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HP IPF Integrity 64 HP IPF Integrity 1.1 64 2003 HP Itanium2 Integrity IT 64 1.1.1 HP IPF Integrity 1992 AlphaDEC 64 RISC32 64 64 10 64 RIS C 2001 HP IPF Itanium 2003 HPIPF Itanium2 Integrity HP 2 64 RISC 64 IPF () 64 64 64RISC64 IPFIPF 64RISCHP Integrity IPF 1.1.2 Intel Itanium 64 RISC IA-32 Xeon Xeon MP 32 CPU CPU RISC Alpha HP PA-RISC IBMPowerSGIMIPS SunSPARCIntel IA-32( IBM Power4 Alpha RISC )Itanium2 64 Itanium2 2 SGI /Sun R12000 /UltraSPARC III Itanium2 Alpha/ PA- RISC/Power42 64 RISC IA-32 1-4 CPU 8-16 CPU 16 CPU IT ( / ) CPU CPU CPU() (CPU) IDC 2002 10 ( 1-4 CPU 10 ) 100(8CPU 10 ) 300 ( 300 ) RAS CPU Intel Itanium 64 RISC IA-3232 6464RISC IlluminateRISC Intel IA-32 4 1999 3 (ISP) 49

IA-32 UNIX Linux RISC / / IA-32 RISC UNIX 64RISC IPF Linux 3 Internet UNIX RISC RAS IPF IA-32 64 Internet Internet RISC( Internet ) 1-1 HP Integrity rx2600 rx4640 rx5670 rx7620 rx8620 Superdome Itanium2 Itanium2 Itanium2 1.3 GHz, 1.5GHz 1.3 GHz, 1.5GHz 1.3 GHz,1.5 GHz 2 2-4 2-4 2-8 2-16 16,32,64 1-24 GB 1-64 GB 1-96 GB 2-64 GB 2-128 GB 128, 256, 512GB 8.5 GB /s 12.8 GB/s 12.8 GB/s 16, 32, 64 GB/s I/O 1 2 3 15 (14 15 (14 48, 96, 192,3, 2, 7 1 2 ( 2/3 1/1 64 CPU Superdome 128 64 ) I/O 2.5GB/s 3.0GB/s 6.5GB/s 15.4 GB/s 15.9 GB/s 8, 16, 32 GB/s SMP () cc-numa() cc-numa sx1000 sx1000 mx2 HP mx2 1 50

IA-32 HP Integrity Superdome 128 Itanium2 64 RISC IA-64 64RISC IPF RISC 1.1.3 HP Integrity HP HP Integrity IPF 64 Itanium2 Integrity 1-1 ProLiant Integrity HP9000 AlphaServer NonStop DL 700 series Superdome DL/ML 500 series rx8620 BL p-class rx7620 New! DL/ML 300 series rx4640 BL e-class rx2600 rx5670 1-1 HP 1.1.4 HP 9000 Superdome rp8400 rp5430/70 rp7410 rp2430/70 SC series GS series ES series DS series S76000/ S86000 S76 series HP Itanium! 2001 Intel Itanium Itanium IA-32 64RISCWindows +Intel Wintel 64 RISC Wintel 32RAS 64 RISC IPFHPIBMSGINECUnisys BullDell IPF 2003 HP Itanium2 -Integrity264Superdome ( HP mx2 128 ) HP 2 IPF 64 RISC 5 ([14]) IPF IPF 64 RISC Intel Itanium () IT IDC Gartner 3IPF IPFIPF 64 RISCHPSGINEC Unisys IPF IA-32 IBM Sun IBMPower4+ Power5 Itanium2 IBM Sun IA-32 X86-64 Opteron 64 RISC - UltraSparc 64 RISC IPF IA-32 IA-32 Xeon Xeon MP HP ProLiant IA-32 64 RISC IPF IA-32 32 AMDX86-64 IA-3264 X86-64 Opteron X86-64 IA-32 64 Itanium 64 RISCIHVISVAMD Intel IPF Opteron Intel IPFIA-32 Intel Itanium Itanium2 40 IHV 51

