Metal Contents in Internal Organs and Tissues of Scallops Patinopecten yessoensis and Comb Pen Shell Atrina pectinata Woo Seok Choi, Minchul Yoon, Mi Ra Jo, Ji Young Kwon, Ji Hoe Kim, Hee jeung Lee and Poong Ho Kim* Food Safety and Processing Research Division, National Institute of Fisheries Science, Busan 46083, Korea Research and Development Planning Department, National Institute of Fisheries Science, Busan 46083, Korea Recent years have seen steadily increasing concerns about human exposure to heavy metals through seafood consumption. In Korea, the diverse dietary patterns of different bivalve shellfish necessitate tissue-specific evaluation of heavy metal contents for risk assessment. We analyzed the heavy metal contents of various tissues in scallops (Patinopecten yessoensis) and pen shells (Atrina pectinate). In both species, we found higher levels of cadmium (Cd) in the mantle than in the adductive muscle, while there was no significant difference between the two tissue types in total mercury (THg) and lead (Pb) (P<0.05). Levels of THg and Pb were acceptable by Korean standards. However, the level of Cd in pen shell mantle tissue exceeded the standard by 40%. The rate of heavy metal exposure from consumption of these species was shown to be 0.003-0.00% of the provisional tolerable weekly intake of THg and 0.32-0.600% of the provisional tolerable monthly intake (PTWI) of Cd as recommended by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. These findings on the tissue-specific heavy metal contents of these species will be useful in assessing the health risks of Korean dietary habits. Key words: Bivalve, Heavy metal, Adductive muscle, Mantle, Risk assessment 서론,, (Kamimura, 980).,, (Philip, 995).,,., (Kim et al., 99). (Irato et al., 2003; Saavedra et al., 2008; Herve-Fernandez et al., 200; Husmann et al., 202)., (Carmichael and Fowler, 98; Viarengo, 993; Kruzynski, 2004; Bustamante and Miramand, 2004; 2005; Metian et al., 2007; 2008; Julshamn et al., 2008; He and Wang, 203; Saavedra et al., 204). https://doi.org/0.5657/kfas.207.0487 Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 50(5) 487-493, October 207 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Licens (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Received 8 September 207; Revised 29 September 207; Accepted 7 October 207 *Corresponding author: Tel: +82. 5. 720. 2620 Fax: +82. 5. 720. 269 E-mail address: phkim@korea.kr Copyright 207 The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 487 pissn:0374-8, eissn:2287-885

488 최우석ㆍ윤민철ㆍ조미라ㆍ권지영ㆍ김지회ㆍ이희정ㆍ김풍호,. LOHAS, (Kim et al., 2007). (,,, ) (York and Gossard, 2004). 58.4 kg/ 53.3 kg/, 50.2 kg/, 39.5 kg/ (FAO, 206).., (Jeong et al., 999, Mok et al., 2007).,,, (Sung et al.993).,.,,, (provisional tolerable weekly intake, PTWI) (provisional tolerable monthly intake, PTMI).. 재료및방법 시료 202 206 (scallop Patinopecten yessoensis), (comb pen shell Atrina pectinata).,,. (HNO, suprapur 65%, Merck, Germany), 3., (Plytron, PT-MR 300D, Kinematica, Switzerland). -20 o C. 8 M cm % (v/v) HNO 3. (Blank), (Calibration standards), (certified reference materials, CRM) DORM-4 (Fish protein; NRC-CNRC, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada), 566b (Oyster; NIST, Gaithersburg, USA, MD). 중금속분석 (Automatic Mercury analyzer, Model IT/DMA-80, Milestone S&T, Italy) (Combustion gold amalgamation method) 3. (Blank), (Calibration standards),. MESS-3 (National Research Council, Nova Scotia, Canada), DORM-4 566b. mg/kg,. boat Table. Operating conditions for a mercury analyzer Parameter Table 2. Operating conditions of an ICP-MS Parameter RF power Lens voltage Nebulizer gas flow (Ar) Plasma gas flow (Ar) Auxiliary gas flow (Ar) Dwell time Scanning mode Analysis condition 400 Watts 8.0 V 0.97 L/min 5 L/min.275 L/min 50 ms Peek hop Number of replicate 3 Detector Analysis condition Drying temperature ( ) 650 Drying time (sec) 90 Decomposition temperature ( ) 650 Decomposition time (sec) 80 Purge time (sec) 60 Amalgamator heating temperature ( ) 850 Amalgame time (sec) 2 Recording time (sec) 30 Dual Analytical elements Pb (207.98), Cd (0.9)

