임원회장 : 김천휘 ( 충북대, , 부회장 : 민경욱 ( 과기원, , 최기혁 ( 항우연, , 총무이

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임원회장 : 김천휘 ( 충북대, 043-261-3139, kimch@chungbuk.ac.kr) 부회장 : 민경욱 ( 과기원, 042-350-2525, kwmin@kaist.ac.kr) 최기혁 ( 항우연, 042-860-2217, gchoi@kari.re.kr) 총무이사 : 조중현 ( 천문연, 042-865-3238, jhjo39@kasi.re.kr) 학술이사 : 이유 ( 충남대, 042-821-5468, euyiyu@cnu.ac.kr) 재무이사 : 손영종 ( 연세대, 02-2123-5688, sohnyj@yonsei.ac.kr) 이사강영운 ( 세종대, 02-3408-3234, kangyw@sejong.ac.kr) 김방엽 ( 항우연, 042-860-2144, kby@kari.re.kr) 김영수 ( 천문연, 042-865-3247, ykim@kasi.re.kr) 김호일 ( 천문연, 042-865-3254, hikim@kasi.re.kr) 박상영 ( 연세대, 02-2123-5687, spark@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr) 박재우 ( 전자연, 042-860-5634, pjw@etri.re.kr) 박필호 ( 천문연, 042-865-3232, phpark@kasi.re.kr) 이대영 ( 충북대, 043-261-2316, dylee@chungbuk.ac.kr) 이동훈 ( 경희대, 031-201-2449, dhlee@khu.ac.kr) 이병선 ( 전자연, 042-860-4903, lbs@etri.re.kr) 이재우 ( 천문연, 042-865-3264, jwlee@kasi.re.kr) 장헌영 ( 경북대, 053-950-6367, hyc@knu.ac.kr) 진호 ( 경희대, 031-201-3865, benho@khu.ac.kr) 한원용 ( 천문연, 042-865-3219, whan@kasi.re.kr) 감사양종만 ( 이화여대, 02-3277-2330, jyang@ewha.ac.kr) 심은섭 ( 항우연, 042-860-2470, esim@kari.re.kr) 편집위원회위원장이유 ( 충남대, 042-821-5468, euyiyu@cnu.ac.kr) 위원김관혁 ( 경희대, 031-201-3845, khan@khu.ac.kr) 김방엽 ( 항우연, 042-860-2144, kby@kari.re.kr) 나자경 ( 천문연, 042-865-2055, jknah@kasi.re.kr) 박상영 ( 연세대, 02-2123-5687, spark@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr) 안효성 ( 광주과기원, 062-970-2398, hyosung@gist.ac.kr) 오화석 ( 항공대, 02-300-0284, hsoh@hau.ac.kr) 이병선 ( 전자통신연, 042-860-4903, lbs@etri.re.kr) 이수창 ( 충남대, 042-821-5470, screy@cnu.ac.kr) 이재진 ( 천문연, 042-865-3248, jjlee@kasi.re.kr) 임홍서 ( 천문연, 042-865-3202, yimhs@kasi.re.kr) 장헌영 ( 경북대, 053-950-6367, hyc@knu.ac.kr) 정남해 ( 연세대, 02-2123-3439, nhj@yonsei.ac.kr) 조성기 ( 천문연, 042-865-3236, skcho@kasi.re.kr) 주광혁 ( 항우연, 042-860-3191, ghju@kari.re.kr) 지건화 ( 극지연, 032-260-6132, ghjee@kopri.re.kr) Boonrucksar Soonthornthum (Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai Thailand) Edward F. Guinan (Villanova University, Pennsylvania USA) Kam-Ching Leung (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska USA) Peter J. Chi (UCLA Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Los Angeles USA) Richard W. Longman (Columbia University, New York USA) Tapas Kumas Das (Harish-Chandra Research Institude, Calcutta India) 포상위원회위원장한원용 ( 천문연, 042-865-3219, whan@kasi.re.kr) 위원문홍규 ( 천문연, 042-865-3251, fullmoon@kasi.re.kr) 윤태석 ( 항우연, 053-950-6365, yoonts@knu.ac.kr) 이유 ( 충남대, 042-821-5468, euyiyu@cnu.ac.kr)) 진호 ( 경희대, 031-201-3865, benho@khu.ac.kr) 학술대회준비위원회위원장조중현 ( 천문연, 042-865-3238, jhjo39@kasi.re.kr) 위원김방엽 ( 항우연, 042-860-2144, kby@kari.re.kr) 김용기 ( 충북대, 043-261-3202, father0691@hanmail.net) 이병선 ( 전자연, 042-860-4903, lbs@etri.re.kr) 이재우 ( 천문연, 042-865-3264, jwlee@kasi.re.kr) 장헌영 ( 경북대, 053-950-6367, hyc@knu.ac.kr) 최영준 ( 천문연, 042-865-3266, yjchoi@kasi.re.kr) 사무처국장 : 정남해 ( 연세대, 02-2123-3439, nhj@yonsei.ac.kr) 직원 : 이경숙 ( 학회, 042-865-3391, ksss@kasi.re.kr) 사단법인한국우주과학회 120-749 서울시서대문구신촌동 134 연세대학교천문대내 Tel: (02) 2123-3439 Fax: (02) 2123-8675 (042) 865-3391 (042) 865-3392 Homepage: http://ksss.or.kr E-mail: ksss@ksss.or.kr


차 례 등록및교통안내 8 공동가을학술대회일정표요약 9 구두발표논문제목및시간표 14 포스터발표논문제목 23 구두발표논문초록 29 포스터발표논문초록 70 사단법인한국우주과학회정관및규정 115 사단법인한국우주과학회제30차정기총회 127 < 사단법인한국우주과학회입회안내 > 사단법인한국우주과학회는천문 우주과학및관련분야에종사하는여러분의입회를환영합니다. 우리학회에입회를희망하시는분은입회원서양식에인적사항을기재하시어학회로보내주시거나홈페이지에서가입하시고입회비와년회비는학회은행계좌로송금하시기바랍니다. 보낼곳 : 한국우주과학회 120-749 서울시서대문구신촌동 134 연세대학교천문대내전화 02-2123-3439 팩스 02-2123-8675 은행계좌 : 국민은행 012-01-0603-888 우리은행 126-435843-01-001 예금주한국우주과학회 회비납부안내 회원구분 입회비 연회비 회원의구분은정관제6조에의거하며, 변 경된연회비는 2000년제18차정기총회에서 개정된사항입니다. 학생회원 ( 학부생 ) 정회원평의원이사, 감사부회장회장기관회원 - 10,000 원 - - - - - 뒷면의입회원서를복사하여사용해주십시오. 10,000 원 20,000 원 40,000 원 100,000 원 300,000 원 500,000 원 50,000 원 [ 표지사진설명 ] 2012년제17회국제천문올림피아드 (IAO 2012) 2012년 10월 16~24일, 광주광역시에서열리는제17회국제천문올림피아드 (IAO 2012) 에는세계 26개국, 200여명의과학영재및천문학자가참가할예정이다. 홈페이지 http://www.iao2012.org

성명한글성별남 여영문 생년월일년월일 자택주소우편번호전화 직장주소우편번호전화 e-mail 직장명직위 이동전화 학위명입학년도학위취득일학교명전공 학 력 경 력 연구업적 위본인은귀학회의설립목적과취지에찬동하여이에회원가입을신청하오며, 학회회원관리를위한개인정보활 용에동의합니다. 년월일 신청인 : ( 인 ) 위사람을귀학회의회원으로추천합니다 ( 참고 : 정관 7 조 1 항에따라우리학회정회원이면누구나추천가능합니다 ). 추천인 : 직장및직위성명 ( 인 ) 추천인 : 직장및직위성명 ( 인 ) 사단법인한국우주과학회귀중

제 17 회국제천문올림피아드 (IAO) 기념 2012 년한국우주과학회 한국천문학회 공동가을학술대회일정표 일시 : 2012. 10. 17.( 수 ) 13:00 19.( 금 ) 18:00 장소 : 홀리데이인광주발표논문 : 초청강연 21편, 구두발표 141편, 포스터발표 192편, 총 354편발표시간 : 초청강연 (30분), 연구발표 (15분) 5세션동시진행포스터발표 : 1부 - 2012. 10. 17.( 수 ) 13:00 18.( 목 ) 13:00 2부 - 2012. 10. 18.( 목 ) 14:00 19.( 금 ) 16:30 사단법인한국우주과학회

일정표요약 1. 등록 발표형식발표장세션명 구두발표 등록및교통안내 정회원의등록비는 150,000 원이며, 학생회원과정회원중석 박사과정 ( 전일제 ) 학생은 100,000 원입니다. 사전등록을하신회원은등록자명부에서명후학회보, 명찰, 등록비영수증, 식권을수령하시기바랍니다. 2. 회원가입 회원가입을원하시는분은학회홈페이지에서회원가입신청후입회원서를인쇄하여추천인 (2 인 ) 서명을받아학회사무국으로송부하여주시고입회비와연회비는학회계좌로송금하여주시기바랍니다. * 입회비 : 10,000 원, 년회비 : 20,000 원 ( 학부학생회원은입회비면제, 년회비는 10,000 원 ) 입니다. * 학회계좌 : 국민은행 012-01-0603-888 우리은행 126-435843-01-001 예금주한국우주과학회 3. 발표자료준비 구두발표 : 발표자료는파워포인트파일로준비하시기바랍니다. 포스터발표 : 회원들이시간적여유를가지고포스터를관람할수있도록세션시작전미리부착하여야합니다. 포스터발표 1 부는 10 월 17 일 ( 수 ) 13 시까지지정된장소에게시하여주시고, 18 일 ( 목 ) 13 시부터 13 시 30 분사이에수거하여주시기바랍니다. 포스터발표 2 부는 18 일 ( 목 ) 14 시까지게시하여주시고, 19 일 ( 금 ) 16 시 30 분에수거하여주시기바랍니다. 집중발표시간에발표자는자신의포스터앞에서회원들의질문에답할수있도록준비해주시기바랍니다. 포스터가부착되지않았거나학회종료후수거하지않는회원은추후학회발표가제한될수있습니다 (2006 년 3 차이사회결정 ). 4. 발표장 제 1 발표장 ( 아젤리아홀 ) 제 2 발표장 ( 라벤다홀 ) 제 3 발표장 ( 로즈홀 ) 초청강연, 외부은하 Ⅰ, 고천문학및교육홍보, 외부은하 Ⅱ, 외부은하 Ⅲ, 우주론, 성간물질, 별탄생, 수치시뮬레이션및기타 태양계 Ⅰ, 태양및우주환경 Ⅰ, 태양및우주환경 Ⅱ, 태양및우주환경 Ⅲ, 태양및우주환경 Ⅳ, 태양및우주환경 Ⅴ, 태양및우주환경 Ⅵ 항성및항성계 Ⅰ, 항성및항성계 Ⅱ, 태양계 Ⅱ 및외계행성과생명, 발사체및기타, 궤도및우주측지, 위성체, 패널토론 발표형식발표장세션명 구두발표 포스터발표 1 부 /2 부 5. 교통 관측기기및탑재체Ⅰ, 관측기기및제4발표장탑재체Ⅱ, 관측기기및탑재체Ⅲ, ( 다이너스티홀 ) 관측기기및탑재체Ⅳ, 국제세션 Ⅳ, 특별세션 Ⅱ 제 5 발표장 1 층로비 국제세션 Ⅰ, 국제세션 Ⅱ, 국제세션 Ⅲ, 특별세션 Ⅰ 고천문학, 교육홍보, 관측기기, 성간물질, 외계행성과생명, 우주론, 은하, 태양, 우주환경, 천문자료처리, 기타, 특별세션, 항성및항성계, 궤도, 우주측지, 발사체, 위성체, 탑재체 가. 주소광주광역시서구상무누리로 55 ( 차평동 1158) 홀리데이인광주 (Tel. 062-610-7000) 나. 찾아오시는길 홀리데이인광주는광주공항에서자동차로 5 분거리이며, 김대중컨벤션센터맞은편에있습니다. 광주공항서울 광주 ( 매일 7 회운행 ) 제주 광주 ( 매일 8 회운행 ) 기차 KTX : 용산역 광주송정역, 광주역 (2 시간 30 분소요 ) 서대전역 광주송정역, 광주역 (2 시간소요 ) 일반기차 : 용산역 광주송정역, 광주역 (4 시간 30 분소요 ) 서대전역 광주역 (2 시간 30 분소요 ) 화순역 광주송정역 (1 시간소요 ) 고속버스서울 광주 (10 분간격운행, 3 시간 30 분소요 ) 부산 광주 (60 분간격운행, 3 시간 30 분소요 ) 인천 광주 (40 분간격운행, 4 시간소요 ) 대구 광주 (40 분간격운행, 3 시간 40 분소요 ) 대전 광주 (40 분간격운행, 2 시간 30 분소요 ) 리무진인천국제공항 광주 (30~60 분간격운행, 4 시간 30 분소요 ) 택시 : 광주공항에서 10 분 / 광주송정역에서 15 분거리지하철 : 김대중컨벤션센터 ( 마륵 ) 역하차도보 5 분 8 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

일정표요약 제 17 회국제천문올림피아드 (IAO) 기념 2012 년한국우주과학회 한국천문학회공동가을학술대회일정표 발표세션표기 EG Evolution of Galaxies IM 성간물질 SE 태양 / 우주환경 EP 고천문학 / 교육홍보 LV 발사체 / 천문자료처리 / 기타 SF 별탄생 / 수치시뮬레이션 GC 외부은하 OG 궤도 / 우주측지 SKA Square Kilometre Array GC 외부은하 OLY 특별세션 ( 올림피아드 ) SS 태양계 / 외계행성과생명 ID 관측기기 / 탑재체 SB 위성체 ST 항성및항성계 시간 구두발표첫째날 10 월 17 일 ( 수요일 ) 구분 11:00~12:00 점심식사 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 11:00~13:00 등록 (1 층로비 ) 13:00~13:30 13:30~14:00 개회식 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 개회사 : 한국천문학회민영철회장축사 : 한국천문연구원박필호원장 초청강연 Ⅰ ( 제 1 발표장 ) 좌장 : 김천휘 ( 충북대 ) 초 IT-01 Douglas Bock (CSIRO) 14:00~14:30 휴식및이동 시간 제 1 발표장제 2 발표장제 3 발표장제 4 발표장제 5 발표장 ( 아젤리아홀 ) ( 라벤다홀 ) ( 로즈홀 ) ( 다이너스티홀 ) ( 컨벤션 2 홀 ) 외부은하 I 태양계 I 항성및항성계 I 관측기기및탑재체 I 국제세션 I 좌장 : 이준협 ( 천문연 ) 좌장 : M. Ishiguro ( 서울대 ) 좌장 : 손영종 ( 연세대 ) 좌장 : 박찬 ( 천문연 ) 좌장 : 김정리 ( 서울대 ) 14:30~14:45 구 GC-01 양성철구 SS-01 정민섭구 ST-01 박선경구 ID-01 김승리초 OLY-01 Z. Zhang 14:45~15:00 구 GC-02 장인성구 SS-02 정종일구 ST-02 나종삼구 ID-02 고경연초 OLY-02 M. Milan 15:00~15:15 구 GC-03 강용범구 SS-03 서행자구 ST-03 권영주구 ID-03 김기원초 OLY-03 H. L. Malasan 15:15~15:30 구 GC-04 장민성구 SS-04 김어진구 ST-04 서경원구 ID-04 이대희초 OLY-04 C. O. Chey 15:30~15:45 구 GC-05 윤혜인구 SS-05 양홍규구 ST-05 김민규구 ID-05 문봉곤 15:45~16:00 구 GC-06 정은정구 ID-06 박영식 16:00~16:30 포스터발표 1 부 (1 층로비 ) 16:30~17:00 한국천문학회학술상수상강연 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 좌장 : 이명균 ( 서울대 ) 초 IT-05 박창범 ( 고등과학원 ) 17:00~18:30 한국천문학회정기총회 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 18:30~ 저녁식사 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 9

일정표요약 구두발표둘째날 10 월 18 일 ( 목요일 ) 시간 구분 06:00~09:00 아침식사 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 제 1 발표장제 2 발표장제 3 발표장제 4 발표장제 5 발표장 시간 ( 아젤리아홀 ) ( 라벤다홀 ) ( 로즈홀 ) ( 다이너스티홀 ) ( 컨벤션2 홀 ) 고천문학및교육홍보태양및우주환경 I 항성및항성계 Ⅱ 관측기기및탑재체 Ⅱ 국제세션 Ⅱ Evolution of Galaxies 좌장 : 이용삼 ( 충북대 ) 좌장 : 채종철 ( 서울대 ) 좌장 : 이재우 ( 천문연 ) 좌장 : 남욱원 ( 천문연 ) 좌장 : 정애리 ( 연세대 ) 09:00~09:15 구EP-01 김상혁 구SE-01 박진혜 구ST-06 홍경수 구ID-07 이직 초EG-01 임명신 09:15~09:30 구EP-02 함선영 구SE-02 이경선 구ST-07 구재림 구ID-08 전진아 09:30~09:45 구EP-03 이민수 구SE-03 조경석 구ST-08 정민지 구ID-09 정애라 초EG-02 W. H. Wang 09:45~10:00 구EP-04 민병희 구SE-04 양희수 구ST-09 P. Rittipruk 구ID-10 김지은 10:00~10:15 구EP-05 송인옥 구SE-05 김일훈 구ST-10 우수완 구ID-11 나고운 초EG-03 박창범 10:15~10:30 구EP-06 백창현 구SE-06 박형민 구ST-11 임동욱 구ID-12 정수민 10:30~11:00 휴식및이동 제1발표장 제2발표장 제3발표장 제4발표장 제5발표장 시간 ( 아젤리아홀 ) ( 라벤다홀 ) ( 로즈홀 ) ( 다이너스티홀 ) ( 컨벤션 2 홀 ) 외부은하 Ⅱ 태양및우주환경 Ⅱ 태양계 Ⅱ 및외계행성과생명 관측기기및탑재체 Ⅲ 국제세션 III Square Kilometre Array 좌장 : 김성은 ( 세종대 ) 좌장 : 봉수찬 ( 천문연 ) 좌장 : 한정호 ( 충북대 ) 좌장 : 이대희 ( 천문연 ) 좌장 : 김종수 ( 천문연 ) 11:00~11:15 구GC-07 심현진 구SE-07 채종철 구SS-06 M. Ishiguro 구ID-13 김민빈 초SKA-01 B. Peng 11:15~11:30 구GC-08 안성호 구SE-08 T. Magara 구SS-07 임여명 구ID-14 최지녕 11:30~11:45 구GC-09 최호승 구SE-09 김록순 구SS-08 이병철 구ID-15 양슬기 초SKA-02 안경진 11:45~12:00 구GC-10 홍성욱 구SE-10 이어진 구SS-09 류동욱 구ID-16 유진희 12:00~12:15 구SE-11 이진이 구SS-10 류윤현 구ID-17 성세현 초SKA-03 오세헌 12:15~12:30 구SS-11 T. C. Hinse 12:30~14:00 우주기상탑재체관련 Business Meeting 점심식사 ( 컨벤션 1홀 ) 13:00~14:00 포스터발표 1부 / 2부교체및관람 14:00~14:30 초청강연 Ⅱ ( 제 1 발표장 ) 좌장 : 민영철 ( 천문연 ) 초 IT-02 구본철 ( 서울대 ) 14:30~15:00 사진촬영 제 1 발표장제 2 발표장제 3 발표장제 4 발표장제 5 발표장 시간 ( 아젤리아홀 ) ( 라벤다홀 ) ( 로즈홀 ) ( 다이너스티홀 ) ( 컨벤션2 홀 ) 특별세션 I 외부은하 Ⅲ 태양및우주환경 Ⅲ 발사체및기타관측기기및탑재체 IV KVN을사용한관측연구좌장 : 김성수 ( 경희대 ) 좌장 : 이재진 ( 천문연 ) 좌장 : 천용식 ( 항우연 ) 좌장 : 진호 ( 경희대 ) 좌장 : 이상성 ( 천문연 ) 15:00~15:15 구GC-11 김웅태 초SE-12 이대영 구LV-01 하성업 구ID-18 김재관 구KVN-01 여아란 15:15~15:30 구GC-12 이재현 구LV-02 문인상 구ID-19 우진 구KVN-02 조세형 15:30~15:45 구GC-13 김기훈 구SE-13 박종선 구LV-03 유재한 구ID-20 박성하 구KVN-03 김재헌 15:45~16:00 구GC-14 신재진 구SE-14 최지원 구LV-04 정현수 구ID-21 손종대 구KVN-04 윤동환 16:00~16:15 구GC-15 윤요셉 구SE-15 이은상 구LV-05 김상철 구ID-22 문일권 16:15~16:30 구SE-16 김관혁 구ID-23 박장현 16:30~17:00 포스터발표 2부 (1층로비 ) 17:00~17:30 초청강연 Ⅲ ( 제 1 발표장 ) 좌장 : 김용하 ( 충남대 ) 초 IT-03 안병호 ( 경북대 ) 17:30~19:00 한국우주과학정기총회 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 19:10~ 만찬 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 공로상수여문홍규회원 ( 전 2009 세계천문의해한국조직위원회사무국장 ) 10 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

일정표요약 구두발표셋째날 10 월 19 일 ( 금요일 ) 시간 구분 06:00~09:00 아침식사 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 시간 제1발표장 제2발표장 제3발표장 제4발표장 ( 아젤리아홀 ) ( 라벤다홀 ) ( 로즈홀 ) ( 다이너스티홀 ) 우주론 태양및우주환경 Ⅳ 궤도및우주측지 국제세션 Ⅳ 좌장 : 안홍배 ( 부산대 ) 좌장 : 이은상 ( 경희대 ) 좌장 : 이병선 ( 전자통신연 ) 좌장 : 이형목 ( 서울대 ) 09:00~09:15 구 GC-16 이명균구 SE-17 서정준구 OG-01 나성호초 OLY-05 R. Tsolmon 09:15~09:30 구GC-17 김영로구SE-18 홍진희구OG-02 김영록초OLY-06 B. Aryal 09:30~09:45 구GC-18 안경진구SE-19 김경임구OG-03 김영광초OLY-07 K. P. S. C. Jayaratne 09:45~10:00 구GC-19 신지혜구SE-20 라기철구OG-04 송용준초OLY-08 R. E. Bustos E. 10:00~10:15 구 GC-20 김은혁구 SE-21 손종대구 OG-05 이병선초 OLY-09 M. Gyulzadyan 10:15~10:30 구 SE-22 권은주구 OG-06 임조령 10:30~11:00 휴식및이동 시간 제1발표장 제2발표장 제3발표장 ( 아젤리아홀 ) ( 라벤다홀 ) ( 로즈홀 ) 성간물질태양및우주환경 V 위성체 좌장 : 김일중좌장 : 곽영실 ( 천문연 ) 좌장 : 최영준 ( 천문연 ) 11:00~11:15 구 IM-01 이재준구 SE-23 권혁진구 SB-01 박영웅 11:15~11:30 구 IM-02 정웅섭구 SE-24 전채우구 SB-02 임조령 11:30~11:45 구 IM-03 조영수구 SE-25 황정아구 SB-03 김경원 11:45~12:00 구 IM-04 임태호구 SE-26 지은영구 SB-04 금강훈 12:00~12:15 구 IM-05 최연주구 SE-27 이강진구 SB-05 이효정 12:15~12:30 구 SE-28 장수정구 SB-06 김창호 12:30~14:00 점심식사 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 14:00~14:30 초청강연 Ⅳ ( 제 1 발표장 ) 좌장 : 민경욱 ( 과기원 ) 초 IT-04 박일흥 ( 이화여대 ) 14:30~15:00 휴식및이동 제1발표장 제2발표장 제3발표장 제4발표장 ( 아젤리아홀 ) ( 라벤다홀 ) ( 로즈홀 ) ( 다이너스티홀 ) 시간별탄생, 수치시뮬레이션특별세션 Ⅱ 태양및우주환경 Ⅵ COSPAR 관련및기타 KVN을사용한관측연구국제협력방안논의좌장 : 최민호 ( 천문연 ) 좌장 : 오수연 ( 충남대 ) 좌장 : 조세형 ( 천문연 / 연세대 ) 15:00~15:15 구SF-01 김관정 구SE-29 이준현 구KVN-05 윤영주 15:15~15:30 구 SF-02 김재영구 SE-30 곽영실구 KVN-06 손봉원 15:30~15:45 구SF-03 장한별구SE-31 정종균구KVN-07 이상성 패널토론 15:45~16:00 구SF-04 최은진구SE-32 박사라구KVN-08 이상성 16:00~16:15 구 SF-05 이기원구 SE-33 김정헌 16:15~16:30 구 SF-06 이소정구 SE-34 양태용 16:30~ 폐회식 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 폐회사 : 한국우주과학회김천휘회장시상 : 우수포스터상 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 11

일정표요약 포스터발표 1 부 2012. 10. 17.( 수 ) 13:00 ~ 18.( 목 ) 13:00 세션포스터번호발표자세션포스터번호발표자 고천문학 포EP-07 U. Karimova 포GC-42 최창수 교육홍보 포EP-08 김형근포GC-43 탁윤찬포EP-09 이지혜은하포GC-44 현민희 포ID-24 강용우 포GC-45 홍주은 포ID-25 김상혁 포GC-46 H. A. N. Le 포ID-26 박선엽 포SE-35 강지혜 포ID-27 배영호 포SE-36 김보경 포ID-28 송민규 포SE-37 김현남 포ID-29 양형모 포SE-38 남지선 포ID-30 양형모 태양 포SE-39 박성홍 포ID-31 오세진 포SE-40 박소영 포ID-32 오은송 포SE-41 박종엽 관측기기 포ID-33 오준호 포SE-42 이환희 포ID-34 유형준 포SE-43 황보정은 포ID-35 이성환 포SE-44 강석빈 포ID-36 이정애 포SE-45 김록순 포ID-37 이충욱 포SE-46 김태윤 포ID-38 임홍서 포SE-47 은희광 포ID-39 임희진 포SE-48 이대영 포ID-40 최나현 포SE-49 이준찬 포ID-41 한정열포SE-50 장재웅우주환경포ID-42 K. N. Nguyen 포SE-51 장재웅 별탄생 포SF-07 백기선포SE-52 전종협포SF-08 최민호포SE-53 전종협 성간물질 포IM-06 김일중 포SE-54 조경석 외계행성과생명 포SS-12 정선주 포SE-55 조영준 포GC-21 김민선 포SE-56 최규철 포GC-22 류동수포SE-57 홍익선우주론포GC-23 이희원포LV-15 김동진천문자료처리포GC-24 임명신포LV-16 허현오 포GC-25 김도형 포LV-17 강철 포GC-26 김상철 포LV-18 김인규 포GC-27 김석포LV-19 박재익기타포GC-28 김용정포LV-20 박홍원 포GC-29 김은빈 포LV-21 이재승 포GC-30 김재우 포LV-22 현대환 포GC-31 김지강 포KVN-09 조치영 포GC-32 김지훈 특별세션 포KVN-10 백준현 은하 포GC-33 김학섭 포KVN-11 한명희 포GC-34 배현진 포ST-12 김동빈 포GC-35 이범현 포ST-13 김천휘 포GC-36 이웅 포ST-14 서현주 포GC-37 이지수 항성및항성계 포ST-15 손정주 포GC-38 정애리 포ST-16 송미화 포GC-39 정애리 포ST-17 유혜인 포GC-40 정지원 포ST-18 이상현 포GC-41 조호진 12 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

일정표요약 포스터발표 2 부 2012. 10. 18.( 목 ) 14:00 ~ 19.( 금 ) 16:30 분야포스터번호발표자분야포스터번호발표자 궤도 우주측지 발사체 위성체 포OG-07 강상욱 포SB-41 은희광 포OG-08 강상욱 포SB-42 이나영 포OG-09 김재혁 포SB-43 이나영 포OG-10 정옥철 포SB-44 이명신 포OG-11 최수진 포SB-45 이상록 포OG-12 나자경 포SB-46 이상록 포OG-13 허윤정 포SB-47 이선호 포LV-06 김옥구 포SB-48 이성세 포LV-07 김용욱 포SB-49 이승헌 포LV-08 문일윤 포SB-50 이승헌 포LV-09 서견수 포SB-51 이원범 포LV-10 이정호 포SB-52 이원범 포LV-11 임석희 포SB-53 이주훈 포LV-12 정영석 포SB-54 이주훈 포LV-13 정용현 포SB-55 이창호 포LV-14 정용현 포SB-56 이춘우 포SB-07 구철회 위성체 포SB-57 이훈희 포SB-08 권기호 포SB-58 임정흠 포SB-09 권동영 포SB-59 임정흠 포SB-10 권동영 포SB-60 장경덕 포SB-11 김대영 포SB-61 장경덕 포SB-12 김대영 포SB-62 장성수 포SB-13 김영윤 포SB-63 장진백 포SB-14 김영윤 포SB-64 장진백 포SB-15 김중표 포SB-65 전문진 포SB-16 김창호 포SB-66 전문진 포SB-17 김형완 포SB-67 전제헌 포SB-18 김희경 포SB-68 전현진 포SB-19 김희섭 포SB-69 조승원 포SB-20 김희섭 포SB-70 조창권 포SB-21 문성태 포SB-71 채동석 포SB-22 문인호 포SB-72 최승운 포SB-23 박근주 포SB-73 최정수 포SB-24 박봉규 포ID-43 공종필 포SB-25 박선주 포ID-44 김영선 포SB-26 박응식 포ID-45 박종억 포SB-27 박종석 포ID-46 신상윤 포SB-28 박종오 포ID-47 신현규 포SB-29 박종오 포ID-48 안기범 포SB-30 박희성 포ID-49 연정흠 포SB-31 백명진 포ID-50 연정흠 포SB-32 양승은 탑재체 포ID-51 원영진 포SB-33 양정환 포ID-52 이상택 포SB-34 양정환 포ID-53 이상택 포SB-35 오시환 포ID-54 임여명 포SB-36 우성현 포ID-55 장수영 포SB-37 원주호 포ID-56 전종호 포SB-38 원주호 포ID-57 조성익 포SB-39 윤석택 포ID-58 허행팔 포SB-40 윤영수 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 13

구두발표논문제목및시간표 [ 초 IT] 초청강연 Ⅰ 좌장 : 김천휘 ( 충북대 ) 10 월 17 일 ( 수 ) [ 첫째날 ] 제 1 발표장 ( 아젤리아홀 ) 13:30~14:00 [ 초 IT-01] The Square Kilometre Array in Australia Douglas: Bock(CSIRO) 14:40 ~ 14:30 휴식및이동 [ 구 GC] 외부은하 Ⅰ 좌장 : 이준협 ( 천문연 ) [p.29] [p.29] 14:30~14:45 [ 구 GC-01] HST/WFPC2 Imaging of the Dwarf Satellites And XI and And XIII : HB Morphology and RR Lyraes: 양성철 ( 천문연 ), Ata Sarajedini(University of Florida) 14:45~15:00 [ 구 GC-02] Mystery of the Most Isolated Globular Cluster in the Local Universe: 장인성, 임성순, 박홍수, 이명균 ( 서울대 ) 15:00~15:15 [ 구 GC-03] Young Stellar Populations in Triangulum Galaxy (M33): 강용범, 이수창 ( 충남대 ), Luciana Bianchi(Johns Hopkins University) 15:15~15:30 [ 구 GC-04] SMBH Mass Estimate Discrepancy and Its Origin of NGC 6861: 장민성 ( 서울대 /AAO), Matt Owers(AAO) 15:30~15:45 [ 구 GC-05] Diagnostics to Probe Environmental Effects on Late-type Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster: 윤혜인, 정애리 ( 연세대 ) 15:45~16:00 [ 구 GC-06] H 2 Formation from HI by the Ram Pressure: 정은정, 김성은 ( 세종대 ), 정애리 ( 연세대 ) 16:00 ~ 16:30 포스터발표 1 부 [ 초 IT] 한국천문학회학술상수상강연 좌장 : 이명균 ( 서울대 ) [p.30] 16:30~17:00 [ 초 IT-05] My Research on Galaxies, Large-Scale Structures in the Universe, and Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation: 박창범 ( 고등과학원 ) 17:00 ~ 18:00 한국천문학회정기총회 18:30 ~ 저녁식사 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) [ 구 SS] 태양계 Ⅰ 10 월 17 일 ( 수 ) [ 첫째날 ] 제 2 발표장 ( 라벤다홀 ) 좌장 : M. Ishiguro ( 서울대 ) [p.31] 14:30~14:45 [ 구 SS-01] 편광관측을통한달표면표토의입자크기측정 : 정민섭, 김성수 ( 경희대 ), 민경욱 ( 과기원 ) 14:45~15:00 [ 구 SS-02] 달과화성의토양에서지하깊이에따른고에너지우주선환경영향분석 : 정종일, 손종대, 이유, 오수연 ( 충남대 ) 15:00~15:15 [ 구 SS-03] Analysis of landing site for lander and rover on Moon and Mars: 서행자, 김어진, 김주현, 이주희, 최기혁, 심은섭 ( 항우연 ) 15:15~15:30 [ 구 SS-04] Analysis of Martian topside ionospheric data obtained from Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding onboard Mars Express: 김어진, 서행자, 김주현, 이주희, 최기혁, 심은섭 ( 항우연 ) 15:30~15:45 [ 구 SS-05] High resolution imagings of the Gegenschein with WIZARD: 양홍규, Masateru Ishiguro ( 서울대 ), 권석민 ( 강원대 ) 16:00 ~ 16:30 포스터발표 1 부 10 월 17 일 ( 수 ) [ 첫째날 ] 제 3 발표장 ( 로즈홀 ) [ 구 ST] 항성및항성계 Ⅰ 좌장 : 손영종 ( 연세대 ) [p.32] 14:30~14:45 [ 구 ST-01] Stellar surface gravity extracted from Wilson-Bappu effect: 박선경, 강원석, 이정은 ( 경희대 ), 이상각 ( 서울대 ) 14:45~15:00 [ 구 ST-02] The Effects of Nitrogen and Oxygen Abundance Variations on The Evolutionary Tracks of Low-Mass Stars: 나종삼, 이영욱, 한상일, 박기훈, 김용철 ( 연세대 ) 15:00~15:15 [ 구 ST-03] OH, SiO and H 2O maser emission in O-rich AGB stars: 권영주, 서경원 ( 충북대 ) 15:15~15:30 [ 구 ST-04] IRAS 09425-6040: A Silicate Carbon Star with Crystalline Dust: 서경원, 권영주 ( 충북대 ) 15:30~15:45 [ 구 ST-05] Identification and spectral analysis of the CIBER/LRS detected stars: 김민규 ( 서울대 ), T. Matsumoto( 서울대 /JAXA), 이형목 ( 서울대 ), T. Arai(JAXA), J. Battle(NASA), J. Bock(NASA/California Institute), S. Brown(NIST), A. Cooray(University of California), V. Hristov(California Institute), B. Keating(University of California), P. Korngut(NASA/California Institute), 14 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문제목및시간표 이대희 ( 천문연 ), L. R. Levenson(California Institute), K. Lykke(NIST), P. Mason(California Institute), S. Matsuura(JAXA), 남욱원 ( 천문연 ), T. Renbarger(University of California), A. Smith(NIST), I. Sullivan(California Institute), T. Wada(JAXA), 정웅섭 ( 천문연 ), M. Zemcov(NASA/California Institute) 16:00 ~ 16:30 포스터발표 1 부 13:30~13:50 [ 초 OLY-01] Astronomy Outreach Activities in China: Ziping Zhang(China) 13:50~14:10 [ 초 OLY-02] Astronomy: Bangladesh: Mohakash Milan(Bangladesh) 14:10~14:30 [ 초 OLY-03] Instruments in Education and Popularization of Astronomy in Indonesia: Hakim L. Malasan(Indonesia) 14:30~14:50 [ 초 OLY-04] Astronomy Education in Cambodia: Chan Oeurn Chey(Cambodia) 10 월 17 일 ( 수 ) [ 첫째날 ] 제 4 발표장 ( 다이너스티홀 ) 16:00 ~ 16:30 포스터발표 1 부 [ 구 ID] 관측기기및탑재체 Ⅰ 좌장 : 박찬 ( 천문연 ) [p.33] 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) [ 둘째날 ] 제 1 발표장 ( 아젤리아홀 ) 14:30~14:45 [ 구 ID-01] 외계행성탐색시스템개발사업현황 : 김승리, 이충욱, 박병곤, 차상목, 이재우, 이병철, 김동진, 이용석, 구재림 ( 천문연 ) 14:45~15:00 [ 구 ID-02] IGRINS 광학모듈의온도및진공환경변화에따른광학적특성 : 고경연, 한정열, 오희영, 나자경 ( 천문연 ), 육인수 ( 천문연 /Univ. of Texas), 박찬, 이성호, 천무영 ( 천문연 ), Dan Jaffe(Univ. of Texas) 15:00~15:15 [ 구 ID-03] Ray tracing simulation of SCOTS test for GMT secondary mirror: 김기원, 김성환 ( 연세대 ), 김영수 ( 천문연 ) 15:15~15:30 [ 구 ID-04] SPICA 탑재용근적외선카메라 FPC 개발현황 : 이대희, 정웅섭, 한원용, 문봉곤, 박영식, 박귀종, 남욱원, 표정현, 이덕행, 박원기, 김일중, Toshio Matsumoto( 천문연 ) 15:30~15:45 [ 구 ID-05] 과학기술위성 3 호주탑재체 MIRIS 의비행모델우주환경시험 : 문봉곤, 박영식, 박귀종 ( 천문연 ), 이덕행 ( 천문연 /UST), 이대희, 정웅섭, 남욱원, 박원기, 김일중 ( 천문연 ), 차원호, 신구환, 이상현, 서정기 ( 과기원 ), 박종오, 이승우 ( 항우연 ), 한원용 ( 천문연 ) 15:45~16:00 [ 구 ID-06] Progress Report on Development of the MIRIS, the Main Payload of STSAT-3: 박영식 ( 천문연 ), 한원용 ( 천문연 /UST), 이대희, 정웅섭, 문봉곤, 박귀종, 표정현 ( 천문연 ), 이덕행 ( 천문연 /UST), 남욱원, 박장현, 선광일, 양선철 ( 기과연 ), 박종오, 이승우 ( 항우연 ), 이형목 ( 서울대 ), Toshio Matsumoto(ASIAA/ ISAS/JAXA) [ 구 EP] 고천문학및교육홍보 좌장 : 이용삼 ( 충북대 ) [p.35] 09:00~09:15 [ 구 EP-01] 홍대용혼상의 ( 渾象儀 ) 의복원연구 : 구조와작동메커니즘을중심으로 : 김상혁 ( 천문연 ), 이용삼, 박제훈 ( 충북대 ) 09:15~09:30 [ 구 EP-02] 남병길의성경 ( 星鏡 ) 별자리를활용한혼상 ( 渾象 ) 제작 : 함선영 ( 천문연 / 충북대 ), 김상혁 ( 천문연 ), 이용삼 ( 충북대 ) 09:30~09:45 [ 구 EP-03] 간의대복원을위한외형연구및복원모델제시 : 이민수, 전준혁 ( 충북대 ), 김상혁 ( 천문연 ), 이용삼 ( 충북대 ) 09:45~10:00 [ 구 EP-04] 삼복의결정법과역사 : 민병희 ( 천문연 ), 이기원 ( 가톨릭대 ), 최고은, 안영숙 ( 천문연 ) 10:00~10:15 [ 구 EP-05] 소형망원경을이용한천체의분광관측과교육적활용 : 송인옥 ( 과학영재고 ), 백창현 ( 교과부 ), 이정주 ( 세종대 ), 황인준 ( 아스트로드림테크 ) 10:15~10:30 [ 구 EP-06] KMTNet 프로젝트의교육적활용 : 백창현 ( 교과부 ), 박병곤, 김승리, 이재우, 이동주 ( 천문연 ), 이강환 ( 국립과천과학관 ), 박순창 ( 메타스페이스 ) 10:30 ~ 11:00 휴식및이동 [ 구 GC] 외부은하 Ⅱ 좌장 : 김성은 ( 세종대 ) [p.36] 16:00 ~ 16:30 포스터발표 1부 10월 17일 ( 수 ) [ 첫째날 ] 제5발표장 ( 컨벤션2홀 ) [ 구OLY] 국제세션Ⅰ 좌장 : 김정리 ( 서울대 ) [p.35] 11:00~11:15 [ 구 GC-07] Local Hα Emitters: Low-z Analogs of z>4 Star-Forming Galaxies: 심현진 ( 경북대 ), Ranga-Ram Chary(Spitzer Science Center) 11:15~11:30 [ 구 GC-08] Searching for Fly-by Encounters of Galaxies in Cosmological Simulations: 안성호, 김정환, 윤기윤 ( 연세대 ), 김주한 ( 고등과학원 ), 윤석진 ( 연세대 ) 11:30~11:45 [ 구 GC-09] On the origin of post-merger features in galaxy clusters: 최호승, 이석영 ( 연세대 ) 11:45~12:00 [ 구 GC-10] Strong Accretion Shock Waves in 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 15

구두발표논문제목및시간표 Cluster Outskirts and Possibility of Cosmic-Ray Population Inversion: 홍성욱, 류동수 ( 충남대 ), 강혜성 ( 부산대 ) 12:30 ~ 14:00 우주기상탑재체관련 Business Meeting 12:30 ~ 14:00 점심시간 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 13:00 ~ 14:00 포스터발표 1 부 / 2 부교체및관람 19:10 ~ 만찬 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 공로상수여 : 문홍규회원 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) [ 둘째날 ] 제 2 발표장 ( 라벤다홀 ) [ 구 SE] 태양및우주환경 Ⅰ 좌장 : 채종철 ( 서울대 ) [p.39] [ 초 IT] 초청강연 Ⅱ 좌장 : 민영철 ( 천문연 ) [p.37] 14:00~14:30 [ 초 IT-02] Supernova Remnants, Supernovae, and Their Progenitors: 구본철 ( 서울대 ) 14:30 ~ 15:00 사진촬영 [ 구 GC] 외부은하 Ⅲ 좌장 : 김성수 ( 경희대 ) [p.37] 15:00~15:15 [ 구 GC-11] Gaseous Structures in Barred Galaxies: Effects of the Bar Strength: 김웅태, 서우영, 김용휘 ( 서울대 ) 15:15~15:30 [ 구 GC-12] On the Assembly History of Stellar Components In Massive Galaxies: 이재현, 이석영 ( 연세대 ) 15:30~15:45 [ 구 GC-13] The Spitzer First Look survey Verification Field : Deep Radio and multi-wavelength properties: 김기훈, 김성은 ( 세종대 ), M. S. Yun, 김한성 (University of Massachusetts), 김연화 ( 세종대 ) 16:00~16:15 [ 구 GC-14] The Chemical Properties of PG Quasars: 신재진, 우종학 ( 서울대 ), Tohru Nagao(Kyoto University) 16:15~16:30 [ 구 GC-15] The Black Hole Mass - Stellar Velocity Dispersion Relation of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies: 윤요셉, 우종학 ( 서울대 ) 09:00~09:15 [ 구 SE-01] The study on source regions of solar energetic particles detected by widely separated multiple spacecraft: 박진혜 ( 경희대 ), D. E. Innes, R. Bucik(Max Plank Institute), 문용재 ( 경희대 ) 09:15~09:30 [ 구 SE-02] Height Dependence of Plasma Properties in a Solar Limb Active Region Observed by Hinode/EIS: 이경선 ( 경희대 ), S. Imada(ISAS), 문용재, 이진이 ( 경희대 ) 09:30~09:45 [ 구 SE-03] A HIGH FREQUENCY TYPE II SOLAR RADIO BURST ASSOCIATED WITH THE 2011 FEBRUARY 13 CORONAL MASS EJECTION: 조경석 ( 천문연 ), Nat Gopalswamy, 권륜영 (NASA), 김록순 ( 천문연 /NASA), Seiji Yashiro(NASA/Catholic University) 09:45~10:00 [ 구 SE-04] Observation of an Ellerman bomb and its associated surge with the 1.6 meter New Solar Telescope at Big Bear Solar Observatory: 양희수, 채종철, 박형민, Ram Ajor Maurya, 조규현 ( 서울대 ), 김연한, 조일현 ( 천문연 ), 임은경 (Big Bear Solar Observatory) 10:00~10:15 [ 구 SE-05] Relationship Between EUV Coronal Jets and Bright Points Observed by SDO/AIA: 김일훈, 이경선, 이진이, 문용재, 성숙경, 김갑성 ( 경희대 ) 10:15~10:30 [ 구 SE-06] Current Status and Improvement of the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph of the 1.6m telescope at Big Bear Solar Observatory: 박형민, 채종철, 송동욱, 양희수 ( 서울대 ), 장비호, 박영득, 나자경, 조경석 ( 천문연 ), 안광수 (Big Bear Solar Observatory) 10:30 ~ 11:00 휴식및이동 16:30 ~ 17:00 포스터발표 2 부 [ 구 SE] 태양및우주환경 Ⅱ 좌장 : 봉수찬 ( 천문연 ) [p.41] [ 초 IT] 초청강연 Ⅲ 좌장 : 김용하 ( 충남대 ) [p.39] 17:00~17:30 [ 초 IT-03] 우주기상재난이사회 경제적으로미친영향 : 안병호 ( 경북대 ) 17:30 ~ 19:00 한국우주과학회정기총회 11:00~11:15 [ 구 SE-07] Doppler Shifts of the Hα Line and the Ca II 854.2 nm Line in a Quiet Region of the Sun Observed with the FISS/NST: 채종철, 박형민, 양희수 ( 서울대 ), 박영득, 조경석 ( 천문연 ), 안광수, Wenda Cao (Big Bear Solar Observatory) 11:15~11:30 [ 구 SE-08] A Solar Cyclone with Chromospheric Running Wave: Tetsuya Magara, 안준모, 이환희, 강지혜, Satoshi Inoue, 최광선 ( 경희대 ) 11:30~11:45 [ 구 SE-09] Magnetic Field Strength in the 16 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문제목및시간표 Upper Solar Corona Using White-light Shock Structures Surrounding Coronal Mass Ejections: 김록순 ( 천문연 ), Nat Gopalswamy(NASA), 문용재 ( 경희대 ), 조경석 ( 천문연 ), Seiji Yashiro (NASA/Catholic University ) 11:45~12:00 [ 구 SE-10] 태양활동영역에서 Magnetic Polarity Inversion Line 의기하학적, 물리적특성에대한통계적연구 : 이어진 ( 충남대 ), 박성홍 ( 천문연 ), 오수연, 이유 ( 충남대 ) 12:00~12:15 [ 구 SE-11] Low ionization state plasma in CMEs: 이진이 ( 경희대 ), John C. Raymond(Harvard- Smithsonian Center) 12:15~12:30 [ 구 SE-12] The Optical Characteristics of the Soft X-Ray Telescope Aboard Yohkoh: The On- and Off-Axis Point Spread Function: 신준호 ( 경희대 ), Takashi Sakurai(NAOJ) 12:30 ~ 14:00 점심시간 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 13:00 ~ 14:00 포스터발표 1 부 / 2 부교체및관람 14:30 ~ 15:00 사진촬영 [ 구 SE] 태양및우주환경 Ⅲ 좌장 : 이재진 ( 천문연 ) [p.42] 15:00~15:30 [ 초 SE-12] Observation of long-term disappearance and reappearance of the outer radiation belt: 이대영, 신대규 ( 충북대 ), 김경찬 ( 천문연 ), 김진희, 조정희, 박미영 ( 충북대 ), Vassilis Angelopoulos (UCLA), 황정아 ( 천문연 ), 이용희, 김경호 ( 충북대 ) 15:30~15:45 [ 구 SE-13] Statistical study on nightside geosynchronous magnetic field responses to interplanetary shocks: 박종선, 김관혁 ( 경희대 ), Tohru Araki(Polar Research Institute), 이동훈, 이은상, 진호 ( 경희대 ) 15:45~16:00 [ 구 SE-14] Effects of plasmaspheric density structure on the characteristics of geomagnetic ULF pulsations: 최지원, 이동훈, 김관혁, 이은상 ( 경희대 ) 16:00~16:15 [ 구 SE-15] Modeling of Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) Emissions During a Magnetic Storm for CINEMA/TRIO: 이은상, 권혁진, 박종선, 선종호, 진호, 김관혁, 이동훈 ( 경희대 ), Linghua Wang, Robert P. Lin, George K. Parks, John Sample(University of California), Edward C. Roelof(Johns Hopkins University) 16:15~16:30 [ 구 SE-16] Pc1/EMIC waves observed at subauroral latitude during sudden magnetospheric compressions: 김관혁 ( 경희대 ), Kazuo Shiokawa(Nagoya University), 이동훈, 권혁진, 이은상 ( 경희대 ) 16:30 ~ 17:00 포스터발표 2 부 19:10 ~ 만찬 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) [ 둘째날 ] 제 3 발표장 ( 로즈홀 ) [ 구 ST] 항성및항성계 Ⅱ 좌장 : 이재우 ( 천문연 ) [p.44] 09:00~09:15 [ 구 ST-06] Fundamental parameters of the eclipsing binaries in the Large Magellanic cloud: 홍경수, 강영운 ( 세종대 ) 09:15~09:30 [ 구 ST-07] Observational Properties of GSC 2855-0585 in the Vicinity of the Eclipsing Binary V432 Per: 구재림 ( 천문연 / 충남대 ), 이재우, 김승리, 이충욱, 이병철 ( 천문연 ) 09:30~09:45 [ 구 ST-08] V345 Cas 의주기변화와광도곡선분석 : 정민지, 김천휘 ( 충북대 ) 09:45~10:00 [ 구 ST-09] Asymmetric Light curves of Contact and Near-Contact Binaries: Pakakaew Rittipruk, 강영운 ( 세종대 ) 10:00~10:15 [ 구 ST-10] 접촉쌍성 VW Bootis 의 BVRI 측광과분석 : 우수완, 정민지, 최철희, 김동빈 ( 충북대 ), 송미화 ( 천문연 ), 김천휘 ( 충북대 ) 10:15~10:30 [ 구 ST-11] Calcium and CN bimodality of RGB stars in Globular clusters with Multiple Populations: 임동욱, 노동구, 한상일, 이영욱 ( 연세대 ) 10:30 ~ 11:00 휴식및이동 [ 구 SS] 태양계 Ⅱ 및외계행성과생명 좌장 : 한정호 ( 충북대 ) [p.45] 11:00~11:15 [ 구 SS-06] 17P/Holmes: Contrast between before and after the 2007 outburst: Masateru Ishiguro, 함지범 ( 서울대 ), 김준한 11:15~11:30 [ 구 SS-07 FUV] observation of the comet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) with FIMS: 임여명, 민경욱 ( 과기원 ), Paul D. Feldman(Johns Hopkins University), 한원용 ( 천문연 ), Jerry Edelstein(University of California) 11:30~11:45 [ 구 SS-08] Planetary companions orbiting K giant HD 208527 and M giant HD 220074: 이병철, 한인우 ( 천문연 ), 박명구 ( 경북대 ) 11:45~12:00 [ 구 SS-09] Phase dependent disk averaged spectra and light curve of the Earth as an habitable exoplanet ; Ray-tracing based simulation using 3D optical earth system model: 류동옥, 김성환, 성세현 ( 연세대 ) 12:00~12:15 [ 구 SS-10] DETECTION OF WIDE PLANETARY 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 17

구두발표논문제목및시간표 SYSTEM WITH MICROLENSING: 류윤현, 박명구, 장헌영 ( 경북대 ), 이기원 ( 대구가톨릭대 ) 12:15~12:30 [ 구 SS-11] Using Light Travel Time Effect to Detect Circumbinary Planets with Ground-Based Telescopes: Tobias Cornelius Hinse( 천문연 ) 12:30 ~ 14:00 점심시간 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 13:00 ~ 14:00 포스터발표 1 부 / 2 부교체및관람 14:30 ~ 15:00 사진촬영 [ 구 LV] 발사체및기타 좌장 : 천용식 ( 항우연 ) [p.47] 15:00~15:15 [ 구 LV-01] 무독성상온저장성산화제사용이발사체속도증분에미치는영향 : 하성업, 문인상, 이수용 ( 항우연 ) 15:15~15:30 [ 구 LV-02] 케로신엔진과우주탐험 : 문인상, 문일윤, 하성업 ( 항우연 ) 15:30~15:45 [ 구 LV-03] 고온 / 고압산화제과잉환경에적합한재질및코팅조사 : 유재한, 하성업, 문일윤, 이수용 ( 항우연 ) 15:45~16:00 [ 구 LV-04] 차기세계전파통신회의 WRC-15 회의와과학업무관련의제연구 : 정현수, 제도흥, 오세진, 노덕규, 손봉원, 이상성, 김효령 ( 천문연 ) 16:00~16:15 [ 구 LV-05] Nature 와 Science 저널에실린 2006-2010 년논문의경향분석 : 김상철, 김승리, 경재만, 이재우, 임왕기 ( 천문연 ), 전성현 ( 천문연 / 충남대 ) 16:30 ~ 17:00 포스터발표 2 부 19:10 ~ 만찬 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) [ 둘째날 ] 제 4 발표장 ( 다이너스티홀 ) [ 구 ID] 관측기기및탑재체 Ⅱ 좌장 : 남욱원 ( 천문연 ) [p.48] 09:00~09:15 [ 구 ID-07] 남극상공에서의고에너지우주선실험을위한대면적실리콘전하량검출기의제작 : 이직, 전진아, 이현수, 이혜영, 임희진, 박일흥, Youn Roh( 이화대 ), 김홍주, 박한배 ( 경북대 ), 이무현, 서은석 (Univ. of Maryland) 09:15~09:30 [ 구 ID-08] Integration of Large SCD for the CREAM experiment: 전진아, 나고운, 박일흥, 서정은, 이직, 이혜영 ( 이화여대 ) 09:30~09:45 [ 구 ID-09] Design and Construction of Detector Module for UFFO Burst Alert & Trigger Telescope: 정애라 ( 이화여대 ), Salleh Ahmad, Pierre Barrillon (University of Paris-SudⅡ), Søren Brandt, Carl Budtz-Jørgensen(Technical University of Denmark), Alberto J. Castro-Tirado(Institutode Astrofísica de Andalucía-CSIC), Pisin Chen(National Taiwan University), 최지녕 ( 연세대 ), 최연주 ( 과기원 ), Paul Connell(University of Valencia), Sylvie Dagoret- Campagne(University of Paris-Sud11), Christopher Eyles(University of Valencia), Bruce Grossan(University of California), Ming-Huey A. Huang(National United University, Miao-Li, Taiwan), 정수민, 김지은, 김민빈 ( 이화여대 ), 김석환 ( 연세대 ), 김예원 ( 이화여대 ), A.S. Krasnov (Moscow State University), 이직, 임희진 ( 이화여대 ), Eric V. Linder ( 이화여대, University of California), T. C. Liu(National Taiwan University), Niels Lund(Technical University of Denmark), 민경욱 ( 과기원 ), 나고운 ( 이화여대 ), 남지우 (National Taiwan University), Mikhile I. Panasyuk(Moscow State University), 박일흥, Jakub. Ripa( 이화여대 ), Victor Reglero, Juana M. Rodrigo(University of Valencia), George. F. Smoot ( 이화여대, University of California), 서정은 ( 이화여대 ), Sergei. Svertilov, Nikolay Vedenkin (Moscow State University), Min-Zu Wang(National Taiwan University), Ivan Yashin(Moscow State University) 09:45~10:00 [ 구 ID-10] The Electronics system of the Ultra Fast Flash Observatory Pathfinder: 김지은 ( 이화여대 ), 최지녕 ( 연세대 ), 최연주 ( 과기원 ), 정수민, 정애라, 김민빈 ( 이화여대 ), 김석환 ( 연세대 ), 김예원, 이직, 임희진 ( 이화여대 ), 민경욱 ( 과기원 ), 나고운, 박일흥, Jakub. Ripa, 서정은 ( 이화여대 ) 10:00~10:15 [ 구 ID-11] The Burst Alert and Trigger Telescope for the Ultra Fast Flash Observatory Pathfinder: 나고운 ( 이화여대 ), 최지녕 ( 연세대 ), 최연주 ( 과기원 ). 정수민, 정애라, 김지은, 김민빈 ( 이화여대 ), 김석환 ( 연세대 ), 김예원, 이직, 임희진 ( 이화여대 ), 민경욱 ( 과기원 ), 박일흥, Jakub. Ripa, 서정은 ( 이화여대 ) 10:15~10:30 [ 구 ID-12] The Slewing Mirror Telescope of the Ultra Fast Flash Observatory Pathfinder: 정수민 ( 이화여대 ), 최지녕 ( 연세대 ), 정애라, 김민빈 ( 이화여대 ), 김석환 ( 연세대 ), 김예원, 김지은, 이직, 임희진, 나고운 ( 이화여대 ), 남지우 ( 과기원 ), 박일흥, Jakub. Ripa, 서정은 ( 이화여대 ) 10:30 ~ 11:00 휴식및이동 [ 구 ID] 관측기기및탑재체 Ⅲ 좌장 : 이대희 ( 천문연 ) 11:00~11:15 [ 구 ID-13] 초고에너지우주선과고층대기극한방전현상관측을위한 TUS(Tracking Ultraviolet [p.50] 18 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문제목및시간표 Setup) 및 Pinhole Camera 개발및진행상황 : 김민빈, 김지은, 김예원, 나고운, 박일흥, 서정은 ( 이화여대 ), 이직 ( 기과연 ), 정애라 ( 이화여대 ), GARIPOV G, KHRENOV B, KLIMOV P, PANASYUK M(Moscow State University) 11:15~11:30 [ 구 ID-14] Vibration test and verification of Multi-Anode-Photo-Multiplier-Tube s survivability with X-Ray Coded Mask Gamma Ray Burst Alert Trigger mechanical system in space launch environment: 최지녕 ( 연세대 ), 최연주 ( 과기원 ), 정수민, 정애라, 김민빈, 김지은 ( 이화여대 ), 김석환 ( 연세대 ), 김예원, 이직, 임희진 ( 이화여대 ), 민경욱 ( 과기원 ), 나고운 ( 이화여대 ), 남지우 (National Taiwan University), 박일흥, Jakub. Ripa, 서정은 ( 이화여대 ) 11:30~11:45 [ 구 ID-15] Improved measurement uncertainty of photon detection efficiency for single pixel Silicon photomultiplier: 양슬기 ( 연세대 ), 이혜영, 전진아 ( 이화여대 ), 김석환 ( 연세대 ), 이직, 박일흥 ( 이화여대 ) 11:45~12:00 [ 구 ID-16] Real scale lunar apparent albedo and moonshine simulation with improved 3D lunar optical model with Apollo 10084 soil sample: 유진희, 김석환 ( 연세대 ) 12:00~12:15 [ 구 ID-17] On-orbit test simulation for field angle dependent response measurement of the Amon-Ra energy channel instrument: 성세현, 김석환, 류동옥 ( 연세대 ),, 홍진석 ( 삼성탈레스 ), Mike Lockwood (University of Reading) 12:30 ~ 14:00 점심시간 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 13:00 ~ 14:00 포스터발표 1 부 / 2 부교체및관람 14:30 ~ 15:00 사진촬영 [ 구 ID] 관측기기및탑재체 Ⅳ 좌장 : 진호 ( 경희대 ) [p.52] 이종웅 ( 청주대 ), 진호 ( 경희대 ) 16:15~16:30 [ 구 ID-23] OWL 시스템시험모델개발 : 박장현, 최영준, 조중현, 문홍규, 임홍서, 배영호, 박종욱 ( 천문연 ) 16:30 ~ 17:00 포스터발표 2 부 19:10 ~ 만찬 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) [ 둘째날 ] 제 5 발표장 ( 컨벤션 2 홀 ) [ 초 EG] 국제세션 Ⅱ - Evolution of Galaxies 좌장 : 정애리 ( 연세대 ) 09:00~09:30 [ 초 EG-01 Extreme Objects in High Redshift Universe: 임명신 ( 서울대 ) 09:30~10:00 [ 초 EG-02 Hidden Monsters in the Submillimeter: Wei-Hao Wang(ASIAA) 10:00~10:30 [ 초 EG-03 Evolution of galaxies through galaxy-galaxy interactions: 박창범 ( 고등과학원 ) 10:30 ~ 11:00 휴식및이동 [p.53] [ 초 SKA] 국제세션 Ⅲ - Square Kilometre Array 좌장 : 김종수 ( 천문연 ) [p.54] 11:00~11:30 [ 초 SKA-01 Largest Array SKA and Largest Dish FAST: Bo Peng(National Astronomical Observatories) 11:30~12:00 [ 초 SKA-02 Theory of Cosmic Reionization in the New Era of Precision Cosmology: 안경진 ( 조선대 ) 12:00~12:30 [ 초 SKA-03 WALLABY - the ASKAP HI All-Sky Survey: 오세헌 (ICRAR/CAASTRO) 15:00~15:15 [ 구 ID-18] 달을이용한천리안위성기상영상기노화경향분석 : 김재관, 이병일, 김용석, 손승희 ( 기상청 ) 15:15~15:30 [ 구 ID-19] 천리안위성기상영상기영상위치보정성능 : 정규운영초기 1 년 : 우진, 오현종, 이병일, 김용석, 손승희 ( 기상청 ) 15:30~15:45 [ 구 ID-20] Geant4 를이용한 STEIN 검출기의입자분리검출모의실험예비결과분석 : 박성하, 김용호, 우주, 선종호, 진호, 이동훈 ( 경희대 ), Robert P. Lin, Thomas Immel(University of California) 15:45~16:00 [ 구 ID-21] 우주방사선폭풍탐사선탑재체 PD (Proton Detector, 양성자검출기 ) 의개념설계 : 손종대, 이유, 오수연 ( 충남대 ), 민경욱 ( 과기원 ), 이대영 ( 충북대 ) 16:00~16:15 [ 구 ID-22] 우주물체전자광학감시체계광시야망원경개발 : 문일권, 이상은 ( 표준연 ), 임주희 ( 표준연 / 경희대 ), 이혁교, 양호순 ( 표준연 ), 한정열, 한인우, 장정균, 나자경, 최영준, 박장현 ( 천문연 ), 12:30 ~ 14:00 점심시간 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 13:00 ~ 14:00 포스터발표 1 부 / 2 부교체및관람 14:30 ~ 15:00 사진촬영 [ 구 KVN] 특별세션 Ⅰ - KVN 을사용한관측연구 좌장 : 이상성 ( 천문연 ) [p.55] 15:00~15:20 [ 구 KVN-01] Candidates for the young stellar outflows: Water and Methanol masers from young stellar objects: 임왕기, 여아란, 김기태, 변도영 ( 천문연 ) 15:20~15:40 [ 구 KVN-02] Time Monitoring Observations of SiO and H2O Masers Using the KVN: 조세형 ( 천문연 / 연세대 ), 김재헌 ( 연세대 / 천문연 / 경희대 ), 윤동환 ( 천문연 / 서울대 ), 조치영 ( 천문연 / 세종대 ), 윤영주, 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 19