1-2 RISC Intel IA-32 Intel IA-64(IPF) Bull Escala S Series S120 Express5800 TM600 NovaScale Model 4040 Escala PL220R,T Express5800 TM1400 Escala PL240R,T Express5800 120Ef,Lg,Rd-1,Rf-1,Mf Escala PL400R,T Express5800 140Hd,Rc-4 Escala PL420R,T Express5800 320 Dell PowerEdge 400SC, 600SC, 650 PowerEdge 3250 PowerEdge 1600SC, 1655MC, 1750 PowerEdge 2600, 2650, 4600 PowerEdge 6600, 6500 Fujitsu PRIMEPOWER 100N PRIMERGY TX150, 200, 300, 600 PRIMERGY RXI600 Siemens PRIMEPOWER 200, 200F PRIMERGY C200, L200, F250, H250 PRIMEPOWER 250, 400 PRIMERGY RX 100, 200, 300, 600 PRIMEPOWER 400N, 450 PRIMERGY P200, 240, R450 Fujitsu PRIMEPOWER 200, 250 PRIMERGY TX150, 200, 300, 600 PRIMERGY N4000 PRIMEPOWER 400, 450 PRIMERGY C200, L200, F250, H250 PRIMERGY RX 100, 200, 300, 600 PRIMERGY P200, 240, R450, MS610 HP HP carrier-grade rp2450 HP server tc2120 Integrity rx2600 HP server rp 2405, 2430, 2470 ProLiant BL10e, 10e G2, 20p G2, 40p Integrity rx4640 HP server rp 5405, 5430, 5470 ProLiant DL320, 320 G2, 360 G3 Integrity rx5700 AlphaServer DS10, 15, 20L, 25 ProLiant DL560, 580 G2 AlphaServer ES45, 47 ProLiant ML150, 310, 330 G3, 350 G3 ProLiant ML370, 530 G2, 570 G2 IBM EServer BladeCenter JS20 eserver xseries 205, 225, 235, 255 eserver xseries 382 RS/6000 43P-150, 170 eserver xseries 305, 335, 345, 360 eserver xseries 450 eserver pseries 610, 615 eserver BladeCenter HS20 eserver pseries 630, 640 eserver iseries 400 Model 250, 270 Model 800, 810,820 Maxdata NEC SGI Onyx 350, 3500 Onyx4 UltimateVision Origin 300, 350 Express5800 TM600 Express5800 TM1400 Express5800 120Ef,Lg,Rd-1,Rf-1,Mf Express5800 140Hd,Rc-4 Express5800 320La, 320Lb Express5800 420La, 410Ma Stratus Continuum 419, 429, 439, 449 ftserver 3300, 5600, 6600 Continuum 616, 616S Continuum 651-2, 652-2 Continuum 1251-2, 1252-2 Sun Fire B100 Blade Server V60x Server, V65x Server Fire V100, V120, 280R Fire V210, V240, V250 Fire V440, 480 Netra 120, Netra 20 Server Unisys ES3005 Blade Server ES3020, 3020L,3040, 3040L ClearPath HMP LX6100, LX7100 Platinum 9000R 52

