[KE9]_General Catalog.pdf
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1 Machine Tool's Total Solution 공작기계주변기기 삼천리종합카달로그 Vol.9 Samchully General Catalog Korean + English ver.
2 Machine Tool's Total Solution Vol.9 Samchully General Catalog Korean + English ver.
6 IDF Self centering 2+2 Jaw Power Chuck 6P HS-A (Adaptor) Standard 3-jaw High-Speed Open-Center Chuck 24P HC Standard 3-jaw Close- Center Chuck 46P UR Standard Mega Bore High- Speed Open-Center Chuck 10P HST/F 2, 4-jaw High-Speed Open-Center Chuck 28P HC-A (Adaptor) Standard 3-jaw Close- Center Chuck 52P QJC Quick Jaw Change Chuck 12P HSL (Long Stroke) 3-jaw High-Speed Open- Center Chuck 30P HCT/F 2, 4-jaw Close-Center Chuck 56P PAC Mega-Bore Pneumatic Self-Contained Chuck 14P MH Standard Mega-Bore 3-jaw High-Speed Open -Center Chuck 32P HC-SE 3-jaw Sealed Close-Center Chuck 60P RTC Rotary Table Chuck 16P MHT/F Mega-Bore 2, 4-jaw High- Speed Open-Center Chuck 34P HCL (Long Stroke) Standard 3-jaw Close- Center Chuck 62P MCA Stationary Pneumatic Chuck 18P HCH Standard 3-jaw Open- Center Chuck 36P HCLT/F (Long Stroke) 2, 4-jaw Close-Center Chuck 64P MCH Stationary Hydraulic Chuck 20P HCH-A (Adaptor) Standard 3-jaw Open- Center Chuck 40P HCWF 4-jaw Double Wedge Hydraulic Chuck 66P HS Standard 3-jaw HighSpeed Open-Center Chuck 22P HCHT/F 2, 4-jaw Open-Center Chuck 44P
7 IDF / Self centering 2+2 Jaw Power Chuck 01 Cost-saving compatibility with standard cyilnders 006 POWER Chuck
8 02 Better performance than standard 3-jaw Power Chuck 03 Easy to measure the work-piece after self-cutting 04 Use irregular work-piece without interchanging chuck POWER Chuck 007
9 IDF Self centering 2+2 Jaw Power Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit High precision self-centering 4-Jaw power chuck(2+2 Jaw) Technical features Ideal for rectangular and square work pieces ; self-centering in two axles Single wedge actuation does not require dual-piston cylinder 2+2 Jaw chuck with 2 independent self-centering jaws ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS IDF-210 IDF-260 IDF-310 IDF-380 Jaw Stroke Radial Compensation ± 2 ± 2 ± 2 ± 2 Plunger Stroke Max. Permissible Input Force 40(4081) 50(5102) 70(7143) 80(8163) Max. Static Gripping Force 100(10204) 130(13265) 180(18367) 220(22448) Max. r.p.m Operating Cylinder Y-1225RE Y-1530RE Y-1530RE Y-2035RE Weight Moment of inertia Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 008 POWER Chuck
10 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS IDF-210 IDF-260 IDF-310 IDF-380 ΦA B ΦC ΦD E F G M12 M16 M16 M20 H J (Max/Min) 39/10 45/13 58/13 53/18 K (Max/Min) 34.2/ / / /68 L M N O P(Max/Min) 52/62 53/65 53/65 93/81 Q R S M16x80 M20x80 M20x80 M30x125 T U V M12x30 M12x35 M14x45 M20x45 RELATED PRODUCT Cylinder 84p POWER Chuck 009
11 UR Standard Mega Bore 3-Jaw High-Speed Open-Center Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Mega-bore 3-jaw wedge-style, open-center power chuck Technical features Case hardened body to assure greatest precision and long life Easy to attach locator ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS UR-175 UR-210 UR-250 UR-315 Thru Hole Dia Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Max. Permissible Input Force 25(2551) 38(3878) 50(5102) 50(5102) Max. Static Gripping Force 70(7143) 108(11020) 145(14796) 145(14796) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia Operating Cylinder SD SD SD SD Max. Hydraulic Pressure 1.8(18.35) 2.5(25.49) 2.8(28.55) 1.4(14.27) Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 010 POWER Chuck
12 Ă Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS UR-175 UR-210 UR-250 UR-315 ΦA B ΦC ΦD E F G H (max./min.) 4 / / / / -4 I J (UR-D/UR-M) M10 / M10 M12 / M12 M12 / M12 M16 / M16 K (max) M62x1.5P M72x1.5P M85x2.0P M125x2.0P L M12 M12 M16 M20 M N (UR-D/UR-M) 16.5 / / / / 30 O (max./min.) 22 / / / / 15 P (max./min.) 38/35 47/43 57/62 81/76 Q R a (UR-D/UR-M) 1/16"x90 / 1.5x60 1/16"x90 / 1.5x60 1/16"x90 / 1.5x60 1/16"x90 / 1.5x60 b d (UR-D/UR-M) 12 / / / / 21 e f g h m n r M8 M8 M10 M10 Blank and machined draw-nuts are available. K is Max. Draw nut size. RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 154p 70p POWER Chuck 011
13 QJC Quick Jaw Change Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Minimal jaw set-up times(within 1 minute), Jaws are reversible(180º) High repeatability when changing jaws(runout <0.02mm) Technical features Minimum loss of gripping force because of wedge bars The built-in safety interlock eliminates misoperation ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS QJC-206 QJC-208 QJC-210 QJC-212 QJC-215 QJC-220 Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Pemissible Input Force 30(3059) 54(5404) 65(6628) 90(9177) 133(13562) 120(12236) Max.static Gripping Force 45(4538) 100(10197) 115(11726) 160(16315) 240(24473) 250(25492) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia Operating Cylinder SD SD SD SD SDL SDL Max. Hydraulic Pressure 3.0(30.5) 3.0(35.6) 3.7(37.7) 4.0(40.7) 4.0(40.7) 2.9(29.5) 012 POWER Chuck
14 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS QJC-206 QJC-208 QJC-210 QJC-212 QJC-215 QJC-220 ΦA B ΦC E ΦF G max G min H ΦJ K1 M50 M75 M90 M115 M138 M165 K2 M60 M87 M105 M135 M160 M185 L1 3-M10 3-M12 3-M16 3-M16 3-M20 3-M24 L2 3-M12 3-M16 3-M12 3-M20 3-M24 3-M20 ι ι M N P Q max Q min T T U V W Blank and machined draw-nuts are available. K is Max. Draw nut size. RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 162p 72p POWER Chuck 013
15 PAC Mega-Bore Pneumatic Self-Contained Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Suitable for large pipe machining, Full spindle through-hole can be used Technical features Built in air cylinder maintain the air pressure during machining Clamping pressure level constantly checked by a safety control system ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC Thru Hole Dia Jaw Stroke Dia Rapid Clamp Operating Pressure 0.2~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0.8 Clamping Force Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia POWER Chuck
16 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC ΦA B C ΦD E F J ΦK ΦL ΦM ΦN ΦO P Max P Min Q R S T U V W 9-M12 12-M12 12-M12 12-M16 12-M16 12-M16 X POWER Chuck 015
17 RTC Rotary Table Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Suitable for indexing machining, Power chuck jaws can be compatible Technical features Sealed aginst coolant and chips With built-in cyliner, less space and easy operation SPECIFICATIONS RTC-110 RTC-160 RTC-210 RTC-260 Thru Hole Dia Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Max. Static Gripping Force Max. Pneumatic Pressure 0.7 (7) 0.7 (7) 0.7 (7) 0.7 (7) Max. r.p.m Weight (included Soft Jaws) POWER Chuck
18 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS RTC-110 RTC-160 RTC-210 RTC-260 Φ A B Φ C Φ D E F Φ G Φ H J K L max L min M max M min N O P Q R S T M6x95L M8x105L M8x125L M10x130L U POWER Chuck 017
19 MCA Stationary Pneumatic Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Suitable for machining center, Minimun installation space Higher machining efficiency Technical features Sealed aginst coolant and chips With built-in air cyliner, less space and easy operation SPECIFICATIONS MCA-04 MCA-06 MCA-08 MCA-10 Clamping Force (Pneumatic 6bar) 7.5(765) 21(2140) 33(3300) 48(4800) Jaw Stroke Dia Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Max. Pneumatic Pressure 0.7(7) 0.7(7) 0.7(7) 0.7(7) Weight POWER Chuck
20 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS MCA-04 MCA-06 MCA-08 MCA-10 ΦA ΦB ΦC ΦD E F G H J K N M8 M8 M8 M10 ΦL(P.C.D) P Q ΦR T M10 M10 M10 M12 POWER Chuck 019
21 MCH Stationary Power Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Suitable for machining center, Minimun installation space Higher machining efficiency Technical features Sealed aginst coolant and chips With built-in HYD. Cylinder, less space and easy operation SPECIFICATIONS MCH-06 MCH-08 MCH-10 Clamping Force (25bar) Jaw Stroke Dia Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Max. Pneumatic Pressure 3(30.5) 3(30.5) 3(30.5) Weight POWER Chuck
22 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS MCH-06 MCH-08 MCH-10 ΦA ΦB ΦC ΦD E F G H J K N M8 M8 M10 ΦL (P.C.D.) P Q ΦR T M10 M10 M12 POWER Chuck 021
23 HS Standard 3-Jaw High-Speed Open-Center Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Standard high-speed 3-jaw wedge-style opencenter power chuck Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HS-05 HS-06 HS-08 HS-10 HS-12 Thru Hole Dia Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Permissible Input Force 17.5(1784) 22(2243) 34.8(3549) 43(4385) 55(5608) Max. Static Gripping Force 36(3671) 57(5812) 86(8769) 111(11319) 144(14686) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 0.69(0.07) 2.26(0.23) 6.67(0.68) 12.36(1.26) 28.93(2.95) Operating Cylinder SH SH (SYH-1246) SH (SYH-1552) SH (SYH-1877) SYH2091 Max. Hydraulic Pressure 2.9(30) 2.8(28.6) 2.65(27) 2.7(27.5) 2.7(27.5) Operating Hard Jaw HB04N1 HB06A1 HB08A1 HB10A1 HB12N1 KITAGAWA Model B-205 B-206 B-208 B-210 B-212 Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 022 POWER Chuck
24 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HS-05 HS-06 HS-08 HS-10 HS-12 ΦA B ΦC(H6) ΦD E ΦF G max G min H ΦJ K max. M40x1.5 M55x2.0 M60x2.0 M85x2.0 M100x2.0 L 3-M10x60 6-M10x95 6-M12x105 6-M16x120 6-M16x130 M N P Q max Q min R max R min T U V ΦW Blank and machined draw-nuts are available. K is Max. Draw nut size. RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 154p 72p POWER Chuck 023
25 HS-A 3-Jaw High-Speed Open-Center Chuck with Adaptor (135mm - 210mm) Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Standard high-speed 3-jaw wedge-style opencenter power chuck with adaptor Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HS-05A05 HS-06A05 HS-08A06 Spindle Nose A2-5 A2-5 A2-6 Thru Hole Dia Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Max. Permissible Input Force 17.5(1784) 22(2243) 34.8(3549) Max. Static Gripping Force 36(3671) 57(5812) 86(8769) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 0.687(0.07) 2.45(0.250) 6.9(0.71) Operating Cylinder SYH-1036 SH (SYH-1246) SH (SYH-1552) Max. Hydraulic Pressure 3.43(35.0) 2.8(28.6) 2.65(27) Operating Hard Jaw HB04N1 HB06A1 HB08A1 KITAGAWA Model B-205 B-206A5 B-208A6 Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. HS-10A06 and HS-10A08 are available with 75mm and 77mm thru holes. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 024 POWER Chuck
26 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HS-05A05 HS-06A05 HS-08A06 ΦA B ΦC(H6) ΦD E F ΦG ΦH ΦJ K 3-M10x75 6-M10x95 6-M12x105 L M N max N min O max O min P max P min Q R S T U max. M40x1.5 M55x2 M60x2 V 3xM6 3xM6 6xM6 ΦW ΦX Y Z Blank and machined draw-nuts are available. U is Max. Draw nut size. Refer to Fig-2 for HS-10A06, HS-12A06. RELATED PRODUCT H/S Jaw 154p Cylinder 72p POWER Chuck 025
27 HS-A 3-Jaw High-Speed Open-Center Chuck with Adaptor (254mm - 304mm) Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Standard high-speed 3-jaw wedge-style opencenter power chuck with adaptor Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HS-10A06 HS-10A08 HS-12A06 HS-12A08 Spindle Nose A2-6 A2-8 A2-6 A2-8 Thru Hole Dia Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Max. Permissible Input Force 43(4385) 43(4385) 55(5608) 55(5608) Max. Static Gripping Force 111(11319) 111(11319) 144(14684) 144(14684) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 12.75(1.3) 12.65(1.29) 30.6(3.12) 30.0(3.06) Operating Cylinder SH (SYH-1877) SYH (SYH-1877) SYH-2091 SYH-2091 Max. Hydraulic Pressure 2.7(27.5) 2.7(27.5) 2.7(27.5) 2.7(27.5) Operating Hard Jaw HB10A1 HB10A1 HB12N1 HB12N1 KITAGAWA Model B-210A6 B-210A8 B-212A6 B-212A8 Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. HS-10A06 and HS-10A08 are available with 75mm and 77mm thru holes. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 026 POWER Chuck
28 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HS-10A06 HS-10A08 HS-12A06 HS-12A08 ΦA B ΦC(H6) ΦD E F ΦG ΦH ΦJ K 6-M16x100 6-M16x120 6-M16x110 6-M16x130 L M N max N min O max O min P max P min Q R S T U max. M75x2 M85x2 M90x2 M100x2 V 6xM12 6xM8 6xM12 6xM8 ΦW ΦX Y Z Blank and machined draw-nuts are available. U is Max. Draw nut size. Refer to Fig-2 for HS-10A06, HS-12A06. RELATED PRODUCT H/S Jaw 154p Cylinder 72p POWER Chuck 027
