LESSON 1 1 (1) How have you been? (2) I have been ~. (3) How often ~? 2 (1) Long time no see. (2) How often ~? (3) (almost every day) (1) (2) (3) 3 Ho

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71816 감사해 복음성가 주여 이 죄인이 복음성가 감사함으로 그 문에 복음성가 파송의 노래 복음성가 괴로울 때 주님의 얼굴 보라 복음성가 하나님은 너를 지키시는 자 복음성가 고난의 길 복음성가 73370


1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck



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7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).

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1967년 비틀즈는 ‘Sergeant Pepper


새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별 기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의

6단계 08권 TG


LESSON 1 1 (1) How have you been? (2) I have been ~. (3) How often ~? 2 (1) Long time no see. (2) How often ~? (3)(almost every day) (1) (2) (3) 3 How are you doing? / How is it going? 4 I play badminton twice a week. a[an] A: B: A: 5 How often ~? A: B: 5 A 1 secret 2 rule 3 chance 4 curious 5 exercise 6 style 7 gift 8 smile 9 almost 10 maybe 11 different 12 hope 13 fun 14 usually 15 leave 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 1 each other 2 a little 3 like 4 light up 5 in order to 1 secret 2 chance 3 curious 4 under 5 rule 7 1 you been have been How often 2 Long time no see. How often do you read books? I listen to music almost every day. 3 How / is it 4 Twice a week. 5 1 (1) one/the other: (2) the other(3) many places to (1) (2) (3) 2 (1) the others (2) to 3 (1) (a book) to(to read) (2) (some food) to(to eat) (1) Mike(2) 4 (1) the other (2) others(3) to (1) (2) (3) of By to to By up 9 1 One other to visit 2 the others are to help 3 Mike bought a book to read. The beggar found some food to eat. 4 other the other other others does to do 5 5 to to 14~15 10 12~13 about often at from in to going 01 02 03 04 a chance to answer 05 06 07 08 how to play 09 10 to give 11 His smile lights up everything around him. 12 I go swimming three times a week.

01 02 each other: A: Tom B: 03 by now: by the way: Mike 04 to to 05 How have you been? A: Brian B: 06 How often ~? A: B: A: B: 07 one/the other 08 how to [09-10] 09 10 to help be to 11 His smile 3 lights up everything around him 12 a[an] 16~17 01 02 03 04 05 06 to read 07 How often do you get your hair cut? 08 09 10 birthday is May 2nd have a brother and a sister like to play tennis with Sam 01 over under 02 like sound look 03 a[an] A: B: 04 how to to play 05 one/the others 06 to to read 07 How often get one s hair cut: [08~09] 08 to to get to know ~ get to ~: 09 must be 10 Tom 5 2 Sam

01 notice to become aware of something or someone by seeing or hearing forget 02 light up: 03 by the way: 04 have a cold have a great time had 05 Twice a week. (a[an]) a[an] per 06 Sally! David 07 How are you doing? A: John B: Jack A: 08 09 How often ~? A: B: A: B: 10 18~21 01 02 03 By way 04 05 06 07 doing 08 09 10 11 12 How have you been What are you doing these days How often do you read storybooks 13 14 the other looks heavy 15 16 a house to live in 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 secret friend some candy letter Manito 11 Maybe (she visits me) once a year. 12 Mike! Sally! 13 one the other 14 the other looks heavy 15 16 a house to live in 17 say hello to greet 18 (two rules for this game) 19 In order to ~ 20 21 guess 22 BB 23 during come from Amy Amy Kelly Kelly 24 (1) Helen (2) Helen (3) 3 2

