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Sogang University: Dept of Computer Science 구명완교수 서강대학교컴퓨터공학과 Email: mwkoo9@gmail.com

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Goal Basic Concept for Spoken Language System One day humans will be able to speak to computers as human do among humans a spoken dialogue system A system that can maintain an intelligent conversation with a human, via speech, and in real time, both input and output is speech dialogue is represented a sequence of dialogue turns each turn : a system utterance followed by a user utterance

Basic Concept for Spoken Language System

Basic Concept for Spoken Language System A statistical spoken dialogue system to build a data-driven dialogue system improves over time, behave in human-like way Speech recognizer converts the user s speech into text produces every possible hypotheses of what the user said Open Source : Kaldi Semantic decoder extracts a semantic representation of the user s intention, represented by semantic units called concepts produces all possible semantic concepts Machine Learning, DNN

Basic Concept for Spoken Language System Dialogue management + Dialogue State Tracking selects the most appropriate system output in semantic units to make use of the alternative options in the input particularly useful in noisy environments, DNN + Reinforcement Learning(Deep RL) Natural language generator transforms the semantic notation back into a text representation Machine Learning, DNN Speech synthesizer converts this text into speech Open Source: Festival

Basic Concept for Spoken Language System

Example dialogue

Example dialogue

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CookTalk Real Challenge 2015

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