English Version How to apply for extension of ARC online 한국어버전 인터넷으로외국인등록증 연장하기 2017.12
1 Use PC with internet explorer In order to apply for extension of ARC online, you have to use a PC with IE. (Don't even bother trying on a Mac. Normally, Mac is not supported to install Active-X control is not enabled. (including Mac, Firefox or Chrome, Edge.) Make sure Active-X is enabled Hikorea payment system and electronic certificate window requires Active-X to run. Please make sure that your browser is configured to accept Active-X plugin. Remove all cookies and temporary internet files by navigating to Tools > Internet options and clicking on the Delete Cookies and Delete Files button (note that this might take a while). From the same Internet Options window, click on the Settings button (of the Temporary Internet Files section). From the resulting window, check Every visit to the page and click OK.
2 If hitting Apply doesn t do anything Still on the Internet Options window, move over to Security tab and click on Custom Level button. From the resulting window, find ActiveX controls and plug-ins. If any options are marked disabled please change them to enable, and click OK to save your changes. To date, there have been two reported cases of browser not responding when clicking on the Apply button. They are as follows. Pop-up blocker is turned on Using e-application requires the use of pop-up window. If your browser has been configured to block pop-up windows, that may be the reason why it is not working. From your IE browser window, navigate to Tools > Pop-up Blocker > Turn Off Pop-up Blocker. You may turn it back on in the same location after you re done. Alternatively, Google Toolbar s pop-up blocker also interferes with the application system for the same reason. If you re using Google toolbar, please disable its pop-up blocking feature.
3 Website security program If the system remains unresponsive after completing all the steps, please try again after downloading Website security program on HiKorea Website main menu ANNOUNCEMENT > Downloads > download list 4 and install it. And you should reboot the computer after installed the Website security program.
4 Get an Authentication Certificate How to get one issued? Apply for online banking at official certification agencies including banks, post offices and financial firms. Be sure to take your identification, account book and seal. Get a temporary ID and password at the official certification agencies (including banks, post offices and financial firms) after verifying your identity. Download and use official certificate by visiting websites of official certification agencies including banks, post offices and financial firms.
5 Important information prior to your application If you wish to use e-applications to use services extension ARC online, you MUST register(join) as a member at Hi Korea Notification of change residence should be notified within 14 days from the date of change. If you don t notify the change of residence, a financial penalty would be imposed. To notify the change, please visit the district office near residence with passport, certificate of alien registration, a tenancy agreement or documents to prove the residence. e-application Reception time available on weekdays from 07:00 to 22:00 (Not available on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.)
6 Important information prior to your application (Cont.) Apply for extension of your ARC online is only available when the applicant is staying in Korea is confirmed by record. If you leave Korea before getting confirmation for extension of stay, your application will be void. Print out an online confirmation after Confirm the result (My page > Manage a e-application). Final result is identified by Certificate of permission for e-application and if you want the extension information stated in your actual ARC, this confirmation with your passport and ARC to Sejongno immigration office.(you can get it stamped from immigration office anytime, you don t need to online reservation for it.)
