워커힐은서울시내특급호텔인 그랜드워커힐서울 과 인천국제공항내국내최초환승 / 캡슐호텔 그리고아시아최초 6성급호텔인 비스타워커힐서울 을보유하고있는국내최고의호텔운영회사입니다.
BEVERAGE DRAFT BEER 에딩거둔켈생맥주 Erdinger dunkel 10 둔켈 (Dunkel) 은영어로 Dark 검은색을의미하며, 검정맥아를사용하여독일바이에른지역의전통양조과정으로생산된흑맥주스타일의바이스 ( 밀 ) 비어입니다. Dunkel is the German word meaning Dark. It is a dark style of Weißbier made of dark wheat through the traditional method of beer brewing from Bavaria in Germany. COFFEE 아메리카노에소프레소카푸치노카페라떼바닐라라떼핫초코 Americano Espresso Cappuccino Café latte Vanilla latte Hot chocolate 6 6.5 7 7 7 6.5 TEA 카모마일스위트키스 Chamomile Sweet kiss 6 6 ADE 애플에이드블루레몬에이드유자에이드자몽에이드복분자에이드용과에이드 Apple ade Blue lemonade Citron ade Grapefruit ade Korean black raspberry ade Dragon fruit ade 8 7.5 7 8 7 8 NON-ALCOHOLIC 스페셜모히또 Special mojito 9 JUICE 파인애플주스오렌지주스블루베리주스패션후르츠펀치 Pineapple juice Fresh orange juice Fresh blueberry juice Passion fruit punch 10 10 10 10 모든음료는 Refill, Ice, Shot 요청시, 별도의요금이추가됩니다. There will be an additional charge for asking re ll, ice, and shot, for all drinks. 모든커피는독일커피의명가, ' 치보 (Tchibo) 사의최고급브랜드다비도프를사용합니다. Tchibo s premium brand Davidoff is used to serve all coffees. Tchibo is a renowned coffee retailer in Germany.
MADE IN TERRASSE Terrasse 에서자체개발한, Terrasse 의시그니처메뉴입니다. 통오징어구이샐러드 Salad of Grilled Whole Squid with Butter 오징어 _ 국내산 테라쎄가개발한특제소스에마리네이드하여버터에구운통오징어와믹스야채가곁들여진시그니처샐러드 Grilled whole squid with butter & marinade, garnished with vegetables. 18 독일식루벤샌드위치 Reuben Sandwich 살라미 I 돼지고기 _ 국내산, 소고기 _ 호주산 / 패스트라미 I 소고기 _ 호주산 고소한호밀잡곡빵에패스트라미, 살라미햄과독일식김치인샤워크라우트, 치즈와러시안드레싱이곁들여진독일식샌드위치 German-style rye-multigrain sandwich of pastrami ham, sauerkraut, and cheese with Russian dressing. 16 함박웃음어린이메뉴 Kids Menu 소고기 _ 호주산 / 쌀 _ 국내산 / 돼지고기 _ 국내산 어린이들을위한스페셜메뉴로라이스와콘샐러드, 미니핫도그, 미니파인애플과체리와치즈를얹은함박스테이크또는토마토스파게티를선택해먹는메뉴 *** 함박스테이크또는토마토스파게티선택 1 A special menu for children with a choice of Hamburger Steak served with rice, corn salad, mini hot dog, mini pineapple, and cherries or Tomato Spaghetti. 13 만 7 세미만미취학아동에게만제공됩니다. 내용물은사전예고없이변경될수있습니다. Above kids menu is only available to preschool children under the age of 7. Contents are subject to change without notice.
