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creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green communication environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity value commitment global idea solution excellence dedication growth leadership expert experience potential success spirit ambition efficiency brand responsibility green environment integrity profit opportunity aspiration creativity

세상에는수많은이야기들이넘쳐납니다. 전하고싶은이야기들이많아질수록그이야기에귀기울이는사람은적어집니다. 말 은넘쳐나지만, 진정한 커뮤니케이션 은어려워지는세상속에서 intonation 은진심이전달되는소통을꿈꿉니다.

intonation in to na tion n. 1 [U.C] ( 소리의 ) 억양, 어조 (cf. STRESS) 2 읊음, 영창, 음창 ( 吟唱 )

Intonation, 억양의역할은이야기의흐름을유연하게조절하고적절한강약으로메시지의전달력을높이는것입니다. 인토네이션은고객의효과적인커뮤니케이션을위한억양의역할을하고싶습니다.

what you need... 우리보고서를 수많은보고서중에서 선택되고기억되는 보고서로만들고싶다.

what is our goal... 우리의목표는, 당신의성공입니다.

성공한보고서에있는것, 실패한보고서에없는것. 실패한보고서에없는것.

명확하고단순한 Message, 그리고 Message 를뒷받침하는 Story 와 Design.


명확하고단순한 message 를만드는것은, 핵심을꿰뚫어보는통찰 ( 洞察 ) 과전체적인흐름을조망하는통찰 ( 通察 ), 즉, Insight 와 Overview 의시너지입니다.

story message

story 는 진정성에기반할때 Message 를뒷받침하는강력한힘을발휘합니다. 고객만이가진이야기를찾아내어, 그이야기에특별함을부여하는스토리텔링 (Storytelling) 의힘입니다.

design message story

핵심은 design 입니다. 인간의인지는 70% 이상시각에의해결정되기때문입니다. 기업의비주얼적특성에대한깊은통찰과 Message 의효과적인전달을위한깊은고민이결합된디자인이성공한보고서를만듭니다.


당신만을위한 Story 와 design 으로, 인토네이션은 당신의 message 를 세상에전하고 기억되게합니다.

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LG 화학 Annual Report 2005 225 270mm \ 108page \ 비세븐 250 \ 비세븐 118 Mercomm 2006 Galaxy Award 'Bronze'

금호석유화학 Annual Report 2006 215 270mm \ 82page \ CCP 250 \ 이코노실크 128 \ 프리미엄스테이지 128

금호석유화학 Annual Report 2005 215 270mm \ 72page \ CCP 250 \ 이코노실크 128 \ 프리미엄스테이지 128

금호석유화학 Annual Report 2004 215 260mm \ 62 page \ CCP 250 \ 비세븐 128

KTB 투자증권 Annual Report 2006 215 285mm \ 112 page \ 심볼펄 250 \ 심볼펄 160 \ 프리미엄스테이지 128

KTB 투자증권 Brochure 2006 210 287mm \ 58page \ 이리데슨트 250 \ 프리미엄스테이지 128

KTB 투자증권 Leaflet 2007 130 265mm \ 12page \ 흑기사 210

금호타이어 Annual Report 2007 285 200mm \ 72page \ 앙상블 210 \ 앙상블 118

금호미쓰이화학 Brochure 2007 215 270mm \ 36page \ 랑데뷰 210 \ 랑데뷰 130 \ 폴더 CCP

NHN Naver Local Ad Brochure 2007 170 290mm \ 28page \ 반누보 210 \ 반누보 158

금호석유화학 Vision Poster 500 750mm \ 스노우화이트 180 \ 실크

금호석유화학경영방침 Poster 500 750mm \ 스노우화이트 180 \ 실크 \ 2007 ~ 2012

현대자동차그룹핵심가치 Poster 515 728mm

기아자동차사내 Poster \ Placard 515 728mm

인토네이션은, 고객을더많이이해하고고객의이야기를더잘표현함으로써독창적이고강력한, 쉽고명확한커뮤니케이션디자인을하고자합니다. capabilities

Corporate Communication Brochure / Annual Report / Sustainability Report / Employee Communication / Corporate Magazine Brand Strategy CI, BI Development / Consulting / Symbol / Logotype Development Marketing Communication Package Design / Product Leaflet / Advertising / POP Visual Identity Graphic Identity / Space Design

old vs. new 우리에게는매너리즘대신, 끊임없이새로움을추구하는 열정이있습니다.


one team, one project 우리는동시에여러가지일을처리하는대신, 최선을다해 Quality 를높이는데 집중합니다.

operator vs. partner 우리에게는많은포트폴리오대신, 같은클라이언트와작업을지속할수있는 신뢰가있습니다. 2007 2008 2009 2010

2011 2012

communications graphic design associates intonation

thank you

intonation 주 인토네이션 153-803 서울시금천구가산동 505-18 에이스하이엔드타워 5차 1803 호 telephone 02. 3144. 0133 facsimile 02. 3144. 0134