29 HST / HSF 2-Jaw, 4-Jaw High-Speed Open-Center Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit 2-jaw, 4-jaw high-speed wedge-style open-center power chuck Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HST-06 HST-08 HST-10 HST-12 HSF-08 HSF-10 HSF-12 Thru Hole Dia Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Max. Permissible Input Force 14.5 (1479) 23.2 (2366) 28.5 (2906) 36.7 (3742) 23.2 (2366) 28.5 (2906) 36.7 (3742) Max. Static Gripping Force 38 (3875) 57.3 (5843) 74 (7546) 96 (9789) 57.3 (5843) 74 (7546) 96 (9789) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 2.21 (0.225) 6.47 (0.66) (1.23) (2.8) 6.67 (0.68) (1.24) (2.8) Operating Cylinder SH SH SH SH SH SYH-2091 (SYH-1246) (SYH-1552) (SYH-1877) (SYH-1552) (SYH-1877) SYH-2091 Max. Hydraulic Pressure 1.85 (18.9) 1.80 (18.4) 1.80 (18.4) 1.81 (18.5) 1.80 (18.4) 1.80 (18.4) 1.80 (28.5) KITAGAWA Model BT-206 BT-208 BT-210 BT Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 028 POWER Chuck
30 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HST-06 HST-08 HST-10 HST-12 HSF-08 HSF-10 HSF-12 ΦA B ΦC(H6) F ΦH ΦJ K 6-M10x95 6-M12x105 6-M16x100 6-M16x110 4-M10x105 4-M12x120 4-M16x130 M N max N min O max O min P min P max Q R S Y U max. M55x2.0 M60x2.0 M85x2.0 M100x2.0 M60x2.0 M85x2.0 M100x2.0 ΦV W X ΦY Blank and machined draw-nuts are available. U is Max. Draw nut size. RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 154p 72p POWER Chuck 029
31 HSL 3-Jaw High-Speed Open-Center Long-Stroke Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Long-stroke high-speed 3-jaw wedge-style open-center power chuck Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HSL-06 HSL-08 HSL-10 HSL-12 Thru Hole Dia Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Max. Permissible Input Force 27.9(2845) 41.1(4191) 53.8(5486) 69.3(7067) Max. Static Gripping Force 31.2(3182) 49.0(4997) 63.0(6427) 80.4(8199) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 1.67(0.17) 7.75(0.79) 12(1.2) 36(3.67) Operating Cylinder SH (SYH-1246) SH (SYS-1552) SH (SYH-1877) SYH-2091 Max. Hydraulic Pressure 3.40(34.7) 2.99(30.5) 3.20(32.6) 3.22(32.8) Operating Hard Jaw HB06A1 HB08A1 HB10A1 HB12N1 KITAGAWA Model BL-206 BL-208 BL-210 BL-212 Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 030 POWER Chuck
32 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HSL-06 HSL-08 HSL-10 HSL-12 ΦA B ΦC(H6) F ΦH ΦJ K 6-M10 6-M10 6-M16 6-M16 M N max N min O max O min P max P min Q R S T U max. M42x1.5 M55x2.0 M65x2.0 M75x2.0 W ΦX Y Z Blank and machined draw-nuts are available. U is Max. Draw nut size. RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 154p 72p POWER Chuck 031
33 MH Standard Mega Bore 3-Jaw High-Speed Open-Center Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Mega-bore 3-jaw wedge-style, open-center power chuck Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS MH-206 MH-208 MH-210 MH-212 MH-218 MH-221 MH-224 Thru Hole Dia Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Max. Permissible Input Force 24.7(2551) 36.4(3596) 49(4976) 55(5608) 71(7240) 90(9177) 90(9177) Max. Static Gripping Force 57.3(5847) 87(8872) 126.6(12848) 144(14686) 180(18355) 220(22460) 234(23861) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 2.26(0.23) 5.6(0.57) 12.37(1.26) 28.93(2.95) 174.6(17.8) 342.1(34.7) 651(66.4) Operating Cylinder SH SH (SYH-1552) (SYH-1768) SH SH SYHL-2816 SYHL-2816 SHL Max. Hydraulic Pressure 1.78(18.1) 2.34(23.9) 2.74(28) 2.65(27.2) 3.07(32) 2.86(29.1) 1.57(16.1) Operating Hard Jaw HB06A1 HB08A1 HB10A1 HB12N1 HB15A1 HB18B2 HB18B2 Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 032 POWER Chuck
34 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS MH-206 MH-208 MH-210 MH-212 MH-218 MH-221 MH-224 ΦA B ΦC(H6) ΦD E ΦF G max G min H ΦJ K max. M60x2.0 M75x2.0 M90x2.0 M116x2.0 M175x3.0 M180x3.0 M200x3.0 L 3-M10x95 6-M12x115 6-M16x120 6-M20x130 6-M20x130 6-M22x140 6-M22x150 M N P Q max Q min R max R min T U V ΦW Blank and machined draw-nuts are available. K is Max. Draw nut size. RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 154p 72p POWER Chuck 033
35 MHT / MHF Mega Bore 2-Jaw / 4-Jaw Ultrahigh-Speed Open-Center Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Mega Bore 2-jaw, 4-jaw high-speed wedge-style, open-center power chuck Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS MHT-206 MHT-208 MHF-208 Thru Hole Dia Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Max. Permissible Input Force 16.6(1700) 23.5(2397) 23.25(2397) Max. Static Gripping Force 38(3875) 57.9(5914) 57.9(5914) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 2.2(0.225) 6.47(0.66) 5.59(0.57) Operating Cylinder SYH (SYH-1552) SH (SYH-1768) SH (SYH-1768) Max. Hydraulic Pressure 1.18(12) 1.59(16.3) 1.59(163.3) Operating Hard Jaw HB06A1 HB06A1 HBF08A1 KITAGAWA Model Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 034 POWER Chuck
36 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS MHT-206 MHT-208 MHF-208 ΦA B ΦC(H6) ΦD E ΦF G max G min H ΦJ K max. M60x2.0 M75x2.0 M75x2.0 L 6-M10x 95 6-M12x115 4-M12x115 M N P Q max Q min R max R min T U V ΦW Blank and machined draw-nuts are available. K is Max. Draw nut size. RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 154p 72p POWER Chuck 035
37 HCH Standard 3-Jaw Open-Center Chuck (110mm - 450mm) Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Standard 3-jaw wedge-style open-center chuck Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HCH-04 HCH-12 HCH-15 HCH-18 Thru Hole Dia Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Max. Permissible Input Force 8(800) 49(4997) 71(7240) 71(7240) Max. Static Gripping Force 13(1350) 129(13150) 180(18355) 180(18355) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 0.2(0.024) 29.71(3.03) 89.41(9.09) 174.6(17.8) Operating Cylinder HYH-0933 SH SH SH Max. Hydraulic Pressure 2.2(22.4) 2.3(23.5) 2.3(23.5) 2.3(23.5) Operating Hard Jaw HB04A1 HB12B1 HB15A1 HB15A1 KITAGAWA Model B-04 B-12 B-15 B-18 Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 036 POWER Chuck
38 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HCH-04 HCH-12 HCH-15 HCH-18 ΦA B ΦC(H6) F H ΦJ K 3-M10 6-M16 6-M20 6-M20 L M N max N min O max O min P max P min Q R S T U max. M28x1.5 M88x2.0 M130x2.0 M130x2.0 ΦV W X ΦY Blank and machined draw-nuts are available. U is Max. Draw nut size. RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 154p 72p POWER Chuck 037
39 HCH Standard 3-Jaw Open-Center Chuck (530mm-800mm) Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Standard 3-jaw wedge-style open-center chuck Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HCH-21 HCH-24 HCH-32 Thru Hole Dia Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Max. Permissible Input Force 90(9177) 90(9177) 100(10193) Max. Static Gripping Force 234(23861) 234(23861) 240(24464) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 351.1(35.8) 651.2(66.4) 598.4(61) Operating Cylinder SH SYHL-2816 SYHL-2816 Max. Hydraulic Pressure 3.0(30.6) 3.0(30.6) 3.2(33.6) Operating Hard Jaw HB18B2 HB18B2 HB32B2 KITAGAWA Model B-21 B-24 - Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 038 POWER Chuck
40 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HCH-21 HCH-24 HCH-32 ΦA B ΦC(H6) F H ΦJ K 6-M22 6-M22 6-M24 L M N max N min O max O min P max P min Q R S T U max. M155x3.0 M175x3.0 M250x3.0 ΦV W X ΦY Blank and machined draw-nuts are available. U is Max. Draw nut size. RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 154p 78p POWER Chuck 039
41 HCH-A 3-Jaw Open-Center Chuck with adaptor (304mm - 381mm) Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit 3-jaw wedge-style power chuck with adaptor plate Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HCH-12A06 HCH-12A08 HCH-15A08 HCH-15A11 Spindle Nose A2-6 A2-8 A2-8 A2-11 Thru Hole Dia Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Max. Permissible Input Force 49(4997) 49(4997) 71(7240) 71(7240) Max. Static Gripping Force 129(13150) 129(13150) 180(18355) 180(18355) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 31.38(3.20) 30.79(3.14) 96.89(9.88) 93.55(9.54) Operating Cylinder SYH-2091 SYH-2091 SH SH Max. Hydraulic Pressure 2.3(23.5) 2.3(23.5) 2.3(23.5) 2.3(23.5) Operating Hard Jaw HB12B1 HB12B1 HB15A1 HB15A1 KITAGAWA Model B-12A6 B-12A8 B-15A8 B-15A11 Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 040 POWER Chuck
42 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HCH-12A06 HCH-12A08 HCH-15A08 HCH-15A11 ΦA B ΦC(H6) ΦD E F ΦG ΦH ΦJ K 6-M16x110 6-M16x130 6-M20x130 6-M20x150 L M N max N min O max O min P max P min Q R S T U max. M88x2.0 M88x2.0 M130x2.0 M130x2.0 V 6-M12 3-M8 6-M16 3-M10 ΦW X Y ΦZ Blank and machined draw-nuts are available. U is Max. Draw nut size. Refer to Fig-2 for HCH-12A06, HCH-12A08. RELATED PRODUCT H/S Jaw Cylinder 154p 72p POWER Chuck 041
43 HCH-A 3-Jaw Open-Center Chuck with adaptor (450mm - 610mm) Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit 3-jaw wedge-style power chuck with adaptor plate Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HCH-18A11 HCH-21A15 HCH-24A15 Spindle Nose A2-11 A2-15 A2-15 Thru Hole Dia Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Max. Permissible Input Force 71(7240) 90(91770) 90(9177) Max. Static Gripping Force 180(18355) 234(23861) 234(23861) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia (19.1) (37.0) (67.4) Operating Cylinder SH SH SYHL-2816 Max. Hydraulic Pressure 2.3(23.5) 3.0(30.6) 3.0(30.6) Operating Hard Jaw HB15A1 HB18B2 HB18B2 KITAGAWA Model B-18A11 B-21A15 B-24A15 Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 042 POWER Chuck
44 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HCH-18A11 HCH-21A15 HCH-24A15 ΦA B ΦC(H6) ΦD E F ΦG ΦH ΦJ K 6-M20x150 6-M22x170 6-M22x180 L M N max N min O max O min P max P min Q R S T U max. M130x2.0 M155x3.0 M175x3.0 V 3-M10 3-M12 3-M12 ΦW X Y ΦZ Blank and machined draw-nuts are available. U is Max. Draw nut size. HCH-21A15 and HCH24A15 are available with M22 or M24 mounting bolts. RELATED PRODUCT H/S Jaw Cylinder 154p 72p POWER Chuck 043
45 HCHT / HCHF 2-Jaw,4-Jaw Open-Center Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit 2-jaw, 4-jaw wedge-style open-center power chuck Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HCHT-15 HCHF-15 HCHF-18 HCHF-21 HCHF-24 HCHF-32 Thru Hole Dia Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Max. Permissible Input Force 47(4793) 47(4793) 47(4793) 60(6117) 60(6117) 60(6795) Max. Static Gripping Force 120(12236) 120(12236) 120(12236) 156(15907) 156(15907) 156(15821) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 87.28(8.90) 87.3(8.90) 165.8(16.9) 351.2(35.8) 651.4(66.4) 601(61) Operating Cylinder SH SH SH SH SH SYHL-2816 Max. Hydraulic Pressure 1.5(15.3) 1.5(15.3) 1.5(15.3) 1.97(20.1) 1.97(20.1) 2.2(22.4) Operating Hard Jaw HB15A1 HB15A1 HB15A1 HB18B2 HB18B2 HB32B2 KITAGAWA Model BT Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 044 POWER Chuck
46 H F Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HCHT-15 HCHF-15 HCHF-18 HCHF-21 HCHF-24 HCHF-32 ΦA B ΦC(H6) ΦD E ΦF G max G min H ΦJ K max. M130x2.0 M130x2.0 M130x2.0 M155x3.0 M175x3.0 M250x3.0 L 6-M20x150 4-M20x150 4-M20x130 8-M22x140 8-M22x150 8-M24x130 M N P Q max Q min R max R min T U V ΦW Blank and machined draw-nuts are available. K is Max. Draw nut size. RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 154p 72p POWER Chuck 045
47 HC Standard 3-Jaw Closed-Center Chuck (110mm - 304mm) Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Standard 3-jaw wedge-style closed-center power chuck Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HC-04 HC-05 HC-06 HC-08 HC-10 HC-12 Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Max. Permissible Input Force 8.2(836) 8.2(836) 18(1835) 25(2549) 29(2957) 41(4181) Max. Static Gripping Force 22.8(2325) 25.2(2570) 52.5(5353) 75(7648) 108(11013) 156(15907) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 0.29(0.03) 0.59(0.06) 1.777(0.18) 5.39(0.55) 11.77(1.20) 28.44(2.90) Max. Hydraulic Pressure 2.4(24.5) 2.4(24.5) 2.6(26.5) 2.5(25.5) 2.8(28.6) 2.7(27.5) Operating Cylinder Hydraulic Y-0715R(RE) Y-0715R(RE) Y-1020R(RE) Y-1225R(RE) Y-1225R(RE) Y-1530R(RE) Operating Cylinder Pneumatic AY-1315R AY-1315R AY-1720R AY-2225R AY-2225R AY-2730R Operating Hard Jaw HB04N1 HB04N1 HB06A1 HB08A1 HB10A1 HB12B1 KITAGAWA Model N-04 N-05 N-06 N-08 N-10 N-12 Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 046 POWER Chuck
