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(CA) 정격일람 [Classic Planetary series Ratings at a glance] 사양 [Specifications] 정격출력토크 [Rated output torque] ( ED > 60%, 또는 실운전시간 > 20 분 일때최대출력토크 / Maximum output torque when ED>60%, or load cycle duration > 20 minutes) 기호 [Symbol] 최대가감속허용토크 [Maximum acc./dec. torque] 1) T 2B Nm 순간허용최대토크 ( 비상정지 ) [Peak torque (Emergency stop)] 2) T 2not Nm T 2n 형번 Model 감속비 ratio 7) 단위 050 065 085 120 [Unit] 1단1 st 2단 2 st 1단 1st 2단 2st 1단 1st 2단 2st 1단 1st 2단 2st 1단 st 1단 1st 4 16, 20, 28, 40 4 6.4 15 22 45 55 90 110 5 25, 35, 50 4.2 7.1 16 24 45 59 110 120 Nm 7 (49), 70 4.5 6 17 28 43 64 90 140 10 100 - - 14 16 35 40 80 90 4 16, 20, 28, 40 8 10 28 44 88 110 180 220 5 25, 35, 50 8.4 12 32 48 90 118 210 240 7 (49), 70 8 10 28 50 86 120 160 280 10 100 - - 25 29 70 80 160 180 4 16, 20, 28, 40 16 17 42 66 129 165 240 330 5 25, 35, 50 16 17 48 72 135 176 300 360 7 (49), 70 14 15 45 75 129 180 270 420 10 100 - - 36 42 102 120 180 270 정격 ( 연속 ) 입력회전수 [Rated (Cont.) input speed] n 1n rpm 3000 3000 3000 3000 전감속비 [All ratio] 최대허용입력회전수 [Maximum input speed] n 1max rpm 6000 6000 5000 5000 표준급회전정밀도 [Standard torsional play] 16 20 12 15 10 14 10 14 정밀급회전정밀도 [Reduced torsional play] + 9 12 7 9 6 8 6 8 선별급회전정밀도 [Selected torsional play] ++ B arcmin 1단 (stage) 2단 (stage) 6 8 5 6 4 6 4 6 고정밀회전정밀도 [Advanced torsional play] 2 3 4 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 16, 20, 28, 40 0.5 2.4 7.1 17.2 비틀림강성 [Torsional stiffness] C t Nm/arcmin 5 25, 35, 50 0.5 2.4 7.1 17.2 7 (49), 70 0.4 2.2 6 14 10 100-2 5 10 4 16 0.06 0.06 0.32 0.06 1.44 0.32 2.97 1.44 입력측관성모멘트 5 20, 25 0.06 0.06 0.31 0.06 1.36 0.31 2.68 1.36 [Input side mass moment of inertia] 3) J i 2 7 28, 35, 49, (70*) 0.06 0.06 0.3 0.06 1.30 0.3 2.48 1.30 10 40, 50, 70, 100 - - 0.3-1.27 0.3 2.39 1.27 처짐강성 [Tilting rigidity] M R Nm/arcmin 전감속비 [All ratio] 7 12 42 120 사양 [Specifications] 기호단위평균출력회전수 (rpm) 형번 [Model] [Symbol] [Unit] [Average output speed] 050 065 085 120 500 7 (5) 11 (8) 43 (30) 266 (182) 400 9 (6) 14 (10) 56 (39) 313 (214) 처짐모멘트하중 [Tilting moment load] 4) M T Nm 300 12 (8) 19 (14) 73 (51) 360 (260) 200 16 (11) 27 (19) 101 (71) 360 (332) 100 21 (18) 36 (30) 126 (111) 360 (360) 500 170 (69) 227 (92) 602 (255) 2871 (1325) 400 220 (89) 297 (121) 777 (329) 3385 (1562) 축방향하중 [Axial load] 5) F A N 300 290 (118) 394 (161) 1022 (433) 4107 (1895) 200 401 (164) 548 (224) 1410 (598) 5249 (2422) 100 629 (257) 866 (353) 2208 (937) 7597 (3505) 500 285 (204) 366 (266) 1023 (714) 4971 (3401) 400 367 (244) 466 (333) 1333 (928) 5850 (4000) 반경방향하중 [Radial load] 6) F R N 300 489 (326) 633 (466) 1738 (1214) 6728 (4859) 200 653 (448) 900 (633) 2404 (1690) 6728 (6205) 100 857 (734) 1200 (1000) 3000 (2642) 6728 (6728) 반경하중기준거리 [Radial load distance] r d mm 24.5 30 42 53.5 중량 [Weight] ( 모터장착판포함 /with motor flange) m kg 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.4 