MADE IN TERRASSE Terrasse 에서자체개발한, Terrasse 의시그니처메뉴입니다. 테라쎄피자 Terrasse Pizza 햄 I 혼합돈육 외국산 + 국내산 콤비네이션피자에 2 가지의후렌치후라이 ( 스파이시 & 오리지널 ) half & half 로이루어지며사우어크림이뿌려져풍부한식감이일품인피자 Combination pizza with 2 kinds of french fries (spicy & original flavors) spread with sour cream. 25 스테이크피자 Steak Pizza 소고기 _ 호주산 토마토소스와쫄깃한치즈위에신선한야채샐러드와큐브안심토핑이올라간인기있는피자 Pizza topped with arugula and steak chunks over gooey mixed cheese and tomato sauce. 27 애플고르곤졸라피자 Gorgonzola Pizza with Apple 고르곤졸라치즈에사과와, 견과류가구워지며꿀이어우러져풍미가일품이며담백하여어린이들과어른들의입맛에맞는테라쎄인기피자 Terrasse s best-selling pizza topped with Gorgonzola cheese, sliced apples, nuts, and honey. 24 페퍼로니피자 Pepperoni Pizza 햄ㅣ혼합돈육 _ 외국산 + 국내산 토마토소스와쫄깃하고풍부한치즈위에짭조름한페퍼로니토핑이올라간환상의궁합을이루는피자마르게리타피자 Pizza with a perfect balance between tomato sauce and savory pepperoni toppings on Margherita gooey and Pizza stretchy melted cheese. 23 마르게리타피자 Margherita Pizza 피자도우위에토마토소스와쫄깃한치즈, 바질페스토가올려진치즈본연의맛을느낄수있는피자 Pizza with tomato sauce, stretchy cheese topped with basil pesto, giving an original taste of the cheese flavor. 22 쉬림프피자 Shrimp Pizza 토마토소스와쫄깃한치즈, 오동통한쉬림프와궁합이이루어진새우피자 A shrimp pizza with tomato sauce, melted cheese, and fresh shrimps. 25
MADE IN TERRASSE Terrasse 에서자체개발한, Terrasse 의시그니처메뉴입니다. 차돌박이룽기파스타 ( 그린크림 / 화이트크림 ) Lungi Pasta with Beef Brisket (Green cream / White cream) 차돌박이 _ 미국산 매콤한그린크림소스, 또는고소한화이트소스와고소한차돌박이토핑이구불구불한푸질리룽기면과재미있는식감으로어우러진시그니처파스타 ( 초록빛매콤하고고소한크림또는부드러운화이트크림 ) Terrasse s signature pasta consists of fusilli lunghi and beef brisket toppings with a choice of spicy green cream sauce of creamy white sauce, boasting an exotic texture. (spicy green cream or creamy white sauce) 21 해산물토마토스파게티 Seafood Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce 오징어 _ 국내산 신선한해산물과토마토소스, 스파게티면이어우러진가장대중적으로사랑받는기본파스타 Best-selling pasta served with fresh seafood, tomato sauce, and spaghetti noodles. 19 지중해식해산물오일스파게티 Mediterranean-style Seafood Spaghetti with Oil 쫄깃한통전복, 부드러운관자, 오동통한새우와스파게티면이곁들여진깔끔하고감칠맛이일품인오일스파게티 Oil sauce base spaghetti with chewy whole abalone, silky scallop, and juicy shrimps. 28 파이어누들 Fire Noodle 오징어 _ 국내산 / 꽃게 _ 바레인산 양식스파게티면을중식으로재해석하여통통한제철해산물들과야채의불맛이느껴지는얼큰하고속이시원한해장용일품퓨전파스타 Chinese-style spicy pasta made of plump seafood (blue crab, mussel, squid, and shrimp) and vegetables with a fiery taste. 