Helen BB BB BB 01 rule 02 to in order to ~ A: B: 03 a little a little 04 be been A: Mike? B: 05 to (give) 06 Not bad. A: Charlie B: Jessica! A: B: 07 I gave the girl a small gift. toi gave a small gift to the girl. 08 I haven t seen you for ages[a long time]! 22~25 01 02 03 04 been 05 to give the person a gift 06 07 08 09 I went to Jeju with my family and rode a horse there. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 In order to get to know 19 20 to play 21 22 23 24 chance name cold under 09 ride rode 10 Kelly 11 three times A: B: 12 get cut cut A: B: A: B: 13 to Fridays 14 one one / the other: 15 nothing to 16 to to [17~19] 17 hope know think say believe that boy 18 in order to get to know get to know: 19 One / the other two [20~22] 3 2

Helen BB BB BB 20 decide to 21 BB He or she 22 3 2 Helen Helen BB 23 two favorite foods the other the other Jane 8 13 24 BB BB (chance) BB (name) BB (cold) BB (under) 26~29 01 (e)xercise (s)ecret (g)ift 02 worried been to do 03 (c)urious 04 get try often once 05 the that By to 06 is, going Long, no order to 07 a little heavy get to know how to solve 08 One the other 09 How often do you play the piano? How often does your brother play soccer? 10 they said hello to each other 11 12 Jeju family horse stayed cousin America the U.S. 13 Sumin Choi September 14th a brother and a sister listen to K-pop music 14 decided to play the Manito game put some candy there on her desk had a cold under Sora s desk 15 Minsu has two pets. One is a dog, and the other is a cat. Minsu has two balls. One is a soccer ball, and the other is a basketball. 01 (1) (exercise) (2) (secret) (3) (gift) 02 (1) be worried about: (2) How have you been? (3) things to do: to 03 (curious) 04 (1) get one s hair cut: (2) try: (3) How often ~? (4) once a month: 05 (1) first the (2) I hope that (3) by the way: (4) in order to ~: 06 (1) How is it going? / (2) Long time no see! (3) in order to ~ 07 (1) a little (2) get to (3) how to 08 one / the other 09 How often ~? (1) (2) 10 say hello to: each other: 11 (two rules) 12 (family) (Jeju) (horse) Amy (stayed) (cousin) Kelly (America the U.S. ) 13 14 (1) (2) Helen (3) BB (4) BB 15 (1) (2)

LESSON 2 31 A 1 mistake 2 dessert 3 leave 4 mean 5 fail 6 hold 7 dangerous 8 important 9 careful 10 truth 11 lose 12 point 13 hurt 14 seat 15 push 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 1 make, face 2 watch out 3 by mistake 4 because of 5 bump into 1 bump (into) 2 mistake 3 dessert 4 leave 5 hold 33 1 May, take I ask Don t forget 2 May I go home now? May I borrow this science book? Don t forget to feed the dog. 3 Remember / Make 4 sorry, you can t 5 1 (1) May I ~? (2) Can I ~? (3) Don t forget to ~. 1 (1) who (2) which (3) finish (1) (2) (3) 2 (1) who[that] be (2) which[that] be(3) 3 (1) is not easy for me (2) a man who was ~ (1) (2) 4 (1) a doll which (2) a foreigner who(3) enjoy 35 1 who which doing 2 who[that] are which[that] was Being kind 3 Getting up early is not easy for me. We saw a man who was running fast. 4 who which[that] which who[that] collect collecting 5 (1) Mary (2) (3) 2 (1) May I (2) May I (3) Don t forget to ~. (1) (2) (3) 5 want to about by at After without before 36 3 Don t forget to ~. Remember to ~. Make sure 4 I m sorry, but you can t. A: B: A: 5 Sure, no problem. A: B: A: 38~39 with to off by for at away for 40~41 01 02 03 04 the student who gave me the gift 05 06 07 08 which [that] is 09 10 11 She made an angry face at the boys. 12 forget come 12 [twelve] to finish before