2.8 3.2 6.9 7.8 1단 (stage) 2단 (stage) 구동소음 [Operating noise] @n 1n =3000rpm O n db < 68 < 66 < 68 < 70 정격부하효율 [Efficiency with rated load] η % > 92 > 94 > 93 > 93 수명 [Lifetime] L h hr L 10 > 10000 ( L 50 > 50000 ) 윤할 [Lubrication] 표면처리 [Surface protection] 장착위치 [Installation position] 작동온도 [Operating temperature] 출력축회전방향 [Output direction of rotation] 보호등급 [Degree of protection] 밀폐형, 평생윤할 [Lifetime lubrication, Closed system] 아노다이징, 흑착색 ( 입출력제외 ) [Anodized aluminum & galvanically treated, except input & output] 임의방향 ( 변동계포함 ) [Any, include variable orientation] -10 º C ~ +90 º C ( 특주 -30 º C~+90 º C) [-30 º C~+90 º C On request] 입력축동일 [The same as input] 1) 시간당 1000 주기, 단위구동시간중가감속시간백분율 5% 이하, 가감속시간 0.3 초이내부가조건입니다. [At a maximum 1000 cycle per hour, percentage of acc. & dec. time in one cycle less than 5%, and duration of the impulse less than 0.3 sec.] 2) 수명내최대부가회수 1000 번이내의값입니다. [Max 1000 times during series lifetime.] 3) 적용모터축경에따라변동될수있습니다. [Depends on applied motor shaft diameter.] 4) 축방향하중이없을때최대값, ( ) 는축방향하중이최대일때의참고값입니다. [Maximum value without axial load. ( ) shows reference value when axial load applied maximum.] 5) 처짐모멘트하중이없을때출력축회전중심에서의최대값, ( ) 는처짐모멘트하중이최대일때의참고값입니다. [Maximum value at the center of output rotation, without tilting moment load. ( ) shows reference value when tilting moment load applied maximum.] 6) 축방향하중이없을때반경하중기준거리에서의최대값, ( ) 는축방향하중이최대일때의참고값입니다. ( 치수표참조 ) [Maximum value at the radial load distance, without axial load. ( ) shows reference value when axial load applied maximum.] 7) 각기종별감속비는 4 쪽 형식표시를참조바랍니다. [Please refer page 4 ordering information for each model available ratios.] IP65 2

Classic Planetary 정격출력토크계수선도 [ series rated output torque factor diagram] 시간당 구동주기가 1000 회를 넘는 응용분야의 경우는 정격출력토크 계수선도를 참조하십시오. [Please refer series rated output torque diagram for application that numbers of cycles per hour are over 1000 times.] (예) 시간당 구동주기가 1800 회인 경우에는 각 기종 정격출력토크의 약 0.8 배를 사용하여야 주어진 수명을 만족할 수 있 습니다. [(Ex.) If numbers of cycles per hour are 1800 times, then only approximately 0.8 times of each model rated output torque should be applied to satisfy lifetime.] 가감속토크계수선도 [ series acc./dec. torque factor diagram] 시간당 구동주기가 최대 1000 회, 가감속 시간 0.3 초 이하의 조건일 때, 최대가감속토크를 정격출력토크의 배수로를 표현한 것입니다. [It shows max. acc./dec. torque as a numbers of times of each model rated output torque, under the condition of max. 1000 cycle per hour, percentage of acc. & dec. time in one cycle less than 5%, and duration of the impulse less than 0.3 sec.] (예)시간당 구동주기 1800 회, 가감속 시간 각각 0.1 초 (0.1<0.3, 또한, 3600/1800=2 초 이므로, 단위구동시간 중 가감속시간백 분율은 (0.1+0.1)/2=10% )일 때, 최대가감속토크는 각 기종 정격출력토크의 1.4 배 (0.8X1.75=1.4). 가감속 시간이 0.3 초를 초과하는 경우는 정격출력토크의 범위내에서 적용하십시오. [(Ex.) If numbers of cycles per hour are 1800times, acc. time 0.1 sec, dec. time 0.1 sec (0.1<0.3, also 3600/1800=2sec, therefore, percentage of acc. & dec. time in one cycle time is (0.1+0.1)/2=10%), then max. acc./dec. torque is 1.4 times (0.8X1.75=1.4) of each model rated output torque. If acc. & dec. times is over 0.3 sec., then acc./dec. torque should not exceed its rated output torque.] 3