구두발표논문제목및시간표 변도영 ( 천문연 ) 15:40~16:00 [ 구 KVN-03] Statistical Studies Based on SiO and H2O Maser Survey toward Evolved Stars: 김재헌 ( 천문연 / 경희대 / 연세대 ), 조세형 ( 천문연 / 연세대 ), 김상준 ( 경희대 ) 16:00~16:20 [ 구 KVN-04] Simultaneous observations of SiO and H 2O masers toward AGB and post-agb stars: 윤동환 ( 서울대 / 천문연 ), 조세형 ( 천문연 / 연세대 ), 김재헌 ( 연세대 / 천문연 / 경희대 ), 조치영 ( 천문연 / 세종대 ), 윤영주 ( 연세대 ), 박용선 ( 서울대 ) 16:30 ~ 17:00 포스터발표 2 부 19:10 ~ 만찬 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) ( 서울대 ), 한원용 ( 천문연 ) 11:30~11:45 [ 구 IM-03] Simulation study of dust-scattered Far-Ultraviolet emission in the Orion-Eridanus Superbubble: 조영수, 민경욱, 임태호 ( 과기원 ), 선광일 ( 천문연 ) 11:45~12:00 [ 구 IM-04] Far-ultraviolet Observations of the Taurus-Perseus-Auriga Complex: 임태호, 민경욱 ( 과기원 ), 선광일 ( 천문연 ) 12:00~12:15 [ 구 IM-05] Far Ultraviolet Observations of the Spica Nebula and the Interaction Zone: 최연주 ( 과기원 ), 박재우 ( 특허청 ), 민경욱 ( 과기원 ), 선광일 ( 천문연 ), 조영수 ( 과기원 ) 12:30 ~ 14:00 점심시간 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 10 월 19 일 ( 금 ) [ 셋째날 ] 제 1 발표장 ( 아젤리아홀 ) [ 초 IT] 초청강연 Ⅳ 좌장 : 민경욱 ( 과기원 ) [p.58] [ 구 GC] 우주론 좌장 : 안홍배 ( 부산대 ) [p.56] 14:00~14:30 [ 초 IT-04] Ultra-Fast Flash Observatory (UFFO) for early photon measurements from Gamma Ray Bursts: 박일흥 ( 이화여대 ) 09:00~09:15 [ 구 GC-16] M101, Type Ia Supernova, and the Hubble Constant: 이명균, 장인성 ( 서울대 ) 09:15~09:30 [ 구 GC-17] The Luminosity of Type Ia Supernova as a Function of Host-Galaxy Morphology: 김영로, 강이정, 임동욱, 이영욱 ( 연세대 ) 09:30~09:45 [ 구 GC-18] Detecting the Signature of the First Stars through Planck CMB Polarization Observation: 안경진 ( 조선대 ) 09:45~10:00 [ 구 GC-19] Properties of the mini-halos in dwarf ellipticals obtained from cosmological hydrodynamic simulations: 신지혜 ( 경희대 ), 김주한 ( 고등과학원 ), 김성수 ( 경희대 ), 윤석진 ( 연세대 ), 박창범 ( 고등과학원 ) 10:00~10:15 [ 구 GC-20] Chandra Archival Survey of Galaxy Clusters: Surface Photometry of Diffuse X-ray Emission: 김은혁 ( 항우연 ), 김민선 ( 천문연 ) 10:30 ~ 11:00 휴식및이동 [ 구 IM] 성간물질 좌장 : 김일중 ( 천문연 ) [p.57] 11:00~11:15 [ 구 IM-01] UKIRT Widefield Infrared Survey for [Fe II] 1.64 μm: 이재준 ( 천문연 ), 구본철 ( 서울대 ) 11:15~11:30 [ 구 IM-02] MIRIS: Science Programs: 정웅섭 ( 천문연 ), Toshio Matsumoto(ASIAA/ISAS/JAXA), 선광일, 표정현, 이대희, 박영식, 이창희, 문봉곤, 박성준, 남욱원, 박장현 ( 천문연 ), 이덕행 ( 천문연 /UST), 차상목, 이성호, 육인수 ( 천문연 ), 안경진 ( 조선대 ), 조정연 ( 충남대 ), 이형목 14:30 ~ 15:00 휴식및이동 [ 구 SF] 별탄생, 수치시뮬레이션및기타 좌장 : 최민호 ( 천문연 ) [p.59] 15:00~15:15 [ 구 SF-01] AKARI Observations for 8 dense molecular cores: 김관정, 이창원 ( 천문연 /UST), 김미량 ( 천문연 / 충북대 ), 김성은 ( 세종대 ) 15:15~15:30 [ 구 SF-02] Near-IR Polarimetry Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud : Relationship between the polarization degree and the color: 김재영 ( 경희대 ), 박수종 ( 경희대 /University of Texas), 강원석 ( 경희대 ), 최민호 ( 천문연 ) 15:30~15:45 [ 구 SF-03] A Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Code Based on an Upwind Scheme: 장한별, 류동수 ( 충남대 ) 15:45~16:00 [ 구 SF-04] Study of the Kinetic Effects on Relativistic Unmagnetized Shocks using 3D PIC Simulations: 최은진 ( 과기원 / 천문연 ), 민경욱 ( 과기원 ), 최청림 ( 과기원 ), Ken-Ichi Nishikawa(NSSTC) 16:00~16:15 [ 구 SF-05] Analysis of Korean Historical Records of Comet Halley: 이기원 ( 대구가톨릭대 ) 16:15~16:30 [ 구 SF-06] Galileo 의태양흑점발견과정을토대로과학의본성에대한고등학생들의믿음탐색 : 이소정, 김용기 ( 충북대 ), 오준영 ( 한양대 ) 16:30 ~ 16:45 폐회식 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 시상 : 우수포스터상 20 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문제목및시간표 10월 19일 ( 금 ) [ 셋째날 ] 제2발표장 ( 라벤다홀 ) [ 구SE] 태양및우주환경 Ⅳ 좌장 : 이은상 ( 경희대 ) [p.60] Supplemented with Sunspot Area and Its Changes: 이강진 ( 기상청 / 경희대 ), 문용재, 이진이, 이경선, 나현옥 ( 경희대 ), 김해연, 신대윤 ( 기상청 ) 12:15~12:30 [ 구 SE-28] Comparison of the WSA-ENLIL CME propagation model with three cone types and an empirical model: 장수정, 문용재, 나현옥 ( 경희대 ) 09:00~09:15 [ 구 SE-17] Theoretical construction of solar wind proton temperature anisotropy versus beta inverse correlation: 서정준 ( 경희대 ), Peter H. Yoon ( 경희대 /University of Maryland), 김관혁, 이동훈 ( 경희대 ) 09:15~09:30 [ 구 SE-18] Reduced ion mass effects and parametric study of electron flat-top distribution formation: 홍진희 ( 과기원 ), 이은상 ( 경희대 ), George k. Parks(University of California), 민경욱 ( 과기원 ) 09:30~09:45 [ 구 SE-19] Nonlinear evolution of Alfven waves via mode conversion: 김경임, 이동훈 ( 경희대 ), 류동수 ( 충남대 ), 김관혁, 이은상 ( 경희대 ) 09:45~10:00 [ 구 SE-20] Simulation study on the nonlinear evolution of EMIC instability: 라기철, 류창모 ( 포항공대 ), Peter H Yoon(IPST) 10:00~10:15 [ 구 SE-21] Forbush Decreases Observed by the LRO/CRaTER: 손종대, 오수연, 이유 ( 충남대 ), 김어진, 이주희 ( 항우연 ), Harlan.E. Spence(University of New Hampshire) 10:15~10:30 [ 구 SE-22] 우주환경변화가천리안위성에미치는영향 Ⅰ_ 기상탑재체 : 권은주, 김방엽 ( 항우연 ) 10:30 ~ 11:00 휴식및이동 [ 구 SE] 태양및우주환경 Ⅴ 좌장 : 곽영실 ( 천문연 ) [p.62] 11:00~11:15 [ 구 SE-23] Relation between Earthward magnetotail flow and low-latitude Pi2 pulsations: 권혁진, 김관혁, 이동훈 ( 경희대 ), Kazue Takahashi (Johns Hopkins University), 이은상 ( 경희대 ) 11:15~11:30 [ 구 SE-24] The statistical analysis of low-latitude Pi2 pulsations during the intervals of extremely quiet geomagnetic conditions: 전채우, 김관혁, 이동훈, 이은상, 진호 ( 경희대 ), 박영득, 황정아 ( 천문연 ) 11:30~11:45 [ 구 SE-25] Comparison of the PSD radial profiles between before and after geosynchronous flux dropout: case studies using THEMIS observations: 황정아 ( 천문연 ), 이대영 ( 충북대 ), 김경찬 ( 천문연 ), 최은진 ( 천문연 / 과기원 ), 신대규, 김진희, 조정희 ( 충북대 ) 11:45~12:00 [ 구 SE-26] Near-real time Kp forecasting methods based on neural network and support vector machine: 지은영, 문용재, 박종엽, 이동훈 ( 경희대 ) 12:00~12:15 [ 구 SE-27] Solar Flare Occurrence Rate and Probability in Terms of the Sunspot Classification 12:30 ~ 14:00 점심시간 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 14:30 ~ 15:00 휴식및이동 [ 구 SE] 태양및우주환경 Ⅵ 좌장 : 오수연 ( 충남대 ) [p.64] 15:00~15:15 [ 구 SE-29] 이온층고에너지입자상태와저궤도위성의위성체전위사이의상관관계 : 이준현, 이은상, 김관혁, 선종호 ( 경희대 ), 이재진 ( 천문연 ), 이동훈, 진호 ( 경희대 ) 15:15~15:30 [ 구 SE-30] Nonmigrating tidal characteristics in the thermospheric neutral mass density: 곽영실 ( 천문연 ), 길효섭, 이우경 (Johns Hopkins University), 오성준 ( 에스이랩 ), 양태용 ( 천문연 ) 15:30~15:45 [ 구 SE-31] (p.41) GPS TEC 관측자료로살펴본우리나라전리층특성에관한보고 : 정종균, 이지나 ( 천문연 ) 15:45~16:00 [ 구 SE-32] Statistical studies of trough at middle latitudes observed by DMSP F15: 박사라 ( 경희대 ), 길효섭 (Johns Hopkins University), 김관혁 ( 경희대 ) 16:00~16:15 [ 구 SE-33] Solar flare 발생시 GOES 위성의 X-ray flux 자료를이용한이온권변화 : 김정헌, 김용하, 윤종연 ( 충남대 ), 오승준 ( 에스이랩 ) 16:15~16:30 [ 구 SE-34] Characteristics of mid-latitude field-aligned irregularities observed with VHF coherent scatter ionospheric radar over Korea: 양태용 ( 천문연 / UST), 곽영실 ( 천문연 ), 길효섭 (Johns Hopkins University), 박영득 ( 천문연 ) 16:30 ~ 16:45 폐회식 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 10 월 19 일 ( 금 ) [ 셋째날 ] 제 3 발표장 ( 로즈홀 ) [ 구 OG] 궤도및우주측지 좌장 : 이병선 ( 전자통신연 ) [p.65] 09:00~09:15 [ 구 OG-01] Characters of Perturbation in Earth's Spin Rotation: 나성호, 곽영희 ( 천문연 ) 09:15~09:30 [ 구 OG-02] Effective Strategy for Precise Orbital and Geodetic Parameter Estimation Using SLR 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 21

구두발표논문제목및시간표 Observations for ILRS AAC: 김영록, 오형직, 박상영, 박찬덕 ( 연세대 ), 박은서, 임형철 ( 천문연 ) 09:30~09:45 [ 구 OG-03] An Alternative Approach to Optimal Impulsive-Thrust Formation Reconfigurations in a Near-Circular-Orbit: 김영광, 박상영, 박찬덕 ( 연세대 ) 09:45~10:00 [ 구 OG-04] Unified State Model(USM) 을이용한정밀궤도계산 : 송용준, 백슬민, 김갑성 ( 경희대 ) 10:00~10:15 [ 구 OG-05] 정지궤도위성의충돌방지를위한회피기동 : 이병선, 황유라 ( 전자통신연 ), 백명진, 김방엽 ( 항우연 ) 10:15~10:30 [ 구 OG-06] 정지궤도위성탑재궤도전파기예비설계및해석 : 임조령, 박영웅, 최홍택 ( 항우연 ) 10:30 ~ 11:00 휴식및이동 [ 구 SB] 위성체 좌장 : 최영준 ( 천문연 ) [p.67] 11:00~11:15 [ 구 SB-01] 정지궤도위성에서의다중머리별추적기최적배치에관한연구 : 박영웅, 임조령, 박종석 ( 항우연 ) 11:15~11:30 [ 구 SB-02] 고기동위성의자세제어계하드웨어초기운용성능분석 : 임조령, 윤형주, 박근주, 김용복, 서현호, 최홍택 ( 항우연 ) 11:30~11:45 [ 구 SB-03] 인공위성전개장치용테잎힌지특성해석 : 김경원, 임재혁, 김창호, 김선원, 김성훈 ( 항우연 ) 11:45~12:00 [ 구 SB-04] TRIO-CINEMA 의환경시험및결과분석 : 금강훈, 우주, 이성환, 이용석, 전제헌, 채규성, 진호, 선종호, 이동훈 ( 경희대 ), Thomas Immel(UC Berkeley), Robert P.Lin( 경희대 /UC Berkeley) 12:00~12:15 [ 구 SB-05] 2 기의초소형인공위성 CINEMA 운용을위한단일 RF Chain 구축 : 이효정, 윤세영, 김용호, 진호, 선종호, 채규성, 이동훈 ( 경희대 ), Robert P. Lin( 경희대 /University of California) 12:15~12:30 [ 구 SB-06] 정지궤도복합위성개념설계 : 김창호, 김경원, 김선원, 임재혁, 김성훈 ( 항우연 ) 12:30 ~ 14:00 점심시간 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 14:30 ~ 15:00 휴식및이동 15:00 ~ 16:00 패널토론 COSPAR 관련국제협력방안논의 16:30 ~ 16:45 폐회식 ( 제 1 발표장 ) [ 구 OLY] 국제세션 Ⅳ 좌장 : 이형목 ( 서울대 ) 10 월 19 일 ( 금 ) [ 셋째날 ] 제 4 발표장 ( 다이너스티홀 ) [p.68] 09:00~09:20 [ 초 OLY-05] Astronomical Education activities in Mongolia: Renchin Tsolmon(Mongolia) 09:20~09:40 [ 초 OLY-06] A&A Activities in Nepal in Education and Research Level: Binil Aryal(Nepal) 09:40~10:00 [ 초 OLY-07] Popularization of astronomy as tool to attract bright young students into the science stream: K. P. S. Chandana Jayaratne(Sri Lanka) 10:00~10:20 [ 초 OLY-08] TBA: Roy Omar E. Bustos E. (Bolivia) 10:20~10:40 [ 초 OLY-09] The Famous Astrophysicist Viktor Ambartsumian and His Young Descendants: Marietta Gyulzadyan (Armenia) 10:30 ~ 11:00 휴식및이동 12:30 ~ 14:00 점심시간 ( 컨벤션 1 홀 ) 14:30 ~ 15:00 휴식및이동 [ 구 KVN] 특별세션 Ⅱ - KVN 을이용한관측연구 좌장 : 조세형 ( 천문연 / 연세대 ) [p.68] 15:00~15:20 [ 구 KVN-05] Simultaneous observations of SiO v=1 and v=2, J=1-0 masers toward WX Pisces with the KVN+VERA: 윤영주, 조세형 ( 천문연 / 연세대 ), Hiroshi Imai(Kagoshima University), 김재헌 ( 천문연 / 연세대 / 경희대 ), 윤동환 ( 천문연 / 서울대 ), 조치영 ( 천문연 / 세종대 ) 15:20~15:40 [ 구 KVN-06] Toward early scientific results on AGNs: KAVA (KVN and VERA array) joint AGN WG report: 손봉원 ( 천문연 ), Kino Motoki(NAOJ), Niinuma, Kotaro(Yamaguchi University), 이상성 ( 천문연 ), Honma, Mareki, Nagai, Hiroshi(NAOJ), Sascha Trippe, Sascha ( 서울대 ), Jung, Taehyun( 천문연 ) 15:40~16:00 [ 구 KVN-07] Early Science of KVN: 43GHz fringe survey: 이상성, Leonid Petrov, 김종수, 정태현, 손봉원, 변도영 ( 천문연 ) 16:00~16:20 [ 구 KVN-08] MOGABA: Monitoring of Gamma-ray Bright AGN with KVN 21-m radio telescopes at 22, 43 and 86GHz: 이상성, 변도영, 백준현, 한명희, 양지혜, 손봉원 ( 천문연 ) 16:30 ~ 16:45 폐회식 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 22 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문제목및시간표 포스터발표 1 부 10 월 17 일 ( 수 ) 13:00 ~ 18 일 ( 목 ) 13:00 고천문학 [p.70] [ 포 EP-07] The differences in Constellation drawings among different countries: Ulkar Karimova, 이유, 오수연 ( 충남대 ) 교육홍보 [p.70] [ 포 EP-08] DSLR 카메라를사용한성단의 H-R 도작성및교육적활용 : 김형근, 박서연, 박주하 ( 과학영재고 ), 홍경수 ( 세종대 ), 송인옥 ( 과학영재고 ) [ 포 EP-09] Development of science program using astronomical data in the history of Korea: 이지혜, 신동희 ( 이화여대 ) 관측기기 [p.71-75] [ 포 ID-24] KVN 초고속샘플러 Proto-Type 개발 : 강용우, 위석오, 제도흥, 남욱원, 송민규, 방승철, 한석태 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 ID-25] 알루미늄반사경을사용한천체망원경의성능테스트 : 김상혁 ( 경희대 ), 박수종 ( 경희대 /University of Texas), 김건희, 양순철, 허명상, 이상용, 이길재 ( 기과연 ), 정병준 ( 경희대 ) [ 포 ID-26] OWL OS( 운영및제어시스템 ) 개발 : 박선엽, 임홍서, 조중현, 배영호, 박영식, 문홍규, 최영준, 박장현 ( 천문연 ), 김태훈, 박희선 ( 지솔루션 ), 진호 ( 경희대 ), 이정호 ( 레인보우 ), 금강훈 ( 경희대 ), 최진 ( 천문연 ), 김재혁 ( 연세대 ) [ 포 ID-27] OWL 돔및사이트제어시스템소개 : 배영호, 문홍규, 조중현, 박영식, 최영준, 박장현, 임홍서, 박선엽 ( 천문연 ), 이정호 ( 레인보우 ) [ 포 ID-28] 프로피버스기반의 KVN 수신기제어인터페이스구현 : 송민규, 변도영, 제도흥, 이정원, 강용우, 위석오, 정문희, 강지만 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 ID-29] RH&LH 원형편파를동시사용하는저궤도위성지상안테나자동추적오차분석 : 양형모 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 ID-30] 단일채널저궤도위성관제안테나시스템의채널이중화를통한효율성개선 : 양형모 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 ID-31] 상관결과분석을위한 CODA/FITS 변환소프트웨어개발 : 오세진 ( 천문연 ), Kan-ya Yukitoshi(Leonid Co. Ltd.), 염재환, 노덕규, 오충식, 정진승, 정동규 ( 천문연 ), Oyama Tomoaki(NAOJ), Miyazaki Atsushi( 천문연 ), Kawaguchi Noriyuki, Kobayashi Hideyuki(NAOJ) [ 포 ID-32] In-orbit Stray Light Analysis for Step and Stare observation at Geostationary Orbit: 오은송 ( 해양과기원 / 연세대 ), 홍진숙 ( 삼성탈레스 ), 안기범 ( 해양과기원 ), 조성익 ( 해양과기원 / 연세대 ), 류주형 ( 해양과기원 ), 김석환 ( 연세대 ) [ 포 ID-33] OWL 프로토타입마운트개발 : 오준호 ( 과기원 ), 이정호 ( 레인보우 ), 박영식, 최영준, 박장현 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 ID-34] The Tip-Tilt Correction System in AO System for Small Telescope: 유형준, 박용선, 이방원 ( 서울대 ) [ 포 ID-35] 우주물체감시검출기시스템설계및시험 : 이성환, 금강훈, 진호 ( 경희대 ), 박제권 ( 다락정보통신 ), 이정호 ( 레인보우 ), 최영준, 박장현 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 ID-36] KVN 단일경을이용한대기난굴절 (Anomalous Refraction) 측정 : 이정애 ( 천문연 /UST), 변도영 (UST) [ 포 ID-37] Data Management Plan for the KMTNet Project: 이충욱, 김동진, 김승리, 박병곤 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 ID-38] OWL 스케줄러개발 (Development of OWL Scheduler): 임홍서, 박선엽 ( 천문연 ), 김재혁 ( 연세대 ), 최진, 조중현 ( 천문연 ), 이정호 ( 레인보우 ), 진호, 금강훈 ( 경희대 ), 박영식, 배영호, 최영준, 문홍규, 박장현 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 ID-39] 초고에너지우주선관측을위한 JEM-EUSO 프로젝트의진행현황 : 임희진 ( 이화여대 ), 김석환 ( 연세대 ), 김순욱 ( 천문연 ), 박일흥, 양종만, 이직, 정애라 ( 이화여대 ) [ 포 ID-40] Environment Effects on the Stability of the CQUEAN CCD: 최나현 ( 경희대 ), 박수종 ( 경희대 /University of Texas), 최창수 ( 서울대 ), 박원기 ( 천문연 ), 임명신, 정이슬 ( 서울대 ), 백기선 ( 경희대 ) [ 포 ID-41] 우주물체전자광학감시체계 (OWL) 광학계개발현황 : 한정열, 한인우, 나자경, 장정균 ( 천문연 ), 문일권 ( 표준연 ), 박영식, 최영준, 박장현 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 ID-42] Near Infrared Wavelength Calibration without Telluric OH Lines: Ngan N. K. Nguyen( 경희대 ), 박수종 ( 경희대 /University of Texas), 강원석 ( 경희대 ) 별탄생 [p.75] [ 포 SF-07] The Color Variability Monitoring of HBC722: 백기선 ( 경희대 ), 박수종 ( 경희대 /University of Texas), Joel D.Green(University of Texas), 강원석 ( 경희대 ), 전이슬 ( 서울대 ), 최창수 ( 서울대 ), 이정은 ( 경희대 ), 임명신 ( 서울대 ) [ 포 SF-08] Water and Methanol Maser Observations toward NGC 2024 FIR 6 with KV: 최민호, 강미주, 변도영 ( 천문연 ), 이정은 ( 경희대 ) 성간물질 [p.75-76] [ 포 IM-06] FUV Spectral Images of the Vela Supernova Remnant: Comparisons with X-ray and Hα images: 김일중, 선광일 ( 천문연 ), 민경욱 ( 과기원 ), 한원용 ( 천문연 ), Jerry Edelstein(University of California) 외계행성과생명 [p.76] [ 포 SS-12] A planetary lensing feature in caustic-crossing 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 23

포스터발표논문제목및시간표 high-magnification microlensing events: 정선주 ( 천문연 ), 황규하 ( 천문연 / 충북대 ), 류윤현 ( 천문연 / 경북대 ), 이충욱 ( 천문연 ) 우주론 [p.76-77] [ 포 GC-21] Chandra Archival Survey of Galaxy Clusters: X-ray Point Sources in Cool-core and Non-cool-core Clusters: 김민선 ( 천문연 ), 김은혁 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 GC-22] Intergalactic Magnetic Field and Arrival Direction of Ultra-High-Energy Iron Nuclei: 류동수 ( 충남대 ), 강혜성 ( 부산대 ), Santabrata Das(Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati) [ 포 GC-23] Asymmetric Absorption Profile of Damped Lyman Alpha and Beta Systems: 이희원 ( 세종대 ) [ 포 GC-24] Type-Ia Supernova in M101: Latest Results: 임명신, 최창수, 전이슬, 전현성 ( 서울대 ), 박원기 ( 서울대 / 천문연 ), 김지훈 ( 서울대 ), 이지수 ( 서울대 /University of Chicago), 박수종, 백기선, 김상혁, 오영석 ( 경희대 ), 전영범, 성현일 ( 천문연 ), 윤태석 ( 경북대 ), 홍주은, 김도형, 김두호, 장민성, 현민희, 박근홍, 양희수, 정일교, 이방원, 신홍규, 조호진, 이광호, 윤요셉, 이재형, 신재진, 조호진, 정재웅, 장혜은, 윤미경, 김영정, 배형배, 박종호, 이명권, 고요경, 이현철 ( 서울대 ) 은하 [p.77-82] [ 포 GC-25] The 2.5-5.0μm Spectra Atlas of Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei with AKARI: Establishing the Black Hole Mass Estimator of Active Galactic Nuclei with Hydrogen Brackett Lines: 김도형, 임명신 ( 서울대 ) [ 포 GC-26] 고립된왜소불규칙은하 NGC 1156 의새로운거리결정 : 김상철 ( 천문연 ), 박홍수 ( 서울대 ), 경재만, 이준협, 이창희 ( 천문연 ), 김민진 ( 카네기연구소 ) [ 포 GC-27] Early-type Dwarf Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster: An Ultraviolet Perspective: 김석, 이수창 ( 충남대 ), 성언창 ( 천문연 ), Thorsten Lisker(Zentrum fur Astronomie der Universitat Heidelberg), Helmut Jerjen(Australian National University), 정기원, 박민아 ( 충남대 ) [ 포 GC-28] The near infrared image of GRB100205A field: 김용정, 임명신 ( 서울대 ) [ 포 GC-29] Relationship between hot gas halo and environmental factors of early-type galaxies: 김은빈, 최윤영, 김성수 ( 경희대 ), 박창범 ( 고등과학원 ) [ 포 GC-30] Search for galaxy clusters in SA22: 김재우, 임명신, 현민희 ( 서울대 ) [ 포 GC-31] Missing Type I AGNs in the local universe: 김지강, 김재혁, 이승언, 박대성 ( 경기과학고 ), 우종학 ( 서울대 ), 권홍진 ( 경기과학고 ) [ 포 GC-32] The Interplay between Star Formation and AGN Activities : A Case Study of LQSONG: 김지훈, 임명신, 김도형 ( 서울대 ) [ 포 GC-33] Multiband photometry of globular clusters toward the central region of the Fornax cluster: Radial variation of GC color distributions: 김학섭, 윤석진 ( 연세대 ), 손상모 (Space Telescope Science Institute), 정철, 이상윤 ( 연세대 ) [ 포 GC-34] Gas Outflow in SDSS AGN-host Galaxies: 배현진 ( 연세대 ), 우종학, 오세명 ( 서울대 ) [ 포 GC-35] The ISM properties under ICM pressure in the cluster environment: NGC4330, NGC4402, NGC4522, NGC4569: 이범현, 정애리 ( 연세대 ) [ 포 GC-36] SDSS 자료를이용한 z<0.01 필드은하의자외광특성 : 이웅, 이수창, 김석, 이영대, 박민아, 이원형 ( 충남대 ) [ 포 GC-37] UBVRI Photometry of SN 2011fe: 이지수 ( 서울대 / University of Chicago), 임명신, 전이슬 ( 서울대 ) [ 포 GC-38] A Pilot Study for CO of BUDHIES Galaxies: 정애리 ( 연세대 ) [ 포 GC-39] Neutral Hydrogen Absorption in Three Virgo Galaxies: 정애리 ( 연세대 ), 이재준 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 GC-40] Chemical Properties of Star Forming Galaxies in the Cluster Environment: 정지원, 이수창, 김석 ( 충남대 ), 성언창 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 GC-41] The extended narrow-line region kinematics of 3 Type-2 QSOs revealed by the VLT VIMOS IFU spectra: 조호진, 우종학 ( 서울대 ), Vardha N. Bennert (California Polytechnic State University) [ 포 GC-42] Y-band light curve of M101 SN Ia: 최장수, 임명신 ( 서울대 ) [ 포 GC-43] Analysis of a New Gravitational Lens FLS 1718+59: 탁윤찬, 임명신 ( 서울대 ) [ 포 GC-44] High redshift clusters in ELAIS N1/N2 fields: 현민희, 임명신, 김재우 ( 서울대 ) [ 포 GC-45] The Optical and IR Properties of Peculiar early-type galaxies from Stripe82 and WISE Data: 홍주은, 임명신 ( 서울대 ) [ 포 GC-46] High-Resolution Near-Infrared Spectra df Nearby Quasars: Huynh Anh Nguyen LE( 경희대 ), 박수종 (University of Texas), 임명신 ( 서울대 ), Luis C. HO(The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science) 태양 [p.83-85] [ 포 SE-35] A Study to Derive Energetics of Coronal Magnetic Structures: 강지혜, Tetsuya Magara, Satoshi Inoue, 이환희, 안준모 ( 경희대 ) [ 포 SE-36] Dipole 과 quadrupole 성분의변화에의한 SC 24/25 극소기의태양자기장의예측 : 김보경, 오수연, 이유 ( 충남대 ) [ 포 SE-37] A Spectropolarimetric Investigation of the Photospheric and Chromospheric Layers of Sunspots: 김현남 ( 경희대 ), Sami. K. Solanki( 경희대 /Max Planck Institute), Andreas Lagg(Max Planck Institute), 김갑성 ( 경희대 ) 24 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문제목및시간표 [ 포 SE-38] 인공신경망과서포트벡터머신을사용한태양양성자플럭스예보 : 남지선, 문용재, 이진이, 지은영, 박진혜, 박종엽 ( 경희대 ) [ 포 SE-39] An Automated System for Empirical Forecasting of Solar Flares and CMEs: 박성홍 ( 천문연 ), Tetsuya Yamamoto(Nagoya University) [ 포 SE-40] Chromospheric Transient Brightenings associated with Canceling Magnetic Features: 박소영 ( 천문연 ), 채종철 ( 서울대 ), 박성홍, 봉수찬 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 SE-41] 최소신장트리를이용한흑점군자동분석프로그램개발 : 박종엽, 문용재 ( 경희대 ), 최성환 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 SE-42] Comparison between Simulations and Observations Focused on Upflow Area in Active Region: 이환희, Tetsuya Magara, 안준모, 강지혜 ( 경희대 ) 우주환경 [p.85-88] [ 포 SE-43] KSRBL 데이터위치감지분석 : 황보정은 ( 천문연 / 충북대 ), 박성홍, 봉수찬 ( 천문연 ), 이대영 ( 충북대 ), 박영득 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 SE-44] Incorporation of Electromagnetic Ion cyclotron wave into Radiation Belt environment model: 강석빈 ( 과기원 ), 최은진 ( 과기원 / 천문연 ), 황정아, 김경찬, 이재진 ( 천문연 ), Mei-ching Fok(NASA), 민경욱, 최정임 ( 과기원 ), 박영득 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 SE-45] Propagation characteristics of CMEs associated magnetic clouds and ejecta: 김록순 ( 천문연 ), Nat Gopalswamy(NASA), 조경석 ( 천문연 ), 문용재 ( 경희대 ), Seiji Yashiro(NASA/Catholic University), 박영득 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 SE-46] 저궤도중형급위성의전자파설계 : 김태윤, 장재웅, 장경덕, 문귀원 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SE-47] 음향환경시험용음향모듈레이터구조및음향특성분석 : 은희광, 임종민, 전종협, 이동우, 문귀원 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SE-48] Observational determination of the electron flux boundary conditions of the radiation belt as a function of solar wind condition: 이대영, 신대규 ( 충북대 ) [ 포 SE-49] Far ultraviolet observations of diffuse, monoenergetic, and broadband auroras: 이준찬, 민경욱 ( 과기원 ), 이지나 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 SE-50] 전자파챔버에서의필드균일성검증및분석 : 장재웅, 김태윤, 장경덕, 문귀원 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SE-51] 전자파챔버에서의차폐특성분석 : 장재웅, 김태윤, 장경덕, 문귀원 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SE-52] 저궤도지구관측위성용태양전지판전개시험 : 전종협, 은희광, 임종민, 이동우, 문남진, 문귀원 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SE-53] 저궤도지구관측위성용광학탑재체진동환경시험 : 전종협, 은희광, 임종민, 이동우, 문남진, 문귀원 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SE-54] Comparison of Helicity Signs in Interplanetary CMEs and their Solar Source Regions: 조경석, 박성홍, Katsuhide Marubashi( 천문연 ), Nat Gopalswamy, Sachiko Akiyama(NASA), Seiji Yashiro( 천문연 /NASA), 임은경 (Catholic University) [ 포 SE-55] 정지궤도위성의우주방사선환경분석 : 조영준, 이상곤 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SE-56] 실린더모델을이용하여선정한 2000 년도자기구름이벤트리스트 : 최규철 ( 에스이랩 ), 이대영 ( 충북대 ), 이종혁 ( 에스이랩 ), 박영득 ( 천문연 ), 신대윤 ( 기상위성센터 ) [ 포 SE-57] Construction of the image database of Earth's lava caves useful in identifying the lunar caves: 홍익선, 정종일, 손종대, 오수연, 이유 ( 충남대 ) 천문자료처리 [p.88] [ 포 LV-15] KMTNet 자료처리파이프라인개발현황 : 김동진, 이충욱, 김승리, 박병곤 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 LV-16] CTIO 4m SDSS 와 CTIO 1m filter 의투과함수특성및 CTIO 1m Y4KCam 의 crosstalk: 허현오, 임범두, 성환경 ( 세종대 ), Michael S. Bessell(Australian National University) 기타 [p.88-90] [ 포 LV-17] 저궤도위성운용절차등록시스템운영분석 : 강철, 윤석택 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 LV-18] 달탐사를위한 Deep Space 주파수대역성능비교 : 김인규, 문상만 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 LV-19] 실시간다중기준국 GNSS/GPS 반송파미지정수결정기술연구 : 박재익, 이은성, 허문범 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 LV-20] Study on DC-Offset Cancellation in a Direct Conversion Receiver: 박홍원 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 LV-21] 위성비행소프트웨어개발문서작성의자동화를위한 Doxygen 활용방안 : 이재승, 신현규, 최종욱, 천이진 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 LV-22] 다중임무관제를위한국내외관제안테나사이트용위성망통신설계연구 : 현대환, 이명신, 박세철, 양형모, 정대원 ( 항우연 ) 특별세션 [p.90-91] [ 포 KVN-09] Simultaneous observations of SiO and H 2O masers toward OH/IR stars: 조치영 ( 세종대 / 천문연 ), 조세형 ( 천문연 / 연세대 ), 김재헌 ( 연세대 / 천문연 / 경희대 ), 윤동환 ( 천문연 / 서울대 ), 윤영주 ( 천문연 / 연세대 ), 김성은 ( 세종대 ) [ 포 KVN-10] Monitoring of Gamma-ray Bright Quasars 3C279 and 1510-089 at 22, 43 and 86GHz using KVN Single Dish Telescopes: 백준현, 이상성, 변도영, 양지혜, 한명희, 손봉원 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 KVN-11] Monitoring of gamma-ray bright AGN BLLAC and OJ287 with KVN 21m radio telescopes: 한명희, 이상성, 변도영, 양지혜, 백준현, 손봉원 ( 천문연 ) 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 25

포스터발표논문제목및시간표 항성및항성계 [p.91-92] [ 포 ST-12] 삼중성계 FZ Ori 의측광학적해와광시간모형 : 김동빈 ( 충북대 ), 송미화 ( 천문연 ), 정민지, 김천휘 ( 충북대 ) [ 포 ST-13] 38 개의식쌍성의공전주기연구 : 김천휘 ( 충북대 ) [ 포 ST-14] 칼슘및협대역측광관측을이용한구상성단 NGC 6273 의항성종족분석 : 서현주, 한상일, 노동구, 임동욱, 이영욱 ( 연세대 ) [ 포 ST-15] 격변변광성들의적외선광도곡선연구 : 손정주 ( 교원대 ), 성현일, 전영범 ( 천문연 ), Rodolfo. Angeloni (European Southern Observatory), Richard de Grijs (Peking University) [ 포 ST-16] 접촉쌍성 AA UMa 의재검토 : 송미화 ( 충북대 / 천문연 ), 김천휘, 우수완 ( 충북대 ) [ 포 ST-17] Empirical Horizontal-Branch Loci of Galactic Globular Clusters in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: 유혜인, 안덕근 ( 이화여대 ), 정철 ( 연세대 ) [ 포 ST-18] 산개성단 NGC 2420 의측광학적분석 : 이상현, 강용우 ( 천문연 ), 안홍배 ( 부산대 ) 포스터발표 2 부 10 월 18 일 ( 수 ) 14:00 ~ 19 일 ( 목 ) 16:30 궤도 [p.92-93] [ 포 OG-07] 한국형달착륙선의착륙임무시나리오연구 : 강상욱, 최기혁, 심은섭 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 OG-08] Weak Stability Boundary 를이용한지구 - 달천이궤적연구 : 강상욱, 최기혁, 심은섭 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 OG-09] 궤도상위성의광학관측가능성해석을위한궤도전파시뮬레이터개발 : 김재혁 ( 연세대 ), 조중현 ( 천문연 ), 박찬덕, 박상영 ( 연세대 ), 문홍규, 임홍서, 최영준, 최진, 박장현 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 OG-10] 다목적실용위성 3 호초기궤도조정결과분석 : 정옥철, 김동규, 정대원, 김학정 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 OG-11] GMAT 을이용한인공위성임무해석 : 최수진, 김은혁, 주광혁 ( 항우연 ) 우주측지 [p.93-94] [ 포 OG-12] 이동형인공위성레이저추적용광학계개발 : 나자경, 김광동, 장정균, 장비호, 한인우, 한정열, 박귀종, 박찬, 남욱원, 임형철, 박은서, 유성열, 서윤경 ( 천문연 ), 문일권 ( 표준연 ), 강용우 ( 천문연 ) [ 포 OG-13] IGS 전리층보정정보를이용한한반도상공전리층기울기변화분석 : 허윤정, 이은성, 허문범 ( 항우연 ) 발사체 [p.94-96] [ 포 LV-06] 로켓엔진용짐벌마운트개념설계 : 김옥구, 정용현, 박종연 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 LV-07] 우주발사체에적용되는지상엄브리칼체결장치의구성과기능 : 김용욱, 김대래, 이정호, 오승협 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 LV-08] 케로신 / 액체산소다단연소사이클로켓엔진용산화제과잉예연소기기술 : 문일윤, 유재한, 하성업, 문인상, 이수용 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 LV-09] 한국형발사체개발사업을위한 EVMS 적용방안에관한연구 : 서견수, 최영인, 이효영, 홍일희 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 LV-10] 우주발사체개발을위한발사대케이블마스트 (CABLE MAST) 사례조사 : 이정호, 이영호, 김용욱, 오승협 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 LV-11] 우주발사체용추진기관운용개념설계 : 임석희, 정영석, 조규식, 오승협 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 LV-12] 발사체추진기관운용및제어개념 : 정영석, 임석희, 조규식, 오승협 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 LV-13] 액체로켓엔진의발사체장착프로세스 : 정용현, 박순영 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 LV-14] 액체로켓엔진조립장의해외사례 : 정용현, 박순영, 정진택 ( 항우연 ) 위성체 [p.91-110] [ 포 SB-07] 달착륙선지상시험모델통합시험전전장계및소프트웨어계최종점검환경구축 : 구철회, 권재욱, 류동영, 주광혁, 심은섭 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-08] 고기동위성에탑재된 GPS 수신기의궤도상의성능분석 : 권기호 ( 항우연 ), 이상정 ( 충남대 ) [ 포 SB-09] 저궤도위성 S- 밴드안테나의상향링크극성전환기준 : 권동영, 전문진, 이나영, 김대영 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-10] 저궤도위성열진공시험의전자시험설계 : 권동영, 전문진, 이나영, 김대영 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-11] 위성발사당일작업을위한리허설방안 : 김대영, 이나영, 김희섭 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-12] 개선된위성의궤도천이절차 : 김대영, 전문진, 권동영, 김희섭, 김규선 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-13] 저궤도위성지상기능시험결과분석을통한별추적기건정성확인 : 김영윤, 조승원, 허윤구, 채동철, 최종연 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-14] 저궤도위성열진공시스템환경시험후자이로센서결과분석 : 김영윤, 조승원, 허윤구, 채동철, 최종연 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-15] 천리안위성원격측정명령계 RF 부궤도운용시험결과분석 : 김중표, 임원규, 최승운, 유상범, 이상곤 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-16] 거대정지궤도위성형상설계 : 김창호, 김경원, 김선원, 임재혁, 김성훈 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-17] PERT 와 CPM 을이용한인공위성개발프로젝트일정계획에관한연구 : 김형완, 최정수, 박종석 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-18] 검증용위성열모델을이용한위성방열판최적설계 : 김희경 ( 항우연 ), 최성임 ( 과기원 ) [ 포 SB-19] 저궤도위성의초기시스템운영점검 : 김희섭 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-20] 위성영상의위치정확도향상방안및기하보정 : 김희섭, 서두천 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-21] SLAM 기술을활용한외계행성자율주행시스템 26 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문제목및시간표 개념설계 : 문성태, 한상혁, 구철회, 이훈희 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-22] 다목적실용위성 3 호의임무를고려한전력모의실험결과 : 문인호, 박선주, 정옥철, 전문진, 정대원 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-23] 고기동위성지상처리정밀자세결정성능향상 : 박근주, 임조령 ( 항우연 ), 우현욱 ( 세트렉아이 ), 서두천, 이선호, 최홍택 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-24] 객체지향방식의궤도해석프로그램구성 : 박봉규, 최재동 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-25] 다목적실용위성 3 호전력시뮬레이션을위한임무시나리오생성방안연구 : 박선주, 문인호, 정옥철, 전문진 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-26] 발사체별정지궤도복합위성추진제버짓비교연구 : 박응식, 박봉규, 박종석 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-27] 추진계방식에따른정지궤도복합위성의구조설계비교연구 : 박종석, 최정수, 김형완, 최재동, 김창호, 한조영 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-28] 과학기술위성 3 호비행모델기능시험결과 : 박종오, 이성세, 이승헌, 손준원, 이승우 ( 항우연 ), 신구환, 정태진, 서정기, 박홍영 ( 과기원 ) [ 포 SB-29] 과학기술위성 3 호비행모델환경시험결과 : 박종오, 이성세, 이승헌, 손준원, 이승우 ( 항우연 ), 신구환, 정태진, 서정기, 박홍영 ( 과기원 ) [ 포 SB-30] 저궤도인공위성배터리의발사장운용에관한연구 : 박희성, 장진백, 양정환 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-31] 정지궤도복합위성주파수및궤도확보를위한국제등록현황분석 : 백명진 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-32] Radiation 에의한 SEU 오류검출및수정방안소개 : 양승은, 신현규, 최종욱, 천이진 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-33] 인공위성용태양전력조절기의병렬운전을위한전류제어방식 : 양정환, 박희성, 박성우, 장진백, 이상곤 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-34] GEO Satellite Magnetic Momentum Assessment: 양정환, 김의찬, 구자춘, 이상곤 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-35] 자이로바이어스추정값을이용한센서정렬오차확인 : 오시환, 윤석택, 윤형주, 김진희 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-36] 중대형위성의조립및시험을위한기계지상지원장비개발 : 우성현, 김진희 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-37] 위성의일반적인상태정보획득보드의개발 : 원주호, 조영호, 이윤기, 이상곤 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-38] 전장품접속을위한 UART 시리얼버스구현에대한평가 : 원주호, 조영호, 이윤기, 김의찬, 조영준, 이상곤 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-39] 공진형컨버터를이용한위성전력변환장치설계 : 윤석택, 오시환, 김진희 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-40] 저궤도위성전원선확인시험 : 윤영수, 원영진, 김진희 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-41] 위성용광학카메라환경시험용짐발동특성시험 : 은희광, 임종민, 전종협, 문남진, 문귀원 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-42] 저궤도위성의발사체접속관련배터리충전인터페이스설계 : 이나영, 권동영, 전문진, 김대영 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-43] 저궤도위성의열진공시험및발사동안의써미스터데이터처리 : 이나영, 권동영, 전문진, 김대영 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-44] 다목적실용위성 3 호위성상태모니터링시스템 초기운영결과분석 : 이명신, 백현철, 현대환, 정대원 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-45] 저궤도위성용리튬 - 이온배터리의성능확보를위한 Balancing 기법에관한고찰 : 이상록, 임성빈, 전현진 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-46] Thermistor 를이용한저궤도위성용온도모니터링시스템의측정범위개선 : 이상록, 임성빈, 전현진 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-47] 자장센서의지상기능시험데이터분석을통한건전성진단 : 이선호, 김진희 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-48] 과학기술위성 3 호발사인터페이스 : 이성세, 이승우 ( 항우연 ), 신구환, 서정기 ( 과기원 ) [ 포 SB-49] 과학기술위성 3 호사용자를위한관측요청및관측데이터인터페이스 : 이승헌, 손준원, 박종오, 채태병, 안상일, 이승우 ( 항우연 ), 이철 ( 과기원 ) [ 포 SB-50] 과학기술위성 3 호탑재체자료배포를위한영상자료와관제자료결합방법 : 이승헌, 손준원, 박종오, 이승우 ( 항우연 ), 이철 ( 과기원 ) [ 포 SB-51] 저궤도위성에장착된장비들에대한위치정렬해석및측정 : 이원범, 김홍배 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-52] 저궤도위성의질량특성측정시험을통한요구조건검증 : 이원범, 김홍배 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-53] 접이식팽창형안테나고찰 : 이주훈, 심은섭 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-54] 기능성복합재의경량전자장비하우징검증시험 : 이주훈 ( 항우연 ), 장태성 ( 과기원 ), 심은섭 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-55] 상용 PEM 소자의우주환경검증및응용 : 이창호, 이상택, 한동인 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-56] 착륙선용충격완충장치에대한고찰 : 이춘우 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-57] 고장대응훈련을위한시뮬레이터고장발생메커니즘소개 : 이훈희, 구철회, 주광혁 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-58] Range Safety Activities for the Launch of an Earth Observation Satellite: 임정흠 ( 항우연 / 충남대 ) [ 포 SB-59] Launch Site Activities for the Launch of an Earth Observation Satellite: 임정흠 ( 항우연 / 충남대 ) [ 포 SB-60] 정지궤도위성용 ESD 시험장비개발 : 장경덕, 김태윤, 장재웅, 문귀원 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-61] 다목적실용위성 3 호 RFC 시험결과의이론적검증 : 장경덕, 김태윤, 장재웅, 문귀원 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-62] 달착륙선의전력시스템개념설계와지상시험모델용추력기밸브구동 : 장성수, 주광혁 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-63] 궤도상에서의위성태양전력변환장치특성분석 : 장진백 ( 항우연 ), 이상정 ( 충남대 ) [ 포 SB-64] 위성용전력변환장치를위한내부전원회로해석 : 장진백, 양정환 ( 항우연 ), 이상정 ( 충남대 ) [ 포 SB-65] 저궤도위성의궤도특성에따른버스운용고려사항 : 전문진, 김대영, 김규선 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-66] 저궤도위성의태양전지판전개판단 : 전문진, 김대영, 김규선 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-67] TRIO-CINEMA 의시스템 harness: 전제헌, 이효정, 채규성, 선종호, 진호, 이동훈 ( 경희대 ), Robert P. Lin, Thomas Immel(University of California) [ 포 SB-68] 인공위성개발을위한효율적인프로그램검증시스템 : 전현진, 임성빈, 이상록 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-69] 저궤도위성 S 대역송수신기의레인징성능분석 : 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 27

포스터발표논문제목및시간표 조승원, 김영윤, 허윤구, 채동철, 최종연 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-70] 정지궤도위성의원격측정데이터흐름분석사례연구 : 조창권 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-71] 저궤도위성다운링크제어절차 : 채동석, 이재승, 천이진 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-72] 소형경량의위성용초고주파신호분배기개발 : 최승운, 임원규, 김중표, 이상곤 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 SB-73] 차기정지궤도위성태양전지판무중력전개시험장치적합성검토연구 : 최정수, 박종석, 김형완 ( 항우연 ) 탑재체 [p.110-114] [ 포 ID-43] 위성탑재용카메라전자제어기개발 : 공종필, 김영선, 박종억, 용상순 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 ID-44] 위성광학카메라원격명령및상태정보시험소프트웨어설계 : 김영선, 공종필, 박종억, 용상순 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 ID-45] 영상센서별제어시스템특성분석 : 박종억, 공종필, 김영선, 용상순 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 ID-46] 저궤도관측용다중카메라성능및활용분석 : 신상윤, 용상순 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 ID-47] Compound Test 를활용한위성비행소프트웨어의검증 : 신현규, 양승은, 이재승, 천이진 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 ID-48] 해양관측위성 2 호관측계획초기분석결과 : 안기범, 오은송, 조성익, 유주형, 박영제, 안유환 ( 해양과기원 ) [ 포 ID-49] 원격탐사광학탑재체의스캔에의한영상번짐효과분석 : 연정흠, 이응식, 이덕규, 이승훈 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 ID-50] 대구경광학탑재체광구조부의길이안정성측정장치 : 연정흠, 이응식, 장수영, 이덕규 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 ID-51] Research on the Waveform Generator Technology for the SAR Payload: 원영진, 윤영수, 김진희 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 ID-52] 원격탐사위성의탑재체자료전송장치를위한시험검증장비의개발 : 이상택 ( 항우연 ), 진영배 (AP 우주항공 ) [ 포 ID-53] 원격탐사위성의탑재체전송자료검증을위한소프트웨어의개발 : 이상택 ( 항우연 ), 강효원 (AP 우주항공 ) [ 포 ID-54] 달탐사를위한 Hyperspectral Camera / Stereo Imager 인증모델 : 임여명, 민경욱, 임태호, 최연주, 함종욱 ( 과기원 ), 이진근, 김희준 (TERAWAVE), 최영완 ( 세트렉아이 ), 김성수 ( 경희대 ) [ 포 ID-55] 광학탑재체조립시험용짐발장치개발 : 장수영, 연정흠, 이응식, 정대준, 육영춘, 고대호, 김성희, 이덕규, 이승훈 ( 항우연 ) [ 포 ID-56] GEANT4, SPENVIS 를이용한 STEIN 검출기의배경계수예측 : 전종호, 박성하, 김용호, 선종호, 진호, 이동훈 ( 경희대 ), Robert P. Lin( 경희대 /University of California), Thomas Immel(University of California) [ 포 ID-57] 정지궤도위성용해색센서의궤도상복사보정운영현황 : 조성익 ( 해양과기원 / 연세대 ), 오은송, 안기범, 박영제, 안유환, 유주형 ( 해양과기원 ) [ 포 ID-58] 다기능전자광학카메라의지상촬영을통한기능검증 : 허행팔, 용상순 ( 항우연 ) 28 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 Session : 초청강연 Ⅰ 10 월 17 일 ( 수 ) 13:30 14:00 제 1 발표장 [ 구 IT-01] The Square Kilometre Array in Australia Douglas C.-J. Bock The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will be the world s largest and most sensitive radio telescope. It will address a wide range of fundamental questions in physics, astrophysics, cosmology and astrobiology. Australia, one of the two countries selected to host the SKA, has spent several years preparing by opening up the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory (MRO) as a uniquely radio quiet site in Western Australia, and by constructing the world's most powerful radio survey telescope, the Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP). The SKA will be built in two phases. Phase I will include ASKAP, which will use novel phased-array feeds and grow to become "SKA-survey". Phase I will also include a dish array ("SKA-mid") in South Africa and a low-frequency array ("SKA-low") in Australia, and is slated for operation from about 2020. Phase II of the SKA will consist of further expansion of SKA-low and SKA-mid and is due for completion in the middle of the next decade. Session : 외부은하 Ⅰ 10 월 17 일 ( 수 ) 14:30 16:00 제 1 발표장 [ 구 GC-01] HST/WFPC2 Imaging of the Dwarf Satellites And XI and And XIII : HB Morphology and RR Lyraes Soung-Chul Yang 1, and Ata Sarajedini 2 We present a comprehensive study of the stellar populations in two faint M31 dwarf satellites, And XI and And XIII. Using deep archival images from the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) onboard the Hubble Space Telepscope (HST), we characterize the horizontal branch (HB) morphologies and the RR Lyrae (RRL) populations of these two faint dwarf satellites. Our new template light curve fitting routine (RRFIT) detected RRL populations from both galaxies. The mean periods of RR ab (RR0) stars in And XI and And XIII are <P ab>=0.621 ± 0.040, and <P ab> = 0.648 ± 0.038 respectively. Even though the RRL populations show a lack of RR ab stars with high amplitudes (Amp(V) > 1.0 mag) and relatively short periods (P ab 0.5 days), their period - V band amplitude (P-Amp(V)) relations track the lower part of the general P-Amp(V) trend in the M31 outer halo RRL populations. The metallicities of RR ab stars were calculated via the [Fe/H]-log P ab-amp(v) relationship of Alcock et al. The metallicities thus obtained ([Fe/H] And XI=-1.75; [Fe/H] And XIII=-1.74) are consistent with the values calculated from the RGB slope indicating that our measurements are not significantly affected by the evolutionary effects of RRL stars. We discuss the origins of And XI and And XIII based on a comparative analysis of the luminosity- metallicity (L-M) relation of Local Group dwarf galaxies. [ 구 GC-02] Mystery of the Most Isolated Globular Cluster in the Local Universe In Sung Jang, Sungsoon Lim, Hong Soo Park, and Myung Gyoon Lee We present a discovery of two new globular clusters in the Hubble Space Telescope archive images of the M81 group. They are located much farther from both M81 and M82 in the sky, compared with previously known star clusters in these galaxies. Both clusters show that higher luminosity and larger effective radius than typical globular clusters in Milky Way and M81. Using the available spectroscopic data provided by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we derive a low metallicity with [Fe/H] -2.3 and an old age 14 Gyr for GC-2. The I-band magnitude of the tip of the RGB for GC-1 is consistent with that of the halo stars in the GC-1 and GC-2 field. However, that of GC-2 is 0.26 mag fainter than its field. It shows that GC-2 is about 400 kpc behind the M81 halo along our line of sight. The deprojected distance to GC-2 from M81 is much larger than any other known globular clusters in the local universe. We discuss the possible scenarios to explain the existence of globular cluster in such an extremely isolated environment. [ 구 GC-03] Young Stellar Populations in Triangulum Galaxy (M33) Yongbeom Kang 1, Soo-Chang Rey 1, and Luciana Bianchi 2 We present a comprehensive study of star-forming regions and young star clusters in M33. We use GALEX far-uv and near-uv imaging to detect these young stellar populations tracing recent star formation across the disk of M33. The GALEX imaging, combining deep sensitivity and entire coverage of the galaxy, provides a complete view of the recent star formation in M33 and its variation with environment throughout the galaxy. We discuss variation of various properties (e.g., age, mass, spatial distribution) of star-forming regions and young star clusters in M33 which allow to provide constraints of recent star formation history of this galaxy. 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 29

구두발표논문초록 [ 구 GC-04] SMBH Mass Estimate Discrepancy and Its Origin of NGC 6861 Minsung Jang 1,2 and Matt Owers 2 NGC 6861 is the brightest S0 galaxy in the Telescopium group. It has unusually high central stellar velocity dispersion (~400 km/s) and clear rotation (~250 km/s). Considering the well- known M-sigma relation, this large central dispersion implies that the central supermassive black hole (SMBH) has mass comparable to the most massive black holes in the Universe. However, the mass implied by the bulge luminosity-smbh mass relation is an order of magnitude lower than that predicted by the M-sigma relation. In order to determine the origin of this inconsistency, we obtain integral field spectroscopy using the Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS) on the ANU 2.3m telescope. The data are used to map the velocity and velocity dispersion fields which show that our measurements are consistent with those from the other literature. The large field of view the WiFeS observations have allows us to map the kinematics of a much greater portion of NGC 6861 and reveals that the eastern part of the galaxy has higher velocity and dispersion than the rest of halo. We discuss the origin of the unusual fast rotation and the discrepancy of two SMBH mass estimations from three plausible perspectives: 1) the interaction between subgroups of NGC 6861 and its counterpart, NGC 6868; 2) the inhibited growth of the stellar bulge by the AGN activity which leads to an underestimate the SMBH mass when using the bulge luminosity-smbh mass relation; and 3) gas rich minor mergers that could be crucial for increasing both rotation velocity and velocity dispersion during the evolution of NGC 6861. [ 구 GC-05] Diagnostics to Probe Environmental Effects on Late-type Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster Hyein Yoon and Aeree Chung We investigate 53 late-type galaxies in Virgo to get better understanding galaxy evolution driven by environmental effects in the cluster. The goal is to study how galaxies are strongly affected gravitationally by their surroundings and/or how interstellar medium (ISM) of galaxies changes through the interaction with intracluster medium (ICM). To quantify these, a variety of diagnostic methods have been introduced. Our diagnostics have two different perspectives. First, we have carefully examined the morphological and kinematical properties of individual galaxies using high resolution HI images and compared with multi-wavelength data. Based on the visual inspection, we have identified signatures of the interactions with other galaxies or the ICM. Second, we have quantified influence of local environments of individual galaxies using X-ray data and optical catalog of the cluster. By combining all the diagnostics, we have identified the environmental effect(s) at work on individual galaxies. We also probe the environmental processes as a function of the cluster centric distance. Various gravitational interactions are found throughout the cluster, while the ICM-ISM interaction is mainly dominant near the cluster center. However, we find some evidence that galaxies start losing their gas already in the low density outskirts of the cluster. [ 구 GC-06] H 2Formation from HI by the Ram Pressure Eun Jung Chung 1, Sungeun Kim 1, and Aeree Chung 2 Ram pressure is known as one of the most efficient mechanisms to deplete the atomic gas of galaxies in the cluster environment. However, the influence of the ram pressure on the molecular gas is not yet clear. Since the molecular gas resides in the galactic center, thus in the deeper potential well, and has higher surface density than the atomic hydrogen, it has been known as that the molecular gas is not easily affected and/or stripped away by the ICM-ISM interaction. To investigate the influence of the ram pressure on the gas properties of galaxies, we compare HI and 12 CO(J=1-0) distribution of NGC 4654 which is experiencing on-going ram pressure and shows distinct HI, CO, optical, and Hα features due to the ram pressure. We discuss the possibilities of H 2 formation from HI by the ram pressure and also the star formation activities. Session : 학술상 ( 한국천문학회 ) 수상강연 10 월 17 일 ( 수 ) 16:30 17:00 제 1 발표장 [ 초 IT-05] My Research on Galaxies, Large-Scale Structures in the Universe, and Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Changbom Park Exploring the distant universe by observing various astronomical objects and extending knowledge on the cosmos by applying human intuition and reasoning to observations are astronomers' professional activity. stronomers are the people born under a lucky star since this elegant and beautiful job is their the only duty. Being in the 21st century we astronomers now know that galaxies are 30 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 holding evolving stars and gas, and distribute in the infinite spacetime in an interesting way revealing the secrets of the beginning of the universe. Cosmic structures such as galaxies, large-scale structures, and cosmic microwave background fluctuations are also the tracers of the expansion of space and the invisible components of the energy contents of the universe. Unlike the past century we are in a situation where integral knowledge on various cosmic structures as well as that on a variety of observational and analysis tools are available to everyone and often required for our special mission. However, my experience made me think that accumulating critical questions on nature driven by curiosity is vital for researchers and far more important than absorbing knowledge from others and books. Transforming one's own question marks to acclamation marks is the reward of our life. That is THE fun. Session : 태양계 Ⅰ 10 월 17 일 ( 수 ) 14:30 15:45 제 2 발표장 [ 구 SS-01] 편광관측을통한달표면표토의입자크기측정 정민섭 1, 김성수 1, 민경욱 2 달표면표토의평균입자크기와성숙도 (maturity) 는달연구및탐사에있어중요한정보이다. 표토의성숙도는탐사하는지역의형성시기에대한정보를제공하고, 평균입자크기는달탐사로보의설계에중요한정보로쓰이기때문이다. 우리는달표면표토의평균입자크기와성숙도를측정하기위하여경희대학교천문대에서 12cm 굴절망원경과정방형 2k CCD 를이용하여 633 μm파장의편광관측을수행하였다. 관측의공간분해능은달의중심부에서 2.89km/pixel 이다. 달표면에서산란된빛의편광도는달표면표토의평균입자크기를알수있는중요한정보가된다. 표토의평균입자크기는최대편광도와알비도에관계되기때문에편광관측과알비도관측으로부터평균입자크기를측정할수있다. 표토의평균입자크기는시간이지남에따라서점점작아지는데, 이는표토가미세운석체의충돌에오랜시간동안노출되어있기때문이다. 미세운석체의충돌은달표면에서고르고지속적으로일어났기때문에, 표토의평균입자크기를알수있다면표토가얼마나오랫동안달표면에노출되었는지를나타내는성숙도를측정할수있다. 우리는편광관측을통하여처음으로달표면전체의평균입자크기의분포를측정하였고, 그로부터표토의성숙도를추정했다. [ 구 SS-02] 달과화성의토양에서지하깊이에따른고에너지우주선환경영향분석 정종일, 손종대, 이유, 오수연 미국, 중국, 일본, 인도등과같은세계여러국가들이달및화성탐사를수행하고있는현시점에서우리나라도 2025 년에달 탐사를계획하고있다. 인간에게있어서우주공간은고에너지환경의영향을많이받는곳이다. 향후달, 화성과같은다른행성으로의이주를생각하고있는현시점에서우리는고에너지우주방사선환경의영향을고려해야한다. 지구에서의인간은지구자기장과대기에의해고에너지우주선환경으로부터의영향을덜받는다. 그러나달과화성의경우는다르다. 달의대기는거의없고자기장도무시할정도로매우작으며, 화성또한자기장이거의없으며대기또한얇아서 Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) 나 Solar Energetic Proton (SEP) 등으로부터인간은많은영향을받을수있다. 이러한위험으로부터인간이보호받을수있는곳은달과화성의지표아래나동굴이라고볼수있다. 그래서달및화성의표면과지하영역에대한고에너지우주선환경의깊이에따른영향을분석하여어느정도로두터운천장을가진동굴이어야우주인들이상주하는지하공간을지구표면에서의방사선환경과같은수준으로유지할수있는지를추정해보려고한다. 달표면토양의화학적구성성분은 Maria 와 Highlands 로구분되어약간의차이가있다. 달의 Maria 토양은 SiO 2-45.4%, Al 2O 3-14.9%, CaO - 11.8%, FeO - 14.1%, MgO - 9.2%, TiO 2-3.9%, Na 2O - 0.6% 이고 Highlands 의토양은 SiO 2-45.5%, Al 2O 3-24.0%, CaO - 15.9%, FeO - 5.9%, MgO - 7.5%, TiO 2-0.6%, Na 2O - 0.6% 의화학적인구성비를가진다. 또한화성표면은 SiO 2-43.9%, Al 2O 3-8.1%, CaO - 6.0%, FeO - 18.1%, MgO - 7.1%, Na 2O - 1.4% 의토양의화학적인구성비를가지고있다. 이연구에서는이러한구성비를가지고있는달과화성표면에대한우주방사선의영향을분석하기위해서 GEANT4 를사용하여수행한전산모사의결과를발표할것이다. [ 구 SS-03] Analysis of landing site for lander and rover on Moon and Mars Haingja Seo, Eojin Kim, Joo Hyeon Kim, Joo Hee Lee, Gihyuk Choi, and Eun-Sup Sim Moon and Mars have been explored by landers and rovers. Apollo missions landed five times on Lunar surface, and various rovers, including Curiosity landed and explored Mars. The selection of landing site have to be considered engineering and scientific side: the landing site to be available to land stably? the obstacle is not around the rover such as rocks and pothole? the landing site is valuable with scientific? And then landing site have to be the place which is satisfied two objects. We search the information about landing sites of Moon and Mars, and compile the conditions of landing sites. We expect that these data are useful when the landing site of Moon or Mars for Korean mission is selected. [ 구 SS-04] Analysis of Martian topside ionospheric data obtained from Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding onboard Mars Express Eojin Kim, Haingja Seo, Joo Hyeon Kim, Joo Hee Lee, Gihyuk Choi, and Eun-Sup Sim 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 31

구두발표논문초록 The upper ionosphere of Mars has been explored by many spacecraft like Mariners, Mars, Viking, and recently by MGS and MEX. MARSIS (Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding) aboard Mars Express Orbiter is operating from August 2005. MARSIS provides topside ionospheric traces, of which yield electron density profiles for altitudes above the primary ionospheric peak. A large amounts of data is useful for investigation of the Martian ionospheric environments under the changing conditions like solar activity, seasons, and solar zenith angle. We studied the characteristics of the Martian ionosphere through analysis of MARSIS data in the various conditions. We expect that our results contribute for understanding of the Martian ionospheric environment. [ 구 SS-05] High resolution imagings of the Gegenschein with WIZARD Hongu Yang 1, Masateru Ishiguro 1, and Suk Minn Kwon 2 The Gegenschein is a faint glow around the anti-solar point caused by the interplanetary dust particle(idp) s back-scattering enhancement. From the previous low resolution observations, the overall morphology of the Gegenschein has been intensively studied. However, sub-degree scale fine structure of the Gegenschein is still not well known, even though the detailed morphology of the Gegenschein within a few degree from the anti-solar point may supply pivotal information about the property of the IDPs. We made optical CCD observations of the Gegenschein between 2003 March and 2006 November. From the observations, we succeeded in making high resolution images of the Gegenschein, with unprecedented 1. 4 resolution. Our results concur with IDP cloud model based on the infrared observations combined with scattering phase function derived from low resolution data. The only exception is the anti-solar point. We found a steep additional brightness enhancement existing at the exact anti-solar point. Plausible explanation of the finding is that the IDPs are significantly larger than observing wavelength, and have irregular morphology or inhomogeneous internal structure. Furthermore, we measured average geometric albedo of the IDPs from the optical brightness of the anti-solar point. The geometric albedo was 0.06±0.01, similar to those of comets or C-type asteroids. Session : 항성및항성계 Ⅰ 10 월 17 일 ( 수 ) 14:30 15:45 제 3 발표장 [ 구 ST-01] Stellar surface gravity extracted from Wilson-Bappu effect Sun-kyung Park 1, Wonseok Kang 1, Jeong-Eun Lee 1, and Sang-Gak Lee 2 Wilson and Bappu (1957) found a significant relationship (WBR) between the absolute magnitude (M v) and the width of the Ca II K emission line (W) for late type stars. In this study, we revisit the WBR to claim that WBR can be an excellent indicator of stellar surface gravity. We analyze 95 high-resolution spectra of G, K and M type stars obtained with UVES and BOES. WBR found in this work is M v = 34.22-18.34logW. In addition, stellar atmospheric parameters (T eff, logg, [Fe/H], ξ tur) are determined with the MOOG code and the Kurucz ATLAS9 model grids for G and K type stars. For M type stars, the method of Belle et al. (1999) is used to derive effective temperature which shows good agreement with other methods. Using the derived T eff and the measured logw, we find the relationship between logg and [logw, logt]; logg fit = -25.051-5.527logW + 10.254logT eff. This relation can be applied to estimate the surface gravity of M type stars, which is difficult to be determined by other methods. [ 구 ST-02] The Effects of Nitrogen and Oxygen Abundance Variations on The Evolutionary Tracks of Low-Mass Stars Chongsam Na 1,2, Young-Wook Lee 1,2, Sang-il Han 1,2, Kiehunn Bach 1, and Yong-Cheol Kim 1 Recent observations show that there are variations in light elements, such as C, N, O, and Na, between the sub-populations in most globular clusters in the Milky Way. In order to investigate their effects on the evolution of stars in globular clusters, we constructed new sets of isochrones and horizontal branch evolutionary tracks under different assumptions as to the abundance of N and O ([N/Fe] and [O/Fe], respectively). In this talk, we will present our preliminary results from these calculations. [ 구 ST-03] OH, SiO and H 2O maser emission in O-rich AGB stars Young-Joo Kwon and Kyung-Won Suh We investigate properties of maser emission for 3373 O-rich AGB stars. We divide the sample stars into four different groups whether they were detected by OH, SiO and H 2O maser emission or not. To understand the nature of the 32 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 maser sources, we present various infrared two-color diagrams (2CDs) using IRAS, near infrared and AKARI data. For each group, we compare the positions on the various infrared 2CDs with theoretical models. We find that OH maser sources generally show higher color indices and larger dust optical depths than SiO or H 2O maser sources. This could be due to differences of the mass-loss rates and/or variability which may influence the maser pumping mechanisms. [ 구 ST-04] IRAS 09425-6040: A Silicate Carbon Star with Crystalline Dust Kyung-Won Suh and Young-Joo Kwon The silicate carbon star IRAS 09425-6040 shows very conspicuous crystalline silicate dust features and excessive emission at far infrared. To investigate properties of dusty envelopes around the object, we use radiative transfer models for axisymmetric and sphericallly symmetric dust distributions. We perform model calculations for various possible combinations of dust shells and disks with various dust species. We compare the model results with the observed spectral energy distributions (SEDs) including the IRAS, ISO, AKARI, MSX and 2MASS data. We find that a model with multiple disks of amorphous and crystalline silicate and multiple spherical shells of carbon dust can reproduce the observed SED fairly well. This supports the scenario for the origin of silicate carbon stars that oxygen-rich material was shed by mass loss when the primary star was an M giant and the O-rich material is stored in a circumbinary disk. Highly (about 75%) crystallized forsterite dust in the disk can reproduce the conspicuous crystalline features of the ISO observational data. This object looks to have a detached silicate and H 2O ice shell with a much higher mass-loss rate. It could be a remnant of the chemical transition phase. The last phase of stellar winds of O-rich materials looks to be a superwind. [ 구 ST-05] Identification and spectral analysis of the CIBER/LRS detected stars MinGyu Kim 1, T. Matsumoto 1,2, Hyung Mok Lee 1, T. Arai 2, J. Battle 3, J. Bock 3,4, S. Brown 5, A. Cooray 6, V. Hristov 4, B. Keating 6, P. Korngut 3,4, Dae-Hee Lee 7, L. R. Levenson 4, K. Lykke 5, P. Mason 4, S. Matsuura 2, U. W. Nam 7, T. Renbarger 6, A. Smith 5, I. Sullivan 4, T. Wada 2, Woong-Seob Jeong 7, and M. Zemcov 3,4 CIBER (Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment) is a sounding-rocket borne experiment which is designed to find the evidence of the First stars (Pop.III stars) in the universe. They are expected to be formed between the recombination era at z ~ 1100 and the most distant quasar (z ~ 8). They have never been directly detected due to its faintness so far, but can be observed as a background radiation at around 1μm which is called the Cosmic Near-Infrared Background (CNB). The CIBER is successfully launched on July 10, 2010 at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, USA. It consists of three kinds of instruments. One of them is a LRS (Low Resolution Spectrometer) which is a refractive telescope of 5.5 cm aperture with spectral resolution of 20 ~ 30 and wavelength coverage of 0.7 to 2.0μm to measure the spectrum of the CNB. Since LRS detects not only CNB but also stellar components, we can study their spectral features with the broad band advantage especially at around 1μm which is difficult at ground observations because of the atmospheric absorption by water vapor. I identified around 300 stars from observed six fields. If we can classify their spectral types with SED fitting, we can study their physical conditions of the stellar atmosphere as well as making a stellar catalogue of continuous stellar spectrum. Session : 관측기기및탑재체 Ⅰ 10 월 17 일 ( 수 ) 14:30 16:00 제 4 발표장 [ 구 ID-01] 외계행성탐색시스템개발사업현황 김승리, 이충욱, 박병곤, 차상목, 이재우, 이병철, 김동진, 이용석, 구재림 한국천문연구원에서는 2009 년부터외계행성탐색시스템 (KMTNet; Korea Microlensing Telescope Network) 개발사업을수행하고있다. 이사업에서는중력렌즈방법이나별표면통과 (Transit) 방법으로외계행성을탐색하기위하여, 1.6m 광학망원경과 3.4 억화소의모자이크 CCD 카메라로구성된 2 도 x2 도의광시야관측시스템을제작하고있다. 이시스템은 2014 년까지남반구의칠레 CTIO(1 호기 ), 남아공화국 SAAO(2 호기 ), 호주 SSO(3 호기 ) 에설치될예정이다. 우리은하벌지영역을 24 시간연속모니터링관측하여외계행성과변광천체를탐색하는것이핵심연구주제이다. 광시야망원경 1 호기는미국 Tucson 에건설된관측시설 Prototype 에설치하여공장시험을수행하고있다. 망원경의지향 (pointing) 정밀도와 Lucky Imaging 방법을이용하여얻은광시야광학계성능등공장시험결과를보고할것이다. 또한핵심연구주제이외의관측시간을활용할 2 차연구주제를공모하여심사한결과를제시할것이다. 아울러모자이크 CCD 카메라제작, 남반구관측소설치준비, 대용량자료처리시스템개발, 남반구관측소운영계획등전반적인사업현황과계획을발표할것이다. [ 구 ID-02] IGRINS 광학모듈의온도및진공환경변화에따른광학적특성 고경연 1, 한정열 1, 오희영 1, 나자경 1, 육인수 1,2, 박찬 1, 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 33