패류의부위별중금속함량및위해도평가 489 boat height 0.000-0.003 g. 0. g 650 o C 90, 650 o C 80, (Amagamation) 850 o C 2 (Table ). Easy-DOC3 (Easy-DOC3 for DMA, Ver. 3.30, Milestone, USA).. g 65% nitric acid 0 ml 50 80 400. nitric acid, 2% nitric acid 00 ml. (ICP-MS, Perkin Elan DRC II, Waltham, USA, MA), ICP-MS Table 2.,000 mg/kg, 5, 0, 25, 50 g/kg,, CRM DORM-4 566b. 위해도평가, (estimated weekly intake, EWI), 5 3 202 (MW, 204)., FAO/ WHO (JECFA) (provisional tolerable weekly intake, PTWI) (provisional tolerable monthly intake, PTMI) % Table 3. Recovery of certified reference materials (CRM) CRM Analyte Certified value (mg/kg) Measured value (mg/kg) Recovery (%) 2 DORM-4 566b Hg 0.40±0.055 0.377±0.006 9.9 Pb 0.46±0.053 0.376±0.085 90.3 Cd 0.306±0.05 0.263±0.026 86. Hg 0.037±0.003 0.03±0.003 84.8 Pb 0.308±0.009 0.326±0.064 05.8 Cd 2.48±0.08 2.55±0.27 03.0 Recovery of Hg, Pb, Cd was calculated by a mercury, Lead, Cadmium analyzer. 2 Recovery was calculated with mean measured values based on the replicate determination. Table 4. Tissue-specific heavy metal concentration in Scallop Patinopecten yessoensis and Pen Shell Atrina pectinate Common name Scallop Adductor Muscle Mantle Adductor Muscle +Mantle Comb Pen Shell Adductor Muscle Mantle Adductor Muscle +Mantle Scientific name Patinopecten yessoensis Atrina pectinate Concentration (mg/kg, wet weight) Hg Pb Cd 0.008±0.002 0.02±0.002 0.30±0.8 (0.004-0.00) a (0.003-0.095) a (0.02-0.782) a 0.008±0.003 0.034±0.026 0.73±0.390 (0.003-0.08) a (0.002-0.0) b (0.75-.44) b 0.008±0.002 0.025±0.08 0.435±0.29 (0.004-0.02) a (0.005-0.085) a (0.77-0.925) a 0.006±0.002 0.05±0.042 0.330±0.236 (0.002-0.00) a (0.006-0.69) a (0.076-0.845) a 0.00±0.004 0.57±0.06 2.025±0.87 (0.004-0.09) b (0.09-0.463) b (0.728-3.63) c 0.007±0.003 0.086±0.052 0.890±0.248 (0.003-0.02) a (0.046-0.20) a (0.567-.372) b Mean ± STDEV (Range). With the same column (a vertical column), different letters indicate significant difference (P<0.05).