01 bump 02 by mistake: A: B: 03 throw away: 04 the student who Jenny 05 May I ~? A: Jackson B: 06 Don t forget to ~. A: B: A: 07 A: Sally? B: 08 which[that] be [09~10] a. b. c. 09 how much 10 11 make an angry face at ~: 12 John 12 John 01 because because of 02 look out watch out A: B: 03 someone is 04 A: B: 05 who whom Sam 06 07 Don t forget to ~. A: B: 08 (dislike) 09 drop say 10 (1) Ann: Ann: (2) Ann: Ann: 42~43 01 of 02 03 04 05 06 talking 07 Don t forget to call me this Friday. 08 09 10 to walk your dog / walk, in the evening to feed your dog / feed, three times, day

01 throw to cause something to move out of your hand hold 02 turn off: 03 do one s best: 04 take pictures: take a look at: 05 06 07 May[Can] I ~? A: B: 08 09 A: B: A: 44~47 01 02 03 do his best 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 going check sunny forget see 13 14 which[that] is 15 16 taking care of sick people 17 18 following 19 Excuse 20 21 22 23 24 gives up doesn t throw talking loudly pushing 10 may not 11 Kevin Mrs. Kim 12 13 who which TomTV 24 14 which [that] is 15 16 taking care of sick people [17~19] a. b. c. 17 believe that 18 following quiz 19 Excuse me [20~22] a. b. c. a. b. c. 20 21 after losing 22 because because of because because of

23 try to someone who is: 24 a person who 3 stop 08 09 Kevin (Spot) Kevin Kevin 7 Kevin Spot Kevin 7 10 No problem. A: B: A: 11 A: Jason 01 mistake 02 watch out A: B: 03 without 04 may A: Smith B: 05 to turn off A: Smith B: A: B: 06 put back put it back 07 Make sure 48~51 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 say hello to Mrs. Kim for me 09 10 11 12 13 to a friend who failed a test 14 15 16 17 18 19 (f)ace, (f)loor, (t)hing (g)ift 20 21 22 leave without saying anything 23 24 made a face yellow pencil case didn t say anything B: A: 1 12 A: Jenny MP3 (borrow) B: (don t forget to ~) (couldn t find) 13 to a friend who ~ 14 who were 15 a nice bike which 16 some boys 17 (A) that 18 19 make a face: on the floor: say a nice thing: about the gift: 20 at your friend s home: thank you for: but 21

22 and 23 24 (1) make a face (2) (3) Sara 01 (1) bump into: (2) make a face: (3) by mistake: (1) (2) Tom (3) Ted 52~55 01 (i)nto (m)ade (b)y 02 to feed a day to do 03 (q)uiz 04 so reading borrow of 05 gift make it Thank 06 may[can], you forget to you do 07 bumped into walked away accidently dropped 08 worry, did, next 09 who[that] knows the correct answer which [that] my grandpa used to use 10 think about other people s feelings 11 Aren t you Sally Rogers? May[Can] I take a picture with you? 12 use the computer Yes, you may. don t forget to turn if off 13 cleans the classroom helps friends using bad words playing with a ball 14 finished his homework wants to go to Jihun s house should come back by 7 o clock 15 take pictures throw away speak Turn off (2) make a face: (3) the gift it (4) Thank you 06 (1) would you lend me ~? may[can] I borrow ~ from you? (2) Remember to ~. Don t forget to ~. (3) Don t forget to ~. Make sure 07 (1) bump into: (2) walk away: (3) accidently: drop: 08 worry do next 09 (1) the boy who[that] (2) the radio which[that] 10 think about other people s feelings 11 (1) Aren t you ~? (2) May[Can] I ~? 12 A: B: 13 3 stop 14 (1) Kevin (2) Kevin (3) Kevin 7 15 take pictures: throw away: speak loudly: turn off: 02 (1) Don t forget to ~.: (2) three times a day: (3) need to do: 03 (quiz) 04 (1) so many: (2) reading (3) borrow: (4) Of course.: 05 (1) (gift)