Classic - Planetary 형식표시 [Classic - Planetary Ordering Information] (CA) - 000-000 - C2/S2 - XXXXXX 1 2 3 4 5 1 형명 [Model name]: : 표준급 [Standard], + : 정밀급 [Reduced], ++ : 선별급 [Selected], 2 : 고정밀 [Advanced] CA (CA +, CA ++, CA 2 ) : 준표준출력축, 출력측장착판 [Optional output shaft and output side mechanical interface] 2 형번 [Model Number]: 외형크기 (mm) [External size (mm)] 3 감속비 [Reduction ratio]: 형명 [Model name] 1단 [1 stage] 2단 [2 stage] (A)050 4, 5, 7, 10 16, 20, 25, 28, 35, 40, (49), 50, 70, 100 (A)065 4, 5, 7, 10 16, 20, 25, 28, 35, 40, (49), 50, 70, 100 (A)085 4, 5, 7, 10 16, 20, 25, 28, 35, 40, (49), 50, 70, 100 (A)120 4, 5, 7, 10 16, 20, 25, 28, 35, 40, (49), 50, 70, 100 4 입력형상 [Input style] : C2-삽입수축형입력축 [Clamp input], S2-입력축형상 [Input shaft] 5 (CA) 모터코드 [(CA) motor code]: 아래도표참조 [See below table] (CA) 입력형상 S2 는공백, C2 모터장착판사용자제작의경우는 NF. [Blank for (CA) S2 type input, NF for C2 type input without motor flange.] (CA) series 장착가능모터코드 [(CA) series Applied Motor Code] 형번 [Model] 치수 [Dimensions] L1 L2 1 단 [1 stage] 2 단 [2 stage] Motor Code (Max) Min Max D1 D2 D3 D4 050 050 A040PP 4.0 20 28 8 30 45 3.5(M3) 050 050 A040PM 4.0 20 28 8 30 46 4.5(M4) {050} {050} A040PF 7.0 22 28 8 30 46 4.5(M4) 050, 065 {050}, 065 A060PQ 5.0 20 28 8 50 70 4.5(M4) 050, 065 {050}, 065 A060PU 5.0 20 28 8 50 70 5.5(M5) 050, 065 {050}, 065 A060P2 5.0 20 30 11 50 70 4.5(M4) {050}, 065 {050}, 065 A060PP 5.0 20 30 14 50 70 4.5(M4) {050}, 065 {050}, 065 A060PM 5.0 20 30 14 50 70 5.5(M5) {065}, 085 {065}, 085 A080P2 9.0 27 30 11 70 90 5.5(M5) {065}, 085 {065}, 085 A080PQ 9.0 27 30 14 70 90 5.5(M5) {065}, 085 {065}, 085 A080PU 9.0 27 30 14 70 90 6.6(M6) {065}, 085 {065}, 085 A080PY 9.0 30 40 16 70 90 6.6(M6) {065}, 085 {065}, 085 A080PP 9.0 30 40 19 70 90 5.5(M5) {065}, 085 {065}, 085 A080PM 9.0 30 40 19 70 90 6.6(M6) {085}, 120 {085}, 120 A090PP 9.0 40 55 19 80 100 6.6(M6) {085}, 120 {085}, 120 A100PG 9.0 30 40 16 95 115 9(M8) {085}, 120 {085}, 120 A100PP 9.0 40 55 19 95 115 9(M8) 120 120 A100PM 9.0 40 58 24 95 115 9(M8) 120 120 A120PY 9.0 40 58 16 110 145 9(M8) 120 120 A120PS 9.0 40 58 19 110 145 9(M8) 120 120 A120PP 9.0 40 58 22 110 145 9(M8) {120} {120} A130PM 9.0 40 58 24 110 145 9(M8) {120} {120} A130PP 9.0 40 58 22 110 145 9(M8) {120} {120} A130PY 9.0 40 58 19 110 145 9(M8) 상기표의적용가능모터는기구적인치수만을고려한최소 이며, 적용가능출력토크를고려한것은아닙니다. [Listed motor and combinations are only considering mechanical dimensions with smallest, not actual available torque range.] 4 장착조건 ( 추가구조물등 ) 에따라장착가능모터의크기는변할수있으며, { } 는준표준입니다. [Installable motor size may be varied by installing conditions, such as additional adaptor. { } shows optional motor flange combinations.]