23 스테이크덮밥 Steak Pilaf 소고기 호주산 / 쌀 _ 국내산 각종채소와오리엔탈소스로볶아낸볶음밥에미니안심스테이크가올려진든든한라이스메뉴 Fried rice topped with fresh vegetables and mini beef tenderloin steak with oriental sauce. 19 메로구이와크림리조또 Grilled Mero and Creamy Risotto 쌀 _ 국내산 이탈리아식라이스메뉴인부드러운크림리조또위에감칠맛나게마리네이드한메로를그릴에구워올린메뉴 Creamy risotto topped with grilled mero. 26 김치소세지필라프 Kimchi and Sausage Pilaf 김치 ( 배추, 고추가루 _ 국내산 ) / 돼지고기 _ 국내산 / 쌀 _ 국내산 매콤한김치와돼지고기를넣어볶아낸볶음밥과계란후라이, 소시지가곁들여진한국의대표라이스메뉴 Korean-style pilaf with fried egg, sausage, and spicy kimchi. 18
CHALLENGE Terrasse 의새로운도전! 새롭게맞이하는신메뉴의다양한맛과즐거움을느끼실수있습니다. 시져샐러드 Caesar Salad 닭고기 _ 국내산 아삭한로메인반포기위에, 건들면톡하고터지는고소한수란과촉촉한닭가슴살, 바삭한크루통, 환상궁합의시져드레싱이곁들여진눈과입이즐거운테라쎄스타일의샐러드 Terrace-style salad topped with romaine lettuce, poached egg, tender chicken breast, crispy croutons, and Caesar salad dressing. 18 계절가든샐러드 Seasonal Garden Salad 건강을생각한웰빙느낌의기본샐러드로싱싱한야채와견과류제철에맞는식재료와드레싱이어우러진샐러드 Healthy salad consists of fresh vegetables and nuts, and seasonal ingredients with dressing. 9 살라미리코타치즈샌드위치 Salami-Ricotta Cheese Sandwichs 살라미 I 돼지고기 _ 국내산, 소고기 _ 호주산 호밀잡곡빵에살라미햄, 리코타치즈, 신선한상추, 후레시한토마토가곁들여진가볍고담백한느낌의샌드위치 Rye-multigrain sandwich bread with salami, ricotta cheese, fresh lettuce, and tomatoes. 15 파파델리트러플양송이파스타 Pappardelle Pasta with Truffle Mushroom 넓적한파파델리파스타면에, 진하고고소한버섯소스가환상의조합을이루고, 특별하게양송이슬라이스가플레이트에덮어진깊은풍미가일품인파스타 Pasta consists of wide and flat Paparelli noodles with nutty mushroom sauce topped with thinly sliced mushrooms. 24 차돌박이숙주덮밥 Steamed Rice Topped with Beef Brisket and Bean Sprouts 차돌박이 미국산 / 쌀 _ 국내산 아시안느낌의메뉴로따뜻한밥위에짭조름하고아삭한숙주가어우러진차돌박이숙주볶음과제철마다바뀌는샐러드와한국식드레싱, 계란후라이가어우러진메뉴 Asian-style menu consists of steamed rice topped with savory bean sprouts and beef brisket. The menu also comes with seasonal salad with Korean-style dressing and fried egg. 24 그릴드포크스테이크 Grilled Pork Steak 돼지고기 미국산 바삭하게구워진두툼한통삼겹살과그릴에구워달콤함이두배인파인애플, 한입에톡터지는토마토와구운야채가곁들여져소스와어우러지는가볍게즐길수있는스테이크 Savory whole pork belly steak with sweet grilled pineapples, juicy tomatoes, grilled vegetables, and sauce. 35
ADVANCED 다양하고특별한메뉴를어느곳에서도느껴보지못한최상의맛과멋으로제공해드리겠습니다. 슈바인학세 (1 일전사전예약 ) Schweinshaxe 돼지고기 _ 국내산 하루동안재워둔후, 테라쎄만의독특한흑맥주에딩거둔켈로삶아낸후바삭하게오븐에구워낸독일식메뉴의한국식재해석메뉴로감자튀김과샤워크라우트, 각종소스가곁들어져풍성한맛과양을자랑하지만적은칼로리가매력적이고이색적인메인메뉴 After a day s rest, this Korean reinterpretation of a German low-calorie dish consists of crisp oven-baked ham hock boiled in Erdinger Dunkel, a unique dark beer. Accompanied with fried potatoes, sauerkraut, and various sauces to amplify the rich flavor it has to offer. 