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6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관



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National Gugak Center Bimonthly Magazine GUGAKNURI vol.135 01 + 02 BIMONTHLY MAGAZINE GUGAKNURI 2014 01+02 Vol.135

Contents National Gugak Center Bimonthly Magazine GUGAKNURI vol.135 04 06 20 24 06 08 12 16 26 30 35 38 40 44 45 48 50 Cover Story 24 53 56 61 62 64 30 01 + 02

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6 7 사진 한 장 세상살이 뭐 있나요, 시작은 힘차게 가는 거죠. 2014년에도 흥겹게 얼쑤! 사진, 진행 이승재, 최문경 국립국악원 기획운영단 국악진흥과 촬영에 협조해 주신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다.

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22 23 Essay and PhotographsSu Nam KimTravel journalist, TranslationHyunyoung Jung The Gochang OgeryDangsan Jae (Five Shrine Festival) A Jeongwol Ritual Ceremony Revived as a Cheerful Festival The competition between the teams heats up once again during the EyondungNori (the lantern game). Participants carry a long wooden pole that holds a number of lanterns at the tail of their parade line, and the team to extinguish all of their opponents lanterns wins. It might seem unfair since the east team is composed of men, but based on the traditional belief that the ladies victory brings abundance to the town, the victory always goes to the west team. The excitement is built up to its peak as the blue and white gauze lanterns create a The Jeongwol, which refers to the first month of the lunar year, has particular meaning to brilliant scene, accompanied by the head singer s songs that lead the chorus. Koreans. The first half of the word, jeong, means to straighten and correct which is what we do to our body and heart at the beginning of a new year. During this time, ritual ceremonies Sang Su Kim(56) of the Preservation Committee is the lead singer. It has been 30 years are held to drive away bad luck and invite good fortune for the year. The Five Shrine Festival since he was first taught to sing from the late Gong Yeol Cho, who lived in the town of Gyochon. held every JeongwolDaeboreum, or the 15th day of the Lunar NewYear (the Grand Full Moon), Mr.Kim plays an integral role in the festival, as he leads the group into three main songs, in Gochang, is one of those ceremonies. Lantern Game, Rope Winding at the Shrine, and the Rope Demonstration. The Gochang river (Gochangcheon) runs through the town of Gochang. It is well maintained The festival includes a traditional wedding ceremony of the bride and groom of the nowadays, but there were frequent floods in the olden days with just a little more rainfall than usual. In hopes to prevent such disasters, five shrines (dangsan) were designated as sacred areas for rituals based on Bibo-Geomancy a type of FengShui in Korea. In other words, five shrines were designated in five different directions in an effort to protect the town from flooding. Every Jeongwol, the villagers held ritual ceremonies at each of the five shrines and Light the lantern, light the lantern lift the lantern, lift the lantern People of the east, stand east people of the west, stand west The men of east represent blue the women of the west represent white As we bite the bureom 1) on the full moon of Jeongwol and share Eemyong Wine and Yakbab 2) Let us wish for a good harvest let us wish upon the big moon two teams, followed by a performance that symbolizes the consummation of the marriage with the two ropes, and a game of tug-of-war between the east and west. The main event of the festival is dressing the shrine, which is a ceremony of coiling the winning rope of the tug-ofwar around the shrine and hanging the head of the rope at the top. After all is over, all participants make wishes for the year as they burn sheaves of pine twigs. played festive folk games. The Five Shrine Festival is more than an effort to preserve traditional culture, as the whole The Five Shrine Festival includes all of the five dangsans in Gochang. They are the Sanggery, Hagery, Joongery, Joongry, and GyochonDangsan. Nowadays, the Festival often refers to the ritual held at the central shrine (Joongry). The ceremony boasts such a wide variety of exciting programs that the cold winter weather hinders no one from standing by to watch. The excitement of the festival begins with PungmulNori (led by the traditional percussion band). Over two hundred participants including the Pungmul band and residents march through the town center. The colorful and festive march excites the entire community. Next, the crowd town gathers to seek unity and prosperity of the community. It is convenient to plan a visit to Gochang during the Five Shrine Festival season, as the town boasts a beautiful winter. The region has heavy snowfall, which creates remarkable scenery for the Gochangeup Fortress and Seonunsan (Mt. Seonun). Also, the Dongnim Reservoir is known as the wintering site for the spectacled teal. The dance of the tens of thousands of spectacled teals is a truly beautiful sight. The UNESCO designated the county of Gochang as a continues onto a demonstration performance of the thick rope, which will be used for the biosphere reserve in 2013 due to Gochang s rich resources including the Gochang Mud-Flat ritual. They are divided into two groups the east team of gentlemen (the Sennim group) and and the Ungok wetland, which are both designated as Ramsar sites, and the dolmens the west team of ladies (the Manim group) and play folk games against each other while parading in a line, carrying together a thick rope on their shoulders. A groom is designated and sits on the forefront loop of the rope in the east team s parade, while a bride does the same for the west team. The ceremony of central shrine is then performed in Confucianist style, with most leaders of the region present, including the governor of Gochang. designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is also considered as a sacred land for Pansori (traditional dramatic-epic-narrative song), as it is home to famous master singers such as Jae Hyo Shin, So Hee Kim, and Chae Seon Jin, Korea s first female master singer. Further history and information can be found in the Pansori Museum, which sits across where the Five Shrine Festival is held.

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02 09 16 23 05 12 19 26 03 10 17 24 04 11 18 25 06 13 20 27 07 14 21 28 01 08 15 22 02 FEBRUARY. 2014