48 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HC-04 HC-05 HC-06 HC-08 HC-10 HC-12 ΦA B ΦC(H6) F ΦH ΦJ K 3-M8x55 3-M8x60 6-M10x90 6-M12x100 6-M16X105 6-M16x120 L M N max N min O max O min P max P min Q R S T M10x1.5 M12x1.75 M16x2.0 M20x2.5 M20x2.5 M20x2.5 U ΦV W X The numbers in parentheses in columns P and T are also available upon request. RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 154p 80p POWER Chuck 047
49 HC Standard 3-Jaw Closed-Center Chuck (381mm mm) Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Standard 3-jaw wedge-style closed-center power chuck Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HC-15 HC-18 HC-21 HC-24 HC-32S HC-40S Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Max. Permissible Input Force 82(8362) 82(8362) 82(8362) 82(8362) 100(12236) 180(18256) Max. Static Gripping Force 249(25391) 249(25391) 273(27838) 273(27838) 240(21805) 320(32454) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 70.61(7.2) 92.2(9.4) 188.3(19.2) 271.6(27.7) 609.1(61) (145.6) Max. Hydraulic Pressure 3.2(32.6) 3.2(32.6) 3.2(32.6) 3.2(32.6) 3.99(40.8) 3.99(40.8) Operating Cylinder Hydraulic Y-2035R(RE) Y-2035R(RE) Y-2035R(RE) Y-2035R(RE) Y-2050R(RE) Y-2560RE Operating Hard Jaw HB15N1 HB15N1 HB18B2 HB18B2 HB32SB2 HB40SB2 KITAGAWA Model N-15 N-18 N-21 N Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 048 POWER Chuck
50 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HC-15 HC-18 HC-21 HC-24 HC-32S HC-40S ΦA B ΦC(H6) F ΦH ΦJ K 6-M20X150 6-M20X115 6-M22X120 6-M22X120 6-M24X120 6-M24X120 L M N max N min O max O min P max P min Q R S T M30x3.5 M30x3.5 M30x3.5 M30x3.5 M30x3.5 M36x4.0 U ΦV W X RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 154p 80p POWER Chuck 049
51 HC (groove type) 3-Jaw Hydraulic / 4-Jaw Independent Chuck (800mm -1600mm) Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit 3-Jaw Power Chuck (HC-32G,HC-40G) 4-jaw independent closed-center power chuck (HC-50G,HC-55G,HC-63G) Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HC-32G HC-40G HC-50G HC-55G HC-63G Jaw Stroke Dia Manual Setting Plunger Stroke Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Max. Permissible Input Force 100 (12170) 180 (18256) 180 (18256) 200 (20394) 200 (20394) Max. Static Gripping Force 240 (21805) 320 (32454) 320 (32454) 360 (36710) 360 (36710) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia (61) (174.5) 2169 (220) 2760 (280) 4930 (500) Operating Cylinder Y-2050RE Y-2560RE Y-2560RE Y-2560RE Y-2560RE Max.Hydraulic Pressure 3.99(40.8) 3.99(40.8) 3.99(40.8) 4.5(46) 4.5(46) Operating Hard Jaw HB32GB HB40GB HB40GB HB40GB HB40GB Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 050 POWER Chuck
52 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HC-32G HC-40G HC-50G HC-55G HC-63G ΦA B ΦC(H6) F G ΦH K M24X120L M24X140L M24X140L M24X160L M24X160L L M N max N min O max O min P max P min Q S S T M30x3.5 M36x4.0 M36x4.0 M36x4.0 M36x4.0 ΦV W X a a a a HC-32, HC mm key Groove type. RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 154p 80p POWER Chuck 051
53 HC-A 3-Jaw Closed-Center Chuck with Adaptor (165mm - 304mm) Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit 3-jaw wedge-type closed-center power chuck with adaptor Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HC-06A05 HC-08A06 HC-10A06 HC-10A08 HC-12A06 HC-12A08 Spindle Nose No. A2-5 A2-6 A2-6 A2-8 A2-6 A2-8 Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Max. Permissible Input Force 18(1835) 25(2549) 29(2957) 29(2957) 41(4181) 41(4181) Max. Static Gripping Force 52.5(5353) 75(7648) 108(11013) 108(11013) 156(15907) 156(15907) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 1.96(0.20) 5.79(0.59) 13.14(1.34) 12.84(1.31) 29.82(3.04) 29.52(3.01) Max. Hydraulic Pressure 2.6(26.5) 2.5(25.5) 2.8(28.6) 2.8(28.6) 2.7(27.5) 2.7(27.5) Operating Cylinder Hydraulic Y-1020R(RE) Y-1225R(RE) Y-1225R(RE) Y-1225R(RE) Y-1530R(RE) Y-1530R(RE) Operating Cylinder Pneumatic AY-1720R AY-2225R AY-2225R AY-2225R AY-2730R AY-2730R Operating Hard Jaw HB06A1 HB08A1 HB10A1 HB10A1 HB12A1 HB12A1 KITAGAWA Model N-06A05 N-08A06 N-10A06 N-10A08 N-12A06 N-12A08 Refer to Fig-2 for HC-10A06 and HC-12A06. Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 052 POWER Chuck
54 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HC-06A05 HC-08A06 HC-10A06 HC-10A08 HC-12A06 HC-12A08 ΦA B ΦC(H6) ΦD E F ΦG ΦH ΦJ K 6-M10 6-M12 6-M12 6-M16 6-M12 6-M16 L M N max N min O max O min P max (108) 84(128) 101(140) 117(138) 124(145) P min (89) 74(89) 76(115) 87(108) 94(115) Q R S T M16x2.0 M20x2.5 M20x2.5 M20x2.5 M24x3.0 (M20x2.5) M24x3.0 (M20x2.5) U ΦV W 3-M6 3-M6 6-M16 3-M8 6-M16 3-M8 X Blank and machined draw-nuts are available. U is Max. Draw nut size. RELATED PRODUCT H/S Jaw 154p Cylinder 80p POWER Chuck 053
55 HC-A 3-Jaw Closed-Center Chuck with Adaptor (381mm - 610mm) Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit 3-jaw wedge-type closed-center power chuck with adaptor Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HC-15A08 HC-15A11 HC-18A08 HC-18A11 HC-21A11 HC-21A15 HC-24A11 HC-24A15 Spindle Nose No. A2-8 A2-11 A2-8 A2-11 A2-11 A2-15 A2-11 A2-15 Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Max. Permissible Input Force 82(8362) 82(8362) 82(8362) 82(8362) 82(8362) 82(8362) 82(8362) 82(8362) Max. Static Gripping Force 249(25391) 249(25391) 249(25391) 249(25391) 273(27838) 273(27838) 273(27838) 273(27838) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 76.49(7.8) 73.55(7.5) 97.08(9.9) 95.12(9.7) (20.5) (19.9) (29.5) (28.2) Max. Hydraulic Pressure 3.2(32.6) 3.2(32.6) 3.2(32.6) 3.2(32.6) 3.2(32.6) 3.2(32.6) 3.2(32.6) 3.2(32.6) Operating Cylinder Hydraulic Y-2035R(RE) Y-2035R(RE) Y-2035R(RE) Y-2035R(RE) Y-2035R(RE) Y-2035R(RE) Y-2035R(RE) Y-2035R(RE) Operating Hard Jaw HB15N1 HB15N1 HB15N1 HB15N1 HB18B2 HB18B2 HB18B2 HB18B2 KITAGAWA Model N-15A08 N-15A08 N-18A11 N-18A11 N-21A11 N-21A15 N-24A11 N-24A15 Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Refer to Fig-2 for HC-15A08, HC-18A08, HC-21A11, HC-24A11. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 054 POWER Chuck
56 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HC-15A08 HC-15A11 HC-18A08 HC-18A11 HC-21A11 HC-21A15 HC-24A11 HC-24A15 ΦA B ΦC(H6) ΦD E F ΦG ΦH ΦJ K 6-M16 6-M20 6-M16 6-M20 6-M20 6-M22 6-M20 6-M22 L M N max N min O max O min P max P min Q R S T M30x3.5 M30x3.5 M30x3.5 M30x3.5 M30x3.5 M30x3.5 M30x3.5 M30x3.5 U ΦV W 6-M20 3-M10 6-M20 3-M10 6-M22 3-M12 6-M22 6-M12 X RELATED PRODUCT H/S Jaw 154p Cylinder 80p POWER Chuck 055
57 HCT 2-Jaw Closed-Center Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit 2-jaw wedge-style power chuck Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HCT-04 HCT-05 HCT-06 HCT-08 HCT-10 HCT-12 Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Max. Permissible Input Force 5.3(540) 5.3(540) 12(1224) 16.5(1683) 19.5(1988) 27.5(2804) Max. Static Gripping Force 15.2(1550) 16.9(1713) 35(3569) 50(5099) 72(7342) 104(10605) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 0.26(0.027) 0.59(0.06) 1.67(0.17) 5.20(0.53) 11.5(1.17) 27.8(2.83) Max.Hydraulic Pressure 1.68(17.1) 1.68(17.1) 1.7(17.3) 1.6(16.3) 1.9(19.4) 1.8(18.4) Operating Cylinder Y-0715R Y-0715R Y-1020R Y-1225R Y-1225R Y-1530R KITAGAWA Model NT-04 NT-05 NT-06 NT-08 NT-10 NT-12 Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 056 POWER Chuck
58 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HCT-04 HCT-05 HCT-06 HCT-08 HCT-10 HCT-12 ΦA B ΦC(H6) F ΦH K 4-M8x55 4-M8x60 6-M10x70 6-M12x85 6-M16x85 6-M16x100 L M N max N min O max O min P max P min Q R S T M10x1.5 M12x1.75 M16x2.0 M20x2.5 M20x2.5 M20x2.5 U ΦV W X RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 154p 80p POWER Chuck 057
59 HCF 4-Jaw Closed-Center Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit 4-jaw wedge-style closed-center power chuck Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HCF-08 HCF-12 HCF-15 HCF-18 HCF-21 HCF-24 HCF-32 HCF-40 Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Max. Permissible Input Force 16.5(1638) 27.5(2804) 54.6(5575) 54.6(5575) 54.6(5575) 54.6(5575) 88(8925) 120(12245) Max. Static Gripping Force 50(5099) 104(10605) 165.8(16927) 165.8(16927) 168(18550) 183(18550) 156(15821) 213(21769) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 5.20(0.53) 27.7(2.83) 72.6(7.4) 92.2(9.4) 188.3(19.2) 271.7(27.7) 601(61) 1720(174.5) Max.Hydraulic Pressure 1.6(16.3) 1.8(18.4) 2.13(21.7) 2.13(21.7) 2.13(21.7) 2.13(21.7) 3(30.6) 2.7(27.2) Operating Cylinder Y-1225R(RE) Y-1530R(RE) Y-2035R(RE) Y-2035R(RE) Y-2035R(RE) Y-2035R(RE) Y-2050RE Y-2560RE Operating Hard Jaw HB08A1 HB12B1 HB15N1 HB15N1 HB18B2 HB18B2 HB32SB2 HB40SB2 Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. HCF-12 is also available with long stroke. 058 POWER Chuck
60 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HCF-08 HCF-12 HCF-15 HCF-18 HCF-21 HCF-24 HCF-32G HCF-40G ΦA B ΦC(H6) F ΦH ΦJ K 6-M12 4-M16 4-M20 4-M20 8-M22 8-M22 8-M24x120L 8-M20x160L(M24) L M N max N min O max O min P max P min Q R S T M20x2.5 M20x2.5 M30x3.5 M30x3.5 M30x3.5 M30x3.5 M30x3.5 M36x4.0 U ΦV W X Blank and machined draw-nuts are available. Groove type is standard model on HCF-32G and HCF-40G. HCF-21 and HCF-24 are available with M22 ro M24 mounting bolts. RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 154p 84p POWER Chuck 059
61 HC-SE 3-Jaw Sealed Closed-center Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Sealed aginst coolant and chips Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HC-15SE HC-18SE HC-21SE HC-24SE Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Max. Permissible Input Force 82(8362) 82(8362) 82(8362) 82(8362) Max. Static Gripping Force 249(25391) 249(25391) 273(27838) 273(27838) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 70.61(7.2) 92.2(9.4) 188.3(19.2) 271.6(27.7) Max.hydraulic Pressure 3.2(32.6) 3.2(32.6) 3.2(32.6) 3.2(32.6) Operating Cylinder Hydraulic Y-2035R(RE) Y-2035R(RE) Y-2035R(RE) Y-2035R(RE) Operating Hard Jaw HB15N1 HB15N1 HB18B2 HB18B2 KITAGAWA Model N-15 N-18 N-21 N-24 Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. HCF-12 is also available with long stroke. 060 POWER Chuck
62 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HC-15SE HC-18SE HC-21SE HC-24SE ΦA B ΦC(H6) F ΦH J K 6-M20x150 6-M20x115 6-M22x120 6-M22x120 L M N max N min O max O min P max P min Q R S T M30x3.5 M30x3.5 M30x3.5 M30x3.5 U ΦV W X RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 154p 80p POWER Chuck 061
63 HCL 3-Jaw Closed-Center Long-Stroke Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit 3-jaw wedge-style power chuck(long Stroke) Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HCL-04 HCL-06 HCL-08 HCL-10 HCL-12 Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Max. Permissible Input Force 10(1020) 21(2141) 30(3059) 40(4079) 54(5506) Max. Static Gripping Force 14.4(1468) 39(3977) 60(6118) 81(8260) 111(11319) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 0.29(0.03) 1.76(0.18) 5.39(0.55) 11.8(1.20) 28.4(2.90) Max.hydraulic Pressure 2.9(29.6) 3.0(29.6) 2.9(29.6) 2.8(28.6) 3.6(36.7) Operating Cylinder Y-0715R(RE) Y-1020R(RE) Y-1225R(RE) Y-1530R(RE) Y-1530R(RE) Operrating Hard Jaw HB04N1 HB06A1 HB08A1 HB10A1 HB12B1 KITAGAWA Model NL-04 NT-06 NT-08 NT-10 NT-12 Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 062 POWER Chuck
64 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HCL-04 HCL-06 HCL-08 HCL-10 HCL-12 ΦA B ΦC(H6) F ΦH K 3-M8 6-M10 6-M12 6-M16 6-M16 L M N max N min O max O min P max P min Q R S T M10x1.5 M16x2.0 M20x2.5 M20x2.5 M20x2.5 U ΦV W X RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 154p 80p POWER Chuck 063
65 HCLT / HCLF 2-Jaw,4Jaw Closed-Center Long-Stroke Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit 2-jaw, 4-jaw wedge-style power chuck Technical features Gripping force transmisstion by wedge structure Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HCLT-06 HCLT-08 HCLT-10 HCLT-12 HCLF-08 HCLF-12 Jaw Stroke Dia Plunger Stroke Grip Dia. Max Grip Dia. Min Max. Permissible Input Force 14(1428) 20(2039) 27(2753) 36(3671) 20(2039) 36(3671) Max. Static Gripping Force 26(2651) 40(4079) 54(5508) 74(7546) 40(4079) 74(7546) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 1.67(0.17) 1.67(0.17) 11.47(1.17) 27.75(2.83) 5.20(0.53) 27.75(2.83) Max.Hydraulic Pressure 2.06(21.0) 2.03(20.7) 1.93(19.7) 2.50(25.5) 2.03(20.7) 2.50(25.5) Operating Cylinder Y-1020R Y-1225R Y-1530R Y-1530R Y-1225R Y-1530R KITAGAWA Model NLT-06 NLT-08 NLT-10 NLT-12 NLT-08 NLT-12 Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Samcully Machinery Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. 064 POWER Chuck