구두발표논문초록 이성호 1, 천무영 1, Dan Jaffe 2 IGRINS 는 R=40,000 의해상도를가지고 130K 의저온과진공환경에서, 한번에 H 와 K 밴드영역을동시에관측할수있도록설계된적외선분광기이다. 이분광기에는망원경초점을슬릿에전달하는 IO (Input relay Optics) 모듈과슬릿을이미징하는 SVC (Slit Viewing Camera) 모듈등 2 개의광학모듈이있다. 광학모듈은상온및저온 (130K) 등온도변화와진공및비진공등환경의변화를겪게되는데, 이과정에서변화하는광학성능을시뮬레이션과실험결과로추적하였다. 시뮬레이션은 ZEMAX 소프트웨어를사용하였고, 간섭계는 Phasecam 5030 을사용하였으며, IGRINS test dewar 내에모듈을설치하여 1,000 class 급청정도환경에서 WFE 를측정하였다. Test dewar 는빛이통과할수있는 2 개의윈도우가있는데, 윈도우는 test dewar 내부와외부의진공및온도등환경변화에따라물리적인변화가발생하여최종 WFE 값에영향을준다. 이연구에서는 IGRINS 광학모듈이진공및냉각상태에서 WFE 가변화하는양상을살펴봄으로써, 환경변화에따른광학적효과를정량적으로살펴본결과를소개할것이며, 이결과는 IGRINS 전체광학계의조립및정렬시환경변화의효과를미리예측할수있도록하는자료로활용될것이다. [ 구 ID-03] Ray tracing simulation of SCOTS test for GMT secondary mirror Ki-Won Kim 1, Sug-Whan Kim 1,2, and Young-Soo Kim 2 We present SCOTS test simulation for on axis segment of the GMT secondary mirror that is ellipsoidal shape surface of 1.064m in diameter, 4.166747m in radius of curvature, 0.7154 in conic constant and 18.023μm P-V in asphericity. SCOTS test comprises a screen(diffusing sinusoidal fringe source), test surface(gmt secondary mirror), and a camera(ccd detector). We report ray tracing simulation result that is distorted sinusoidal fringe pattern detected at the camera. This simulation is to be used for analysis of experimental design, sensitivity from uncertainty, errors on fabrication and design. [ 구 ID-04] SPICA 탑재용근적외선카메라 FPC 개발현황 이대희, 정웅섭, 한원용, 문봉곤, 박영식, 박귀종, 남욱원, 표정현, 이덕행, 박원기, 김일중, Toshio Matsumoto 소시움에서개발을추진하고있는정밀근적외선카메라이다. FPC 는과학적목적을위한 FPC-S 와정밀자세결정을위한 FPC-G 로이루어져있으며관측파장대역은 0.7-5 um 이다. FPC-G 는 0.05 각초의초정밀자세결정을위한기능을갖추고있으며, FPC-S 는선형변화필터 LVF(Linear Variable Filter) 등을사용하여 Pop III stars, High-redshift 영역에서의별탄생및은하진화과정에대한연구를수행할수있다. FPC 는상대적으로시스템자원을덜소모하기때문에, 다른중적외선원적외선기기와동시관측이가능하다. 다른기기들과의잘짜여진협력관측을통하여, FPC 의활용도를높일계획이다. [ 구 ID-05] 과학기술위성 3 호주탑재체 MIRIS 의비행모델우주환경시험 문봉곤 1, 박영식 1, 박귀종 1, 이덕행 1,2, 이대희 1, 정웅섭 1, 남욱원 1, 박원기 1, 김일중 1, 차원호 3, 신구환 3, 이상현 3, 서정기 3, 박종오 4, 이승우 4, 한원용 1 러시아발사체드네프르에의해발사될과학기술위성 3 호의주탑재체다목적적외선영상시스템, MIRIS (Multipurpose InfraRed Imaging System) 는한국천문연구원에서주관하여개발되었다. 그구성카메라인 EOC (Earth Observation Camera) 는한반도재난감시를수행하고, SOC (Space Observation Camera) 는우리은하평면의근적외선서베이관측을통해 360 x6 Paschenα 방출선지도를작성하고 I, H 밴드필터를이용해서황도남북극에대한적외선우주배경복사를관측한다. MIRIS 비행모델이제작완료되었고, 그구성기기인 SOC, EOC, 전장박스에대한최종우주환경시험을수행하였다. 과학기술위성 3 호의비행모델우주환경시험은진동시험과열진공시험으로이뤄지며, 그시험규격은문서에규정된 Acceptance Level 로수행된다. 충격시험은공학인증모델을통해검증되었다. 열진공시험은한국천문연구원에서수행되었으며, 진동시험은한국과학기술원인공위성센터에서수행되었다. 또한전체위성이조립된후과학기술위성 3 호의열진공시험은한국항공우주연구원에서수행되었다. 이발표에서는 MIRIS 비행모델에대한환경시험과정및결과를보고하고, 과학기술위성이전체적으로조립된후의 MIRIS 진동및열진공시험결과도함께논의한다. [ 구 ID-06] Progress Report on Development of the MIRIS, the Main Payload of STSAT-3 Youngsik Park 1, Wonyong Han 1,2, Dae-Hee Lee 1, Woong-Seob Jeong 1, Bongkon Moon 1, Kwijong Park 1, Jeonghyun Pyo 1, Duk-Hang Lee 1,2, Uk-Won Nam 1, Jang-HyunPark 1, Kwang-Il Seon 1, SunChoel Yang 3, Jong-Oh Park 4, Seung-Wu Rhee 4, Hyung Mok Lee 5, and Toshio Matsumoto 6,7 FPC(Fine-guiding and astrophysics Camera) 는일본 ISAS/ JAXA, 유럽 ESA 에서공동개발하는대형적외선우주망원경 SPICA(Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics) 에탑재하기위하여천문연이주도하는한국의컨 MIRIS (Multipurpose Infra-Red Imaging System), the main payload of STSAT-3 (Science and Technology Satellite-3), is the first Korean Infrared Space Telescope developed by KASI (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute). The 34 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 FM (fight model) of MIRIS has been recently completed, and various performance tests have been made to measure system parameters such as readout noise, system gain, linearity, and dark current. The MIRIS FM has been integrated to the satellite system for the environment tests scheduled in September 2012. The MIRIS is expected to be launched in November 2012. Session : 국제세션 Ⅰ 10 월 17 일 ( 수 ) 13:30 14:50 제 5 발표장 [ 초 OLY-01] Astronomy Outreach Activities in China Ziping Zhang [ 초 OLY-02] Astronomy: Bangladesh Mohakash Milan [ 초 OLY-03] Instruments in Education and Popularization of Astronomy in Indonesia Hakim L. Malasan [ 초 OLY-04] Astronomy Education in Cambodia Chan Oeurn Chey Session : 고천문학및교육홍보 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 09:00 10:30 제 1 발표장 [ 구 EP-01] 홍대용혼상의 ( 渾象儀 ) 의복원연구 : 구조와작동메커니즘을중심으로 김상혁 1, 이용삼 2,3, 박제훈 2 홍대용 (1731~1783) 이저술한 담헌서 ( 湛軒書 ) 외집권 6 의 < 주해수용 ( 籌解需用 )> 에는수격식천문시계인혼상의 ( 渾象儀 ) 에대한기록이나온다. 우리는홍대용혼상의에대한구조와작동메커니즘에대한연구를통해복원모델의개념설계를진행하였다. 혼상의는 3 개의환 ( 環 ) 과 2 개의층 ( 層 ) 으로되어있다. 외층에해당하는환구조는자신이제작한혼천의인통천의 ( 統天儀 ) 구조와유사하다. 내층에해당되는혼상구에는별자리와은하수를그려넣고, 태양과달의모습을구슬형태로매달아천상의운행모습을구현하였다. 통천의는추동력으로운행되며, 혼상의는물에의한수격방식으로운행된다. 홍대용의수격방식은조선에서전통적으로사용한동력체계로중국의대표적천문시계인수운의상대의동력체계를간소화시켰다. 혼상의에대한기록은조선시대수격식동력체계를다룬거의유일한문헌기록으로수격식작동메커니즘연구에중요한단서를제공해주고있다. [ 구 EP-02] 남병길의성경 ( 星鏡 ) 별자리를활용한혼상 ( 渾象 ) 제작 함선영 1,2, 김상혁 1, 이용삼 2,3 조선 ( 朝鮮 ) 의혼상 ( 渾象 ) 은세종대 ( 世宗代, 1418 1450) 에처음제작되었다. 그후중종대 ( 中宗代, 1506 1544) 와명종대 ( 明宗代, 1545 1567) 에이를보수를하고, 선조대 ( 宣祖代, 1567 1608) 에중수되었으나현존하지않고있다. 민간에서제작한혼상은 16 세기에만든도산서원의혼상유물이유일한것이다. 그후 18 세기에만들어진홍대용 ( 洪大容, 1731 1783) 의혼상의 ( 渾象儀 ) 는문헌으로만전해지고있다. 17 세기이전에만들어진혼상은구법 ( 舊法 ) 천문도에의해만들어졌지만, 17 세기이후에는서양과학의유입으로신법 ( 新法 ) 의별자리를사용하고있다. 중국과일본의현존하는혼상유물중에는신법별자리로표기되어있으며, 조선후기조선의유물가운데평혼의 ( 平渾儀 ) 유물은신법의별자리를활용하고있다. 최근국내에서복원한혼상들은구법천문도로제작되어왔다. 이연구에서는 1861 년남병길 ( 南秉吉, 1820 1869) 이저술한조선의신법을대표할수있는성표 ( 星表 ) 인 성경 ( 星鏡 ) 의별자리를활용하여혼상을제작하였다. 혼상구 ( 渾象球 ) 에는적도좌표 ( 赤道座標 ) 와황도좌표 ( 黃道座標 ) 를함께표기한경선 ( 經線 ) 과위선 ( 緯線 ) 을각각 30 간격으로표기하였다. 또한적도환 ( 赤道環 ) 에는 12 궁 ( 宮 ) 을표기하였고, 황도환 ( 黃道環 ) 에는 15 간격으로 24 기 ( 氣 ) 를표기하였다. 별을표기할때성경에제시한밝기와같이 6 등급으로나누어별의크기를제작하였다. 남병길의 성경 별자리를활용한혼상제작으로신법별자리의천상 ( 天象 ) 에대한이해와연구모델로활용할수있게되었다. [ 구 EP-03] 간의대복원을위한외형연구및복원모델제시 이민수 1, 전준혁 1, 김상혁 2, 이용삼 1 세종대간의대 ( 簡儀臺 ) 는우리나라역사상가장대규모로수행된천문관련국책사업의일환으로축조된조선시대의국립천문대이다. 지금까지세종대간의대에대한선행연구는주로궁내위치및변화, 개보수상황및중수여부, 규모와관련한주척 ( 周尺 ) 또는영조척 ( 營造尺 ) 에대한논의등에천착하고있으나간의대의외형, 구조, 기능, 역할등에대한연구는미진한편이다. 이중간의대의외형에대한선행연구들에서는원대 ( 元代 ) 북경사천대 ( 北京司天臺, 1279 년전후축조 ) 또는명대 ( 明代 ) 북경관성대 ( 北京觀星臺, 1442 년축조, 現古觀象臺 ) 등을간의대의원형으로추정하고있다. 이연구에서는간의대복원을위하여외형에대한재해석을시도하였으며, 이를위하여 1997 년소더비 (Sotheby) 경매출품본 경복궁도 ( 景福宮圖 ) 를비롯한각종경복궁궁궐도 ( 宮闕圖 ) 를분석하였다. 또한구조와축조방식의규명을위하여제단 ( 祭壇 ) 등의각종석축물 ( 石築物 ) 을분석하였으며, 이와함께 조선왕조실록 을비롯한각종사료 ( 史料 ) 에대한조사를병행하였다. 이와같은연구를통하여원대북경사천대또는명대북경관성대와는다른세종대간의대의독자적인모델을제시하였다. 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 35

구두발표논문초록 [ 구 EP-04] 삼복의결정법과역사 민병희 1, 이기원 2, 최고은 1, 안영숙 1 삼복 ( 三伏 ; 초복, 중복, 말복 ) 은한국의전통적인세시풍속이면서오늘날에도널리알려져있는잡절중의하나이다. 한국천문연구원에서매년발간하는역서나 1900 년부터 2100 년까지의역일자료를계산한 만세력 에도삼복일자를표시하고있다. 이논문에서는역관련자료들을분석하여조선시대삼복일자의결정법에대하여연구하였다. 현재규장각에소장되어있는 작력식 ( 作曆式 ), 증보작력식 ( 增補作曆式 ) 에의하면초복과중복은하지로부터각각 3 번째, 4 번째경일 ( 庚日 ), 말복은입추로부터 1 번째경일이며, 만일하지가경일인경우에는하지일로부터 3 번째경일을초복으로, 입추가경일인경우에는입추시각이오전인경우그날을말복으로오후인경우다음경일을말복으로한다고되어있다. 먼저하지나입추가경일이되는해를분석한결과일반적으로하지시각이오전인해의 2 년후에는시각이오후인해가있었고, 19 년후에다시하지시각이오전인해가돌아옴을알수있었다. 그러나종종 2+19 년주기가아닌 2+17 년주기로나타나는경우도있었다. 삼복일자와관련하여서는적어도 1752 년 ( 정조 22) 이후부터는 증보작력식 의삼복결정법이사용되었음을확인할수있었다. 그러나일제강점기에편찬된 1930 년의역서를제외하고는 1861 년 ( 철종 12) 이후부터는남병길의 추보첩례 ( 推步妾例 ) 에따라입추시각에무관하게그날이경일이면말복으로하였음을알수있었다. 현재에는삼복결정법에대한법적규정이없이 추보첩례 ( 推步妾例 ) 의방법이사용되고있다. [ 구 EP-05] 소형망원경을이용한천체의분광관측과교육적활용 송인옥 1, 백창현 2, 이정주 3, 황인준 4 국내의교육기관에서는망원경과검출장비의한계로천체의측광관측에중점을둔실험교육을하고있으며천체의물리, 화학적특성을이해하는데필수적인천체분광실험교육은원활하지못한상황이다. 천체분광실험교육을위하여과학교육용실험장비인랩주니어 (Lab-Junior) 를이용하여소형망원경으로도천체의스펙트럼을얻을수있는어댑터를개발하였다. 5 인치망원경에랩주니어장비를장착하여달과행성의태양반사스펙트럼을얻을수있었고 12 인치망원경에장착하여데네브 (deneb) 같은밝은천체의스펙트럼을얻을수있었다. 이발표에서는랩주니어를이용하여관측된스펙트럼데이터를분석해보고학교현장에서교육적활용방안을소개하고자한다. 개발된장비를활용한다면고가의분광장치가없는학교나천문교육시설에서도손쉽게천체분광실험교육프로그램을운영할수있을것이다. [ 구 EP-06] KMTNet 프로젝트의교육적활용 백창현 1, 박병곤 2, 김승리 2, 이충욱 2, 이재우 2, 이동주 2, 이강환 3, 박순창 4 NASA 는지난 15 년간주요과학미션비용의약 1% 를교육과 public outreach 에투자했으며 NSF 천문학분야연구비의약 6% 이상이교육과특별활동에사용되고있다는보고가있다. 국내천문학연구프로젝트에서도교육및 public outreach 에대한예산할당과프로젝트의교육적활용및대국민홍보활동을위한구체적인연구가필요한상황이다. 이번연구에서는국내천문학연구프로젝트의교육적활용을위하여 1)NASA 의과학미션과관련된교육자가이드들을사례조사하였고, 2) 사례조사결과와 2007 개정과학과교육과정을고려하여 KMTNet 프로젝트의교육자가이드를 e-book 형태로개발하였다. 이번발표에서는개발된교육자가이드의배포및활용방안과국내에서수행중인천문학프로젝트 (KVN, GMT, SKA, ALMA 등 ) 들의교육자가이드제작을위한사업방안을소개하고산업체, 학교, 연구기관에종사하는분야별전문가들로부터다양한의견을청취하고자한다. Session : 외부은하 Ⅱ 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 11:00 12:00 제 1 발표장 [ 구 GC-07] Local Hα Emitters: Low-z Analogs of z>4 Star-Forming Galaxies Hyunjin Shim 1 and Ranga-Ram Chary 2 We have identified local analogs of strong Hα Emitters (HAEs) that dominate the z~4 Lyman-break galaxy population using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). At z<0.4, only 0.04% of galaxies are classified as HAEs with Hα equivalent width larger than 500A, comparable to that of z~4 HAEs. The Hα-to-UV luminosity ratio of local HAEs is consistent with that of z~4 HAEs, indicating relatively large specific star formation rate in these galaxies compared to traditionally studied UV-selected Lyman break analogs. Local HAEs are young, less evolved galaxies with low metallicity. It is still difficult to constrain whether the star formation in local HAEs is powered by minor mergers or by cosmological cold gas accretion. However, the stacked optical spectrum of local HAEs shows several strong ionization lines, for example HeII 4686 emission line, which are shown in Wolf-Rayet galaxies. Thus it is highly likely that local HAEs are galaxies with an elevated ionization parameter, either due to a high electron density or large escape fraction of hydrogen ionizing photons. [ 구 GC-08] Searching for Fly-by Encounters of Galaxies in Cosmological Simulations Sung-Ho Ahn 1, Jeonghwan Kim 1, Kiyun Yun 1, Juhan Kim 2, and Suk-Jin Yoon 1 36 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 Fly-by interactions of galaxies are hidden drivers of galaxy evolution: The impulsive encounters are by far more frequent than and thus as important as direct mergers, yet hard to identify observationally. Here we present the key characteristics of fly-bys that are examined theoretically via cosmological N-body simulations. In particular, we use the simulations generated by a particle-mesh tree code, GOTPM, and investigate the statistics of galactic fly-by interactions, which are defined by the total energy of two halos of interest being positive and their minimum distances escaping mergers. We discuss (1) the rate of fly-by interactions (the Fly-by Rate, R f)asfunctionsof(a) redshifts, (b) halo masses and mass ratios, and (c) environments, and (2) their impact on galaxy evolution in terms of morphology and star-formation rate, in comparison to that of direct mergers. [ 구 GC-09] On the origin of post-merger features in galaxy clusters Hoseung Choi and Sukyoung Yi Sheen et al. 2012 reported a high fraction of galaxies with post-merger features in clusters. The fraction is much higher than what analytic calculation predicts based on the fact that subhalos inside galaxy clusters have high relative velocities. In this study, we aim to address the origin of the post-merger features and to draw an implication for the assembly history of the cluster galaxies. We have performed high-resolution hydrodynamic zoom-in simulations on a cluster of ~10 15 M using the publicly available Adaptive Mesh Refinements (AMR) code, RAMSES. From the simulations, we have constructed mock images of cluster galaxies taking into account age, metallicity, mass of stellar populations and extinction. The mock images enable us to directly compare the simulation result with deep observation data of cluster galaxies. We discuss possible scenarios for the origin of the post-merger features. We also discuss caveats and future perspectives from the study. [ 구 GC-10] Strong Accretion Shock Waves in Cluster Outskirts and Possibility of Cosmic-Ray Population Inversion Sungwook E. Hong 1,Dongsu Ryu 1, and Hyesung Kang 2 We analyzed the properties of shock waves in galaxy clusters, by using the data of simulations for the large-scale structure of the universe with the spatial resolution of up to 25 kpc/h. In a substantial fraction of clusters, we found that strong shocks with Mach number of several or larger exist in outskirts within the virial radius. They are produced by the accretion of warm gas flowing from filaments to clusters, and generate large cosmic-ray fluxes. The cosmic rays advect into cluster cores, but may temporally induce the population inversion, that is, larger population at larger radius, suggested by recent radio and γ-ray observations. Session : 초청강연 Ⅱ 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 14:00 14:30 제 1 발표장 [ 초 IT-02] Supernova Remnants, Supernovae, and Their Progenitors Bon-Chul Koo Supernova remnants (SNRs) are beautiful and diverse. Individual SNRs have their own distinctive features. The morphology and physical characteristics of young SNRs result from the interaction of supernova (SN) ejecta with circumstellar medium, while those of old SNRs result from the interaction of SN blast wave with the interstellar medium. The diversity of SNRs reflects different types of SN and the broad physical conditions in their environments, which are ultimately related to the formation and evolutionary history of progenitor stars. The importance of SNe and SNRs as the sources of heavy elements, cosmic rays, dusts, hot coronal gases, and interstellar turbulences depends on their types and environments. In this talk, I discuss the connections among SNRs, SNe, and their progenitors, and the consequences on the characteristics and astrophysical roles of SNRs. Session : 외부은하 Ⅲ 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 15:00 16:30 제 1 발표장 [ 구 GC-11] Gaseous Structures in Barred Galaxies: Effects of the Bar Strength Woong-Tae Kim, Woo-Young Seo, and Yonghwi Kim We use hydrodynamic simulations to study the physical properties of gaseous structures in barred galaxies and their relationships with the bar strength. We vary the bar mass f bar relative to the spheroidal component as well as its aspect ratio. We derive expressions for the bar strength Q b and the radius where the maximum bar torque occurs. When applied to observations, these expressions suggest that bars in real galaxies are most likely to have f bar = 0.25-0.5. Dust lanes approximately follow one of x1-orbits and tend to be more 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 37

구두발표논문초록 straight under a stronger and more elongated bar. A nuclear ring of a conventional x2 type forms only when the bar is not so massive or elongated. The radius of an x2-type ring is generally smaller than the inner Lindblad resonance, decreases systematically with increasing Q b, evidencing that the ring position is not determined by the resonance but by the bar strength. Nuclear spirals exist only when the ring is of the x2-type and sufficiently large in size. Unlike the other features, nuclear spirals are transient in that they start out as being tightly-wound and weak, and then due to the nonlinear effect unwind and become stronger until turning into shocks, with an unwinding rate higher for larger Q b. [ 구 GC-12] ON THE ASSEMBLY HISTORY OF STELLAR COMPONENTS IN MASSIVE GALAXIES Jaehyun Lee and Sukyoung K. Yi Matusoka & Kawara (2010) showed that the number density of the most massive galaxies (log M/M =11.5 12.0) increases faster than that of the next massive group (log M/M =11.0 11.5) during 0 < z < 1. This appears to be in contradiction to another important empirical concept of downsizing. We attempt to understand the two observational findings in the context of the hierarchical merger paradigm using semi-analytic techniques. Our models closely reproduce the result of Matusoka & Kawara (2010). Downsizing can also be understood as larger galaxies have on average smaller assembly ages but larger stellar ages. Our fiducial models further reveal the details on the history of stellar mass growth of massive galaxies. The most massive galaxies (log M/M =11.5 12.0 at z=0), which are mostly brightest cluster galaxies, obtain roughly 70% of their stellar components via merger accretion. The role of merger accretion monotonically declines with galaxy mass: 45% for log M/M =11.0 11.5 and 20% for log M/M =10.5 11.0 at z = 0. The specific accreted stellar mass rates via galaxy mergers decline very slowly during the whole redshift range, while the specific star formation rates sharply decrease with time. In the case of the most massive galaxies, merger accretion becomes the most important channel for the stellar mass growth at z 2. On the other hand, in-situ star formation is always the dominant channel in the L galaxies. [ 구 GC-13] The Spitzer First Look survey Verification Field : Deep Radio and multi-wavelength properties Kihun Kim 1, Sungeun Kim 1, Min S. Yun 2, Hansung Gim 2, and Yonhwa Kim 1 We observed the radio sources found from the First Look Survey (FLS) field at the 1.4 GHz radio continuum emission with the Very Large Array (VLA) using the A configuration. We identify point sources and multi component sources at 4σ level. We also present the submillimeter properties of the selected radio sources in the FLS field from the Herschel/SPIRE 250/350/500/ μm and AzTEC 1.1mm surveys. The counterparts of the radio sources at submillimeter for these called submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) are detected at infrared wavelength with the Spitzer MIPS 24 & 70 μm sources. Based on the MMT/HECTOSPEC red-shift survey, IRS spectroscopy, and SDSS photometric red-shift survey, the radio sources are likely to be the extragalactic sources. Here, we use the star formation rate (SFR) derived from the MIPS 24 and 70 μm luminosity to compare the measured SFR from the VLA 1.4 GHz luminosity. These results show that a tight correlation between the SFR from the radio luminosity and the MIPS 24 μm rather than that from the MIPS 70 μm luminosity. Radio and IR correlation is also used to indicate the radio and IR properties of star-formation in the galaxies and active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Using the counterpart sources selected at IR and radio wavelengths, we employ the IR/radio flux ratios to determine the properties and population of the selected galaxies. [ 구 GC-14] THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF PG QUASARS Jaejin Shin 1, Jong-Hak Woo 1, and Tohru Nagao 2 Metallicity is an important tracer of star formation in galaxy evolution. Based on the flux ratios of broad emission lines, AGN metallicity has shown a correlation with AGN luminosity. However, it is not clear what physical parameter drives the observed correlation. Using a sample 69 Palomar-Green QSOs at low-z (z<0.5), we determine BLR gas metallicity from emission line flux ratios, i.e., N V1240/C IV1549, (Si IV1398+O IV1402)/C IV1549 and N V1240/He II1640 based on the UV spectra from the HST and IUE archives. We compare BLR gas metallicity with various AGN properties, i.e., black hole mass, AGN luminosity and Eddington ratio, in order to investigate physical connection between metal enrichment and AGN activity. In contrast to high-z QSOs, which show the correlation between metallicity and black hole mass, we find that the metallicity of low-z QSOs correlates with Eddington ratio, but not with black hole mass, suggesting that metallicity enrichment mechanism is different between low-z and high-z. [ 구 GC-15] The Black Hole Mass-Stellar Velocity 38 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 Dispersion Relation of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies Yosep Yoon and Jong-Hak Woo Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies are arguably the most important AGN subclass in investigating the origin of the black hole mass-galaxy stellar velocity dispersion (M BH-σ) relation because of their high accretion rates close to the Eddington limit. Currently, it is still under discussion whether NLS1s are off from the local M BH-σ relation. We select a sample of 325 NLS1 at relatively low redshift (z<0.1) from the SDSS DR7 by constraining FWHM of Hβ in the range of 800-2,200 km/s. Among them, we measured stellar velocity dispersion of 40 objects which show strong stellar absorption lines, e.g. Mg b triplet( 5175A ), Fe(5270A ). In contrast, the other 285 objects show too weak stellar absorption lines to measure velocity dispersion. Using the sample of 40 objects with stellar velocity dispersion measurements, we investigate whether NLS1s follow the same M BH-σ relation as normal galaxies and broad line AGNs. We also test the reliability of the width of narrow lines as a surrogate of stellar velocity dispersion by comparing directly measured stellar velocity dispersion with σ inferred from [O III], [N II], [S II] line widths, respectively. We will discuss the connection between AGN activity in NLS1s and galaxy evolution based on these results. Session : 초청강연 Ⅲ 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 17:00 17:30 제 1 발표장 [ 초 IT-03] 우주기상재난이사회 경제적으로미친영향 안병호 인류의역사는태풍, 지진, 해일, 홍수그리고가뭄등과같은자연재해와의끊임없는투쟁으로점철되어왔다. 최근들어지구온난화는인류의생존에커다란위협으로대두되었다. 우주시대에접어들면서인간의활동은지구대기권밖으로까지확대되면서인간의사회 경제적인활동이인공위성을위시하여매우정밀한기기에의존하게되었다. 그러나인공위성과더불어현대사회를지탱하는전력, 통신, 운송등과같은사회기반시설들은태양활동에매우취약하다는점이확인되었다. 태양에서플레어나 CME 가발생하면 X- 선복사와더불어고에너지하전입자가방출되면서지구주변우주환경에급격한변화가일어난다. 이기간동안인공위성, 전력, 통신, 항법등이영향을받아다양한사회 경제적인손실이유발된다. 따라서태양활동으로인한이들시설의붕괴내지는기능저하는현대사회의근간을훼손하는이제까지경험하지못했던새로운형태의자연재해가될것이다. 이논문에서는역사적으로우주환경의급격한변화가야기한문제점들을살펴보고태양활동이장래에인류의삶에어떠한영향을 미칠지를전망하고자한다. Session : 태양및우주환경 Ⅰ 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 09:00 10:30 제 2 발표장 [ 구 SE-01] The study on source regions of solar energetic particles detected by widely separated multiple spacecraft Jinhye Park 1, D. E. Innes 2, R. Bucik 2, and Y.-J. Moon 1 We studied the source regions of 12 solar energetic particle (SEP) events seen between 2010 August and 2012 January at STEREO-A, B and ACE, when the two STEREO spacecraft were separated by about 180. All events were associated with strong flares (C1 - X6) and fast coronal mass ejections (CMEs) accompanied by type II radio bursts. We have determined the arrival times of the SEP events at the three spacecraft. EUV waves observed in 195Å and 193Å channels of STEREO and SDO/AIA are tracked across the Sun and the arrival time of the EUV wave at the photospheric source of open field lines extending to the spacecraft connection points at 2.5 Rsun estimated. We found 7 events with flux enhancements in all spacecraft and 4 in two spacecraft. Most events came from a single source. The results show that magnetic field connections between source regions and the spacecraft play an important role in abrupt flux enhancements. In the most cases, EUV waves at the Sun are associated with a wide longitudinal spread of the SEPs. [ 구 SE-02] Height Dependence of Plasma Properties in a Solar Limb Active Region Observed by Hinode/EIS Kyoung-Sun Lee 1, S. Imada 2, Y.-J. Moon 1,3, Jin-Yi Lee 1 We investigate a cool loop and a dark lane over a limb active region on 2007 March 14 by the Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS). The cool loop is clearly seen in the EIS spectral lines formed at the transition region temperature (log T = 5.8). The dark lane is characterized by an elongated faint structure in coronal spectral lines (log T = 5.8 6.1) and rooted on a bright point. We examine their electron densities, Doppler velocities, and non-thermal 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 39

구두발표논문초록 velocities as a function of distance from the limb using the spectral lines formed at different temperatures (log T = 5.4 6.4). The electron densities of the cool loop and the dark lane are derived from the density sensitive line pairs of Mg VII, Fe XII, and Fe XIV spectra. Under the hydrostatic equilibrium and isothermal assumption, we determine their temperatures from the density scale height. Comparing the scale height temperatures to the peak formation temperatures of the spectral lines, we note that the scale height temperature of the cool loop is consistent with a peak formation temperature of the Mg VII (log T = 5.8) and the scale height temperature of the dark lane is close to a peak formation temperature of the Fe XII and Fe XIII (log T = 6.1 6.2). It is interesting to note that the structures of the cool loop and the dark lane are most visible in these temperature lines. While the non-thermal velocity in the cool loop slightly decreases (less than 7 km s 1) along the loop, that in the dark lane sharply falls off with height. The variation of non-thermal velocity with height in the cool loop and the dark lane is contrast to that in off-limb polar coronal holes which are considered as source of the fast solar wind. Such a decrease in the non-thermal velocity may be explained by wave damping near the solar surface or turbulence due to magnetic reconnection near the bright point. [ 구 SE-03] A HIGH FREQUENCY TYPE II SOLAR RADIO BURST ASSOCIATED WITH THE 2011 FEBRUARY 13 CORONAL MASS EJECTION Kyungsuk Cho 1, Nat Gopalswamy 2, Ryunyoung Kwon 2, Roksoon Kim 1,2, and Seiji Yashiro 2,3 We examine the relationship between a type II radio burst that started from an unusually high frequency of 425 MHz (fundamental component) and an associated white-light coronal mass ejection on 2011 February 13. The radio burst had a drift rate of 2.5 MHz/sec, indicating a relatively high shock speed. From SDO AIA observations we find that a loop-like erupting front sweeps across high density coronal loops near the start time of the burst (17:34:15 UT). We find fragmented structures of the type II burst, which indicates the signature of the shock propagating through the multiple loops. The deduced distance of shock formation (0.06 Rs) from flare center and speed of the shock (1100 km s-1) using the measured density from AIA/SDO observations are comparable to the height (0.05 Rs, from the solar surface) and speed (700 km s-1) of the CME leading edge observed by STEREO/EUVI. We conclude that the type II burst could be onset even in the low corona (41 Mm or 0.06 Rs, above the solar surface) if a fast CME shock passes through the high density loops. [ 구 SE-04] Observation of an Ellerman bomb and its associated surge with the 1.6 meter New Solar Telescope at Big Bear Solar Observatory Heesu Yang 1,JongchulChae 1, Hyungmin Park 1, Ram Ajor Maurya 1, Kyuhyun Cho 1, Yeon-Han Kim 2, Il-Hyun Cho 2, and Eun-Kyung Lim 3 We observed an Ellerman bomb(eb) and its associated surge using the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph(FISS) and the broadband TiO filter of the 1.6 meter New Solar Telescope at Big Bear Solar Observatory. As is well-known, the EB appears as a feature that is very bright at the far wings of the H alpha line. The lambdameter method applied to these wings indicates that the EB is blue-shifted up to 6km/s in velocity. In the photospheric level below the EB, we see rapidly growing granule-like feature. The transverse velocity of the dark lane at the edge of the granule increased with time as reached a peak of 6km/s, at the time of the EB s occurrence. The surge was seen in absorption and varied rapidly both in the H alpha and the Ca II 8542 line. It originated from the Ellerman bomb, and was impulsively accelerated to 20km/s toward us(blueshift). Then the velocity of the surge gradually changed from blueshift of 20km/s to redshift of 40km/s. By adopting the cloud model, we estimated the temperature of the surge material at about 27000K and the non-thermal velocity at about 10km/s. Our results shed light on the conventional idea that an EB results from the magnetic reconnection of an emerging flux tube and pre-existing field line. [ 구 SE-05] Relationship Between EUV Coronal Jets and Bright Points Observed by SDO/AIA Il-Hoon Kim 1, Kyoung-Sun Lee 1, Jin-Yi Lee 1, Yong-Jae Moon 1,2, Suk-Kyung Sung 2, and Kap-Sung Kim 1,2 We have investigated the relationship between EUV coronal jets and bright points observed by Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) / Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA). For this we consider 39 EUV coronal jets from May 2010 to July 2011 in 171 A identified by Heliophysics Events Knowledgebase (HEK) which provides an automatic identification of coronal jets. We look for coronal jet-bright point pairs as follows. First, we select the size of event area as 360 arcsec * 360 arcsec where the coronal jets are located at the center of the area. Second, we select jet-bright point pairs in case that they are located at the same position or just adjacent. Third, we select jet-bright point pairs that are connected by loops each other. 40 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 Otherwise, we select jet-bright points pairs as the nearest one. As a result, we present 19 coronal jet-bright point pairs. The mean distance of these pairs is 77.24 arcsec. According to their distance and morphological connection, we classify the following three groups: 1) Adjacent (6 events), 2) Loop connected (5 events), and 3) Not connected in appearance (8 events). The histogram of mutual distance has two peaks; the first peak corresponds to the first group and the other one to the second group. We compare these events with previous observations and theoretical models as well as discuss possible physical connections between jets and bright points. [ 구 SE-06] Current Status and Improvement of the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph of the 1.6m telescope at Big Bear Solar Observatory Hyungmin Park 1, Jongchul Chae 1, Donguk Song 1, Heesu Yang 1, Bi-Ho Jang 2, Young-Deuk Park 2, Jakyoung Nah 2, Kyung-Suk Cho 2, and Kwangsu Ahn 3 For the study of fine-scale structure and dynamics in the solar chromosphere, the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) was installed in 1.6m New Solar Telescope at Big Bear Solar Observatory in 2010. The instrument, installed at a vertical table of the Coude lab, is properly working and producing data for science. From the analysis of the data, however, we noticed that a couple of problems exist that deteriorate image quality : lower light level and poorer resolution of the CaII band data. After several tests, we found that the relay optics at the right position is crucial role for the spatial resolution of raster-scan images. By using resolution target, we re-aligned relay optics and other components of the spectrograph. Here we present the result of optical test and new data taken by the FISS. Session : 태양및우주환경 Ⅱ 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 11:00 12:30 제 2 발표장 [ 구 SE-07] Doppler Shifts of the Hα Line and the Ca II 854.2 nm Line in a Quiet Region of the Sun Observed with the FISS/NST Jongchul Chae 1, Hyungmin Park 1, Heesu Yang 1, Young-Deuk Park 2, Kyung-Suk Cho 2, Kwangsu Ahn 3, and Wenda Cao 3 The characteristics of Doppler shifts in a quiet region of the Sun are investigated by comparing between the Hα line and the Caii infrared line at 854.2 nm. A small area of 16 40 was observed for about half an hour with the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) of the 1.6 meter New Solar Telescope (NST) at Big Bear Solar Observatory. The observed area contains a network region and an internetwork region, and identified in the network region are Hα fibrils, Caii fibrils and bright points. We infer the Doppler velocity from each line profile at a point with the lambdameter method as a function of half wavelength separation λ. It is confirmed that the bisector of the spatially-averaged Caii line profile has an inverse C-shape of with a significant peak redshift of +1.8 km/s. In contrast, the bisector of the spatially-averaged Hα line profile has a different shape; it is almost vertically straight or, if not, has a C-shape with a small peak blueshift of 0.5 km/s. In both the lines, the bisectors of bright network points are much different from those of other features in that they are significantly redshifted not only at the line centers, but also at the wings. We also find that the spatio-temporal fluctuation of Doppler shift inferred from the Caii line is correlated with those of the Hα line. The strongest correlation occurs in the internework region, and when the inner wings rather than the line centers are used to determine Doppler shift. In this region, the RMS value of Doppler shift fluctuation is the largest at the line center, and monotonically decreases with λ. We discuss the physical implications of our results on the formation of the Hα line and Caii 854.2 nm line in the quiet region chromosphere. [ 구 SE-08] A Solar Cyclone with Chromospheric Running Wave Tetsuya Magara 1,2, Jun-Mo An 1, Hwanhee Lee 1, Jihye Kang 1, Satoshi Inoue 1, and Gwang-son Choe 1,2 An innovative solar observing satellite, Hinode, has successfully observed the detailed evolution of a rapidly developing emerging flux region from the beginning of its appearance at the solar surface. The high spatial and temporal resolution provided by the satellite enables to capture the prominent dynamic processes such as the rotational motion of a polarity region with intense magnetic flux which is reminiscent of a cyclone on the Earth, and a running wave that spreads ahead of this rotating polarity region. This `solar cyclone' is, on the other hand, generated differently from terrestrial cyclones, and a possible generating mechanism for it is demonstrated with a three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation of a twisted magnetic flux tube emerging from the solar interior 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 41

구두발표논문초록 into the solar atmosphere. The simulation shows that the rotational motion is caused by a strong downflow of plasma along the twisted field lines that form a helical pillar standing upright on the Sun. [ 구 SE-09] Magnetic Field Strength in the Upper Solar Corona Using White-light Shock Structures Surrounding Coronal Mass Ejections Roksoon Kim 1, Nat Gopalswamy 2, Yongjae Moon 3, Kyungsuk Cho 1, and Seiji Yashiro 2,4 To measure the magnetic field strength in the solar corona, we examined 10 fast ( >1000 km/s) limb coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that show clear shock structures in Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph images. By applying the piston shock relationship to the observed CME s standoff distance and electron density compression ratio, we estimated the Mach number, Alfven speed, and magnetic field strength in the height range 3 15 solar radii (Rs). The main results from this study are as follows: (1) the standoff distance observed in the solar corona is consistent with those from a magnetohydrodynamic model and near-earth observations; (2) the Mach number as a shock strength is in the range 1.49 3.43 from the standoff distance ratio, but when we use the density compression ratio, the Mach number is in the range 1.47 1.90, implying that the measured density compression ratio is likely to be underestimated owing to observational limits; (3) the Alfven speed ranges from 259 to 982 km/s and the magnetic field strength is in the range 6 105 mg when the standoff distance is used; (4) if we multiply the density compression ratio by a factor of two, the Alfven speeds and the magnetic field strengths are consistent in both methods; and (5) the magnetic field strengths derived from the shock parameters are similar to those of empirical models and previous estimates. [ 구 SE-10] 태양활동영역에서 Magnetic Polarity Inversion Line 의기하학적, 물리적특성에대한통계적연구 이어진 1, 박성홍 2, 오수연 1, 이유 1 태양광구표면에서시선방향자기장자료를살펴보면그극성이변하는지점들이선의형태로보이는데이것을 Magnetic Polarity Inversion Line(MPIL) 혹은 Neutral Line 이라부른다. 기존의연구에의하면태양활동영역에서 MPIL 의길이가길수록플레어및코로나물질방출 (CME) 과같은큰규모의분출현상들이일어나는빈도가높다는사실이보고된바있다. 이런점에서볼때 MPIL 이우주환경예보의측면에서중요한도구가될수있을것으로기대된다. 하지만여전히 MPIL 의기하학적, 물리적특성및그형성과진화과정에대한이해가부족한상황이다. 우리는 이연구에서 SOHO/MDI 시선방향자기장자료를사용하여태양활동 23 주기에나타난 308 개의태양활동영역에대하여 MPIL 의길이, 곡률과같은기하학적인특성을연구하였고, 또한 MPIL 주변의자기장 ( 평균자기선속, 총자기선속등 ) 및 magnetic fragment 들의속도장 ( 평균속력, 수렴및발산정도, vorticity 등 ) 과같은물리적인특성에대한통계적조사를수행하였다. [ 구 SE-11] Low ionization state plasma in CMEs Jin-Yi Lee 1 and John C. Raymond 2 The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) observes low ionization state coronal mass ejection plasma at ultraviolet wavelengths. The CME plasmas are often detected in O VI (3x10 5 K), C III (8x10 4 K), Lyα, and Lyβ. Earlier in situ observations by the Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer (SWICS) on board Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) have shown mostly high ionization state plasmas in interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICME) events, which implies that most CME plasma is strongly heated during its expansion in solar corona. In this analysis, we investigate whether the low ionization state CME plasmas observed by UVCS occupy small enough fractions of the CME volume to be consistent with the small fraction of ICMEs measured by ACE that show low ionization plasma, or whether the CME must be further ionized after passing the UVCS slit. To do this, we determine the covering factors of low ionization state plasma for 10 CME events. We find that the low ionization state plasmas in CMEs observed by UVCS show small covering factors. This result shows that the high ionization state ICME plasmas observed by the ACE results from a small filling factor of cool plasma. We also find that the low ionization state plasma volumes in faster CMEs are smaller than in slower CMEs. Most slow CMEs in this analysis are associated with a prominence eruption, while the faster CMEs are associated with X-class flares. Session : 태양및우주환경 Ⅲ 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 15:00 16:30 제 2 발표장 [ 초 SE-12] Observation of long-term disappearance and reappearance of the outer radiation belt Dae-Young Lee 1, Dae-Kyu Shin 1, Kyung-Chan Kim 2, Jin-Hee Kim 1, Jung-Hee Cho 1, Mi Young Park 1, Vassilis Angelopoulos 3, Junga Hwang 2, Yonghee Lee 1, and Thomas Kim 1 42 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 In this study we have used the data of various instruments onboard the THEMIS spacecraft to study the characteristics of the outer radiation belt during the ascending phase of solar cycle 24. The most astonishing result is that we discovered four long-term (a month or so) periods during which the belt has nearly disappeared. The first disappearance started late 2008, followed by reappearance in ~a month, and three more similar events repeated until early 2010 when the belt has reappeared. This is well revealed at 719 kev electrons, which is the currently available uppermost energy channel from the THEMIS SST observation, but also seen at even lower energies. Overall consistent features were confirmed using the NOAA-POES observations. The vanished belt periods are associated with extremely weak solar wind conditions, low geomagnetic disturbances (in terms of Kp and AE/AL), greatly suppressed wave (ULF and chorus) activities, greatly reduced storm and substorm activities (little source particle supply), and expanded plasmapause locations. The direct observations of such events shed light on the fundamental question of the origin of the radiation belt, which is the main focus of our presentation. [ 구 SE-13] Statistical study on nightside geosynchronous magnetic field responses to interplanetary shocks Jong-Sun Park 1, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, Tohru Araki 2, Dong-Hun Lee 1, Ensang Lee 1, and Ho Jin 1 When an interplanetary (IP) shock passes over the Earth's magnetosphere, the geosynchronous magnetic field strength near the noon is always enhanced, while the geosynchronous magnetic field near the midnight decreases or increases. In order to understand what determines the positive or negative magnetic field response at nightside geosynchronous orbit to sudden increases in the solar wind dynamic pressure, we have examined 120 IP shock-associated sudden commencements (SC) using magnetic field data from the GOES spacecraft near the midnight (MLT = 2200~0200) and found the following magnetic field perturbation characteristics. (1) There is a strong seasonal dependence of geosynchronous magnetic field perturbations during the passage of IP shocks. That is, the SC-associated geosynchronous magnetic field near the midnight increases (a positive response) in summer and decreases (a negative response) in winter. (2) These field perturbations are dominated by the radial magnetic field component rather than the north-south magnetic field component at nightside geosynchronous orbit. (3) The magnetic elevation angles corresponding to positive and negative responses decrease and increase, respectively. These field perturbation properties can be explained by the location of the cross-tail current enhancement during SC interval with respect to geosynchronous spacecraft position. [ 구 SE-14] Effects of plasmaspheric density structure on the characteristics of geomagnetic ULF pulsations Jiwon Choi, Dong-Hun Lee, Khan-Hyuk Kim, and Ensang Lee The structure of plasmasphere plays an important role in determining properties of geomagnetic ULF pulsations such as Pi 2 pulsations and field line resonances (FLRs) in the Earth s magnetosphere. We have performed a 3-D MHD wave simulation to investigate the generation and propagation of ULF waves in dipole geometry. Various 3-D density structures are assumed, which include a relatively sharp density gradient and gradually less slopes at the plasmapause. The former condition can refer to the plasmasphere from local midnight to dawn, whereas the latter represents the region near noon to dusk where it bulges out. We show how Pi 2 pulsations and FLRs differentially appear at both multi-point satellite locations and ground stations for different local times. Our results suggest that 1) the local radial density structure significantly affects the peak frequencies for Pi 2 oscillations, while the polarization changes remain similar in the radial direction, and 2) the radial location of strong FLRs varies for different density profiles. It is also suggested how multi satellite measurements and ground-based observations can confirm this differential feature in space. [ 구 SE-15] Modeling of Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) Emissions During a Magnetic Storm for CINEMA/TRIO Ensang Lee 1, Hyuk-Jin Kwon 1, Jong-Sun Park 1, Jongho Seon 1, Ho Jin 1, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, Dong-Hun Lee 1, Linghua Wang 2, Robert P. Lin 2, George K. Parks 2, John Sample 2, and Edward C. Roelof 3 Energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) are emitted by charge exchange collisions between energetic ions and cold neutral atoms. ENAs can be used as an alternative measure of the energetic ions in the source region because they maintain the energy and pitch angle of the source energetic ions. In the present study we present simulation results of the ENA emissions during a magnetic storm to be measured by the STEIN instrument onboard the CINEMA/TRIO satellites. The 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 43

구두발표논문초록 CINEMA/TRIO mission consists of three identical cubesats with low-altitude orbits. The STEIN instrument onboard each cubesat can measure ENAs with energies from ~4 kev to ~20 kev as well as suprathermal electrons and ions. The measurement of ENA emissions from ring current by STEIN is simulated using the models for energetic ring current ions and geocoronal neutral atoms. Especially we will discuss about the energy spectrum of the ENAs and the effect of transient variations of the ring current. [ 구 SE-16] Pc1/EMIC waves observed at subauroral latitude during sudden magnetospheric compressions Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, Kazuo Shiokawa 2, Dong-Hun Lee 1, Hyuck-Jin Kwon 1, Ensang Lee 1 It is generally accepted that sudden compressions of the magnetosphere cause electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) wave growth by increasing the proton temperature anisotropy. These compression-associated EMIC waves are expected to be on higher latitudes (i.e., higher-l regions close to the magnetopause). In this study we examine Pc1 pulsations, which are believed to be generated by the EMIC instability, observed at subauroral latitude near the nominal plasmapause when the magnetosphere is suddenly compressed by solar wind dynamic pressure variations, using induction magnetometer data obtained from Athabasca, Canada (geomagnetic latitude = 61.7 N, L ~ 4.5). We identified 9 compression-associated Pc1 waves with frequencies of ~0.5-2.0 Hz. The wave activity appears in the horizontal H (positive north) and D (positive eastward) components. All of events show low coherence between H and D components. This indicates that the Pc1 pulsations in H and D oscillate with a different frequency. Thus, we cannot determine the polarization state of the waves. We will discuss the occurrence location of compression-associated Pc1 pulsations, their spectral structure, and wave properties. Session : 항성및항성계 Ⅱ 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 09:00 10:30 제 3 발표장 [ 구 ST-06] Fundamental parameters of the eclipsing binaries in the Large Magellanic cloud Kyeong Soo Hong and Young Woon Kang We present photometric solutions of the 26,212 eclipsing binaries discovered in the LMC by Graczyk et al. (2011). They published that 70 percent of a total are detached systems. Another 25 and 5 percent are semi-detached and contact binaries, respectively. We discovered that 21 percent of 26,121 eclipsing binary stars are eccentric orbit systems. The binary star distribution in the LMC is different from those of the Galactic center direction (Bade window). It is very interesting that there are only 5 of 357 (2 percent) stars have eccentric orbit in the Galactic Center (Kang 2011). We selected the light curve of 18,274 detached systems. Then we estimated the fundamental parameters on the basis of their photometric solutions and the semi-major-axis (a) assuming the distance modulus to the LMC 18.50. We compared the estimated fundamental parameters with an empirical mass-luminosity relation and consistency between mass-radius relation base on stellar evolution model in the low metallicity (Z=0.008) by Bertelli et al. (2009). This method allows for independent determine of the fundamental parameters of the eclipsing binaries in the LMC without the radial velocity curves [ 구 ST-07] Observational Properties of GSC 2855-0585 in the Vicinity of the Eclipsing Binary V432 Per Jae-Rim Koo 1,2, Jae Woo Lee 1, Seung-Lee Kim 1, Chung-Uk Lee 1, and Byeong-Cheol Lee 1 During the photometric runs of the eclipsing binary V432 Per in 2006, we serendipitously discovered peculiar light variations of GSC 2855-0585 that imaged on the same target field. Its brightness decreased about 0.02 mag for about 0.15 days in all B, V, and R bands. The depth, duration, and box-shaped light curves are very similar to those of typical transiting exoplanets. We gathered the time-series data of GSC 2855-0585 from the SuperWASP public archive and detected the same light variations with a period of about 2.406 days. The period and transitlike features were confirmed by photometric follow-up observations at a predicted epoch in 2010 November. In order to estimate the mass of the companion that produced the light variations, we obtained 10 high-resolution spectra with different orbital phases in 2010 November and 2011 October-December. The radial velocities showed large variations of about 44 km/s. It indicates that the transitlike light variations do not originate from a transiting exoplanet, but from the single-lined spectroscopic eclipsing binary with a cool dwarf companion. Using the photometric and spectroscopic data, we estimated the physical parameters of the eclipsing binary GSC 2855-0585, such as orbital period, effective temperature, surface gravity, and mass. [ 구 ST-08] V345 Cas 의주기변화와광도곡선분석 정민지, 김천휘 44 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 Hoffmeister(1943) 에의해변광성으로발견된 V345 Cas (2MASS J23083986+5406545, α(2000.0)=23h08m39.86s & δ (2000.0)=+54 06'54.6'') 는 B 필터에서 13.1~14.2 의광도변화를보이는것으로알려진별이다. 우리는레몬산천문대 (LOAO) 에서 2007 년과 2008 년에걸쳐총 22 일간 V345 Cas 의 BVRI CCD 측광관측을수행하여, 처음으로 V345 Cas 의년도별전체광도곡선을완성하였다. 우리의관측자료와 Super WASP 에서공개한자료를이용하여각각 7 개의극심시각을산출하였다. 우리가결정한극심시각을포함하여여러문헌에서수집한총 68 개의극심시각을이용하여 V345 Cas 의주기분석을수행하였다. 그결과, V345 Cas 의궤도주기는포물선모양의영년변화와함께약 30 년의규칙적인변화를겪고있음을발견하였다. 규칙적인변화를제 3 천체에의한광시간효과로가정하여관측된극심시각에잘맞는광시간궤도해를산출한결과, 영년주기가증가하는경우와감소하는경우에대해, 각각 29.0 년과 39.7 년주기를갖는두개의광시간궤도해가가능하다. 이러한모호성을해결하기위해서앞으로의극심시각관측이중요하다. 2007 년과 2008 년 BVRI 광도곡선들은부극심을기준으로좌우가거의대칭이며, 1 년사이에특기할만한광도변화를보이지않았다. 우리는이광도곡선들을 Wilson-Devinney 쌍성모델을이용하여분석하여, V345 Cas 의측광학적해를처음으로산출하였다. 우리가구한해에의하면, 약 88 도의궤도경사각에두성분별의질량비가약 0.5 인 V345 Cas 는질량과표면온도가큰주성과로쉬로브를채우고있는반성으로구성된준분리형식쌍성계이다. [ 구 ST-10] 접촉쌍성 VW Bootis 의 BVRI 측광과분석 우수완 1, 정민지 1, 최철희 1, 김동빈 1, 송미화 2, 김천휘 1 2012년 3월 7일부터 5월 9일까지, 총 8일간소백산천문대의 61cm 반사망원경에부착된 PIXIS 2K CCD와 Johnson -Cousins 의표준필터 BVRI 4색필터를이용하여접촉쌍성 VW Boo의전위상에걸친광도곡선을획득하였다. 이관측으로부터 7개의극심시각 ( 주식 : 4개, 부식 : 3개 ) 을결정하였다. 우리의극심시각을포함하여여러문헌에서수집한총 201개의극심시각을이용하여주기분석을수행하였다. VW Boo의주기는약 74 년에걸쳐영년주기감소와규칙적인변화를겪은것으로나타났다. 영년주기감소율은년간 1.595 10-7 일이며, 규칙적인변화의주기와반진폭은각각약 29.8년과 0.00667 일로산출되었다. 영년주기감소를질량이큰주성에서반성으로의질량이동에의한것으로가정하였을때, 그질량이동율은년간 1.26 10-7 M /yr 이다. 규칙적인변화를제3천체에의한광시간효과로가정하여구한 3천체의최소질량은 0.19M 이다. Wilson-Devinney 쌍성모형을이용하여우리의 BVRI 광도곡선을분석하였다. 이때, 광도곡선에나타난역 O Connell 효과를설명하기위하여흑점모형을도입하였고, W형과 A형의두가지경우를상정하여광도곡선해를산출하였다. 그결과의천체물리학적의미를논의한다. [ 구 ST-09] Asymmetric Light curves of Contact and Near-Contact Binaries Pakakaew Rittipruk and Young-Woon Kang We attempt to investigate the main reason of the asymmetrical light curves of contact and near-contact eclipsing binary base on the hypothesis that cool spot was produced on late type star while hot spot was produced from transferred material from their companion star hitting surface. We select 7 eclipsing binary systems which showed asymmetric light curves and mass transfer. Period variation and mass transfer rate were obtained from O-C diagram. Radial velocity curves and light curves of those 7 eclipsing binary system were adopted from available literature in order to obtain the absolute dimension. For four contact eclipsing binary system (AD Phe, EZ Hya, AG Vir and VW Boo), their component stars belonged to spectral type G to K was fitted by cool spot model. While the other two near-contact systems (RT Scl and V1010 Oph) and one contact system (SV Cen) was fitted by cool spot model. The densities of the materials are adopted from stellar model which calculate by stellar structure code. The calculated spot temperature turns out to agree with the photometric solution but there are no correlate between period variation rate and type of spot. [ 구 ST-11] Calcium and CN bimodality of RGB stars in Globular clusters with Multiple Populations Dongwook Lim, Dong-Goo Roh, Sang-Il Han, and Young-Wook Lee A number of recent observations have established that many globular clusters have double or multiple stellar populations. In particular, recent Calcium and Strömgren b & y photometry shows a split in the RGB of some of these globular clusters, including M22, NGC 1851, and NGC 288. However, the origin of this split in the RGB is still controversial. In order to confirm the real difference in Calcium abundance between the two RGBs, we have performed low resolution spectroscopy for RGB stars in these globular clusters. The spectral data were obtained from WFCCD/duPont 2.5m telescope in Las Campanas Observatory. We found a significant bimodality of both Calcium and CN abundances in M22 and NGC 1851. NGC 288, however, shows a clear bimodality only in CN abundance. Session : 태양계 Ⅱ 및외계행성과생명 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 11:00 12:30 제 3 발표장 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 45

구두발표논문초록 [ 구 SS-06] 17P/Holmes: Contrast between before and after the 2007 outburst Masateru Ishiguro 1, Ji-Beom Ham 1, Junhan Kim 2 A Jupiter-family comet, 17P/Holmes, underwent an outburst on 2007 October 23. Since there has been no more dramatic comet outburst than the 17P/Holmes event in the history of modern astronomical observations, active observations were made soon after the outburst. However, little is known about the activity before the outburst because of the accidental event. In addition, since the nucleus has been veiled by the thick dust cloud by the 2007 outburst, the physical status of the nucleus was unknown. In this presentation, we investigated the contrast between before and after the outburst through the imaging observations in both optical and mid-infrared wavelengths. We thus analyzed data taken by Akari infrared telescope, Subaru 8-m telescope, University of Hawaii 2.2-m telescope and Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory 2-m Nayuta telescope. As the result, we found that the nucleus was significantly activated through the outburst. The surface fractional active area was 0.3% in the pre-outburst data while 10% in the past-outburst data. We expect that 17P/Holmes shows strenuous activity in the next return in 2013-2014. [ 구 SS-07] FUV observation of the comet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) with FIMS Yeo-Myeong Lim 1, Kyoung Wook Min 1, Paul D. Feldman 2, Wonyong Han 3, and Jerry Edelstein 4 We present the results of far-ultraviolet (FUV) observations of comet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) obtained with Far-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (FIMS) on board the Korean microsatellite STSAT-1, which operated at an altitude of 700 km in a sun-synchronous orbit. FIMS is a dual-channel imaging spectrograph (S channel 900-1150 Å, L channel 1350-1750 Å, λ/δλ ~ 550) with large image fields of view (S: 4.0 4'.6, L: 7.5 4'.3, angular resolution 5'-10') optimized for the observation of diffuse emission of astrophysical radiation. Comet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) was observed with a scanning survey mode when it was located around the perihelion between 8 and 15 May 2004. Several important emission lines were detected including S I (1425, 1474 Å), C I (1561, 1657 Å) and several emission lines of CO A 1 Π-X 1 Σ + system in the L channel. Production rates of the notable molecules, such as C I, S I and CO, were estimated from the photon fluxes of these spectral lines and compared with previous observations. We compare the flux and the production rates in the radius of 3 10 5 km with 20 10 5 km from the central coma. We obtained L-channel image which have map size 5 5. The image was constructed for the wavelength band of L-channel (1350-1710 Å). We also present the radial profiles of S I, C I, CO obtained from the spectral images of the central coma. The radial profiles of 2 10 6 km region are compared with the Haser model. [ 구 SS-08] Planetary companions orbiting K giant HD 208527 and M giant HD 220074 Byeong-Cheol Lee 1, Inwoo Han 1, and Myeong-Gu Park 2 The purpose of the present study is to search for and study the origin of planetary companion by a precise radial velocity (RV) survey for K dwarfs. The high-resolution spectroscopy of the fiber-fed Bohyunsan Observatory Echelle Spectrograph (BOES) at Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO) is used from September 2008 to June 2012. We report the detection of two new exoplanets in orbit around HD 208527, and HD 220074 with exhibiting a periodic variation of 875.5 and 672.1 days. The examinations of surface inhomogeneous are no related to the RV variations and Keplerian motion is the most likely explanation, which suggests that the RV variations arise from an orbital motion under the influence of planetary companion. We obtain the minimum masses for the exoplanets of 11.5 and 11.1 M Jup with an orbital semi-major axis of 2.3 and 1.6 AU and an eccentricity of 0.08 and 0.14, respectively. From the literatures and our estimations of stellar parameters, the luminosity class of HD 208527 is changed K dwarf to K giant and the spectral type of HD 220074 is confirmed M giant rather than K dwarf. HD 220074 is the first M giant star harboring a planetary companion. [ 구 SS-09] Phase dependent disk averaged spectra and light curve of the Earth as an habitable exoplanet; Ray-tracing based simulation using 3D optical earth system model Dongok Ryu 1,2, Sug-Whan Kim 1,2, and Sehyun Seong 1,2 Previously we introduced ray-tracing based 3D optical earth system model for specular and scattering properties of all 46 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 components of the system (i.e. clear-sky atmosphere, land surfaces and an ocean surface). In this study, we enhanced 3-dimensional atmospheric structure with vertical atmospheric profiles for multiple layer and cloud layers using Lambertian and Mie theory. Then the phase dependent disk averaged spectra are calculated. The main results, simulated phase dependent disk averaged spectra and light curves, are compared with the 7 bands(300 1000nm) light curves data of the Earth obtained from High Resolution Instrument(HRI) in Deep Impact spacecraft during Earth flyby in 2008. We note that the results are comparable with the observation. [ 구 SS-10] DETECTION OF WIDE PLANETARY SYSTEM WITH MICROLENSING Yoon-Hyun Ryu 1, Myeong-Gu Park 1, Heon-Young Chang 1, and Ki-Won Lee 2 Recent results from microlensing surveys show that a free-floating planet or a wide-separation planet is more numerous than a main-sequence star in the Galaxy. Moreover, the detection efficiency of the planets will be improved in next-generation experiments with a high survey monitoring frequency. However, microlensing events produced by both planets appear similar light curves with a short duration timescale, thus it is difficult to distinguish them. In this paper, we investigated the detectable separation range of a wide-separation planet as the planet bound to its host star. We construct the fractional deviation maps using the magnifications of the planetary lensing and the single-lensing by planet itself for various parameters such as a mass ratio, separation, and source radius. As a result, we found that the pattern of the fractional deviation is related to the ratio of source radius to caustic size, and the ratio satisfying the detection criterion (i.e., 5% in the fractional deviation) varies with a separation. Hence, we derived a fitting formula as the function of a mass ratio and a source radius to reflect the variation in the calculations of the detectable separation range of a wide-separation planet as the planet bound to its host star. In addition, we estimated the condition that a wide-separation planet can be detected as a single-lensing event under the finite source effect. We found that such a case is possible provided that the source radius is smaller than ~2.5 times of Einstein ring radius of a planet, regardless of a separation or a mass ratio. [ 구 SS-11] Using Light Travel Time Effect to Detect Circumbinary Planets with Ground-Based Telescopes Tobias Cornelius Hinse In the past few years, two-planet circumbinary systems (e.g., HW Vir, NN Ser, DP Leo and HU Aqr) have been detected around short-period eclipsing binaries using ground-based telescopes. The existence of these planets has been inferred by interpreting the O-C variations of the mid-eclipse times. We have tested the orbital stability of these systems and propose to use Light Travel Time Effect (LITE) to detect such circumbinary planets from the ground. We generated synthetically the LITE signal of a two-planet circumbinary system with the aim to apply an analytic LITE model to recover the underlying synthetic system. To mimic a degree of realism inherent to ground-based observations, we added to the synthetic LITE data white noise with a Gaussian distribution and sampled the synthetic LITE signal randomly. We successfully recovered the original system demonstrating that two-planet circumbinary systems can be detected using ground-based telescopes, provided the timing measurements of the mid-eclipses are sufficiently accurate and the observing baseline is long enough to ensure a sufficient coverage of all involved periods. We used HU Aqr as a test system and applied our model to its proposed planetary bodies considering near-circular orbits. We present the results of our calculations and discuss the LITE-detectability of a HU Aqr-like system. Session : 발사체및기타 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 15:00 16:15 제 3 발표장 [ 구 LV-01] 무독성상온저장성산화제사용이발사체속도증분에미치는영향 하성업, 문인상, 이수용 로켓혹은우주발사체의주엔진에는대부분연료와산화제를연소시켜나오는에너지를사용하는화학로켓이주종을이루어왔다. 이러한로켓엔진에서그동안연료로는수소계, 탄화수소계, 아민계등다양한화학물질이사용되어왔으나, 산화제로는강한산화성을나타내면서밀도가높은몇몇물질만이제한적으로사용되어져왔으며, 최근에는주로액체산소 (LOx) 와사산화질소 (N2O4) 가사용되고있다. 그러나산화제중액체산소는극저온이면서상대적으로밀도가낮고, 사산화질소는강한독성을지니고있으며액체로존재하는구간이좁아연구목적의소형발사체를구현하는것에는많은어려움이있다. 이러한이유로최근소형발사체개발분야에서는상온저장성이면서친환경적인과산화수소 (H2O2) 와아산화질소 (N2O) 를산화제로활용하는것에대한관심이고조되고있으나, 대형추진기관을개발하는연구자들로부터는액체산소를사용할때보다엔진자체의비추력이상대적으로낮다는이유로활용이외면되어온것이사실이다. 이연구에서는엔진자체의추진성능보다는사실상발사체의목적이라고할수있는추진단속도증분을성능의지표로삼아평가 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 47