LESSON 3 1 (1) Do you have any plans ~? (2) I m thinking of ~. (3) Would you like to ~? 2 (1) I m planning to ~. (2) Do you have any plans ~? (3) Would you like to ~? (1) (2) (3) 3 How about -ing ~? / Why don t we ~? 4 I have other plans ~.: A: B: A: 5 A: B: 57 A 1 post 2 begin 3 rude 4 holiday 5 celebrate 6 angel 7 culture 8 job 9 blog 10 strange 11 secret 12 magic 13 traditional 14 delicious 15 bow 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 1 come over 2 bow to 3 right away 4 proud of 5 different from 1 post 2 begin 3 rude 4 holiday 5 bow 59 1 any plans thinking of like, come 2 I m planning to go camping. Do you have any plans for Parents Day? Would you like to go swimming with me? 3 going / Why 4 I have other plans. 5 1 (1) the camera that (2) that (3) that (1) MP3 (2) (3) 2 tell advise ask to (1) tell A to A (2) advise A to A (3) ask A to A 3 (1) wanted to lend him the book (2) the bike that (1) Mike (2) 4 (1) that which (2) want to visit (3) order to come (1) (2) (3) 5 Mike Ted Mary 61 1 that Mom baked has mistakes 2 to read to lose to open 3 Mike wanted me to lend him the book. This is the bike that my sister rides. 4 what that[which] visit to visit came to come 5 to on to by of on 62 64~65 for to for of by on on

01 post 02 be proud of: A: B: 03 throw away: right away: A: B: 04 A A: B: A: 05 A: B: A: B: 06 the books that 07 want to want to Mary 08 ask to ask to [09~10] 3 2 09 (rude) 10 66~67 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 me to bring something 08 us to help 09 10 11 that John wore yesterday 12 year, born, up, job, ago, Internet 11 that John 12 Javlon 14 68~69 01 celebration 02 03 04 05 06 to wash 07 a bakery that sells delicious cookies 08 09 10 How old are you Where were When, move 01 celebrate celebration 02 be proud of = take pride in: 03 students don t 04 be thinking of -ing A: B: 05 which that Mary 06 tell to 07 a bakery that [08~09] 3 5 08 say to 09 win the game by 10 (1) (how old) (2) (where) (3) (when)

01 rude not not having concern ~ 02 shake hands with: 03 come over: 04 win the game by call A by B: A B 05 Sure, why not? why not? 06 5 07 I m thinking of ~.: of A: B: 70~73 01 02 03 over 04 05 06 07 having / writing 08 09 10 11 12 Do you have any plans this weekend Would you like to join me Is there any special event in Chuncheon 13 14 to exercise 15 16 to take care of his dog 17 the writings that[which] Javlon posted on his blog 18 19 20 Uzbekistani food 21 22 23 24 thinking of going to join taste surichitteok, join, ssireum 13 which that 14 advise to 15 16 ask to take care of: Tom 17 that which 18 19 20 Uzbekistan Uzbekistani food 21 like 22 Sumalak 23 so be proud of of 24 Javlon 08 09 Maybe next time.: A: Jenny B: A: 10 an t wait to: 11 (Kevin) 12 Mike 74~77 01 02 03 04 05 wash your hair in changpo water 06 07 08 09 to know know 10 11 12 13 How When 14 15 16 17 teachers 18 19 20 won the game by one goal 21 22 23 24 doing different made was celebrated

01 score 02 polite rude 03 04 right now[away]: A: B: A: 05 06 surprise have a surprise party: A: Nancy B: A: 07 call A by B: A B 08 take ~ to the camping: 09 let let me know 10 Kevin (Kevin) 11 A Sure I m busy 12 I m thinking of ~.: I m planning to ~.: A: B: A: 13 A When 14 tell to not to A: B: 15 lap-top that I want A: B: 16 that looks like a bear 17 (teachers) 18 that 19 20 win the game by 21 I myself 22 3 5 Javlon Javlon Javlon 23 14-year-old Javlon 14 24 Korin: Javlon: Korin: Javlon: Korin: Navruz Javlon: Sumalak 78~81 01 (r)ude (b)ow (r)ight 02 to join proud delicious 03 (M)agic 04 for sure going joining 05 that[who] to on that[which] 06 like, come to visit year, old 07 born, up moved, ago that [which], posted 08 by their first names 09 that I lost yesterday that are eating grass over there 10 there was no sugar in it 11 Do you have any plans this weekend? I m planning to go camping with my family. 12 reading