100 안심스테이크 ( 안심 160g) Beef Tenderloin Steak with Red Wine Sauce 소고기 호주산 부드러운소고기안심과제철에맞는구운야채, 아스파라거스와각종가니쉬가어우러진메인요리 Beef tenderloin steak served with french fries, sauce, and salad with oil dressing. 45 연어스테이크 Salmon Steak 부드럽고촉촉한연어와고소한크림소스, 야채가니쉬가어우러진생선메인요리 Tender and moist salmon fillet served with garnishes and sauce. 35 양갈비스테이크 Grilled Lamb Chops 양고기 _ 호주산 양갈비를과일소스와향신료에하루정도마리네이드한후그릴에구워구운야채와민트젤리, 홀그레인머스터드소스와곁들이는담백한요리 Tender and moist salmon fillet served with garnishes and sauce. 40 쿠페세트 Coupé Set (2 코스 ) 소고기 _ 호주산 샐러드안심스테이크 Salad Beef tenderloin steak 50 세단세트 Sedan Set (4 코스 ) 소고기 호주산 샐러드안심스테이크디저트커피 Salad Beef tenderloin steak Dessert Coffee 65 스페셜세트 Special Set 사전예약시, 특별한날, 특별한분들을위한맞춤스페셜코스구성도가능합니다. Special made-to-order course menu is available when pre-booking on a special day. TBA
DYNAMIC 다양한즐거움이있는손쉬운메뉴부터고퀄리티메뉴까지독일전통맥주와어울리는다양한메뉴가준비되어있습니다. 모듬소시지 Assorted Sausages 모듬소시지 I 돼지고기 _ 미국산 + 국내산 / 롤소시지ㅣ돼지고기 _ 국내산 바삭하게튀긴감자와독일식김치인사우어크라우트, 모듬소시지를함께즐길수있는메뉴 Assorted sausages with deep-fried potatoes and sauerkraut. 28 모듬감자튀김 Assorted French Fries 모듬후렌치후라이를기름에바로튀겨내어바삭하고담백한메뉴 A platter of deep-fried french fries. 9 감바스알아히요 Gambas al Ajillo 매콤한고추와잘익은마늘의고소한향이새우에스며들어환상의궁합을이루는요리로, 감바스는 새우 를아히요는 마늘 을뜻하며, 가벼운안주메뉴나단품메뉴로훌륭한메뉴 Spanish-style garlic shrimp flavored with spicy chili and the menu itself is recommendable to have with alcoholic beverages. 21 폭립 ( 매운맛 / 순한맛 ) Pork Rib (Spicy flavor / Mild flavor) 돼지고기 _ 외국산 후렌치후라이위에폭립이어우러지고갈릭후레이크의바삭한식감이어우러지는메인요리겸패밀리메뉴 Family set menu made of pork ribs with french fries and garlic flakes 40
TAXI 탁트인전망을자랑하는테라쎄는식사외에음료와함께달콤하고간단하게즐길수있는메뉴도준비되어있습니다. 페스츄리디저트피자 Pastry Dessert Pizza 바삭하고겹겹이쌓인매력적인페스츄리도우에달콤함이씹히는식감이재미있는디저트피자로구운바나나와베리종류의제철과일과견과류가함께어우러져음료와함께환상의궁합이이루어지는메뉴 An attractive pizza-style dessert that is sweet and crispy accompanied with bananas and seasonal berries. 아이스크림토핑추가시, 3000원추가됩니다. Ice cream topping is available for and additional KRW 3,000 15 쉐프디저트 Chef s Dessert 신선한제철과일과테라쎄쉐프들의데일리아트가어우러진형식이정해져있지않은하나뿐인데일리디저트 Seasonal fruits and decorated toppings by veteran chefs. 12 바닐라아포카토 Vanilla Affogato 달콤하고시원한바닐라아이스크림에에스프레소를부어서먹는디저트 Sweet and cool vanilla ice-cream dessert with a cup of espresso as a sauce. 10