1-3 RISC Intel IA-32 Intel IA-64(IPF) Bull Escala PL600T, 600R Express5800 180Rc-4 NovaScale5080, 5160 Escala PL800T, 820R, PL1600R NoveScale9080 Dell PowerEdge 8450 Fujitsu PRIMEPOWER 650, 800 PRIMERGY RX800, T850 Siemens PRIMEPOWER 850, 900 Fujitsu PRIMEPOWER 650, 800 PRIMERGY RX800, T850, RX800 PRIMEPOWER 850, 900 Trimetra P2000 HP AlphaServer ES80, GS80, GS160 ProLiant DL740, 760 G2 Integrity rx7620 Hp server rp7405, 7410, 8400 Integrity rx8620 IBM esrever pseries 650, 655, 670 esrever xseries 445 esrever iseries 400 esrever xseries 455 Model 825, 830, 870 NEC Express5800/180 Rc-4 Express5800 1080Rc SGI Origin 3200 Altix 3300 Sun Fire V880z Visualization Server Fire V880, V1280, 4800 Unisys ES700 Aries 510, 520 ES7000 Aries 410 ClearPath HMP IX6600 ES7000 Aries 420 ClearPath Plus Dorado Model 110 ES7000 Orion 430 1-4 RISC Intel IA-64(IPF) Bull Escala EPC2450, PL3200R NovaScale5080, 5160 NoveScale9080 Fujitsu PRIMEPOWER Siemens 1000,1500,2000,2500 Fujitsu PRIMEPOWER 1000,1500,2000,2500 HP AlphaServer Integrity GS320, GS1280 Superdome AlphaServer SC20, SC45 HP9000 Superdome NonStop S74, S76SE, S740, S7400 NonStop S74000, S76000 IBM eserver pseries 690 eserver iseries Model 840, 890 SGI NEC Onxy 3800, Origin 3800, 3900 Sun Fire 6800, 12000, 15000 Unisys IA-32 Express5800 1320xc Express5800 1320xd 1.2 (HPTC)20 70 -- Internet ebusiness HPTC IT 1.2.1 (HPTC ) HPTC GISCAE HPTC 53

54 20 90 64 RISCInternet/intranet HPTC 64 RISC Alpha Itanium2 Itanum2 HPTC HPTC ( 64 128 ) GB (VLM) HPTC ( ) 1.2.2 (MIS) (MRP-II)(ERP)(CMIS) (PLM)(DSS) Internet (ebusinee) (WAN) WAN/LAN / (C/S) Internet/ intranet/extrannet Web ebusiness 3 () ( ) HPTC HPTC Cary Convex HPTC Wang Internet HPTC ebusiness (einfrastructure) (CRM)(BI) (GVC)(KM) ( ) Internet/intranet * OLTPOLAP (OLTP) (BI) 1 99.999% (ZLE) I/O OLTP( ) TPC-C

1.2.3 HPTC( ) HPTC HPTC CAE HPTC (GIS) HPTC HPTC CAD/ CAM(PLM) 1.2.4 Internet ebusiness 1-5 1-5 RAS() I/O (I/O ) ( ) ISV 7*24 RAS 1.3 HP Integrity HP Itanium2 Integrity HP HP Integrity HP Intel Itanium IPF HP Itanium2 55

HP HP HP HP Integrity 1.3.1 HP Integrity I/O HP HP Integrity Itanium IPF HP Integrity architecture HP Integrity IntegrityUMA / ccnuma UMA I/O I/O (I/O ) / HP Integrity IA HP HP 9000 sx1000 Integrity mx2 HP Integrity 64 1.3.2 HP Integrity HP Integrity UMA Integrity UMA () UMA SMP () Integrity UMA 4 ( UMA ) UMA CPU CPU CPU Itanium2 CPUIntegrity CPU CPU () CPU Integrity 56

HP IntegrityUMA ( I/O )( I/O ) IPF I/O 4 12 8 I/O 64 4 GB I/O HP Integrity rx2600, rx4640 rx5670 zx2000 zx6000 HP sx1000 4 AGP-4X Mckinley CPU Mckinley CPU Mckinley CPU Mckinley CPU NUMA Integrity PCI PCI Memory & I/O Controller Scalable Memory Expander Chips DDR s sx1000 cc-numa Integrity 1-2 Itanium2 DDR 1-6 6 12 16 32 64 8.5 GB/sec 12.8GB/sec 12.8 GB/sec 112 ns 127 ns 127 ns 1-8 I/O I/O PCI, AGP-4X I/O 1 2 500 MB/sec I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O HP HP 64 Integrity HP HP HP Integrity I/O HP IPF Linux HPIPF- Linux TOP10 1.3.3 Integrity HP Integrity rx7620 rx8620 Superdome NUMA sx1000 Integrity NUMA () NUMA ( ) HP Integrity cc-numa Load/Store UMA UMA NUMA (I/O) 57