구두발표논문초록 하였으며, 결과를통하여과산화수소와아산화질소의높은밀도가엔진의낮은비추력을충분히보상할수있음을보였다. 과산화수소와아산화질소는교육 / 연구용소형발사체구성에충분히활용가능한산화제이며, 실제발사에서충분한비행성능을기대할수있는물질로평가할수있다. [ 구 LV-02] 케로신엔진과우주탐험 문인상, 문일윤, 하성업 2 차대전이후미국과소련의우주경쟁으로인해로켓엔진에대한많은발전이이루어졌고그결과새로운엔진사이클과많은종류의추진제가개발되었다. 냉전후많은 ICBM 이민간용으로개조되었지만대부분의민간용발사체는연료로케로신과액체수소를사용하고있다. 아폴로계획까지우주개발초창기에는미, 소양국모두케로신엔진을주축으로사용하였으나우주왕복선의시대가도래한이후미국에서는수소엔진을주력으로사용하였다. 그러나현재우주왕복선이퇴역한이후러시아의도움을받아개발혹은수입된케로신엔진이델타와아틀라스에사용되고있다. 또한최초의민간발사체인팰콘에도멀린이라는케로신엔진이적용되었다. 수소엔진이후에새로이개발되고있는메탄엔진은아직실용화에는이르지못하였기때문에적어도당분간은케로신엔진이로켓엔진분야를선도할것으로보인다. [ 구 LV-03] 고온 / 고압산화제과잉환경에적합한재질및코팅조사 유재한, 하성업, 문일윤, 이수용 고성능다단연소싸이클엔진은산화제과잉예연소기를사용한다. 예연소기후류에위치한배관및연소기헤드등은고온 / 고압산화제과잉환경에놓이게되며, 운용조건에서는국부적으로온도를상승시키는외부발화제에의하여녹는점보다낮은온도에서재질이발화될수있다. 따라서이러한환경에적합한재질및코팅은내산화성, 내인화성및자발화성도중요하나, 외부발화제에의한내발화성이가장중요한특성이된다. 여기서는이러한환경에적합하며지상시험용노즐및배관에적용될수있는재질및코팅에대하여조사한다. 러시아는이미이러한환경에적합한재질및코팅들을개발하여 RD-170, 180 에적용중이다. 그러나미국은최근에이러한연구를시작한것으로추정된다. 따라서자료접근이가능한범위에서러시아의재질및코팅을조사하며, 미국자료에서는산소시스템안전등과같이간접적인자료들을통하여대체가가능한후보재질및코팅을조사한다. 다단연소싸이클연소시험배관에적용할수있는방법은다음과같다. 코팅없이 Monel K500 을사용하거나, OFHC 혹은 Ni 라이너에고강도외피를사용하는방법이있으나, 두방법모두재질의가격및수급, 라이너적용방법등이어려울수있다. 국내에서산화제과잉가스환경에서적용할수있는법랑을개발하거나수급이용이한법랑을찾아오스테나이트스테인리스강에적용하는방법이있다. 이방법은외부발화제에대한내발화성을증가시키는경제적이고용이한방법으로판단된다. 정현수, 제도흥, 오세진, 노덕규, 손봉원, 이상성, 김효령 세계전파통신회의 (World Radiocommunication Conference; WRC) 회의는국제전기통신연합 (ITU) 에서규정하는국제전파법제개정을위해, 3-4년간격으로개최되는전파통신관련최고회의라고할수있다. WRC-15 회의는 2015년 11월 2일 - 11월 27일에걸쳐스위스제네바에서개최될예정이며, 과학업무관련의제들은다음과같다. 즉, 7145-7235 MHz또는 7-8 GHz대역의지구탐사위성 ( 지구대우주 ) 업무의 1순위분배연구, 지구탐사위성업무용연속 600MHz대역분배방안연구 (8,700~10,500 MHz대역내 ), 우주선근거리통신용관련규정재검토, 윤초삭제와관련된세계협정시 (UTC) 개정또는대처방안연구가있다. 그리고모바일광대역응용실현을위한이동통신업무추가분배및 IMT 추가지정연구, 7150-7250 MHz ( 우주대지구 ), 8400-8500 MHz ( 지구대우주 ) 에서고정위성업무추가분배연구, 나노위성및피코위성규제관련연구들이있다. 따라서이발표에서는 WRC-15 회의의과학업무의제들가운데, 국내전파망원경운용에영향을미칠수있는주파수대역및윤초관리등과관련된주요과학업무의제를소개하고이에대한향후대응책검토를하고자한다. [ 구 LV-05] Nature 와 Science 저널에실린 2006-2010 년논문의경향분석 김상철 1, 김승리 1, 경재만 1, 이재우 1, 임왕기 1, 전성현 1,2 학자의연구능력과성과를질적인면을포함하여제대로가늠하지못하는사회에서는대신몇몇평가지표가등장하는데, 한국에서는영향력지수 (Impact Factor) 와함께많이사용되는것이 Nature 와 Science 저널에실린논문이다. 두저널은과학의전분야를대상으로하며, 영향력지수가 25-35 점으로다른저널 ( 예 : Astrophysical Journal 6 점 ) 보다월등히높아세간에서 매우좋은 저널로불리며, 여기에실리는논문이 뛰어난 논문으로평가되고있다. 우리는 2006-2010 년의 5 년간두저널에실린논문의통계를분석하였다. 전체논문의수는 7788 편이며생명과학논문이 62.4%, 물리과학논문이 37.0% 를차지한다. 천문학논문의수는 544 편인데, 이는전체논문중에는 7.0% 를차지하고물리과학논문중에는 18.9% 를차지한다. 평균적으로매년 Nature 에는약 64 편, Science 에는약 45 편의천문학논문이실렸다. 천문학논문들의경우세부분야별논문의비율과사용한장비의분포를조사하였다. 전체논문중국내의한국인저자가포함된논문은 86 편인데이는전체논문중 1.10% 에해당한다. 이들의물리 (25.6%), 화학 (16.3%), 생명과학 (29.1%), 지구과학 (12.8%), 공학 (16.3%) 분야별비율을구했다. 천문학분야의국내한국인저자논문은 7 편에해당한다. 이발표에서는우리가구한여러가지통계치와시사점을제시하고자한다. Session : 관측기기및탑재체 Ⅱ 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 09:00 10:30 제 4 발표장 [ 구 LV-04] 차기세계전파통신회의 WRC-15 회의와과학업무관련의제연구 [ 구 ID-07] The CREAM Experiment in the International Space Station 48 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 Jik Lee 1, Jina Jeon 2, Hyun Su Lee 2, Hye Young Lee 2, Heuijin Lim 3, Il Hung Park 2,3,4, Youn Roh 4, Hongjoo Kim 5, Hwanbae Park 5, Moo Hyun Lee 6, and Eun-Suk Seo 6 The NASA Antarctica balloon experiment CREAM has successfully collected the data of energetic cosmic rays during six flights in past years. It recently observed the unexpected discrete hardening in energy spectra of comic rays. However high-statistics data of energetic cosmic rays are required for the further investigation of the unexpected hardening in comic-ray energy spectra. The International Space Station (ISS) is an ideal platform for the CREAM experiment to investigate the unexpected hardening and explore the fundamental issues like the acceleration mechanism and the origin of energetic cosmic rays because of the high duty cycle of the experiment in the ISS platform. We will present the design of the ISS-CREAM experiment, and the development and fabrication status of the detector components including the 4-layer silicon charge detector which will measure the charge constitution of cosmic rays with unprecedented accuracy. [ 구 ID-08] 남극상공에서의고에너지우주선실험을위한대면적실리콘전하량검출기의제작 전진아 1, 나고운 1, 박일흥 1, 서정은 1, 이직 2, 이혜영 1 남극 40km 상공에서고에너지우주선을관측하는 CREAM(Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass) 실험은 2004 년 CREAM I 의발사및운영을시작으로 2010 년겨울 CREAM VI 까지성공적으로그관측임무를수행해왔다. 이미지난모든실험에서검증된두개층의실리콘입자전하량검출기 (SCD) 와더불어보다정확하고신뢰성있는결과를얻기위해, CREAM 검출기최상단에전검출영역을커버하는대면적의 Large-SCD 를추가로장착하고자한다. 이를위해 2 년간 420 개실리콘센서, 5040 채널로이루어진대면적 Large-SCD 의제작을완료하였으며, CERN 가속기연구소에서 Beam 테스트를마친후이미메릴랜드대학에서최종테스트중이다. 이번발표에서는제작된 Large-SCD 와이를통해기대되는 CREAM 실험에서의우주선성분관측정확도의향상에관하여이야기하고자한다. [ 구 ID-09] Design and Construction of Detector Module for UFFO Burst Alert & Trigger Telescope Aera Jung 1, Salleh Ahmad 2, Pierre Barrillon 2, Søren Brandt 3, Carl Budtz-Jørgensen 3, Alberto J. Castro- Tirado 4, Pisin Chen 5, Ji Nyeong Choi 10, Yeon Ju Choi 6, Paul Connell 7, Sylvie Dagoret-Campagne 2, Christopher Eyles 7, Bruce Grossan 8, Ming-Huey A. Huang 9, Soomin Jeong 1, Ji Eun Kim 1, Min Bin Kim 1, Sug-Whan Kim 10, Ye Won Kim 1, A. S. Krasnov 11, Jik Lee 1, Heuijin Lim 1, Eric V. Linder 1,8, T. C. Liu 5, Niels Lund 3, Kyung Wook Min 6, Go Woon Na 1, Ji Woo Nam 5, Mikhile I. Panasyuk 11, Il Hung Park 1, Jakub. Ripa 1, Victor Reglero 7, Juana M. Rodrigo 7, George. F. Smoot 1,8, Jung Eun Suh 1, Sergei. Svertilov 11, Nikolay Vedenkin 11, Min-Zu Wang 5, Ivan Yashin 11, and the UFFO Collaboration One of the key aspects of the upcoming Ultra-Fast Observatory (UFFO) Pathfinder for Gamma-Ray Bursts(GRBs) identification will be the UFFO Burst Alert & Trigger Telescope(UBAT), based on a novel space telescope technique. The UBAT consists of coded mask, hopper, and detector module(dm). The UBAT DM consists of YSO crystal arrays, multi-anode photo mulipliers, and readout electronics. We will present the design and construction of the UBAT DM, and the response of the UBAT DM to X-ray sources. [ 구 ID-10] The Electronics system of the Ultra Fast Flash Observatory Pathfinder Ji Eun Kim 1, Ji Nyeong Choi 2, Yeon Ju Choi 3, Soomin Jeong 1, Aera Jung 1, Min Bin Kim 1, Sug-Whan. Kim 2, Ye Won Kim 1, Jik Lee 1, Heuijin Lim 1, Kyung Wook Min 3, Go Woon Na 1, Il Hung Park 1, Jakub. Ripa 1, Jung Eun Suh 1, and the UFFO collaboration The Ultra Fast Flash Observatory (UFFO) pathfinder consists of the UFFO Burst Alert X-ray Trigger telescope (UBAT) and the Slewing Mirror Telescope (SMT). They are controlled by the UFFO Data Acquisition system (UDAQ). The UBAT triggers Gamma-Ray Bursts(GRBs) and sends the position information to the SMT. The SMT slews the motorized mirror rapidly to the GRB position to take the UV/Optical data 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 49

구두발표논문초록 within a second after trigger. The UDAQ controls each instrument, communicates with the satellite, collects the data from UBAT and SMT, and transfers them to the satellite. Each instrument uses its own field programmable gates arrays (FPGA) for low power consumption and fast processing, and all functions are implemented in FPGAs without using microprocessors. The entire electronics system of the UFFO pathfinder including architecture, control, and data flow will be presented. [ 구 ID-11] The Burst Alert and Trigger Telescope for the Ultra Fast Flash Observatory Pathfinder Go Woon Na 1, Ji Nyeong Choi 2, Yeon Ju Choi 3, Soomin Jeong 1, Aera Jung 1, Ji Eun Kim 1, Min Bin Kim 1, Sug-Whan Kim 2, Ye Won Kim 1, Jik Lee 1, Heuijin Lim 1, Kyung Wook Min 3, Il Hung Park 1, Jakub. Ripa 1, Jung Eun Suh 1, and the UFFO collaboration The Ultra Fast Flash Observatory (UFFO) pathfinder is a payload system on-board the Russian satellite Lomonosov, scheduled to be launched in 2013. The main purpose of the UFFO pathfinder is to observe the early photons from Gamma-Ray Bursts. It consists of two instruments. The first instrument is the UFFO Burst Alert X-ray Trigger telescope (UBAT) for the fast-trigger and detection of GRB location, and the second is the Slewing Mirror Telescope (SMT) for the observation of the UV/optical afterglow from the GRB located by the UBAT. It will provide the first-ever systematic study of UV/optical emission far earlier than 1 sec after trigger. We will present the design, fabrication and the preliminary performance of the UBAT. [ 구 ID-12] The Slewing Mirror Telescope of the Ultra Fast Flash Observatory Pathfinder Soomin Jeong 1, Ji Nyeong Choi 2, Aera Jung 1, Min Bin Kim 1, Sug-Whan Kim 2, Ye Won Kim 1, Jieun Kim 1, Jik Lee 1, Heuijin Lim 1, Go Woon Na 1, Jiwoo Nam 3, Il Hung Park 1, Jakub Ripa 1, Jung Eun Suh 1, and the UFFO collaboration The Slewing Mirror Telescope (SMT) is a key telescope of Ultra-Fast Flash Observatory (UFFO) space project to explore the first sub-minute or sub-seconds early photons from the Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) afterglows. The first realization of UFFO is the 20kg UFFO-Pathfinder (UFFO-P) to be launched on board the Russian Lomonosov satellite in 2013 by the Soyuz-2 rocket. Once the UFFO Burst Alert & Trigger Telescope (UBAT) detects the GRBs, Slewing mirror (SM) will rotate to bring the GRB into the SMT s field of view instead of slewing the entire spacecraft. SMT can image the UV/Optical counterpart with about 4-arcsec accuracy. However it will provide a important understanding of the GRB mechanism by measuring the sub-minute optical photons from GRBs. SMT can respond to the trigger over 35 x 35 wide field of view within 1 sec by using Slewing Mirror Stage (SMS). SMT has 10-cm Ritchey-Chretien telescope and 256 x 256 pixilated Intensified Charge-Coupled Device (ICCD) on focal plane. In this paper, we discuss the overall design of UFFO-P SMT instrument and payloads development status. Session : 관측기기및탑재체 Ⅲ 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 11:00 12:15 제 4 발표장 [ 구 ID-13] 초고에너지우주선과고층대기극한방전현상관측을위한 TUS(Tracking Ultraviolet Setup) 및 Pinhole Camera 개발및진행상황 김민빈 1, 김지은 1, 김예원 1, 나고운 1, 박일흥 1, 서정은 1, 이직 2, 정애라 1, GARIPOV G 3, KHRENOV B 3, KLIMOV P 3, PANASYUK M 4 TUS(Tracking Ultraviolet Setup) 는 5x10 19 ev 이상의초고에너지우주선의스펙트럼과그기원, 그리고고층대기극한방전현상 (TLE) 관측을위한우주망원경이다. 위성 Lomonosov 의탑재체로 2013년에발사예정에있으며지구로부터 550km 상공에서지구를돌며 3년이상임무를수행할예정이다. TUS는크게반사경과 Detector Module 두부분으로나뉜다. 7개의육각형프레넬거울을이용한 2m 2 크기의반사경과 256개의 PMT(Photo Multiplier Tube) 로구성된 Detector Module을이용하여지구대기에서초고에너지우주선에의해발생하는 UV fluorescence 와 Cherenkov light를관측한다. TUS Detector Module 의한부분인 Pinhole Camera 는우리연구단의기술로직접개발한탑재체로서 TUS 반사경을통하지않고두개의 8x8 어레이 MAPMT (Multi Anode PMT) 가직접지구를바라보며고층대기극한방전현상을관측한다. Pinhole camera 는 TUS의시야각을포괄하는넓은시야각을가지고있으며빠른트리거시스템으로고층대기극한방전현상을관측하며, 이방전현상과 TUS가관측하는초고에너지우주선과의상관관계를연구한다. 현재 TUS 및 Pinhole Camera 는러시아에서조립되어우주환경인증시험및인터페이스테스트가진행되고있다. 이발표에서는 TUS와 Pinhole Camera 를소개하고현재까지의진행상황및테스트결과에대해보고하고자한다. [ 구 ID-14] Vibration test and verification of Multi-Anode-Photo-Multiplier-Tube s survivability with X-Ray Coded Mask Gamma Ray Burst Alert Trigger mechanical system in space launch environment 50 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 Ji Nyeong Choi 1, Yeon Ju Choi 4, Soomin Jeong 2, Aera Jung 2, Min Bin Kim 2, Ji Eun Kim 2, Sug-Whan Kim 1, Ye Won Kim 2, Jik Lee 2, Heuijin Lim 2, Kyung Wook Min 4, Go Woon Na 2, Ji Woo Nam 3, Il Hung Park 2, Jakub. Ripa 2, Jung Eun Suh 2, and the UFFO collaboration UFFO Burst Alert & Trigger telescope (UBAT) is one of major instruments of UFFO-Pathfinder. The UBAT aims at 10 arcmin resolution localization of Gamma Ray Bursts with X-ray coded mask technique. It has 400mm x 400mm coded mask aperture, hopper, shielding and detector module with effective area of 191cm 2. The detector module consists of an assembly of 36 64-ch MAPMTs and 25mm x 25mm pixellated YSO crystal array, and associated analog and digital electronics of about 2500 channels. We performed a vibration test using a dummy MAPMT with the detector module structure to measure the indused stress applied onto the MAPMT. We designed a sub-structure on the detector module to avoid the resonance that would otherwise deforms the detector module structure. A finite element analysis confirms the reduction of the load acceleration down to 12g. The experimental results are to be reported. Consequently, it proves that the MAPMT arrays of the flight UBAT detector module structure would survive in the space launch environment. [ 구 ID-15] Improved measurement uncertainty of photon detection efficiency for single pixel Silicon photomultiplier Seul Ki Yang 1,2, Hye-Young Lee 3, Jina Jeon 3, Sug-Whan Kim 1,2,5, Jik Lee 3, Il Hung Park 3,4 We report technique used for improved measurement uncertainties for Photon detection efficiency(pde) of 1 mm 2 single pixel SiPM. It consists of 470nm LED light source, two 2-inch integrating sphere and two NIST calibrated silicon photodiodes that have ± 2.4% calibration error. With raytracing simulation of our experimental setup, we predict number of photon into SiPM and measurement uncertainty. For MPPC, Hamamatsu suggested PDE(1600 micro pixel) including crosstalk and afterpulse is 23.5% at 470 nm. By using new low calibration error photodiode and raytracing simulation, our simulation result has ± 3% measurement uncertainty. The technical detail of measurement, simulation are presented with the results and implication. [ 구 ID-16] Real scale lunar apparent albedo and moonshine simulation with improved 3D lunar optical model with Apollo 10084 soil sample Jinhee Yu 1,2,3 and Sug-Whan Kim 1,2,3 Using Fresnel reflection and Hapke BRDF model with Apollo 10084 soil sample's scattering properties, we constructed a real scale optical lunar model and used it to simulate lunar apparent albedo and moonshine. For Fresnel reflection, the refractive index of 1.68±0.5 was used. For Hapke BRDF parameters from BUGs BRDF measurement, the single scattering with w=0.33, hot spot width h=0.017, average phase angle ζ=-0.086 and Legendre polynomial coefficients b=0.308, c=0.425 in wavelength 700nm with two types of Henyey-Greenstein phase function was applied. The computation model includes the Sun as a Lambertian scattering sphere, emitting 1.5078 W/m 2 at 700nm in wavelength. The Sun and Moon models were then imported into the IRT based radiative transfer computation. The trial simulation of the irradiance levels of moonshine lights shows that they agree well with the ROLO measurement data. We then estimate the lunar apparent albedo to 0.11. The results are to be compared with the measurement data. [ 구 ID-17] On-orbit test simulation for field angle dependent response measurement of the Amon-Ra energy channel instrument Sehyun Seong 1,2, Sug-Whan Kim 1,2,3, Dongok Ryu 1,2, Jinsuk Hong 4, and Mike Lockwood 5 The on-orbit test simulation for predicting the instrument directional responsivity was conducted by the Monte Carlo based integrated ray tracing (IRT) computation technique and analytic flux-to-signal conversion algorithms. For the on-orbit test simulation, the Sun model consists of the Lambertian scattering sphere and emitting spheroid rays, the Amon-Ra instrument is a two-channel including a broadband scanning radiometer (energy channel) and an 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 51

구두발표논문초록 imager with ±2 FOV (visible channel). The solar radiation produced by the Sun model is directed to the instrument viewing port and traced through the dual channel optical train. The instrument model is rotated on its rotation axis and this gives a slow scan of the Sun model over the full field of view. The direction of the incident lights are fed with scanned images obtained from the visible channel instrument. The instrument responsivity was computed by the ratio of the incident radiation input to the instrument output. In the radiometric simulation, especially, measured BRDF of the 3D CPC was used for scattering effects on radiometry. With diamond turned 3D CPC inner surface, the anisotropic surface scattering model from the measured data was applied to ray tracing computation. The technical details of the on-orbit test simulation are presented together with field-of-view calibration plan. Session : 관측기기및탑재체 Ⅳ 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 15:00 16:30 제 4 발표장 [ 구 ID-19] 천리안위성기상영상기영상위치보정성능 : 정규운영초기 1 년 우진, 오현종, 이병일, 김용석, 손승희 2010 년 6 월성공적으로발사된천리안위성 (Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite; COMS) 의기상영상기 (Meteorological Imager; MI) 를통해관측된원시기상영상은지상국인국가기상위성센터에서지표기준과위성궤도및자세정보를이용하여영상위치보정과정이수행된다. 이연구에서는정규운영초기 1 년동안의운영자료를분석하여계절및일변화를나타내는천리안위성기상영상의영상위치보정성능및특성을기술하였다. 이를통하여천리안위성기상영상가시및적외채널의영상위치결정정확도및영상위치유지정확도는기준값인 56μrad( 약 2km) 이내로유지되는것을확인하였다. 이는천리안위성기상영상이우수한품질의위치정확도를가지며기상현상분석및응용연구에높은효용성을가지는것을보여준다. 또한이연구의결과는후속기상위성영상위치보정시스템설계에도유용하게활용될것이다. [ 구 ID-18] 달을이용한천리안위성기상영상기노화경향분석 김재관, 이병일, 김용석, 손승희 천리안위성은통신, 해양, 기상임무를띤우리나라최초의정지궤도복합위성으로지난 2010 년 6 월 27 일성공적으로발사된후동경 128.2 도, 적도상공약 35,800km 고도의정지궤도에안착되었다. 이후약 6 개월여의궤도상시험기간과 2 개월의안정화기간을거쳐 2011 년 4 월 1 일, 기상청은위성자료서비스를위한정규운영을시작하였다. 천리안위성의기상탑재체인기상영상기는다중채널복사계로한반도주변뿐만아니라전지구적기후변화및대기운동그리고급변하는기상상황을감시하기위해실시간관측과전송시스템을갖추고있다. 이기상영상기를운용하는기상청국가기상위성센터지상국에서는자료수신및영상전처리시스템을갖추고수신된위성신호로부터영상분리후복사보정및기하보정을수행하며, 위성자료배포시스템을통해일정시간간격내에사용자들에게처리자료를배포하고있다. 영상복사보정은기상영상기내의각채널별디텍터가감지한지구복사휘도의전기적신호를지상에서복사휘도와휘도온도값으로변환하는작업이다. 절대검정체로서흑체와우주보기값을이용하는적외채널과달리, 가시채널디텍터는절대검정체가탑재되어있지않기때문에우주보기값외에대리검정방법을이용한다. 이러한가시채널노화도분석에달관측을통한비교분석이한방법으로제시되고있다. 천리안위성기상영상기의정규운영 1 년간의가시채널디텍터의노화도는 6% 이내로측정되었고, 이는일반적인정지궤도위성센서의노화도인 6% 내외값변화량에견주어잘운용되고있음을시사한다. 이논문에는천리안위성기상영상자료의품질및매개변수의변화경향도함께제시하였으며, 달을이용한기상영상기노화분석과보정에관한내용을싣고있다. [ 구 ID-20] Geant4 를이용한 STEIN 검출기의입자분리검출모의실험예비결과분석 박성하 1, 김용호 2, 우주 1, 선종호 1, 진호 1, 이동훈 1, Robert P. Lin 3, Thomas Immel 3 지구자기권에존재하는플라즈마입자의다중관측을목적으로개발된초소형탑재체 STEIN(SupraThermal Electron, Ion, Neutral) 은경희대학교와 UC Berkeley 가공동으로개발중인 3 대의초소형과학위성 TRIO CINEMA(TRiplet Ionosphere Observatory-Cubesat for Ion, Neutral, Electron and MAgnetic fields) 에탑재될입자검출기이다. 32 개의픽셀로이루어진 STEIN 검출기는 2~300 kev 의전자, 4~300 kev 의이온과중성입자 (Energetic Neutral Atom: ENA) 를분리계측할목적으로설계되었으며, 하전입자가정전장편향기를통과하여서로다른검출기픽셀에도달함으로써전자와이온, 중성입자를분리하여계측할수있도록하였다. 한편, STEIN 구조물에서발생한 2 차입자의검출을방지하기위해정전편향기사이에차단날 (blade) 을설계하였다. 이연구에서는 STEIN 모의실험예비결과로써전기장에크기및차단날에의한하전입자의궤적과이에따른분리계측성능을알아보고자 Geant4(GEometry ANd Tracking) 를사용하여검출기픽셀에입사하는전자의초기위치를분석하였다. 전자의입사위치는검출기로부터 5 cm 전방에서 6 x 20 mm 범위내에서무작위로생성하여검출기의방향으로수직입사하였다. 분석결과전자들은전기장의방향에따라편향되는결과를보였으며, 저에너지전자는강한전기장의영향으로차단날에의해차폐되어검출되지않았다. 따라서전기장의크기와차단날에따른입자분리검출이가능함을우리의모의실험을통해확인하였으며, STEIN 운용시입자분리검출및결과분석기반으로이연구결과를사용될수있을것으로기대된다. 52 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 [ 구 ID-21] 우주방사선폭풍탐사선탑재체 PD (Proton Detector, 양성자검출기 ) 의개념설계 손종대 1, 이유 1, 오수연 1, 민경욱 2, 이대영 3 우주방사선폭풍탐사선 (Space Radiation Storm probe: SRSP) 에탑재할과학측정장비들중의하나로추진중인 PD 는우주방사선환경에서의태양활동에따른고에너지하전입자들특히 proton 의에너지와 flux 에대한정보를획득하고더불어다른고에너지입자의효과까지포함하는 Linear Energy Transfer (LET) 을측정하기위한탑재체이다. 우리연구팀은 PD 의사양을결정하기위해서 GEANT4 를사용하여전산모사를수행하였으며, proton 의경우우주방사선환경에서의태양활동에따른고에너지영역을고려하여 0.1 ~ 1000 MeV 범위에서전산모사를수행하였다. 우리연구팀은특히 PD 의에너지범위를 0 MeV 5 MeV, 5 MeV 10 MeV, 10 MeV 20 MeV, 20 MeV 35 MeV, 35 MeV 52 MeV, 52 MeV 72 MeV, 72 MeV 이상으로총 7 개의 channel 를결정하고 Al 의 blocking material 을사용하여검출하려는에너지범위를조절한다. 또한최적의채널을결정하여 silicon detector 를사용한탑재체의개념설계를실시하였다. 설계된 PD 로부터방사선대에서의 proton 를측정함으로써태양기원고에너지입자에대한포획및쇠퇴에대한이해를도울것이다. [ 구 ID-22] 우주물체전자광학감시체계광시야망원경개발 문일권 1, 이상은 1, 임주희 1,4, 이혁교 1, 양호순 1, 한정열 2, 한인우 2, 장정균 2, 나자경 2, 최영준 2, 박장현 2, 이종웅 3, 진호 4 우주물체전자광학감시체계는빠르게이동하는우주물체를지구상에서신속하고정확하게관측할수있는장비이다. 이체계의주요부분인광학망원경은직경 0.5m 의비구면주반사경과직경이 0.2m 인비구면부반사경그리고 5 매의보정렌즈로구성된카세그레인타입의망원경으로 2 도의광시야를갖도록상분석및미광분석을통하여광학적성능을최적화하였다. 망원경의광기계구조는설치환경요소및관측환경요인으로인한광학적변형을최소화하도록설계하였다. 이논문에서는우주물체전자광학감시체계의요구조건을만족하는광시야망원경의광학계및광기계구조설계를논의하고자한다. [ 구 ID-23] OWL 시스템시험모델개발 박장현, 최영준, 조중현, 문홍규, 임홍서, 배영호, 박종욱 한국천문연구원은우주물체전자광학감시체계기술개발사업을통해자국위성의추적감시를위해 0.5m 광시야감시관측소국제네트워크 (OWL: Optical Wide-Field patrol) 를구축할예정이다. OWL 시스템의설계검증을위해시험모델을개발하였고, 연구소내에테스트베드에설치하여종합적인테스트를수행하고있 다. OWL 시험모델은해외설치모델과동일하게제작하였으며돔을제외한모든서브시스템을국산화하였다. 유효구경 0.5m 의 Richey-Cretian 형식의광학계로 1.75 도의광시야를구현하였고영상보정을위해 5 개의보정렌즈를사용하였다. 인공위성추적을위해초당 10 도이상기동이가능한 alt-az 방식의마운트를개발하였다. 단일노출에서다수의인공위성궤적을얻기위해 chopper 제어시스템을도입하였고, chopper, 필터휠, derotator, CCD 카메라등 4 개의부분품을하나로묶어간결한 back-end 를구성하였다. 시스템의안정성향상과유지보수의용이성을위해망원경및관측소제어전용보드를개발하였고, 전자동무인관측을위한스케줄러및운영소프트웨어를개발하였다. 시험모델을이용하여수개월간테스트을수행하고, 관측결과분석을통하여문제점을수정보완한후 OWL 시스템의최종설계안을확정할예정이다. Session : 국제세션 Ⅱ - Evolution of Galaxies 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 09:00 10:30 제 5 발표장 [ 초 EG-01] Extreme Objects in High Redshift Universe Myungshin Im With flourishing of new facilities, we are now set to expand the horizon of the human knowledge of the universe deep into the very beginning of the cosmic history of astronomical objects. In such an endeavor, extreme objects and cosmic events such as violent cosmic explosions, rapidly growing supermassive black holes, and proto-clusters of galaxies, are the objects to be investigated in order to unveil what was happening in the very early universe. We will discuss what we have learned and are expecting to discover from such extreme objects about the infant universe both currently and in future, highlighting some of our recent works. [ 초 EG-02] Hidden Monsters in the Submillimeter Wei-Hao Wang Submillimeter Galaxies (SMGs) are high-redshift galaxies undergone extremely intense starbursts. Their UV radiation is heavily extinguished by dust and is re-radiated in the far-ir and submillimeter. They are thought to be progenitors of present-day giant elliptical galaxies and can be tracers of the highest density environment at high redshift. However, because of the low angular resolution of existing single-dish submillimeter telescopes, the progress in understanding the SMG population has been remarkably slow. In this talk, I will outline the outstanding issues in this field, and introduce our Submillimeter Array interferometric studies of SMGs. I will 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 53

구두발표논문초록 also discuss possible new research that will be enabled by next-generation instruments such as ALMA and LMT. [ 초 EG-03] Evolution of galaxies through galaxy-galaxy interactions Changbom Park I review the dependence of galaxy properties on environmental parameters such as the local density, nearest neighbor distance and morphology. We find that a galaxy with an early- or late-type nearest companion within its virial radius tends to be an early or late type, respectively. The morphology of galaxies located in high density regions tends to be the same as that of the ones in low density regions if their luminosity and the nearest neighbor environment are the same. This strongly supports that galaxy morphology and luminosity evolution have been driven mainly by galaxy-galaxy interactions, and the background density affected morphology and luminosity only through the frequency of interactions. Session : 국제세션 Ⅲ - Square Kilometre Array 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 11:00 12:30 제 5 발표장 [ 초 SKA-01] Largest Array SKA and Largest Dish FAST Bo Peng The largest array SKA (Square Kilometre Array) project was proposed by astronomers from 10 countries, and first coordinated by the LTWG (Large Telescope Working Group) formed at the General Assembly of URSI (International Union of Radio Science) in 1993. It enters the pre-construction phase (2012-2015), towards the 10% SKA construction (2016-2019) called SKA1 and the rest of SKA (2019-2023) called SKA 2, under the leadership of the SKA Organisation (SKAO) established on November 23, 2011. I will review the Chinese participation in the SKA project at national, regional and global levels in the past two decades. During such a Long March to the SKA, a number of national Megascience projects have taken root and have been (are being) successfully constructed, with costs at the 100 M US dollar level, including the largest dish FAST (Five-hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope), which can be seen as a forerunner of the KARST (Kilometre Area Radio Synthesis Telescope) project, being as one of the two LDSN (Large Diameter Small Number) concepts for realizing the SKA. A close look at the FAST project gives an impressive snapshot of the construction phase in China. [ 초 SKA-02] Theory of Cosmic Reionization in the New Era of Precision Cosmology Kyungjin Ahn As the accuracy in the measurement of cosmological parameters is ever-increasing in this era of precision cosmology, astrophysical constraints on high-redshift universe is also getting tighter. Three dimensional (3D) tomography of the high-redshift (z>~7) universe is expected to be made through the next-generation radio telescopes including various SKA pathfinders and SKA itself, which calls for extensive theoretical predictions. We present our new simulations of cosmic reionization covering the full dynamic range of radiation sources, and also the mock data for the (1) large-scale CMB polarization anisotropy for Planck mission, (2) small-scale, kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect for South Pole Telescope project, and (3) 21-cm observations. We show that the new constraints on CMB from Planck will constrain the models of reionization significantly, which then should be tested by 3D tomography of high-redshift universe through the 21-cm observations by future radio telescopes. [ 초 SKA-03] WALLABY - the ASKAP HI All-Sky Survey Se-Heon Oh 1,2 The "Widefield ASKAP L-band Legacy All-sky Blind survey" (WALLABY) is an extragalactic HI survey which aims to examine HI properties and large-scale distribution of ~500,000 galaxies out to z 0.27, covering a wide range of science goals associated with galaxy formation and evolution (P.I.: B. Koribalski & L. Staveley-Smith). The combination of ASKAP s exquisite column density sensitivity and a large primary beam will make it possible to systematically investigate the rarely explored low column-density HI in the universe. Ultimately, the largest and most homogeneous data set from WALLABY will drastically improve and broaden our knowledge on galaxy formation and evolution. ASKAP will be on-line in 2013, so to ensure timely and efficient reduction and analysis of the large WALLABY data set, we have been developing and testing reliable source finding tools and data analysis pipelines. In this talk I present recent progress of WALLABY, especially on the kinematic parameterisation pipeline for the spatially resolved galaxies detected by WALLABY. 54 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 Session : 특별세션 Ⅰ - KVN 을사용한관측연구 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 15:00 16:20 제 5 발표장 [ 구 KVN-01] Candidates for the young stellar outflows: Water and Methanol masers from young stellar objects Wanggi Lim, A-Ran Lyo, Kee-Tae Kim, and Do-Young Byun We conducted simultaneous 22GHz water maser and 44GHz class I methanol maser surveys of newly-identified 282 H 2 emission features from the 2.122μm H 2 narrowband image survey in the Galactic plane (UWISH2 project) using Korea VLBI Network (KVN) 21-m radio telescopes. We detected 16 and 13 new water and methanol maser sources, respectively. This result indicates that at least ~5% of the H 2 emission features originate from young stellar objects (YSOs) that are in the right physical condition to produce the water and methanol masers. The masers are closely related to the current outflow activities in the Galactic plane. The power sources of these 23 diffused/collimated H 2 emission features (six sources are detected for both masers) are likely to be intermediate-to high-mass YSOs, based on a comparison with the maser luminosities of other well-studied YSOs. Both maser velocities are mostly close to their own systemic velocities within 5 km/s, even though water masers generally show larger variabilities in the line intensities, velocities, and shapes than methanol masers. We also discovered three new water maser sources with high-velocity components: ~25 km/s red-shifted CMHO019, ~50 km/s blue-shifted CMHO132, and ~120 km/s blue-shifted CMHO182. In particular, we propose that the dominant blue-shifted water maser of CHMO182 could become a unique laboratory for the study of high-mass stellar jet and their accelerations. [ 구 KVN-02] Time Monitoring Observations of SiO and H 2O Masers Using the KVN Se-Hyung Cho 1,2, Jaeheon Kim 1,2,3, Dong-Whan Yun 1,4, Chi-Young Cho 1,5, Youngjoo Yun 1, and Do-Young Byun 1 We present the interim results of simultaneous time monitoring observations of SiO v=1, 2, J=1 0, 29 SiO v=0, J=1 0, and H 2O 6 16 5 23 maser lines toward about 60 relatively strong SiO and/or H 2O maser sources using the single dishes of the Korean VLBI Network from 2009 September to 2012 June. These monitoring sources are composed of representative semiregular variables, Miras, water fountain sources, preplantary nebulae and SiO maser sources of star forming regions etc. The variations of intensity ratios between SiO and H 2O masers and velocity structures are investigated according to stellar optical phases and observational epochs. Several individual sources which show an interesting feature will be presented here. [ 구 KVN-03] Statistical Studies Based on SiO and H 2O Maser Survey toward Evolved Stars Jaeheon Kim 1,2,3, Se-Hyung Cho 2,4, Sang-Joon Kim 3 We report extensive statistical analyses based on the simultaneous observational results of SiO and H 2O masers toward 166 known both SiO and H 2O maser sources (Kim et al. 2010), 83 known SiO maser sources (Cho & Kim 2012 submitted), and 152 known H 2O maser sources (Kim et al. 2012 in preparation). We investigate mutual relations between SiO and H 2O maser properties (peak and total flux density ratios, full line width ratios, and velocity structures etc.) according to stellar pulsation phases and type of evolved stars. These statistical results are compared with monitoring observational results of some individual stars. In addition, a relation between the full line width of SiO/H 2O masers and stellar mass loss rates is examined. For 401 observed stars, we also investigate characteristics of SiO and H 2O maser properties related with evolutionary stages in the IRAS two-color diagram. [ 구 KVN-04] Simultaneous observations of SiO and H 2O masers toward AGB and post-agb stars Dong-Hwan Yoon 1,2, Se-Hyung Cho 2,3, Jaeheon Kim 2,4,5, Chi-Young Cho 2,6, Youngjoo Yun 4, and Yong-Sun Park 1 We performed simultaneous observations of SiO v=1, 2, 29 SiO v=0, J=1-0 and H 2O 6 16-5 23 maser lines toward 132 AGB and 183 post-agb stars in order to investigate how evolutionary characteristics from AGB to post-agb stars appear in these two maser emissions. The observations were carried out from 2011 February to 2012 March using the Korean VLBI Network 21-m radio telescopes. We have detected SiO and/or H 2O maser emission from 29 sources out of 183 post-agb stars including 19 new detections. Of 132 AGB stars which are mainly selected based on the IRAS Point Source Catalog, we detected SiO and/or H 2O maser emission from 38 stars including 18 newly detected sources. 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 55

구두발표논문초록 An evolutionary characteristic from AGB to post-agb stars is discussed in IRAS two-color diagram. It is found that SiO v=2, J=1-0 maser emission without SiO v=1 maser detections was detected from 8 sources among 21 SiO detected post-agb stars and the intensity of SiO v=2, J=1-0 maser tends to be much stronger than that of SiO v=1. We also found that for the post-agb stars the maser detection rate of blue group sources (which have higher outflow velocities than red group) are higher than that of red group. Especially, only H 2O maser emission was detected from 7 sources among 94 red group sources without SiO maser detections. Session : 우주론 10 월 19 일 ( 금 ) 09:00 10:15 제 1 발표장 [ 구 GC-16] M101, Type Ia Supernova, and the Hubble Constant Myung-Gyoon Lee and In Sung Jang SNe Ia are a well-known powerful distance indicator. Type Ia supernova (SN) 2011fe was discovered in the nearby spiral galaxy M101 in 2011. It was discovered in less than one day after its explosion and is one of the nearest SNe Ia. Therefore SN 2011fe plays a significant role for calibrating the luminosity of the SNe Ia as well as for studying the progenitors of SNe Ia. However, previous estimates of the distance to M101 based on various methods show a large range. We present a new determination of the distance to M101 using the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB) method. We measure the distance from the F555W and F814W images of nine fields taken with the HST/ACS and HST/WFPC2 available in the HST archive. We derive a distance estimate with much smaller errors than previous studies. We discuss the implication of our results in relation with the calibration of optical and near-infrared maximum magnitudes of SNe Ia and the Hubble Constant. [ 구 GC-17] The Luminosity of Type Ia Supernova as a Function of Host-Galaxy Morphology Young-Lo Kim, Yijung Kang, Dongwook Lim, and Young-Wook Lee We have employed SNANA supernova analysis package to make YONSEI Supernova Catalogue 1, which contains distance modulus, light-curve shape parameters, and color or extinction values of each supernova. This database is used to study the dependence of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) luminosities on the host-galaxy morphologies. The redshift range of this catalogue is 0.010 < z < 1.555, and we use three light-curve fitters: SALT2, MLCS2k2 (R v = 3.1), and MLCS2k2 (R v = 1.7). We find a systematic difference in the Hubble residual (HR) of 0.12 ± 0.031 mag between E-S0 and Scd/Sd/Irr host-galaxies, and of 0.16 ± 0.044 mag between passive and star-burst host-galaxies. This difference is significant over the 3σ level. Considering the significant difference in the mean age of stellar population between these morphological types, the difference in the HR reported here suggests that the evolution effect of SNe Ia luminosity should be considered in the cosmological application of SNe Ia data. [ 구 GC-18] Detecting the Signature of the First Stars through Planck CMB Polarization Observation Kyungjin Ahn We present the first simulations of cosmic reionization that include the first stars and their radiative feedback that limited their formation, in a volume large enough to capture the spatial variations that affected the process and its observability. We show hat these first stars made reionization begin much earlier than without, and was reatly extended, which boosts the intergalactic electron-scattering optical depth and the large-angle polarization fluctuations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) significantly. Although within current WMAP uncertainties, this will enable Planck see he signature of the first stars at high redshift, currently undetectable by other probes. [ 구 GC-19] Properties of the mini-halos in dwarf ellipticals obtained from cosmological hydrodynamic simulations Jihye Shin 1, Juhan Kim 2, Sungsoo S. Kim 1,3, Suk-Jin Yoon 4, and Changbom Park 2 We have performed cosmological hydrodynamic simulations that include the effects of radiative heating/cooling, star formation, feedback by supernova explosions, and metallicity evolution. Our simulations cover a cubic box of a side length 4 Mpc/h with 130 million particles. The mass of each particle is 3.4 x 10 4 M, thus sub-galactic mini-halos can be resolved with more than hundred particles. Our simulation follows the whole formation process of the mini-halos (M<10 7 M ) around dwarf galaxies. We discuss 56 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 various properties of the mini halos such as mass function, specific frequency, baryon-to-dark matter ratio, metallicity, spatial distribution, and orbit eccentricity distribution as functions of redshift and host galaxy mass. We also discuss how the formation and evolution of the mini halos are affected by the epoch of the reionization. [ 구 GC-20] Chandra Archival Survey of Galaxy Clusters: Surface Photometry of Diffuse X-ray Emission Eunhyeuk Kim 1 and Minsun Kim 2 We have studied the physical properties of X-ray point sources in galaxy clusters for years based on the archival observations using the most sophisticated space X-ray observatory, Chandra X-ray Observatory. Because the ultimate goal of the study is comparing the physical properties of X-ray point sources found in galaxy clusters to those in X-ray blank fields; blank fields are the regions in the sky where any noticeable cosmic diffuse X-ray emission is not observed, an important key issue regarding this study is picking out the point sources related with galaxy clusters. However we do not have red-shift information of all the X-ray point sources. Therefore as a first order approximation we will consider the point sources with smaller projected cluster-centric distance than the adopted size of galaxy clusters. As a first step of this study we perform X-ray surface photometry of ~600 galaxy clusters based on ~800 Chandra ACIS observations. We carefully investigate the radial structures of diffuse X-ray emission in 3 different energy bands. Based on the highly accurate surface photometry we determine the characteristic size of diffuse X-ray emission (i.e., the boundary of X-ray emission). We also investigate the cosmological evolution of this characteristic size of galaxy clusters. General discussion regarding the two dimensional morphology of galaxy clusters will be presented. Session : 성간물질 10 월 19 일 ( 금 ) 11:00 12:30 제 1 발표장 [ 구 IM-01] UKIRT Widefield Infrared Survey for [Fe II] 1.64 μm Jae-Joon Lee 1, Bon-Chul Koo 2, and the GEMS0 team NIR Emission lines from singly-ionized Iron, in particular [Fe II] 1.64 μm, are good tracer of dense atomic gas in star-forming regions, around evolved stars, and in supernova remnants. We are imaging about 180 square degrees along the Galactic Plane (6 o < l < 65 o ; -1.5 o < b < +1.5 o ) with the narrow band filter centered on the [Fe II] 1.64 μm line using WFCAM at UKIRT. The observations will complement the UWISH2 survey, which have imaged the same area with the narrow band filter centered on the molecular hydrogen 1-0 S(1) emission line at 2.12 μm, and probe a dynamically active component of ISM. We present the goals and preliminary results of our survey. [ 구 IM-02] MIRIS: Science Programs Woong-Seob Jeong 1, Toshio Matsumoto 2,3, Kwangil Seon 1, Jeonghyun Pyo 1, Dae-Hee Lee 1, Youngsik Park 1, Chang Hee Ree 1, Bongkon Moon 1, Sung-Joon Park 1, Uk-Won Nam 1, Jang-Hyun Park 1, Duk-Hang Lee 1,4, Sang-Mok Cha 1, Sungho Lee 1, In-Soo Yuk 1, Kyungjin Ahn 5, Jungyeon Cho 6, Hyung Mok Lee 7, and Wonyong Han 1 The main payload of Science and Technology Satellite 3 (STSAT-3), Multipurpose InfraRed Imaging System (MIRIS) is the first Korean infrared space mission to explore the near-infrared sky with a small astronomical instrument developed by KASI. The 8-cm passively cooled telescope with a wide field of view (3.67 deg. x 3.67 deg.) will be operated in the wavelength range from 0.9 to 2μm. It will carry out wide-band imaging and the Paschen-α emission line survey. After the calibration of MIRIS in our laboratory, MIRIS has been delivered to SaTReC and successfully assembled into the STSAT-3. The main purposes of MIRIS are to perform the observation of Cosmic Infrared Background (CIB) at two wide spectral bands (I and H band) and to survey the Galactic plane at 1.88μm wavelength, the Paschen-α emission line. CIB observation enables us to reveal the nature of degree-scale CIB fluctuation detected by the IRTS (Infrared Telescope in Space) mission and to measure the absolute CIB level. The MIRIS will continuously monitor the seasonal variation of the zodiacal light towards the both north and south ecliptic poles for the purpose of calibration as well as the effective removal of zodiacal light. The Pashen-α emission line survey of Galactic plane helps us to understand the origin of Warm Ionized Medium (WIM) and to find the physical properties of interstellar turbulence related to star formation. Here, we also discuss the observation plan with MIRIS. [ 구 IM-03] Simulation study of dust-scattered Far-Ultraviolet emission in the Orion-Eridanus Superbubble Young-Soo Jo 1, Kyoung-Wook Min 1, Tae-Ho Lim 1, 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 57

구두발표논문초록 and Kwang-Il Seon 2 We present the results of dust scattering simulations carried out for the Orion-Eridanus Superbubble region by comparing them with observations made in the far-ultraviolet. The albedo and the phase function asymmetry factor (g-factor) of interstellar grains were estimated, as were the distance and thickness of the dust layers. The results are as follows: 0.43 +0.02-0.04 for the albedo and 0.45 +0.2-0.2 for the g-factor, in good agreement with previous determinations and theoretical predictions. The distance of the assumed single dust layer, modeled for the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex, was estimated to be ~110 pc, and the thickness ranged from ~130 at the core to ~50 pc at the boundary for the region of present interest, implying that the dust cloud is located in front of the superbubble. The simulation result also indicates that a thin (~10 pc) dust shell surrounds the inner X-ray cavities of hot gas at a distance of ~70-90 pc. [ 구 IM-04] Far-ultraviolet Observations of the Taurus-Perseus-Auriga Complex Tae-ho Lim 1, Kyoung-wook Min 1, and Kwang-Il Seon 2 We firstly present the unified Far-UV continuum map of the Taurus-Auriga-Perseus (TPA) complex, one of the largest local associations of dark cloud located in (l, b)=([154, 180], [-28, -2]), by merging both FIMS and GALEX. The FUV continuum map shows that dust extinction correlate well with the FUV around the complex. It shows strong absorption in FUV toward the dense Taurus cloud while it does not in California cloud. It turned out that it is related to the relative location of each cloud and Perseus OB2 association. We also present some results of dust scattering simulation based on Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer technique (MCRT). Through this dust scattering simulation, we have derived the scattering parameter for this region, albedo(a)=0.42 +0.05-0.05, asymmetry factor(g)=0.47 +0.11-0.27. The optical parameters we obtained seem reasonable compared to the theoretical model values ~0.40 and ~0.65 for the albedo and the phase function though the phase function is rather small. Using the result of simulation, we figured out the geometries of each cloud in the complex region, especially their distances and thicknesses. Our predictions from the results are in good agreement with the previous studies related to the TPA complex. For example, the Taurus cloud is within ~ 200pc from the Sun and the Perseus seems to be multi-layered, at least two. The California cloud is more distant than the other cloud on average at ~350 pc and Auriga cloud seems to be between the Taurus cloud and the eastern end of the California cloud. We figured out that across the TPA complex region, there might be some correlation between the LSR velocity and the distance to each cloud in the complex. [ 구 IM-05] Far Ultraviolet Observations of the Spica Nebula and the Interaction Zone Yeon-ju Choi 1, Jae-Woo Park 2, Tae-Ho Lim 1, Kyoung-Wook Min 1, Kwang-Il Seon 3, and Young-Soo Jo 1 The far ultraviolet (FUV) wavelength (900~1750Å) range includes a wealth of important astrophysical information related to the cooling of hot gas, fluorescent emission from the H 2 molecules, and scattered star light off dust particles. Among these, we would like to focus on the FUV halo surrounding the α Vir (Spica) that is regarded as the scattered emission of the central star by dust. The α Vir located at (l = 316 o.11, b = 50 o.84) is actually a binary system with a primary star of the B1 III-IV type and the secondary star of the B2 V type, and is at a distance of ~80 pc from the Sun in the direction of the Scorpius-Centaurus (Sco-Cen) association, close to the so called interaction zone of the Local bubble and the Loop I superbubble (Egger & Aschenbach 1995). While dust scattering properties have been studied with the GALEX data, the improved dataset of STSAT-1 revealed many detailed structures of this interesting region. For example, the FUV continuum map obtained from the STSAT-1 observations shows enhanced emission in the southern part of the Spica halo region, where the dust level is also high. We have developed a Monte Carlo code that simulates dust scattering of light including multiple encounters. The code is applied to the present Spica halo region to obtain the scattering properties such as the albedo and the phase function asymmetry factor. Session : 초청강연 Ⅳ 10 월 19 일 ( 금 ) 14:00 14:30 제 1 발표장 [ 초 IT-04] Ultra-Fast Flash Observatory (UFFO) for early photon measurements from Gamma Ray Bursts Il Hung Park and the UFFO Collaboration We describe the space project of Ultra-Fast Flash Observatory (UFFO), which will observe early optical photons from gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with a sub-second optical response, for the first time. The UFFO will probe the early 58 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 optical rise of GRBs, opening a completely new frontier in GRB and transient studies, using a fast-response rotatable mirror system which redirects opitical path to telescope instead of slewing of telescopes or spacecraft. In our small UFFO-Pathfinder experiment, scheduled to launch aboard the Lomonosov satellite in June 2012, we use a motorized mirror in our Slewing Mirror Telescope instrument to achieve less than one second optical response after X-ray trigger. We describe the science and the mission of the UFFO project, including a serious version called UFFO-100 which will be launched in 2014. With our program of ultra-fast optical response GRB observatories, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of GRB mechanisms, and potentially open up the z>10 universe to study via GRB as point source emission probes. Session : 별탄생, 수치시뮬레이션및기타 10 월 19 일 ( 금 ) 15:00 16:30 제 1 발표장 [ 구 SF-01] AKARI Observations for 8 dense molecular cores Gwanjeong Kim 1,2, Chang Won Lee 1,2, Mi-Ryang Kim 1,3, and Seungun Kim 4 We present results of AKARI observations toward 8 dense molecular cores which are previously known to be "starless". These cores show some spectral features which may imply characteristic internal motions. The observations were carried out at 8 bands (3, 4, 7, 11, 65, 90, 140, and 160 micron) with IRC and FIS instruments equipped in the AKARI. The archive data of 2MASS and Spitzer were also utilized. We found that 1 (L1582A) of 8 cores has a few embedded young stellar objects (YSOs) while the rest of them are still starless. The YSOs found in L1582A are identified by the slope of the spectral energy distribution or by the AKARI color-color diagram. The unusually broad linewidth toward L1582A, which is twice broader than one of starless cores, is also consistent with the existence of protostars in this core. The physical environment and evolution of the other "starless" cores where any AKARI point source is not detected will be discussed with help of their molecular line observations. [ 구 SF-02] Near-IR Polarimetry Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Relationship between the polarization degree and the color Jaeyeong Kim 1, Soojong Pak 1,2, Wonseok Kang 1, and Minho Choi 3 We performed near-ir imaging polarimetry of the 5ⅹ9 fields (~39 ⅹ69 ) around 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), using the InfraRed Survey Facility (IRSF). We obtained polarimetry data in the J, H, and Ks bands using the JHKs-simultaneous imaging polarimeter SIRPOL in 2008 December and 2011 December. With the reliable LMC field data which were selected using a bad-data-rejection algorithm, we measured Stokes parameters of point-like sources to derive the degree of polarization and the polarization position angle. We present physical relationship between the three bands using the photometric and the polarimetric properties of the sources. [ 구 SF-03] A Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Code Based on an Upwind Scheme Hanbyul Jang and Dongsu Ryu Building a relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) code based on upwind schemes has been a challenging project, because of the absence of analytic expressions of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. We found analytic expressions of eigenvalues and eigenvectors for adiabatic RMHD flows which are relatively simple and manageable. Especially, our eigenvectors can handle all degenerate points. Using these analytic forms, we built a code based on the total variation diminishing (TVD) scheme, and successfully performed one-dimensional shock tube tests. [ 구 SF-04] Study of the Kinetic Effects on Relativistic Unmagnetized Shocks using 3D PIC Simulations Eun Jin Choi 1,2, Kyoung Wook Min 1, Cheongrim Choi 1, and Ken-Ichi Nishikawa 3 Shocks are ubiquitous in astrophysical plasmas: bow shocks are formed by the interaction of solar wind with planetary magnetic fields, and supernova explosions and jets produce shocks in interstellar and intergalactic spaces. The global morphologies of these shocks are usually described by a set of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations which tacitly assumes local thermal equilibrium, and the resulting Rankine-Hugoniot shock jump conditions are applied to obtain the relationship between the upstream and downstream physical quantities. While thermal equilibrium 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 59

구두발표논문초록 can be achieved easily in collisional fluids, it is generally believed that collisions are infrequent in astrophysical settings. In fact, shock widths are much smaller than collisional mean free paths and a variety of kinetic phenomena are seen at the shock fronts according to in situ observations of planetary shocks. Hence, both the MHD and kinetic equations have been adopted in theoretical and numerical studies to describe different aspects of the physical phenomena associated with astrophysical shocks. In this paper, we present the results of 3D relativistic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations for ion-electron plasmas, with focus on the shock structures: when a jet propagates into an unmagnetized ambient plasma, a shock forms in the nonlinear stage of the Weibel instability. As the shock shows the structures that resemble those predicted in MHD systems, we compare the results with those predicted in the MHD shocks. We also discuss the thermalization processes of the upstream flows based on the time evolutions of the phase space and the velocity distribution, as well as the wave spectra analyses. [ 구 SF-05] Analysis of Korean Historical Records of Comet Halley Ki-Won Lee In this paper, we analyzed Korean historical records of the periodic comet Halley in three periods (Three Kingdoms, the Goryeo dynasty, and the Joseon dynasty) using various sources such as Samguksagi (History of the Three Kingdoms), Goryeosa (History of the Goryeo Dynasty), and Joseonwangjosillok (Annals of the Joseon Dynasty). To determine the apparition time of the comet at each return, we referred to the works of Kronk. For the Three Kingdoms period, we could not find any record relevant to Halley s comet from Samguksagi. Instead, we examined the suggestion that the phenomenon two Suns appearing on April 1, 760 (in a luni-solar calendar), which is recorded in Samgukyusa (Renaissance of the Three Kingdoms), indicates an appearance of comet Halley during the daytime. In contrast, we found that all the returns of Halley s comet during the Goryeo dynasty are recorded, although some accounts are questioned. In addition, we found that the appearance of Halley s comet in 1145 is also mentioned in a spirit-path stele made in 1178. For the Joseon dynasty period, we found that all the returns of the comet are recorded, as with the Goryeo dynasty, except for the return of 1910, in which the former dynasty fell. In conclusion, we think that this study will be helpful for understanding Korean historical accounts of Halley s comet. [ 구 SF-06] Galileo 의태양흑점발견과정을토대로과학의본성에대한고등학생들의믿음탐색 이소정 1, 김용기 1, 오준영 2 이연구의목적은거시적인관점에서 NOS 의중요한요소들을강조한 Flow map(oh 2011) 를이용한명시적이고암시적인교육의본성교육이얼마나이루어졌는가를알아본다. 과학의본성은지식의내용뿐만아니라지식이어떻게형성되었는가에있다. 이러한과학의본성을이해한다는것이현대의과학의중요한목적중의하나인과학적소양을얻는것이다. 이를구체적으로실현하는교수모형으로가장중요한이론의생성과실험에의한확증과이론의확증을미시적인관점으로연구를전개하였다. 따라서먼저 Kuhn(1996) 의과학철학이론과 NOS 를통한 Flow map 개발에이론적배경이된과학의본성의정의, 과학의본성에대해합의된핵심요소들, Kuhn(1996) 의과학철학이론을바탕으로한 Oh(2011) 가제안한 Flow map 의구조를알아본다. 연구방법은귀추 (abduction) 를통한가설의생성과정과확증을보여주는 Oh(2012) 의자연과학의추리과정을이용하여충북대학교천문우주학과에서자연과학캠프에참여한고등학생들을대상으로, Galileo 의흑점발견과정 으로부터현대의태양의흑점모형을이해하도록한다. Session : 태양및우주환경 Ⅳ 10 월 19 일 ( 금 ) 09:00 10:30 제 2 발표장 [ 구 SE-17] Theoretical construction of solar wind proton temperature anisotropy versus beta inverse correlation Jungjoon Seough 1, Peter H. Yoon 1,2, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, and Dong-Hun Lee 1 In situ observations from the Wind spacecraft that statistically analyzed the solar wind proton at 1 AU has indicated that the measured proton temperature anisotropies seems to be regulated by the oblique instabilities (the mirror and oblique firehose). This result is in contradiction with the prediction of linear kinetic theory that the ion-cyclotron (for < 2) and parallel firehose (for <10) would dominate over the oblique instabilities. Various kinds of physical mechanisms have been suggested to explain this disagreement between the observations and linear theory. All of the suggestions consider the solar wind as a unoform magnetized plasma. However the real space environment is replete with the intermediate spatio-temporal scale variations associated with various physical quantities, such as the magnetic field intensity and the solar wind density. In this paper we present that the pervasive intermediate-scale temporal variation of the local magnetic field intensity can lead to the modification of the proton temperature anisotropy versus beta inverse correlation for temperature-anisotropy-driven instabilities. By means of 60 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 quasilinear kinetic theory involving such temporal variation, we construct the simulated solar wind proton data distribution associated the magnetic fluctuations in ( ) space. It is shown that the theoretically simulated proton distribution and a general trend of the enhanced fluctuations bounded by the oblique instabilities are consistent with in situ observations. Furthermore, the measure magnetic compressibility can be accounted for by the magnetic spectral signatures of the unstable modes. [ 구 SE-18] Reduced ion mass effects and parametric study of electron flat-top distribution formation Jinhy Hong 1, Ensang Lee 2, George k. Parks 3, and Kyoung-wook Min 1 In particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation studies related to ion-ion two-stream instability, a reduced ion-to-electron mass ratio is often employed to save computation time. But it was not clearly verified how electrons dynamics are coupled with the slower evolution of ion-ion interactions under the external electric field. We have studied the ion beam driven instability using a 1D electrostatic PIC code by comparing different rescaling of parameter with real ion mass from the reference simulation with reduced ion mass. As the external electric field is stronger, the excited unstable mode range was more sensitively affected by the system size with the real mass ratio than the reduced ion mass. The results show that the reduced mass ratio should be used cautiously in PIC code as the electron dynamics can modify the ion instabilities. Additionally we found the formation of electron flat-top distribution in the final saturation stage. Simulation results show that in the early phase electrostatic solitary waves are quasi-periodically formed, but later they are fully dissipated resulting in heated, flat-top distributions. New electron beam components are occasionally formed. These are a consequence of the interaction with solitary wave structures. We parametrically investigate the development of electron phase space distributions for various drift speeds of ion beams and temperature ratios between ions and electrons. [ 구 SE-19] Nonlinear evolution of Alfven waves via mode conversion Kyung-Im Kim 1, Dong-Hun Lee 1, Dongsu Ryu 2, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, and Ensang Lee 1 It is well known that the FLRs are excited by compressional waves via mode conversion, but there has been no apparent criterion on the maximum amplitude in the regime of linear approximations. Such limited range of amplitude should be understood by including nonlinear saturation of FLRs, which has not been examined until now. In this study, using a three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation code, we examine the evolution of nonlinear field line resonances (FLRs) in the cold plasmas. The MHD code used in this study allows a full nonlinear description and enables us to study the maximum amplitude of FLRs. When the disturbance is sufficiently small, it is shown that linear properties of MHD wave coupling are well reproduced. In order to examine a nonlinear excitation of FLRs, it is shown how these FLRs become saturated as the initial magnitude of disturbances is assumed to increase. Our results suggest that the maximum amplitude of FLRs become saturated at the level of the same order of db/b as in observations roughly satisfies the order of ~0.01. In addition, we extended this study for the plasma sheet boundary layer (PSBL) region. We can discuss the maximum disturbances of the Alfven via mode conversion becomes differently saturated through each region. [ 구 SE-20] Simulation study on the nonlinear evolution of EMIC instability Kicheol Rha 1, Chang-Mo Ryu 1, and Peter H Yoon 2 Charged particle energization is an outstanding problem in space physics. This paper investigates the nonlinear dynamics of Alfve n-cyclotron waves accompanying particle heating processes and the drift Alfv en-cyclotron (or EMIC) instability associated with a current disruption event on 29 January 2008 observed with THEMIS satellite by means of a particle-in-cell simulation. The simulation shows that the drift Alfv en-cyclotron instabilities are excited in two regimes, a relatively low frequency mode propagating in a quasi-perpendicular direction while the second high-frequency branch propagating in a predominantly parallel propagation direction, which is consistent with observation as well as earlier theories. It is shown that parametric decay processes lead to an inverse cascade of Alfv en-cyclotron waves and the generation of ion-acoustic waves by decay instability. It is also shown that the nonlinear decay processes are accompanied by small perpendicular heating and parallel cooling of the protons, and a pronounced parallel heating of the electrons. [ 구 SE-21] Forbush Decreases Observed by the LRO/CRaTER Jongdae Sohn 1, Suyeon Oh 1, Yu Yi 1, Eojin Kim 2, 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 61

구두발표논문초록 Joo-Hee Lee 2, and Harlan.E. Spence 3 The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) launched on June 16, 2009 has six experiments including of the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) onboard. The CRaTER instrument characterizes the radiation environment to be experienced by humans during future lunar missions. The CRaTER instrument measures the effects of ionizing energy loss in matter specifically in silicon solid-state detectors due to penetrating solar energetic protons (SEP) and galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) after interactions with tissue-equivalent plastic (TEP), a synthetic analog of human tissue. The CRaTER instrument houses a compact and highly precise microdosimeter. It measures dose rates below one micro-rad/sec in silicon in lunar radiation environment. Forbush decrease (FD) event is the sudden decrease of GCR flux. We use the data of cosmic ray and dose rates observed by the CRaTER instrument. We also use the CME list of STEREO SECCHI inner, outer coronagraph and the interplanetary CME data of the ACE/MAG instrument.we examine the origins and the characteristics of the FD-like events in lunar radiation environment. We also compare these events with the FD events on the Earth. We find that whenever the FD events are recorded at ground Neutron Monitor stations, the FD-like events also occur on the lunar environments. The flux variation amplitude of FD-like events on the Moon is approximately two times larger than that of FD events on the Earth. We compare time profiles of GCR flux with of the dose rate of FD-like events in the lunar environment. We figure out that the distinct FD-like events correspond to dose rate events in the CRaTER on lunar environment during the event period. [ 구 SE-22] 우주환경변화가천리안위성에미치는영향 Ⅰ_ 기상탑재체 권은주, 김방엽 천리안위성은 2010 년 6 월발사되어지구적도상공약 36,000km, 동경 128.2 도에위치하고지구자전방향으로지구와같은속도로회전하며 24 시간한반도를관측하는정지궤도위성이다. 정지궤도위성은높은고도로인하여태양활동변화에따른태양풍, 고에너지전자등에의한영향을직접적으로받는환경에놓여있다. 과거사례들로부터정지궤도위성의오작동은태양활동에의해다양한현상으로발생될수있다는사실도밝혀졌다. 이연구에서는 2013 년태양활동극대기를대비하여태양활동변화가천리안위성의탑재체에끼치는영향에대해조사되었다. 천리안위성은기상 해양관측을위한광학탑재체와통신서비스를위한 통신탑재체로이루어져있다. 이중우리는 2011 년에발생된 X 등급의태양폭발규모에따라서기상관측을수행하는기상탑재체상태가태양폭발이없는기간의상태와어느정도차이를보이는지분석하였다. 2011 년에발생된경보는 3 단계 10 회, 4 단계 2 회로발생빈도가증가하는추세이다. 4 단계경보의태양폭발에도천리안위성은모든부분에서정상운영을유지하고있다. 이번연구를통해태양폭발규모에따른기상탑재체의영향정도를가시화하여앞으로발생가능한문제를예측하고대비함으로서안정적인위성운영을도모하고자한다. Session : 태양및우주환경 Ⅴ 10 월 19 일 ( 금 ) 11:00 12:30 제 2 발표장 [ 구 SE-23] Relation between Earthward magnetotail flow and low-latitude Pi2 pulsations Hyuck-Jin Kwon 1, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, Dong-Hun Lee 1, Kazue Takahashi 2, Ensang Lee 1, Vassilis Angelopoulos 3, and Young-Deuk Park 4 It has been suggested that oscillatory earthward bursty bulk flows (BBFs) in the magnetotail are driving Pi2 oscillations on the ground. However, only a few studies examined the BBF-driven Pi2 model. The goal of this study is to establish the relation between BBFs and Pi2s. In order to examine BBF-drive model, we will conduct the timing analysis between BBFs and Pi2s for the intervals during which both Pi2 and BBF are present. In our study BBFs are identified with earthward flow speeds up to 200 km/s from THEMIS probes with a geocentric distance between 7 and 12 RE in the nightside magnetosphere for the interval from January 2008 to March 2008. Pi2 pulsations are identified at three low/mid-latitude ground stations having different local times; Bohyun (L = 1.35, LT ~ UT +9 hr), Hermanus (L = 1.83, LT ~ UT +2 hr) and Carson city (L = 2.00, LT ~ UT -2 hr). It is found that ~28% of BBFs have onset timing nearly identical to Pi2 onset. To investigate whether there is high similarity in the waveform between BBF and Pi2 oscillations, the coherence analysis is applied to the time series of BBF and Pi2 events. We found that there is no high coherence between BBF and Pi2 oscillations. Thus our observations suggest that low-latitude Pi2 oscillations are not directly driven by earthward flow bursts. [ 구 SE-24] The statistical analysis of low-latitude Pi2 pulsations during the intervals of extremely quiet geomagnetic conditions Chae-Woo Jun 1, Khan-Huk Kim 1, Dong-Hun Lee 1, 62 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 Ensang Lee 1, Jin Ho 1, Young-Deuk Park 2, and Junga Hwang 2 Several case studies reported that low-latitude Pi2 pulsations can occur under extremely quiet geomagnetic condition (Kp = 0) and that those are not associated with substorms. Until now, no statistical study has investigated Pi2 activity at low latitude during non-substorm intervals. In this study, we statistically examine the properties of Pi2 pulsations (i.e., Pi2 pulsation's power, frequency, and duration) observed at low-latitude Bohyun (BOH, L = 1.35) station in Korea. 161 Pi2s are identified during the intervals of extremely quiet geomagnetic conditions (Kp = 0-1) on November 2008. It is found that their frequencies increase as the solar wind speed increases. It is also found that the Pi2 pulsations frequently occurred periodically every ~30 min. Using solar wind data, we discuss what determines the 30-min recurrence time of Pi2 pulsations. [ 구 SE-25] Comparison of the PSD radial profiles between before and after geosynchronous flux dropout: case studies using THEMIS observations Junga Hwang 1, Dae-Young Lee 2, Kyung-Chan Kim 1, Eunjin Choi 1,3, Dae-Kyu Shin 2, Jin-Hee Kim 2, and Jung-Hee Cho 2 Geosynchronous electron flux dropouts are most likely due to fast drift loss of the particles to the magnetopause (or equivalently, the magnetopause shadowing effect ). A possible effect related to the drift loss is the radial diffusion of PSD due to gradient of PSD set by the drift loss effect at an outer L region. This possibly implies that the drift loss can affect the flux levels even inside the trapping boundary. We recently investigated the details of such diffusion process by solving the diffusion equation with a set of initial and boundary conditions set by the drift loss. Motivated by the simulation work, we have examined observationally the energy spectrum and pitch angle distribution near trapping boundary during the geosynchronous flux dropouts. For this work, we have first identified a list of geosynchronous flux dropout events for 2007-2010 from GOES satellite electron measurements and solar wind pressures observed by ACE satellite. We have then used the electron data from the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) spacecraft measurements to investigate the particle fluxes. The five THEMIS spacecraft sufficiently cover the inner magnetospheric regions near the equatorial plane and thus provide us with data of much higher spatial resolution. In this paper, we report some case studies showing energy dependence during magnetopause shadowing effect. [ 구 SE-26] Near-real time Kp forecasting methods based on neural network and support vector machine Eun-Young Ji 1, Yong-Jae Moon 2, Jongyeob Park 2, and Dong-Hun Lee 2 We have compared near-real time Kp forecast models based on neural network (NN) and support vector machine (SVM) algorithms. We consider four models as follows: (1) a NN model using ACE solar wind data; (2) a SVM model using ACE solar wind data; (3) a NN model using ACE solar wind data and preliminary kp values from US ground-based magnetometers; (4) a SVM model using the same input data as model 3. For the comparison of these models, we estimate correlation coefficients and RMS errors between the observed Kp and the predicted Kp. As a result, we found that the model 3 is better than the other models. The values of correlation coefficients and RMS error of the model 3 are 0.93 and 0.48, respectively. For the forecast evaluation of models for geomagnetic storms (Kp 6), we present contingency tables and estimate statistical parameters such as probability of detection yes (PODy), false alarm ratio (FAR), bias, and critical success index (CSI). From a comparison of these statistical parameters, we found that the SVM models (model 2 and model 4) are better than the NN models (model 1 and model 3). The values of PODy and CSI of the model 4 are the highest among these models (PODy: 0.57 and CSI: 0.48). From these results, we suggest that the NN models are better than the SVM models for predicting Kp and the SVM models are better than the NN models for forecasting geomagnetic storms. [ 구 SE-27] Solar Flare Occurrence Rate and Probability in Terms of the Sunspot Classification Supplemented with Sunspot Area and Its Changes Kangjin Lee 1,2, Yong-Jae Moon 2,3, Jin-Yi Lee 3, Kyoung-Sun Lee 3, Hyeonock Na 2, Haeyeon Kim 1, and Dae-Yun Shin 1 We investigate the solar flare occurrence rate and daily flare probability in terms of the sunspot classification supplemented with sunspot area and its changes. For this 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 63