66 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HCLT-06 HCLT-08 HCLT-10 HCLT-12 HCLF-08 HCLF-12 ΦA B ΦC(H6) F ΦH K 6-M10x70 6-M12x85 6-M16x105 6-M16x120 4-M16x85 4-M16x120 L M N max N min O max O min P max P min Q R S T M16x2.0 M20x2.5 M20x2.5 M20x2.5 M20x2.5 M20x2.5 U ΦV W X Blank and machined draw-nuts are available. K is Max. Draw nut size. RELATED PRODUCT Adaptor H/S Jaw Cylinder 160p 154p 80p POWER Chuck 065
67 HCWF 4-Jaw Double Wedge Power Chuck Power Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit For clamping round, cubic, pipe and geometrically irregular workpieces Available with manual jaws Technical features Concentric and compensating clamping by double wedge Hardening treatment to assure greatest precision and longer chuck life ACTUAL GRIPPING FORCE DIAGRAM When using taller heavier jaw or clamping on a bigger diameter reduce draw pull rotating speed accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS HCWF-55 2 Step Manual Jaw Function Manual Setting (Radial Chuck Jaw) 40+(24) Manual Jaw Stroke Dia. 60 Plunger Stroke 60 Grip Dia. Max 1400 Grip Dia. Min - Max. Pemissible Input Force 120 (W1,W2) Max.Static Gripping Force 210 (J1,J2) Max. r.p.m. 400 Weight 1400 Moment of inertia 355(36.22) Operating Cylinder DYV POWER Chuck
68 Power Chuck It is recommended to grease chucks at least twice a day in order to maximize longevity. DIMENSIONS HCWF-55 ΦA 1400 L1max. 65 ΦB 720 L1min. 5 ΦC L2max. 137 ΦC L2min. 77 D 26 M 76.2 E 40 N 270 F M30x180 O Max. 716 F1 M24x170 P 85 G M30x80 Q 11 G1 M62x2.0 R H 240 S 38.1 Kmax. 250 ΦT 110 Kmin. 226 U 343 V 104 RELATED PRODUCT Cylinder 92p POWER Chuck 067
70 SD Mega-Bore Short body Open- Center Hydraulic Cylinder 70P YS-RA Ultra Compact Closed Center Hyd. Cylinder with Proximity Bracket & Built in Rotary Union 88P SH Standard Mega Bore Short Body Open Center Hyd.Cylinder 72P DY Double Piston Hyd. Cylinder 90P SHL (Long Stroke) Mega Bore Short Body Open Center Hyd.Cylinder 74P DYV Double Piston Hyd. Cylinder with Lock Valve 92P SYH Standard Open Center Hyd.Cylinder 76P AY-R Closed Center Pneumatic Cylinder 94P SYHL (Long Stroke) Open Center Hyd.Cylinder 78P Y-R Standard Closed Center Hyd. Cylinder 80P Y-RE Closed Center Hyd. Cylinder with Proximity Bracket 82P YH-RE Ultra Compact Closed Center Hyd. Cylinder with Proximity Bracket 86P
71 SD Mega-Bore Short body Open-Center Hydraulic Cylinder Application / Customer's Benefit Low drain, Ultra slim open-center cylinder Technical features The low drain reduce the heating generated by Hyd. unit Rotary Cylinder SPECIFICATIONS SD SD SD SD SD SD SDL SDL Available I.D Piston Dia Piston Stroke Piston Force (Push) 47(4800) 67(6800) 75(7656) 89(9000) 85(8700) 105(10700) 138(14100) 152(15483) Piston Force (Pull) 44(4500) 63(6400) 70(7050) 82(8300) 79(8100) 101(10300) 126(12900) 138(14060) Max. Operating Pressure 4.5(45bar) 4.5(45bar) 4.5(45bar) 4.5(45bar) 4.5(45bar) 4.5(45bar) 4.0(40bar) 3.3(33bar) Max. r.p.m Moment of inertia Weight Total Leakage Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. See the product dimension Table on the right. 070 ROTARY CYLINDER
72 DIMENSIONS SD SD SD SD SD SD SDL SDL ΦC ΦD ΦD ΦE ΦF ΦG H M52x2.0p M60x2.0p M75x2.0p M85x2.0p M90x2.0p M112x2.0p M130x2.0p M180x3.0p ΦJ K N ΦP ΦS T U V max V min W max W min Z A B C E1 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 F1DP' M10x20 M10x20 M10x20 M10x20 M10x20 M12x20 M16x32 M16x32 G H J K L M Q1 M5x10 M6x10 M6x10 M6x10 M6x12 M6x12 M6x12 M6x12 S1 PT1/2 PT1/2 PT1/2 PT1/2 PT1/2 PT1/2 PT1/2 PT1/2 T W1 M52x1.5p M58x1.5p M74x1.5p M84x2.0p M89x2.0p M119x2.0p M124x2.0p M180x3.0p ΦX Y U Z1 6-M8x90 6-M8x90 6-M10x95 8-M8x110 6-M10x110 6-M12x120 8-M12x140 6-M10x95 Rotary Cylinder ROTARY CYLINDER 071
73 SH Standard Mega-Bore Short-Body Open-Center Hydraulic Cylinder Rotary Cylinder SPECIFICATIONS Application / Customer's Benefit A high speed, open-center cylinder with a larger bore and ligther than the standard SYH Technical features Built-in lock and relief valves prevent damage caused by excessive pressure, and ensures saftey during blackouts or loss of power by maintaining pull force SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH Available I.D Piston Dia Piston Stroke Piston Force (Push) 25(2549) 42.3(4285) 60(6118) 63(6531) 75.3(7632) 78.1(7924) 91.8(9357) 132(13390) Piston Force (Pull) 24(2447) 38.1(3865) 56(5710) 59.8(6060) 69.6(7087) 72.5(7350) 87.8(8952) 121(12305) Max. Operating Pressure 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) Max. r.p.m Moment of inertia 0.43(0.044) 0.2(0.021) 0.44(0.045) 0.65(0.067) 0.83(0.084) 0.95(0.097) 1.84(0.188) 1.9(0.193) Weight Total Leakage Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. See the product dimension Table on the right. 072 ROTARY CYLINDER
74 DIMENSIONS SH SH SH SH SH SH SH SH ΦC ΦD ΦE ΦF ΦG Hmax. M42x1.5 M52x2.0 M60x2.0 M75x2.0 M85x2.0 M90x2.0 M115x2.0 M130x2.0 ΦJ K N ΦP ΦS T U V max V min W max W min Z A B C E1 M5 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 F1DP' M10x17 M10x20 M10x20 M10x20 M10x20 M12x20 M12x20 M16x32 G H J K L ΦM ΦN P Q1 M5x7 M5x6 M6x7 M6x10 M6x10 M6x10 M6x10 M6x12 R S1 PT 1/2 PT 1/2 PT 1/2 PT 1/2 PT 1/2 PT 1/2 PT 1/2 PT 1/2 T W1 M44x1.5 M52x1.5 M58x1.5 M74x1.5 M84x2.0 M89x2.0 M119x2.0 M124x2.0 ΦX Y Rotary Cylinder ROTARY CYLINDER 073
75 SHL Mega-Bore Short-Body Long-Stroke Open-Center Hydraulic Cylinder Rotary Cylinder SPECIFICATIONS Application / Customer's Benefit A high speed, open-center cylinder with a larger bore and ligther than the standard SYH(Long Stroke) Technical features Built-in lock and relief valves prevent damage caused by excessive pressure, and ensures saftey during blackouts or loss of power by maintaining pull force SHL SHL SHL SHL Available I.D Piston Dia Piston Stroke Piston Force (Push) 63(6531) 75.3(7632) 132(13390) 152.5(15570) Piston Force (Pull) 59.8(6060) 69.6(7087) 121(12305) 138.7(14152) Max. Operating Pressure 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 2.5(25) Max. r.p.m Moment of inertia 0.69(0.070) 0.86(0.088) 1.9(0.193) 39.64(4.045) Weight Total Leakage Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. See the product dimension Table on the right. 074 ROTARY CYLINDER
76 DIMENSIONS SHL SHL SHL SHL ΦC ΦD ΦE ΦF ΦG H max. M75x2.0 M85x2.0 M130x2.0 M250x3.0 ΦJ K ΦN ΦP ΦS T U V max V min W max W min Z A B C E1 M6 M6 M6 M6 F1DP' M10x20 M10x20 M16x32 M16x40 G H J K L M N P Q1 M6x10 M6x10 M6x12 M6x12 R S1 PT 1/2 PT 1/2 PT 1/2 PT 1/2 T W1 M74x1.5 M84x2.0 M124x2.0 M253x2.0 ΦX Y Rotary Cylinder ROTARY CYLINDER 075
77 SYH Standard Open-Center Hydraulic Cylinder Rotary Cylinder SPECIFICATIONS Application / Customer's Benefit Compact and light weight Technical features Built-in lock and relief valves prevent damage caused by excessive pressure, and ensures saftey during blackouts or loss of power by maintaining pull force SYH-1036 SYH-1246 SYH-1552 SYH-1877 SYH-2091 Available I.D ,39,40,41,43,45,46 46,52,69 68,69,75,77 78,91 Piston Dia Piston Stroke Piston Surface Area (Push) Piston Surface Area (Pull) Piston Force (Push) 25(2549) 38(3875) 60(6118) 74(7546) 94(9584) Piston Force (Pull) 24(2447) 33(3365) 56(5710) 69(7036) 88(8973) Max. Operating Pressure 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) Max. r.p.m Moment of inertia 0.10(0.011) 0.18(0.019) 0.52(0.053) 0.93(0.095) 1.45(0.153) Weight Total leakage KITAGAWA Model S-1036 S-1246 S-1552 S-1875 S-2091 Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. See the product dimension Table on the right. 076 ROTARY CYLINDER
78 DIMENSIONS SYH-1036 SYH-1246 SYH-1552 SYH-1877 SYH-2091 ΦC ΦD ΦE ΦF ΦG H max. M42x1.5 M52x2.0 M60x2.0 M85x2.0 M100x2.0 ΦJ K ΦM ΦN ΦP ΦQ ΦS T U V max V min W max W min Z A B C E1 M5x11 M6x9 M6x9 M6x9 M6x14 F1 6-M10x17 12-M10x20 12-M10x20 12-M10x20 12-M12x24 G H J K L M ΦN P Q1 M5x10 M5x10 M6x12 M6x12 M6x12 R S1 PT3/8 PT1/2 PT1/2 PT1/2 PT1/2 T ΦU V W1 M44x1.5 M52x1.5 M58x1.5 M84x2.0 M99x2.0 ΦX Rotary Cylinder ROTARY CYLINDER 077
79 SYHL Standard Open-Center Long-Stroke Hydraulic Cylinder Rotary Cylinder SPECIFICATIONS Application / Customer's Benefit Compact and lightweight(long Stroke) Technical features Built-in lock and relief valves prevent damage caused by excessive pressure, and ensures saftey during blackouts or loss of power by maintaining pull force SYHL-1246 SYHL-1552 SYHL-1877 SYHL-2091 SYHL-2816 Available I.D ,75, Piston Dia Piston Stroke Piston Surface Area (Push) Piston Surface Area (Pull) Piston Force (Push) 38(3875) 60(6118) 74(7546) 94(9585) 113(11522) Piston Force (Pull) 33(3365) 56(5710) 69(7063) 88(8973) 100(10196) Max. Operating Pressure 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 3.3(33.6) Max. r.p.m Moment of inertia 0.21(0.022) 0.56(0.058) 0.10(0.098) 1.56(0.160) 35.5(3.31) Weight Total leakage KITAGAWA Model S-1246L S-1552L S-1875L S-2091L S-2816L Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Certain models have several thru-hole size available. The bore threading varies by model. H max represents the largest possible threading. See the product dimension Table on the right. 078 ROTARY CYLINDER
80 DIMENSIONS SYHL-1246 SYHL-1552 SYHL-1877 SYHL-2091 SYHL-2816 ΦC ΦD ΦE ΦF ΦG H max. M55x2.0 M60x2.0 M85x2.0 M100x2.0 M180x3.0 ΦJ K ΦM ΦN ΦP Q ΦS T U V V W W Z A B C E1 M6x9 M6x9 M6x9 M6x14 M6x12 F1 M10x20 M10x20 M10x20 M12x24 M16x32 G H J K L M ΦN P Q1 M5x10 M6x12 M6x12 M6x12 M6x12 R S1 PT1/2 PT1/2 PT1/2 PT1/2 PT1/2 T ΦU V W1 M52x1.5 M58x1.5 M84x2.0 M99x2.0 M173x2.0 ΦX Rotary Cylinder ROTARY CYLINDER 079
81 Y-R Standard Closed-Center Hydraulic Cylinder Rotary Cylinder SPECIFICATIONS Application / Customer's Benefit Closed-Center Hydraulic Cylinder with Proximity Bracket Technical features Built-in lock and relief valves prevent damage caused by excessive pressure, and ensures saftey during blackouts or loss of power by maintaining pull force Y-0715R Y-1020R Y-1225R Y-1530R Y-2035R Piston Stroke Piston Surface Area (Push) Piston Surface Area (Pull) Piston Force (Push) 16.6(1693) 32.0(3264) 46.0(4692) 66.0(6732) 117.0(11934) Piston Force (Pull) 13.9(1417) 29(2957) 42(4283) 60(6118) 108(11013) Max. Operating Pressure 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) Max. r.p.m Moment of inertia 0.118(0.012) 0.49(0.05) 0.88(0.09) 1.86(0.19) 3.82(0.39) Weight Total leakage KITAGAWA Model Y-0715R Y-1020R Y-1225R Y-1530R Y-2035R Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Piston Force : Hydraulic 4.0MPa (40.8 kgf/cm 2 ) 3.0MPa(30.6 kgf/cm 2 ) at 50C Samchully Machinary Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd 080 ROTARY CYLINDER
82 2-M5x M5x10 Rotary Cylinder DIMENSIONS Y-0715R Y-1020R Y-1225R Y-1530R Y-2035R A B ΦC ΦD ΦE ΦF ΦG H max. M20x2.5 M20x2.5 M24x3.0 M30x3.5 M36x4.0 J K L M N P max P min Q 6-M6x20 6-M10x20 6-M12x24 6-M12x24 12-M16x30 R ROTARY CYLINDER 081
83 Y-RE Closed-Center Hydraulic Cylinder with Proximity Bracket (75mm~125mm) Rotary Cylinder SPECIFICATIONS Application / Customer's Benefit Closed-Center Hydraulic Cylinder with Proximity Bracket Technical features Built-in lock and relief valves prevent damage caused by excessive pressure, and ensures saftey during blackouts or loss of power by maintaining pull force Y-0715RE Y-1020RE Y-1025RE Y-1225RE Y-1240RE Piston Stroke Piston Surface Area (Push) Piston Surface Area (Pull) Piston Force (Push) 16.6(1693) 32.0(3264) 32.0(3264) 46.0(4692) 46.0(4692) Piston Force (Pull) 13.9(1417) 29(2957) 29(2957) 42(4283) 42(4283) Max. Operating Pressure 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) Max. r.p.m Moment of inertia 0.118(0.012) 0.46(0.05) 0.49(0.05) 0.88(0.09) 0.88(0.09) Weight Total leakage KITAGAWA Model Y-0715RE Y-1020RE Y-1025RE Y-1225RE Y-1240RE Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Piston Force : Hydraulic 4.0MPa (40.8 kgf/cm 2 ) 3.0MPa(30.6 kgf/cm 2 ) at 50C Samchully Machinary Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd 082 ROTARY CYLINDER
84 Rotary Cylinder DIMENSIONS Y-0715RE Y-1020RE Y-1025RE Y-1225RE Y-1240RE A B ΦC ΦD ΦE ΦF ΦG H M20x2.5 M20x2.5 M20x2.5 M24x3.0 M24x3.0 J K L M N P max P min Q 6-M6x20 6-M10x20 6-M10x20 6-M12x24 6-M12x24 R S T ROTARY CYLINDER 083