7 Sign up www.hikorea.go.kr website Click Join
8 User Agreement
9 Please fill in the blanks
10 Sign up
11 Log in E-application Click File an application
12 Click Extension of stay for registered foreigners
13 Click Apply (principal)
14 Applicant information Apply for Extension of Stay
15 Upload all required documents (Submission information more details on 16,17 slide) JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF, TIF, PDF
16 Enrolled 8 semesters and below (Undergraduate) 1 Certificate of studentship 2 Transcript 3 Tuition fee payment receipt or certificate of scholarship 4 Others (Proof of sojourn expense, and etc.) Certificate of Enrollment GPA of current semester Tuition fee payment of current semester (1) If your GPA point above 2.0, re-upload previous tuition payment receipt under 2.0, upload Certificate of bank balance under your name in Korea, the account must have at least 4,200,000 KRW/1year If you unavailable to print GPA of current semester, you can upload previous semester s GPA (apply for extension before 4 month the expiration date) If you unavailable to print current semester, you can upload previous semester s Payment Receipt (apply for extension before 4 month the expiration date) (2) Certificate of Tuberculosis* (19 countries only) Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, East Timor, India, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippines, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Laos (If you did not submit after 2016. 3. 2 you have to resubmit it) 5 Certificate for a government invited scholarship student (1) Certificate of Scholarship(If Any); (2) Certificate of KGSP(If Any) 6 Proof of residency Evidence of the place of residence For students living on-campus require a receipt of dormitory fee payment. If you are a freshmen (transfer student) you must submit 'Confirmation' issued by the CJ I-House office. For students living on-campus require one of three from the followings; (1) a Utility bill payment for any public services (2) a mail giving the notice of the expiry data of your period of sojourn (3) Lease contract under your name
17 Enrolled more than 9 semesters (Undergraduate) 1 Certificate of studentship 2 Transcript 3 Tuition fee payment receipt or certificate of scholarship Certificate of Enrollment GPA of current semester Explanatory Statement for Additional Semester(s) If you unavailable to print GPA of current semester, you can upload previous semester s GPA (apply for extension before 4 month the expiration date) Click to Download 4 Others (Proof of sojourn expense, and etc.) (1) Certificate of bank balance under applicant s name in Korea, the account must have at least 4,200,000 KRW / 6 months (2) Certificate of Tuberculosis* (19 countries only) Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, East Timor, India, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippines, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Laos (If you did not submit after 2016. 3. 2 you have to resubmit it) 5 Certificate for a government invited scholarship student 6 Proof of residency Evidence of the place of residence For students living on-campus require a receipt of dormitory fee payment. If you are a freshmen (transfer student) you must submit 'Confirmation' issued by the CJ I-House office. For students living on-campus require one of three from the followings; (1) a Utility bill payment for any public services (2) a mail giving the notice of the expiry data of your period of sojourn (3) Lease contract under your name
18 Attach documents and click Apply Clicking on Apply button from the application creen will bring up a screen to select payment method.
19 Payment of Service Charge Click English
20 Selecting payment method Credit Card OR Real Time Bank Account
21 Click Mypage
22 Confirm status of application Service charge fee will be refunded in full
23 e-certificate of Application (Receipt)
24 Certificate of Permission for e-application
25 if you have further questions Please contact GSC If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact GSC Homepage gsc.korea.ac.kr Tel. +82-2-3290-5172~4 E - Mail gsc@korea.ac.kr GSC Kakao Talk ID kugsc Mon.~Fri. 09:00~12:00,13:00~17:30
1 인터넷으로외국인등록증연장신청전유의사항안내 인터넷으로외국인등록증기간연장신청을하려면먼저 Hikorea 에회원가입을해야합니다. 변경된주소이전신고를 14 일내하지않은경우인터넷연장신청이불가하며출입국에 방문해야만외국인등록증연장신청이가능합니다 인터넷연장신청은평일 07:00 ~ 22:00 ( 토, 일, 공휴일제외 ) 에가능합니다. 인터넷뱅킹이가능한공인인증서사용이가능해야만인터넷연장신청을할수있습니다.
2 인터넷으로외국인등록증연장신청전유의사항안내 ( 2 ) 신청인은신청하는당일한국에체류하고있어야합니다. ( 신청결과가나오기전출국하는 경우신청건은무효가됩니다.) 변경된주소이전신고를 14 일내하지않은경우인터넷연장신청이불가하며이경우출입국 방문예약후직접방문해야만외국인등록증연장신청이가능합니다. 온라인신청결과는 ( 마이페이지 > 전자민원신청현황 ) 에서확인하실수있습니다. 연장신청허가받은사실을외국인등록증에기재를원하는경우 전자민원확인서 를출력하여여권과함께방문예약없이세종로출입국사무소로방문하면출입국심사관이연장사실확인후즉시기재하여드립니다.