구두발표논문초록 we use the NOAA active region data and GOES solar flare data for 15 years (from January 1996 to December 2010). We consider the most flare-productive eleven sunspot classes in the McIntosh sunspot group classification. Sunspot area and its changes can be a proxy of magnetic flux and its emergence/cancellation, respectively. We classify each sunspot group into two sub-groups by its area: Large and Small. In addition, for each group, we classify it into three sub-groups according to sunspot area changes: Decrease, Steady, and Increase. As a result, in the case of compact groups, their flare occurrence rates and daily flare probabilities noticeably increase with sunspot group area. We also find that the flare occurrence rates and daily flare probabilities for the Increase sub-groups are noticeably higher than those for the other sub-groups. In case of the (M+X)-class flares in the Dkc group, the flare occurrence rate of the Increase sub-group is three times higher than that of the Steady sub-group. Our results statistically demonstrate that magnetic flux and its emergence enhance the occurrence of major solar flares. [ 구 SE-28] Comparison of the WSA-ENLIL CME propagation model with three cone types and an empirical model Soojeong Jang, Yong-Jae Moon, and HyeonOck Na We have made a comparison of the WSA-ENLIL CME propagation model with three cone types and an empirical model using 29 halo CMEs from 2001 to 2002. These halo CMEs have cone model parameters from Michalek et al. (2007) as well as their associated interplanetary (IP) shocks. For this study we consider three different cone models (an asymmetric cone model, an ice-cream cone model and an elliptical cone model) to determine CME cone parameters (radial velocity, angular width and source location), which are used for input parameters of the WSA-ENLIL CME propagation model. The mean absolute error (MAE) of the arrival times at the Earth for the elliptical cone model is 10 hours, which is about 2 hours smaller than those of the other models. However, this value is still larger than that (8.7 hours) of an empirical model by Kim et al. (2007). We are investigating several possibilities on relatively large errors of the WSA-ENLIL cone model, which may be caused by CME-CME interaction, background solar wind speed, and/or CME density enhancement. Session : 태양및우주환경 Ⅵ 10 월 19 일 ( 금 ) 15:00 16:30 제 2 발표장 [ 구 SE-29] 이온층고에너지입자상태와저궤도위성의위성체전위사이의상관관계 이준현 1, 이은상 1, 김관혁 1, 선종호 1, 이재진 2, 이동훈 1, 진호 1 위성체의전위는위성주변의우주환경에크게영향을받는다. 이연구에서는과학기술위성 1호 (STSAT-1) 에탑재된 LP (Langmuir Probe) 와 ESA(Electro-Static Analyzer) 관측자료를이용하여위성체의전위에위성주변고에너지입자들이미치는영향을분석하였다. 일반적으로위성체가대전되어위성체의부동전위가감소할때위성주변의플라즈마밀도는감소하고온도는증가한다. 또한 DMSP 위성등을비롯한이전관측에서는고에너지입자의플럭스가증가하는지역을위성이통과할때위성체의전위가감소하였다. 이연구에서는위성이수 ~ 수십 kev 정도의고에너지입자플럭스가증가한후감소하는지역을통과할때에도위성체의전위가감소하는현상을관측하였다. 고에너지입자의플럭스가감소하는지역에서일어나는위성의대전현상을통계적으로분석해보고이러한결과를토대로위성체전위변화에우주환경변화가어떤영향을주는지연구하였다. [ 구 SE-30] Nonmigrating tidal characteristics in the thermospheric neutral mass density Young-Sil Kwak 1, Hyosub Kil 2, Woo-Kyoung Lee 2, Seung-Jun Oh 3, and Tae_Yong Yang 1 The wave number 4 (wave-4) and wave number 3 (wave-3) longitudinal structures in the thermospheric neutral mass density are understood as tidal structures driven by diurnal eastward-propagating zonal wave number 3 (DE3) and wave number 2 (DE2) tides, respectively. However, those structures have been identified using data from limited time periods, and the consistency and recurrence of those structures have not yet been examined using long-term observation data. We examine the persistence of those structures by analyzing the neutral mass density data for the years 2001 2008 taken by the CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) satellite. During years of low solar activity, the amplitude of the wave-4 structure is pronounced during August and September, and the wave-4 phase shows a consistent eastward phase progression of 90 within 24 h local time in different months and years. During years of high solar activity, the wave-4 amplitude is small and does not show a distinctive annual pattern, but the tendency of the eastward phase shift at a rate of 90 /24 h exists. Thus the DE3 signature in the wave-4 structure is considered as a persistent feature. The wave-3 structure is a weak feature in most months and years. The amplitude and phase of the wave-3 structure do not show a notable solar cycle dependence. Among the contributing tidal modes to the wave-3 structure, the DE2 amplitude is most pronounced. This result may suggest that the DE2 signature, although it 64 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 is a weak signature, is a perceivable persistent feature in the thermosphere. [ 구 SE-31] GPS TEC 관측자료로살펴본우리나라전리층특성에관한보고 정종균, 이지나 최근아태지역국제민간항공기구는 GPS 의항공이행을위한전리층연구태스크포스 (Ionospheric Study Task Force, ISTF) 를결성하였다. 안전한 GPS 항공이행을위해서는지역적그리고전지구적전리층특성을파악한후이를기반으로실시간전리층모델이필요하다. 한국천문연구원은 ISTF 의전리층변화특성분석에관한기술분과를담당하고있으며 GPS 항공이행실시간전리층모델개발을위한아태지역전리층분석방법및표준규범을수립하고있다. 아태지역전리층연구에앞서우리나라전리층특성을파악하고자한국천문연구원이 1998 년부터운영중에있는대전국제 GPS 기준점으로부터관측된자료를이용하여태양 11 년주기에해당하는 GPS TEC 를분석하였다. 또한, 해당기간동안우리나라양 / 음전리층폭풍발생빈도에관한통계분석을실시하였다. 이발표에서는 GPS TEC 의태양극자외선플럭스와 10.7 cm 태양전파와의상관관계차이점, 연변화및계절적변화그리고이에대한시간변화에대해보고한다. 또한 GPS TEC 의 27 일주기변화에특성에대해토의하며, 우리나라상공전리층폭풍의계절적분포에대해논의할것이다. 끝으로최근한국천문연구원 GPS TEC 상시관측자료에나타난태양및지자기폭풍에따른전리층폭풍사례에대해고찰하고이를바탕으로고층대기연구가 GPS 로대표되는현업에적용되는최근현황을소개할것이다. [ 구 SE-32] Statistical studies of trough at middle latitudes observed by DMSP F15 Sarah Park 1, Hyosub Kil 2, and Khan-Hyuk Kim 1 The middle-latitude ionization trough, the plasma density depletion in the subauroral region, has been extensively studied since its discovery in the 1960s. Our knowledge of the variability of the trough is mostly based on the observations in the northern hemisphere. Recently, the COSMIC observations enabled the investigation of the trough in both hemispheres at all local time. However, the investigation was limited to the period of the low solar activity. In this study, we investigate the variability of the trough location and morphology with local time, solar cycle, magnetic activity, and interplanetary magnetic field. For this purpose, we analyze the DMSP F15 data acquired during 2000-2010. [ 구 SE-33] Solar flare 발생시 GOES 위성의 X-ray flux 자료를이용한이온권변화 김정헌 1, 김용하 1, 윤종연 1, 오승준 2 최근태양극대기를맞아우주기상의변화에대처하기위한연구가많이진행되고있다. 이연구에서도저 중위도이온권모델인 SAMI2 와 SAMI3 를이용하여 solar flare 발생에따른이온권의변화를지켜보고자하였다. 하지만 SAMI 모델에서는 F74113 Solar EUV reference spectrum 을이용하여 EUV flux 에의한이온화만고려되었을뿐, X-ray flux 에의한이온화는고려되지않았다. 태양극대기동안 solar flare 가발생하였을때, solar X-ray 가전리층에미치는영향이매우중요한만큼 solar X-ray 에의한이온권의변화를적용시킬필요가있었다. 따라서우리는보다정확한 solar flare 발생에따른이온권의변화를보기위해 1 A ~8A 범위의 X-ray 관측자료를제공하는 GOES 위성의데이터를직접이용하고, 해당하는파장의 cross section 을추가하여 SAMI 모델에적용시켰다. solar flare 효과를선택적으로활용하는개정된 SAMI 모델을통해각 flare 등급과지속시간에따른이온권의변화를모델로써확인하였다. [ 구 SE-34] Characteristics of mid-latitude field-aligned irregularities observed with VHF coherent scatter ionospheric radar over Korea Tae-Yong Yang 1,2, Young-Sil Kwak 1, Hyosub Kil 3, and Young-Deuk Park 1 The 40.8-MHz VHF coherent scatter ionospheric radar, located in South Korea (Gyeryong, 36.18 N, 127.14 E), has been operating since December 2009 to investigate ionosphere E- and F-region field-aligned irregularities (FAIs) of mid-latitude. During the observation, we found E- and F-region FAIs appeared frequently: continuous echoes during the post-sunrise period and Quasi-Periodic (QP) echoes at nighttime for E region ; strong post-sunset and pre-sunrise FAIs for F region. The characteristics of E- and F-region FAIs are presented in terms of seasonal and local time variations of occurrence during December 2009 to August 2012. In addition, to investigate the correlation with geomagnetic activity to FAIs occurrence, we compared K-index variations to local time occurrence. It is worth to note our occurrence result since long term observation over several years in the mid-latitude has not yet been carried out. Session : 궤도및우주측지 10 월 19 일 ( 금 ) 09:00 10:30 제 3 발표장 [ 구 OG-01] Characters of Perturbation in Earth's Spin Rotation Sung-Ho Na and Younghee Kwak From the most recent dataset of the earth's spin rotation, 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 65

구두발표논문초록 we separate different frequency components of its perturbation and analyze their characteristics. Both changes of the earth's spin and pole position are considered. [ 구 OG-02] Effective Strategy for Precise Orbital and Geodetic Parameter Estimation Using SLR Observations for ILRS AAC Young-Rok Kim 1, Jay Oh 1, Sang-Young Park 1, Chandeok Park 1, Eun-Seo Park 2, Hyung-Chul Lim 2 In this study, we propose an effective strategy for precise orbital and geodetic parameter estimation using SLR (Satellite Laser Ranging) observations for ILRS AAC (Associate Analysis Center). The NASA/GSFC GEODYN II software and SLR normal point observations of LAGEOS-1, LAGEOS-2, ETALON-1, and ETALON-2 are utilized for precise orbital and geodetic parameter estimation. Weekly-based precise orbit determination strategy is applied to process SLR observations, and Precise Orbit Ephemeris (POE), TRF (Terrestrial Reference Frame), and EOPs (Earth Orientation Parameters) are obtained as products of ILRS AAC. For improved estimation results, selection strategies of dynamic and measurement models are experimently figured out and configurations of various estimation parameters are also carefully chosen. The results of orbit accuracy assessment of POE and precision analysis of TRF/EOPs for each case are compared with those of existing results. Finally, we find an appropriate strategy for precise orbital and geodetic parameter estimation using SLR observations for ILRS AAC. [ 구 OG-03] An Alternative Approach to Optimal Impulsive-Thrust Formation Reconfigurations in a Near-Circular-Orbit Youngkwang Kim, Sang-Young Park, Chandoek Park We present an alternative approach for satellite formation reconfiguration by an optimal impulsive-thrust strategy to minimize the total characteristic velocity in a near-circular-orbit. Linear transformation decouples the Hill- Clohessy-Wiltshire(HCW) dynamics into a new block-diagonal system matrix consisting of 1-dimensional harmonic oscillator and 2-dimensional subsystem. In contrast to a solution based on the conventional primer vector theory, the optimal solution and the necessary conditions are represented as times and directions of impulses. New analytical expression of the total characteristic velocity is found for each sub systems under general boundary conditions including transfer time constraint. To minimize the total characteristic velocity, necessary conditions for times and directions of impulses are analytically solved. While the solution to the 1-dimensional harmonic oscillator has been found, the solution to the 2-dimensional subsystem is currently under construction. Our approach is expected to be applicable to more challenging problems. [ 구 OG-04] Unified State Model(USM) 을이용한정밀궤도계산 송용준 1, 백슬민 2, 김갑성 1 Unified State Model( 이후 USM) 은 Altman(1972) 에의해처음제안된이후 Chodas(1981), Raol & Sinha(1985), Vittaldev et al.(2012) 등을거치며연구발전되어왔다. 이모델은공간상 6개성분의위치, 속도벡터를이용해위성의운동을기술하는기존계산방법과달리 4개의 Quaternion 변수를도입하여위성의위치를, 3개의 Hodograph 변수를도입하여위성의속도를각각기술한다. USM의장점은직교좌표계로표현된위성의위치, 속도변수에비해 USM 변수의변화량이상대적으로작기때문에수치계산시계산의안정도가높다. 또한원궤도 (ω : undefined) 와적도면궤도 (i = 0, Ω : undefined) 계산시에나타나는특이성 (singularity) 문제가발생하지않는다. 이연구에서는 USM 계산방법과기존방법에의한위성궤도계산결과의차이를비교분석하였다. 지구궤도위성의정밀계산을위해이체항이외에지구타원체섭동항과대기항력에의한섭동항을추가적용하였다. 비구형지구중력포텐셜에의한섭동은 J4항까지고려하였으며, 대기항력은간단한 exponential 모델을적용하였다. 또한수치계산시적분간격과정밀도차수를조절하여각모델의계산안정성을테스트하였다. 이연구의궤도계산결과 USM 모델을이용한계산방법은그정밀성과계산효율성이매우우수한것으로검증되었다. [ 구 OG-05] 정지궤도위성의충돌방지를위한회피기동 이병선 1, 황유라 1, 백명진 2, 김방엽 2 지구정지궤도는위성통신, 지구관측그리고우주과학을위해매우귀중하고제한된자원으로인식된다. 이에따라 Inter- Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee(IADC) 에서는정지궤도에서수명이종료되는위성에대해서정지궤도에영향을미치지않도록더높은고도로폐기기동을수행하도록권고하고있다. 그렇지만여러가지사정으로정상적인폐기기동을수행하지않은위성들이많이있으며이와같은위성들은정지궤도에서운영되고있는위성에접근하여충돌위험을야기하고있다. 우리나라의정지궤도통신해양기상위성인천리안은 2010 년 6 월 26 일에발사되어동경 128.2 도에서성공적으로운영되고있다. 지난 2 년동안천리안위성의궤도구간에우주물체가접근하여충돌위험이발생한사례가 3 건이있었으며그중한건인러시아의라두가 1-7 위성이접근한 2011 년 2 월 7 일에는천리안위성의회피기동을수행하였다. 다른두가지사례는 2011 년 6 월 19 일러시아의 COSMOS 2379 의접근과 2012 년 4 월 6 66 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 일러시아의 SL-12 R/B(2) 의접근이다. 이논문에서는정지궤도위성을운영하고있을때다른우주물체가접근하여충돌위험이발생했을때어떤과정을거쳐서회피기동을수행해야하는가에대한문제를다루고자한다. 정지궤도위성과우주물체와의거리차이를최대화할수있는회피기동시각을찾아내고최근접시각에있어서반경방향, 진행방향, 그리고수직방향에서의거리차이를분석한다. 기위한최적각을적용하거나태양이들어올경우만성능손실을감수하면서이외의경우에별추적기최적의성능을얻고자하는방법이있을수있다. 이연구에서는이러한방법들에대한해석을수행하여최적각을소개하였고, 다중머리별추적기를대상으로해석을수행하였다. 다중머리별추적기는하나의전장품에광학계가여러개장착되는제품으로최근에우주이력 (heritage) 를갖기시작하였다. [ 구 OG-06] 정지궤도위성탑재궤도전파기예비설계및해석 임조령, 박영웅, 최홍택 [ 구 SB-02] 고기동위성의자세제어계하드웨어초기운용성능분석 임조령, 윤형주, 박근주, 김용복, 서현호, 최홍택 위성의지향정밀도에영향을주는요소로정밀한자세명령을생성해주어야하는데, 정밀자세명령을생성하기위해서는기준좌표계를잘결정해야한다. 저궤도위성의기준좌표계는 GPS 위성으로부터수신한위성의위치와속도및시각정보로부터기준시각의좌표계를생성하게된다. 정지궤도위성의경우에는 GPS 위성을사용하기어려우므로계속지상에서궤도정보를올려주거나탑재컴퓨터에궤도전파기나궤도결정알고리즘을탑재하여위성의궤도정보를계산하게된다. 이연구는정지궤도위성의궤도정보요구사항을분석하고이를만족하는궤도전파기 / 궤도생성알고리즘의개념설계를목적으로한다. 먼저저궤도위성에서사용한방법으로 GPS 위성으로부터수신한궤도정보를바탕으로내부탑재궤도전파기를사용하여실제궤도정보가이용되는시간까지궤도정보를전파하여기준좌표계를생성하는방법을검토하였다. 그다음기존의정지궤도위성에서사용한탑재궤도전파기 / 궤도결정알고리즘을검토하고새로개발하는정지궤도위성의특성을고려하여궤도정밀도요구사항을분석하고이를만족하는탑재궤도전파기를설계하였다. 마지막으로시뮬레이션을통해요구조건만족과설계결과를검증하였다. 국내에서개발한고기동저궤도위성이일본다네가시마우주센터에서 2012 년 5 월 18 일발사되었다. 자세제어계는위성의임무수행을완수할수있도록발사후부터위성수명기간동안자세명령을생성하고제어및결정을하며, 궤도조정과모멘텀덤핑등의임무를수행한다. 이러한임무수행을가능하게하기위해자세제어계는적절한센서와구동기조합을사용하여추력기기반안전모드, 궤도조정을위한 Del-V Burn 기동모드, 태양지향서브모드및목표지향서브모드등을설계했다. 고기동위성의초기운용중자세제어계는자세제어계하드웨어의초기구동및점검을수행하고설계한각모드의기능과성능확인을수행하게된다. 이연구는성공적으로완료한자세제어계하드웨어의초기점검결과를소개하는것이목적이다. 초기운용은위성이발사된직후탑재컴퓨터가깨어나면서부터시작되는데, 발사후최초접속시추력기기반안전모드에서태양획득성능및제어성능을확인한후정상상태모드인태양지향자세로전환하기위해자세제어계하드웨어인별추적기, 자기토커, 반작용휠의초기구동및점검을수행하였다. 이연구에서는각하드웨어의초기구동점검과성능및기능요구조건만족에대한성능분석결과를정리하였다. Session : 위성체 10 월 19 일 ( 금 ) 11:00 12:30 제 3 발표장 [ 구 SB-01] 정지궤도위성에서의다중머리별추적기최적배치에관한연구 박영웅 1, 임조령 1, 박종석 2 최근에는정지궤도위성에도지구센서대신별추적기를탑재하는추세이다. 별추적기의경우태양이나지구와같은밝은물체가시야각에들어올경우자세결정을수행할수없기때문에별추적기최적배치를위한해석이요구된다. 그런데, 정지궤도위성의경우 24 시간을주기로태양이적도면을회전하고또한동지와하지를최대로하여적도면과 23.5 도의기울기를갖고있기때문에별추적기배치에많은제한이발생한다. 별추적기성능을최적으로얻기위해서는탑재되는광학계가서로직각이되어야하지만태양위치에따른제한으로인해직각이될수없으며이경우성능은약간의손실을감수하면서항상태양을회피하 [ 구 SB-03] 인공위성전개장치용테잎힌지특성해석 김경원, 임재혁, 김창호, 김선원, 김성훈 이논문에서는인공위성전개장치용테잎힌지특성해석을수행하고그결과에대하여분석하였다. 테잎힌지를이용한전개장치는신뢰성이높고, 형상이매우단순하며, 제작단가또한저렴하여우주용안테나및태양전지판에널리이용이되고있다. 테잎힌지를이용한전개장치의전개특성은테잎힌지특성에의하여좌우가되므로안전성있는전개장치설계를수행하기위해서는가능한정확한해석이나계산이요구되어진다. 초기에는쉘이론등을바탕으로테잎힌지의전개특성을계산하는식들이연구되었으나테잎힌지의강한비선형성때문에정확성이많이떨어지는큰단점이존재하였다. 이후많은연구를통하여유한요소모델을이용한비선형해석을통하여비로소정확한전개특성을해석할수있게되었다. 이논문에서는다물체동역학해석프로그램인리커다인의유연체해석모듈을이용하여테잎힌지에대한특성해석을수행하였다. 해석결과신뢰성있는테잎힌지의전개거동확인및전개특성을계산할수있었다. 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 67

구두발표논문초록 [ 구 SB-04] TRIO-CINEMA 의환경시험및결과분석 금강훈 1, 우주 1, 이성환 1, 이용석 1, 전제헌 1, 채규성 1, 진호 1, 선종호 1, 이동훈 1, Thomas Immel 2, and Robert P. Lin 1,2 경희대학교와 UC Berkeley, Imperial College London 에서공동으로진행하는 TRIO-CINEMA Mission(TRiplet Ionosphere Observatory-Cubesat for Ion, Neutral, Electron and MAgnetic fields) 은총 3기의초소형위성으로구성되어있다. 3기의위성은고도 650 800km 상공의태양동주기궤도운동을예상하고있으며, 지구근접공간의입자검출과자기장측정의과학임무를맡게된다. TRIO-CINEMA 비행모델 (Flight Model) 의환경시험은진동시험과열진공시험으로진행되었다. 진동시험은 X, Y, Z 세축에대해 Sine 과 Random 모드로진행되었다. TRIO- CINEMA 가탑재될러시아의드네프르로켓의요구사항은각축에서 20Hz 이상의고유진동수, Sine의경우최대 0.8G와 4oct/min Sweep Rate, Random 의경우 5.2Grms 와 35초의지속시간에서의안정성을만족하는것이다. 시험결과 TRIO- CINEMA 가요구사항을모두만족시키는것을확인하였다. 또한, 열주기시험 (Thermal Cycling Test) 을진행하여우주공간에서위성시스템이정상동작하는지에대한신뢰성을검증하였다. 열주기시험은미국 MIL표준값을참고하여 10-6 Torr 에서 20 C 30 C 의온도를주었으며, 시험을진행하는동안과시험후에위성이정상작동함을확인하였다. 이에이연구의시험방법과그결과를기술하였다. [ 구 SB-05] 2 기의초소형인공위성 CINEMA 운용을위한단일 RF Chain 구축 이효정 1, 윤세영 1, 김용호 2, 진호 1, 선종호 1, 채규성 1, 이동훈 1, Robert P. Lin 1,3 TRIO-CINEMA(TRiplet Ionospheric Observatory-Cubesat for Ion, Neutral, Electron, MAgnetic fields) 는중량 3 kg 의초소형인공위성 3 기로구성되며, 그임무는근지구플라즈마입자검출및자기장계측이다. 3 기중 1 기는 UC Berkeley 에서, 2 기는경희대학교에서제작및운용된다. 경희대학교천문대에 IGSS (Integrated Ground Support Software), TNC(Terminal Node Controller), 송신기, 안테나제어기와안테나로구성된지상국을구축하였으며위성에명령을전달하는기능을수행한다. 위성으로부터데이터수신은한국천문연구원의안테나와수신기를이용할예정이다. 2 기의위성을하나의지상국에서운용하기위해서는각위성에대한송신주파수변경및패스스케줄 (pass schedule) 조정이필요하며, 이를수행할수있는 RF Chain 을구축하였다. 이연구는 RF Chain 구축과검증과정을기술하였으며, 시스템의검증으로원거리필드테스트, 데이터통신테스트, 링크여유분석등을수행하였다. [ 구 SB-06] 정지궤도복합위성개념설계 김창호, 김경원, 김선원, 임재혁, 김성훈 위성체가발사체에실려발사될때에매우높은가속도에의한정적, 동적하중및공기의저항에의한하중, 연소가스분출시발생하는음향에의한하중, 발사체로부터분리될때발생하는충격하중등여러가지의극심한하중을겪게된다. 이러한발사환경에대한안정성을검토하기위해발사체업체에서제공하는매뉴얼상의설계조건을이용하여설계하고해석하여검증한다. 천리안위성의후속위성으로, 해상도및채널성능향상된차세대기상탑재체를탑재하고현재개발중인정지궤도복합위성에대해발사환경을고려한개념설계및초기해석을수행하였고, 개발가능성분석을그목적으로한다. Session : 국제세션 Ⅳ 10 월 19 일 ( 금 ) 09:00 10:40 제 4 발표장 [ 초 OLY-05] Astronomical Education activities in Mongolia Renchin Tsolmon [ 초 OLY-06] A&A Activities in Nepal in Education and Research Level Binil Aryal [ 초 OLY-07] Popularization of astronomy as tool to attract bright young students into the science stream K. P. S. Chandana Jayaratne [ 초 OLY-08] TBA Roy Omar E. Bustos E. [ 초 OLY-09] The Famous Astrophysicist Viktor Ambartsumian and His Young Descendants Marietta Gyulzadyan Session : 특별세션 Ⅱ - KVN 을사용한관측연구 10 월 19 일 ( 금 ) 15:00 16:20 제 4 발표장 [ 구 KVN-05] Simultaneous observations of SiO v=1 and v=2, J=1-0 masers toward WX Pisces with the KVN+VERA Youngjoo Yun 1,2, Se-Hyung Cho 1,2, Hiroshi Imai 3, Jaeheon Kim 1,4,5, Dong-Hwan Yoon 1,6, Chi-Young 68 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

구두발표논문초록 Cho 1,7, and VERA Evolved Star WG We present the results of simultaneous observations of SiO v=1 and 2, J=1-0 maser lines which were carried out with the combined network of the KVN and VERA in 2012 April. The observations were performed toward a long period OH/IR star, WX Psc in order to test the technical and scientific feasibilities of the KVN+VERA combination. The resultant (u, v) coverage of the KVN+VERA combined array enhances the image quality. We confirmed that the distribution and intensity of individual maser spots using the combined network are more reliable compared with the images using the KVN or VERA only. This observation also provides a chance to find a high sensitivity and imaging quality which are comparable to those of VLBA. In addition, the simultaneous observations of two SiO v=1 and 2, J=1-0 maser lines enable us to trace the detail physical environments close to the central star due to different high excitation conditions between two lines at a time. [ 구 KVN-06] Toward early scientific results on AGNs: KAVA (KVN and VERA array) joint AGN WG report Sohn, Bong Won 1, Kino, Motoki 2, Niinuma, Kotaro 3, Lee, Sang-Sung 1, Honma, Mareki 2, Nagai, Hiroshi 2, Sascha Trippe, Sascha 4, Jung, Taehyun 1, and joint AGN WG members We report the results of KVN-VERA('KAVA'; KVN and VERA Arrary) AGN WG test observation in 2011 and 2012. The results from these commisioning years show that 'KAVA' is able to produce noble images of radio loud AGNs at 22 and 43GHz. This dedicated high frequency VLBI facility will be especially competitive for the regions where conventional low freuquency facilities see the optically thick part of synchrotron radiation. In the second part of this talk, we report the early science activities of the AGN WG. Sgr A*, Jet acceleration zone of M87, extremely young radio galaxies are the prime cadidates of the joint activities. Lastly we will stress how the phase-referencing 'KAVA' does enhance the imaging sensitivity and open new era of VLBI AGN researches. [ 구 KVN-07] Early Science of KVN: 43GHz fringe survey Sang-Sung Lee, Leonid Petrov, Jongsoo Kim, Taehyun Jung, Bong Won Sohn, Do-Young Byun This paper presents the results of one of early sciences with Korean VLBI Network (KVN): a large fringe survey of compact radio sources at 43GHz. We established the catalog of correlated flux densities in three ranges of baseline projection lengths of 637 sources from a 43 GHz (Q-band) survey observed with the Korean VLBI Network. Of them, 623 sources have not been observed before at Q-band with VLBI. The goal of this work in the early science phase of the new VLBI array is twofold: to evaluate the performance of the new instrument that operates in a frequency range of 22-129 GHz and to build a list of objects that can be used as targets and as calibrators. We have observed the list of 799 target sources with declinations down to -40.. Among them, 724 were observed before with VLBI at 22 GHz and had correlated flux densities greater than 200 mjy. The overall detection rate is 78%. The detection limit, defined as the minimum flux density for a source to be detected with 90% probability in a single observation, was in a range of 115-180 mjy depending on declination. However, some sources as weak as 70 mjy have been detected. Of 623 detected sources, 33 objects are detected for the first time in VLBI mode. We determined their coordinates with the median formal uncertainty 20 mas. The results of this work set the basis for future efforts to build the complete flux-limited sample of extragalactic sources at frequencies 22 GHz and higher at 3/4 of the celestial sphere. [ 구 KVN-08] MOGABA: Monitoring of Gamma-ray Bright AGN with KVN 21-m radio telescopes at 22, 43 and 86GHz Sang-Sung Lee, Do-Young Byun, Junhyu Baek, Myounghee Han, Jihae Yang, and Bong Won Sohn We report preliminary results of MOGABA project for monitoring total flux density, linearly polarized flux, and polarization angle at 22, 43 and 86GHz of Gamma-ray bright AGN (Active Galactic Nuclei) with KVN (Korean VLBI Network) 21-m radio telescopes. The project has been conducted in one year since May 2011 with an effective monitoring cycle of 1 week, observing four main objects (3C 454.3, BL Lac, 3C 273, and 3C 279). More objects were included in the source list when they had flared in Gamma-ray. Especially, we included a compact radio source at the Galactic center, SgrA* since Jan. 2012. In this paper, we report the current status of the project and preliminary results for the monitoring observations. 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 69

포스터발표논문초록 Session : 포스터발표 1부 10월 17일 ( 수 ) 13:00 18일 ( 목 ) 13:00 발표장 : 홀리데이인광주 1층 from different constellations. These patterns of stars that are not official constellations are calledasterisms. The Big Dipper is a very famous asterism, found in the constellation Ursa Major, or Great Bear. 교육홍보 고천문학 [ 포 EP-07] The differences in Constellation drawings among different countries Ulkar Karimova, Yu Yi, and Suyeon Oh Constellations are formed of bright stars which appear close to each other on the sky, but are really far apart in space. The shapes you see all depend on your point of view. Back before people had televisions and electricity to light their homes at night, they spent a lot more time looking at the stars. People all over the world used their imaginations to draw pictures in the sky, as if it were a giant connect-thedot game. The patterns they imagined are called constellations. People usually saw patterns that reflected their different cultures. Native Americans in North America imagined many animals and shapes from the natural world. The ancient Greeks found images of gods and goddesses in the stars. Sometimes people from very different parts of the world even imagined the same animal or shape in the same stars. Most of the constellations we recognize today were made up by the ancient Greeks around 6,000 years ago. Different constellations are visible at different times of year, so the first appearance of these patterns told farmers of the changing seasons and reminded them to plant or harvest their crops. The constellations also help us to find our way around the night sky and to remember which stars are which. The star names we use today are mostly from Greek and Arabic, but many are changed a bit from the original, as often happens when words are passed from one language to another. It can be difficult to picture just what those folks long ago were seeing in the stars, so don't be discouraged if you have trouble seeing their patterns. You can even make up your own! In ancient world all the countries or regions had their own way to name things up in the sky, make up stories and draw different shapes for constellations. Today there are 88 official constellations, but you may find that different books show their stars connected in slightly different ways. The official constellations are specific regions of the sky, so the exact patterns are not all that important. However in various cultures there are some famous star patterns that use stars from only apart of a constellation, or even connect stars [ 포 EP-08] DSLR 카메라를사용한성단의 H-R 도작성및교육적활용 김형근 1, 박서연 1, 박주하 1, 홍경수 2, 송인옥 1 우리는 DSLR 카메라의 RGB 소자를일종의필터로활용하여성단의 H-R 도를얻었다. 일반적으로성단의 H-R 도는 U, B, V, R, I- 대역필터를사용하여얻는다. 필터가장착된 CCD 카메라장비는고가이거나교육적으로활용하기에는수월하지않아서학교또는국 / 공립 / 사립천문대에서의교육적활용에제한적인측면이있다. 이연구에서우리는학생들이사용하기쉬운 DSLR 카메라로성단의 H-R 도를구현하는방법을제시하여천문학교육에활용하고자한다. 우리는 DSLR 카메라의 RGB 소자를사용하여 M45 성단의 B-G 색지수를얻고, 이를이미알려진 M45 의구성원의 B-V 색지수와비교하여선형적인관계를알아내었다. 우리는 DSLR 카메라의 B-G 색지수로 H-R 도를성공적으로작성할수있었다. 별의색 - 온도관계와항성진화실험학습에소형망원경과 DSLR 카메라가천문학교육에활용되기를기대한다. [ 포 EP-09] Development of science program using astronomical data in the history of Korea Ji Hye Lee and Dong Hee Shin Science we have perceived as genuine science is based on western scientific enterprise, that is, western modern science(wms). The K-12 science curriculum in Korea absolutely contains WMS content. Elkana(1981) criticized the indifference of comparative science in the field of science, whereas there have been a lot of comparative studies of art, religion, ethics, and politics. Science is the product not only based on western culture but all cultural around the world including Korea. People have consistently observed and tested for such a long period of time all over the world. Traditional science of Korea can be related to multiculturalism, which has become important in many fields. Korea has a lot of great scientific enterprises, such as astronomical instruments of Chosun Dynasty and ancient data of natural phenomenon in Samguk-saki or Samguk-Yusa. It is expected that students will consider them as more 'objective' and 'realistic' things rather than 'artistic' and 'distinguished' things. Astronomy was also very important in the East because they believed sky as king, which results in the development of a lot of astronomical data and instruments in Korean history. In this study, we 70 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 developed three units of science programs using astronomical enterprises in Korea: 1) Activities with our sundial, Angbuilgu:, 2) data interpretation of natural phenomenon in ancient Korea, 3) experience in Gyeongbokgung Palace. From these programs, we expect that students will develop a profound understanding and take pride in our science. 관측기기 [ 포 ID-24] KVN 초고속샘플러 Proto-Type 개발 강용우, 위석오, 제도흥, 남욱원, 송민규, 방승철, 한석태 한국우주전파관측망 (KVN) 4 주파수동시관측시스템의각수신기에는전파신호를디지털신호로바꾸는샘플러가있다. 이장치는전파신호를처리하는중요한구성으로서, 샘플러의성능에따라관측의품질에영향을준다. 이구성장비의자체제작능력및기반기술을확보하여효율적이고양질의관측이이루어질수있도록할필요가있다. 본연구에서는 KVN 샘플러의국산화를위하여, GHz 샘플러 Proto-Type 을설계하고제작하였다. 이는 KVN 확대사업수행시시스템자체개발능력을키우고, 고속거대전파관측시스템을구축하는국제공동연구에기술참여를하며, 차세대우주탐사지원을위한기술토대가될것이다. 이에그내용을소개하고자한다. [ 포 ID-25] 알루미늄반사경을사용한천체망원경의성능테스트 김상혁 1, 박수종 1,2, 김건희 3, 양순철 3, 허명상 3, 이상용 3, 이길재 3, 정병준 4 일반적인천체망원경의반사경은유리재질의소재를원하는형상의반사면으로가공한후그위에알루미늄코팅을하여사용한다. 하지만본연구에사용된망원경은주경과부경을모두알루미늄 (Al-6061 T6) 을직접가공하여제작하였다. 알루미늄을직접가공하여반사경을만들경우의장점은냉각이필요한기기에서광구조물과반사경의열팽창계수차이를신경쓸필요가없으며 DTM(Diamond Turning Machine) 을이용할수있다는것이다. 본망원경은망원경의성능을향상시키기위하여 3 매의보정렌즈를사용한반사굴절망원경이며구경은 200mm, 초점거리는 750mm, F 수는 3.75 이다. 주경과부경은각각 200 mm 와 90 mm 의쌍곡면으로설계및제작되었다. 본연구에서는 DTM 을이용해알루미늄재질의주경과부경을제작하고이반사경들의측정결과를토대로측정결과와의오차가가장작은새로운반사경설계식을유도하였다. 이설계식을이용하여광학설계프로그램에서망원경의성능을예측하였으며실제제작된망원경을이용하여얻은이미지와비교한다. [ 포 ID-26] OWL OS( 운영및제어시스템 ) 개발 박선엽 1, 임홍서 1, 조중현 1, 배영호 1, 박영식 1, 문홍규 1, 최영준 1, 박장현 1, 김태훈 2, 박희선 2, 진호 3, 이정호 4, 금강훈 3, 최진 1, 김재혁 5 우주물체전자광학감시체계 (OWL: Optical Wide-field Patrol) 는전세계에 5개의 50cm급자동망원경과 1개의 2m급망원경을설치하여인공위성의궤도정보를얻는시스템이다. 이시스템을운영하게될소프트웨어는크게두부분으로나누어지는데, 해외원격지에설치되는관측소의 50cm급망원경의마운트와검출기, 돔, 기상측기, 전원제어장치를통합하여무인으로관측을수행하고그결과를본부에보고하며, 각시스템을안전하게보호하는기능을갖는 SOS(Site Operating System) 와, 스케줄러에의하여각관측소에필요한관측일정을작성하여전달하고관측소의운영현황을모니터링하는 NOS(Network Operating System) 로구성된다. OWL OS를위하여, 시스템을전반적으로운영하는운영시나리오를설계하였으며, 이시나리오에는기상조건악화와장비오류등의경우에시스템을보호하고상황을즉시보고하는비상사태대처방안을포함하였다. 이러한운영의모든단계에서주기적또는필요시로그기록이남도록하였으며, 이로그기록을바탕으로사용자가원할때에본부에서운영상황을요약하여보여주는각종통계자료를작성하여확인할수있도록하였다. [ 포 ID-27] OWL 돔및사이트제어시스템소개 배영호 1, 문홍규 1, 조중현 1, 박영식 1, 최영준 1, 박장현 1, 임홍서 1, 박선엽 1, 이정호 2 한국천문연구원에서는우주물체전자광학감시체계 (OWL: Optical Wide-field Patrol) 구축사업을통해북반구 3 개소와남반구 2 개소에 0.5m 급관측시설을설치, 운영할계획이다. 이시설은국적위성과우주잔해물을감시하여궤도정보를획득하는것을목적으로한다. OWL 관측소는관측, 자료처리등일련의과정을자동으로수행하는무인감시시스템이기때문에각종기기들에대한전원제어와네트워크연결, 작업상태확인등관측과관련된제반사항역시모두자동으로이루어진다. 따라서이들기기들에대한전원제어및네트워크연결은, 관측소운용측면에서뿐만아니라향후유지관리를고려할때단순화시켜야할필요가있다. 우리는이발표를통해완전개폐형돔과 OWL 관측소에설치될서브시스템및주요기기들에대한전원분배, 제어, 네트워크연결, 그리고사이트보드를통한이종인터페이스통합에관한내용을소개한다. [ 포 ID-28] 프로피버스기반의 KVN 수신기제어인터페이스구현 송민규, 변도영, 제도흥, 이정원, 강용우, 위석오, 정문희, 강지만 22/43/86/129GHz 로구성되는 KVN 4 채널수신기시스템의제어및모니터링에있어데이터의신속정확한전송및효율적인시 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 71

포스터발표논문초록 스템관리는매우중요하다. 수신기등의프런트엔드시스템을통해입력되는천체신호를실시간처리하기위해서는그를구성하는각디바이스에대한제어및모니터링구현은물론아날로그 / 디지털 / 시리얼인터페스간적절한조합이구현되어야한다. 이러한사항을고려하여 KVN 은프로피버스를 KVN 수신기의제어및모니터링을위한기반인터페이스, 로선택하였다. 프로피버스의이점으로는여러가지가있으나그중물리적으로분산되어있는여러시스템에대한제어및모니터링을효과적으로구현할수있다는점을가장큰장점으로들수있다. 우리의경우 KVN 수신기의제어인터페이스구성에있어이러한장점을십분활용하였다. 본포스터에서는프로피버스의개요및특성에대한소개를기반으로분산환경의시스템항목을제어및모니터링하기위한방안에대해논의할것이다. 나아가이를기반으로구현된 KVN 수신기의제어인터페이스현황에대해살펴보고자한다. [ 포 ID-29] RH&LH 원형편파를동시사용하는저궤도위성지상안테나자동추적오차분석 양형모 현존하는저궤도위성의 S-Band 관제채널은대부분 RH 또는 LH 편파를사용한다. 그러나다목적실용위성 3 호와같이 RH 와 LH 편파를동시에사용하는위성의경우위성추적을위해사용되어지는지상안테나는 RH 와 LH 편파를동시에수신하여야할뿐만아니라편파변경시점에따라송신출력의편파가변경되어야하기때문에지상에서위성으로명령을전송할수있는송신가능시간 (Command Window) 에영향을미친다. 이러한저궤도위성의 RH 와 LH 편파의신호세기는위성체의자세및운영방법에따라결정되어지기때문에다양한형태의편파수신경향성을나타낸다. 따라서이러한영향을최소화하기위하여지상안테나는 RH 및 LH 편파에대하여자동추적기능을수행하여위성을추적하게된다. 지상안테나의자동추적기능은수신되는신호세기를순간적으로비교하여가장큰세기의신호가수신될수있도록제어하는기술로서수신신호의형태에따라영향을받으며이때발생하는오차는위성추적에지대한영향을미친다. 또한편파가변경되는시점에서는자동추적오차가증가하게되는경향을나타나게된다. 따라서본논문에서는다양한형태로동시수신되는 RH 및 LH 편파의자동추적오차를분석하여송신가능시간 (Command Window) 및수신신호에어느정도영향을미치는지에대하여분석하였으며본영향을최소화할수있는방법에대하여기술하였다. [ 포 ID-30] 단일채널저궤도위성관제안테나시스템의채널이중화를통한효율성개선 양형모 저궤도위성관제용소형안테나시스템의송수신채널은저궤도위성의특성상안테나구동부의물리적인제약조건을갖으며이러한제약조건은 Rotary Joint 포트수에의존한다. 다목적실용위성 5 호와같이 RH 및 LH 편파를동시사용하는위성의경우지 상안테나의 RF 채널은물리적으로 4 포트가필요하게된다. 이러한물리적채널을구현하기위해서는안테나구동부가대형화될뿐만아니라고비용의소요된다. 이와같이대형화및고비용의단점을극복하기위하여 Channel Combine Filter 를적용하여채널이중화를구현하였으며단일채널을갖는저궤도위성지상안테나시스템을 RH 및 LH 편파를동시수신가능하도록성능을개선하였다. 금번개발된 Channel Combiner 는하나의물리적채널을이용하여위성으로부터수신되는수신신호및지상에서송신하는송신신호를동시에전송하도록설계한것으로서수신되는신호대비송신신호의크기가상대적으로고출력이기때문에송수신신호간의간섭영향을최소화할수있도록설계하였다. 따라서본논문에서는채널이중화를위하여개발된 Channel Combiner 의설계방법및성능시험결과에대하여상세하게기술하였으며, 최종적으로 RH 및 LH 편파를동시에사용하는저궤도위성을이용한수신결과에대하여기술하였다. [ 포 ID-31] 상관결과분석을위한 CODA/FITS 변환소프트웨어개발 오세진 1, Kan-ya Yukitoshi 2, 염재환 1, 노덕규 1, 오충식 1, 정진승 1, 정동규 1, Oyama Tomoaki 3, Miyazaki Atsushi 1, Kawaguchi Noriyuki 3, Kobayashi Hideyuki 3 2010 년 7 월부터한국천문연구원과일본국립천문대가공동으로운영하고있는한일상관센터 (KJCC) 에는최대 16 관측국, 최고속도 8Gbps, 8192 출력채널의성능을갖는한일공동 VLBI 상관기 (KJJVC) 가설치되어운용되고있다. 상관결과는각출력채널별로관측데이터의비지빌리티정보만을보유하고있기때문에, AIPS 등의천문분석프로그램에서활용하기위해서는변환작업을수행해야한다. KJJVC 는일본국립천문대의 FX 상관기에서활용하고있는 CODA(Correlated Output Data Analysis) 파일시스템을도입하여, KJJVC 의상관결과후처리에적합하도록수정하였다. 이 CODA 파일시스템은관측과상관처리시필요한여러가지파라미터정보를정렬하고, 상관결과인비지빌리티정보를각채널별로정렬하여파일시스템을구축한것이다. 본발표에서는 KJJVC 에서개발한 CODA 파일시스템과 AIPS 등에서분석에활용할수있는 FITS 형식으로변환하는소프트웨어의개발과성능에대해간략히소개한다. [ 포 ID-32] In-orbit Stray Light Analysis for Step and Stare observation at Geostationary Orbit Eunsong Oh 1,2, Jinsuk Hong 3, Ki-Beom Ahn 1, Seongick CHO 1,2, Joo-Hyung Ryu 1, and Sug-Whan Kim 2 In the remote sensing researches, the reflected bright source such as snow, cloud have effects on the image quality of wanted signal. Even though those signal from bright source are adjusted in corresponding pixel level with 72 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 atmospheric correction algorithm or radiometric correction, those can be problem to the nearby signal as one of the stray light source. Especially, in the step and stare observational method which makes one mosaic image with several snap shots, one of target area can affect next to the other snap shot each other. Presented in this paper focused on the stray light analysis from unwanted reflected bright source for geostationary ocean color sensor. The stray light effect for total 16 slot images each other were performed according to 8 band filters. For the realistic simulation, we constructed system modeling with integrated ray tracing technique which realizes the same space time in the remote sensing observation among the Sun, the Earth, and the satellite. Computed stray light effect in the results of paper demonstrates the distinguishable radiance value at the specific time and space. [ 포 ID-33] OWL 프로토타입마운트개발 오준호 1, 이정호 2, 박영식 3, 최영준 3, 박장현 3 우주물체전자광학감시체계 (OWL: Optical Wide-field Patrol) 의 50cm 급자동망원경마운트시스템은인공위성관측을위해고속으로움직이면서도안정적인추적이가능해야하며, 무엇보다해외설치를위한경량화및무인운영을위한신뢰성있는시스템이어야한다. 우리가개발한경위대식마운트는웜기어가아닌마찰구동방식으로백래쉬가없고소음및진동을최소화할수있다. 마운트의자체중량은약 400kg 이며최대가반하중은 250kg 까지가능하다. 지향정밀도와밀접한연관이있는절대반복도는 warm start 의경우 5 acrsec, cold start 의경우 10 arcsec 이며, 별관측을통한추적오차는 10 분동안 2 arcsec 이내의값을가지는것으로확인되었다. 마운트의최대속도는약 20deg/sec 이며, 해외환경에서의작동을위해내부온도제어를통하여이슬및결빙을방지하도록하였다. [ 포 ID-34] The Tip-Tilt Correction System in AO System for Small Telescope Hyungjun Yu, Yong-Sun Park, and Bangweon Lee We are developing Adaptive Optics (AO) system for 24 inch telescope at Seoul National University Observatory. It consists of the tip-tilt correction system and the residual wavefront error correction system with a deformable mirror and a wavefront sensor. We present the construction and performance measurements of the tip-tilt correction system. The tip-tilt component is the single largest contributor to wavefront error, especially for small telescope. The tip-tilt correction system consists of a quadrant photodiode, a tip-tilt mirror and a feed back loop. The collimated He-Ne laser beam is used for input light source and is artificially disturbed by air turbulence generated by a heat gun. Most of the turbulence is of low frequency less than 20 Hz, but extends to a few hundreds Hz. It is found that the closed loop system using proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control successfully corrects tip-tilt error at a rate as high as 300~400 Hz. [ 포 ID-35] 우주물체감시검출기시스템설계및시험 이성환 1, 금강훈 1, 진호 1, 박제권 2, 이정호 3, 최영준 4, 박장현 4 우주물체전자광학감시체계 (OWL: Optical Wide-field Patrol) 는광학망원경을통해우주물체를검출하는시스템이다. 검출기시스템의하드웨어구성은 Chopper, Filter Wheel, De-Rotator 로구성된 Wheel station 과 CCD 카메라로구성된다. Chopper 는 CCD 영상에서위성의궤적을자르는역할을하고 Filter Wheel 은관측대상의파장영역대를선택하는기능을한다. 영상획득용 CCD 카메라는천문관측용 Full Frame 방식의카메라를사용하고있으며모델명 PL16803 의 FLI 제품을사용한다. 검출기시스템은시스템부팅후 Health check 를통하여검출기시스템의상태를점검하고 과거이력관리 및 과거미처리영상관리 를점검하여부팅이전에비상사태등으로인해, 비정상적으로종료되어처리되지못한명령이나영상자료를처리한다. 그리고이에대한보고서를기록하여보관한다. 검출기시스템은관측명령서 (OCF: Observation Command File) 를받게되면자동관측을수행하며, 자동관측전에 OCF 동기화 를통하여최신의명령을유지한다. 자동관측이종료된후에는획득한영상을처리하는과정을진행한다. 영상자료처리과정중에는위성의궤적을 Line-Detection 을통해검출하고 World Coordinate System (WCS) 를계산한후, 이미지상의특정위성궤적의좌표를 RA, DEC 으로표현되는위치정보를획득하도록프로그램되어있다. 이외에도운용소프트웨어에는자동초점기능을수행하는기능도포함하고있다. 본연구에서는검출기부분에대한설계및시험의과정을기술하였다. [ 포 ID-36] KVN 단일경을이용한대기난굴절 (Anomalous Refraction) 측정 이정애 1,2, 변도영 1 대기중수증기의불규칙한분포와운동은대기의굴절율을시간에따라불규칙하게변화시킨다. 전파관측중대기의굴절율이짧은시간동안에크게변하면천체가안테나주빔의중앙에서벗어나는것처럼관측되고, 이는마치안테나지향오차가커지는것과같은효과를준다. 이러한현상을대기난굴절 (Anomalous Refraction) 이라고한다. KVN 안테나성능시험관측중심할경우수십초의시간규모에서수십각초이상안테나지향오차가커지는현상이관측되어각사이트의대기난굴절특성에대하여모니터링을시행하였다. 22GHz 와 43GHz 에서 KVN 사이트의대기난굴절특성을파악하기위하여 2010 년 4 월부터 2011 년 4 월까지각계절마다세사이트에서시험관측을진행하였다. 관측결과로부터계절별, 낮과밤등을기준삼아 KVN 사이트의대기난굴절의특성을소개한다. 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 73

포스터발표논문초록 [ 포 ID-37] Data Management Plan for the KMTNet Project Chung-Uk Lee, Dong-Jin Kim, Seung-Lee Kim, and Byeong-Gon Park The Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) is developing three 1.6m optical telescopes with 18k x 18k mosaic CCD cameras. These telescopes will be installed and operated at Chile, South Africa, and Australia for Korea Micro-lensing Telescope Network (KMTNet) project. The main scientific goal of the project is to discover earth-like extra-solar planets using the gravitational micro-lensing technique. To achieve the goal, each telescope at three sites will continuously monitor the specific region of Galactic bulge with 2.5 minute cadence for five years. Assuming 12 hour observation in maximum for a night, the amount of 200 GB file storage is required for one night observation at one observatory. If we consider the whole project period and the data processing procedure, a few PB class data storage, high-speed network, and high performance computers are essential. In this presentation, we introduce the KMTNet data management plan that handles gigantic data; raw image collecting, image processing, photometry pipeline, database archiving, and backup. [ 포 ID-38] OWL 스케줄러개발 임홍서 1, 박선엽 1, 김재혁 2, 최진 1, 조중현 1, 이정호 3, 진호 4, 금강훈 4, 박영식 1, 배영호 1, 최영준 1, 문홍규 1, 박장현 1 우주물체전자광학감시체계 (OWL: Optical Wide-field Patrol) 는관측소들의자동운영을통한인공위성의궤도정보추출이목적이다. 이를위해각각의관측소에서매일밤운영되어야하는관측명령을자동으로생성하는스케줄러를개발하였다. 스케줄러는 OWL 본부가설치될한국천문연구원의 NOS(Network Operating System) 서버에설치 운영된다. 스케줄러는사용자가정한관측대상인공위성의관측우선순위와 OC(Orbit Calculation) 서브시스템이제공한위성궤도정보를바탕으로, 시간에따른관측수행내용을기록한관측명령서 (OCF: Observation Command File) 를작성한다. 작성된 OCF 는각관측소가관측을시작하기전까지해당관측소로전달되며, 관측소는 OCF 를바탕으로관측을수행하게된다. 스케줄러는 제한조건반영 및 OCF 작성 등 2 부분으로구성된다. 제한조건반영 은관측시스템의특징을스케줄러에반영하는단계로써시야각등광학계의특징, 필터등주변장비의특징, CCD 카메라의노출대기시간등검출기의특징등이이에포함된다. 사용자는장비의교체및개선등관측시스템변경이발생하는경우 제한조건반영 에이를적용함으로써스케줄러가새로운시스템에쉽게적용할수있다. OCF 작성 은 제한조건반영 의내용을바탕으로관측대상위성을선정하는 <priority decision>, 위성관측구간중최대한많은노출횟수를산출하는 <shooting design>, 한장의영상에서최대한많은궤도정보를획득하기위한 <extraction design> 등 3 개의알고리즘에의해 OCF 를작성한다. [ 포 ID-39] 초고에너지우주선관측을위한 JEM-EUSO 프로젝트의진행현황 임희진 1, 김석환 2, 김순욱 3, 박일흥 1, 양종만 1, 이직 1, 정애라 1, and the JEM-EUSO collaboration JEM-EUSO(Extreme Universe Space Observatory on-board the Japanese Experiment Module) 는국제우주정거장 (International Space Station) 의일본실험모듈인 KIBO 에우주망원경을설치하여, 100EeV 이상의초고에너지우주선관측을수행함으로써, 초고에너지의스펙트럼, 구성성분과기원을연구하는국제공동연구프로젝트이다. 구경 2.5m 로 60 도의광시야각을가지는대형굴절망원경을통해서, 지구대기에우주선 shower 로부터발생한형광신호를관측하려고한다. 이프로젝트는 2016~ 2017 년에발사되어, 5 년이상의임무수행을목표로하고있으며, 그전단계로 Prototype 시스템을가지고지상실험인 EUSO-TA 와고도 40km 에서수행할 EUSO-Balloon 실험을준비하고있다. 먼저, 망원경의 prototype 을 2012 년 12 월쯤미국유타에있는 Telescope Array(TA) 실험에설치하여우주선또는임의로인가한광원에의해서생성된 shower 를 TA 의 Fluorescence Detector 와함께측정하여, 시스템 calibration 과더불어지상에검출된우주선을연구할계획이다. 그이듬해인 2013 년여름에는 Balloon 에망원경의 Engineering model 을실어서, 대기고도 40km 아래에서우주선에의해생성되는 shower 를개발한트리거시스템을통해서검출하고, 대기권에존재하는 UV background 광원들을측정하여우주선을연구할예정이다. 한국그룹은 JEM-EUSO 을위해서개발한디지털신호처리및트리거장치의제작중에있으며, 위의실험들을위해망원경과함께조립하여테스트를수행할계획이다. [ 포 ID-40] Environment Effects on the Stability of the CQUEAN CCD Nahyun Choi 1, Soojong Pak 1,2, Changsu Choi 3, Won-Kee Park 4, Myungshin Im 3, Yiseul Jeon 3, and Giseon Baek 1 Camera for QUasars in EArly universe (CQUEAN) is an optical CCD camera attached to the 2.1m Otto Struve telescope at the McDonald Observatory, USA. CCD output signal contains the electrons generated by photoionization of incident light and thermal ionization. Therefore reliable photometric result can be obtained only under the stable condition of CCD thermal properties. We investigated the temperature dependency of the various characteristics of CQUEAN CCD chip, including bias level, dark level, gain, and quantum efficiency (QE), with the CQUEAN observation and calibration data obtained during 2012 May run. We 74 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 discuss the environmental effects, i.e., ambient temperature, as well as CCD temperature on the stability of its characteristics. [ 포 ID-41] 우주물체전자광학감시체계 (OWL) 광학계개발현황 한정열 1, 한인우 1, 나자경 1, 장정균 1, 문일권 2, 박영식 1, 최영준 1, 박장현 1 우주물체전자광학감시체계 (OWL: Optical Wide-field Patrol) 는지구상에서빠르게이동하는우주물체를신속하고정확하게관측할수있는광학감시체계이다. 이체계의임무를완수하기위한광학계는약 2 도이상의광시야, 충분한광량확보를위해직경 500 mm 이상의주반사경 (primary mirror), 광학적능률향상을위한 25% 이상의투과율, 운반및진동에의한영상성능저하를보정하기위한부반사경구동기능, 빠른경통회전속도에의한광학및광기구구조물의안전성확보를위한작은 F- 수확보등주요요구조건을만족해야한다. 본논문에서는 OWL 광학계의요구조건을만족하는광학계의광학및광기구설계등개발현황을소개하고자한다. [ 포 ID-42] Near Infrared Wavelength Calibration without Telluric OH Lines Ngan N. K. Nguyen 1, Soojong Pak 1,2, and Wonseok Kang 1 Grating spectrograph observation in near-infrared bands requires wavelength calibrations. We first need to extract order-strips from the echellogram data using flat images, and then to correct the spatial distortions and wavelength scales of the order strips using calibration arc lamps or the telluric OH emission lines. For very high resolution spectrograph using echelle, however, the arc lamps do not have enough emission lines in the order-strips, so we usually use the OH lines for accurate wavelength calibrations in wavelengths shorter than 2.3 microns. In this poster, we present wavelength calibration methods for longer wavelength bands using the telluric absorption lines in early-type stellar spectra and the telluric atmospheric transmission models. This technique will be applied to the data reduction pipeline for the IGRINS. 별탄생 [ 포 SF-07] The Color Variability Monitoring of HBC722 Giseon Baek 1, Soojong Pak 1,2, Joel D. Green 2, Wonseok Kang 1, Yiseul Jeon 3, Changsu Choi 3, Jeong-Eun Lee 1, and Myungshin Im 3 We present the results of SDSS r, i and z band photometry for HBC722 (also known as LkHα 188 G4, PTF10qpf and V2493 Cyg), with Camera for Quasars in Early universe (CQUEAN) attached to 2.1m Otto Struve telescope at McDonald Observatory, USA. HBC722 is a newly erupted FU Orionis type object, which produced optical outburst (ΔV=4.7 mag) over a year that peaked in 2010 September. We carried out the monitoring observations during 48 nights from 2011 April to 2012 June to check the short-term and the long-term variabilities for chasing the Keplerian rotation of the system. Comparing the photometric results of r, i and z band, we describe the color variability which is related to the physical properties of the system like circumstellar disk and accretion process. [ 포 SF-08] Water and Methanol Maser Observations toward NGC 2024 FIR 6 with KVN Minho Choi 1, Miju Kang 1, Do-Young Byun 1, and Jeong-Eun Lee 2 NGC 2024 FIR 6 is a star formation site in Orion and may contain a hypercompact H II region, FIR 6c, and a low-mass protostar, FIR 6n. The FIR 6 region was observed in the water maser line at 22 GHz and the methanol class I maser lines at 44, 95, and 133 GHz, using KVN in the single-dish telescope mode. The water maser spectra displayed several velocity components and month-scale time variabilities. Most of the velocity components may be associated with FIR 6n while one component was associated with FIR 4, another young stellar object in the 22 GHz beam. A typical life time of the water-maser velocitycomponents is about 8 months. The components showed velocity fluctuations with a typical drift rate of about 0.01 km/s/day. The methanol class I masers were detected toward FIR 6. The methanol emission is confined within a narrow range around the systemic velocity of the FIR 6 cloud core. The methanol masers did not show a detectable time-variability. The methanol masers suggest the existence of shocks driven by either the expanding H II region of FIR 6c or the outflow of FIR 6n. 성간물질 [ 포 IM-06] FUV Spectral Images of the Vela Supernova Remnant: Comparisons with X-ray and Hα images 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 75

포스터발표논문초록 Il-Joong Kim 1, Kwang-Il Seon 1, Kyoung-Wook Min 2, Wonyong Han 1, and Jerry Edelstein 3 We updated the far-ultraviolet (FUV) spectral images of the entire Vela supernova remnant (SNR) using newly processed FIMS/SPEAR data. In the present study, we compare the newly produced FUV images with the X-ray and Hα images, and examine how the Vela SNR evolves and interacts with the ambient medium on a global scale. The comparison with X-ray images has revealed a FUV filamentary feature corresponding with the boundary of the northeast-southwest asymmetry of the X-ray shell. The relatively low O IV] λ1404 to O III] λλ1661, 1666 ratio estimated on the FUV filament is compatible with the previous proposal that the observed asymmetry of the Vela SNR could be due to the γ 2 Velorum stellar wind bubble (SWB). The southwest FUV features surrounding a faint extended X-ray region are characterized as the region where the Vela SNR is interacting slightly stronger with ambient mediums within the dim X-ray southwest section. From a comparison with the Hα image, we identify a ring-like Hα feature overlapped with an extended hot X-ray feature of similar size and two local peaks of C IV λλ1548, 1551 emission. Their morphologies are consistent with the expected shape when the Hα ring is in direct contact with the near or far side of the Vela SNR. We suggest that the B3V-type star HD 76161 found at the center of the Hα ring would be the exciting source of the H II region. 외계행성과생명 [ 포 SS-12] A planetary lensing feature in caustic-crossing high-magnification microlensing events Sun-Ju Chung 1, Kyu-Ha Hwang 1,2, Yoon-Hyun Ryu 1,3, and Chung-Uk Lee 1 Current microlensing follow-up observations focus on high-magnification events because of the high efficiency of planet detection. However, central perturbations of high-magnification events caused by a planet can also be produced by a very close or a very wide binary companion, and the two kinds of central perturbations are not generally distinguished without time consuming detailed modeling (a planet-binary degeneracy). Hence, it is important to resolve the planet-binary degeneracy that occurs in high-magnification events. In this paper, we investigate caustic-crossing high-magnification events caused by a planet and a wide binary companion. From this study, we find that because of the different magnification excess patterns inside the central caustics induced by the planet and the binary companion, the light curves of the caustic-crossing planetary-lensing events exhibit a feature that is discriminated from those of the caustic-crossing binary-lensing events, and the feature can be used to immediately distinguish between the planetary and binary companions. 우주론 [ 포 GC-21] Chandra Archival Survey of Galaxy Clusters: X-ray Point Sources in Cool-core and Non-cool-core Clusters Minsun Kim 1 and Eunhyeuk Kim 2 We have studied the physical properties of X-ray point sources in galaxy clusters using ~600 Chandra archival observations. The goal of this study is to investigate the density environmental effects on the physical properties of X-ray point sources by comparing the properties of X-ray point sources in galaxy clusters to those in typical blank fields. In this presentation, we show the nature of X-ray point sources which are expected to be related with galaxy clusters with different core properties. Using ~60 galaxy clusters observed with Chandra, we investigate the physical properties of X-ray point sources in cool-core and non-cool-core clusters. The cool-core clusters are known to have short central cooling time, and are characterized by low central entropy, systematic central temperature drops, and a brightest cluster galaxy at the X-ray peak. While the non-cool-core clusters have longer central cooling time, and are characterized by large central entropies and flat or centrally rising temperature profile. We show that how central core properties of galaxy clusters affect on the physical properties of X-ray point sources. [ 포 GC-22] Intergalactic Magnetic Field and Arrival Direction of Ultra-High-Energy Iron Nuclei Dongsu Ryu 1, Hyesung Kang 2, and Santabrata Das 3 We have studied how the intergalactic magnetic field (IGMF) affects the propagation of super-gzk iron nuclei that originate from extragalactic sources within the local GZK sphere. Toward this end, we set up hypothetical sources of 76 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 ultra-high-energy cosmic-rays (UHECRs), virtual observers, and the magnetized cosmic web in a model universe constructed from cosmological structure formation simulations. We then arranged a set of reference objects at high density region to represent astronomical objects formed in the large scale structure (LSS). With our model IGMF, the paths of UHE iron nuclei are deflected on average by about 70 degrees, which might indicate a nearly isotropic distribution of arrival directions. However, the separation angle between the arrival directions and the nearest reference object on the LSS is only <S>~6 degrees, which is twice the mean distance to the nearest neighbors among the reference objects. This means that the positional correlation of observed UHE iron events with their true sources would be erased by the IGMF, but the correlation with the LSS itself is to be sustained. We discuss implications of our findings for correlations studies of real UHECR events. [ 포 GC-23] Asymmetric Absorption Profile of Damped Lyman Alpha and Beta Systems Hee-Won Lee Due to the quantum interference of many atomic levels, the exact scattering cross section around a given resonance transition deviates from the Lorentz function when the frequency of the incident radiation is quite far from the resonance frequency. This atomic effect is quite significant in the case of damped Ly alpha systems, where HI column density is in excess of 10 20 cm -2. In this poster, we present the deviation quantitatively taking into consideration of the Rayleigh and Raman scattering around Lyman alpha and Lyman beta. [ 포 GC-24] Type-Ia Supernova in M101: Latest Results Myungshin Im 1, Changsu Choi 1, Yiseul Jeon 1, Hyunsung Jun 1, Won-Kee Park 1,3, Ji Hoon Kim 1, Jisoo Lee 1,5, Soojong Pak 2, Giseon Baek 2, Sang-Hyuk Kim 2, Youngseok Oh 2, Yeong-Beom Jeon 3, Hyun-Il Sung 3, Tae Seog Yoon 4, Jueun Hong 1, Dohyeong Kim 1, Duho Kim 1, Minsung Jang 1, Minhee Hyun, Geun-Hong Park 1, Heesu Yang 1, Il-Gyo Jeong 1, Bang-Won Lee 1, Hong-Kyu Yang 1, Jubee Sohn 1, Gwang-Ho Lee 1, Yosep Yoon 1, Jae-Hyung Lee 1, Jae-Jin Shin 1, Ho-Jin Cho 1, Jae-Woong Jeong 1, Hye-Eun Jang 1, Mi-Kyung Yoon 1, Yong-Jeong Kim 1, Hyung-Bae Bae 1, Jong-Ho Park 1, Myung-Gyoon Lee 1, You-Kyung Ko 1, and Heon-Chul Lee 1 SN 2011fe (also known as PTF 11kly) is a Type-1a supernova that appeared in M101, 2011 August. Being only 6.4 Mpc away, this supernova has been intensively observed by various facilities in the world. We monitored this supernova in UBVRI, grizy, and ZYJHK-bands using SNUO, LOAO, SOAO, CQUEAN/McDonald, UKIRT telescopes, and small telescopes in Korea and Mongolia. The monitoring observation is still ongoing, and the light curve has been accumulated over a year. We present the results of the long-term monitoring observation, together with a light-curve fitting result. We will also discuss our findings in terms of the usefulness of Type-Ia supernovae as a distance indicator. 은하 [ 포 GC-25] The 2.5-5.0μm Spectra Atlas of Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei with AKARI: Establishing the Black Hole Mass Estimator of Active Galactic Nuclei with Hydrogen Brackett Lines Dohyeong Kim and Myungshin Im The 2.5-5.0μm spectrum of AGN was poorly understood due to the atmosphere effect beyond 2μm. Nevertheless, the 2.5-5.0μm range includes several important lines, such as Brβ (2.63μm), Brα (4.05μm), PAH (3.3μm) and many molecular or atomic lines. We compile 2.5-5.0μm spectra of 79 AGNs and QSOs from infrared camera (IRC) on AKARI infrared astronomy satellite. Our 2.5-5.0μm spectra will provide an access to full wavelength spectra of AGNs for the first time. Moreover, we present the Brackett line properties, FWHMs and luminosities, of AGNs. Using these Brackett line properties, we derive new black hole (BH) mass estimators. The new BH mass estimators using NIR hydrogen lines will be very useful to estimate BH mass of dusty red AGNs in the future. [ 포 GC-26] 고립된왜소불규칙은하 NGC 1156 의새로운거리결정 김상철 1, 박홍수 2, 경재만 1, 이준협 1, 이창희 1, 김민진 1,3 홀로고립되어존재하는은하는주변은하와상호작용을하지않은채진화하므로은하의진화를연구하기에아주좋은대상이다. 은하의정량적연구를위해꼭알아야하는중요한물리량 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 77