books watching TV go camping my friends 13 thinking of studying Korean on Monday planning to play tennis on Tuesday going to watch a movie on Wednesday thinking of going to a concert on Thursday 14 fourth week Join, ssireum traditional, that[which] Wash, changpo 15 The food that Minho wants to eat is spaghetti. The person that Minho wants to meet is Bill Gates. The country that Minho wants to visit is Australia. 01 (1) (rude) (2) (bow) (3) (right away) 02 (1) ask to (2) be proud of: (3) become 03 (magic) (2) that 10 there was no ~ 11 (1) Do you have any plans ~? (2) I m planning to ~. 12 Kevin (reading books) TV (watching TV) (go camping)(one of my friends) 13 14 (1) fourth week (2) join ssireum (3) traditional that [which] (4) Wash changpo 15 (1) (2) Bill Gates (3) 04 (1) for summer vacation: (2) be sure: (3) go to Jeju: (of) (4) join a summer English camp: 05 (1) (boy) who that (2) to (3) on the Internet: (4) (writings) which that 06 (1) Would you like to ~? (2) I m planning to ~. (3) 07 (1) be born: grow up: (2) move to: ago: (3) (photos) that which post: 08 call A by B: A B by first names 09 (1) that

LESSON 4 1 (1) What s your opinion on ~? (2) I think (that) ~. (3) I don t agree with ~. 2 (1) did not agree with ~ (2) What is one s opinion on ~? (3) I think (that) ~. (1) (2) Tom (3) 3 How do you like ~? What do you think of ~? 4 What s your opinion on ~? A: B: A: 5 A: B: A: 83 A 1 opinion 2 textbook 3 history 4 nature 5 island 6 cost 7 suggest 8 vote 9 decide 10 agree 11 restaurant 12 scary 13 change 14 beach 15 useful 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 1 pay, to 2 agree with 3 have to 4 far away 5 In, opinion 1 opinion 2 history 3 nature 4 island 5 textbook 85 1 your opinion think don t agree 2 The boy did not agree with us. What is Tom s opinion on the schedule? I think health is the most important thing. 3 like / What 4 What s your opinion on the food there? 5 1 (1) to (2) to (3) because (1) Mary (2) (3) Tom 2 (1) to (2) to (3) because of 3 (1) to (2) because (1) (2) 4 (1) to (2) to (3) because of (1) (2) (3) Mary 5 to to 87 1 to buy to hear because 2 to find to see because of 3 Sora works out hard to be healthy. You can t come here because you re young. / Because you re young, you can t come here. 4 hear to hear visit to visit because because of 5 on about for by by from 88 90~91 on with on about during on How

92~93 01 02 03 04 05 06 glad to receive presents from her friends 07 08 to wake 09 10 11 because of heavy rain 12 pay attention, using useful, look up (2) Daniel 01 island 02 have to A: B: 03 hike up: look up: 04 What s your opinion on ~? A: Shirley Holmes B: A: 05 A: B: A: 06 glad to 07 because A: B: 08 to [09~10] 09 Do you have ~? 10 to to learn 11 because of 12 (1) Vicky 01 02 be famous for: look up: 03 Why don t we ~? 04 A: 05 to in order to 06 we should go somewhere 07 (sound) 08 don t have to 09 cookfor 10 (1) great (2) choose (3) story (4) everyone love 3 loves Kevin: Amy: Lion King 94~95 01 useful 02 03 04 05 in, to 06 we should go somewhere different 07 08 09 10 greatest choosing story loves