85 Y-RE Closed-Center Hydraulic Cylinder with Proximity Bracket (150mm~250mm) Rotary Cylinder SPECIFICATIONS Application / Customer's Benefit Closed-Center Hydraulic Cylinder with Proximity Bracket Technical features Built-in lock and relief valves prevent damage caused by excessive pressure, and ensures saftey during blackouts or loss of power by maintaining pull force Y-1530RE Y-1550RE Y-2035RE Y-2050RE Y-2560RE Piston Stroke Piston Surface Area (Push) Piston Surface Area (Pull) Piston Force (Push) 66.0(6732) 66.0(6732) 117.0(11934) 117.0(11934) 193(19541) Piston Force (Pull) 60(6118) 60(6118) 108(11013) 108(11013) 180(18289) Max. Operating Pressure 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) Max. r.p.m Moment of inertia 1.86(0.19) 1.96(0.20) 3.82(0.39) 4.12(0.42) 9.0(0.92) Weight Total leakage KITAGAWA Model Y-1530RE Y-1550RE Y-2035RE Y-2050RE - Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Piston Force : Hydraulic 4.0MPa (40.8 kgf/cm 2 ) 3.0MPa(30.6 kgf/cm 2 ) at 50C Samchully Machinary Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd 084 ROTARY CYLINDER
86 Rotary Cylinder DIMENSIONS Y-1530RE Y-1550RE Y-2035RE Y-2050RE Y-2560RE A B ΦC ΦD ΦE ΦF ΦG H M30x3.5 M30x3.5 M36x4.0 M36x4.0 M42x3.0 J K L M N P max P min Q 6-M12x24 6-M12x24 12-M16x30 12-M16x30 12-M20x35 R S T ROTARY CYLINDER 085
87 YH-RE Ultra-Compact Closed-Center Hydraulic Cylinder with Proximity Bracket Rotary Cylinder SPECIFICATIONS Application / Customer's Benefit Ultra-Compact Closed-Center Hydraulic Cylinder with Proximity Bracket Technical features Built-in lock and relief valves prevent damage caused by excessive pressure, and ensures saftey during blackouts or loss of power by maintaining pull force YH-10120RE YH-10125RE YH-12125RE YH-12140RE YH-15130RE YH-15150RE YH-20135RE YH-20150RE YH-25160RE Piston Stroke Piston Surface Area (Push) Piston Surface Area (Pull) Piston Force (Push) 29(2960) 29(2960) 42(4326) 42(4326) 63(6375) 63(6375) 114(11573) 114(11573) 193(19541) Piston Force (Pull) 27(2770) 27(2770) 39(4022) 39(4022) 57(5843) 57(5843) 105(10738) 105(10738) 180(18289) Max. Operating Pressure 40(40.8) 40(40.8) 40(40.8) 40(40.8) 40(40.8) 40(40.8) 40(40.8) 40(40.8) 40(40.8) Max. r.p.m Moment of inertia 0.49(0.05) 0.49(0.05) 0.88(0.09) 0.88(0.09) 1.86(0.19) 1.96(0.2) 3.82(0.39) 4.12(0.42) 9(0.92) Weight Total leakage Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 086 ROTARY CYLINDER
88 Rotary Cylinder DIMENSIONS YH-10120RE YH-10125RE YH-12125RE YH-12140RE YH-15130RE YH-15150RE YH-20135RE YH-20150RE YH-25160RE ΦC ΦD ΦE ΦF ΦG J K L M N P max P min Q 6-M10x20 6-M10x20 12-M12x24 12-M12x24 12-M12x24 12-M12x24 12-M16x30 12-M16x30 12-M20x35 R S ROTARY CYLINDER 087
89 YS-RA Ultra-Compact Closed-Center Hydraulic Cylinder with Proximity Bracket and Built-in Rotary joint Rotary Cylinder SPECIFICATIONS Application / Customer's Benefit Ultra-Compact Closed-Center Hydraulic Cylinder with Proximity Bracket Technical features Built-in lock and relief valves prevent damage caused by excessive pressure Ensures saftey during blackouts or loss of power by maintaining pull force Built-in Rotary joint YS-11020RA YS-12021RA YS-13030RA Piston Stroke Piston Surface Area (Push) Piston Surface Area (Pull) Piston Force (Push) 28(2855) 39(3977) 47(4793) Piston Force (Pull) 27(2753) 38(3875) 45(4589) Max. Operating Pressure 3.5(35.7) 4.0(40.8) 4.0(40.8) Max. r.p.m Moment of inertia 0.157(0.016) 0.274(0.028) 0.284(0.029) Weight Total leakage Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 088 ROTARY CYLINDER
90 Rotary Cylinder DIMENSIONS YS-11020RA YS-12021RA YS-13030RA A B ΦC ΦD ΦE ΦF ΦG H M20x2.5 M20x2.5 M24x3.0 J K L M N P max P min Q max Q min R ΦS T M8x80 M8x80 M10x80 ROTARY CYLINDER 089
91 DY Double-Piston Hydraulic Cylinder Application / Customer's Benefit Dual piston Suitable for 2+2 chucks Technical features Suitable with chucks having face drivers and ejectors Rotary Cylinder SPECIFICATIONS DY DY Piston A Piston B Piston A Piston B Piston Dia Piston Area Piston Stroke. Max Piston Stroke. Min Max. Operating Pressure 4(40.8) 4(40.8) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 0.441(0.045) 2.94(0.3) Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 090 ROTARY CYLINDER
92 Rotary Cylinder DIMENSIONS DY DY ΦA ΦB(h6) ΦC ΦD ΦE F 6-M12 6-M10 G M20x1.5 M24x1.5 H M42x1.5 M42x1.5 J K L ROTARY CYLINDER 091
93 DYV Double-Piston Hydraulic Cylinder with Lock Valve Rotary Cylinder Application / Customer's Benefit Dual pistons actuate independently. May use with HCWF in dual or interlinked configurations. Suitable for VTLs and horizontal lathes Technical features Built-in ports for air sensing and coolant-thru (rotary union required) SPECIFICATIONS DYV Piston A Piston B Piston Stroke Push [kn(kgf)] Piston Force (Push) 16.9(1724) 11.8(1206) Pull [kn(kgf)] Piston Force (Pull) 13.9(1420) 11.1(1130) Push [cm²] Piston Surface Area (Push) Pull [cm²] Piston Surface Area (Pull) [MPa(kgf/cm²)] Max. Operating Pressure 5.1(50) [min-¹] Max. r.p.m [kg] Weight 92 [N m²(kgf m²)] Moment of inertia 0.89 Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Piston Force : Hydraulic 4.0MPa (40.8 kgf/cm 2 ) 3.0MPa(30.6 kgf/cm 2 ) at 50C Samchully Machinary Co., Ltd. is no longer an OEM manufacturer for kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd 092 ROTARY CYLINDER
94 Rotary Cylinder DIMENSIONS DYV ΦA 280 L 114 ΦB 160 M 251 ΦC 250 N 8 ΦD 100 O 181 ΦE 77 P 160 ΦF 45 Q 30 G max. 70 R 5 G min. 10 S M75x2.0 H max. 110 T M36x4.0 H min. 50 U 46 ΦJ 37 V 22 K W 35.3 ROTARY CYLINDER 093
95 AY-R Closed-Center Pneumatic Cylinder Application / Customer's Benefit Closed-Center Pneumatic Cylinder Suitable for cutting thin material Rotary Cylinder SPECIFICATIONS AY-1005R AY-1315R AY-1720R AY-2225R AY-2730R Piston Stroke Piston Surface Area (Push) Piston Surface Area (Pull) Piston Force (Push) 5.4(552) 7.7(786) 13.23(1350) 22.2(2268) 33.5(3422) Piston Force (Pull) 5.1(518) 7.5(770) 12.9(1320) 21.8(2226) 33.0(3364) Max. Operating Pressure 8(0.82) 8(0.82) 8(0.82) 8(0.82) 8(0.82) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 0.686(0.07) 0.686(0.07) 1.078(0.11) 2.450(0.25) 7.350(0.75) Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 094 ROTARY CYLINDER
96 Rotary Cylinder DIMENSIONS AY-1005R AY-1315R AY-1720R AY-2225R AY-2730R A B ΦC ΦD ΦE(h7) ΦF G max G min H J K L M N M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 Q M6x11 M6x11 M10x16 M12x20 M12x20 P M12x22 M12x22 M16x30 M20x35 M24x40 ROTARY CYLINDER 095
98 SC Standard Scroll Chuck (Hard Jaws) 98P MU Manual Chuck 108P FSC Standard Front Mounting Scroll Chuck(Hard Jaws) 100P IC Independent Chuck (Hard Jaws) 110P TC Standard Scroll Chuck (Soft & Hard Top Jaws) 101P IC Mega Bore Independent Chuck (Hard Jaws) 112P FTC Front Mounting Scroll Chuck(Soft & Hard Top Jaws) 102P ST 2-Jaw Scroll Chuck (Soft Top Jaws) 104P SF 4-Jaw Scroll Chuck (Hard Jaws) 105P SCS 6-Jaw Scroll Chuck (Hard Jaws) 106P SL Standard Slotter Chuck (Hard Jaws) 107P
99 SC Standard Scroll Chuck (Hard Jaws) Adaptor 166p H/S Jaw 165p Application / Customer's Benefit Scroll chuck with hardened jaws Technical features Includes external and internal gripping jaws. Scroll Chuck DIMENSIONS SC-85(3") SC-110(4") SC-130(5") SC-165(6") SC-190(7") ΦA B ΦC(H6) ΦD ΦE F G 3-M6 3-M8 3-M8 3-M10 3-M10 H J K L M N P SPECIFICATIONS SC-85 (3") SC-110 (4") SC-130 (5") SC-165 (6") SC-190 (7") Max. Static Gripping Force 9(918) 12(1224) 15(1530) 31(3161) 31(3161) Clamping Range 2~70 3~94 3~110 3~160 4~180 24~64 29~84 33~100 48~150 56~170 Handle Torque 29.4(3.0) 44.1(4.1) 63.7(6.5) 88.3(9.0) 107.9(11.0) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 0.05(0.005) 0.17(0.017) 0.35(0.036) 1.18(0.12) 2.35(0.24) Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. 098 MANUAL CHUCK
100 SC Standard Scroll Chuck (Hard Jaws) Adaptor 166p H/S Jaw 165p Application / Customer's Benefit Scroll chuck with hardened jaws Technical features Includes external and internal gripping jaws. Scroll Chuck DIMENSIONS SC-230(9") SC-273(10") SC-310(12") SC-355(14") SC-405(16") ΦA B ΦC(H6) ΦD ΦE F G 3-M12 3-M12 3-M12 6-M12 6-M12 H J K L M N P SPECIFICATIONS SC-230 (9") SC-273 (10") SC-310 (12") SC-355 (14") SC-405 (16") Max. Static Gripping Force 37(3773) 46(4691) 55(5608) 40.5(4130) 45(4589) Clamping Range 5~200 5~260 10~300 25~315 25~346 62~210 70~250 86~ ~ ~324 Handle Torque 147(15.0) 176.5(18.0) 206(21.0) 225.6(23.0) 245(25.0) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 6.27(0.64) 9.90(1.01) 23.0(2.35) 37.2(3.8) 67.6(6.9) Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. MANUAL CHUCK 099
101 FSC Standard Front-Mounting Scroll Chuck (Hard Jaws) Application / Customer's Benefit Scroll chuck with hardened jaws (Front mounting). Technical features Includes external and internal gripping jaws. Scroll Chuck DIMENSIONS FSC-130(5") FSC-165(6") FSC-190(7") FSC-230(9") FSC-273(10") FSC-310(12") ΦA B ΦC(H6) ΦD ΦE F G 3-M8 3-M10 3-M10 3-M12 3-M12 3-M12 H J K L M N P Q 3-M8x65 3-M10x70 3-M10x85 3-M12x95 3-M12x95 3-M12x110 R SPECIFICATIONS FSC-130(5") FSC-165(6") FSC-190(7") FSC-230(9") FSC-273(10") FSC-310(12") Max. Static Gripping Force 15(1530) 31(3161) 31(3161) 37(3773) 46(4691) 55(5608) Clamping Range 3~110 3~160 4~180 5~220 5~260 10~300 3~100 48~150 56~170 62~210 70~250 86~290 Handle Torque 63.7(6.5) 88.3(9.0) 107.9(11.0) 147(15.0) 176.5(18.0) 206(21.0) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 0.35(0.036) 1.18(0.12) 2.35(0.24) 6.27(0.64) 9.90(1.01) 23.0(2.35) Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 100 MANUAL CHUCK
102 TC Standard Scroll Chuck (Soft and Hard top Jaws) H/S Jaw 164p Application / Customer's Benefit Two-piece, base jaw and to jaw configuration(includes hard and soft jaws). Technical features Reversible hard jaws. Scroll Chuck DIMENSIONS TC-190(7") TC-230(9") TC-273(10") TC-310(12") ΦA B ΦC ΦD ΦE F G 3-M10 3-M12 3-M12 3-M12 H J K L M N P Mounting bolt 3-M10 3-M12 3-M12 3-M12 SPECIFICATIONS TC-190(7") TC-230(9") TC-273(10") TC-310(12") Max. Static Gripping Force 31(3161) 37(3773) 46(4691) 55(5608) Clamping Range 4~180 5~220 5~260 10~300 56~170 62~210 70~250 86~290 Handle Torque 107.9(11.0) 147(15.0) 173.5(18.0) 206(21.0) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 2.35(0.24) 6.24(0.64) 9.90(1.01) 23.0(2.35) Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. MANUAL CHUCK 101
103 FTC Front-Mounting Scroll Chuck (Soft and Hard top Jaws) Handle 167p H/S Jaw 164p Application / Customer's Benefit Front mounting scroll chuck with two-piece jaws. Technical features Reversible hard jaws. SPECIFICATIONS FTC-165 FTC-190(7") FTC-230(9") FTC-273(10") FTC-310(12") Scroll Chuck Max. Static Gripping Force 31(3161) 31(3161) 37(3773) 46(4691) 55(5608) Clamping Range 3~160 4~180 5~220 5~260 10~300 55~150 56~170 62~210 70~250 86~290 Handle Torque 88(9.0) 107.9(11.0) 147(15.0) 176.5(18.0) 206(21.0) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia (0.063) 1.61(0.163) 2.63(0.265) 5.85(0.588) FTC-460(18") FTC-535(21") FTC-610(24") FTC-810(32") FTC-1000(40") Max. Static Gripping Force 65(6650) 73(7400) 80(8200) 110(11216) 110(11216) Clamping Range 40~410 45~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~940 Handle Torque 255.0(26) 313.9(32) 372.7(38) 588(60) 588(60) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 124(12.6) 287(29.3) 488(49.8) 598(61) 598(61) Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. 102 MANUAL CHUCK
104 DIMENSIONS FTC-165 FTC-190(7") FTC-230(9") FTC-273(10") FTC-310(12") FTC-460(18") FTC-535(21") FTC-610B(24") FTC-810(32") FTC-1000(40") Scroll Chuck ΦA B ΦC(H6) ΦD ΦE F G 3-M10 3-M10 3-M12 3-M12 3-M H (130) 150(130) J K L M N P Q 3-M10x75 3-M10x90 3-M12x95 3-M12x95 3-M12x110 3-M16x125 3-M20x140 3-M20x140 3-M24x140 3-M24x190 R MANUAL CHUCK 103
105 ST 2Jaw Scroll Chuck (Soft top Jaws) Adaptor 166p H/S Jaw 165p Application / Customer's Benefit Front mounting scroll chuck with two-piece jaws. Technical features Suitable for clamping valves, pipe fittings and irregular parts. Scroll Chuck DIMENSIONS ST-190(7") ST-230(9") ST-273(10") ST-310(12") ΦA B ΦC(H6) ΦD ΦE F G 3-M10 3-M12 3-M12 3-M12 H J K L M N P SPECIFICATIONS ST-190(7") ST-230(9") ST-273(10") ST-310(12") Max. Static Gripping Force 20.7(2110) 24.7(2518) 46(4691) 55(5608) Clamping Range 4~180 5~220 5~260 10~300 62~170 70~210 70~250 86~290 Handle Torque 73.5(7.5) 98(10.0) 176.5(18.0) 206(21.0) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 2.55(0.26) 6.27(0.64) 9.90(1.01) 23.0(2.35) Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. 104 MANUAL CHUCK