포스터발표논문초록 으로거리와성간소광량이있다. 우리는허블우주망원경 (HST) Advanced Camera for Surveys(ACS)/High Resolution Channel (HRC) 로관측한고립된왜소불규칙은하 NGC 1156 (RA 2000= 02:59:42.19, DEC 2000=+25:14:14.2) 중심부 (26 29 ) 의 archive 자료를분석하여이은하의거리와성간소광량을새로구했다. 이은하의거리를측정한과거자료는 Tully (1988, Nearby Galaxies Catalog) 목록과 Special Astrophysical Observatory 6m 망원경 /VI ( 각 300s) 영상자료의가장밝은별로거리를구한 Karachentsev et al. (1996) 자료뿐이다. 우리는 HST/ACS/ HRC+UBVI 자료중 U 자료를이용하여아주신뢰할만한소광량값 (E(B-V)=0.35±0.05) 을얻었고, 가장밝은빨간별과파란별자료를이용하여새로운거리지수 ((m-m) 0=29.39±0.20, d=7.6±0.7 Mpc) 를결정했다. 이거리값은과거의값들 (Tully 6.4±1.2 Mpc; Karachentsev et al. 7.8±0.5 Mpc) 과크게다르지않으며, 기존의거리자료들역시신뢰할만함을보여준다. ACS/Wide Field Channel 과달리 ACS/HRC 의경우등급표준화방정식이완벽하지않은데, 우리의경우 F550M 자료를표준화할수없었다. 그러나우리는여러파장, 많은관측자료가존재하는 47 Tucanae (NGC 104) 구상성단의관측자료와 Padova 등연령곡선을이용하여성공적인등급변환을수행할수있었다. [ 포 GC-27] Early-type Dwarf Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster: An Ultraviolet Perspective Suk Kim 1, Soo-Chang Rey 1, Eon-Chang Sung 2, Thorsten Lisker 3, Helmut Jerjen 4, Youngdae Lee 1, Jiwon Chung 1, and Mina Pak 1 Since the ultraviolet (UV) flux of an integrated population is a good tracer of recent star formation activities, UV observations provide an important constraint on star formation history (SFH) in galaxies. We present UV color-magnitude relations (CMRs) of early-type dwarf galaxies in the Virgo cluster, based on Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) UV data and the Extended Virgo Cluster Catalog (EVCC, Kim, S. in prep.). The EVCC covers an area 5.4 times larger (750 deg2) than the footprint of the classical Virgo cluster catalog by Binggeli and collaborators. We secure 1304 galaxies as members of the Virgo cluster and 526 galaxies of them are new objects not contained in the VCC. Morphological classification of galaxies in the EVCC is based on the optical image ("Primary Classification") and spectral feature ("Secondary Classification") of the SDSS data. We find that dwarf lenticular galaxies (ds0s) show a surprisingly distinct and tight locus separated from that of ordinary dwarf elliptical galaxies (des), which is not clearly seen in previous CMRs. The ds0s in UV CMRs follow a steeper sequence than des and show bluer UV-optical color at a given magnitude. Most early type dwarf galaxies with blue UV colors (FUV-r < 6 and NUV r < 4) are identified as those showing spectroscopic hints of recent or ongoing star formation activities. We explore the observed CMRs with population models of a luminosity-dependent delayed exponential star formation history. The observed CMR of ds0s is well matched with models with relatively long delayed star formation. Our results suggest that ds0s are most likely transitional objects at the stage of subsequent transformation of late-type progenitors to ordinary red des in the cluster environment. In any case, UV photometry provides a powerful tool to disentangle the diverse subpopulations of early-type dwarf galaxies and uncover their evolutionary histories. [ 포 GC-28] The near infrared image of GRB100205A field Yongjung Kim and Myungshin Im CEOU/Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University GRB100205A is a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) which is suspected to be at redshift z=11-13 due to its very red H-K color((h-k) vega = 2.1 ± 0.5). We observed a field centered at GRB100205A with Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) at United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) in Hawaii, in order to search a quasar that could be located around the GRB. The images were obtained in J, H, and K filters covering a square area of 0.78 deg 2. Our J-, H-, and K-band data reach the depths of 22.5, 22.1, and 21.0 mag (Vega) at 5σ, respectively. Also using z-band image observed by CFHT, we find 8 candidates that have colors consistent with a quasar at z=11-13(non-detection in z-, J-band and (H-K) vega > 1.6). However, the shallow depths of J-, H-band are not enough to verify their true nature. Instead, we identify many red objects to be old or dusty galaxies at z 3. The number density of such objects appears about twice or more than that of the field of Cosmological Evolution Survey (COSMOS) and Ultra Deep Survey (UDS) of UKIRT Infrared deep sky survey (UKIDSS). On scales between 0.18' and 15' the correlation function is well described by a power law with an exponent of -0.9 and this implies that those objects are like galaxies. It is interesting that many red galaxies exist in the region where the GRB was detected. [ 포 GC-29] Relationship between hot gas halo and environmental factors of early-type galaxies Eunbin Kim 1,2, Yun-Young Choi 1, Sungsoo S. Kim 1,2, and Changbom Park 3 78 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 We present an investigation of X-ray hot gas halo in 21 early-type galaxies(etgs) from cross-matched sample of XMM-Newton( 2XMM-DR3 catalog) and SDSS DR 7(0.025 < z < 0.085 and Mr <-19.5). It has been controversial whether or not the environment affects X-ray luminosity of ETGs. In this research, we mainly considered how dense the surrounding galaxies of the target galaxy are and how isolated the target galaxy is from the nearest neighboring galaxy. It appears that the second environmental factor has more effects on X-ray luminosity ( 0.5-2 kev) of hot gas halo than the first one. We found that the closer a galaxy is to the nearest neighboring galaxy, the brighter it is when the galaxy is located within the neighbor galaxy s virial radius. However, when a galaxy is located outside the neighbor s virial radius, the luminosity does not show any trend. In this poster, we report preliminary results from our study. [ 포 GC-30] Search for galaxy clusters in SA22 Jae-Woo Kim 1,2, Myungshin Im 1,2, and Minhee Hyun 2 The galaxy cluster is a good laboratory to test the cosmological model as well as the evolution of galaxies in the dense region. However the lack of wide and deep near-ir datasets has prevented to identify galaxy clusters at z>1. Here we merge a wide, deep near-ir datasets of UKIDSS DXS (J and K bands) and IMS (J band) with the CFHT Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) ugriz catalogue to detect galaxy clusters. We identify candidate galaxy clusters at z>0.8, where the near-ir dataset plays an important role to detect galaxies efficiently. The cluster mass is also estimated based on the cluster richness and the semi-analytical cosmological simulation. [ 포 GC-31] Missing Type I AGNs in the local universe Ji Gang Kim 1, Jae Hyuk Kim 1, Seung Eon Lee 1, Daeseong Park, Jong-Hak Woo 2, and HongJin Kwon 1 Type I AGNs are classified by the presence of broad emission lines while Type II AGNs show narrow emission lines only. All-sky surveys such as SDSS provide large AGN samples for statistical studies. However, the AGN samples suffer selection bias due to the incomplete selection criteria. To investigate the missing Type I AGNs in optical spectroscopic surveys, we start with a sample of SDSS Type II AGNs at 0.02 < z < 0.05, using the MPA-JHU SDSS DR7 catalog. We search for the hidden broad Hα component with both visual inspection and the multi-component spectral decomposition method. Out of 1383 Type II AGNs, we find a total of 62 missing Type I AGNs (~4.5%). The sample has mean black hole mass, log (M BH/M SUN)=6.48±0.53, and luminosity, log (L Hα/erg s -1 )=40.52±0.33, with Eddington ratio, log (L bol/l Edd)=-1.51±0.41. We will describe the sample and present the M BH-σ *, and M BH-M * relations of the sample in the context of the BH-galaxy coevolution. [ 포 GC-32] The Interplay between Star Formation and AGN Activities : A Case Study of LQSONG Ji Hoon Kim 12, Myungshin Im 2, Dohyeong Kim 2, and LQSONG team One of the most intriguing questions regarding black hole (BH)-galaxy co-evolution picture is how the BH accretion, or active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity is linked to star formation (SF) activity. While it is suggested that AGN luminosity of quasars correlates with SF luminosity, it is still unclear how AGN activity is connected to SF activity based on host galaxy properties. Utilizing AKARI's unique slit-less spectroscopic capability and wavelength coverage, we probed star formation activity of several types of AGNs by measuring the PAH 3.3 μm emission. First, we detected the PAH 3.3 μm emission from seven out of 27 Seyfert type-1 galaxies at z~0.36. While these galaxies deviate significantly from the local Mbh-σ relation meaning their black holes proceed the host galaxies in terms of evolution, they appear to follow the correlation between nuclear SF and AGN activities of local Seyfert type-1 galaxies. This implies that SF and AGN activities are directly connected at the nuclear region for these Seyfert type-1 AGNs. We also obtained 2-5 μm spectra for subsamples of Quasar Spectroscopic Observation in Near-infrared Grism (QSONG) which consists of reverberation-mapped AGNs and PG-QSOs. We detected the PAH 3.3 μm emission from 16 out of 31 reverberation-mapped AGNs and 10 out of 49 PG-QSOs and measured their line strengths. We present the correlations between SF and AGN activities and discuss if there is any dependency of the correlations on properties of host galaxies, such as morphology, or the presence of radio jets. [ 포 GC-33] Multiband photometry of globular clusters toward the central region of the Fornax 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 79

포스터발표논문초록 cluster: Radial variation of GC color distributions Hak-Sub Kim 1, Suk-Jin Yoon 1, Sangmo Tony Sohn 2, Chul Chung 1, and Sangyoon Lee 1 We present wide-field multiband photometry of globular cluster (GC) systems toward the central region of the Fornax cluster of galaxies, including NGC 1399, NGC 1404, and NGC 1387. Observation was carried out through four optical passbands (U, B, V, and I) with the Mosaic II CCD imager mounted on the 4-m Blanco telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO). This marks one of the widest U-band photometric studies on GC systems. GC candidates are selected among point sources based on their two color diagrams together with a magnitude cut. We investigate the radial variation of color distributions for the GC systems, focusing on the fundamental parameters that characterize bimodal distributions; the number ratio between blue and red GCs, the mean colors of the groups, and their color dispersions. We discuss the implication of our result regarding the origin of GC color bimodality. [ 포 GC-34] Gas Outflow in SDSS AGN-host Galaxies Hyun-Jin Bae, Jong-Hak Woo 2, and Semyeong Oh 2 Energetic outflow from active galactic nuclei (AGNs) may play a critical role in galaxy evolution. We present a velocity diagnostics for detecting gas outflow in the narrow-line region of Type-2 AGNs using line-of-sight velocity offset of the [O III]λ5007 and Hα emission lines with respect to the systemic velocity of stars in host galaxies. We apply the diagnostics to nearby galaxies at 0.02 < z < 0.05: 3775 AGN-host and 907 star-forming galaxies as a comparison sample, which are selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR7. After obtaining a best-fit stellar population model for the continuum and a systemic velocity based on stellar lines, we subtract stellar component to measure velocity offsets of each emission line. We find a sample of 169 AGN-host galaxies with outflow signatures, displaying a larger velocity shift of [O III] than that of Hα, as expected in a decelerating outflow model. We find that the offset velocity of [O III] increases with Eddington ratio, suggesting that gas outflow depends on the energetics of AGN. [ 포 GC-35] The ISM properties under ICM pressure in the cluster environment: NGC4330, NGC4402, NGC4522, NGC4569 Bumhyun Lee and Aeree Chung The interstellar medium (ISM) of galaxies in the galaxy cluster can well be affected by the intracluster medium (ICM). Among many suggested environmental processes, ram pressure stripping can effectively remove gas through the interaction with the ICM. In fact, Cluster galaxies are lower in HI gas mass compared to their field counterparts, and in recent high resolution HI imaging studies, many galaxies in dense environments have been found to be ram pressure stripped in HI. However, it is still under debate whether the ICM pressure can also remove dense molecular gas from the galactic disk, which plays more important role in star formation and hence galaxy evolution. To answer this question, we have obtained high resolution 12/13 CO (2-1) data from the Sub Millimeter Array (SMA) of four galaxies at various HI stripping stages to study how the molecular gas properties change as the galaxy experiences the ICM pressure. We investigate the physical properties of molecular gas with 12/13 CO images. By comparing with other wavelength data, i.e. data(optical, HI, Hα, etc), we discuss how and in which timescale galaxies can migrate from the blue cloud to the red sequence due to ram pressure stripping. [ 포 GC-36] SDSS 자료를이용한 z<0.01 필드은하의자외광특성 이웅, 이수창, 김석, 이영대, 박민아, 이원형 Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) DR7 분광자료를이용하여 z < 0.01에존재하는필드 (field) 은하 505개를선별하였다. SDSS 의컬러영상을이용하여필드은하들의형태 (morphology) 를타원은하 / 왜소타원은하, 렌즈은하 / 왜소렌즈은하, 나선은하, 그리고불규칙은하로분류하였으며, 이들은하들에대한측광을수행하였다. 한편, Galex Evolution Explorer (GALEX) 자외광영상으로부터선별된은하들에대한자외광측광도수행하였다. 서로다른환경에있는은하들의최근별탄생활동이어떻게변화하는지파악하기위하여처녀자리은하단 (Virgo cluster) 에있는은하들과비교하여필드은하들의자외광- 가시광색-등급분포를조사하였다. 처녀자리은하단은하들에비하여필드은하들은작은자외광- 가시광색지수를가지는만기형은하들의비율이높았다. 특히, 조기형필드은하들의색지수값이처녀자리은하단조기형은하들에비해전반적으로더작은값을나타내고, 이특징은질량이작은왜소은하에서더욱크게나타남을알수있었다. 한편, 환경적효과를거의받지않는필드은하들은환경적효과가큰은하단은하들의진화연구에서환경적효과의크기및기작을규명하는기본자료로사용될수있음을토의하고자한다. [ 포 GC-37] UBVRI Photometry of SN 2011fe Jisoo Lee 1,2, Myungshin Im 1, and Yiseul Jeon 1 80 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 SN 2011fe is the closest and brightest Type Ia supernova in the digital imaging era and thus provides the richest data. We present UBVRI photometry of SN 2011fe for a span of ~180 days after the optical maximum. This paper contains measurements made at SOAO, LOAO, and SNUO and also includes data from a small telescope in Mongolia. We compare the results with the ones obtained by Richmond & Smith (2012) and Vinko et al. (2012). [ 포 GC-38] A Pilot Study for CO of BUDHIES Galaxies Aeree Chung The fraction of blue galaxies in clusters is found to dramatically increase with redshift. This trend has been known as the Butcher-Oemler (B-O) effect which implies a significant evolution among the cluster galaxy population with time. It has been proposed that the blue galaxies in B-O clusters are at their last stage of star formation, probably using up the gas, which then might have evolved into red and passive cluster galaxies as found in the Local Universe. To test this hypothesis and ultimately to understand the evolution of cluster galaxy population as a function of redshift, we have embarked a multi-wavelength study of two carefully selected galaxy clusters at z~0.2 where the B-O effect becomes first noticeable. In this talk, I will introduce the Blind Ultra-deep Distant HI Environmental Survey (BUDHIES) on those two clusters and relevant multi-wavelength observations. Also, I will present the preliminary results of our recent Nobeyama CO observations of two galaxies selected among the BUHDIES sample. (ICM). We discuss the influence of environmental processes on the temperature and kinematics of HI in these galaxies. [ 포 GC-40] Chemical Properties of Star Forming Galaxies in the Cluster Environment Jiwon Chung 1, Soo-Chang Rey 1, Suk Kim 1, and Eon-Chang Sung 2 We utilize Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR7 spectroscopic data of ~340 star forming galaxies in the Virgo cluster to investigate their chemical properties depending on the environments. The chemical evolution of galaxies is linked to their star formation histories (SFHs), as well as to the gas interchange in different environments. In this sense, galaxy metallicity could be an observable parameter providing information on the impact of the environment on the galaxy SFH and/or the galaxy gas content. Thus, we derived gaseous metallicity (e.g., oxygen abundance) of star forming galaxies located in different regions of the Virgo cluster using well-known empirical calibrations. We also estimated their star formation rate (SFR) using H alpha luminosity. Inorder to investigate the chemical properties of these galaxies, we examined relations between various parameters: metallicity vs. luminosity, SFR vs. luminosity, and metallicity vs. cluster-centric radius. From our results, we discuss environmental effects of cluster to the chemical properties of star forming galaxies. [ 포 GC-41] The extended narrow-line region kinematics of 3 Type-2 QSOs revealed by the VLT VIMOS IFU spectra Hojin Cho 1, Jonghak Woo 1, and Vardha N. Bennert 2 [ 포 GC-39] Neutral Hydrogen Absorption in Three Virgo Galaxies Aeree Chung 1 and Jae-Joon Lee 2 The HI absorption against bright continuum source provides a unique opportunity to measure spin temperature of the neutral hydrogen gas. We find three cases among the sample of the VIVA (VLA Imaging of Virgo galaxies in Atomic gas) study with self absorption of strong central continuum by galactic HI gas. Using the HI flux ratio of emission and absorption, we constrain the spin temperature of the neutral hydrogen gas on their disk. The HI absorption is marginally resolved in these galaxies, which also allows us to probe the kinematics of the absorbing gas. All three galaxies are severely stripped in HI due to the intra cluster medium We present kinematic properties of the narrow-line region in three type-2 QSOs at z~0.35, using 2-D spectra obtained with the VIMOS integral field unit spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope. One of the objects shows a line-of-sight velocity shift of the [OIII] and Hβ lines up to 40km/s on a 15 kpc scale, which can be interpreted as either outflow or rotation. The outflow scenario is supported by the presence of blue wings and a radio structure showing lobes in the same direction. Another object features double-peaked emission lines which can be decomposed into two velocity components. Its Hubble Space Telescope image shows two nuclei separated by ~0.2"(~1kpc), implying this may be a binary AGN. [ 포 GC-42] Y-band light curve of M101 SN Ia Changsu Choi and Myungshin Im 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 81

포스터발표논문초록 Type Ia Supernovae are known as one of the most reliable standard candle regarding to our understanding their explosion mechanism. Recently NIR photometry of SN Ia shows us better promise on the distance measurement. NIR peak luminosity is relatively independent of light curve shape and effect of extinction is obviously less than in optical wavelengths. Among NIR bands, Y-band photometry is suggested to have less scatter and reduced reddening effect than other NIR wavelengths, furthermore it is still unexplored regime to verify its utility. Here we report Y-band light curve analysis of M101 SN Ia to investigate how Y-band can help us to determine accurate distance to the galaxy. [ 포 GC-43] Analysis of a New Gravitational Lens FLS 1718+59 Yoon Chan Taak and Myungshin Im We present our analysis of a newly discovered galaxy-galaxy gravitational lens system in the First Look Survey (FLS) field. This object shows a highly distorted background galaxy (z=0.245) image by a nearby elliptical galaxy (z=0.08), which can be interpreted as a result of gravitational lensing. We model the lens with elliptical isothermal sphere model, and present the mass and potential distribution of the system. [ 포 GC-44] High redshift clusters in ELAIS N1/N2 fields Minhee Hyun, Myungshin Im, and Jae-Woo Kim Galaxy clusters, the largest gravitationally bound system, are important means to place constraints on cosmological model and to study the evolution and the formation of galaxies and their large scale distribution. We will report results from our study of galaxy clusters in the European Large Area ISO Survey North1/North2(ELAIS-N1/N2) fields, covering a total of 10.8deg 2. We combine multiple wavelength data from IMS survey, UKIRT Infrared Deep Survey-Deep Extragalactic Survey (UKIDSS-DXS, JK bands), Spitzer Wise-area InfraRed Extragalactic survey (SWIRE, Optical-Infrared bands), and CFHT (u,g,r,i,z bands.) The photometric redshifts are derived from these datasets and are used to search for high redshift galaxy clusters at 0.8 < z < 1.5. [ 포 GC-45] The Optical and IR Properties of Peculiar early-type galaxies from Stripe82 and WISE Data Jueun Hong and Myungshin Im Galaxy merging plays a important role to the formation and evolution of galaxy. Early-type galaxies are believed to be formed by galaxy merging. We combined 3 color images in g,r,i band using Stripe82 image of which the surface brightness is 2 mag deeper than that of SDSS image. We classified early-type galaxies which have the merging features, the evidence of galaxy mergers through careful visual inspection. We investigated the IR properties of early-type galaxies with the merging feature using WISE data. We analyzed the star formation according to the type of galaxy. Early-type galaxies with the merging feature show the higher star formation than non-merging galaxies, but the difference is not significant. This results implies that quite a few early-type galaxies might be formed by dry merger, not wet merger. Meanwhile, the most of ULIRGs show tidal tail, on the other hand, early-type galaxies show tidal tail including shell structure. It suggests that ULIRGs have more gas and it might be in early stage of galaxy merging, early-type galaxies might be in the late stage of galaxy merging. [ 포 GC-46] HIGH-RESOLUTION NEAR-INFRARED SPECTRA OF NEARBY QUASARS Huynh Anh Nguyen LE 1, Soojong PAK 2, Myungshin IM 3, and Luis C. HO 4 We present high-resolution near-infrared host galaxy spectra of low-z quasars, PG0844+349 (z=0.064), PG1226+023 (z=0.158), and PG1426+015 (z=0.086). The observation was done by using the near-ir high resolution echelle spectrometer, IRCS, at the SUBARU 8.2 m telescope. The full width at half maximum of the point spread function was about 0.3 arcsec by using an Adaptive Optics system, which can effectively resolve the quasar spectra from the host galaxy spectra. The signal-to-noise ratios are increased by the total exposure time up to several hours per targets and the development of data reduction method. We compare our results to the stellar spectra library and sample spectra from Dasyra et al. (2007) and Watson et al. (2008). The identified spectral lines will be used to study the physical mechanism of quasars, and the velocity dispersions of the stars in the bulge of the host galaxy. 82 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 태양 [ 포 SE-35] A Study to Derive Energetics of Coronal Magnetic Structures Kang Jihye 1, Tetsuya Magara 1,2, Satoshi Inoue 1, Hwanhee Lee 1, and Jun-Mo An 1 Space weather prediction related to flares and CMEs is an important issue these days. It is, however, hard to estimate magnetic energy of invisible coronal magnetic structure. The virial theorem is one of the ways to determine the magnetic energy. In this study, we performed a series of MHD simulation of an emerging flux tube and apply the virial theorem to the simulation results and derive energetics of coronal structures. We then analyze real observational data on NOAA 11302 to derive the distributions of physical quantities, such as density, temperature, velocity and magnetic field. We also use knowledge form simulation analysis to estimate the magnetic energy of NOAA 11302. [ 포 SE-36] Dipole 과 quadrupole 성분의변화에의한 SC 24/25 극소기의태양자기장의예측 김보경, 오수연, 이유 최근태양주기 21, 22, 23 을지나 24 주기로감에따라태양활동의지표인태양상수, 행성간자기장, 태양극자기장등과같은여러태양물리량들이감소하여태양활동이약화되었고 23/24 주기의극소기가길어졌다. 태양자기장의극성은대체로 Dipole 의형태로근사하여나타나지만 dipole 뿐만아니라 Quadrupole 등과같은다중극의합으로나타난다. 본연구에서는 Wilcox Solar Observatory (WSO) 에서제공하는 21 주기부터 23 주기동안의총태양자기장의구조화함수 coefficient 의세기, dipole 성분및 Multipole 성분의변화를분석하였다. 분석결과최근 23 태양주기시작이후로총태양자기장의세기가감소하는추세를보이며 21, 22 주기에비해 23 주기에 multipole 성분보다 dipole 성분이더큰감소율을보여 dipole 이약해지고 multipole 이강해진것을알수있었다. 그러므로태양활동변화에 Multipole 성분도중요한역할을한다고볼수있다. 전반적으로태양활동극대기에는 dipole 의세력이약하고극소기에는 dipole 의세력이강하게나타난다. 또한태양주기 23/24 의극소기일때, 다중극성분중특히 Quadrupole 성분이차지하는비율이두드러지게증가하였다. 태양활동극소기에 23/24 주기처럼태양활동이더저조해지면상대적으로 quadrupole 성분이증가하게되는것으로여겨진다. 그러므로, 다음태양주기 24/25 의극소기에는태양활동이더약해져서 Quadrupole 성분이더욱두드러지게증가하게될것으로예측된다. [ 포 SE-37] A Spectropolarimetric Investigation of the Photospheric and Chromospheric Layers of Sunspots Hyunnam Kim 1, Sami. K. Solanki 1,2, Andreas Lagg 2, Kap-Sung Kim 1, Daye Lim 3, and G. S. Choe 1 Spectro-polarimetry is the most powerful technique for deducing the magnetic structure of the Sun. Stokes vector allow us to infer the physical conditions in the solar atmosphere prevailing during the line formation. Inversion codes are the main tool to extract this information from the Stokes spectra. This study will focus on measurements of the chromospheric He I 1083.0 nm triplet and the photospheric Si I 1082.7 nm line. A spectropolarimetric data set of sunspots, obtained with the German Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT) at the Teide observatory on Tenerife, is analyzed using an inversion technique. We will introduce the German Vacuum Tower Telescope and the inversion code HeLix, and will show data sets that are analyzed by HeLix. Finally I made variety plots and maps for understanding photospheric and chromospheric layers of sunspots. [ 포 SE-38] 인공신경망과서포트벡터머신을사용한태양양성자플럭스예보 남지선 1, 문용재 1, 이진이 1, 지은영 2, 박진혜 1, 박종엽 1 서포트벡터머신 (Support Vector Machine, SVM) 과인공신경망모형 (Neural Network, NN) 을사용하여태양양성자현상 (Solar proton event, SPE) 의플럭스세기를예측해보았다. 이번연구에서는 1976 년부터 2011 년까지 10MeV 이상의에너지를가진입자가 10 개 cm -1 sec -1 ster -1 이상입사할경우를태양양성자현상으로정의한 NOAA 의태양고에너지입자리스트와 GOE 위성의 X-ray 플레어데이터를사용하였다. 여기에서 C, M, X 등급의플레어와관련있는 178 개이벤트를모델의훈련을위한데이터 (training data) 89 개와예측을위한데이터 (prediction data) 89 개로구분하였다. 플러스세기의예측을위하여, 우리는로그플레어세기, 플레어발생위치, Rise time( 플레어시작시간부터최대값까지의시간 ) 을모델입력인자로사용하였다. 그결과예측된로그플럭스세기와관측된로그플럭스세기사이의상관계수는 SVM 과 NN 에서각각 0.32 와 0.39 의값을얻었다. 또한두값사이의평균제곱근오차 (Root mean square error) 는 SVM 에서 1.17, NN 에서는 0.82 로나왔다. 예측된플럭스세기와관측된플럭스세기의차이를계산해본결과, 오차범위가 1 이하인경우가 SVM 에서는약 68% 이고 NN 에서는약 80% 의분포를보였다. 이러한결과로부터우리는 NN 모델이 SVM 모델보다플럭스세기를잘예측하는것을알수있었다. [ 포 SE-39] An Automated System for Empirical Forecasting of Solar Flares and CMEs 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 83

포스터발표논문초록 Sung-Hong Park 1 and Tetsuya Yamamoto 2 Solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are two major solar eruptive phenomena which can cause enormous economic and commercial losses: (1) flares are sudden, rapid, and intense brightenings from radio waves to Gamma-rays in the chromosphere and corona, and (2) CMEs are large-scale transient eruptions of magnetized plasma from the solar corona that propagate outward into interplanetary space. Most flares and CMEs occur in magnetically complicated solar active regions (ARs). Therefore, it is crucial to investigate magnetic fields in ARs and their temporal variations for understanding a precondition and a trigger mechanism related to flare/cme initiation. In this presentation, we will introduce an automated system for empirical forecasting of flares and CMEs in ARs using full-disk photospheric line-of-sight magnetogram data taken by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the SDO. [ 포 SE-40] Chromospheric Transient Brightenings associated with Canceling Magnetic Features Soyoung Park 1, Jongchul Chae 2, Sunghong Park 1, and Suchan Bong 1 Canceling magnetic features (CMFs) are likely to be a result of magnetic reconnection in the lower atmosphere of the Sun. CMFs are related with chromospheric phenomena such as brightening or jets. In order to observe the fine-scale and highly dynamical structures in the chromospheres, Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) was developed and installed at 1.6 m New Solar Telescope at Big Bear Solar Observatory. Using this FISS data we have studied chromospheric brightenings associated with CMFs. As a result, the chromospheric brightenings related with CMFs have stronger shock waves than one of other regions such as internetwork regions or unipolar magnetic elements. [ 포 SE-41] 최소신장트리를이용한흑점군자동분석프로그램개발 박종엽 1, 문용재 1,2, 최성환 2,3 태양의활동영역에서관측할수있는흑점은주로흑점군으로관측되며, 태양폭발현상의발생을예보하기위한중요한관측대상중하나이다. 현재태양폭발을예보하는모델들은 McIntosh 흑점군분류법을사용하며통계적모델과기계학습모델로나누어진다. 컴퓨터는흑점군의형태학적특성을연속적인값으로계산하지만흑점군의형태적다양성으로인해 McIntosh 분류를잘 못분류할수도있다. 이러한이유로컴퓨터가계산한흑점군의형태학적인특성을예보에직접적용하는것이필요하다. 우리는흑점군의형태학적인특성 ( 개수, 면적, 면적비등 ) 과함께모든흑점을정점 (Vertex) 으로하고그사이를연결하는간선 (Edge) 으로하는간선의거리합이최소인최소신장트리 (MST; Minimum spanning tree) 를작성하였다. 이최소신장트리를사용하여흑점군을검출하고가장면적이큰정점을중심으로트리의깊이 (Depth) 와차수 (Degree) 를계산하였다. 이방법을 2003 년 SOHO/MDI 의태양가시광영상에적용하여구한흑점군의내부흑점수와면적은 NOAA 에서산출한값들과 90%, 99% 의좋은상관관계를가졌다. 우리는이연구를통해흑점군의형태학적인특성과더불어예보에직접적으로활용할수있는방법을논의하고자한다. [ 포 SE-42] Comparison between Simulations and Observations Focused on Upflow Area in Active Region Hwanhee Lee 1, Tetsuya Magara 1,2, Jun-Mo An 1, and Jihye Kang 1 We use three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of flux emergence from solar subsurface to corona. In our previous work, we reported the relation between magnetic-field configuration and the flux expansion factor. Following these results, we investigate where an upflow is generated in an active region and how its location is related to the flux expansion factor. We also derive physical quantities of a real active region from observation data provided by Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH), X-Ray Telescope (XRT), and Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) onboard Hinode. These physical quantities are plasma density, temperature and flow. By comparing the simulation result and observational one, we will discuss the properties of the location producing a solar wind. [ 포 SE-43] KSRBL 데이터위치감지분석 황보정은 1,2, 박성홍 1, 봉수찬 1, 이대영 2, 박영득 1 태양전파폭발위치감지기 (KSRBL) 는단일안테나전파분광기로써미뉴저지공과대학과의협력으로 2009 년 8 월에한국천문연구원에개발설치되었다. 1 MHz 스펙트럼분해능과 1 초의시간분해능을가지고있고관측할수있는주파수대역은 245, 410 MHz 와 0.5-18 GHz 에이르는광대역이다. 또한태양전면태양폭발위치를감지할수있다. 전파관측은 LabVIEW 와 IDL 프로그램에의해미리짜여진관측스케줄에따라매일자동으로진행된다. 데이터분석을위해필요한플럭스, 안테나, 전파이득에대한눈금조정작업을위한소프트웨어를개발하였다. 2009 년설치이후지금까지 12 개의이벤트를관측하였고그중 5 개의이벤트를가지고관측된스펙트럼의모듈레이션패턴을 84 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 분석하여태양면상에서전파폭발의위치값을구했다. Solar Dynamics Observatory(SDO) AIA 이미지와비교해 KSRBL의위치감지성능을분석하였다. 우주환경 [ 포 SE-44] Incorporation of Electromagnetic Ion cyclotron wave into Radiation Belt environment model Suk-bin Kang 1, Eunjin Choi 1,2, Junga Hwang 2, Kyung-chan Kim 2, Jaejin Lee 2, Mei-ching Fok 3, Kyoungwook Min 1, Cheongrim Choi 1, and Young-Deuk Park 2 Radiation Belt Environment (RBE) model has developed to understand radiation belt dynamics as it considers whistler mode hiss and chorus waves which is responsible for relativistic electron acceleration and precipitation. Recently, many studies on electron loss by pitch-angle scattering have reported that elctromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) wave is also responsible for main loss mechanism in dusk and equatorial regeion. Here, we attempt to incorporate EMIC into RBE model simulation code to understand more detailed physical dynamics in Radiation belt environemnt. We compare this developed model to data during storm events where both of electron loss and EMIC waves were detected [ 포 SE-45] Propagation characteristics of CMEs associated magnetic clouds and ejecta Roksoon Kim 1, Nat Gopalswamy 2, Kyungsuk Cho 1, Yongjae Moon 3, Seiji Yashiro 2,4, and Youngdeuk Park 1 We have investigated the characteristics of magnetic cloud (MC) and ejecta (EJ) associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs) based on the assumption that all CMEs have a flux rope structure. For this, we used 54 CMEs and their interplanetary counter parts (interplanetary CMEs: ICMEs) that constitute the list of events used by the NASA/LWS Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop (CDAW) on CME flux ropes. We considered the location, angular width, and speed as well as the direction parameter, D. The direction parameter quantifies the degree of asymmetry of the CME shape, and shows how closely the CME propagation is directed to Earth. For the 54 CDAW events, we found several properties of the CMEs as follows: (1) the average value of D for the 23 MCs (0.62) is larger than that for the 31 EJs (0.49), which indicates that the MC-associated CMEs propagate more directly to the Earth than the EJ-associated CMEs; (2) comparison between the direction parameter and the source location shows that the majority of the MC-associated CMEs are ejected along the radial direction, while many of the EJ-associated CMEs are ejected non-radially; (3) the mean speed of MC-associated CMEs (946 km/s) is faster than that of EJ-associated CMEs (771 km/s). For seven very fast CMEs (>1500 km/s), all CMEs with large D (>0.4) are associated with MCs and the CMEs with small D are associated with EJs. From the statistical analysis of CME parameters, we found the superiority of the direction parameter. Based on these results, we suggest that the CME trajectory essentially decides the observed ICME structure. [ 포 SE-46] 저궤도중형급위성의전자파설계 김태윤, 장재웅, 장경덕, 문귀원 전자파설계는위성의전력시스템, 통신시스템뿐만아니라구조체등위성시스템전반에걸쳐서종합적으로고려가되어야하며, 이를위해서는개발초기단계에서부터시스템설계에반영되어야한다. 위성시스템의상세설계가끝난후에는시스템에구현된전자파설계의적합성을검증하여야하며이는해석및시험을통해이루어진다. 본논문에서는저궤도중형급위성이우주환경에서전자파적합성을이루기위한설계기법및전자파환경에대한적합성검증과정에대해서다루고있다. 저궤도중형급위성시스템에대하여구조물의전자기적특성을정의하는것부터우주환경에서위성의 RF 호환성에이르기까지부품단위에서부터시스템수준까지의전자파설계기준과각단계별로전자파적합성을검증하기위한방법및절차에대해서기술한다. [ 포 SE-47] 음향환경시험용음향모듈레이터구조및음향특성분석 은희광, 임종민, 전종협, 이동우, 문귀원 위성체는발사체에탑재되어임무수행을위한우주설정궤도로이동하게된다. 이과정중발사체에서분사되는방대한양의추진제, 고속추진에따른페어링외기의동압변화등은위성체가안치되어있는페어링내부에수천 Hz 의주파수대역에걸쳐 130 ~ 150 db 에이르는음장을형성한다. 이러한페어링내부의고에너지음장은위성체구조물및탑재물의기계적인진동을유발하여, 물리적인파손을일으키거나주요기능에중대한결합을유발시킬수있다. 이에따라위성체는개발단계에서부터소음환경에대한검증시험을수행하게된다. 지상에서의검증시험은잔향실과음향모듈레이터로구성되어있는음향챔버시스템을이용하여수행된다. 음향모듈레이터는기화된고압의대용량질소가를이용하여발사체에서생성되는고에너지의소리를발생하게된다. 본논문에서는음향환경시험용음향모듈레이터에대한분석, 시험을바탕으로작동원리및음향특성분석을수행하였다. 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 85

포스터발표논문초록 [ 포 SE-48] Observational determination of the electron flux boundary conditions of the radiation belt as a function of solar wind condition Dae-Young Lee and Dae-Kyu Shin The radiation belt structure can be approximately reproduced by a form of diffusion equation, which takes into account the radial diffusion process as well as those in pitch angle and energy. The solution of the equation depends on several factors including initial and boundary conditions, diffusion coefficients, and plasmapause location. In this paper, we have attempted to determine a set of approximate functions for the energetic electron fluxes near the outer edge of the outer belt in terms of solar wind variable. We used the electron flux data from SST onboard the THEMIS spacecraft and determined its correlation with solar wind conditions in a systematic way. The functions were determined separately for different energy channels from ~30 kev up to 719 kev. Our determination of these functions allows us to predict the radial boundary condition for the electron flux, which can be implemented in a forecast model. [ 포 SE-49] Far ultraviolet observations of diffuse, monoenergetic, and broadband auroras Jun-Chan Lee 1, Kyoung-Wook Min 1, Chi-Na Lee 2 Discrete auroras, with unique shapes embedded in diffuse auroras, are generally associated with precipitating electrons that originate from the plasma sheet and are accelerated on the way as they travel to polar regions along the field lines. Two acceleration mechanisms have been proposed: quasi-static electric fields and dispersive Alfven waves, which are believed to yield monoenergetic peaks and broadband features in the particle spectra, respectively. Hence, it should be interesting to see how the two different mechanisms, through their characteristic spectra of the accelerated electrons, produce distinct auroral images and spectra, especially in the far ultraviolet (FUV) wavelengths as the long and short Lyman-Birge-Hopfield (LBH) bands exist as well as the strong absorption band of molecular oxygen in the FUV band. In fact, we have previously shown, using the simultaneous observations of precipitating electrons and the corresponding FUV spectra, that the discrete auroras associated with inverted-v events have a stronger relative intensity of the long LBH to the short LBH compared to diffuse auroras, especially when the peak energy is above a few kev. In this paper, we would like to focus on the differences in the FUV images and spectra between the two discrete auroras of the monoenergetic and broadband cases, again based on the study using the dataset of simultaneous observations of particles and FUV spectral images. [ 포 SE-50] 전자파챔버에서의필드균일성검증및분석 장재웅, 김태윤, 장경덕, 문귀원 위성및발사체등지상및우주에서운용되는시스템은발사및궤도내운용환경에서의다양한전자파환경에노출되며이를모사하는전자파환경시험을전자파챔버에서수행하게된다. 전자파챔버에서의전자파환경시험은크게방출시험과내성시험으로구분된다. 그중복사성내성시험은안테나를통해방출되는전기장에너지를시험대상유니트또는시스템에복사함으로서발생되는시험품의정상동작여부를판단하는시험이다. 이때, 안테나로부터복사되는전기장의세기는주파수및안테나타입에따라상이한형상을가지므로시험품에복사되는전기장에너지또한그에따른형상을가지게된다. 이에따라전자파챔버에서복사성내성시험을수행할때주파수및안테나타입에따른필드균일성패턴을측정하고안테나빔중심과그주변에서발생되는전기장세기를정량적으로평가함으로써시험품에대한복사성내성시험을수행함에있어시험품영역에따른내성특성을확인할수있을것이다. 본논문에서는한국항공우주연구원전자파챔버에서사용하는복사성내성시험용안테나에대해시스템및유니트시험영역에서필드균일성시험을수행함으로서위성또는발사체시스템및유닛에복사되는전기장의분포특성을분석하였다. [ 포 SE-51] 전자파챔버에서의차폐특성분석 장재웅, 김태윤, 장경덕, 문귀원 일반적으로전자파챔버는패러데이케이지 (Faraday Cage) 라고불리는금속재질의차폐구조물과구조물내부에서발생할수있는전자파의반사를억제하는전파흡수체로구성되어있다. 전자파환경시험의무결성을유지하기위해서는챔버내부에서발생하는전자기파가외부로나가는것이차단되어야하며역으로챔버외부에서발생하는전자기파도챔버내부로유입되지않도록전자파챔버차폐완결성이유지되어야한다. 이를정량적으로측정함으로서전자파챔버의차폐율 (Shielding Effectiveness) 이정의될수있다. 이상적으로는전자파챔버의차폐구조물이이음새없이완벽한차폐완결성이유지되어야하나, 시험품의이동을위한도어및외부 EGSE 와시험품간전기적인연결을위한포트플레이트의설치로인해완벽한차폐완결성을유지하는것은불가능하다. 따라서, 본논문에서는항공우주연구원에설치된전자파챔버의일반차폐면, 도어, 포트플레이트에대한차폐율측정을통해차폐율을정량적으로검증하였다. 또한, 본측정경험과결과분석은전자파챔버에서이뤄지는전자파환경시험의신뢰성을증진하고향후전자파챔버유지보수및대형위성의전자파환경시험을위한대형전자파시험시설의성능시험을위해활용될수있을것이다. [ 포 SE-52] 저궤도지구관측위성용태양전지판전개시험 86 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 전종협, 은희광, 임종민, 이동우, 문남진, 문귀원 저궤도지구관측위성의태양전지판은위성이궤도에진입하고나서전개된후위성에전력을공급하는임무를전담하는중요시스템이다. 이러한시스템이정상적인임무수행을위해서는우주환경에서의원활한전개가필수적이다. 따라서위성은발사이전개발과정에서태양전지판에대한전개성이완벽히검증되어야한다. 이를위해무중력조건을모사하는별도의시험장치를활용하여태양전지판의전개시험이실시된다. 본논문에서는저궤도지구관측위성용태양전지판의비행모델에대하여실시한전개시험방법및분석내용을소개하고자한다. [ 포 SE-53] 저궤도지구관측위성용광학탑재체진동환경시험 전종협, 은희광, 임종민, 이동우, 문남진, 문귀원 저궤도지구관측위성의광학탑재체는위성이궤도에진입한이후관측과같은주요임무를전담하는중요시스템이다. 광학탑재체가장착된위성이발사체에탑재되어발사하는순간부터우주의궤도에진입하기까지극심한진동환경에노출된다. 이러한상황을예측하여설계된해당시스템은발사이전에진동환경을모사하는시험을통해완벽하게검증되어야한다. 본논문에서는저궤도지구관측위성용광학탑재체에대하여실시한진동환경시험방법및분석내용을소개하고자한다. [ 포 Comparison of Helicity Signs in Interplanetary CMEs and their Solar Source Regions Kyungsuk Cho 1, Sunghong Park 1, Katsuhide Marubashi 1, Nat Gopalswamy 2, Sachiko Akiyama 2, Seiji Yashiro 2,3, Roksoon Kim 1,2, and Eunkyung Lim 1 If all Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) have flux ropes, then the CMEs should keep their helicity signs from the Sun to the Earth according to the helicity conservation principle. We select 34 CME-ICME pairs whose source active regions (ARs) have continuous SOHO/MDI magnetogram data covering more than 24 hr without data gap during the passage of the ARs near the solar disk centre. The helicity signs in the ARs are determined by estimation of accumulating amounts of helicity injections through the photospheric surfaces in the entire source ARs. The helicity signs in the ICMEs are estimated by applying the cylinder model developed by Marubashi (2000) to 16 second resolution magnetic field data from the MAG instrument onboard the ACE spacecraft. It is found that 30 out of 34 events (88%) are helicity sign-consistent events, while 4 events (12%) are sign-inconsistent. Through a detailed investigation of the AR solar origins of the 4 exceptional events, we find that those exceptional events can be explained by the local AR helicity sign opposite to that of the entire AR helicity (2000 July 28 ICME), incorrectly reported solar source in CDAW (2005 May 20 ICME), or the helicity sign of the pre-existing coronal magnetic field (2000 October 13 and 2003 November 20 ICMEs). We conclude that the helicity signs of the ICMEs are quite consistent with those of the injected helicities in the AR regions where CMEs were erupted. [ 포 SE-55] 정지궤도위성의우주방사선환경분석 조영준, 이상곤 위성이우주에서노출되는우주방사선환경은위성의임무궤도및임무기간에따라크게달라진다. 지구주위의자기장에의해갇혀있는양성자및전자의환경은고도에따라밀도및분포의차이를보인다. 특히밴앨런밸트내의경계부분을넘어서는높은고도에서의방사선입자별노출환경은저궤도의환경과는구성및영향성이크게다르다. 본논문에서는전자밸트고도에서운영되는정지궤도위성의우주방사선입자환경을분석하였다. 지구자기장에갇힌입자, 태양입자및외부은하입자환경을모델별로분석하였으며각입자별 Flux 및 Fluence 스펙트럼을이용하여총이온화조사량과중이온스펙트럼을도출하였다. [ 포 SE-56] 실린더모델을이용하여선정한 2000 년도자기구름이벤트리스트 최규철 1, 이대영 2, 이종혁 1, 박영득 3, 신대윤 4 자기구름은자기구조를가지고방출된 CME 로지구자기장에영향을주는중요한원인중하나이다. 지구자기장의교란으로발생하는지자기활동은 K 지수로표현되는데우주기상을연구하는데기본자료로활용된다. 따라서자기구름은우주기상을연구하는데필요한자료라할수있다. 기존에 Lynch et al.(2005), Huttunen et al.(2005), Lepping et al.(2006), Feng et al.(2007) 등이만든자기구름리스트가있지만자기구름에적합하지않는이벤트가적지않게포함되어있어이벤트를지자기활동연구에활용하기에어려움이있었다. 이연구에서는우리만의자기구름기준을정하고, 이기준과실린더모델을이용해새로운자기구름리스트를완성하였다. 우리가정한자기구름기준은 (1) 자기장의벡터성분이천천히회전하고 (2) 자기장의세기가평균보다세며 (3) 자기구름지속시간이 7 시간보다짧은이벤트도모두포함하는것이다. ACE 위성과 WIND 위성이 2000 년에관측한행성간자기장자료에우리의자기구름기준을적용하여자기구름이벤트후보를선정하였고, 마루바시박사가만든실린더모델을자기구름이벤트후보에적용하여자기구름이벤트를최종선정하였다. 이렇게선정된 2000 년도자기구름이벤트는총 63 개이고이를리스트로작성하였다. 우리가만든자기구름이벤트리스트는 CME 와 K 지수등지자기활동연구에활용되고있다. [ 포 SE-57] Construction of the image database of Earth's lava caves useful in identifying the lunar 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 87

포스터발표논문초록 caves Ik-Seon Hong, Jongil Jeong, Jongdae Sohn, Suyeon Oh, and Yu Yi Cave on the Moon is considered as the most appropriate place for human to live during the frontier lunar exploration. While the lava flows, the outer crust gets cooled and solidified. Then, the empty space is remained inside after lava flow stops. Such empty space is called the lava caves. Those lava tubes on the Earth are formed mostly by volcanic activity. However, the lava tubes on satellite like Moon and planet like Mars without volcanic activity are mostly formed by the lava flow inside of the crater made by large meteorite impact. Some part of lava tube with collapsed ceiling appears as the entrance of the cave. Such area looks like a deep crater so called a pit crater. Four large pit craters with diameter of > 60 m and depth of > 40 m are found without difficulty from Kaguya and LRO mission image archives. However, those are too deep to use as easily accessible human frontier base. Therefore, now we are going to identify some smaller lunar caves with accessible entrances using LRO camera images of 0.5 m/pixel resolution. Earth's lava caves and their entrances are well photographed by surface and aerial camera in immense volume. Thus, if the image data are sorted and archived well, those images can be used in comparison with the less distinct lunar cave and entrance images due to its smaller size. Then, we can identify the regions on the Moon where there exist caves with accessible entrances. The database will be also useful in modeling geomorphology for lunar and Martian caves for future artificial intelligence investigation of the caves in any size. 발표에서는우리가구현한 KMTNet 자료처리파이프라인의전반적인구성과모의관측자료를이용한성능시험결과및향후영상자료의증가에따른저장장치와클러스터시스템의확장계획에대해소개한다. [ 포 LV-16] CTIO 4m SDSS 와 CTIO 1m filter 의투과함수특성및 CTIO 1m Y4KCam 의 crosstalk 허현오 1, 임범두 1, 성환경 1, Michael S. Bessell 2 CTIO 4m 및 CTIO 1m 망원경으로 Westerlund 2 의 UBVI 관측 을수행하여, CTIO 4m SDSS filter 의적색광누출현상을발견하였고그영향을분석하였다. 적색광누출현상은 filter 의투과함수가설계와는달리장파장영역에서투과존재하는현상으로, CTIO 4m SDSS filter 의경우 에서그영향이나타나기시작한다. SDSS filter 의적색광누출현상은별의고유색지수와상관없이관측된색지수가클수록영 향이크며, 의범위에서는보정이가능하다. CTIO 1m filter 에서는성간소광을받지않은별과성간소광을많이받은별의표준계변환결과, 에해당하는차이를보였다. 이러 한차이는 CTIO 1m filter 의투과함수의단파장쪽날개부분이표준 Johnson filter 에비하여단파장쪽으로많이치우쳐있기때문으로보인다. 특히 Ballmer jump 에해당하는파장인 370 nm 에서 filter 의최대투과율에비하여 32.2% 에달하는투과 율을보이는데, 이는 Bessell filter 의 3.1% 에비하여매우큰값이다. CTIO 1m 망원경의 Y4KCam CCD 에서는포화된화소에의한 crosstalk 뿐아니라포화되지않은화소에의한 crosstalk 현상도보였다. 짧은노출을준영상에서는 5000 ADU 이상에서는육안에의한 crosstalk 확인이가능하며, 포화되지않은밝은별에의한 crosstalk 을확인하지않고측광할경우백색왜성으로오인할가능성이있으므로측광과정에서좌표를통하여확인할필요가있다. 천문자료처리 기타 [ 포 LV-15] KMTNet 자료처리파이프라인개발현황 김동진, 이충욱, 김승리, 박병곤 한국천문연구원에서개발중인외계행성탐색시스템 (Korea Microlensing Telescope Network, KMTNet) 은칠레, 남아프리카공화국및호주에 3 대의동일한사양을갖는 1.6m 광시야망원경과 18K 18K 모자이크 CCD 카메라를설치하여우리은하중심방향에대한 24 시간측광모니터링을통해외계행성을발견하는것을주된연구목표로가지고있다. 특히 3 개관측소중가장좋은시상조건을갖는칠레관측소의경우에는하룻밤에최대 200GB 의관측자료를생산하고, 관측된영상을관측다음날네트워크를통하여모두한국으로가져온후일괄자료처리과정을거쳐측광자료로변환할계획이다. 이에우리는효율적인자료처리를위해관측영상을특정크기로자르고클러스터시스템을이용하여분산처리할수있는파이프라인을개발하였다. 이 [ 포 LV-17] 저궤도위성운용절차등록시스템운영분석 강철, 윤석택 저궤도위성운용절차는지상의시험결과를바탕으로신뢰성있는설계가이루어져야한다. 따라서초기시스템설계단계에서부터지상시험, 초기운영, 운영 phase 에따른포괄적인설계가요구된다. 이러한위성운용절차를체계화하기위해서등록관리시스템을통한절차의위성설계단계, Sub-system, 운용 phase 및호출상황에따른분류를진행할수있어야한다. 또한, 저궤도위성운용절차 DB 를통해서운영 phase 시의요구조건및위성설계시의필요한절차들을쉽게도식화할수있어사용자의편의성및가독성을증가시킬수있다. 본논문에서는저궤도의위성의운용절차설계자및지상운영자를위한위성 88 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 운용절차시스템의운영을사용자및시기에따라서분류및분석을수행하였다. 본논문을통해수행된결과를바탕으로위성의운용설계의가이드라인설정및접근성이증대될것으로기대된다. [ 포 LV-18] 달탐사를위한 Deep Space 주파수대역성능비교 김인규, 문상만 국내의우주개발진흥기본계획에의거하여 2020 년달궤도선을시작으로 2025 년에는달착륙선을개발하여달탐사에참여하는계획이수립되었다. 달탐사선이발사되어궤도에진입하면지상의기지국과명령 / 상태신호로통신한다. 이러한무선통신은국제기구에서제시된주파수스펙트럼을기준으로선정되어야외부시스템에영향을주거나간섭을받지않는안정적으로무선통신을수행할수있다. 주파수스펙트럼확보는중요하여달탐사선이발사되는최소 7 년전부터필요주파수대역을선정하여국제기구에등록하여허가를받아야한다. 본논문에서는앞으로발사하게되는달탐사선이운용할수있는주파수대역선정에적절한자료를제공하기위해국제전기통신 (ITU) 우주응용분야보고서를참조하여 Deep space 주파수대역별성능을비교한내용을제시하였다. [ 포 LV-19] 실시간다중기준국 GNSS/GPS 반송파미지정수결정기술연구 박재익, 이은성, 허문범 1990 년대제안된 RTK(Real-Time Kinematics) 는 GNSS/GPS 반송파위상 (carrier phase) 관측값을이용한방식으로 cm 수준의정확도를실시간으로산출할수있어측지 측량등다양한분야에서활용되고있다. 그러나한가지중요한단점은이방식을사용하는기준국과사용자는 10 20km 이내에존재해야만빠르고신뢰할수있는해를산출할수있다는점이다. 이는궤도오차, 대류층및전리층오차에공간상관성 (spatially correlated) 있기때문인데, 사용자주변을둘러싼다중기준국들의측정치를조합하여보상하거나모델링하여줄이는방식인다중기준국네트워크기반의 RTK 알고리즘이제안되어사용되고있다. 다중기준국네트워크기반의 RTK 프로세스에서기준국간미지정수결정은전과정의핵심프로세스라고할수있으며, 관련되어많은기술들이제안되고연구되어왔다. 특히, 1980 년대말부터현재까지후처리기반으로꾸준하게연구되고있는 Blewitt 에의해전리층제거조합과 Wide-lane 반송파위상조합을활용한미지정수검색방법이대표적이며이후에도 Gao, Colombo 등다양한연구자에의해활용되었다. 이연구에서는실시간으로다중기준국반송파미지정수를결정하는기술에대한연구를수행하였다. L1, L2 관측값조합으로인한관측값의잡음수준이증가하는영향을피하기위해 L1, L2 반송파위상및의사거리를그대로관측값으로사용하여사용자위치및속도, 기준국간이중차분된전리층지연수직성분, 대류층 wet 지연수직성분, 이중차분된미지정수를미지의상태변수로확장칼만필터를통해직접적으로추정하는방식으로미지정수의실수해를결 정하였고, 정수해는실시간에적합한 MLAMBDA 기법과비율테스트를통한정수해검정기법을통해결정하였다. [ 포 LV-20] Study on DC-Offset Cancellation in a Direct Conversion Receiver PARK, Hong-Won Direct-conversion receivers often suffer from a DC-offset that is a by-product of the direct conversion process to baseband. In general, a basic approach to reduce the DC-offset is to do simple average of the baseband signal and remove the DC by subtracting the average. However, this gives rise to a residual DC offset which degrades the performance when the receiver adopts the coding schemes with high coding rates such as 8-PSK. Therefore, more advanced methods should be additionally required for better performance. While the training sequences are basically designed to have good auto-correlation properties to facilitate the channel estimation, they may be not good for the simultaneous estimation of the channel response and the DC-offset. Also the DC offset compensation under a bad condition does not give good results due to the estimation error. Correspondingly, the proposed scheme employs the two important points. First, the training sequence codes are divided into two groups by MSE(Mean Squared Errors) for estimating the channel taps and then SNR calculated from each group is compared to predefined threshold to do fine DC-offset estimation. Next, ON/OFF module is applied for preventing performance degradation by large estimation error under severe channel conditions. The simulation results of the proposed scheme shows good performances compared to the existing algorithm. As a result, this scheme is surely applicable to the receiver design in many communications systems. [ 포 LV-21] 위성비행소프트웨어개발문서작성의자동화를위한 Doxygen 활용방안 이재승, 신현규, 최종욱, 천이진 위성비행소프트웨어는위성의하드웨어와임무탑재체및서브시스템이통합되어궤도상에서위성임무를수행할수있도록원격명령및측정데이터의처리, 자세및궤도제어, 열제어, 전력제어등의기능을수행한다. 위성비행소프트웨어의개발과같이규모가큰소프트웨어는여러개발자가참여해야하고각각의개발자들이작성코드를통합하여빌드하고문제발생시대처하기위하여세부적인설계및개발내용을단계별로문서화하는작업이수반되어야한다. 기존의위성비행소프트웨어개발과정에서는이러한문서들중전체위성비행소프트웨어의단위코드별입출력, 수행기능등의상세설계내용을기록하는 SDD (Software Design Description) 는개발자가작성한코드를기반으로수작업을통하여작성되었다. 이러한작성방식은작성자의 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 89

포스터발표논문초록 입력오류가발생할수도있으며소프트웨어개발과별도로수작업이요구되어문서작성에소요되는시간적손해가발생하게된다. 유럽에서는이러한문제점을보완하기위하여 C, C++, C#, JAVA, VHDL 등다양한언어를사용하는소프트웨어개발에적용가능한자동적문서작성도구인 Doxygen 이널리활용되고있다. Doxygen 은 PDF, HTML, Latex, RTF 등다양한출력포맷도지원한다. 본논문에서는 Doxygen 을활용하여위성비행소프트웨어개발문서의작성시소요시간을단축하고소스코드로부터해당설계내용을추출하여자동적으로문서를작성할수있는방안에대하여소개한다. [ 포 LV-22] 다중임무관제를위한국내외관제안테나사이트용위성망통신설계연구 현대환, 이명신, 박세철, 양형모, 정대원 2012 년 5 월 18 일일본다네가시마발사장에서성공적으로발사된아리랑위성 3 호가정상궤도진입을성공하여앞으로 4 년간임무를수행할예정이다. 2006 년 7 월발사되어 3 년간의설계수명에대한임무완수와 2 차연장임무를수행중인아리랑위성 2 호와함께임무관제국에서는아리랑위성 2 호와 3 호를보유하게되었다. 향후발사예정인아리랑위성 5 호와 3A 등을포함할경우위성증가에따르는관제명령수량을원활하게처리하기위해국내외관제안테나사이트를추가로구축글로벌지상관제안테나망이요구됨에따라, 지리적으로접근이용이하고기후가혹독하지않아서안정적으로운영가능한국내외관제안테나사이트가필요하다. 또한, 아리랑위성시리즈를위한국내외안테나사이트구축시임무관제국과관제안테나사이트간에는위성과의교신시안정적인통신링크확보가필요하다. 본논문에서는지리적인여건으로일반적인지상네트워크통신을구축할수없는경우에고려가능한위성통신망을이용한설계방법에대하여기술하고있다. 특별세션 [ 포 KVN-09] Simultaneous observations of SiO and H 2 O masers toward OH/IR stars Chi-Young Cho 1,2, Se-Hyung Cho 2,3, Jaeheon Kim 2,4,5, Dong-Hwan Yoon 2,6 Youngjoo Yun 2,4, and Sungeun Kim 1 We performed simultaneous observations of SiO v=1, 2, 29 SiO v=0, J=1-0 and H 2O 6 16-5 23 maser lines toward 252 OH/IR stars using the Korean VLBI Network 21m telescopes. The observations were carried out from 2011 November to 2012 July for studying SiO and H 2O maser properties associated with the evolutionary stages of OH/IR stars. Both H 2O and SiO masers were detected from 49 sources, one-side maser of SiO and H 2O was detected from 109 and 11 sources, respectively. Mutual relations between SiO and H 2O maser properties are investigated based on statistical analyses. We also investigate these maser properties in the IRAS two-color diagram related with stellar evolutionary sequence. [ 포 KVN-10] Monitoring of Gamma-ray Bright Quasars 3C279 and 1510-089 at 22, 43 and 86GHz using KVN Single Dish Telescopes Jun-Hyun Baek, Sang-Sung Lee, Do-Young Byun, Jee-Hye Yang, Myoung-Hee Han, and Bong-Won Sohn AGN(Active Galactic Nucleus) consists of a supermassive black hole located at its center, an accretion disk around the black hole, and bipolar jets. Since May 2011, we have performed the MOGABA(Monitoring Of GAmma-ray Bright AGN) project for observing gamma-ray bright AGN once a week at multifrequencies using KVN(Korean VLBI Network) 21m radio telescopes. The MOGABA project is the observations for measuring the degree of polarization, polarization angle, and total flux of about 20 AGN at 22, 43 and 86GHz. By this project, we are able to investigate polarization characteristics, spectral index, and variation of rotation measure at radio wavelengths of gamma-ray bright AGN and to study possible relation between gamma-ray flares and magnetic field structure change in AGN. According to previous research, gamma-ray flares of some AGN are coincident with large changes in angle of linear polarization. In this paper we report the preliminary results of linear polarization and total flux at 22, 43, 86GHz of gamma-ray bright quasars 3C279 and 1510-089 showing noticeable variation of total flux at 22GHz in late 2011, and discuss possible correlation with gamma ray light curves. [ 포 KVN-11] Monitoring of gamma-ray bright AGN BLLAC and OJ287 with KVN 21m radio telescopes Myoung-Hee Han, Sang-Sung Lee, Do-Young Byun, Jee-Hye Yang, Jun-Hyun Baek, and Bong-Won Sohn MOGABA is a project monitoring of gamma-ray bright AGN(Active Galactic Nuclei). Since May 2011, we have observed total flux, degree of linear polarization, and polarization angle of about twenty AGN once a week at 22, 43 and 86GHz using KVN(Korean VLBI Network) 21m radio telescopes. We have observed variation of total flux of BLLAC and OJ287 from May 2011 to March 2012. We have observed flares of total flux at 22GHz for those sources from 90 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 October 2011 to November 2011. In this paper we report the variation of total flux, degree of linear polarization and polarization angle at 22, 43, 86GHz for BLLAC and OJ287. 항성및항성계 [ 포 ST-12] 삼중성계 FZ Ori 의측광학적해와광시간모형 김동빈 1, 송미화 3, 정민지 1, 김천휘 1,2 접촉식쌍성 FZ Ori 를 CCD 측광관측하여 BVRI 광도곡선을얻고, 12 개의새로운극심시각을결정하였다. 먼저우리가구한극심시각들을포함한총 218 개의극심시각자료를이용하여 FZ Ori 의공전주기변화를분석하였다. 그결과지난 80 년동안 FZ Ori 의공전주기가영년증가하면서동시에 40~50 년주기로변화하고있음을발견하였다. 우리는주기적변화가제 3 천체에의한광시간효과로나타난다고가정하고몬테카를로기법을이용 하여 인자공간에서최적의광시간해를탐색하였다. 또이 방법으로구한광시간궤도요소를궤도수치적분프로그램 (MERCURY, S34BODY) 에적용하여질점으로이루어진가상의삼중성계에서나타나는광시간효과를천체역학적으로구현하여보았다. 한편 FZ Ori 의 4 색광도곡선을가장최근에개정된 2010 Wilson-Devinney 프로그램에적용하여측광학적해를구하였다. 기본시스템인자외에차가운흑점과뜨거운흑점, 그리고제 3 광도의세요인들을조합하여구한 14 개의해중에서주성과반성의표면에각각차가운흑점과뜨거운흑점이있으면서제 3 광도가검출된해가우리의관측과가장잘맞았다. 그러나이렇게구한제 3 광도는광시간모형으로부터예측되는제 3 천체의광도에크게못미친다. 추후분광관측을비롯한다양한방법을동원한다면 FZ Ori 에대한보다완전한모형을얻을수있을것이다. [ 포 ST-13] 38 개의식쌍성의공전주기연구 김천휘 복잡한공전주기변화를보이면서극심시각관측역사가 40 년이상되는 38 개식쌍성의공전주기를연구하였다. 그별들의 (O-C) 도를영년주기감소 ( 또는증가 ) 와광시간효과를가정하여분석한결과, 잘정의된영년변화와최소두개이상의광시간효과가겹쳐있음을발견하였다. 영년주기감소율은 에서 사이에있고, 증가 율은 에서 사이에있다. 광시간궤도주기는약 6 년에서 150 년사이에있다. 두개의광시간궤도의평균운동사이에는모두 commensurability 가모두존재한다. 이결과를쌍성의진화및궤도공명이란관점에서논의한다. [ 포 ST-14] 칼슘및협대역측광관측을이용한구상성단 NGC 6273 의항성종족분석 서현주, 한상일, 노동구, 임동욱, 이영욱 NGC 6273 은우리은하중앙팽대부영역에위치하고수평계열이확장되어있는구상성단으로초신성에의해중원소함량이증가된 2 세대종족의존재가의심되는성단중하나이다. 이를보다면밀히조사하고자 2011 년 6 월, 칠레에위치한 Las Campanas Observatory 의 2.5m Du Pont 망원경과 2K CCD 를이용하여 Ca, b, 그리고 y 필터로측광관측을수행하였다. 중원소함량에민감하게반응하는 hk (hk=(ca-b)-(b-y)) 색지수로색등급도를그려본결과적색거성계열이관측오차의 8 배이상으로매우넓게퍼져있는것을발견하였다. 이러한현상이중원소함량차이로인한것인지, 아니면성간소광효과나배경별에의한영향인지를분석하였고, 그결과중원소함량의차이가있는다중종족의존재가능성을배재할수없음을확인하였다. 이를확인하기위한저해상도분광관측이진행되고있으며, 이의예비분석결과를아울러발표할예정이다. [ 포 ST-15] 격변변광성들의적외선광도곡선연구 손정주 1, 성현일 2, 전영범 2, Rodolfo. Angeloni 3, Richard de Grijs 4 BOAO/KASINICS 를이용한다주기변광성들의적외선광도곡선분석연구의중간결과이다. 대표적인천체인 BL Cam 은 SX Pho 에속하며그중가장짧은주기로변광하는천체이며, 2010 년 9 월 26 일부터 2011 년 11 월 15 일총 30 여시간동안 J, H, 그리고 Ks 필터에서시계열관측자료를얻었고, Period04 를이용하여주기광도분석을하였다. 그결과 f0 의경우기존광학연구의결과와매우근사한값을보였고, f1 의경우 Ks 필터자료에서 36.2137cycle/day 의값이검출되었다. 또한, 25cycle/day 와 51cycle/day 영역에서여러개의파워가밀집되어있는미세변광현상이측정되었다. [ 포 ST-16] 접촉쌍성 AA UMa 의재검토 송미화 1,2, 김천휘 1, 우수완 1 2008 년부터 2012 년에걸친관측기간동안총 21 일간관측하여 AA UMa 의 BVRI 광도곡선을획득하였다. AA UMa 의 I 필터광도곡선은이번에처음으로얻어진것이다. 또한극심시각을추가적으로획득하기위하여 2005 ~ 2008 년까지총 8 일간 AA UMa 의극심부근의측광관측을수행하였고, SuperWASP 에서공개하는 AA UMa 의측광자료를수집하여총 31 개의새로운극심시각을결정하였다. 우리의새로운극심시각을포함하여 83 년동안의 AA UMa 극심시각을수집하여총 250 개의극심시각으로주기변화연구를수행하였다. 그결과 AA UMa 계는 3.30 10-11 d/yr 의영년주기증가위에 58.7 년의주기적인변화가겹쳐발생한다. 주기적인변화의원인이제 3 천체에의해발 생한다고가정했을때제 3 천체의최소질량은 0.28M 이다. 이전연구자의광도곡선 (Meinunger(1976), Wang et al.(1988), Lee et al(2011)) 을수집하여우리의광도곡선 (2008, 2012) 과 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 91