Amy: Amy: Kevin Kevin: Harry Potter Amy: Kevin 08 09 Same here. A: B: 10 Amy music 11 Amy Kevin 01 beach an area covered with sand that is next to sea town 02 far away (from ~): 03 by A: B: 04 pay attention to: pay: 10 05 Yes, I couldn t agree more. I couldn t agree more. No Yes 06 07 I disagree. A: B: 96~99 01 02 03 by ship[boat] 04 05 06 07 (d)isagree 08 09 10 11 12 reading opinion watched like scary 13 14 to work 15 16 because of the fallen leaves 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 very excited rode horses, went to the beach took many pictures 12 Mike Shirley Holmes Angry Monkeys 13 because since as 14 to work out: 15 to to 16 because of the fallen leaves 17 go on a school field trip: 18 suggest I suggest (that) 19 20 For example 21 22 sound greatly great 23 because 24 (1) Q: A: (2) Q: A: (3) Q: A:

01 decide 02 very useful 03 make sure to: 04 go -ing: A: Jack B: 05 Most schools for 06 Sitting to To sit A: B: A: B: 07 How about -ing? Why don t we ~? 08 don t think so. 09 agree on 10 Amy Harry Potter Kevin Lion King Amy Harry Potter Kevin Kevin 100~103 01 02 useful 03 04 05 Most schools, for 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 highly high 14 15 16 17 about visiting 18 19 20 Jeju Sokcho 21 understand each other better 22 23 24 great agree good wonderful 11 to so as to in order to 12 -ing A: Dan B: A: 13 high highly 14 to A: B: 15 A: B: 16 to to not John 17 How about -ing? 18 to its 19 20 21 know and understand (each other) (better) 22 23 to where to go 24 Kelly Kelly Kelly

01 (1) pay attention to: (2) have to: (3) far away: (1) (2) (3) 02 (1) to (2) to (3) get to 03 (vote) 04 (1) finish reading (2) What s your opinion on ~? (3) They interesting 104~107 01 (p)ay (h)ave (f)ar 02 to watch to know to become 03 (v)ote 04 reading opinion interesting to read 05 on Any about because 06 How What because 07 In my would, like to do 08 agree that, to visit 09 We are pleased to join the baseball club. I called the teacher (so as[in order]) to ask him something. 10 you should not bring your phone to school 11 What s your opinion on the food there? 12 important agree boring interesting 13 I am for school uniforms. I like them because they are comfortable. I think we can save time 14 Near / understand beaches, price hike[climb], ride learn, history 15 I was very excited to travel with my friends. We couldn t swim at the beach because it was too cold. We were very happy to get to the top of the mountain. (4) want to to read 07 (1) in my opinion: (2) would like to ~ (3) to 08 agree that to 09 to (1) (2) 10 bring A to B: B A A: B: 11 What s your opinion on ~? 12 13 14 (1) (2) (3) 15 05 (1) go on a school field trip: (2) any (3) How about ~?: (4) because 06 (1) How do you like ~? (2) What do you think of ~? (3) because