3 하이코리아 ( www.hikorea.go.kr ) 에접속 하이코리아인터넷브라우저별환경설정안내 선택
4 익스플로러브라우저버전별이용안내 중컴퓨터버전선택 팝업창의안내에따라인터넷설정을변경
5 하이코리아 ( www.hikorea.go.kr ) 회원가입 선택 홈페이지제공언어 한국어영어중국어
6 회원가입동의
7 외국인등록번호입력
8 아이디만들기
9 전자민원신청클릭
10 등록외국인의체류기간연장허가클릭
11 스크룰하단에 보안프로그램설치안내 프로그램설치
12 본인민원신청클릭
13 신청사유란에 체류기간연장신청 기재 체류기간연장신청
14 필요증빙서류업로드 ( 서류안내는15, 16 슬라이드확인 ) JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF, TIF, PDF
15 제출서류 ( 재학연한 8 학기이내연장신청하는경우 ) 1 재학증명서 재학증명서 2 성적증명서 3 등록금납입또는장학금수혜증명서 성적증명서 등록금납입영수증 성적처리가안된경우직전학기성적증명서제출가능 (4 개월전연장신청하는경우 ) 다니고자하는학기의등록금을납부하기전에신청하는경우직전학기등록금영수증으로제출가능 (4 개월전연장신청하는경우 ) 4 기타 ( 국내체제경비입증서류등 ) (1) 국내본인명의은행잔고만인정 C(2.0) 학점이상 : 생략 C(2.0) 학점미만 : 420 만원 / 1 년 (2) 결핵검진확인서 * (19 국적자만해당 ) 네팔동티모르라오스라오스러시아 ( 연방 ) 말레이시아몽골미얀마방글라데시베트남스리랑카우즈베키스탄인도인도네시아중국캄보디아키르키즈스탄태국파키스탄필리핀 (2016. 3. 2 이후미제출자는제출해야함 ) 5 정부초청장학생확인서 (1) 장학금수혜증명서 ( 해당자 ) (2) 정부초청장학생확인서 ( 해당자 ) 6 체류지입증서류 체류지입증서류 기숙사에사는경우기숙사영수증과 ' 거주 / 숙소제공확인서 ' 를기숙사확인받아함께제출 학교밖에외주하는학생 (1) 공공납부영수증 (2) 체류기간만료통지서 (3) 임대차계약서 ( 계약자본인이아닌경우 ' 거주 / 숙소제공확인서 추가제출 )
16 제출서류 (9 학기이상초과학기연장신청하는경우 ) 1 재학증명서 재학증명서 2 성적증명서 성적증명서 성적처리가안된경우직전학기성적증명서제출가능 (4 개월전연장신청하는경우 ) 3 등록금납입또는장학금수혜증명서 외국인유학생초과학기사유서 다운로드클릭 Download 4 기타 ( 국내체제경비입증서류등 ) (1) 국내본인명의은행잔고 4,200,000 KRW / 6 개월연장 (2) 결핵검진확인서 * (19 국적자만해당 ) 네팔동티모르라오스라오스러시아 ( 연방 ) 말레이시아몽골미얀마방글라데시베트남스리랑카우즈베키스탄인도인도네시아중국캄보디아키르키즈스탄태국파키스탄필리핀 (2016. 3. 2 이후미제출자는제출해야함 ) 5 정부초청장학생확인서 6 체류지입증서류 체류지입증서류 기숙사에사는경우기숙사영수증과 ' 거주 / 숙소제공확인서 ' 를기숙사확인받아함께제출 학교밖에외주하는학생 (1) 공공납부영수증 (2) 체류기간만료통지서 (3) 임대차계약서 ( 계약자본인이아닌경우 ' 거주 / 숙소제공확인서 추가제출 )
17 신청하기클릭 신청하기를누르면결제팝업창이뜹니다.
17 수수료결제하기
18 결제 ( 세가지중선택 1) ➊ 신용카드 ➋ 계좌이체 ➌ 휴대폰
19 마이페이지 클릭
20 전자민원신청현황조회 반려된신청건수수료환불가능
21 전자민원접수증 ( 신청 )
22 전자민원확인서 ( 허가 )
23 문의사항 글로벌서비스센터 추가문의사항은 GSC 로연락주세요 홈페이지 gsc.korea.ac.kr 전화 +82-2-3290-5172~4 메일 gsc@korea.ac.kr GSC 카카오톡 ID kugsc 월 ~ 금 09:00~12:00,13:00~17:30