포스터발표논문초록 함께각각주기변화가보정된통일된기산점을사용하여광도곡선을분석하였다. 모든광도곡선에서 0.75 위상에서밝기가더어두워지는 O'Connell effect 가발생하였고, 일부광도곡선은부식에서식의깊이가주식보다깊어지는시기를가진다. 이는스펙트럼유형이 F0-F5 보다만기형별에서흑점이부식의깊이에영향을주어주식보다깊어지는 AC Boo, TY UMa 등에서보여지는특징이다. 우리는 WD 프로그램을이용하여광도곡선중 B-V 색지수그래프에서식이외부분에서변화가적고광도곡선의 O'Connell effect 의크기가작은 2008 광도곡선으로광도해를결정하였다. 전형적인 TY UMa 형별과같이, 우리의광도해역시 W-subtype 의결과를나타낸다. 결정된광도해를다른광도곡선에도적용시켜광도곡선에나타나는흑점의영향을살펴보았다. 마지막으로주기분석결과와는달리제 3 천체의광도는검출되지않았다. [ 포 ST-17] Empirical Horizontal-Branch Loci of Galactic Globular Clusters in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Hyein Yu 1, Deokkeun An 1, and Chul Chung 2 We present empirical fiducial sequences for horizontal-branch (HB) stars in a set of bright Galactic globular clusters previously observed in SDSS (An et al. 2008). Mean loci of HB stars are derived on color-magnitude diagrams with multiple color indices (u - g, g - r, g - i, and g - z) in order to identify foreground/background objects as well as cluster RR Lyrae variables. We compare our fiducial sequences to the model predictions from Yonsei-Yale isochrones and test the accuracy of the stellar evolution models. [ 포 ST-18] 산개성단 NGC 2420 의측광학적분석 이상현 1, 강용우 1, 안홍배 2 보현산천문대 1.8m 망원경과 2K CCD 를이용하여늙은산개성단 NGC 2420 에대해 V 22 까지 VI 측광관측을수행하였다. Chi^2 최소화를이용한정밀한이론적인등연령곡선맞추기방법으로성단의기본물리량을구하고, 색 - 등급도 (CMD) 와공간상에서의별들의위치를이용하여별들의통계적인구성원확률을결정하고자한다. 한편쌍성의공간상의분포를조사하여역학적진화에따른쌍성의분포특징을살펴보고, 2 차원표면개수밀도분포로부터성단의형태를조사하여우리은하면과의상관관계에대해논의하고자한다. Session : 포스터발표 2 부 10 월 18 일 ( 목 ) 14:00 19 일 ( 금 ) 16:30 발표장 : 홀리데이인광주 1 층 궤도 [ 포 OG-07] 한국형달착륙선의착륙임무시나리오연구 강상욱, 최기혁, 심은섭 한국형달착륙선의안전하고효율적인달착륙을위해임무시나리오시뮬레이션을수행하였다. 달착륙은보통두가지방법이사용되는데, 지구에서출발하여달에도착한후달착륙지에직접착륙하는방법과달의주차궤도를돌다가달착륙지에착륙하는방법이있다. 미국의 Surveyor 호는직접착륙방법을사용하였고아폴로시리즈는달궤도를공전하다가착륙하는방법을사용하였다. 본연구에서는두가지방법을모두사용하여착륙임무시나리오를시뮬레이션을수행한후장단점을비교분석하였다. 달주차궤도를이용한착륙은달고도 100km 에서공전을하다가고도 15km 까지하강한후 Powered descent 단계를통해착륙지에착륙하는데 Powered descent 단계는다시감속단계, 접근단계, 최종하강단계로나뉘어진다. 달착륙선은나로우주센터에서 KSLV-2 에실려 2025 년에발사되며, 달착륙지는달의과학적임무를고려하여달남극근처로가정하였다. 달착륙시뮬레이션을통해달착륙선의비행궤적과필요한연료량계산등의정보를통해직접착륙방법과달주차궤도를이용하는방법의장단점을확인할수있었다. [ 포 OG-08] Weak Stability Boundary 를이용한지구 - 달천이궤적연구 강상욱, 최기혁, 심은섭 한국형발사체 KSLV-2 의발사능력을고려하면달탐사선의총무게는약 550kg이된다. 따라서달탐사선에탑재할수있는탑재체무게를최대화하기위해서는지구에서달로가는천이궤적을가장효율적으로설계하여연료소모량을최소화하여야한다. 본연구에서는최근에달탐사천이궤적으로가장많이사용되고있는 Weak Stability Boundary 천이궤적에관해연구를수행하였다. Weak Stability Boundary 천이궤적은지구로부터출발한후원지점약 1.4 km( 지구-태양의 L1 점근처 ) 까지비행한후태양풍을통해에너지를얻어근지점거리를지구-달거리만큼증가시켜 LOI(Lunar Orbit Injection) 시 ΔV를최소화하여달궤도에들어가는방법이다. Weak Stability Boundary 천이방법의 TLI(Trans Lunar Injection) 값은직접천이방법의 TLI 값보다더크지만달궤도진입에필요한 LOI ΔV값은 25% 정도덜든다는장점이있다. 이방법은일본의 Hiten 탐사선이최초로사용하였으며, 달에도착하기까지수개월이걸리는단점이있다. Weak Stability Boundary 천이궤적시뮬레이션을통해최대로절약할수있는연료소모량을확인할수있었으며, 다른천이방법들과의장단점비교를통해한국형달탐사선의지구-달천이궤적후보로사용될수있음을확인하였다. [ 포 OG-09] 궤도상위성의광학관측가능성해석을위한궤도전파시뮬레이터개발 김재혁 1, 조중현 2, 박찬덕 1, 박상영 1, 문홍규 2, 임홍서 2, 최영준 2, 최진 2, 박장현 2 92 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 이연구는우주물체에대한광학감시및추적을수행하기위한선행연구로, 궤도전파시뮬레이터를개발하여궤도상위성의광학관측가능성을분석하고광학관측여부를판단하는것을목표로한다. 연구의주내용은주어진궤도정보를바탕으로하는태양동기궤도 (Sun-Synchronous Orbit; SSO) 위성, Dawn-dusk 위성, 저궤도 (Low Earth Orbit; LEO) 위성, 정지궤도 (Geostationary Orbit; GEO) 위성등궤도상위성의추정궤도전파와자국위성의광학관측가능성분석으로구성된다. 각각의궤도전파정밀도및광학관측가능성분석성능을확인하기위해 AGI(Analytical Graphics Incorporated) 사의 STK(Satellite Tool Kit) 시뮬레이션프로그램을사용하여개발된궤도전파시뮬레이터와비교하였다. 시뮬레이션과정에서광학관측의제한조건을, 지구반영 (penumbra) 과태양직사광 (direct sun) 에서만관측하며, 고도 (elevation angle) 의최소값은 20 도, 태양고도 (Sun elevation angle) 의최대값은 -10 도로설정하였다. 광학관측이이루어지는가상의관측소는임의로선정하였으며, 기본적인관측시간은 1 년으로잡고, 계절의변화에따른광학관측가능성궤적의변화를보기위해춘하추동에대해서각각 3 일이내의기간동안시뮬레이션을수행하였다. 결과적으로, 우주물체광학감시및추적을수행하기위한광학관측가능성분석성능은궤도전파시뮬레이터및초기궤도요소정밀도, 좌표변환과정오차등의영향을받으며, 설정된제한조건에따라광학관측지속시간의차이가발생한다. 연구결과를통해궤도상위성의궤도를추정하기위한위성의궤도전파시뮬레이터를개발하고, 자국위성의관측가능성분석을통해광학감시및추적시스템의운영이원활히이루어질수있도록한다. 최소화할수있도록전형적인호만궤도천이방식을적용하였다. 궤도조정결과당초목표한값을정확하게달성하였고, 궤도조정이후궤도변화도장기간동안임무궤도범위를유지함을확인할수있었다. [ 포 OG-11] GMAT 을이용한인공위성임무해석 최수진, 김은혁, 주광혁 GMAT(General Mission Analysis Tool) 은위성의궤적최적화및임무해석을수행하기위해 NASA 에서주도적으로개발중인오픈소스프로그램이다. 본소프트웨어는대학, 정부기관등이무료로사용할수있도록개발된프로그램으로원하는사용자누구나지구궤도및행성탐사를위한임무해석을위해사용할수있다. 항우연은 2010 년부터 NASA 와본프로그램의공동개발가능성여부를타진하였고, 최근들어공동개발을위한 MOU 를진행하고있다. 본논문은 GMAT 의기본적인특징및본소프트웨어를이용한인공위성의임무해석결과를기술하고, 향후한국형달탐사위성의임무해석을위한사용가능성을판단하고자한다. 한국형달탐사위성은 550kg 급위성으로달궤도에진입하여주어진임무를수행하도록개념설계를진행중에있으며, 항우연은향후 GMAT 을공동개발뿐만아니라이를이용한한국형달탐사위성의임무해석에활용할예정이다. 우주측지 [ 포 OG-10] 다목적실용위성 3 호초기궤도조정결과분석 정옥철, 김동규, 정대원, 김학정 다목적실용위성 3 호는 2012 년 5 월발사되어, 위성기능점검을위한시험을성공적으로완료하였다. 위성이발사체로부터분리된이후임무궤도 ( 고도 685km, 승교점지방시 13 시 30 분을갖는태양동기궤도 ) 를획득하기위해서는궤도조정이필요하다. 본논문에서는다목적실용위성 3 호의초기운영기간동안수행한총 10 번의궤도조정계획및결과에대해기술하였다. 궤도조정 1 단계에서는궤도조정절차및기능을점검하기위해 6 번의시험궤도조정을순차적으로수행하였고이후 2 단계에서는임무궤도진입을위해 4 번의궤도조정을실시하였다. 궤도조정을위해서는원하는추력분사방향을맞추기위해롤방향또는피치방향의자세제어가필요한데, 추력기를사용하여자세를기동하는모드 (Del-V Mode) 와휠을사용하여자세를기동하는모드 (Fine Del-V Mode) 로구분된다. 시험궤도조정에서는우선적으로두가지모드에대한모드전환시험을실시하여위성체및지상국운영절차에대한이상유무를점검하였고, 이후추력기분사량을 10 초로설정하여예측대비실제궤도변경결과값을확인하였다. 시험궤도조정의결과를토대로본궤도조정에서는임무궤도를획득하기위한경사각조정및고도조정을수행하였다. 경사각조정시에는승교점지방시의변화량을줄이고, 이후자연교란력에의한궤도변화를고려하여목표궤도를계획하였다. 또한, 고도조정단계에서는연료사용량및이심률변화를 [ 포 OG-12] 이동형인공위성레이저추적용광학계개발 나자경 1, 김광동 1, 장정균 1, 장비호 1, 한인우 1, 한정열 1, 박귀종 1, 박찬 1, 남욱원 1, 임형철 1, 박은서 1, 유성열 1, 서윤경 1, 문일권 2, 강용우 1 인공위성레이저추적 (SLR, Satellite Laser Ranging) 시스템은인공위성까지레이저를발사하여되돌아오는시간간격을측정함으로서위성까지의거리를측정하는시스템으로현존하는인공위성궤도결정시스템으로는가장정밀하다. 한국천문연구원은우주추적및감시의필요성이증가함에따라 2008 년부터 40cm 급이동형인공위성레이저추적시스템을개발을시작하였고, 현재개발을완료하여시험운영중에있다. 시스템개발과정중에발생할수있는문제점들을최소화하기위해, 설계단계에서부품을포함한광기계구조물에대한구조해석과, 실험실프로토타입구성등을실시하였다. 제작된각서브시스템별조립및평가는한국천문연구원이보유한광학계조립및평가시설을이용하였다. 개발된이동형레이저추적시스템의광학부는추적마운트에장착되었고, 현장시험관측을통해수신광학계및광신호유도계의정렬및제어항목교정등을실시하였으며, 성공적으로시험영상관측을완료하였다. 이발표에서는이동형레이저추적시스템광학계의개발과정과그결과에대해보고한다. [ 포 OG-13] IGS 전리층보정정보를이용한한반도상공전리층기울기변화분석 허윤정, 이은성, 허문범 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 93

포스터발표논문초록 육상, 해양, 항공등의응용분야에위성항법보강시스템의활용을위해서는시스템의정확성, 무결성, 연속성, 가용성요구조건을만족하도록설계되어야하며, 무결성요구조건을만족시키기위하여측위오차및위협요인들을지상국에서감시해야한다. 특히, 전리층변화는지역적으로경향및세기가달라전리층폭풍발생시지상국과이동체에서받은위성항법신호에포함된전리층지연오차의편차가심하여위성항법사용자의무결성, 즉안정성이위협을받는상황이발생할수있으므로, 해당지역의전리층변화에대한사전정보를통해지역별로적합한위협모델을구성하여전리층활동감시가필요하다. 전리층기울기는전리층지연값분포의불균일여부를정량화한값으로, 전리층폭풍발생시기울기가급증하여전리층폭풍감지를위한지표로활용될수있다. 이연구에서는육상교통위성항법보강시스템의무결성감시에전리층변화기능을적용하기위한기본연구로 IGS 에서제공하는전리층보정정보를이용하여한반도상공에대한전리층기울기분포및변화경향을파악하고, 이러한분석결과를전리층기울기에대한보정정보오차범위설정이나전리층폭풍발생판단에필요한임계값설정등에적용하고자한다. 발사체 [ 포 LV-06] 로켓엔진용짐벌마운트개념설계 김옥구, 정용현, 박종연 로켓엔진용짐벌마운트는발사체발사후자세제어를위해발사체와엔진사이에장착된 TVC(Thrust Vector Control) 구동기의작동으로짐벌운동을수행하며기구학적으로자세제어를하는데있어매우중요한역할을하는요소이다. 이러한짐벌마운트는엔진추력을발사체에전달하는기능이외에지정된위치에엔진을고정시키는역할과위치고정후발사체단과엔진의정확한추력전달을위한기계적불일치보정기능, 짐벌구동에대한피봇기능을동시에수행하여야하는복합적인기능을가지고있다. 특히, 이중에서도물리적으로고추력의하중을전달하는요소로서충분한강도와강성을지녀야하므로본연구에서는이와관련된초기설계요구도분석을바탕으로설계규격에부합하는짐벌마운트의구조적검토를통해로켓엔진용짐벌마운트설계형상을개념적으로제시하였다. [ 포 LV-07] 우주발사체에적용되는지상엄브리칼체결장치의구성과기능 김용욱, 김대래, 이정호, 오승협 우주발사체와발사지원설비를연결하여추진제공급과전기신호송수신등을가능하게하는메커니즘을엄브리칼장치라고한다. 국내우주발사체의경우액체산소와케로신을추진제로사용하며, 질소, 공기및헬륨등의가스를밸브구동, 공간퍼지, 추진제가압에이용한다. 본논문에서는우주센터의발사대설비에적용된엄브리칼장치중추진제및고압가스공급을위한자동체 결장치 (auto coupling device) 의구성, 기능및발사준비를위한프로세스에대해기술하고있다. 자동체결장치는발사체하부두곳에연결되며, 산화제공급측의체결장치 (coupling device 1) 와연료공급측의체결장치 (CD 2) 로구성된다. 이장치는발사체와의접촉면에서기밀을확보한상태에서내부의탱크, 밸브, 인터스테이지등에추진제및각종가스를공급하는통로역할을하며, 발사준비가완료된후에는발사체이륙전또는이륙과동시에발사체로부터자동으로분리된다. 각각의체결장치구성품으로는발사체이륙시발생하는고온의화염으로부터장치를보호하는 PD(protective device), 접촉면에기밀을제공하고추진제누출을방지는 MCP(multi-channel plate), 접촉면을보호하기위한덮게, 각종연결배관의전진과후진을위한캐리지, 발사체와의체결을지지하는그립등이있다. 발사준비를위해서사전에장치의독립운용시험을통해각구성품의상태와기능을점검하고장치의작동성을검증한다. 이후발사체를모사하는기체및관제설비와종합적으로연계시험과모사시험을수행하여최종적으로발사준비상태를확인하게된다. 이러한자동체결장치의운용경험은한국형발사체의지상지원설비개발에활용할수있을것이다. [ 포 LV-08] 케로신 / 액체산소다단연소사이클로켓엔진용산화제과잉예연소기기술 문일윤, 유재한, 하성업, 문인상, 이수용 터보펌프구동에사용된가스발생기생성가스를연소기로공급하여주추력발생에사용하는다단연소사이클로켓엔진은고추력을요하는우주발사체에널리사용되고있다. 다단연소사이클로켓엔진에사용되는가스발생기를예연소기라부르며케로신과액체산소를추진제로하는다단연소사이클로켓엔진에는산화제과잉예연소기가사용된다. 예연소기는터보펌프구동을목적으로하기때문에예연소기생성가스의횡단면온도분포는터빈에의해제한되는온도범위내에서균일하여야하며넓은운전영역에서안정적인연소가이루어져야한다. 산화제과잉예연소기는모든추진제가혼합헤드를통해분사되는방식과추진제를혼합헤드와연소실로나누어공급하는방식이있다. 기술검증을위해산화제일부와연료를혼합헤드를통해연소실에공급하여 1 차연소시키고나머지산화제를연소실냉각채널을거쳐연소실중앙의분사공을통해연소실로주입하여기화시키는형태로최종적으로연소압 20 MPa, 혼합비 60 에서작동하는산화제과잉예연소기를설계하여연소시험을수행하였다. 혼합헤드에는별도의점화용분사기없이전체연료분사기를통해점화용연료인 TEA/TEB 혼합물을분사하여점화하였다. 추진제를 2 단으로공급할수있도록고안된가압식연소시험설비에서 10 회, 누적 60 초이상의연소시험이성공적으로수행되었다. 연소시험결과넓은작동영역에서안정적연소특성과생성가스온도분포의균일성을확인할수있었다. 고온고압의산화제과잉예연소기기술확보를통해케로신 / 액체산소다단연소사이클로켓엔진개발을위한기술적기반을마련하였다. [ 포 LV-09] 한국형발사체개발사업을위한 EVMS 적용방안에관한연구 서견수, 최영인, 이효영, 홍일희 94 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 한국형발사체개발사업은대형복합시스템사업이며, 장기간에걸쳐개발이진행되는사업이다. 따라서사업적, 기술적측면의불확실성과위험등이존재하며, 이를적절히관리통제하지못하면비용상승, 일정지연및기술성능요구조건등의불만족을초래한다. 따라서개발사업초기단계에서부터일정, 비용, 기술성능및위험관리등을위한종합적사업관리시스템구축및운용은개발사업성공의주요관건이다. 현재한국형개발사업단에서는이러한요구조건을만족시키기위한일환으로써일정및비용에대한효과적관리시스템인 EVMS(Earned Value Management System) 을구축하여운용중에있으며, 한국형개발사업에맞는최적화된 EVMS을구축하기위하여시스템커스터마이징작업을수행중에있다. EVMS의구축과정에서가장고심했던문제는 WBS 개발과성과 (Earned Value) 측정방법의선정이었다. WBS의경우, 개발초기단계에서부터사업전체를포괄하는완벽한 WBS을개발하는것은상당히어려운문제이다. 그러나사업초기에존재하는불확실성및위험에도불구하고개발을계속진행해야하는상황은개발현장에서자주접하게되는문제이다. 이러한문제를해결하기위해서적용하는유용한기법이연동계획하기 (Rolling Wave Planning) 이다. 한국형개발사업을위한 EVMS 구축과정에서도이와같은문제에봉착하게되어 WBS 개발시연동계획하기 (Rolling Wave Planning) 기법을적용할예정이다. 성과 (EV) 측정방법의경우, 퍼센트완료기법과마일스톤 + 퍼센트완료기법등을선정하여적용중에있다. 현재연구개발사업의특성을고려하여우선퍼센트완료기법을적용하여성과를측정하였으나, 성과측정결과의주관성문제로인하여마일스톤 + 퍼센트완료기법을적용하여성과 (EV) 측정결과의객관성을최대한확보할예정이며, 최종적으로한국형개발사업에최적화된성과측정기법을개발할예정이다. [ 포 LV-10] 우주발사체개발을위한발사대케이블마스트 (CABLE MAST) 사례조사 이정호, 이영호, 김용욱, 오승협 우주발사체발사를위해서는발사대시스템개발이필수적이다. 발사대시스템은기계설비와추진제공급설비, 관제설비로구성되며, 그중기계설비는발사지지대 (Launch Pad), 이렉터 (Erector), 트랜스포터이렉터 (Transport-Erector), 케이블마스트 (Cablemast), 자동체결장치 (Auto-coupling Device) 총다섯부분으로나눌수있다. 발사지지대는발사전까지발사체를지지하는구조물로발사체의안전을보장하고공급배관및통신라인의경로를제공한다. 이렉터는발사준비과정에서수평으로이송된발사체를 2 개의대형유압실린더를사용하여기립시키는장비로발사취소시발사체를수평으로전환한다. 트랜스포터이렉터는조립공간에서조립을마치고최종점검이완료된발사체를전용차량을이용하여발사대로이동하고발사체를안전하게잡아준다. 자동체결장치는지상으로부터발사체로연결되는추진제, 압축가스등의연결배관을자동으로연결 / 분리하는장치이다. 케이블마스트는우주발사체상단부의 UCU-E(Umbilical Connectors Unit -Electrical) 를통해서전기, 고압가스, 고온공기등을공급하기위한통로로발사전까지발사체시스템과지상장비와의통신수단이다. 또한발사체로연결되는라인들을발사시에나오는후류에의한충격으로부터보호하고, UCU-E 가기계적으로분리되도록구성되어있다. 본논문은기존에적용된케이블마스트에 대한구성, 기능및운용절차에관한것으로, 현재진행중인한국형발사체개발을위한기초자료조사로활용하고자한다. [ 포 LV-11] 우주발사체용추진기관운용개념설계 임석희, 정영석, 조규식, 오승협 조립후발사대로이송된추진기관 ( 또는발사체 ) 는지상시험및비행시험을위한충전을하게되는데, 추진제및고압가스등추진기관구성품의운용절차는하드웨어의설계단계에서그개념이수립되어야한다. 다시말해, 발사체및추진기관설계단계에서연료와산화제의충전 / 배출, 시험취소시의운용절차개념이수립되어있어야추진기관구성품들의설계, 지상인터페이스구성품의설계에그내용이반영될수있다. 따라서, 본논문에서는발사체및추진기관운용와관련된일반적인충전 / 배출절차와지연또는취소시의작업절차의주요개념을다루었고, 추진기관운용에필요한각종지상설비에요구되는주요기능을검토하였다. 또한, 추진제충전이후발사대기시까지의업무와발사전에수행되어야하는추진기관운용업무 (Pre-Launch Operation) 도다루었다. 특히다단발사체의경우에는운용과관련된준비업무량이단수에비례하여늘어나므로, 효율적으로모든시험준비업무를마치기위해, 지상에서의추진기관운용절차는각단별로유기적으로진행되어야한다. 즉, 각단별하드웨어에대한사전검사, 충전, 대기등의운용시간설계및그절차가중요하다. 한국형발사체및추진기관의운용개념설계를수행하는데에는기확보된운용기술을활용하였다. [ 포 LV-12] 발사체추진기관운용및제어개념 정영석, 임석희, 조규식, 오승협 발사체추진기관은추진제및각종고압가스류를엔진으로공급하는기능, 지상에서추진제를발사체로충전 / 배출하는기능, 저온산화제를냉각하기위한순환기능, 추진제탱크를가압하는기능, 지상에서온보드밸브를구동하는기능, 내부공간및라인퍼지기능등을수행한다. 이와같은기능을수행하기위해발사체에는타시스템과는별도로추진기관원격제어시스템을구성한다. 제어시스템은크게온보드시퀀스및추진제탱크압력제어, 추진제및고압가스충전 / 배출제어, 발사체기능확인, 내부기밀확인및발사직전까지의상태모니터링을위해구성한지상측정시스템 (GMS), 비행중추진기관상태를모니터링하기위한텔레메트리시스템 (TMS) 으로분류한다. 본논문에서는일반적인발사체추진기관운용및제어개념을제어기능, 시스템구성, 작동원리의단계로사례와함께제시하였다. [ 포 LV-13] 액체로켓엔진의발사체장착프로세스 정용현, 박순영 조립완료된엔진시스템을발사체스테이지에장착하기위한제반사항에대한프로세서의개념을정리하였다. 엔진을발사체스테이지에장착함에있어서주의해야할안전규칙, 다음으로엔진을이송하고발사체스테이지조립장에서의포장해제, 입고검사, 보존방법등엔진을스테이지에장착하기이전의준비단 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 95

포스터발표논문초록 계로엔진장착준비단계, 이후엔진을장착하는데필요한요구조건과과정중에수행되는시험인기밀시험, 전기시험등에대한내용이포함된엔진장착단계, 또한엔진을스테이지로부터분리해야할경우따라야할개괄적인절차를포함한엔진탈거및보관과정에대한내용을포함한다. [ 포 LV-14] 액체로켓엔진조립장의해외사례 정용현 1, 박순영 1, 정진택 2 액체로켓엔진조립을위한엔진조립장이국내에구축되어야하며이에대하여국내의사례가없으므로해외엔진조립장의사례를조사하였다. SNECMA, EADS, Rocketdyne 등의조립장의구조, 레이아웃, 청정설비, 크레인등을조사하였다. SNECMA 엔진조립장은 Vulcain 엔진의대형엔진조립라인및 HM7, Vinci 엔진등의소형엔진조립라인으로구성되어있다. 청정도는코어및 Subassembly 조립실은 100 K class 이며, 기타나머지조립공간은 300K class 로구축되어있다. EADS 의엔진조립장은중앙에연소기부품을가공하는가공장비들이배치된하이베이구역이있으며, 이하이베이구역의측면에사무실, 측정실, 회의실등의로우베이기능실들이배치되어있다. Rocketdyne 엔진조립시설은청정도 300K class 이하의엄격한청정도관리가없는것으로보이며치구형태의개별플랫폼을사용하여공간활용을효율적으로할수있도록하고있다. 위성체 [ 포 SB-07] 달착륙선지상시험모델통합시험전전장계및소프트웨어계최종점검환경구축 구철회, 권재욱, 류동영, 주광혁, 심은섭 한국항공우주연구원에서는 2010 년부터달착륙선지상시험모델개발을진행하고있으며 2012 년하반기에추력시험을비롯한전반적인전장계및소프트웨어계통합시험을계획하고있다. 이통합시험은탑재컴퓨터와 VDE 를비롯한전자장비가올바르게동작하고있는지확인하고소프트웨어가이들을잘제어하고있는지에대한시험과하이드라진추력시스템에서본체로부터명령을잘전송받아적절한추력을발생시키고있는지에대한시험 2 가지로크게구분된다. 통합시험을통해서통신시험용도구 (LECT, Lunar Explorer Communication Tool) 에대한성능검증도같이수행될예정이다. 소프트웨어계에대해서는각소프트웨어모듈에대한단위시험및통신시험용도구와연결될상태에서통합성능시험이수행될예정이다. 통합시험을앞두고전장계및소프트웨어계의최종성능점검을위해서데이터획득시스템을구성하여입력및출력을모든채널에대해서관찰함으로다양한운용시나리오하에서예측된결과를보이는지확인할예정이며본논문에서는상기최종점검환경에대한개념및규격, 그리고제작, 운용및시험에대한내용을기술한다. [ 포 SB-08] 고기동위성에탑재된 GPS 수신기의궤도상의성능분석 권기호 1, 이상정 2 고기동위성에탑재된 GPS 수신기의위성체의기준위치, 속도및시간의정보를제공한다. 특히저궤도관측위성은빠른동적특성으로인하여 GPS 위성신호획득및추적이어려울경우연속적인항행해를제공하기어려울수있다. 이를위하여위성 GPS 수신기는지상용과달리넓은대역폭의신호획득및추적이가능한 RF 수신단이탑재되어있으며필터기반의궤도전파기가탑재되어있어있다. 뿐만아니라 GPS 수신기기의상태데이터제공및고속데이터처리를위하여고성능 CPU 가탑재되어있다. 특히탑재된궤도전파기는고성능필터기반으로설계되어있으며이를이용하면 GPS 신호추적이되지않은상황에서도비교적정확하고연속적인항행해가제공하게된다. 본논문에서는저궤도관측위성에탑재된 GPS 수신기가초기위성운영에서어떠한절차에의하여동작이되며위성의빠른동적특성에서 GPS 수신기의가시성및추적위성개수분석및이를바탕으로위치및속도정밀도가어느정도되는지에대한성능분석결과를정리하였다. 본논문결과는향후고기동위성의 GPS 수신기및관련운영에도움이될것으로판단된다. [ 포 SB-09] 저궤도위성 S- 밴드안테나의상향링크극성전환기준 권동영, 전문진, 이나영, 김대영 지구저궤도위성은위성천저에 S- 밴드 RHCP 안테나, 위성천정에 S- 밴드 LHCP 안테나를이용하여 S- 밴드통신을수행하고있다. 위성이천저지향자세로지상국을지나가는경우에는패스의모든시간을 RHCP 안테나로통신을하면되지만, 태양지향자세로지상국을지나가는경우에는지상국송수신안테나의극성을전환하는것이필요하다. IAC(Initial Activation & Checkout) 기간중의상향링크의안테나극성전환기준은, 안테나의설계상빔범위각도를벗어나는시점에기존안테나와의통신을중지하고반대극성의안테나와의통신을위해상향링크형성을지속적으로시도하는것이다. 그러나실제운용결과, 설계상빔범위각도를벗어나더라도충분히명령을보낼수있음을확인하였으며, 짧은패스시간에보다많은명령을전송하기위해새로운극성전환기준이필요하다. 본논문에서는하향신호세기의텔레메트리정보를이용한상향링크안테나극성전환기준을제시하며, 기존방식에비해전송시간확보측면에서개선됨을정리하였다. [ 포 SB-10] 저궤도위성열진공시험의전자시험설계 권동영, 전문진, 이나영, 김대영 위성의열진공환경시험은고진공극저온의우주환경을모사하여열제어기능및임무수행능력을검증하는시험이다. 이시험에서는위성주위에부착한방열판으로위성외각온도를변화시켜위성의태양지향자세또는심우주지향자세를모사하며, 이에따른위성의온도변화에따라지상시험장비로위성의히터설정, 유닛전원형상의변경등을해야한다. 또한극고온또는극저온의환경에장시간연속적으로노출된상태에서위성의기본적인기능부터영상미션까지검토하는 CPT 시 96 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 험을수행하며, 이 CPT 시험은극한의위성상태의시험이기때문에온도를고려한전자시험설계및 24 시간위성모니터링시스템, 위험상황발생시대처방안등에대한준비가필요하다. 본논문에서는열진공시험시의전자시험의형상과설계에대해서설명하고, 시험결과에대해서정리하였다. [ 포 SB-11] 위성발사당일작업을위한리허설방안 김대영, 이나영, 김희섭 많은비용을투입하여개발된위성은성공적인발사를통해궤도진입을하며, 초기운영을통해안정적인운영이가능하다. 발사직전부터위성의최초접속시간사이에발사장점검팀과위성운영팀간의업무협조에따라초기위성의궤도확인, 통신링크형성및상태확인등정상적인임무수행가능여부의성패가결정된다고해도과언이아니다. 이를위해참여한각팀간의유기적인업무협조절차를수립하고, 사전리허설을통한세부절차의보완이필수적이다. 본논문은위성의발사당일작업을위해수립한세부절차를중심으로, 사전점검을통한보완을위해수립한리허설계획을설명한후그결과에따라확인된개선사항에대해기술한다. 특히발사업체에서제공하는시설및시스템점검사항, 리허설계획수립시고려할사항및리허설수행후개선사항들을정리한다. [ 포 SB-12] 개선된위성의궤도천이절차 김대영, 전문진, 권동영, 김희섭, 김규선 위성개발에서추력기는위성의경사각및고도등의궤도제어용도이외에위성동작초기혹은비상상황에서안정적인전력공급을위한자세제어용구동기로사용되어야하므로매우높은신뢰성을필요로한다. 국내의실용위성을위해개발되어사용되고있는출력기는 1 파운드의작은용량으로위성운영에일부제약을주게된다. 본논문은위성운영에있어반드시필요한궤도천이절차와관련하여기존에사용된절차를보완하기위한방법에대해기술한다. 기존에개발된위성에서는궤도조정을위한자세변화에추력기를사용하였다. 그러나위성의무게가커짐에따라자세변환을위한시간이오래걸려궤도조정효율이떨어지는요인이되고있다. 뿐만아니라, 자세변화과정에서벡터방향의추력으로인해원하지않는궤도변화가생기므로정밀궤도결정에도영향을주게된다. 최근에개발된위성의경우, 위성의기동성능을높이기위해고성능반작용휠을사용하므로이를이용하여궤도천이전에자세변화를하도록하고있다. 이러한방법을적용한결과, 정밀궤도결정에도움이될뿐만아니라자세변화로인한연료소모를줄이는효과도있어위성의수명연장에도움이되는것으로확인되었다. [ 포 SB-13] 저궤도위성지상기능시험결과분석을통한별추적기건정성확인 김영윤, 조승원, 허윤구, 채동철, 최종연 위성은발사후임무수행을위하여필수적인자세정보를획득해 야한다. 별추적기는궤도상에서별의위치를파악하여상대적인위성의위치를확인하는데에사용하는감지기이다. 별추적기는태양, 지구, 달등의광원으로부터오는빛을차단해주는시야각제한기 (baffle), 광학계소자 (CCD) 및렌즈, 열제어소자 (cooler) 그리고전원및전자박스등으로구성된다. 위성은발사전조립시험기간동안전자파, 진동, 열 / 진공등의환경시험통하여수차례의성능유무를확인한다. 이환경시험전과후에는위성의모든전장품의기능시험을수행하여, 각전장품의환경영향유무를판별한다. 특히별추적기관련시험으로, 광학계성능검증을위한광학적자극시험과전자박스의구동확인을위한전자박스점검시험이있다. 이논문에서는지상에서수행한별추적기의기능시험결과를분석하여건정성동향을분석하였다. [ 포 SB-14] 저궤도위성열진공시스템환경시험후자이로센서결과분석 김영윤, 조승원, 허윤구, 채동철, 최종연 위성은발사후임무수행을위하여자세획득및자세결정이필수적이다. 저궤도위성에서자이로센서는별센서와함께사용되거나, 별추적기와사용하여자세의변화량을읽고자세제어를수행한다. 자이로센서는크게전력공급부와각속도측정부, 그리고전자처리부등으로구성된다. 위성은발사전조립시험기간동안전자파, 진동, 열 / 진공등의환경시험통하여수차례의성능유무를확인한다. 본고에서는열진공시험전과후, 그리고열진공시험진행중에측정한결과를통하여, 시스템적인측면에서의자이로센서건강상태및성능을분석하였다. 위성시스템상태의자이로시험은자이로센서가가질수있는조합에따라위성의방향에따른지구각속도를확인및관련데이터를분석하였다. [ 포 SB-15] 천리안위성원격측정명령계 RF 부궤도운용시험결과분석 김중표, 임원규, 최승운, 유상범, 이상곤 천리안위성원격측정명령계 RF 부는위성장착이후발사전까지여러단계의위성체레벨기능시험을거치며요구성능을만족하는지를충분히확인하였다. 위성발사후부터정상궤도진입후에발사전원격측정명령계 RF 가원하는요구기능및성능을만족하고있는지를확인하는궤도운용시험이수행되었다. 본논문은원격측정명령계 RF 부의궤도운용시험계획에따라수행하여얻어진시험결과에대한분석에대한것이다. 먼저발사후 LEOP 동안원격명령이정상적으로수신되고수행되는지확인하였다. 그이후원격명령이언락되는수신파워임계 (Threshold) 입력레벨확인을확인하였으며원격측정다운링크주파수변이가요구범위에있는지확인하였으며, 수신신호스펙트럼측정을통해 TM EIRP 를추정한결과링크버짓마진대비추가적인마진이있음을확인하였으며또한 TM 송신신호변조지수가추정범위안에있는지를확인하였다. 그리고레인징시험을통해수신기및레인징기능이정상적으로동작하고있음을확인하였다. 이궤도운용시험결과는후속정지궤도복합위성원격측정명령계 RF 부궤도운용시험을위한비교자료로활용될것이다. 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 97

포스터발표논문초록 [ 포 SB-16] 거대정지궤도위성형상설계 김창호, 김경원, 김선원, 임재혁, 김성훈 위성체가발사체에실려발사될때에매우높은가속도에의한정적, 동적하중및공기의저항에의한하중, 연소가스분출시발생하는음향에의한하중, 발사체로부터분리될때발생하는충격하중등여러가지의극심한하중을겪게된다. 이러한발사환경에대한안정성을검토하기위해발사체업체에서제공하는매뉴얼상의설계조건을이용하여설계하고해석하여검증한다. 천리안위성의후속위성으로해상도및채널성능향상된차세대기상탑재체를탑재하는정지궤도복합위성을개발중이다. 임무수명기간을연장할수있는 3.5 톤급혹은그이상의플랫폼에대한형상설계를수행하였고그내용을목적으로한다. [ 포 SB-17] PERT 와 CPM 을이용한인공위성개발프로젝트일정계획에관한연구 김형완, 최정수, 박종석 현재인공위성개발프로젝트들을계획하고일정계획을수립하기위해간트차트가널리활용되고있다. 간트차트는프로젝트의각작업들이언제시작하고종료되는지에대한작업일정을막대도표를이용하여표시하는프로젝트일정표로다양한형태로변경하여사용할수있으나작업경로를표시할수없으며계획의변화에대한적응성이약한단점이있다. 또한일목요연하게눈으로보여줄수있으나효과적인프로젝트관리에중요한활동사이의어떤관계에대한정보를주지못한다. 인공위성개발과같은복잡한프로젝트에대해간트차트와더불어 PERT (Program evaluation and review technique) 와 CPM(critical path method) 과같은네트워크도 (Network Diagram) 와함께사용될수있도록그이론과활용방안에대해기술하고자한다. PERT 와 CPM 은큰프로젝트를계획하고조정하기위해폭넓게사용되는두가지기법이다. PERT 와 CPM 을사용하면프로젝트활동에대한그래프를통한도시, 프로젝트소요시간추정, 프로젝트완료시간준수를위해중요한활동의식별, 전체프로젝트에대한지연없이가능한각활동의지연시간추정과같은이점이있다. PERT 와 CPM 은독립적으로개발되었지만, 많은공통점이있다. 더나아가서둘사이에원래존재했던차이점은많은부분은서로의특징을도입하면서거의사라졌다. 실제적으로볼때, 두기법은지금같은기법이며, 기술된특징과절차는 PERT 분석뿐아니라 CPM 분석에도적용될수있을것이다. [ 포 SB-18] 검증용위성열모델을이용한위성방열판최적설계 김희경 1, 최성임 2 위성의방열판설계과정은수치해석을위해위성을모델링한열모델에서분할격자인노드를기준으로방열판위치와형상, 크기를조절하면서한계온도조건을만족할때까지설계엔지니어의판단에의존하여열해석을반복하는것이보편적인방식이다. 대부분방열판면적을줄이기위한추가적인노력을하지 않기때문에필요이상의과도한방열판설계를하는경우가많은것이사실이다. 이러한방열판설계에서최소한의방열판면적을사용하여한계온도를만족하도록설계를최적화한다면무엇보다전체위성열설계의효율성과경제성을높일수있는바탕이될수있을것이다. 위성의방열판설계는방열판영역내에서동일한면적을가지더라도위치나형상에따라그효과가상당히차이가날수있기때문에실제방열판설계에서는이러한점을고려하는것이필수적이다. 먼저위성은열해석에알맞는격자크기로분할된노드로이루어진열모델로모델링되어개발된다. 방열판이설계되는방열판영역역시격자모양의노드로분할되기때문에열해석을이용하여방열판설계를한다면노드크기를기준으로노드분할형태에따라설계를한다. 그래서위성열모델에서방열판영역의각노드가방열판노드여부에따라모자이크와같은분포의방열판설계를하게되므로방열판노드분포의최적화가방열판최적설계를의미하게된다. 본연구에서는방열판설계최적화를위해일반적인위성프로그램의열제어개발에서사용하는위성열모델과열해석프로그램을최적화기법과동일한언어로다시개발해야하는부담없이그대로최적화기법과연동할수있도록하는방법을제안하고, 실제소형의검증용위성열모델을개발하여여러가지해석조건에따른방열판최적설계결과를비교하고검토함으로써이러한접근방식을검증해보고자하였다. [ 포 SB-19] 저궤도위성의초기시스템운영점검 김희섭 본논문은위성이발사된이후수행된초기시스템운영점검을내용으로한다. 위성이발사된이후위성상태및기능에대한점검이수행된다. 위성체초기점검은위성체개발자관점에서수행되며준비된위성명령중심으로수행되며이를지원하기위하여지상국일부가사용된다. 하지만검보정기간의촬영및정상운영에서는지상국전체시스템이사용되어영상촬영및수신중심으로위성명령이생성된다. 이러한배경에의해위성체초기점검과정상운영의차이를극복하기위해초기시스템운영점검이수행되었다. 초기시스템운영점검을위해서촬영시나리오가도출되었고, 촬영시나리오에대한상세절차가수립되었다. 발사전리허설을통해사전점검이수행되었고, 위성이우주로발사된이후실제지상국시스템을이용하여지상국운영을확인하였다. 초기시스템운영점검이완료된이후위성체에대한검보정이수행되었다. 본연구결과는저궤도위성시스템개발에있어서유용하게응용될수있을것으로예상된다. [ 포 SB-20] 위성영상의위치정확도향상방안및기하보정 김희섭, 서두천 위성영상의위치정보를확인하기위해서는위성영상과함께위성위치및위성자세정보가필요하다. 위성위치정보는 GPS 수신기에서제공하는위성위치정보를이용하여계산될수있다. 위성자세정보는별센서에서제공하는위성자세정보또는제어시스템에서제공하는위성자세정보를이용하여계 98 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 산될수있다. 이때위성영상의위치정보를정확하게계산하기위해서는위성위치및자세에대한정확한시간정보가필요하다. 본연구는위성영상의위치정확도향상을위해위성설계시고려해야할사항과위성에서제공하는위성영상, 위성위치정보, 위성자세정보를이용하여위성영상의위치를계산하는방법을기술하였다. 본연구결과는위성영상의위치정확도와관련된성능지표를가지고있는저궤도위성의설계및검보정에유용할것으로예상된다. [ 포 SB-21] SLAM 기술을활용한외계행성자율주행시스템개념설계 문성태, 한상혁, 구철회, 이훈희 최근무인항공기발전으로영상촬영및도로정보획득과같은다양한분야에서이를활용하고있다. 특히무인항공기가점점소형화되어가고있고, 안전하게이동하고, 한지점에머무를수있는기능이개발되어최근 ArDrone 과같은쿼드로터가각광을받고있다. 이와같은기술을위치를파악할수없는외계공간에서활용을한다면인간이지나갈수없는협소한공간혹은위험한장소를대신하여탐색할수있어위험에처한인명을구하는데큰도움을줄수있다. 하지만외계공간에서는 GPS 와같은위치를인식할수없어정해진임무를수행하기란매우어려운일이다. 본논문에서는최근각광받고있는 SLAM 기술을사용하여 3 차원지도를생성하고, 이를기반으로실시간으로영상을인식하여위치를파악한후외계공간에서로버를사용하여자율주행이가능한시스템에대한개념설계내용을설명한다. [ 포 SB-22] 다목적실용위성 3 호의임무를고려한전력모의실험결과 문인호, 박선주, 정옥철, 전문진, 정대원 다목적실용위성 3 호의태양전지판은위성의 -Z 축방향에고정되어있는방식으로사용되고있다. 이로인해위성이임무수행을위한자세기동을하게되면태양전지판의태양입사각변화에따라전력생산량이변하게되고이를예측하여최대방전률 (DOD; Depth of Discharge) 을넘지않는제한조건내에서임무계획을수행해야한다. 전력생산량및전력소비량을예측하기위해서는전력모의실험을수행해야하며이를위해위성의자세및위치정보, 임무를고려한 Mission Profile, 태양입사각, 초기방전률값을생성해야한다. 본논문은태양입사각계산을위해위성의임무 ( 영상촬영, 지상국교신 ) 를반영한자세및위치정보를생성하고, 이결과를태양입사각계산로직에적용하여태양입사각을생성한결과를정리하였다. 생성된결과의타당성을검토하기위해상용툴인 STK 를이용하여비교를수행하였다. 또한, 전력모의실험에사용된 Mission Profile 은위성운용에안정성을높이며복잡한임무시나리오에적용이용이하도록운용 Margin 을고려하여생성하였다. 본논문에서제시한방안을실제수행된임무시나리오에적용하여전력모의실험을수행하였으며, 그결과를임무수행후획득된위성 Telemetry 를이용한실측값과비교하여전력모의실험결과에대한타당성을검증하였다. 실제초기운영결과제한된전력허용범위내에서적용이가능함을 확인할수있었다. [ 포 SB-23] 고기동위성지상처리정밀자세결정성능향상 박근주 1, 임조령 1, 우현욱 2, 서두천 3, 이선호 4, 최홍택 1 국내기술로개발된고기동위성이해상도 70cm 급광학카메라를탑재하고태양동기궤도를따라지구주위를하루에 14 바퀴이상돌면서임무를수행한다. 높은해상도의영상을얻기위해자세제어계에서는고성능별추적기와자이로를사용하는정밀자세결정로직과반작용휠을사용하는자세제어로직을운용한다. 자세제어계에서는, 발사환경및우주환경의영향으로인한자이로의오정렬, SF 오차, 별추적기상호간오정렬에대한상대보정과탑재컴퓨터에서결정한궤도및자세정보와영상기준점정보를이용하여절대보정을수행한다. 한편, 탑재알고리즘에서는강건한자세결정로직을운용하고있고, 별추적기의측정지연보상, 처리주기내의평균각속도사용등실시간운용으로인한제한으로성능상의제약이있다. 따라서정밀자세결정지상후처리작업이필요하며이를위해서기개발된지상처리용정밀자세결정소프트웨어를새로운접속요구규격에맞춰업그레이드하였다. 지상처리정밀자세결정을위해서탑재컴퓨터는영상촬영전후일정기간동안별추적기데이터, 자이로데이터, 탑재컴퓨터에서결정한자세정보등을매탑재컴퓨터처리주기로저장하여지상으로전송한다. 전송된자료를이용하여지상처리용정밀자세결정소프트웨어는정밀궤도정보와결합하여정밀자세결정을수행한다. 고기동위성의경우기동후정밀자세결정수렴속도향상이필요하며, 소프트웨어의필터파라미터를조율하여성능을향상하였다. [ 포 SB-24] 객체지향방식의궤도해석프로그램구성 박봉규, 최재동 위성의궤도를해석하기위해서일반적으로 STK(Satellite Tool Kit) 나 Matlab Tool 을많이사용한다. 이도구들은훌륭한그래픽사용자인터페이스환경과다양한라이브러리를제공하기때문에사용하기에상당히편리하다. 하지만 STK 의경우는다양한해석을수행하기위한 Flexibility 가다소제한적이고상당히고가라는단점이있으며, Matlab Tool 의경우는계산속도가상대적으로느려서장기간에대한궤도해석이나통계적인분석에는활용이제한되는측면이있다. 항공우주연구원에서는 1993 년부터 FORTRAN 언어로구성된 Astro Library 라는궤도계산용도구를개발하였으며그후정밀도를개선하고성능을분석하는작업들을수행해왔다. 또한 FORTRAN 언어가가지는비구조적인특징으로인하여사용상불편한점들이발견되어 Astro Library 를 C++ 언어로변환하여객체화하는작업을수행하였다. 즉시간, 태양, 지구, 달, 위성, 궤도및이들을정의하는속성을각각의객체로정의하여직관적으로코딩작업을수행할수있도록구성하였다. 개발된프로그램은무궁화위성, 천리안위성의해석에적용되어편리성및정밀도가입증되었다. 다양한환경에서의사 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 99

포스터발표논문초록 용경험을통하여특히복수위성에대한궤도해석에상당히효과적임을알수있었다. 본논문에서는개발된궤도해석프로그램인 Astro Library 의객체구조에대하여정리하였고몇개의적용사례를소개하였다. [ 포 SB-25] 다목적실용위성 3 호전력시뮬레이션을위한임무시나리오생성방안연구 박선주, 문인호, 정옥철, 전문진 지구관측용저궤도위성은태양구간에서태양전지판을이용하여전력을생성하여위성배터리에충전하며, 식구간에서는충전된베터리에너지를이용하여위성운영및임무를수행한다. 충전된베터리에너지는임무수행과위성운영에필요한에너지로사용하게된다. 특히, 임무운영시많은양의에너지를사용하게되므로지상국은임무수행에따라사용되는에너지가전력사용가능범위내에서운영되는지확인해야한다. 전력사용량을확인하기위해서는임무수행내용에맞게임무시나리오 (Mission Profile) 를생성하야하는데, 정확한전력사용량을확인하기위해서는임무수행내용을잘모사할수있는임무시나리오 (Mission Profile) 를필요로한다. 본논문은정의된임무시나리오양식에맞게실제임무수행내용을유사하게모사하기위한방안을정리하였으며, 실제임무수행내용을바탕으로생성된임무시나리오를생성하여실제임무수행결과와비교함으로써생성된임무시나리오가실제와유사하게잘모사되었는지확인한결과를정리하였다. 비교결과본논문에서제시하는임무시나리오생성방법의적절성을확인하였으며, 실제임무운영에적용이가능할것으로판단되었다. [ 포 SB-26] 발사체별정지궤도복합위성추진제버짓비교연구 박응식, 박봉규, 박종석 정지궤도위성은발사체에서위성이분리된이후천이궤도로부터원하는목표궤도로궤도전이를해야한다. 또한임무기간동안궤도상에서다양한교란을겪게되며이로인해시간이증가함에따라위성의위치가변화하게된다. 정지궤도위성은이러한궤도전이및궤도상위치변화를제어하기위한추진시스템을장착하고임무기간에걸쳐요구되는추진제를탑재해야한다. 위성의설계초기에는추정되는위성의건조질량을기반으로하여궤도전이와궤도상임무에필요로하는추진제버짓을계산하고이를토대로하여위성시스템설계를진행한다. 또한발사체별로발사체의성능과발사장에따라근지점고도와발사경사각이모두상이하므로발사체가정해지지않은상태에서발사체별추진제버짓을계산, 비교하고추진시스템의탱크가이를모두수용할수있는지분석하는것이중요하다. 이논문에서는정지궤도복합위성의추정건조질량과임무분석을통해주어진 ΔV 와각발사체별궤도전이에필요한 ΔV 를바탕으로하여발사체별추진제버짓을계산하였고이를비교검토하였다. 이후이러한기본자료를바탕으로하여정지궤도복합위성추진시스템의추진제수용가능여부, 건조질량증가여유등기본설계를진행할수있다. [ 포 SB-27] 추진계방식에따른정지궤도복합위성의구조설계비교연구 박종석 1, 최정수 1, 김형완 1, 최재동 1, 김창호 2, 한조영 3 정지궤도복합위성 2 호는현재기상및해양관련관측임무를수행중인천리안위성의임무승계를위해현재개발이진행중이다. 천리안위성에비해수명이확대되고, 임무탑재체의중량도증가하여추진제량의대폭증가가필요한것으로분석되고있다. 이로인해추진제탱크의확장이불가피하여현재가용한탱크를기반으로구조체설계에대한비교연구가수행되었다. 정지궤도위성의추진제탱크수용은크게측면고정식구형탱크의수직배치방식과극고정식실런더형탱크의수평배치방식으로구분된다. 추진제량확대에따라두가지방식모두구조체내부에충분한강성확보와하중전달을목적으로튜브형구조물이적용되며, 이를토대로구조체설계가이루어진다. 본논문에서는이러한추진계탱크수용방식을기반으로정지궤도복합위성에적용될구조체설계개념을제시하고, 비교연구를통해각방식이갖는구조체설계의장단점을기술하고자한다. [ 포 SB-28] 과학기술위성 3 호비행모델기능시험결과 박종오 1, 이성세 1, 이승헌 1, 손준원 1, 이승우 1, 신구환 2, 정태진 2, 서정기 2, 박홍영 2 과학기술위성 3호는우리은하계의근적외선관측, 우주배경복사관측및지구지표면의적외선영상획득을임무로하는우주관측용적외선카메라와지구지표면의적외선영상획득을임무로하는지구관측용적외선카메라그리고한반도지역의다중스펙트럼영상을획득함으로써대기관측및환경감시의임무를가지는소형분광영상카메라를장착한우주및지구과학연구용위성이다. 2007년개발을시작하여시험인증모델 (EQM, Engineering& Qualification Model) 개발과열구조모델 (STM, Structure and Thermal Model) 을개발완료하였고, 2012년하반기에발사를앞두고 2010년비행모델유닛들이납품되기시작하여위성체시스템레벨에서의조립및시험을진행하고있다. 본논문에서는조립및기능시험중발견된유닛의문제들을해결과정과시스템레벨에서의전기접합시험, 극성시험, 비행소프트웨어기능시험, 종합기능시험및 ETE 시험등기능시험의종류, 목적그리고검증결과를발표하고자한다. [ 포 SB-29] 과학기술위성 3 호비행모델환경시험결과 박종오 1, 이성세 1, 이승헌 1, 손준원 1, 이승우 1, 신구환 2, 정태진 2, 서정기 2, 박홍영 2 과학기술위성 3 호는우리은하계의근적외선관측, 우주배경복 100 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 사관측및지구지표면의적외선영상획득을임무로하는우주관측용적외선카메라와지구지표면의적외선영상획득을임무로하는지구관측용적외선카메라그리고한반도지역의다중스펙트럼영상을획득함으로써대기관측및환경감시의임무를가지는소형분광영상카메라를장착한우주및지구과학연구용위성이다. 2007년개발을시작하여시험인증모델 (EQM, Engineering & Qualification Model) 개발과열구조모델 (STM, Structure and Thermal Model) 을개발완료하였고, 2012년하반기에발사를앞두고 2010년비행모델유닛들이납품되기시작하여위성체시스템레벨에서의조립및시험을진행하고있다. 본논문에서는조립및기능시험완료후시스템레벨에서의진동시험, 열진공시험및무게특성시험등환경시험의종류, 목적그리고검증결과를발표하고자하며, 아울러발사장에서수행된열구조모델에대한환경시험결과를발표하고자한다. [ 포 SB-30] 저궤도인공위성배터리의발사장운용에관한연구 박희성, 장진백, 양정환 저궤도인공위성에서배터리는태양전지배열기에서생성된전력을저장하여탑재체구동과식구간위성의동작유지를위하여사용된다. 최근상용배터리시장에서도리튬이온배터리의보급이많이이루진거와마찬가지로인공위성에서도리튬이온배터리의사용이보편화되는추세이다. 리튬이온배터리가기존에인공위성에서사용되던니켈카드늄이나니켈수소배터리에비하여자연방전량이적다고는하지만이또한존재하며, 초기위성발사시태양전지배열기의전개를통한전력생산이이루어질때까지위성의동작을보장하고임수종료까지에너지를충방전할수있는상태를유지하여야하므로위성발사전까지배터리의상태를최적으로유지해야함은필수적이다. 본연구에서는저궤도인공위성의발사전까지배터리의상태를최적화하기위한배터리운용에관하여기술하며, 배터리상태에대한실측데이터를제시하여배터리의정상상태를검증하였다. [ 포 SB-31] 정지궤도복합위성주파수및궤도확보를위한국제등록현황분석 백명진 정지궤도복합위성은기상관측용기상위성과해양및환경관측용해양 / 환경위성으로계획되어있다. 기상위성은 2017 년발사, 해양 / 환경위성은 2018 년발사를목표로연구개발이수행되고있다. 정지궤도위성은주파수및궤도자원을확보하기위하여국제전기통신연합 (ITU) 에국제등록절차를수행하는것이요구되며, 이를위해서는우선적으로위성의궤도위치와주파수자원에대한선행연구가필수적이며, 이러한연구는기상위성업무용및지구탐사위성업무용주파수자원에대한관련전파규칙분석작업등의업무가함께수행되어야한다. 정지궤도복합위성은관제용주파수대역으로 L 대역또는 S 대역이가용주파수대역이고, 기상, 해양및환경원시데이터전송용주파수대역은 X 또는 Ka 대역이가용주파수대역이다. 본논문에서는현재기상위성업무용및지구탐사위성업무용으로가용한 L, S, X 및 Ka 주파수대역을검토하였고, 동대역을이용하여국제등록중인위성망과주요위성망들의전송제원등에대한국제등록현황을분석하였다. 본논문을통하여작성된자료들은향후우리나라정지궤도위성망궤도및주파수자원확보를위한국제등록에활용될수있도록분석하였다. [ 포 SB-32] Radiation 에의한 SEU 오류검출및수정방안소개 양승은, 신현규, 최종욱, 천이진 우주공간에서는 solar particle 과 galactic cosmic ray 에포함된 proton, electron 및 heavy ion 등에의해 radiation 현상이발생하는데이는각종전자장비의성능감쇄및디지털장비의내부정보를교란을야기할수있다. 특히메모리의 bit 정보가반전되는 Single Event Upset (SEU) 의경우인공위성및우주정거장등의시스템에서도빈번히발생할수있으며적절한조치가이루어지지않으면주어진임무수행실패는물론시스템 failure 까지이를수있다. 따라서 SEU 에의한문제발생시신속한문제확인및대처가매우중요하다. 본논문에서는 SEU 의발생원인및영향과기존의오류검출및수정기법에대해소개하도록한다. 또한효율적이고신뢰성있는설계를위해각하드웨어소자특성에따 fms 적합한 SEU 회피방안을제시하도록한다. [ 포 SB-33] 인공위성용태양전력조절기의병렬운전을위한전류제어방식 양정환, 박희성, 박성우, 장진백, 이상곤 태양전력조절기는태양전지에서전력을생성하여배터리를충전하고인공위성의모든부하에전력을공급하는역할을한다. 이러한태양전력조절기는신뢰성확보와대전류처리를위해병렬운전한다. 병렬운전시전류가각태양전력조절기에균등하게분배되지않을경우, 한태양전력조절기에만과도한전류가흐르게되고해당태양전력조절기에문제가발생한다. 따라서병렬운전하는각태양전지조절기에전류를균등하게분배하기위해전류제어기가필요하다. 전류제어방식에는 Inner Loop 방식과 Outer Loop 방식이있다. Inner Loop 방식은전류제어기가태양전력조절기의전류를제어하고, 전류제어기의기준전압을외부의전압제어기가제어하는방식이다. 한편, Outer Loop 방식은전압제어기가태양전력조절기의전압을제어하고, 전압제어기의기준전압에태양전력조절기의전류정보를더하여전압을제어하면서간접적으로전류를제어하는방식이다. 한편, 태양전지는전압과전류가강한비선형성관계를가지므로태양전지의동작점에따라태양전력조절기의소신호특성이변화하고, 이는전류제어기안정도에심각한영향을미친다. 따라서본논문에서는태양전지의각동작점에관계없이전류제어기가안정적으로태양전력조절기의전류분배를수행할수있도록 Inner Loop 방식과 Outer Loop 방식의전류제어기를해석하고두방식을비교한다. [ 포 SB-34] GEO Satellite Magnetic Momentum Assessment 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 101

포스터발표논문초록 Jeong-Hwan Yang, Eui-Chan Kim, Ja-Chun Koo, and Sang-Kon Lee If the satellite has the magnetic material or magnetic moment, the satellite is affected by the earth magnetic field by the space environment in Geostational orbit. The aim of this paper is to assess the satellite magnetic momentum which is an input to ADCS(Altitude Determination Control Subsystem) analyses to assess spurious torques. The magnetic momentum at satellite level is due to magnetic momentum generated by each unit which is due to internal currents circulation or to the presence of magnetic components. Also the magnetic momentum at satellite level is due to circulation of the DC supply current from PSR(Power Supply Regulator) to each unit. As introducing the intrinsic contribution of each unit and the magnetic moment based on the current return through the structure, this paper assess the satellite magnetic moment. [ 포 SB-35] 자이로바이어스추정값을이용한센서정렬오차확인 오시환, 윤석택, 윤형주, 김진희 인공위성의자세제어및자세결정에사용되는센서들의정렬오차는자세명령생성오차, 자세제어오차, 자세결정오차등과더불어지향정밀도를저하시키는하나의요인으로작용한다. 본연구에서는자이로센서에만정렬오차가존재한다고가정하는상황에서별추적기와자이로센서를이용한자세결정필터에의해추정되는자이로바이어스값만을이용하여자이로센서의정렬오차를확인 (Identification) 하는방법및결과에대해기술한다. 이를추정하는다른방법으로는여러가지가있으며대표적으로위성의다축기동정보를입력으로사용하는확장칼만필터를이용한궤도상보정 (On-orbit Calibration) 방법이있으나본연구에서는위성의기동또는많은계산량을소모하지않고비교적간단하게자이로정렬오차를추정하는방법을제시하였다. 그리고실제궤도상위성의거동데이터를이용하여제안한방법의효율성을검증하였다. 결과적으로, 제안된방법을이용했을때소수점둘째자리이하의정확도를가지고정렬오차가추정됨을확인하였다. [ 포 SB-36] 중대형위성의조립및시험을위한기계지상지원장비개발 우성현, 김진희 최근인공위성의대형화및중량화추세는종종기존설비내에서의위성체조립및시험업무의작업성과능률성을심각하게저해하는요소로작용한다. 이에상기업무의원활한수행을위해서는최적화된설계의기계지상지원장비 (Mechanical Ground Support Equipment, MGSE) 의개발및활용이요구되어지며, 이는전체위성개발기간동안요구되는모든시험구성, 외부설 비및장비와의인터페이스, 작업자의동선및접근성등을종합적으로고려해야하는작업이다. 특히고해상도영상안테나와같이높은수준의정렬조건이부과되는탑재체의경우이의장착, 정렬및지상전개시험등을위해서는탑재체및위성체의특성을고려한전용장비의개발도필수적이다. 본논문에서는한국항공우주연구원이최근개발한중대형급지상관측영상레이더위성개발과제에활용된기계지상지원장비의설계, 제작및운용방법을종합적으로기술하였다. [ 포 SB-37] 위성의일반적인상태정보획득보드의개발 원주호, 조영호, 이윤기, 이상곤 위성은위성의상태제어를위한명령부와해당명령이기능대로수행된것을확인하기위한상태정보획득부로구성된다. 명령부는위성의버스플랫폼에따라서다양한구조 ( 전압, 전류, 펄스폭, 형태등 ) 를갖지만, 상태정보획득은명령부에비해서공통적인특성을갖게된다. 또한명령부는 +17V 또는 +28V 등의고전압, 고전류의요구조건이필요하지만, 상태정보획득은아날로그용 (+15V or +12V) 또는디지털용 (+5V) 로전압과전류조건이명령부에비해서요구조건이완화된다. 상태정보획득은 relay 상태를획득하는 matrix 구조로된 TM matrix 와아날로그전압상태정보를단일채널을통해획득하는 Analog 단일채널부와정밀한아날로그정보획득을위한차등 Analog 채널부, 기준전압과의비교를통한이진상태부와정전류를통한 Thermistor 상태정보획득부로구성이된다. 본논문에서는 16x8 matrix 로구성된 TM matrix 획득부와 300 채널의단일채널아날로그전압획득부, 64 채널차등아날로그전압획득부및 64 채널이진상태획득부와 16 채널로구성된정전류 thermistor 아날로그상태정보획득부의구현방법및프로세서보드와의접속을위한 UART 접속구조등에대한내용과보드사이즈제약사항등의구현에대한개발에대해서평가하고자한다. [ 포 SB-38] 전장품접속을위한 UART 시리얼버스구현에대한평가 원주호, 조영호, 이윤기, 김의찬, 조영준, 이상곤 위성의전장품은전기적접속을위해서 1:1 연결을하는 Pointto-Point 버스방식과여러개의 Slave (Remote Terminal) 을갖고, 일반적으로 1 개의 Master (Controller) 에의해서연결하게되는버스구조를갖는접속채널을통해서연결이된다. 가장많이사용되는방식인 MIL-STD-1553B 는데이터전송속도가 1Mbps 이고, Transformer 에의해서완전하게버스와각전장품이완전하게절연이되는구조로, 전기적고장이전달되는것을방지할수가있지만, 설계의난이도가높다. 고속버스는 SpaceWire 를사용하고, 100Mbps 이상의속도를지원할수가있지만, LVDS 등의고속채널설계및노이즈에민감한특성때문에, 저속의통신채널에서는사용하기어렵다. 저속의데이터채널을위해서는 UART 방식이사용된다. UART 방식은 RS-422 방식과 RS-485 방식이사용되지만, 1553B 또는 SpaceWire 등과같이프로토콜이정해지지않아서, 사용자가직접프로토콜을지정해야하는문제가있다. 또한 RS-422 은 1:1 방식의 Point- 102 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 to-point UART 를위해서사용되고, RS-485 는버스방식의연결을지원할수가있지만, 동시에여러개의 TX 가 enable 되는경우에는 TX 사이에고장을일으킬수있어서, 1 번에 TX 가 1 개만사용되도록제어할필요가있다. 또한 RS-485 방식의버스를구현할경우에는 1553B 처럼와전하게절연이불가능하므로, 전기적이나기능적으로 485 버스에문제가발생할경우에절연과같은기능이지원되도록구현이되어야한다. 본논문에서는안정적인 485 UART 버스구현을위한기술에대해서평가하고분석하도록하겠다. [ 포 SB-39] 공진형컨버터를이용한위성전력변환장치설계 윤석택, 오시환, 김진희 위성의전력시스템은시스템단계에서부터수명및임무조건에직접적으로영향을주도록설계가이루어진다. 최근우주산업의발전과더불어여러위성들이개발및계획되면서다양한부하조건, 소형화, 박형화에대한수요도증가하고있다. 일반적으로공진형변압기는비공진형변압기에비해높은전압변환비를통해다양한부하조건을만족시킬수있는장점으로소형화가가능하고, 절연구성및 ZVS, ZCS 를통한효율증가가상대적으로쉬운특성을지니고있다. 하지만, 공진특성으로인해안정적인구동을위해서는추가적인회로구성및안정화하기위한제어기의설계가필수적으로요구된다. 본논문에서는공진형컨버터와비공진형구조에따른특성을분석하고다양한구동조건에따른설계의장단점을분석하여공진형변압기를이용한위성전력변환장치설계및제어의가인라인을제시하였다. [ 포 SB-40] 저궤도위성전원선확인시험 윤영수, 원영진, 김진희 저궤도위성비행모델기능시험은위성체내부전장품들간의접속확인과조립및연결상태를확인하는시험을우선적으로수행한다. 위성체의전원선확인시험은전기전자적조립시험에서가장처음으로수행하는시험이다. 전력조절분배장치로부터전장품각각의하드웨어로공급되는 50 볼트주전원또는 28 볼트부전원이정상적으로공급하게되는지를검증한다. 위성체하니스가설치된후, 각각의하드웨어에공급되는전원의극성및연속성시험을수행한다. 전력조절분배장치는태양전지판으로부터얻어진전력이레귤레이터에의해정류된전압을받아릴레이나 FET 를통하여모든전장품에전원을공급하는주요장비이다. 전력조절분배장치내부나외부하니스오류로부터생길수있는잘못리드된전원으로부터전장품을보호하기위하여하니스를하드웨어에연결하기전에우선적으로전원선확인시험을수행한다. 위성체전원선확인시험은위성체와기능시험장비를연결하여시리얼명령어를통해전력조절분배장치내부의 FET 동작을조절하며, FET 동작상태및전장품에접속되는입력단에서의전압및전원특성등을점검한다. 위성체의주전원 50 볼트라인의연결도확인과부전원 28 볼트라인의연결도확인및전력제어유닛내부 FET 의기능확인을수행하며또한, 전력제어부외부에공급하는 28 볼트펄스와 15 볼트펄스를측정검증하 는시험을수행한다. [ 포 SB-41] 위성용광학카메라환경시험용짐발동특성시험 은희광, 임종민, 전종협, 문남진, 문귀원 저궤도관측위성에사용되는광학카메라는대기상태에서는물론이고우주환경을모사하는열진공챔버내에서도광학시험을수행한다. 광학시험수행시, 광학카메라의변위및각도를조정하기위하여짐발을사용한다. 짐발에기능을수행하기위하여적용된기어및모터등의구조로인하여외부진동에취약할수있으며, 이러한경우에는광학시험수행에많은제약을줄수있다. 따라서광학챔버짐발의변위및각도변경뿐만아니라안정적인자세를유지하기위하여기준이상의고유진동수등의동특성을가져야한다. 본논문에서는짐발및대상광학카메라의질량특성을모사한대상물을설치한상태에서수행한동특성시험결과및수행한분석결과를정리하였다. [ 포 SB-42] 저궤도위성의발사체접속관련배터리충전인터페이스설계 이나영, 권동영, 전문진, 김대영 본논문은저궤도위성의발사체접속과관련하여배터리충전인터페이스설계사항을정리한것이다. 위성발사전위성의배터리를일정주기마다반드시충전해야하는경우위성프로세서를켜지않고발사장전기시험장비 (LSTS) 에서직접배터리만을충전할수있도록배터리전용충전인터페이스를설계한다. 그러나배터리종류에따라방전이매우천천히진행되어발사당일동안의충전만으로완충이되는경우이러한인터페이스가필요하지않다. 본논문에서는저궤도위성들의배터리인터페이스설계사항을정리한다. 또한, 위성배터리인터페이스와 LSTS 사이에는발사체인터페이스가접속될수밖에없으며, 접속시배터리전원이노출되지않도록설계한사항을정리한다. [ 포 SB-43] 저궤도위성의열진공시험및발사동안의써미스터데이터처리 이나영, 권동영, 전문진, 김대영 본논문은저궤도위성의각유닛의온도정보를획득하기위해사용되는온도센서인써미스터의 data 처리를위한 calibration 방법을정리한것이다. 써미스터는온도에따라저항값이바뀌는소자이며, 위성프로세서는정전류소스를공급하고여기에걸리는전압을 AD converter 를이용해데이터로전송한다. 지상에서는전송된데이터를 calibration 공식에대입하여온도정보를얻어낸다. 특히발사준비및발사후발사체와분리되기전까지계속모니터링이필요한배터리온도정보의경우배터리내부의한개써미스터에대해발사장전기시험장비와발사체의 MUX 시스템그리고위성내부프로세서에서프로세싱이동시에이루어지기때문에각시스템의영향성까지고려해야한다. 본논문에서는저궤도위성의열진공시험및발사동안의실제데 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 103