* 는장착모터에따라변경될수있습니다. [* depend on applied motor.] (C2 입력형상 ) 치수표 [ C2 input style Dimensions ](mm) Size 050 065 085 120 Symbol 1단 (1 St.) 2단 (2 St.) 1단 (1 St.) 2단 (2 St.) 1단 (1 St.) 2단 (2 St.) 1단 (1 St.) 2단 (2 St.) a 0.03 0.03 0.035 0.04 D1 (h7) 40 50 70 100 D2 38 48 68 98 D3 (h7) 10 14 20 25 D4 20 25 38 50 D5 50 65.5 84.5 120 D6 48 62 81 114 D7 (G7) ( 최대 /Max) 11 [14] 11 [14] 14 [19] 11 [14] 19 [22] 14 [19] 24 [28] 19 [22] D8 (h7) 37 37 45 37 61 45 90 61 D9 * 30.2 [50.2] 30.2 [50.2] 50.2 [70.2] 30.2 [50.2] 70.2 [95.2] 50.2 [70.2] 110.2 70.2 [95.2] D10 4X4.5 (B.C.D58) 4X5.5 (B.C.D76) 4X6.6 (B.C.D98) 4X9 (B.C.D145) L1 3.5 6 7 9 L2 24.5 30 42 53.5 L3 15 19 26 32 L4 * 28 [30] 28 [30] 30 [40] 28 [30] 40 [58] 30 [40] 58 [58] 40 [58] L5 21 29 39 49 L6 22 30 40 50 L7 7 9 12 20 L8 14 20 30 40 L9 8 11 14 20 L10 7.5 8.5 10 9.5 L11 13 13 16 [18] 13 24.5 16 [18] 28 24.5 L12 * 4 [5] 4 [5] 5 [12] 4 [5] 9 [10] 5 [12] 9 [9] 9 [10] L14 17 17 19.5 [18] 17 19.5 19.5 [18] 30.5 19.5 L15 * 27.5 [28.5] 27.5 [28.5] 31.5 [40.5] 27.5 [28.5] 37.5 [55.5] 31.5 [40.5] 49.5 [49.5] 37.5 [55.5] L16 * 62 [63] 78 [79] 76 [86.5] 86.5[87.5] 98 [116] 111[122] 126 [126] 144[162] L17 4.5 [5] 4.5 [5] 7 [5.25] 4.5 [5] 5 [5] 7 [5.25] 6 [6] 5 [5] L18 11.2 16 22.5 28 L19 11 [12] 11 [12] 14 [17] 11 [12] 19 [19] 14 [17] 22.5 [22.5] 19 [19] L20 * 50 [60] 50 [60] 66 [80] 50 [60] 85 [100] 66 [80] 122 [130] 85 [100] L21 (øl21) 50 (ø66) 66 (ø86) 85 (ø110) 122 (ø162) L22 * 27.5 [18.5] 27.5 [18.5] 19.5 [28.5] 27.5 [18.5] 28.5 [46.5] 19.5 [28.5] 39 [39] 28.5 [46.5] L23 6 22 9 26.5 12 39.5 19 52.5 L24 3 5 6 8 S1 (B.C.D.) 4[8]XM3(45) 4[8]XM3(45) 4XM4(55.5) 4[8]XM3(45) 4[8]XM5(73) 4XM4(55.5) 8XM6(105) 4[8]XM5(73) S2 M4 M4 M5 M4 M6 M5 M8 M6 S3 (Set screw) M6 [M8] M6 [M8] M10 M6 [M8] M12 M10 M14 M12 S4 M4 ( 깊이 /Depth 8) M5 ( 깊이 /Depth 10) M6 ( 깊이 /Depth 12) M10 ( 깊이 /Depth 20) X º 22.5 º 22.5 º 22.5 º 22.5 º [ ] 는준표준모터장착판의경우입니다. [ ] shows optional motor flange. 5

축방향예압볼트 (S4, * 치수 ) 를반드시설치하여야합니다. [Input shaft must have axial fixing bolt (S4) with * dimensions.] (S2 입력형상 ) 치수표 [ (S2 input style) Dimensions] (mm) Size 050 065 085 120 Symbol 1 단 (1 St.) 2 단 (2 St.) 1 단 (1 St.) 2 단 (2 St.) 1 단 (1 St.) 2 단 (2 St.) 1 단 (1 St.) 2 단 (2 St.) a 0.03 0.03 0.035 0.04 b 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.035 D1 (h7) 40 50 70 100 D2 38 48 68 98 D3 (h7) 10 14 20 25 D4 20 25 38 50 D5 50 65.5 84.5 120 D6 48 62 81 114 D7 (h7) 8 8 10 8 16 10 19 16 D8 (h7) 32 32 45 32 60 45 80 60 D9 15 15 20 15 30 20 36 30 D10 4X4.5 (B.C.D58) 4X5.5 (B.C.D76) 4X6.6 (B.C.D98) 4X9 (B.C.D145) L1 3.5 6 7 9 L2 (L24) 24.5 (16.4) 24.5 (16.4) 30 (20.25) 24.5 (16.4) 42 (35.8) 30 (20.25) 53.5 (40.5) 42 (35.8) L3 15 19 26 32 L4 16 16 20 16 30 20 38 30 L5 21 29 39 49 L6 22 30 40 50 L7 7 9 12 20 L8 14 20 30 40 L9 8 11 14 20 L10 7.5 8.25 10 9.5 L11 15.5 15.5 16.5 15.5 24 16.5 28 24 L12 3 3 3.5 3 5 3.5 6 5 L14 10 10 13 10 19 13 26 19 L15 17 17 21 17 31 21 39 31 L16 37 53 44.75 61.5 60 80 76.5 106 L17 8 8 11 8 14 11 12 14 L18 11.2 16 22.5 28 L19 3 5 6 8 L20 (øl20) 50 (ø66) 66 (ø86) 85 (ø110) 122 (ø162) L21 3 3 4 3 6 4 6 6 L22 9.2 9.2 11.5 9.2 18 11.5 21.5 18 L23 6 22 9 26.75 12 39.5 19 54 S1 (BCD) 4XM4-7(41) 4XM4-7(41) 4XM4-7(55.5) 4XM4-7(41) 8XM5-9(73) 4XM4-7(55.5) 8XM6-11(105) 8XM5-9(73) S2 (Depth) M2.5 (5) M2.5 (5) M3 (6) M2.5 (5) M6 (12) M3 (6) M6 (12) M6 (12) S3 M4 ( 깊이 /Depth 8) M5 ( 깊이 /Depth 10) M6 ( 깊이 /Depth 12) M10 ( 깊이 /Depth 20) S4*(Depth) M2.5 (5) M2.5 (5) M3 (6) M2.5 (5) M6 (12) M3 (6) M6 (12) M6 (12) U * (min.) 12 12 14 12 20 14 23 20 V * (min.) 16.5 16.5 20.5 16.5 30.5 20.5 38.5 30.5 X º 45 º 45 º 22.5 º 22.5 º (S2 입력형상 ) 입력축베어링용량 [ (S2 input style) Input bearing capacity] 합성하중 [Combined] (@n i =2000rpm) 050 065 085 120 반경방향하중 (2단) [Radial load (2 stage)] 165N (165N) 250N (165N) 730N (250N) 910N (730N) 축방향하중 (2단) [Axial load (2 stage)] 165N (165N) 250N (165N) 730N (250N) 910N (730N) 6

* 는장착모터에따라변경될수있습니다. [* depend on applied motor.] CA (C2 입력형상 ) 치수표 [CA (C2 input style) Dimensions] (mm) Size CA050 CA065 CA085 CA120 Symbol 1단 (1 St.) 2단 (2 St.) 1단 (1 St.) 2단 (2 St.) 1단 (1 St.) 2단 (2 St.) 1단 (1 St.) 2단 (2 St.) a 0.03 0.03 0.035 0.04 D1 (h7) 35 50 80 110 D2 41 59 84.5 110 D3 (h7) 13 16 22 32 D4 25 30 40 55 D5 50 65.5 84.5 120 D6 48 62 81 114 D7 (G7) ( 최대 /Max) 11 [14] 11 [14] 14 [19] 11 [14] 19 [22] 14 [19] 24 [28] 19 [22] D8 (h7) 37 37 45 37 61 45 90 61 D9 * 30.2 [50.2] 30.2 [50.2] 50.2 [70.2] 30.2 [50.2] 70.2 [95.2] 50.2 [70.2] 110.2 70.2 [95.2] D10 4X3.5 (B.C.D50) 4X5.5 (B.C.D70) 4X6.6 (B.C.D100) 4X9 (B.C.D130) L1 4.5 4.5 6 10 L2 24 31 40 56.5 L3 11 20 26 30 L4 * 28 [30] 28 [30] 30 [40] 28 [30] 40 [58] 30 [40] 58 [58] 40 [58] L5 19.5 28.5 36.5 51 L6 20.5 30 38 53 L7 4 7 10 12 L8 16 21-35 L9 4 6 8 10 L10 20 26.25 36 47.5 L11 13 13 16 [18] 13 24.5 16 [18] 28 24.5 L12 * 4 [5] 4 [5] 5 [12] 4 [5] 9 [10] 5 [12] 9 [9] 9 [10] L14 17 17 19.5 [18] 17 19.5 19.5 [18] 30.5 19.5 L15 * 27.5 [28.5] 27.5 [28.5] 31.5 [40.5] 27.5 [28.5] 37.5 [55.5] 31.5 [40.5] 49.5 [49.5] 37.5 [55.5] L16 * 70.5 [71.5] 86.5 [87.5] 89 [99.5] 99.5[100.5] 118 [136] 131 [142] 154 [154] 172[190] L17 4.5 [5] 4.5 [5] 7 [5.25] 4.5 [5] 5 [5] 7 [5.25] 6 [6] 5 [5] L18 15 18 24.5 35 L19 11 [12] 11 [12] 14 [17] 11 [12] 19 [19] 14 [17] 22.5 [22.5] 19 [19] L20 * 50 [60] 50 [60] 66 [80] 50 [60] 85 [100] 66 [80] 122 [130] 85 [100] L21 (øl21) 42 (ø56) 60 (ø80) 90 (ø116) 115 (ø152) L22 * 27.5 [18.5] 27.5 [18.5] 19.5 [28.5] 27.5 [18.5] 28.5 [46.5] 19.5 [28.5] 39 [39] 28.5 [46.5] L23 6 22 9 26.5 12 39.5 19 52.5 L24 5 5 6 10 S1 (B.C.D.) 4[8]XM3(45) 4[8]XM3(45) 4XM4(55.5) 4[8]XM3(45) 4[8]XM5(73) 4XM4(55.5) 8XM6(105) 4[8]XM5(73) S2 M4 M4 M5 M4 M6 M5 M8 M6 S3 (Set screw) M6 [M8] M6 [M8] M10 M6 [M8] M12 M10 M14 M12 S4 M4 ( 깊이 /Depth 8) M5 ( 깊이 /Depth 10) M8 ( 깊이 /Depth 16) M12 ( 깊이 /Depth 24) X8 22.58 22.58 22.58 22.58 [ ] 는준표준모터장착판의경우입니다. [ [ ] shows optional motor flange.] 는표준 시리즈와다른치수입니다. [ shows different dimension with standard series.] 7

축방향예압볼트 (S4, * 치수 ) 를반드시설치하여야합니다. [Input shaft must have axial fixing bolt (S4) with * dimensions.] CA (S2 입력형상 ) 치수표 [CA (S2 input style) Dimensions] (mm) Size CA050 CA065 CA085 CA120 Symbol 1 단 (1 St.) 2 단 (2 St.) 1 단 (1 St.) 2 단 (2 St.) 1 단 (1 St.) 2 단 (2 St.) 1 단 (1 St.) 2 단 (2 St.) a 0.03 0.03 0.035 0.04 b 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.035 D1 (h7) 35 50 80 110 D2 41 59 84.5 110 D3 (h7) 13 16 22 32 D4 25 30 40 55 D5 50 65.5 84.5 120 D6 48 62 81 114 D7 (h7) 8 8 10 8 16 10 19 16 D8 (h7) 32 32 45 32 60 45 80 60 D9 15 15 20 15 30 20 36 30 D10 4X3.5 (B.C.D50) 4X5.5 (B.C.D70) 4X6.6 (B.C.D100) 4X9 (B.C.D130) L1 4.5 4.5 6 10 L2 (L24) 24 (16.4) 24 (16.4) 31 (20.25) 31 (16.4) 40 (35.8) 40 (20.25) 56.5 (40.5) 56.5 (35.8) L3 11 20 26 30 L4 16 16 20 16 30 20 38 30 L5 19.5 28.5 36.5 51 L6 20.5 30 38 53 L7 4 7 10 12 L8 16 21-35 L9 4 6 8 10 L10 20 26.25 36 47.5 L11 15.5 15.5 16.5 15.5 24 16.5 28 24 L12 3 3 3.5 3 5 3.5 6 5 L14 10 10 13 10 19 13 26 19 L15 17 