106 SF 4-Jaw Scroll Chuck (Hard Jaws) Application / Customer's Benefit 4-Jaw Scroll chuck. Technical features Suitable for clamping square parts. Adaptor 166p H/S Jaw 165p Scroll Chuck DIMENSIONS SF-190(7") SF-230(9") SF-273(10") SF-310(12") SF-405(16") ΦA B ΦC(H6) ΦD ΦE F G 3-M10 3-M12 3-M12 3-M12 6-M12 H J K L M N P SPECIFICATIONS SF-190(7") SF-230(9") SF-273(10") SF-310(12") SF-405(16 ) Max. Static Gripping Force 31(3161) 37(3773) 46(4691) 55(5608) Clamping Range 4~180 5~220 5~260 10~300 56~170 62~210 70~250 86~290 Handle Torque 107.9(11.0) 147(15.0) 176.5(18.0) 206(21.0) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 2.45(0.25) 6.37(0.65) 9.90(1.01) 23.0(2.35) Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. MANUAL CHUCK 105
107 SCS 6-Jaw Scroll Chuck (Hard Jaws) Adaptor 166p H/S Jaw 165p Application / Customer's Benefit Rigid 6-jaw scroll chuck with hard jaws. Technical features Minimizes deformation. Scroll Chuck DIMENSIONS SCS-230(9") SCS-273(10") SCS-310(12") ΦA B ΦC(H6) ΦD ΦE F G 3-M12 3-M12 3-M12 H J K L M N P SPECIFICATIONS SCS-230 (9") SCS-273 (10") SCS-310 (12") Max. Static Gripping Force 37(3773) 46(4691) 55(5608) Clamping Range 5~200 5~260 10~300 62~210 70~250 86~290 Handle Torque 147(15.0) 176.5(18.0) 206(21.0) Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 6.27(0.64) 9.90(1.01) 23.0(2.35) Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. 106 MANUAL CHUCK
108 SL Standard Slotter Chuck (Hard Jaws) Handle 167p H/S Jaw 165p Application / Customer's Benefit Easy installation and operation Technical features Mounted adaptor plate Scroll Chuck DIMENSIONS SL-08 SL-10 SL-12 ΦA ΦB(HC6) ΦC ΦD ΦE F G H I J K L M10 M12 M12 M N O SPECIFICATIONS SL-08 SL-10 SL-12 Max. Static Gripping Force 37(3,800) 46(4,700) 55(5,620) Clamping Range 4~182 4~220 5~266 58~174 68~212 80~263 Handle Torque 117.7(13) 176.5(18) 196.2(20) Weight Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. MANUAL CHUCK 107
109 MU Manual Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Easy to operate scroll chuck with stepped jaws. SPECIFICATIONS MU-32 MU-40 MU-50 MU-63 Box Jaw Stroke Scroll Chuck Max. Static Gripping Force Clamping Range Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. T-Slot can be changeed at the request. 108 MANUAL CHUCK
110 MU-32, 40 MU-50, 63 *2Step-Manual Jaw MJ *2Step-Manual Jaw MJ Scroll Chuck DIMENSIONS MU-32 MU-40 MU-50 MU-63 ΦA ΦB(76) ΦC ΦD ΦE F G max J K 6-M24x80L 6-M24x90L 6-M24x100L 12-M24x140L M N P Q R min S T MANUAL CHUCK 109
111 IC Independent Chuck (Hard Jaws) (200mm - 400mm) Adaptor 166p H/S Jaw 165p Application / Customer's Benefit Independent chuck with independently moving jaws. Technical features Chucks 10 inches and larger add versatility with t-slots. Scroll Chuck DIMENSIONS IC-08 IC-10 IC-12 IC-14 IC-16 A B C C D E F G M12 M12 M12 M12 M16 H J K L SPECIFICATIONS IC-08 IC-10 IC-12 IC-14 IC-16 Max. Static Gripping Force Clamping Range Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 110 MANUAL CHUCK
112 IC Independent Chuck (Hard Jaws) (450mm - 813mm) Adaptor 166p H/S Jaw 165p Application / Customer's Benefit Independent chuck with independently moving jaws. Technical features Chucks 10 inches and larger add versatility with t-slots. Scroll Chuck DIMENSIONS IC-18 IC-20 IC-24 IC-28 IC-32 A B C C D E F G M16 M16 M20 M20 M20 H J K L SPECIFICATIONS IC-18 IC-20 IC-24 IC-28 IC-32 Max. Static Gripping Force Clamping Range Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. MANUAL CHUCK 111
113 IC Independent Chuck (Hard Jaws) (500mm - 600mm) Application / Customer's Benefit High durability by applying advanced cast irons. Suitable for machining materials such as oil pipe lines and industrial pipes. Indepent clamps of each four jaws. Technical features Best for comatibility as detailed size management and high-quality Ideal for using general lathe(ks, JIS standard). Scroll Chuck DIMENSIONS IC-2018 IC-2023 IC-2423 IC-2427 ΦA B ΦC ΦD ΦE F G M16 M16 M24 M24 H J K L SPECIFICATIONS IC-2018 IC-2023 IC-2423 IC-2427 Max. Static Gripping Force 27.4(2800) 27.4(2800) 28.5(2904) 30(3056) Clamping Range Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 54.9(5.6) 51.41(5.3) 61.74(6.3) 61.74(6.3) Soft & Hard jaws are basic components. Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 112 MANUAL CHUCK
114 IC Independent Chuck (Hard Jaws) (600mm mm) Application / Customer's Benefit High durability by applying advanced cast irons. Suitable for machining materials such as oil pipe lines and industrial pipes. Indepent clamps of each four jaws. Technical features Best for comatibility as detailed size management and high-quality Ideal for using general lathe(ks, JIS standard). Scroll Chuck DIMENSIONS IC-2432 IC-3232 IC-3237 IC-4056 ΦA B ΦC ΦD ΦE F G M24 M24 M24 M22 H J K L SPECIFICATIONS IC-2432 IC-3232 IC-3237 IC-4056 Max. Static Gripping Force 30(3056) 32.4(3300) 32.4(3300) 36(3700) Clamping Range Max. r.p.m Weight Moment of inertia 61.74(6.3) 382(39) 382(39) - Soft & Hard jaws are basic components. Maximum turning speed is based upon actual measurment. Specifications are subject to change without notice. MANUAL CHUCK 113
115 VISE
116 SPV Serration type Power Vise 116P FV Flexible Vise 128P CMV-R Self centering 5-Axis Vise 117P VS Standard Machine Vise 130P CMV-S Self centering 5-Axis Vise 118P MMV Mechanical Machine Quick Vise 132P PCV Standard Power Vise 120P APV Air Vise 134P PSV Short Type Power Vise 122P PLV Long Strock Type Power Vise 124P DDV Draw Down Type Power Vise 126P MDV Double Power Vise 127P
117 SPV Serration type Power Vise Application / Customer's Benefit Serration type for easy Jaw setting(pitch=3.0mm) Technical features Minimal jaw set-up times Sealed aginst chips by Operating unit structure SPECIFICATIONS SPV-156 Jaw Width 160 Jaw Height 115 Max. Opening 300 Total Height 175 Slider Height 115 Total Width 161 Total Length Max.Gripping Force 60(6100) Weight 73 Vise Specifications are subject to change without notice. 116 vise
118 CMV-R 5-Axis Centering Vise Application / Customer's Benefit Self centering 5-Axis vise Technical features Repeats within 0.02mm or lower. Uses 1.5 pitch serration jaws Able to use a variety of jaws for various work-piece SPECIFICATIONS CMV-125R Jaw Width 125 Jaw Height 20 Max. Opening 125 Total Height 125 Slider Height 80 Total Width 125 Total Length Ø 200 Max.Gripping Force 20(2000) Weight 17 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Vise vise 117
119 CMV-S 5-Axis Centering Vise Application / Customer's Benefit Self centering 5-Axis vise Technical features Repeats within 0.02mm or lower Able to use a variety of jaws for various work-piece SPECIFICATIONS CMV-100S CMV-125S Jaw Width Jaw Height Max. Opening Total Height Slider Height Total Width Total Length Vise Max.Gripping Force 20(2000) 20(2000) Weight Specifications are subject to change without notice. JAW ACCESSORIES 118 vise
120 DIMENSIONS CMV-100S CMV-125S Vise A B C D E F G H I MAX. 195 MAX. 210 J Φ310 Φ364 K L M vise 119
121 PCV Standard Power Vise Application / Customer's Benefit High precision vise with torque presetter Technical features Mechanically boosted torque presetter helps prevent part deformation SPECIFICATIONS PCV-100 (4") PCV-125 (5") PCV-160 (6") PCV-200 (8") PCV-250 (10") Jaw Width Jaw Height Max. Opening Total Height Slider Height Total Width Total Length Max.Gripping Force 25(2551) 35(3571) 60(6122) 60(6122) 80(8163) Weight Vise Specifications are subject to change without notice. See the product dimension Table on the right. 120 vise
122 DIMENSIONS PCV-100(4") PCV-125(5") PCV-160(6") PCV-200(8") PCV-250(10") A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T U 14~26 15~31 15~31 15~31 15~31 V W X Y a M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 b M12x45 M16x65 M16x65 M16x65 M20x65 e f g h j j j n r Vise vise 121
123 PSV Short-Type Power Vise Application / Customer's Benefit High precision vise with torque presetter Suitable for a wide range of workpiece sizes Technical features Mechanically boosted torque presetter helps prevent part deformation SPECIFICATIONS PSV-125(5") PSV-160(6") Jaw Width Jaw Height Max. Opening Total Height Slider Height Total Width Total Length Max.Gripping Force 35(3571) 60(6122) Weight Vise Specifications are subject to change without notice. See the product dimension Table on the right. 122 vise
124 DIMENSIONS PSV-125(5") PSV-160(6") A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T U 15~31 15~31 V W X Y 6 7 a M10 M10 b M16x65 M16x65 e f g h j j n r Vise vise 123
125 PLV Long Stroke Power Vise Application / Customer's Benefit High precision vise with torque presetter Suitable for a wide range of workpiece sizes Technical features Mechanically boosted torque presetter helps prevent part deformation SPECIFICATIONS PLV-125(5 ) PLV-160(6 ) PLV-200(8 ) Jaw Width Jaw Height Max. Opening Total Height Slider Height Total Width Total Length Max.Gripping Force 35(3571) 60(6122) 60(6122) Weight Vise Specifications are subject to change without notice. See the product dimension Table on the right. 124 vise
126 DIMENSIONS PLV-125(5") PLV-160(6") PLV-200(8") A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S max T U V W X Y a M10 M10 M10 b M16x65 M16x65 M16x65 e f g h j j n r Vise vise 125
127 DDV Draw-Down Type Power Vise Application / Customer's Benefit Draw-down jaw reduce the work-piece floting lower Technical features Mechanically boosted torque presetter helps prevent part deformation (with Special Jaws) SPECIFICATIONS Jaw Width Jaw Height Maw. Opening Total Opening Slider Height Total Width Total Length Max. Gripping Force Weight DDV-160(6 ) (6122) 70 Specifications are subject to change without notice. DIMENSIONS Vise DDV-160(6 ) A B C D E F G H J J1 J2 K L M N P Q T U V W X Y a b e f g h j j1 n r 72 15~ M10 M16x vise
128 MDV Double Power Vise Application / Customer's Benefit Clamps two workpieces simultaneously. Technical features Mechanically boosted torque presetter helps prevent part deformation. 3mm compensations facilitates loading and mitigates workpiece variance. SPECIFICATIONS Jaw Width Jaw Height Maw. Opening Total Opening Slider Height Total Width Total Length Max. Gripping Force Weight MDV S1 S2 S3 S (4355) 52 Specifications are subject to change without notice. DIMENSIONS MDV-125 A B C D E F G H J J1 J2 K L M N P Q R T U V W X Y a d e f g h j n r t y z z1 w 15~ M10 M16x65L Vise S4max. E S3max. J1 J2 f S2max. J1 w S1max. 50 F 2x2-a R B H J g M n X j A L r K y N P Q S2 S1 h Groove ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y W D d S4 S3 t z/ z1 N C X U T V Groove 1 55~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vise 127
129 FV Flexible Vise Application / Customer's Benefit Multi clamping. Technical features Serrated jaws may be repositioned. Minimizes deformation. SPECIFICATIONS Jaw Width Jaw Height Maw. Opening Total Opening Slider Height Total Width Total Length Max. Gripping Force Weight FV S1 S2 S3 S Specifications are subject to change without notice. DIMENSIONS Vise See the product dimension Table on the right. 128 vise
130 CLAMPING RANGE Vise vise 129
131 VS Standard Machine Vise Application / Customer's Benefit High precision machine vise Technical features Special hardened material used SPECIFICATIONS VS-150(6") VS-175(7") VS-200(8") VS-250(10") Body Table Max. Opening Operating Swivel Base SB-150T SB-175T SB-200T SB-250T Mounting Key Size 34x16x10 34x16x10 36x20x12 36x20x12 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Vise See the product dimension Table on the right. 130 vise
132 DIMENSIONS VS-150(6") VS-175(7") VS-200(8") VS-250(10") A B C a b c d e f g h i j k Vise vise 131
133 MMV Mechanical Machine Quick Vise Application / Customer's Benefit Mechanical Machine Vise with no oil leak. Technical features Mechanically boosted torque presetter helps prevent part deformation SPECIFICATIONS MMV-150Q(6") MMV-200Q(8") Max. Grip Torque [kg] 4,400 6,500 Body Max. Opening Table Operating Swivel Base VS-175T VS-200T Mounting Key Size 34x16x10 36x20x12 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Vise See the product dimension Table on the right. 132 vise