01 (1) a little (2) by the way: say hello to: (3) in order to: each other: (4) one / the other: 02 (1) the first day of school: (2) There are 110~111 first day a little that have a great time By the way say hello to In order to let s how to There are the other get to know must be lights up had a cold under your desk Guess who Lesson 1 01 little cold way say order other One the other 02 Today is the first day of school. There are two rules for this game. It lights up everything around you. I put something there for you. 03 Everyone will have a great time this year. Does everyone know how to play it? Each of you will be a secret friend to someone. By now, you must be curious about me. This morning, I noticed that you had a cold. I hope you feel better soon. (3) light up: around you: (4) put something there: 01 much, feelings watch, sorry losing, lost Being, others 02 You bump into someone by mistake. You walk away without saying anything. You make a face at the person. You say a nice thing about the gift. 03 We did our best. Take the following quiz and find out. You accidently drop the gift on the floor. The point is that you should try to be kind. Say nice things to a friend who failed a test. Hold the door open for someone who is behind you. 01 (1) how much: feelings: (2) watch out: (3) losing lost (4) being / others: 02 (1) bump into someone: (2) without -ing: (3) make a face: (4) say... about ~: 03 (1) do one s best: (2) take a quiz: find out: (3) accidently (4) The point is that ~.: (5) fail a test: (6) hold A open: A 03 (1) have a great time: (2) how to (3) each of you: (4) by now: must be: (5) have a cold: (6) feel better: Lesson 3 114~115 Lesson 2 112~113 Of course how much bump into by mistake watch out without saying anything make a face accidently next time because of Don t worry did, best Being kind For example failed behind you happier day was born grew up moved to on the Internet look at a little bow to first names rude After school right away was proud of cooked us its sweet taste come down like magic would like to 01 year, old who, born moved, ago that, on 02 School life is a little different here in Korea. Jihun asked me to play soccer with him. I was very proud of myself. I showed them some pictures of activities. 03 My team won

the game by one goal. Jihun asked me to join his soccer club. My mom said there was no sugar in it. The secret is the angels magic touch. It becomes sweet and delicious. I want to know more about Korean holidays. 01 (1) (2) who / be born: (3) moved to: ago: (4) that on 02 (1) a little different: (2) ask to (3) be proud of: (4) show 03 (1) by one goal: (2) ask to (3) there was no (4) the angels magic touch: (5) become (6) more about: 01 (1) go on a school field trip: going (2) where / would like to: (3) use / about: (4) Why don t we ~?: to 02 (1) a great place to visit (2) somewhere (3) be famous for its (4) all these things in one place 03 (1) would love to: (2) cost: (3) have to: (4) get to know: each other: (5) be glad to hear: (6) make sure to: Lesson 4 116~117 Any opinions because Why to learn I agree that For example famous for are by plane Because of great have to go fishing get to know each other to decide to visit 01 going on Where, like because, about Why, to learn 02 Gyeongju is a great place to visit. Our school should go somewhere different. It s famous for its beautiful nature. We can enjoy all these things in one place. 03 I would love to go to Jeju, too. That will cost too much money. Why do we have to go so far away? We will get to know and understand each other better. I am glad to hear many opinions from you. Make sure to visit the school homepage and vote!

01 exercise 02 have a great time: have a cold: Lesson 1 118~119 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 is, has, the, to, in Amy Amy Kelly Kelly 10 under your desk there 11 BB 12 Jane 8 13 03 A: Sarah B: Jack A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 04 A: B: A: B: 05 to to 06 one/the other some/others 07 lovely everyone Does to 08 09 usually visits 01 (dessert) 02 put others before oneself: by mistake: 03 No I have nothing to do A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 04 A: B: A: B: 05 cook who Mike PC TV Lesson 2 120~121 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 What did she give you? 08 nothing 09 10 be kind put 11 12 who always talks behind often tells Amy to stop 06 how much following

07 08 not ~ anything nothing 09 tell A to A tell A not to A Kevin 7 10 11 (before) 12 student who tell to to Amy 8 Becky Amy Amy 01 culture 02 Thank you for -ing.: on Korean holidays: 03 A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 04 Lesson 3 122~123 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 older, their first names 09 10 11 12 any sugar A: Shrek B: A: 5 30 B: 05 make (read) Mike 06 that what Sam Mary 07 a little when 08 09 by the way: A: Jenny B: A: B: A: 10 show 4 3 show to 11 come down 12 Sumalak no sugar not any sugar Lesson 4 124~125 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 many things you can do 12

01 cost 02 agree with agree on 03 AB A traveling to travel 10 most somewhere different 11 many things that you can do 12 which[that] A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: [04~05] A: B: A: B: 04 Why the long face? Why do you look so unhappy? 05 06 because of because John Mary 07 during the break 08 Vicky (against) Daniel (for) 09 to