17 21 17 31 21 39 31 L16 45.5 61.5 57.75 74.5 80 100 104.5 134 L17 8 8 11 8 14 11 12 14 L18 15 18 24.5 35 L19 5 5 6 10 L20(øL20) 42 (ø56) 60 (ø80) 90 (ø116) 115 (ø152) L21 3 3 4 3 6 4 6 6 L22 9.2 9.2 11.5 9.2 18 11.5 21.5 18 L23 6 22 9 26.75 12 39.5 19 54 S1 (BCD) 4XM4-7(41) 4XM4-7(41) 4XM4-7(55.5) 4XM4-7(41) 8XM5-9(73) 4XM4-7(55.5) 8XM6-11(105) 8XM5-9(73) S2 (Depth) M2.5 (5) M2.5 (5) M3 (6) M2.5 (5) M6 (12) M3 (6) M6 (12) M6 (12) S3 M4 ( 깊이 /Depth 8) M5 ( 깊이 /Depth 10) M8 ( 깊이 /Depth 16) M12 ( 깊이 /Depth 24) S4*(Depth) M2.5 (5) M2.5 (5) M3 (6) M2.5 (5) M6 (12) M3 (6) M6 (12) M6 (12) U * (min.) 12 12 14 12 20 14 23 20 V * (min.) 16.5 16.5 20.5 16.5 30.5 20.5 38.5 30.5 X8 458 458 22.58 22.58 는표준 시리즈와다른치수입니다. [ shows different dimension with standard series.] 입력축베어링용량은표준 시리즈와동일합니다. [Input shaft bearing capacities are the same as standard series.] 8

(CA) series 조립설명서 [(CA) series Assembly Instructions] 일반사항 [General]: 편리한사용및손쉬운조립을위하여적용전조립순서를숙지하시기바랍니다. [A torsionally rigid and backlash free connection between motor and can quickly and easily be achieved by using the following assembly instructions.] Note: 적용모터의동심도, 장착면의정밀도등은 DIN 42955 N 또는 DIN 42955 R 등급이유지되어야합니다. [Please only use motors with a flange face and run out accuracy class DIN 42955 N or DIN 42955 R] 모터체결시의감속기내부비정열을방지하기위하여표준는개방형동심체결구조로설계되었습니다. 의입력측6에모터축을완전히삽입하고입력측클램프5의나사7을체결한후모터장착용나사를체결하십시오. 이때 의입력측이위쪽을향하도록, 모터와 를수직으로세워정열하시고모터와 입력측장착면에자연스럽게안착되어유격이없는것을확인한후, 반드시클램핑나사, 모터체결나사순서로체결하십시오. [To avoid misalignment inside the power train, the standard utilizes our new open centering design making the laborious task of centering with the flange and pilot obsolete. Place upside down, simply insert the motor shaft into the gearbox hollow shaft 6, tightens the clamping bolt 7 on the compression coupling 5, and attaches the gearbox to the motor using the mounting holes.] 는평생윤할구조로유지보수가요구되지않습니다. [The series are maintenance free and have lifetime lubrication.] 모터체결순서 [Motor Mounting Instructions]: 1. 모터축에키2가장착된경우, 이를제거하십시오. 모터의회전속도가 3000rpm 이상인적용사례의경우, 절반키를사용하여모터축표면에돌출되지않도록장착하여관성균형을유지한후장착바랍니다. [If the motor shaft has a key 2, 클램핑나사체결토크 7 Tightening torque for clamping bolt 7 클램핑나사 (KS B 1003) Clamping screw (DIN 912) 체결토크 Tightening torque M3 2 Nm M4 4.5 Nm M5 9 Nm M6 16 Nm M8 39 Nm remove it. For applications with motor speeds over 3000 rpm, we recommend using a half key to completely fill the key way. The key may not stand out above the height of the motor shaft.] 