포스터발표논문초록 이터처리결과를통해정밀한써미스터데이터처리및그시스템설계에서고려해야할점들을정리한다. [ 포 SB-44] 다목적실용위성 3 호위성상태모니터링시스템초기운영결과분석 이명신, 백현철, 현대환, 정대원 다목적실용위성 3 호는 2012 년 5 월발사되어, 위성기능점검을위한시험을성공적으로완료하였다. 위성발사이후태양전지판전개를포함하여장착된모든전장품 (Unit) 을순차적으로모니터링하면서관련명령어를송신하고, 이후송신된명령어에대한수행여부를모니터링하며전장품의정상동작상태를판단하게된다. 위성상태의모니터링은상태디스플레이페이지 (AND, AlphaNumeric Display), 각종이벤트디스플레이및위성에서수신한덤프데이터디스플레이등을통해서수행한다. 이러한위성의상태정보는지상의엔지니어가신속하면서정확한판단을수행할수있도록정확한정보를가독성있게디스플레이해야할필요가있다. 또한, 위성교신이후에는위성에서저장된상태정보를수신하여비실시간위성상태데이터를분석하는작업을수행한다. 이때, 엔지니어가필요로하는상태정보아이템을자신이원하는형태로추출할수있어야한다. 이러한필수기능들은시스템의안정성을기반으로동작하여야한다. 이와같은시스템이운영될수있도록초기운영이전에안정화및검증작업을수행하였으며, 초기운영기간에도정상운영단계에서임무관제국의운영요원이용이하게위성의상태를모니터링할수있도록위성상태정보에대한데이터베이스와오류감지능력을포함하는위성상태표출기능을최적화하는작업을수행하였다. 임무관제국에서개발된위성상태모니터링시스템을통하여안정적으로다목적실용위성 3 호의초기운영에대한실시간모니터링및비실시간데이터분석작업을수행하였다. 또한, 초기운영기간동안의최적화작업을통하여정상운영기간동안운영요원이용이하게오류감지를수행할수있도록시스템을지속적으로개선하였다. [ 포 SB-45] 저궤도위성용리튬 - 이온배터리의성능확보를위한 Balancing 기법에관한고찰 이상록, 임성빈, 전현진, 인공위성에사용되는배터리기술은 1960 년대최초로사용된니켈카드뮴 (NiCd) 을시작으로발전하기시작해서현재는리튬 - 이온 (Li-Ion) 에이르렀다. 리튬 - 이온배터리는높은 Energy Density( 작은크기와무게 ), 낮은자가방전율을가짐과동시에메모리효과가거의없다는장점이있다. 하지만리튬 - 이온배터리팩의성능 (Voltage, Capacity, Lifetime) 은사용된 Cell 간특성차이 (State of Charge, Total Capacity Difference, Internal Impedance) 에의해제한된다. 일반적으로배터리는원하는전압과용량을확보하기위해직렬 - 병렬혹은병렬 - 직렬구조를가지는팩형태로제작된다. Cell 간특성차이가존재하는상태에서배터리팩을사용할경우특정 Cell 의과충전및과방전이발생하며이로인해수명이단축될수있고심한경우폭발이발생할수도있다. 또한 Cell 간특성차이는배터리팩의사용가능용량을제한하는효과를가져온다. 본논문에서는 Battery 팩을구성하는 Cell 들에특성차이가존재할경우발생할수있는 Battery 팩의수명단축및용량감소 Mechanism 에대해서고찰한다. 또한 Cell 간특성차이를극복하기위해실제위성운용에적용될수있는배터리팩의 Balancing 방안과함께위성에장착을위해보관중인 4p12s Battery 의 Balancing 방안에대해고찰하고 Balancing 전후의 Cell 간특성 (Voltage Dispersion) 차이측정결과를보인다. 이렇게본논문에서소개한리튬 - 이온배터리의전반적인 Balancing 방안은추후인공위성에적용되는리튬 - 이온배터리의운용및보관에 Guide Line 을제시할것이라고판단한다. [ 포 SB-46] Thermistor 를이용한저궤도위성용온도모니터링시스템의측정범위개선 이상록, 임성빈, 전현진 인공위성의성능을최대화하고긴운용수명을확보하기위해부품들의온도를특정범위로유지시키는것은매우중요하며이를위한온도모니터링시스템은필수적이다. 온도모니터링방법은온도에따라저항이변하는 Thermistor 를이용하는방법과출력전류가변하는반도체센서 (AD590) 를이용하는방법으로나눌수있다. Thermistor 의경우매우정밀하게온도를모니터링할수있지만넓은측정범위에대해서는비선형성가진다는단점을가진다. 이에반해반도체센서의경우오차가크지만넓은측정범위에대해서도선형성을가진다는장점을가진다. 이논문에서는특정구간에대해서정밀한온도모니터링이필요한곳에적용되는 Thermistor 를이용한온도모니터링시스템의측정 Mechanism 에대해서고찰한다. 측정 Mechanism 의고찰은온도에따른이산화된출력을내주기위해사용되는 Thermistor, Current Source, A/D Converter 등의하드웨어적인부분뿐만아니라출력된값을이용해물리적인온도로변환시키는데사용되는 Gain Offset, Calibration Curve 등의소프트웨어적인부분도포함한다. 또한하드웨어와소프트웨어적인설계변수를조절함으로서온도모니터링시스템의측정범위를개선하는방안에대해고찰한다. 이논문에서고찰한 Thermistor 를이용한저궤도위성용온도모니터링시스템의측정범위개선방안은추후인공위성에적용되는온도모니터링시스템의설계에 Design Guide Line 을제시할것이라고판단한다. [ 포 SB-47] 자장센서의지상기능시험데이터분석을통한건전성진단 이선호, 김진희 자장센서는인공위성에장착되어궤도환경에서의지자기장을측정하는센서로서위성체의자세결정과자세제어등에활용된다. 일반적으로자장센서는원리와응용범위에따라그종류가광범위하다. 응용되는자기현상적으로분류하면 Faraday 전자기유도법칙을이용한방식, Hall Effect 를이용한방식, 감지코일의인덕턴스변화와와전류효과를이용한방식, 자속분포의변화에의한유도기전력의변화를이용한방식, 자기저항변화효과를이용한방식등이있다. 그중에서도 Faraday's Law 를이용하는 Fluxgate 자장센서가구조가비교적간단하고경량이며, 높은신뢰성과안정성을가진다. 실제위성을발사하기전지상에서는위 104 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 성체를조립하고전자파, 진동, 열진공등과같은다양한환경시험을수행하는데, 이때각환경시험수행을전후로자장센서의극성시험, 응답시험등과같은기능시험을수행한다. 본논문은다양한환경시험을통해수행한 Fluxgate 자장센서기능시험데이터에대한추이를분석하여위성발사전지상에서의자장센서의상태와건전성을진단하는방법에대하여소개한다. [ 포 SB-48] 과학기술위성 3 호발사인터페이스 이성세 1, 이승우 1, 신구환 2, 서정기 2 과학기술위성 3 호는드네프르발사체에의해서클러스터형태로발사될예정이다. 본논문에서는과학기술위성 3 호의발사와관련된기계적인터페이스, 전기적인터페이스, 궤도인터페이스, 발사장인터페이스, 환경인터페이스등을세부적으로기술한다. 이러한인터페이스를바탕으로소형위성의클러스터발사의기본적은개념을정의할수있으며, 추후소형위성발사와관련된기본기술을확인할수있다. [ 포 SB-49] 과학기술위성 3 호사용자를위한관측요청및관측데이터인터페이스 이승헌 1, 손준원 1, 박종오 1, 채태병 1, 안상일 1, 이승우 1, 이철 2 과학기술위성 3 호는 170kg 의소형위성으로 2006 년사업을착수하였으며, 올 2012 년 12 월에러시아에서발사할예정이다. 주탑재체는다목적적외선영상시스템 (MIRIS, Multi- Purpose IR Imaging System) 으로천문연에서개발을담당하였으며우주관측과지구관측을수행한다. 우주관측은 0.9-2μm 대역을관측에서은하면의근적외선방출광을탐사하여우리은하고온가스의기원및성간난류의물리적특성을연구한다. 또한황도극지방을추가로관측하여적외선우주배경복사의기원의연구에활용될것이다. 지구관측은 3-5μm 의파장대역으로한반도의재해및환경변화의연구에활용될예정이다. 부탑재체는소형영상분광기 (COMIS, Compact Imaging Spectrometer) 로공주대에서개발을하였으며 0.4-1.05μm 파장대역의지표면분광영상의획득이주요임무이다. 소형영상분광기를위하여다양한관측방법 (Strip, Stereo, Slow Skew) 을시도하며, 관측된분광영상은수질, 작황, 황사, 근해환경변화등다양한분야에활용될것으로기대한다. 우주관측임무는확정되어주어진임무기간동안정해진일정대로우주관측을수행되며, 지구관측임무는사용자의요구에따라관측지역및관측횟수가추후에결정될것이다. 과학기술위성 3 호는기술적으로기존과학기술위성시리즈보다향상된위성체, 탑재체시스템으로주어진우주및지구과학임무를성공적으로수행할것으로예상되며, 또한우주및지구과학의연구를위해여러분야에서활동하는국내사용자의적극적인참여도기대하고있다. 이번발표에서는다양한사용자의관측요청접수를위한지상관제시스템의설명과임무관측을통해획득된관측데이터의전달방법에대해논의한다. [ 포 SB-50] 과학기술위성 3 호탑재체자료배포를위한영상자료와관제자료결합방법 이승헌 1, 손준원 1, 박종오 1, 이승우 1, 이철 2 과학기술위성 3호는 170kg의소형위성으로 2006년사업을착수하였으며, 올 2012년 12월에러시아에서발사할예정이다. 주탑재체는다목적적외선영상시스템 (MIRIS, Multi- Purpose IR Imaging System) 으로천문연에서개발을담당하였으며우주관측과지구관측을수행한다. 부탑재체는소형영상분광기 (COMIS, Compact Imaging Spectrometer) 로공주대에서개발을하였으며지표면의분광영상을획득한다. 관측영상을지상에서내려받아사용자에게배포를하기전 Radiometric, Geometric 보정을수행하기위해서는관측영상외에관측할때의위성체자세제어정보도함께필요하다. 과학기술위성 3호의경우우주관측은관측영상정보에위성본체의자세제어정보도함께저장하기때문에지상에서영상자료와관제자료의결합을위해추가로수행하는작업이필요하지않다. 그러나지구관측은영상자료와자세제어정보를따로저장하여지상국으로전송한다. 한곳의영역만관측후지상국으로전송받는다면문제가발생하지않지만, 지상국과교신할수있는궤도의수는한정되기때문에위성체의메모리에는여러영역의관측영상이저장되어있으며, 위성은지상국과의교신시간이허락하는최대로영상자료를송신한다. 본발표에서는다양한영상자료의저장포맷과여러영역을관측했을때각영역에해당하는영상자료구분방법, 그리고각영상자료와관제자료의결합방법에대해설명한다. [ 포 SB-51] 저궤도위성에장착된장비들에대한위치정렬해석및측정 이원범, 김홍배 저궤도위성은대구경광학탑재체를장착한지구관측위성으로자세제어센서, 탑재데이터전송안테나및탑재체가정밀하게장착되어야한다. 이를위해정밀한장착을설계과정에서검토및해석을하기위한요구조건을설정하고, 요구조건을분석하는과정을거치게된다. 분석이수행되면이결과를근거로능동적인정열오차교정이필요한지, 또는단순히위치정열에대한측정만이필요한지를결정한다. 그리고측정장비의시야각검증및위치정열측정방안을검토한후장비들의위치정렬측정시험을통해정확한위치를확인하고, 요구조건과비교하여만족하는지확인하게된다. 다시말해서, 위성체에장치된각종장비들이설계된위치에정확히위치하고있는지확인하는과정이다. 본논문에서는저궤도위성의정렬요구조건분석및측정시험을수행한내용을기술하고자한다. [ 포 SB-52] 저궤도위성의질량특성측정시험을통한요구조건검증 이원범, 김홍배 저궤도위성을설계함에있어시스템수준에서수행하는질량특성의계산은위성을구성하는각각의구성품에대한정보를종합하여전체시스템의특성을예측하는작업이다. 질량특성에대한요구조건은발사체로부터설정되는데요구조건항목은탑재체질량, 무게중심그리고관성모멘트에관한것이다또한, 자세제어면에서추력에의한토크에따른무게중심등이며최근위 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 105

포스터발표논문초록 성의고기동화요구에따라기동요구조건및자세구동장치의용량에따라결정된다. 특히위성의궤도형상관성모멘트는위성동특성을표시하므로이를사용하여제어시뮬레이션을수행하는자세제어계에주요입력데이터로활용된다. 본논문에서는저궤도위성의질량특성요구조건을검증하기위해수행한질량특성예측과질량특성측정시험에대해서기술하고자한다. [ 포 SB-53] 접이식팽창형안테나고찰 이주훈, 심은섭 영상레이더 (SAR: Synthetic Aperture Radar) 혹은통신안테나 / 탑재체를장착한위성은원하는주파수대역의운용을위해대형안테나구조물장착이필수적이다. 이러한대형구조물은일체형으로제작되어위성체에접속되었을때, 요구무게및점유하는부피가매우큰특징을지닌다. 따라서, 대형안테나구조물의중량으로인해발사비증가가불가피하며, 페어링내부의허용된공간에안테나크기는큰제약적요인이된다. 그리고, 전개식이어도, 전개후질량관성이큰구조물이된다. 위성체의발사비용과직결되는안테나의경량화를위한많은기술이연구되고있다. 특히, 접이식팽창형안테나는반사체의유연한메쉬구조및경량지지구조물로안테나의무게를줄이고수납효율을향상시킨다. 또한, 전개후안테나의목적한기능을충분히보장함과동시에질량관성이작은구조물에의한위성의기동성을극대화할수있다. 국내에서도전천후지상관측감시및통신안테나의필요성증대에따라초경량전개형안테나개발의필요성이크게대두되고있으나, 현재까지는관련기술개발사례가전무한실정으로국내독자적기술확보가시급한실정이다. [ 포 SB-54] 기능성복합재의경량전자장비하우징검증시험 이주훈 1, 장태성 2, 심은섭 1 위성시스템소형화, 탑재체수용증대, 발사비용절감, 탐사임무효율화등의요구로인하여, 위성설계에있어경량화는오랜기간진행되어온연구주제였다. 이러한연구결과로서, 위성구조체를복합재료로대신하기위한구조경량화연구와적용이성과를거두었으며, 현재위성체프레임이나전개형안테나, 광학구조물등에경량탄소섬유강화복합재료의적용은보편화되어있다. 한편, 위성시스템에서전력, 통신, 명령 / 데이터처리, 자세제어및관측기기의각종전자장비를보호하는하우징구조물에는여전히금속재료가광범하게적용되고있다. 특히, 알루미늄합금은하우징재료로널리사용되는데, 강도, 강성, 열전달, 우주방사, 전기전도도및 EMI 차폐특성과더불어가공성이우수하다는장점을지닌반면에, 금속재료로서중량이상당하여위성경량화관점에서는한계를갖게하는단점이있다. 전자장비에부여된전자기능측면에서보면, 하우징은기생구조물로서, 경량으로제공될수록전자장비전체무게에서전자유닛만의무게가차지하는전기전자기능비가향상되고위성경량화에크게기여할수있다. 구조경량화를위하여전자장비하우징을경량복합재로대체하여설계및제작하였으며, 복합재하우징의강도, 강성, 열전달, 우주방사, 전기전도도및 EMI 차폐를검증할수있는방법에대하여검토하였다. [ 포 SB-55] 상용 PEM 소자의우주환경검증및응용 이창호, 이상택, 한동인 위성시스템의성능및무게, 비용등의요구조건이높아지면서시스템설계를위한고성능, 고효율의전기전자부품이요구되고있다. 이런요구를충족하기위하여 NASA 나 ESA 에서사용하고있는고신뢰성과안전성에바탕을둔기존의표준소자에비해신기술과고성능으로빠르게업그레이드되고있는상용부품의수요가증가하고있다. 특히상용집적소자인 PEM 은많은우주프로그램에서사용되고있고그영역을넓히기위한연구가계속되고있다. 본논문에서는우주프로그램에사용하기위한상용 PEM 소자의고려사항과검증동향에대해소개하고자한다. [ 포 SB-56] 착륙선용충격완충장치에대한고찰 이춘우 달착륙선등과같은특수목적을위해제작된우주용착륙선에는착륙시전달되는충격하중이탑재장비로전달되지못하도록연착륙 (soft-landing) 을위한충격흡수메커니즘이구현되어있어야한다. 일반적으로자동차및항공기에서는실린더와피스톤으로구성된유공압식완충장치를주로사용하여, 피스톤압축으로실린더내부오일또는압축공기가오리피스를통하여분출됨에따라유체마찰에너지를활용한충격흡수장치가일반적이다. 그러나이와같은지상장비용유공압식충격흡수메커니즘은진공및무중력우주환경하에서오리피스기능상실, 유압유기화현상및극저온 / 고온환경에서의성능저하등의문제점으로인하여우주용착륙선충격완충장치로적용이불가능하다. 따라서기존의우주용착륙선의대부분은충격에너지를기계적인좌굴소성변형에너지로변환하여충격을흡수할수있도록알루미늄허니콤을주로많이사용하여왔다. 본연구에서는진공및무중력우주환경에서착륙선충격완충장치로적용이가능하도록실리콘포옴과스프링을조합하여구성하였으며, 충격완충매체로유압유및공압을대체할수있도록실리콘포옴을후방사출성형방식으로적용하여오리피스를통과한실리콘포옴의변형에너지로충격에너지를흡수하게함으로서착륙완충효율을극대화할수있도록검토하였다. [ 포 SB-57] 고장대응훈련을위한시뮬레이터고장발생메커니즘소개 이훈희, 구철회, 주광혁 우주비행체의내부장치고장혹은외부환경에의한고장이발생할경우를대비하여가상모의시뮬레이터를이용한고장대응훈련이요구된다. 시뮬레이터개발초기에이러한고장발생메커니즘을설계에반영하지않는경우교관이작성한고장시나리오에의한유기적고장발생및고장전파기능을납품후추가요구하기는용이하지않다. 본논문에서는사용자가시뮬레이터를이용하여의도하는고장을의미있는시각 (Epoch) 에주입하기위한고장발생메커니즘구조를설명한다. 또한천리안위성시뮬레이터소프트웨어의고장발생예제를통해고장감지, 106 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 고장복구, 관제원의대응방법등을설명한다. [ 포 Range Safety Activities for the Launch of an Earth Observation Satellite Jeong-Heum Im 1,2 Korea Aerospace Research Institute has developed an earth observation satellite and it was launched into its orbit in 2012 by using a foreign commercial launch vehicle. The launch site authority has imposed safety requirements to the spacecraft developer to ensure the safety of the personnel and to protect launch vehicle, spacecraft and facilities from accidents associated with the satellite operation at the launch site. This paper describes the range safety activities implemented for the satellite and supporting equipments during the whole phase of their design, manufacturing/test and operation at the launch site. To ensure the integrated requirements for safety management and design, system safety program plan has been developed. And based upon the plan, spacecraft developer conducted hazard analysis to identify and establish safety requirements to reflect in designs, procedures, operations. The result of the hazard analysis has been complied into safety data packages and it was reviewed by launch site review board at the safety reviews and finally it was approved to launch. [ 포 SB-59] Launch Site Activities for the Launch of an Earth Observation Satellite Jeong-Heum Im 1,2 Korea Aerospace Research Institute has developed an earth observation satellite whose primary mission objective is to provide high resolution electro optical earth images for Geographical Information Systems (GIS) establishment and the applications for environmental, agriculture and ocean monitoring. It was successfully launched into its mission orbit by using a commercial launch vehicle on 18th of May, 2012. This paper describes a series of launch activity at the launch site including its transportation to the launch site. Before conducting the launch site operation, satellite operation plane was prepared. Combining the satellite operation plan and launch vehicle activities, an integrated launch site operation plan and schedule have been drawn up. After arrival of the spacecraft at the launch site, post-ship check out has been conducted. And then it was fuel loaded and integrated with launch vehicle hardware. After completion of final electrical check out, count down procedure was executed. on 18th of May, it was launched into the space and was separated from the launch vehicle as planned. About 3 months of early operation and calibration/validation, now the satellite is conducting its normal mission. [ 포 SB-60] 정지궤도위성용 ESD 시험장비개발 장경덕, 김태윤, 장재웅, 문귀원 궤도상에서지구의대기는태양의복사에너지에의하여양이온과음이온으로이온화된자유전자로존재하게되는데이러한상태를플라즈마환경이라고부른다. 인공위성이궤도에서운용될때, 플라즈마환경에서의강한에너지를가진전하들은위성을투과하여위성내부에축적될수있다. 이러한전하들은고립되어있는전도체의끝에모이게되고, 전하량이 breakdown 레벨에이르게되면아크방전이일어나게된다. 방전에의한전류가민감한회로에들어가게되면오동작이나기능손상을일으킬수있다. 보통저궤도위성이놓이게되는낮은고도와경사각에서플라즈마는밀도가높고낮은에너지를가지는반면, 정지궤도위성이놓이게되는높은고도의플라즈마는낮은밀도와지구자기폭풍등에기인하여높은에너지를갖는다. 따라서정지궤도인공위성의경우 ESD 의영향을좀더면밀하게검토하고검증할필요가있다. 본논문에서는정지궤도위성용 ESD 시험장비의개발결과에대하여논의한다. 시험장비는 ESD 건과 Spark gap, 몇몇의저항및캐패시터로구성된다. 정지궤도상에서의 ESD 방전전류를모사하는파형을구현하기위한방법과결과를소개하였다. [ 포 SB-61] 다목적실용위성 3 호 RFC 시험결과의이론적검증 장경덕, 김태윤, 장재웅, 문귀원 인공위성은지상에서부터발사및궤도운용까지다양한전자파환경에노출되며이러한환경에서의위성운용을검증하기위하여, 다양한전자파환경을모사하는전자파환경시험을수행하게된다. 특히, 궤도내에서위성의운용시지상국과의교신을위하여 X 밴드안테나와 S 밴드안테나에서지상국으로강한전자기파를방사하게되는데, 이방사에너지가위성에영향을주는지검증하는시험을지상에서수행한다. 이런시험을 RFC (RF Auto-Compatibility) 시험이라고부른다. RFC 시험은위성으로부터방사되는전자기파가외부에새어나가지않도록전자파챔버내에서시험하며, 강한전자기파를흡수할수있는고전력전파흡수체가설치된전자파챔버가필요하다. RFC 시험시 X 밴드안테나와 S 밴드안테나를최대전력으로방사시키고, 이때위성주변에전자파센서를부착하여전계강도를측정함으로써위성으로입사되는전자기파의세기가적정레벨이하인지를검증하고, 동시에위성의운용상태를확인하여위성에영향이없음을검증한다. 본논문에서는다목적실용위성 3 호의 RFC 시험시측정된전계강도를이론적으로검증하고, RS 시험시인가하는레벨과의상관관계를설명한다. RS 시험레벨의선정은위성안테나의방사레벨과관련이있으며 RFC 시험결과를검토함으로써 RFC 시험결과의유효성과 RF 레벨요구사항의적절성을검증한다. [ 포 SB-62] 달착륙선의전력시스템개념설계와 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 107

포스터발표논문초록 지상시험모델용추력기밸브구동전원장치개발 장성수, 주광혁 본논문은달착륙선의개념설계를위하여고려한전력시스템의설계와달착륙선의지상시험모델용추력기밸브구동전원장치개발에대해기술하였다. 달착륙선의임무특성을고려하여전력시스템의구조를검토하고, 극한의온도환경에서달착륙선의임무수행을위하여필요한전력에너지를충분히공급할수있도록태양전지배열기와배터리의용량, 그리고전장품의용량을설계하였다. 특히경량의달착륙선개발을위하여고효율의태양전지를이용한태양전지배열기와리튬 - 이온배터리를검토하였다. 극한의우주환경에서태양전지배열기의동작특성을검토하고생성될수있는최대전력을분석하여최적의태양전지배열기의면적을분석하고, 장시간의월식을고려하여배터리의방전특성에따른배터리의전압특성을검토하였다. 그리고달착륙선의전력시스템개념설계의타당성검토를위하여유럽에서개념설계중인달착륙선의전력시스템사양과용량에대해비교검토를수행하였다. 현재개발중인지상검증모델용달착륙선의전력시스템설계와추력기밸브구동전원장치의개발에관해기술하였다. 지상검증용전력시스템은태양전지배열기의장착없이배터리의전력만을사용하여지상검증모델용달착륙선의부하에전력을공급할수있도록설계되었다. 달착륙선지상시험모델의비행시간과임무에따른부하특성을고려하여상용리튬 - 이온배터리의용량을선정하였으며, 부하의전력을고려하여간단한보호회로를설계하였다. 그리고지상검증용전원시스템은추력기의밸브구동을위한추력기밸브구동전원장치, DC/DC 컨버터전원모듈, 모니터링모듈, 그리고위급상황에서전원을차단하기위한 "Emergency STOP" 모듈로구성되어있다. [ 포 SB-63] 궤도상에서의위성태양전력변환장치특성분석 장진백 1, 이상정 2 위성에서의전력시스템은임무를수행하기위하여위성본체와탑재체에서필요로하는전력을생성, 저장, 조절및분배하는역할을수행한다. 특히, 태양전력변환장치는태양전지판에서생성된전력을배터리와연결된일차전력으로의변환및배터리의충전제어를담당한다. 태양전력변환장치의동작은배터리의특성과자체전력변환용량에따라직접에너지전달모드, 최대전력추적모드, 테이프모드, 정전압모드및세류충전모드로구분될수있다. 본논문에서는리튬이온배터리를사용하는위성에서직접에너지전달모드, 최대전력추적모드및정전압모드를가지는태양전력변환장치에대한설계를기술한다. 설계된내용을기반으로제작된태양전력변환장치에대한궤도상에서의실제동작특성을분석하여설계를검증한다. [ 포 SB-64] 위성용전력변환장치를위한내부전원회로해석 장진백 1, 양정환 1, 이상정 2 있다. 전력회로는고전압, 대전류를직접처리하며, 제어회로는전력회로가의도한형태로전압과전류를변환할수있도록전력회로를제어하는역할을한다. 제어회로에이상동작할경우, 제어회로에의해동작하는전력회로도이상동작하게된다. 전력회로가이상동작하게되면위성전력계로문제가확산되어인공위성임무실패를초래할수있다. 따라서인공위성용전력변환장치의제어회로가안정적으로동작할수있도록, 제어회로에전원을공급하는내부전원회로는강인한동작이요구된다. 본논문에서는인공위성용제어회로의내부전원회로에대해대신호해석을수행하여내부전원회로가안정적으로정전압을출력할수있도록내부전원회로의설계안을제시한다. 또한내부전원회로에대해소신호해석을수행하여정전압을출력하는동안외란에대한출력전압의제어안정도를해석한다. [ 포 SB-65] 저궤도위성의궤도특성에따른버스운용고려사항 전문진, 김대영, 김규선 저궤도위성이발사체에서분리된후탑재소프트웨어에의한초기동작이수행되고나면초기운용이시작된다. 초기운용기간에수행할모든절차와대처가능한긴급상황이발생할경우수행할절차는발사전에미리준비된다. 위성의각부분의설계마진은최악조건을기준으로반영되어있기때문에발사이후의버스시스템관점에서의위성특성은요구사항을만족하는범위가될것으로예상이가능하다. 실제로발사후위성텔레메트리분석을통해대부분의항목에서요구조건을만족하는것으로확인되었다. 또한텔레메트리분석을통해설계단계에서예상했던것보다정확한궤도특성이반영된위성특성을파악하였다. 이러한특성은설계시고려했던상황과다르더라도실제궤도특성이반영된특성이므로초기운용및정상운용시에정상적인상황인것으로고려해야한다. 첫째, 지구알베도특성에따라태양센서값이궤도에따라변화한다. 위성의자세가정확히태양을지향하고있더라도태양센서에지구에서반사된빛이입사되어자세제어에영향을주게된다. 알베도의영향은적도에서극지방으로갈수록커지며, 계절에따라다른특성을보인다. 알베도의영향을최소화하기위해자세제어모델에알베도효과를고려하거나알베도효과를무시할수있을정도로자세제어오차한계를조정할수있다. 둘째, 위성의지구회피회전에의해태양전지판의온도가궤도에따라변화한다. 위성체는위성체에장착된두개의별센서의가시성확보를위해태양지향자세에서요축으로일정속도로회전한다. 남극부근에서는두태양센서가모두지구의반대편인남쪽을지향하도록하며, 북극부근에서는북쪽을지향하도록한다. 이때두태양센서의방향에장착된태양전지판은극지방에서지구반대편에위치하므로다른태양전지판에비해낮은온도를갖게된다. 이논문에서는위성의궤도특성에따른고려사항에대해설명하였다. [ 포 SB-66] 저궤도위성의태양전지판전개판단 전문진, 김대영, 김규선 인공위성용전력변환장치는전력회로와제어회로로구분할수 태양전지판의전개여부는저궤도위성의발사성공여부를판 108 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 단하는가장중요한항목중하나이다. 태양전지판이성공적으로전개되어야만태양지향자세제어에의해위성운용에필요한전력생성이가능하기때문이다. 그러므로발사후지상국교신을통해최우선적으로태양전지판의전개여부를판단한다. 태양전지판의전개여부는다양한실패상황에가정해총 5 가지조건을통해판단한다. 첫째, SAR1, SAR2 의입력전류가모두 0.8A 보다커야한다. 만약하나라도 0.8A 미만이라면한개이상의태양전지판이전개되지않고 1 번태양전지판이태양지향을하지못하는상황이다. 둘째, SAR1 입력전류와 SAR2 입력전류의값이유사해야한다. 만약입력전류값이크게차이가난다면 2 번과 3 번태양전지판중하나만태양지향을하는경우이다. 셋째, CSSA#5 출력전류가 3.2mA 보다커야한다. 만약 3.2mA 보다작다면 2 번과 3 번태양전지판의전개가실패하고 1 번태양전지판이태양지향을하는경우또는 1 번태양전지판이전개실패하고태양지향을하는경우이다. 넷째, S/C Roll, Pitch, Yaw rate 이모두 0.2 deg/sec 보다작아야한다. 만약 body rate 이크다면 1 번태양전지판의전개실패상황을예상할수있다. 다섯째, 각태양전지판의온도차이가 3 5 보다작아야한다. 만약온도차이가크다면 1 번태양전지판전개실패상황에서 2 번과 3 번태양전지판이태양지향을하는경우이다. 총다섯가지의조건을모두만족해야만태양전지판이성공적으로전개되었다고판단한다. 태양전지판의전개판단은위성이발사체에서분리되고약 4500 초이후시점에스발바드지상국과의교신을통해확인되었다. 이시점의 SAR1 입력전류는약 2.00A, SAR2 입력전류는약 1.93A 였기때문에모두 0.8A 보다크고서로유사한값임을확인했다. CSSA#5 의출력전류는약 3.5mA 의값을나타냈다. S/C Roll rate 은 -0.0084 deg/sec, Pitch rate 은 -0.0072 deg/sec, Yaw rate 은 -0.0303 deg/sec 의값을나타냈다. 각태양전지판의최대온도차이는 7.7 의값을나타냈다. 5 가지조건을모두만족함으로써태양전지판전개는성공적으로수행된것으로판단했다. [ 포 SB-67] TRIO-CINEMA 의시스템 harness 전제헌 1, 이효정 1, 채규성 1, 선종호 1, 진호 1, 이동훈 1, Robert P. Lin 2, Thomas Immel 2 TRIO-CINEMA(TRiplet Ionospheric Observatory-Cubesat for Ion, Neutron, Electron & MAgnetic field) 는지구근접공간에서의미세자기장변화및중성입자의검출을목적으로경희대학교와 UC Berkeley 가공동개발하는초소형위성이다. 초소형위성은내부공간이협소하여효율적인공간배치및위성체발사시진동에도견딜수있도록 harness 가제작되어야한다. CINEMA 는 OBC, EPS, 배터리, 수신기, IIB(Instrument Interface Board), MAGIC(MAGnetometer Imperial College) board, HVPS(High Voltage Power Supply) 로구성된 avionics bus 와 MAGIC, STEIN (Supra Thermal Electron, Ion, Neutral) 의 payload, Solar panel, UHF 와 S-band 안테나로구성되어있다. Solar panel 에서생산된전력은 EPS 를통해배터리에저장되고 PC104 를통해 avionics stack 의각 board 로전력이분배된다. IIB 는탑재체파트와연결되어이를제어하고 HVPS 에서 STEIN 에공급되는고전압은특수와이어를통해연결되며 UHF 안테나와 S-band 안테나는 RF 케이블로수신기와송신기가연결되어있다. 각각의 harness 는케이블타이와 lacing tape 로위성체와고정되며커넥터는고정지지대를제작하여나사로체결하였다. CINEMA 에적용된 harness 는진동시험과열진공시험을통해 harness 와시스템의안정성이검증되었다. [ 포 SB-68] 인공위성개발을위한효율적인프로그램검증시스템 전현진, 임성빈, 이상록 인공위성개발과정에서인공위성개발을지원하는다양한프로그램개발이요구되는데, 이러한프로그램의마지막개발단계는프로그램검증단계가된다. 프로그램검증단계를통해발견된오류나미비사항이발견되면이를보완하는과정을거치게된다. 하지만, 기존의프로그램검증방식은프로그램검증자가문제상황에대해수작업으로일일이보고하는방식을기반으로하고있어정상적인프로그램검증이실패할수도있다. 이러한단점으로인해최악의경우, 필요기능미비또는오류에의한인공위성개발일정의지연을가져올수도있다. 따라서본논문에서는성공적인인공위성개발을위한기존의비효율적인프로그램검증방식을자동화하는효율적인프로그램검증시스템을새롭게제시한다. 본논문에서제시한효율적인프로그램검증시스템은프로그램검증자가프로그램을이용하면서발생하는메시지를저장하고문제상황발생시에이를중앙서버로전송하는방식을채택하고있다. 이러한인공위성개발을위한효율적인프로그램검증시스템은기존의비효율적인보고방식을자동화함으로해서프로그램검증시스템의효율을극대화하여성공적인인공위성개발을지원할것으로판단된다. [ 포 SB-69] 저궤도위성 S 대역송수신기의레인징성능분석 조승원, 김영윤, 허윤구, 채동철, 최종연 저궤도위성은크게탑재체 (Payload) 와본체 (Bus System) 로구성된다. 버스시스템은다시여러서브시스템으로나뉘는데그중의하나가원격측정명령계이다. 원격측정명령계는위성의각서브시스템에대한정보를텔레메트리를사용하여지상으로전송하고지상으로부터커맨드를받아서이에대한명령을수행한다. 이때 S 대역송수신기를통해 RF 로변복조되어지상과통신을하게된다. 보통저궤도위성의송수신기는레인징기능을제공하는데이는위성의궤도를예측하는데사용된다. 위성의궤도를예측하기위해서는위치를알아야하는데이때지상국에서일정한톤신호를위성으로보내되돌아오는신호를측정하여위상차를통해거리를측정하게된다. 위성에탑재되는송수신기는설계상고유의레인징신호지연값을가지게되는데이는위성발사후위성과의거리측정시계산에영향을미치게된다. 때문에이에대한정확한값을미리획득하여발사후위성궤도예측에사용되어야한다. 본논문에서는한국항공우주연원에서개발한저궤도위성의송수신기를사용하여정확한레인징측정방법을통해결과값을제시하여레인징성능을확인하고또한장기간에걸친모니터링을통해경향을파악하여송수신기의성능을확인하여추후이를지상국과위성사이의통신에활용할수있게한다. 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 109

포스터발표논문초록 [ 포 SB-70] 정지궤도위성의원격측정데이터흐름분석사례연구 조창권 위성은임무를수행함에있어수많은주변장치와탑재체로부터데이터를받는다. 이렇게획득된데이터를활용하여위성의자세도제어하고전력도관리하며탑재체목적에따라기상도관측하고해양도관측하는임무들을수행한다. 또한위성을개발하면서수행되는여러가지테스트에도데이터를활용한다. 이런일련의업무를수행하면서획득된데이터는위성내부의관련장치들에대한상태정보를확인하고지상국에서이상유무를판단할수있는정보도제공하게된다. 그러나원하는모든데이터를지상으로보내기에는대역폭이나저장공간에제약사항이있다. 이런이유로필요한데이터를일정포맷에맞도록정의한후데이터를내려보낸다. 이런데이터는지상에서데이터베이스로관리된다. 본논문에서는국내최초정지궤도위성인천리안위성의데이터베이스를분석하여원격측정데이터의흐름을이해하고자한다. [ 포 SB-71] 저궤도위성다운링크제어절차 채동석, 이재승, 천이진 위성에서생성된원격측정데이터를지상으로전송하는다운링크방식에는저속전송방식과고속전송방식이있다. 저속전송방식에서는실시간데이터만전송되고고속전송방식에서는실시간데이터와함께대용량메모리에저장된데이터를동시에전송할수있다. 정상적인경우고속전송방식으로운영되어실시간데이터와함께대용량메모리에저장된데이터에서마지막으로전송된지점부터새로저장된지점까지전송하는방식으로운영된다. 대용량메모리는주 / 부 2 개의탑재컴퓨터에각각탑재되어사용되는데, 사용되는메모리가변경되는경우이에따라다운링크채널및해당채널의전송속도도변경해주어야한다. 지상에서변경하는경우, 사용되는메모리및전송방식을고려하여이에따른명령절차를수행해야하고, 위성에서사용되는메모리를자동적으로변경하는경우에는다운링크채널및해당채널의전송속도를자동적으로변경하여지상에서다운링크가중단되는경우가없도록되어있다. 본논문은차세대저궤도위성다운링크제어절차에대한것으로생성된원격측정데이터를지상으로전송하기위한다운링크방식, 다운링크채널변경절차, On-Board 에서수행되는다운링크채널자동변경방식에대해서소개한다. [ 포 SB-72] 소형경량의위성용초고주파신호분배기개발 최승운, 임원규, 김중표, 이상곤 위성용초고주파신호분배기 ( 이하, RFDU) 는위성에장착된두개의안테나와두개의송수신기사이에위치하게되며, 지상으로부터송신된제어신호와위성의상태정보신호를전달 / 분배하는 RF 신호경로를제공하게된다. 기존의위성용 RFDU 의구조는 cavity 형태의필터로구성된 diplexer 와 hybrid RF coupler 및저역통과필터들이서로 SMA 케이블로연결되어있는부피가큰구조이다. 또한차세대위용용부품들은위성을경제성등을고려하여소형 / 경량화개발이요구되고있으며, 특히위성용 S 대역 TC/TM 통신링크에서 RFDU 와트랜스폰더는소형경량화를위해단일 unit 으로개발되고있다. 이에따라기존의 RFDU 또한전기적성능을유지하면서소형 / 경량화개량개발이필요하다. 본연구에서는기존 RFDU 의소형경량화를위해 PCB 와 housing 을이용하여 cavity 필터특성을갖는 diplxer 를개발 / 구현하였으며, PCB 페턴을통한내부인터페이스용 SMA 케이블제거등을적용하였다. 또한 microstrip 타입의저역통과필터을적용하여소형경량화를이루었으며, 새로이개발된소형 / 경량의 RFDU 는전기적으로기존의그것과유사하거나동등한특성을갖는것을확인하였으며, 기존 RFDU 대비무게및부피는 60% 이상감소하여소형 / 경량화개발을성공하였다. 본개발결과물은향후차세대위성용 RFDU 개발을위한기초자료로활용할것이다. [ 포 SB-73] 차기정지궤도위성태양전지판무중력전개시험장치적합성검토연구 최정수, 박종석, 김형완 항공우주연구원에설치되어있는태양전지판무중력전개시험장치는지상전개시험시지구자중으로인해발생하는하중과마찰력을상쇄하여우주궤도상에서전개되는것과동일하게태양전지판이전개되도록구성되어있다. 이를위해에어베어링을사용하여전개시발생할수있는전개방향으로의마찰력을상쇄하고, 지구중력으로인한영향이없도록하기위해중력축에대해각레일이수평이되도록정밀하게정렬되어야한다. 본연구에서는천리안위성의정밀조립및전개시험에사용되었던태양전지판무중력전개시험장치를차기정지궤도위성의대형태양전지판에적용하였을때에도전개시험이가능한지를카티아디지털목업시뮬레이션을사용해모사하고검토되어야할주요사항들에대해분석하였다. 탑재체 [ 포 ID-43] 위성탑재용카메라전자제어기개발 공종필, 김영선, 박종억, 용상순 위성에사용되는전자광학카메라는통상광기계부와광전자부그리고데이터전송부로구성된다. 본논문에서는광전자부의일부유닛인카메라제어기의개발내용을다루었다. 카메라전자제어기는위성체로부터의명령을기반으로광전자부의가장중요한역할인영상촬영을비롯한광전자부전체의동작제어, 내부의텔레미트리송신그리고전자광학카메라의포커싱등을수행하게된다. 논문에서는먼저광전자부전체블록내에서, 개발중인카메라제어기의구조및기능등에대해설명한다. 그리고전자제어신호에의한영상밴드간의커플링을없애기위한밴드간에전기적으로분리된인터페이스에대한설명및초기부팅과정과포커싱제어와관련된설계내용및시험결과를기술하였다. 110 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 [ 포 ID-44] 위성광학카메라원격명령및상태정보시험소프트웨어설계 김영선, 공종필, 박종억, 용상순 지상시험에서위성카메라의규격에정의된모든원격명령과상태정보인터페이스를확인하고카메라의기능시험을수행해야한다. 위성카메라는많은원격명령및상태정보인터페이스를정의하여사용하므로수작업으로이모든인터페이스및기능을시험하는것은무리가있다. 따라서빠르고, 정확하고, 꼼꼼하게이를점검하기위한시험소프트웨어가필요하다. 시험소프트웨어는모든원격명령을카메라에전송하고, 원격상태정보를수신하여명령의동작여부와카메라의상태를확인한다. 소프트웨어는명령마다임의로파라미터를세팅할수있어정상적인명령에대한카메라의동작뿐만아니라, 비정상명령에대한처리능력까지살필수있다. 또한시스템의메모리에데이터를업로드혹은다운로드할때는데이터의양이많기때문에소프트웨어는여러서브명령으로나누어전송하거나수신하는것이필요하다. 메모리업로드다운로드를위해소프트웨어는인터페이스규격에맞추어헤더정보를생성하고, 데이터분석을위해별도의기능을갖는다. 소프트웨어는비주얼 C++ 과네트워크기반의데이터소켓버스를이용하여설계하였다. 메인 GUI 는데이터소켓버스를이용하여로컬컴퓨터의서버를구동하여카메라를제어하고영상데이터를수신한다. 소프트웨어는유저가운용하기쉽고, 모든명령과상태정보인터페이스를빠짐없이점검하기위해기능별로분류하였으며명령과연관된상태정보를함께체크할수있도록하였다. 또한시험시카메라의상태를확인하기위하여전원상태, 온도, 기본상태정보를항상모니터링하는기능을추가적으로갖는다. [ 포 ID-45] 영상센서별제어시스템특성분석 박종억, 공종필, 김영선, 용상순 이논문에서는다양한정보획득을목적으로설계되는카메라의핵심부품인영상센서의종류별동작특성에대해분석하였다. 카메라의영상센서는기본적으로카메라광학계설계에영향을받으며, 운용의편이성, 획득영상의품질및사용되는환경에따라적당한영상센서가선택되어사용된다. 용도에따라탑재체에할당된무게및크기가제한되므로, 적당한광학계의크기와목표영상획득을위해센서의화소면크기가결정된다. 가시광선영역에서는 Charge Coupled Device(CCD), complementary metal-oxide semiconductor(cmos) 및 NMOS 등의종류별영상센서가사용될수있으며, 충분한광량확보를위해서는넓은크기의화소를보유한센서가필요하지만, 이경우광학계의크기와무게가증가하여한정된자원이허락된탑재체설계에부담이된다. 제어단설계시빛의수광능력이좋은 CCD 영상센서를사용할경우좀더복잡하고비교적높은소비전력이요구되는전자부가설계되며, 상대적으로간단한제어단이요구되는 CMOS 센서의경우, 빛의수광능력이 CCD 에비해떨어진다는단점이있다. 이논문에서는두가지영상센서의특성분석을통해영상시스템설계시영상센서선택에필요한고려사항에대해분석하였고, 효율적인영상시스템설계방안에대해서술하 였다. [ 포 ID-46] 저궤도관측용다중카메라성능및활용분석 신상윤, 용상순 저궤도관측용다중카메라를통해고해상도위성을제공할수있으며, 지도제작이나환경, 농업, 해양지역모니터링등의목적으로사용될수있다. 특히항공촬영및지구관측을통해수치표고모델 (DEM) 추출을함으로써촬영지역의고도정보를포함하는입체영상을얻는데유용하다. 또한, 달관측을위한관측위성에장착할경우달표면의지형을정밀하게얻어내어달표면고도지형지도제작및향후달탐사선을통한달탐사시탐사지역선정에필요한정보를제공할수있다. 다중카메라를포함한탑재체시스템은크게광학부와카메라전자부로구성된다. 광학부에서는입체촬영및줌인이가능한광학계를제공하며, 카메라전자부에서는광학계를통해검출기로입사되는빛에너지를전자신호로변환하고, 이를카메라전자부영상출력형식으로변환하게된다. 특히, 다중카메라를각각제어하기위한정밀제어로직, 다양한촬영지원모드, 다중카메라영상자료및영상처리를위한추가적인영상정보를제공한다. 본논문에서는저궤도관측용다중카메라를이용한다양한활용에따른각모드별성능분석방법을제안한다. 이를위해각촬영조건에따라필요한파라미터를분석하고실제활용시예상되는성능을분석해본다. 또한다중카메라를통해얻어진영상을처리하는데필요한처리과정및처리된영상을활용하는방법을제시한다. 특히다중카메라촬영을통해얻어진영상데이터의특성을알아보고, 이를보정및처리하기위해필요한추가적인정보, 영상파라미터, 처리단계및최종결과물을검증하는방법을제시한다. [ 포 ID-47] ompound Test 를활용한위성비행소프트웨어의검증 신현규, 양승은, 이재승, 천이진 위성에탑재되어위성의상태를모니터링하며, 지상으로부터명령을받아위성본연의임무수행이가능하게하는위성비행소프트웨어는그개발단계에서다양한검증활동이이루어진다. 설계검증및리뷰, 인스펙션을거쳐소스코드로구현된후, 단위시험을통해가장낮은수준의검증을거치게된다. 이러한단위시험은개별함수에대해입력에따른해당출력및동작여부를검사하게된다. 단위시험이하나의함수에대한시험항목이라는점은검증대상의스코프가좁다는장점이있으나, 다른모듈과연동되었을경우에발생할수있는다양한경우를고려하여테스트케이스를작성해야하는어려움이있다. 이러한문제점을해결하기위하여단위시험과함께, 연관된함수가이미구현되어있는경우, Stubbing 을하기보다는직접해당함수를사용하며, 또한동등한수준의개별함수들을주어진시나리오에따라동작하는 Compound Test 를활용, 그결과를확인하는방법을도입하였다. 이를이용하면단위시험에서는검증하기어려운상황별시나리오에따른검증활동을수행할수있고, 또한전체위성비행소프트웨어를빌드할필요없이테스트의대상이되는함수만을이용, 나머지부분은기존의방식을그대로적용 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 111

포스터발표논문초록 할수있어, 위성비행소프트웨어의안전성및신뢰성을보다향상시킬수있다. [ 포 ID-48] 해양관측위성 2 호관측계획초기분석결과 안기범, 오은송, 조성익, 유주형, 박영제, 안유환 해양관측위성 2호 (Geostationary Ocean Color Imager-II, GOCI-II) 는 2017년에미션이종료되는천리안해양관측위성 (GOCI) 의후속위성으로, 2018년발사예정이다. 해양관측위성 2호는천리안해양관측위성과동일한정지궤도위성으로동경 128.2도적도상공에위치하여임무를수행하게된다. 총 13개의분광밴드로관측이이루어지며, 370 nm 900 nm (VIS/NIR) 11개, 0.9μm ~ 1.3μm (SWIR) 2개의분광밴드로구성될예정이다. 관측모드는지역관측 (LA, Local Area) 과전구관측 (Full Disk) 으로구성되며, 지역관측은천리안해양관측위성과동일한한반도중심 2,500 km x 2,500 km 영역에대하여천리안대비 2배향상된공간해상도 250m로관측할예정이다. 관측횟수는기본적으로기존천리안해양관측위성과동일하게낮시간기준 1 일 8회관측이이뤄지지만, 태양고도가높은하절기에는 1일 10 회관측이수행된다. 전구관측은 12,800 km x 12,800 km 이상의영역을관측하며전지구적관점의해양기후변화관측임무를수행하며, 1일 1회준실시간형태로관측이진행된다. 본연구에서는정지궤도에서의관측으로인한지역관측영역내에서위치별공간해상도의차이, 탑재예정광검출기의각후보별촬영슬롯개수의변화와지역관측영역에서계절에따른태양고도변화분석을통한 1일관측횟수에대해논하고자한다. [ 포 ID-49] 원격탐사광학탑재체의스캔에의한영상번짐효과분석 연정흠 1, 이응식 1, 이덕규 1, 이승훈 2 원격탐사광학탑재체는촬영방식에따라대상물을응시하여촬영하는응시 (staring) 방식과스캔하여촬영하는스캐닝 (scanning) 방식으로나뉠수있다. 인공위성을이용한원격탐사에서는위성의궤도에따라촬영방식에제한이생기는데, 저궤도에서지구관측을하는전자광학카메라의경우위성의공전속도에의해서지표면을스캔하는방식으로촬영을수행하는푸시브룸스캔 (push broom scan) 방식이많이사용된다. 스캔방식으로영상을촬영하면스캔에평행한방향과수직인방향의광학적영상품질이달라질수있다. 스캔에평행한방향은스캔에의한영상번짐효과가나타나기때문이다. 본연구에서는스캔에의한영상번짐효과로발생하는 MTF 성능에대하여분석하였다. 검출기레벨에서의영상번짐효과및다단계 (multi-phase) 검출기를사용했을때의영향에대하여분석하였다. [ 포 ID-50] 대구경광학탑재체광구조부의길이안정성측정장치 연정흠, 이응식, 장수영, 이덕규 대구경고해상도광학탑재체의광구조부는주반사경과부반사경등을포함한주요광학부품들과검출기를포함한초점면조립부등을고정지지해주는부분으로, 발사시전달되는진동및우주열환경하에서의길이안정성을광학성능범위내로유지하여야한다. 광학탑재체의성능에가장큰영향을미치는것은주반사경과부반사경의광축방향의길이안정성으로, 광학탑재체의작동온도범위내에서수마이크로미터내외로안정성이요구된다. 이를실현하기위하여주반사경과부반사경의간격은열및흡습에둔감한탄소섬유강화수지복합재로되어있는경통구조물로설계, 제작된다. 제작된경통구조물의길이안정성을검증하기위해서는별도의정밀측정장치가필요하게된다. 본논문에서는이러한길이안정성측정장치에대해기술한다. 온도에대해변화가거의없는 (CTE<0.1ppm/K) Zerodur 소재의막대구조물을기준스케일로삼았고, 이를지지하기위해 Invar 소재의구조물을사용하였다. 주반사경의베젤부위와부반사경의접속부위의변위변화를세점에서측정하여길이안정성을측정할수있게하였다. [ 포 ID-51] Research on the Waveform Generator Technology for the SAR Payload Young-Jin Won, Young-Su Youn, and Jin-Hee Kim Digital waveform generation technology for SAR payload can be divided into DDS(Direct Digital Synthesizer) method and Memory Mapped(M/M) method. DDS is the single chip which consists of the Sine Table, NCO(Numerically Controlled Oscillator), DAC, and so on. DDS method is a very simple method because the circuit configuration is not complex but has a disadvantage that can not control phase and amplitude easily by using NCO. M/M method has the complexity of the circuit configuration because it requires the memories which stores the waveforms, the control circuits, and DAC. And this method should apply the high interface technology for being compatible with the wide bandwidth of the digital signal and has the difficulty for PCB design because the number of the signal lines should be increased according to the number of the data bits for DAC. Although it has several disadvantages, this method has the capability of pre-distortion function which can compensate the phase and amplitude characteristics of the system and also has an excellent advantage to make any arbitrary waveform, so this method is considered as an important technology with DDS method. This research describes the technological trends of the waveform generator for the SAR payload and analyzes the characteristics of the technology. [ 포 ID-52] 원격탐사위성의탑재체자료전송장치를위한시험검증장비의개발 이상택 1, 진영배 2 본논문에서는탑재체자료전송장치의시험검증을위한장비개발에관하여소개한다. 원격탐사위성에탑재되는고성능원격측 112 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

포스터발표논문초록 정센서는대용량데이터를생성하며탑재체자료전송장치를통하여고주파통신에의해지상으로전송된다. 따라서탑재체자료전송장치의검증은전체인공위성개발에있어서매우중요하다. 시험검증장비는송신되는수신자료를수신하여여러장비로분배해주는고주파신호분배모듈, 계측기및복조기등다양한장비로구성된다. 시험검증장비는고성능고주파신호부품, 다양한전자장비와이를통합, 제어운영하는다양한복잡한소프트웨어가필요하여개발이어렵다. 본논문에서는초기제작시험검증장비와최종제작시험검증장비사이의차이와성능, 기능의향상을위한설계변경등을통하여이에대한어려움을극복한과정과설계근거와장비선택등제반사항에대하여기술하여이후관련유사장비의개발에있어도움이되고자한다. [ 포 ID-53] 원격탐사위성의탑재체전송자료검증을위한소프트웨어의개발 이상택 1, 강효원 2 본논문에서는탑재체전송자료검증을위한소프트웨어개발에관하여소개하고자한다. 원격탐사위성에탑재되는고성능원격측정센서는대용량데이터를생성하며탑재체자료전송장치를통하여고주파통신에의해지상으로전송된다. 지상으로전송되는대용량데이터는다양한통신경로의외란으로부터보호등을위하여채널코딩을수행된다. 또한대용량데이터의실시간전송을위하여압축이수행되며보안을위한암호화역시수행된다. 본논문에서는이러한탑재체자료를검증하기위한소프트웨어들과이러한소프트웨어의구성체계등에관하여기술하고있다. [ 포 ID-54] 달탐사를위한 Hyperspectral Camera / Stereo Imager 인증모델 임여명 1, 민경욱 1, 임태호 1, 최연주 1, 함종욱 1, 이진근 2, 김희준 2, 최영완 3, 김성수 4 현상을보정하였고전체무게를 1.5 kg 으로줄여서시험모델보다 30% 이상줄일수있었다. 파장분해능은 20nm 로시험모델보다더개선된분해능을얻을수있었다. 출력효율의증대를위해 power board 의수정을수행하였다. [ 포 ID-55] 광학탑재체조립시험용짐발장치개발 장수영 1, 연정흠 1, 이응식 1, 정대준 1, 육영춘 1, 고대호 1, 김성희 1, 이덕규 1, 이승훈 2 본논문에서는대구경광학탑재체의조립, 정렬및시험에사용되는고정밀, 고안정짐발장치의개발에대해서소개하고자한다. 광학탑재체의광학시험을위해사용되는짐발장치는광축높이를유지하기위해서높이조절이가능해야하고, 조립과정과광학시험과정그리고시험후광학탑재체를짐발장치로부터분리하기위해수평상태와수직상태로의회전이가능해야한다. 광학측정시험과정중에결상위치의미세한조절을위해광학탑재체를수평상태에서상하좌우정밀한회전이가능해야한다. 우주궤도환경하에서성능측정을위해열진공체임버안에서의광학시험이필요하므로짐발장치를구성하는재질은모두진공사용이적합한것이어야한다. 광학측정중에측정설비주변에서부터인가된외란은광학시험과같은민감한시험에서는철저하게제거되어야하는데, 이와관련하여짐발장치의광학측정시험형상에서의고유진동수와같은동적특성도설계과정에반영하여안정적인측정장치가되도록고려되어야한다. [ 포 ID-56] GEANT4, SPENVIS 를이용한 STEIN 검출기의배경계수예측 전종호 1, 박성하 1, 김용호 2, 선종호 1, 진호 1, 이동훈 1, Robert P. Lin 1,3, Thomas Immel 3 지금까지해외의여러달궤도선에서달의영상을다양한방법으로관측한것에서알수있듯이영상관측은달탐사에서중요한부분이다. 특히그중에서입체영사기 (Stereo Imager) 는달의 3 차원적영상을관측하여달표면의구조를파악할수있고분광카메라 (Hyperspectral Camera) 는달표면을이루고있는물질을분광정보를통해서알아낼수있다. 본연구에서는우리나라가 2020 년경독자적인달궤도선을계획하고있는것에발맞추어이두관측장비를설계해보았다. 본연구에서설계한탑재체는하나의광학계를이용해가시광영역에서동시에입체영상과분광영상을얻을수있는장치이며, 달표면에서의궤도선의속도와저장가능한정보의양을고려하여 100 km 의고도에서속도를 1.6 km/s 로가정할때 interline CCD 가 17.5 m 의공간분해능을갖기위해 92 frame/s 이상의 frame rate 로관측을수행할수있게하였다. 특히분광카메라는 wedge filter 를사용하여광학계의부담을줄였으며검출기로는 interline CCD 를사용하여 channel 수를조절할수있도록하였다. 또한달표면을구성하는입자의크기에대한정보를얻을수있는편광판도설치하였다. 시험모델의문제점을분석하여새롭게개선된탑재체를설계하여개발하였다. 렌즈를수정해 vignetting 과왜곡 경희대학교에서제작중인초소형위성 TRIO-CINEMA(TRiplet Ionosphere Observatory-Cubesat for Ion, Neutral, Electron and MAgnetic fields) 에탑재될입자검출기 STEIN (Supra Thermal Electron, Ion, Neutral) 은정전편향기를이용하여 4 300keV 의대전입자혹은중성입자들을분리하여검출하도록이루어져있다. CINEMA 운용궤도에서는 STEIN 정전편향기를통하지않고검출기내부로들어오는입자들로부터생기는배경계수가포함되어검출될것으로예상되므로 STEIN 검출기의결과값의신뢰성을높이기위해배경계수값을예측할필요성이있다. 본연구에서는 SPENVIS(The Space Environment Information System) 를통해 CINEMA 운용궤도에존재하는입자들의유량을계산하였고 GEANT4(GEometry ANd Tracking) 를통해 CINEMA 운용궤도상의 STEIN 의외부환경을모사하여배경계수값을예측하였다. 향후 STEIN 의측정값에배경계수값을차감한다면측정값의신뢰성이높아질것으로기대된다. [ 포 ID-57] 정지궤도위성용해색센서의궤도상복사보정운영현황 조성익 1,2, 오은송 1, 안기범 1, 박영제 1, 안유환 1, 유주형 1 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 113

포스터발표논문초록 메라를정속으로회전시켜영상을획득하여다양한카메라의기능을검증하였다. 한국해양과학기술원해양위성센터에서주관운영을수행하고있는천리안위성의해양탑재체인천리안해양관측위성 ( 이하 GOCI) 은정지궤도위성용해색센서로서, 태양을광원으로지구상의해수표면부근에서반사되어대기를통과한가시광및근적외대역을 8개밴드로분광하여관측하는센서이다. 해색센서의경우, 일반적으로센서에입사되는광신호의약 90% 가대기에의한신호이며, 약 10% 에해당되는신호만원래관측목적인해수에의한신호이기때문에, 5% 이내의높은복사보정정확도가요구된다. 이러한높은복사보정정확도를만족시키기위해서는, 지상에서의현장관측을통한위성자료검보정뿐만아니라, 발사후위성궤도상에서센서의복사보정을수행하는궤도상복사보정이체계적으로수행되어야한다. GOCI는태양을기준광원으로하는태양광복사보정을채택하여, 센서의셔터부에태양광복사보정을위한 2개의태양광확산기 (Solar Diffuser) 를장비하고있다. 본발표에서는궤도상시험후약 16개월에걸친궤도상복사보정운영결과와관련하여, 발사후일별, 월별, 계절별등각기간별센서의이득변화를관찰하였으며, 그결과 1년을기준으로약 3% 범위로주기적인이득변화가있음을확인하였다. 지상시험결과와의비교에의해, 태양광확산기에대한태양입사각이이러한주기적인이득변화의주원인임을궤도상복사보정운영결과를통해밝히고자한다. [ 포 ID-58] 다기능전자광학카메라의지상촬영을통한기능검증 허행팔, 용상순 원격탐사를위한지구관측용전자광학카메라는높은해상도, 넓은관측폭및높은선명도를제공하기위하여부피가크고무거우며, 큰전력을소모하여, 위성본체의대부분을차지하도록개발된다. 그러나, 달탐사를위해달궤도선이나달착륙선에장착되는전자광학카메라는, 고해상도의고성능을가지도록개발되기보다는, 다기능의집적도높은소형카메라로개발되는것이일반적이다. 이에따라, 달탐사용다기능전자광학카메라개발을위한기술검증을위하여지상모델이개발되었다. 본카메라는 CMOS 센서를사용하여컴팩트하게설계하였고, 스테레오영상생성을위해두개의카메라가동시에운영되며, 줌기능을구현하여다양한조건에서도영상획득이가능하도록설계되었다. 또한달궤도선과착륙선에서 1D 관측및 2D 관측이선택적으로가능하도록설계되었다. 개발된지상모델은실험실에서수행하는통상적인기능및성능시험을수행하였고, 스테레오영상의생성기능등의검증을위하여야외에서카메라를정속으로회전하며 push broom 방식의 1D 촬영모드에대한시험을수행한다. 또한, 항공촬영을통해 1D 및 2D 촬영을수행하여, 영상데이터의처리및스테레오영상데이터생성등의검증단계를거친다. 본논문발표에서는다기능의전자광학카메라를지상에서동작시켜실제영상을뽑아내고, 생성된데이터를처리하여, 설계된카메라의여러가지기능들에대해검증하는방법들에대해정리및발표한다. 즉, 달궤도에맞게설계된카메라의노출시간등을조절하고, push broom 방식을모사하기위하여카 114 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

정관및규정 사단법인한국우주과학회정관 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 115

정관및규정 116 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

정관및규정 사단법인한국우주과학회시행세칙 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 117

정관및규정 사단법인한국우주과학회사무국규정 118 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

정관및규정 한국우주과학회학술지투고규정 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 119

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정관및규정 연구윤리위원회의설치 운영에관한규정 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 123

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정관및규정 포상위원회운영에관한세부규정 임원선출규정 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 125

정관및규정 한국우주과학회용역사업규정 126 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

제 30 차정기총회

제 30 차정기총회 한국우주과학회제 29 차정기총회회의록 128 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

제 30 차정기총회 사업보고 학술대회준비위원회보고 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 129

제 30 차정기총회 학술보고 포상위원회보고 130 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012

제 30 차정기총회 한국우주과학회보제 21 권 2 호, 2012 년 10 월 131

제 30 차정기총회 감사보고 132 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 21(2), Oct 2012