134 DIMENSIONS MMV-150Q(6") MMV-200Q(8") A B C a b c d e g h i j k Max. Grip Torque [kg] 4,400 6,500 Vise vise 133
135 APV Air Vise Application / Customer's Benefit Convenience pnuematic clamping. Technical features Control pressure with a dial Powered by an air booster. Vise SPECIFICATIONS APV-125 APV-160 Jaw Width Jaw Height Max. Opening Total Height Slider Height Total Width Total Length Max.Gripping Force 35(3500) 60(6000) Weight Specifications are subject to change without notice. See the product dimension Table on the right. 134 vise
136 DIMENSIONS APV-125 APV-160 A B C D E F G H J K L M N S max T U 15~30 23 V W X Y 7 7 a b M16X65L M16X16L d e f g h j n r t Vise vise 135
138 EP Electro Permanent Magnetic Chuck (50x50mm Pole) 138P FEC Electro Magnetic Chuck (Fine Pitch Models) 140P PEC Premium Electro Magnetic Chuck(Fine Pitch Models) 142P MSC Permanent Magnetic Chuck 144P MOC Permanent Magnetic Chuck 146P
139 EP Electro Permanent Magnetic Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Suitable 5-face machining Technical features Strong magnetic clamping, Low heating Low residual magnetism Model No. Magnet Chuck See the product dimension Table on the right. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 138 magnet chuck
140 SPECIFICATIONS EP EP EP EP EP-59025* EP * Pole Size 50 x x x x x x 50 Total Length Total Width Total Height Number of Poles Power Supply AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V Weight EP EP EP EP EP-59030* EP * Pole Size 50 x x x x x x 50 Total Length Total Width Total Height Number of Poles Power Supply AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V Weight EP EP EP EP EP-59040* EP * Pole Size 50 x x x x x x 50 Total Length Total Width Total Height Number of Poles Power Supply AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V Weight EP EP EP EP EP-59050* EP * Pole Size 50 x x x x x x 50 Total Length Total Width Total Height Number of Poles Power Supply AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V Weight Magnet Chuck EP EP EP EP EP * EP * Pole Size 50 x x x x x x 50 Total Length Total Width Total Height Number of Poles Power Supply AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V Weight Controller Neocon-M is basic components for Standard model. Available option : Neocon-M4(4Channel). Controller Neocon-M4(4Channel) is basic components for [*]mark model.. magnet chuck 139
141 FEC Electro Magnetic Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Suitable for surface grinding (Mold / Die set / Steel part) Improved accuracy, Easy to control the magnetic force for the sheer materials and various processing steps. Perfect surface treatment and waterproof durability Technical features By applying multi-coil, forming a uniform magnetic force Improved performance for Low residual magnetism Magnet Chuck See the product dimension Table on the right. 140 magnet chuck
142 SPECIFICATIONS FEC-1530 FEC-1535 FEC-1540 FEC-2040 FEC-2045 Pole Pitch Total Length Base Width Base Height Total Height Upper Width Upper Height Power Supply AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V Output Voltage DC95 DC95 DC95 DC95 DC95 Weight FEC-2050 FEC-2060 FEC-3050 FEC-3060 Pole Pitch Total Length Base Width Base Height Total Height Upper Width Upper Height Power Supply AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V Output Voltage DC95 DC95 DC95 DC95 Weight Controller "Neocon-E" is basic components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Magnet Chuck magnet chuck 141
143 PEC Premium Electro Magnetic Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Suitable for surface grinding (Mold/Die set/steel part) Save the loaded/unloaded time for workpiece No heat generated Perfect surface treatment and waterproof for durability Technical features Uniform magnetic power by multi-coil Improved performance for low residual magnetism Build in magnet to prevent a power failure Magnet Chuck See the product dimension Table on the right. 142 magnet chuck
144 SPECIFICATIONS PEC-1530 PEC-1535 PEC-1540 PEC-2040 PEC-2045 Pole Pitch Total Length Base Width Base Height Total Height Upper Width Upper Height Power Supply AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V Output Voltage DC95 DC95 DC95 DC95 DC95 Weight PEC-2050 PEC-2060 PEC-3050 PEC-3060 Pole Pitch Total Length Base Width Base Height Total Height Upper Width Upper Height Power Supply AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V AC 220V Output Voltage DC95 DC95 DC95 DC95 Weight Controller "Neocon-E" is basic components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Magnet Chuck magnet chuck 143
145 MSC Permanent Magnetic Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Unnecessary power source Uniform magnetic power by manual operation No heat generated Suitable for grinder, electric discharge machine Technical features Fine pitch grinding of small and thin workpieces Magnet Chuck See the product dimension Table on the right. 144 magnet chuck
146 SPECIFICATIONS MSC-1018 MSC-1325 MSC-1530 MSC-1545 MSC-2040 Pole Pitch Total Length Base Width Base Height Total Height Upper Width Upper Height Weight MSC-2050 MSC-2060 MSC-3050 MSC-3060 Pole Pitch Total Length Base Width Base Height Total Height Upper Width Upper Height Weight Specifications are subject to change without notice. Magnet Chuck magnet chuck 145
147 MOC Permanent Magnetic Chuck Application / Customer's Benefit Unnecessary power source Uniform magnetic power by manual operation No heat generated Suitable for grinder, lathe Technical features Fine pitch grinding of small and thin workpieces Magnet Chuck See the product dimension Table on the right. 146 magnet chuck
148 SPECIFICATIONS MOC-160 MOC-200 MOC-250 MOC-300 Pole Pitch Total Length Pole Pitch Width Total Height Base Width Base Height PCD Z-M 4-M8 4-M8 4-M10 4-M10 Weight Specifications are subject to change without notice. Magnet Chuck magnet chuck 147
150 SMD Drilling Machine 150P STD Drilling & Tapping Machine 151P SHD/SAG High Speed Drilling Machine 152P
151 SMD Drilling Machine Technical features Simple speed transmission use V-belt, Quick-set step-speed control Drilling machine SPECIFICATIONS & DIMENSIONS Code No. SMD-360 SMD-410 Swing Bx Drilling Capacity [Steel] - Ø3-Ø11 Ø4-Ø16 Drilling & Tapping Machine Drilling Capacity(Cast iron) - Ø3-Ø13 Ø4-Ø19 Max. length between spindle and Table C Max. length between spindle and base D Stroke [Drill] Stroke [Tap] Taper - J.T NO.6 M.T NO.2 Column - Ø80 Ø90 Table size [Round] A Ø285/285 Ø325 Spindle R.PM /900/1600/ /780/1360/2400 Motor - 0.4KW 4P 0.75KW 4P Belt Cover size JxK 570x x220 Base size HxG 465x x340 Height F Weight V-belt - A41x1EA A47x1EA 150 drilling tapping machine
152 STD Drilling & Tapping Machine Technical features Quick rotation and reverse rotation tapping. SPECIFICATIONS & DIMENSIONS Code No. STD-360 STD-360 STD-410 STD-430 Bx Ø3-Ø11 Ø3-Ø11 Ø4-Ø16 Ø4-Ø20 - Ø3-Ø13 Ø3-Ø13 Ø4-Ø19 Ø4-Ø25 - M10 M10 M12 M16 - M13 M13 M16 M20 C D Drilling & Tapping Machine J.T NO.6 J.T NO.6 M.T NO.2 M.T NO.3 - Ø80 Ø80 Ø90 Ø90 A Ø275 Ø275 Ø325 Ø /280/ /670/ / /280/ /670/ / /225/ /550/ / /185/ /445/ / KW 6P 0.4KW 6P 0.75KW 6P 1.5KW 8P JxK 665x x x x220 HxG 465x x x x340 F A28x2EA A43x1EA A28x2EA A43x1EA A30x1EA A32x1EA A49x1EA A31x1EA A32x1EA A49x1EA drilling tapping machine 151
153 SHD/SAG High Speed Drilling Machine Technical features SHD-280 Stepless speed changer due to direct drive. SAG-280 Belt type, 4-speed. B C 170 SPECIFICATIONS & DIMENSIONS Drilling & Tapping Machine SHD-280 Swing (Bx2) SAG-280 Drilling Capacity Ø0.4-Ø4.0 Ø0.4-Ø4.0 Max. length between spindle and base (C) Stroke [Drill] Taper J.T #D J.T #D Spindle R.PM. "2,000-12,000 NO-Step vareable" 1: 12,000 2: : : 2700 Motor AC220V. 60Hz, 85W AC220V. 60Hz,250w Weight V-belt A41x1EA 3M drilling tapping machine
154 Drilling & Tapping Machine
156 CM Multi Functional Chamfering Machine 156P CM-S Straight Chamfering Machine 157P
157 CM Multi-functional Chamfering Machine Application / Customer's Benefit Integrated Linear, Curve Type. Mounting the drive speed adjustment. Technical features Minimizes scratch SPECIFICATIONS & DIMENSIONS Chamfer Machine CM4015 CM4015-i 4.0mm / mm / mm / mm / 45 AL 4,000~7,500(6,000~12,000) STEEL 5,000~7,000(8,000~11,000) 7,500 12,000 SUS 5,000~6,500(8,000~10,500) SKD 5,000~6,000(8,000~9,500) AC 220V 60Hz AC 220V 60Hz 0.75kW 0.75kW X O Chamfer machine
158 CM-S Straight Chamfering Machine Application / Customer's Benefit Integrated Linear Type. Mounting the drive speed adjustment. Technical features Minimizes scratch SPECIFICATIONS & DIMENSIONS CM40S-i 4.0mm / 45 AL 4,000~7,500 STEEL 5,000~7,000 SUS 5,000~6,500 SKD 5,000~6,000 AC 220V 60Hz 0.4kW Chamfer Machine Chamfer machine 157
160 Soft Jaw Power Chuck Soft Jaw 160P Drill Chuck Drilling Machine Accessories 174P Hard Jaw Power Chuck Hard Jaw 162P T-Nut Power Chuck T-Nut 164P Adaptor Power Chuck Adaptor Plates 166P QJC Jaw Quick Jaw Change Chuck Jaws 168P TC, FTC Jaw Scroll Chuck Jaws 170P SC, IC Jaw Scroll Chuck Jaws 171P Etc. Scroll Chuck Accessories 172P
161 Soft Jaw Power Chuck Soft Jaw Application / Customer's Benefit Works with HC. S-13 S-11 S-14 S-15 See the product dimension Table on the right. Accessories 160 accessories
162 DIMENSIONS SB04C1 SB05N1 SB06B1 SB08B1 SB10B1 SB12A1 SB12N1 SB15C1 Fig Serration Pitch 1.5x60 1.5x60 1.5x60 1.5x60 1.5x60 1.5x60 1.5x60 1.5x60 S S S S S S S S S S S S-12 M6x16 M8x20 M10x30 M12x35 M12x35 M14x45 M16x40 M20x60 S S S Corresponding HCH-04 HS/HC-04,05 HS/HCH/HC-06, MH-206, UR-175 HCH/HC/HS-08, MH-208, UR-210 HCH/HC/HS-10, MH-210, UR-250 HC/HCH-12 HS-12, MH-212 UR-315 HCH-15 HCH-18 SB15N1 SB15A2 SB18A2 SB32B2 SB32GB SB32SB2 SB40GB SB40SB2 Fig Serration Pitch 1.5x60 3.0x60 3.0x60 3.0x60-3.0x60-3.0x60 S S S S S S S S S S S S-12 M20x55 M20x60 M20x60 M20 M20 M20 M24 M24 S S S Corresponding HC-15, HC-18 MH-218 HC/HCH-21, HC/HCH-24, MH-221,224 HCH-32 [Seirsdion] HG-32 [Growe] HG-32 [Serration] HC-40 [Groove] /50,55,63,70,80 HC-40 [Serration] /50,55,63,70,80 Accessories accessories 161
163 Hard Jaw Power Chuck Hard Jaw Application / Customer's Benefit Works with HC. H-1 H-6 H-8 H-2 H-11 H-9 H-10 H-3 H H-7 H-7 H-15 H-13 H-5 H-14 H-4 See the product dimension Table on the right. Accessories 162 accessories
164 DIMENSIONS HB04N1 HB06A1 HB08A1 HB10A1 HB12B1 HB12N1 HB15A1 HB15A2 Fig Serration Pitch 1.5x60 1.5x60 1.5x60 1.5x60 1.5x60 1.5x60 1.5x60 3.0x60 H H H H H H H H H H H H-12 M8 M10 M12 M12 M14 M16 M20 M20 H H H Corresponding HS-04, HS-05 HC/HCH/HS-06, MH-206, UR-175 HC/HCH/HS-08, MH-208, UR-210 HC/HCH/HS-10, MH-210, UR-250 HC/HCH-12 HS-12, MH-212 UR-315 HCH-15, HCH-18 MH-218 HB15N1 HB18B2 HB32B2 HB32GB HB32SB2 HB40GB HB40SB2 - Fig Serration Pitch 1.5x60 3.0x60 3.0x60-3.0x60-3.0x60 - H H H H H H H H H H H H-12 M20 M20 M20 M20 M20 M24 M24 - H H H Corresponding HC-15, HC-18 HC/HCH-21, HC/HCH-24, MH-221,224 HCH-32 [Serration] HC-32 [Groove] HC-32 [Serration] HC-40[Groove] 50,55,63,70,80 HC-40[Serration] 50,55,63,70,80 - Accessories accessories 163
165 T-NUT Power Chuck T-Nuts Application / Customer's Benefit Works with HC. See the product dimension Table on the right. Accessories 164 accessories
166 DIMENSIONS TN-HCH-04 TN-HS-04, TN-HS-05 TN-HC-04 TN-HC-05 TN-HS-06 TN-HCH, TN-HC-06 TN-HS-08 TN-HCH, TN-HC-08 TN-HS-10 TN-HCH, TN-HC-10 Fig T T T T T T T T-8 M6 M8 M8 M8 M10 M10 M12 M12 M12 M12 T T T Corresponding HCH Type of 4 Chuck HS Type of 4, 5 Chuck HC Type of 4 Chuck HC Type of 5 Chuck HS/MH/UR Type of 6 Chuck HCH/HC Type of 6 Chuck HS/MH/UR Type of 8 Chuck HCH/HC Type of 8" Chuck HS/MH/UR Type of 10 Chuck HCH/HC Type of 10 Chuck TN-HS-12 TN-HCH, TN-HC-12 TN-HCH-15, TN-HCH-18 TN-HC-15, TN-HC-18 TN-MH-218 TN-HCH-21, TN-HCH-24 TNX-HC-21, TNX-HC-24 TN-HCH-32 TN-HC-32 TN-HC-40 Fig T T T T T T T T-8 M16 M14 M20 M20 M20 M20 M20 M20 M20 M24 T T T Corresponding HS/MH Type of 12 Chuck HCH/HC Type of 12 Chuck HCH HC Type of Type of 15, 18 Chuck 5", 18" Chuck MH-218 HCH/HCHF- 21,24(S), MH-221(S) HC/HCF-21,24 HCH/HCHF- 21,24(H), MH-221(H) HCH-32 HC-32 HC-40 TNX-HC-21-24, TNX-HC-32 require two T-nuts per jaw. TNX-HC-40 require three T-nuts per jaw. Maximum extreme-pressure protection Exceptional adhesion & cohesion characteristics Superior friction-reduction properties-protects against friction-related heat & wear Excellent resistance to water washout & spray off Reduces maintenance & downtime Reduces operating temperatures Extends equipment life. Accessories accessories 165