2. 모터장착판4의무두볼트3을개방하고이를보관하십시오. [Remove set screw 3 on the adapter flange 4, put it aside, reserving it for later use. 3. 입력측커플링5를회전시켜클램핑나사7과체결용구멍3을정렬시키십시오. [Turn the compress ion coupling 5 until the head of the clamping bolt 7 is visible through the access hole 3.] 4. 의모터장착면과모터의장착면을청결히하십시오. 또한, 모터축과 입력측클램핑구멍6이손상되지않은정상상태임을확인하십시오. [Examine all contact surfaces on the motor flange and the adapter flange 4 to ensure they are clean and grease free. Also inspect the motor shaft and the hub to ensure they are free from damage (burrs, scoring, etc.).] 5. 를수직방향으로세워정열시키고, ( 입력측이위를향하도록 ) 넘어지지않도록주의하십시오. ( 조립용보조구10 사용추천 ) 모터축에키장착구멍이있는경우는그것이 입력측클램프5의개구부반대편 (1808) 에위치하도록조립하여야클램핑내벽을보호할수있습니다. [Place upside down (input side upward) and secure it from falling. (Recommends using suitable assembly assistance structure 10) Ensure that the key way in the motor shaft (if there is) is positioned opposite the slit (180 ) in the compression coupling when assembled.] 6. 만약입력측에부싱을적용해야하는경우, 부싱의개구부와입력측클램프5의개구부를일치시켜야합니다. [If a reduction bushing is used, ensure the slit in the bushing is aligned with the compression coupling 5 slit.] 7. 의입력측클램핑구멍6에모터축을완전히삽입하십시오. 이때충격이나과도한힘을가하지않도록주의하시고, 와모터의모든장착면이자연스럽게접촉하는지를확인하십시오. [If the is too heavy to lift manually, a suitable hoisting machine should be used. Insert the motor shaft into hollow shaft 6, until the motor flange naturally mates with the adapter flange over its entire surface. Do not strike the or use excessive force to ensure a good fit.] 8. 의클램핑나사7을토크렌치9를이용하여표에표현된체결토크로체결하십시오, [Tighten the clamping bolt 7 to the prescribed torque (see table tightening torque) using a suitable torque wrench 9.] 9. 모터와 의체결나사8을대각선방향으로동일하게체결하십시오. [Now bolt and motor 1 together using the mounting holes 8 in the adapter flange. The bolts must be diagonally transferred and uniformly tightened.] 10. 보관하였던무두볼트를체결용구멍3에삽입하십시오. [Tightening access hole set screw 3 into adapter flange 4.] Note: 동심정열을위하여조립시반드시수직방향을유지하시고클램핑나사, 모터체결나사순서로체결하십시오. 서술된조립순서이외의방법으로조립될경우모터또는 에손상을줄수있으며, 이경우는보증의범위에서제외될수있습니다. [Failure to follow assembly instructions may lead to gearbox and/or motor damage and will void any warranty either explicit or implied.] 9