490 최우석ㆍ윤민철ㆍ조미라ㆍ권지영ㆍ김지회ㆍ이희정ㆍ김풍호 (% of PTWI). 통계분석 (mean) (SD) (Oneway ANOVA), T- (T-test) (SAS version 9.2, SAS Institute, Cary, USA, NC) (P<0.05).,, Duncan (Duncan s multiple-range test) (Post-Hoc Test). 결과및고찰 중금속회수율, 2 (Table 3). DORM-4 566b 9.9%, 84.8% 90.3%, 05.8% 86.%, 03%. Table 5. The estimated weekly intake of scallop Patinopecten yessoensis and comb pen shell Atrina pectinata compared with the PTWI set by JECFA Common name Scallop Scientific name Patinopecten yessoensis Mercury concentration (μg/g, wet weight) Daily food intake (g/man/day) Estimated weekly in take % of PTWI 2 (μg/kg b.w./week) Adductor Muscle 0.008 0.47 0.0004 0.00 Mantle 0.008 0.47 0.0004 0.00 Adductor Muscle +Mantle 0.008 0.47 0.0004 0.00 Comb Pen Shell Atrina pectinate Adductor Muscle 0.006 0.2 0.0004 0.003 Mantle 0.00 0.2 0.00023 0.006 Adductor Muscle +Mantle 0.007 0.2 0.0006 0.004 National Food & Nutrition Statistics: based on 203 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. 2 The percentage of the PTWI (Inorganic mercury; 4 μg/kg b.w./week) set by JECFA. The weekly intake, Mean content of total mercury daily food intake 7 days/63.5 kg (b.w.). PTWI, provisional tolerablenweekly intake; JECFA, joint FAO/WHO expert committee on food additives. Table 6. The estimated monthly intake of scallop Patinopecten yessoensis and comb pen shell Atrina pectinata compared with the PTMI set by JECFA Common name Scallop Scientific name Patinopecten yessoensis Cadmium concentration (μg/g, wet weight) Daily food intake (g/man/day) Estimated monthly in take % of PTMI 2 (μg/kg b.w./month) Adductor Muscle 0.30 0.47 0.06684 0.267 Mantle 0.73 0.47 0.6232 0.649 Adductor Muscle +Mantle 0.435 0.47 0.09659 0.386 Comb Pen Shell Atrina pectinate Adductor Muscle 0.330 0.2 0.03274 0.3 Mantle 2.025 0.2 0.2009 0.804 Adductor Muscle +Mantle 0.890 0.2 0.08830 0.353 National Food & Nutrition Statistics: based on 203 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. 2 The percentage of the PTMI (Cadmium; 25 μg/kg b.w./month) set by JECFA. The monthly intake, Mean content of cadmium daily food intake 30 days/63.5 kg (b.w.).

패류의부위별중금속함량및위해도평가 49 90% (DORM-4; Fish protein) AOAC guideline (AOAC International, 2002).. 가리비및키조개중카드뮴함량 Table 4. 0.02-0.782 ( 0.30) mg/kg, 0.75-.44 ( 0.73) mg/kg, 0.77-0.925 ( 0.435) mg/kg, 0.076-0.845 ( 0.330) mg/kg, 0.728-3.63 ( 2.025) mg/kg, 0.567-.372 ( 0.890) mg/ kg. (0.890 0.248 mg/kg) choi et al. (202) (0.92 0.99 mg/kg), Mok et al. (200) (0.903 0.070 mg/kg), (0.799 0.067 mg/ kg). (0.890 0.248 mg/kg) Mok et al. (200) 0.78 0.376 mg/kg, 2.0 mg/kg (MFDS, 207). Irish Sea, Scottish waters, Plymouth area (Segar et al., 97; Topping, 973; Bryan, 973). Galician Irish Sea Antarctica (Segar et al., 97). Saavedra et al. (2008) 3. Metian et al. (2007) 0 40 2. 가리비및키조개중납함량 Table 4. 0.003-0.095 mg/kg, 0.002-0.0 mg/kg, 0.005-0.085 mg/kg, 0.006-0.69 mg/kg, 0.09-0.463 mg/kg, 0.046-0.20 mg/kg. (0.025 0.08 mg/kg) Mok et al. (200) (0.36 mg/ kg). 2.0 mg/ kg (MFDS, 207)., 2 (Saavedra et al., 2008). 가리비및키조개중총수은함량 Table 4. 0.004-0.00 ( 0.008) mg/kg, 0.003-0.08 ( 0.008) mg/kg, 0.004-0.02 ( 0.008) mg/kg, 0.002-0.00 ( 0.006) mg/kg, 0.004-0.09 ( 0.00) mg/kg, 0.003-0.02 ( 0.007) mg/kg. 0.5 mg/kg (MFDS, 207). Saavedra et al. (2007),. 0 2. 가리비및키조개의부위별위해성평가 28, 3 (,, + ) 84, 39,,.,,,, (P<0.05)., (PTWI) 0.003-0.00% (Table 5), (PTMI) 0.3-0.804%, (Table 6)..,,,, ( > > ) (P<0.05).,, 40% (2 mg/kg). ( + ).

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