167 Adaptor Plates Power Chuck Adaptor Plates Application / Customer's Benefit Works with HC. Fig. 1 : Direct Type Fig. 2 : Indirect Type Fig. 3 : Plate Type See the product dimension Table on the right. Accessories 166 accessories
168 DIMENSIONS Fig. Spindle Nose A B C G H Corresponding AP06A05 1 A HS/HSL/HCH/HC/HCL-06, MH-206, UR-175 APT06A05 1 A HST/HCT/HCLT-06, MHT-206 AP08A06 1 A HS/HSL/HCH/HC/HCL-08, MH-208, UR-210 APT08A06 1 A HST/HCT/HCLT-08, MHT-208 APF08A06 1 A HSF/HCF/HCLF-08, MHF-208 AP10/12A08 1 A HS/HSL/HCH/HC/HCL-10,12, MH-210, UR-250 APT10/12A08 1 A HST/HCT/HCLT-10,12 APF10/12A08 1 A HSF-10,12, HCF/HCLF-12 AP212A08 1 A MH-212, UR-315 AP212A11 1 A MH-212 AP15A11 1 A HCH-15, HC-15,18 APT15A11 1 A HCHT-15 APF15A11 1 A HCHF-15, HCF-15,18 AP18A11 1 A HCH-18 APF18A11 1 A HCHF-18 AP21/24A15 1 A HCH/HC-21,24, MH-221,224 Fig. Spindle Nose A B C G H J K Corresponding AP08A05 2 A M12 AP10/12A06 2 A M16 HS/ HST/ HSF/ HSL/ HCH/ HC/ HCT/ HCF/ HCL/ HCLT/ HCLF-08, MH/ MHT/ MHF-208 HS/ HST/ HSF/ HSL/ HCH/ HC/ HCT/ HCL/ HCLT-10,12, MH-210, HCF/ HCLF-12 AP15A08 2 A M20 HCH/ HCHT/ HCHF-15, HC/HCF-15,18 AP218A15 2 A M20 MH-218 AP21/24A11 2 A M22 HCH/ HC-21,24,MH-221,224 AP21/24A11 2 A M22 HCH/ HCHF/ HC/ HCF-21,24, MH-221,224 AP21/24A11 2 A M24 HC/HCF-32, HCH/HCHF/HC-21N,24N AP21/24A15 2 A M22 HCH/ HC-21,24, MH-221,224 AP32A15 2 A M24 HC-32 AP32/40A11 2 A M24 HCH-32, HC-40, HC-50 AP32/40A15 2 A M24 HCH-32, HC-40, HC-50 Fig. Spindle Nose A A-1 B C G H J K Corresponding AP06A06 3 A M10 HS/ HSL/ HCH/ HC/ HCL-06, MH-206 AP08A08 3 A M12 HS/ HST/ HSF/ HSL/ HCH/ HC/ HCT/ HCF/ HCL/ HCLT/ HCLF-08, MH/ MHT/ MHF-208 Accessories accessories 167
169 QJC-Jaw Quick Jaw Change Chuck Jaws Soft Top Jaws Hard Top Jaws SOFT TOP JAWS DIMENSIONS QSB206 QSB208 QSB210 QSB215 S S S S S S S S S S S S-12 M8x20 M8x20 M12x30 M12x40 S S Corresponding QJC-206 QJC-208 QJC-210,QJC-212 QJC-215 HARD TOP JAWS DIMENSIONS QHB206 QHB208 QHB210 QHB215 S S S S S S S S S S S Corresponding QJC-206 QJC-208 QJC-210,QJC-212 QJC-215 Accessories 168 accessories
170 Base Jaws Solid Soft Jaws Solid Hard Jaws BASE JAWS DIMENSIONS QBJ206 QBJ208 QBJ210 QBJ212 QBJ215 S S S S S S S S S-9 M8 M8 M12 M12 M12 S Corresponding QJC-206 QJC-208 QJC-210 QJC-212 QJC-215 SOLID SOFT JAWS DIMENSIONS MQSB206 MQSB208 MQSB210 MQSB212 MQSB215 S S S S S Corresponding QJC-206 QJC-208 QJC-210 QJC-212 QJC-215 SOLID HARD JAWS DIMENSIONS MQHB206 MQHB208 MQHB210 MQHB212 MQHB215 S S S S S S S Accessories Corresponding QJC-206 QJC-208 QJC-210 QJC-212 QJC-215 accessories 169
171 TC, FTC-Jaw Scroll Chuck Jaws TC / FTC Soft Jaws TC / FTC Hard Jaws TC / FTC Base Jaws TC/FTC SOFT JAWS DIMENSIONS TC-190 TC-230 TC-273 TC-310 FTC-460 FTC-535 FTC-610 A B C D D E F G H J K L M TC/FTC HARD JAWS DIMENSIONS TC-190 TC-230 TC-273 TC-310 FTC-450 FTC-535 FTC-610 A B C C C D D E F G H ΦJ ΦK ΦL N N TC/FTC BASE JAWS DIMENSIONS Accessories TC-190 TC-230 TC-273 TC-310 FTC-460 FTC-535 FTC-610 A B C D D E F G 2-M10 2-M12 2-M12 2-M12 4-M20 4-M20 5-M20 H J K L M accessories
172 SC, IC-Jaw Scroll Chuck Jaws SC Jaws(Internal) SC Jaws(External) IC Jaws SC JAWS DIMENSIONS SC-85 SC-110 SC-130 SC-165 SC-190 SC-230 SC-273 SC-310 SC-355 SC-405 L L L L L L L B B B B B B K R D IC JAWS DIMENSIONS IC-08 IC-10 IC-12 IC-14 IC-16 IC-18 IC-20 IC-24 IC-28 IC-32 L L L L L L L B B B K Threads /inch 5/inch 5/inch 4/inch 4/inch 4/inch 4/inch 3.5/inch 3.5/inch 4/inch 6.0 mm Accessories accessories 171
173 Accessories Scroll Chuck Accessories IC Screw Bar IC Stopper SC ADAPTOR DIMENSIONS SC-85 SC-110 SC-130 SC-165 SC-190 SC-230 SC-273 SC-310 SC-355 base length ΦD1 ΦD tollerance base length tollerance ±0.2 ±0.2 ±0.2 ±0.2 ±0.2 ±0.2 ±0.2 ±0.3 ±0.3 ΦD L L Φd IC SCREW BAR DIMENSIONS IC-08 IC-10 IC-12 IC-14 IC-16 IC-18 IC-20 IC-24 IC-28 IC-32 L L L L ΦD ΦD B Thread / inch 5/inch 5/inch 4/inch 4/inch 4/inch 4/inch 4/inch 4/inch 4/inch 4.5/inch IC STOPPER DIMENSIONS IC-08 IC-10 IC-12 IC-14 IC-16 IC-18 IC-20 IC-24 IC-28 IC-32 L ΦD Accessories ΦD B accessories
174 Scroll Chuck Handles Scroll Chuck Mounting Bolts(SC Type) Scroll Chuck Mounting Bolts(IC Type) SC, FTC, SL, IC HANDLE DIMENSIONS SC-85 SC-110 SC-130 SC-165 SC-190 SC-230 SC-273 SC-310 SC-355 SC-405 L L B B ØD FTC-460 FTC-535 FTC-610 SL-08 SL-10 SL-12 L L B1 17 6*-22 6* B ØD IC-08 IC-10 IC-12 IC-14 IC-16 IC-18 IC-20 IC-24 IC-28 IC-32 L L B B ØD SC, FTC, IC MOUNTING BOLT DIMENSIONS SC-85 SC-110 SC-130 SC-165 SC-190 SC-230 SC-273 SC-310 SC-355 Bolt size M6xP1.0 M8xP1.25 M8xP1.25 M10xP1.5 M10xP1.5 M12xP1.75 M12xP1.75 M12xP1.75 M12xP1.75 QTR L L ØB FTC-460 FTC-535 FTC-610 Bolt size M16xP125 M20xP140 M20xP140 QTR L L ØB IC-08 IC-10 IC-12 IC-14 IC-16 IC-18 IC-20 IC-24 IC-28 IC-32 Bolt size M12xP1.75M12xP1.75M12xP1.75M12xP1.75 M16xP2.0 M16xP2.0 M16xP2.0 M20xP2.5 M20xP2.5 M20xP2.5 QTR L L ØB Accessories accessories 173
175 Drill Chuck Drilling Machine Accessories Application / Customer s Benefit Manufactured according to KS & JIS standards. Guaranteed high precision and durability HEAVY DUTY TYPES DIMENSIONS & SPECIFICATIONS 4MG 13MG 16MG 19MG JT#D JT#6 JT#6 JT# Ø Ø Ø Ø LIGHT DUTY TYPES DIMENSIONS & SPECIFICATIONS 6.5EL 10EL 13EL JT#1 JT#2 SHORT JT# Ø Ø Ø Ø THREAD MOUNTED TYPES DIMENSIONS & SPECIFICATIONS Accessories 6.5SL 10SL 13SL /&-24UNF 3/&-24UNF 1/2-20 UNF Ø Ø Ø Ø accessories
Clamping glossary Case hardening: The surface of the components is hardened (60 HRC) to a depth of about 1 mm (0.04 ). The core shows a high tensile s
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Approach for Value Improvement to Increase High-speed Railway Speed An effective way to develop a highly competitive system is to create a new market place that can create new values. Creating tools and
PARTS BOOK KM-340BL 고속 1본침 본봉 상하송 재봉기 High Speed, 1-Needle, Upper and Lower Feed Lock Stitch Machine W/Large Hook PME-100707 SunStar CO., LTD. INFORMATION A. Parts Book Structure of Part Book Unique code
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URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Standards: IEC 60 269-4 BS 88-4 Class: ar Voltage ratings: AC 240 V AC 700 V Current ratings: 5 A 900 A Features / Benefits High interrupting
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ir Cylinder: tandard/on-rotating Rod Double cting/ingle cting, ingle Rod/Double Rod eries CM ø3/4", ø7/8", ø1 1/16", ø1 1/4", ø1 1/2", ø2" 1 CJ1 CJP CJ2 CM2 CG1 M M1 C2 C1 C76 C85 C95 CP95 CM C D- -X 20-
HB SERIES HNK CNC HORIZONTAL BORING & MILLING MACHINE MODELS HB-110 Spindle Diameter X-axis Travel Y-axis Travel Z-axis Travel W-axis Travel Rotary Ta
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Technical Specification Sheet Document No. 149-332P25 September, 2010 Insight 3.11 Base Workstation 그림 1. Insight Base 메인메뉴 Insight Base Insight Insight Base, Insight Base Insight Base Insight Windows
PARTS BOOK KM-1751 KM-1791 Code Lubrication Type Code Application Code Hook Code Trimming 0 S M Semi-Dry Type Micro Lubrication Type Dry Head F G Foundation General materials None L Standard Hook Large
200176 .,.,.,. 5... 1/2. /. / 2. . 293.33 (54.32%), 65.54(12.13%), / 53.80(9.96%), 25.60(4.74%), 5.22(0.97%). / 3 S (1997)14.59% (1971) 10%, (1977).5%~11.5%, (1986)
JEL Tapping JEL DOREX JEL TAREX JEL SIREX JEL GG Example application grey cast iron Workpiece: Engine block Material: GG Tool: JEL solid carbide taps (CM8-6HX IK VHM) Thread: Blind hole M8, drilling depth
act Switches SPECIICAIONS RAING: ma, VDC ELECRICAL LIE:, cycles for gf, gf,gf,, cycles for gf, gf CONAC RESISANCE: m max INSULAION RESISANCE: M min. VDC DIELECRIC SRENG: VAC/ min OPERAION ORCE: gf Yellow
양성자가속기연구센터 양성자가속기 개발 및 운영현황 DOI: 10.3938/PhiT.25.001 권혁중 김한성 Development and Operational Status of the Proton Linear Accelerator at the KOMAC Hyeok-Jung KWON and Han-Sung KIM A 100-MeV proton linear accelerator
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2001. 9. 6 1. 1. (1) (1) 1 (2) (2) 2 3 INVESTER PROFESIONAL ORGANIZATION GOVERNMENT CODE COMMITTEE SPECIFICATION CODE LAW LICENSE PERMIT PLANT 4 5 6 7 2. (1) 2. (1) 8 9 (2) (2) 10 (3) ( ). () 20kg/ (P70,
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2. Basic Technical Specifications GHO TYPE - Ver. CNC GEAR HOBBING M/C 2.2 Max. work-piece diameter /kg Ø Max. module - M Table
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C 0.0.2 ma Cr 14.5~16.5 Co 2.5 max Iron 4~7 Mn 1 max Mo 15 ~ 17 Ni Balance P 0.03 max Si 0.08 max S 0.03 max W 3 ~ 4.5 V 0.35 max 8.89g/cm 3 Multipurpose corrosion resistance of NickelMolybdenumChrome.
PARTS BOOK KLZ-371 INFORMATION A. Parts Book Structure of Part Book Unique code by mechanism Unique name by mechanism Explode view Ref. No. : Unique identifcation number by part Parts No. : Unique Product
, 11, 1, pp. 113-118 (2012. 2) Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 113-118 (2012. 2) Twist Wheel 방식폐비닐수거기개발에관한연구 (Ⅰ) - 자주형비닐수거기의개발 - 하유신 *, 박규식 *, 김진현
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2.4GHz Antenna K93- Series KMA93A2450X-M01 Antenna mulilayer Preliminary Spec. Features LTCC Based designs Monolithic SMD with small, low-profile and light-weight type Wide bandwidth Size : 9 x 3 x 1.0mm
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전자회로 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 김영석 충북대학교전자정보대학 2012.3.1 Email: kimys@cbu.ac.kr k Ch3-1 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 3.1 Ideal iode 3.2 PN Junction as a iode 3.4 Large Signal and Small-Signal Operation
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Parts List
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1... 2 System... 3... 3.1... 3.2... 3.3... 4... 4.1... 5... 5.1... 5.2... 5.2.1... 5.3... 5.3.1 Modbus-TCP... 5.3.2 Modbus-RTU... 5.3.3 LS485... 5.4... 5.5... 5.5.1... 5.5.2... 5.6... 5.6.1... 5.6.2...
B-3 B-4 HDV B-8 B-37 B-39 3S1A B-40 3S2A B-42 3S3A B-44 3S4A B-45 B-11 B-15 S1A B-16 K2A B-20 K3A B-24 S3A B-27 S4A B-30 S5A B-33 HPV5-6, HPV5-8 B-78
- - HDV -8-7 -9 S1-0 S - S - S - -11 - S1-16 K -0 K - S -7 S -0 S - HV-6, HV-8-78 -7-9 S11, S1-60 S1, S1-61 -7-9 S11-0 K1-1 K1 - S1 - S1 - S1 - HNV000-6 -6 HMV -66 HMV -69 HLV -7 HLV -7 HFV -76 HVC -81
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Trans. of the Korean Hydrogen and New Energy Society(2013. 4), Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 136~141 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7316/khnes.2013.24.2.136 흡기관 분사식 수소 SI기관의 희박과급 적용에 관한 연구 이광주 1 ㆍ이종구 1 ㆍ이종태 2 1 성균관대학교
Rev 1 Steam Trap Date `000208 Page 1 of 18 1 2 2 Application Definition 2 21 Drip Trap, Tracer Trap, 2 22 Steam Trap 3 3 Steam Trap 7 4 Steam Trap Sizing 8 41 Drip Trap 8 42 Tracer Trap 8 43 Process Trap
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SR001 Shaft dia. Lead 1mm Ct7&Ct10 Compact Nut / SR001K Shaft dia. Lead 1mm Ct7&Ct10 PCD 17 다음도표참조 - (φ3.8) φ23 17 (13) φ φ2.9 PCD 1 다음도표참조 - (
SR/SSR SR/SSR series Standardized Rolled Ball Screws SR시리즈 ( 전조표준품 ) 및 SSR시리즈 ( 스테인리스전조표준품 ) 의재질과표면경도는하기와같습니다. Material & Materials and of SR series Standardized Rolled Ball Screws and SSR series Standardized
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57~82 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 A Study on the Educational Use of Dolmen Construction Technology Kyung-sug Shin (Research Centre of Dolmens in Northeast Asia)
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Injector Precise fuel metering Wide dynamic operation range Excellent linearity of low dynamic flow Fast response MPI injector is a type of solenoid valve which injects fuel into the intake port with precise
PARTS BOOK DPK-5 포스트 베드, 1본침 본봉 지그재그 재봉기 Post Bed, Single-Needle Lock Stitch Zig Zag Sewing Machines PME-090929 SunStar CO., LTD. INFORMATION A. Parts Book 구성 Structure of Part Book ① ② ③ ④ ⑤⑥ ⑦ ⑧⑨ ① 관계
1 1) 1 2) SK COMPLEX 1 Heating Cooling 3) 1 2 2 3 1) 2 2) 3 4 1) Floating Type Heat Exchanger 8 2) Fixed Type Heat Exchanger 11 3) U-Type Heat Exchanger 13 4) Air Fan Cooler 15 5) Double Pipe Heat Exchanger
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w y wz 8«( 2y) 57~61, 2005 J. of the Korean Society for Environmental Analysis p w w Á Á w w» y l Analysis of Influence Factors and Corrosion Characteristics of Water-pipe in Potable Water System Jae Seong
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