오픈소스블록체인과상호호혜성 이기호 KOSSCON 2018 Track 3 BlockChain 2018. 11. 29
소개 이기호 kiho.e.lee@gmail.com EOS BP Ratings EOS Worker Proposal System Emergency Committee Co-founder Nominee EOS Block Producer 정보공유커뮤니티 (18.06~) EOS 작업제안시스템긴급위원회 (18.10~) Cosmos Talk Co-founder Cosmos 한국커뮤니티 (18.10~) Todait, Inc. Co-founder 에듀테크스타트업 (15.06~18.11)
블록체인이란 https://steemit.com/kr-art/@carrotcake/2xeajw-healings
블록체인이란 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/blockchain
블록체인이란 https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/controlled_supply
블록체인과오픈소스 https://bitnodes.earn.com/
블록체인과오픈소스 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=137.0
블록체인과오픈소스 피자 1 판 = 10,000 BTC = 5 백억원 (11/20 기준 ) https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=137.0
블록체인과오픈소스 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/github
블록체인과오픈소스 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/open-source_software
블록체인과오픈소스 A screenshot of Linux Mint running the Xfce desktop environment, Mozilla Firefox browsing Wikipedia powered by MediaWiki, a calculator program, the built in calendar, Vim, GIMP, and the VLC media player, all of which are open-source software. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/open-source_software
블록체인과오픈소스 https://youtu.be/1a8pi65emde
블록체인과오픈소스 자발적동기와적절한보상 그리고상호호혜성 https://youtu.be/1a8pi65emde
여러가지관점의블록체인 Open ( 공개된 ) Borderless ( 국경이없는 ) Censorship-resistant ( 검열에저항하는 ) Neutral ( 중립적인 ) Decentralized ( 탈중앙화된 ) https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/bitcoin_991959 https://youtu.be/uzpiz3arqww
여러가지관점의블록체인 Open ( 공개된 ) Borderless ( 국경이없는 ) Ownership of Currency Money Censorship-resistant ( 검열에저항하는 ) 화폐발행과융통의권한 돈 ( 보상 ) Neutral ( 중립적인 ) Decentralized ( 탈중앙화된 ) https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/bitcoin_991959 https://youtu.be/uzpiz3arqww
블록체인의여러가지보상분배방법 https://assets.kpmg.com/content/dam/kpmg/pdf/2016/06/kpmg-blockchain-consensus-mechanism.pdf
블록체인의여러가지보상분배방법 보상분배방법의선정은 각블록체인커뮤니티의합의로이루어짐 https://assets.kpmg.com/content/dam/kpmg/pdf/2016/06/kpmg-blockchain-consensus-mechanism.pdf
Delegated(Bonded) Proof of Stake EOS.IO COSMOS.NETWORK https://eos.io/ https://cosmos.network/
Delegated(Bonded) Proof of Stake EOS.IO COSMOS.NETWORK 각블록체인커뮤니티의투표결과에따른 인플레이션토큰을보상으로지급 https://eos.io/ https://cosmos.network/
Delegated(Bonded) Proof of Stake COSMOS.NETWORK EOS.IO CosmosTalk.io Validator Block Producer 규모 100인 ( 연13% 충원, 300명정원 ) 21인 ( 백업 BP 무제한등록 ) 선정기준 본딩된 Atom 물량비례 EOS 득표비례 인플레이션에따른보상 검증인별수수료율상이 1%(0.25% 21인, 0.75% 득표비례 ) 처벌 Atom 차감 (slashing) 없음 투표유인 직접적매표행위가능 간접적공약제시 https://cosmostalk.io/
EOS Block Producer 보상프로세스 https://portal.eoseoul.io/
EOS Block Producer 보상프로세스 CosmosTalk.io EOS 인플레이션총 5% 중 1% 분배 득표에따른 21 인 BP 에게 0.25% 분배 득표수에따라서모든 BP 에게 0.75% 분배 21 인에속한 BP 1 인수익 = ( 인플레이션토큰 *0.25%)*1/21 + ( 인플레이션토큰 *0.75%)* 득표수 / 총투표수 https://cosmostalk.io/
Cosmos Validator 보상프로세스 https://nylira.net/
Cosmos Validator 보상프로세스 CosmosTalk.io Atom 인플레이션 7%~20% (2% 세금제외 ) + Cosmos Hub 거래이체수수료 (5% 세금제외 ) 검증인 (1 인 ) 배당풀 Block Provision 보상 + Block Proposer 추가보상 (5%) + 거래이체수수료보상 검증인 (99 인 +) 배당풀 Block Provision 보상 + 거래이체수수료보상 검증인수익 = 스스로본딩한 Atom 비율배당 + 검증인이설정한수수료 위임자수익 = 위임한 Atom 비율배당 - 검증인이설정한수수료 https://cosmostalk.io/
각프로젝트가조성중인생태계 http://koreos.io/news/53998 https://twitter.com/zcpeng https://twitter.com/chjango
EOS 커뮤니티의합의 https://eosvotes.io/
EOS Worker Proposal System: Website Structure https://medium.com/wps-working-group-eos/68f4e9d5fce7
EOS Worker Proposal System: WPS voting Portal https://workerproposal.com/
EOS Worker Proposal System: WPS voting Portal https://workerproposal.com/
EOS Worker Proposal System: Fund Approval Process Chris Pollard, The WPS Working Group
Cosmos 커뮤니티의합의 https://bubowerks.io/blog/2018/07/19/cosmos-tendermint-network-architecture/
Cosmos 커뮤니티의합의 https://bubowerks.io/blog/2018/07/19/cosmos-tendermint-network-architecture/
Cosmos 커뮤니티의합의 https://blog.cosmos.network/b841e3afc352
Cosmos 커뮤니티의합의 Bounty Proposal Atoms can be inflated and reserve pool funds spent with the passing of a BountyProposal. Incentivizing Hackers The security of the Cosmos Hub is a function of the security of the underlying validators and the choice of delegation by delegators. In order to encourage the discovery and early reporting of found vulnerabilities, the Cosmos Hub encourages hackers to publish successful exploits via a ReportHackTx transaction that says, "This validator got hacked. Please send bounty to this address". Upon such an exploit, the validator and delegators will become inactive, HackPunishmentRatio (default 5%) of everyone's atoms will get slashed, and HackRewardRatio (default 5%) of everyone's atoms will get rewarded to the hacker's bounty address. The validator must recover the remaining atoms by using their backup key. In order to prevent this feature from being abused to transfer unvested atoms, the portion of vested vs unvested atoms of validators and delegators before and after the ReportHackTx will remain the same, and the hacker bounty will include some unvested atoms, if any. https://cosmos.network/docs/resources/whitepaper.html
오픈소스블록체인의발전방향 : Smart Contract https://perfectial.com/blog/smart-contracts-and-industries-they-will-affect/
오픈소스블록체인의발전방향 : Decentralized Autonomous Organizations https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/05/06/daos-dacs-das-and-more-an-incomplete-terminology-guide/
감사합니다. 이기호 kiho.e.lee@gmail.com t.me/eddieyi fb.me/kiho.edward.lee