NUMA Integrity cc- NUMA () Integrity cc-nuam UMA 8-16 16 ( I/O)HP Integrity ( 1-2) sx1000 HP Integrity HP sx1000 cc-numa HP Integrity sx1000 cc-numa CPU CPU 2 64 CPU mx2 128 Itanium PA-RISC sx1000 Itanium 2 ( Madison) PA-RISC 8800 OS HP-UX, Linux, Windows Server 2003 OpenVMS PA-RISC rp7400, rp8400 Superdome PCII/O 1-2 sx1000 HP 9000 Yosemite 5 ASIC ASIC 1-7 sx1000 5 ASIC 1-7 sx1000 5 ASIC ASIC IO ECC 1, 2 1, DRAM 2 8 KB IO DMA 32 PCI ( 2 TB) PCI/ PCI PCI 8 58

1-8 HP sx1000 M 41 1466 1 248 14 612 12 170 21 748 1-3 HP Integrity Integrity(cell) sx1000 ASICsx1000 2-128 4 CPU 9 ASIC(1 8 ) CPU 1-2 CPU sx1000 (8 ) 16 (64 ) HP Integrity mx2 Integrity HP mx2 : CPU 1 : 50% ERP : Itanium2 1-3 4CPU 4 I/O PCI ASIC 1-4 8 16 64 4 (16 )16 1 64 4 8 1-5 mx2 8-Socket System 16-Socket System 64-Socket System mx2 2 Itanium2 32 MB L4 1-5 1.4 HP Integrity LEGEND 4-socket cell I/O backplane Two crossbar switches 1-4 HP Integrity sx1000 5 ASIC 0.18-micron CMOS 1-8 41 M 2500 1466 HP Integrity IPF HP Integrity Integrity HP EPIC IPF HPItanium64 IPF HP IPF 59

HP Integrity HP Integrity IPF HP Integrity HP Integrity 1.4.1 HP IPF HP RISC IPFHPPA- RISC PA-8700 PA- 8800 PA-8900 Alpha EV68 EV7EX7z EV79 HPe3000 HP-9000 AlphaServer IPF HP MIPS NonStop Himalaya IPF HP Intel IA-32 Itanium HP ISV HP IPF IPF ISVOEM IPFHP 1.4.2 HP Integrity HP HP IPF HP Itanium2 64 IPF HP IntegrityIPF HP Integrity HPIntegrityIPF Intel 2001Itanium2003 Intanium2 Intel 2005 Montecito2006 416Tukwila Itanium2 10 HP IPF ([13]) 1-7 HP Integrity Itanium HP sx1000 Superdome 64 Itanium2 HP mx2 Itanium2 1 Superdome 128 Itanium2 1-6 3 2 HP HP Itanium2Linux HP 1438Itanium2 10 TFLOPS TOP500 5 HPIPF 60

1-9 Itanium2 NEC Express/1000 8-32 ccnuma HP-UX Model 1320 Xc Model 1160 Xc Model 1080 Xc 32 Itanium2 1.5 GHz 16 Itanium2 1.5 GHz 8 Itanium2 1.5 GHz 256 GB Max 64 GB Max 256 GB 8 4 2 112 PCI 56 PCI 26 PCI LinuxWindowsHP-UX LinuxWindows LinuxWindowsHP-UX HP-UX Bull NovaScale 4 8 IntelE8870 FAME NovaScale 5160 NovaScale 5080 NovaScale 4040 16 Itanium2 1.5GHz 8 Itanium2 1.5GHz 4 Itanium2 1.5GHz 128 GB 64 GB 32 GB 4 2 LinuxWindowsGCOS 7/8 LinuxWindows LinuxWindows GCOS 7/8 GCOS 7/8 SGI Altix 3000 NUMAflex HPTC Altix 3700 Altix 3300 464 Itanium1GHz 4,8,12 Itanium0.9GHz 512 GB 128 GB 11 PCI 11 PCI SGI Linux SGI Linux Unisys ES7000 2 16 Intel E8870 Orion 430 Orion 560 2 16 Itanium2 1.5GHz 2 16 Itanium2 1.5GHz 32 Xeon 64 GB 64 GB 96 I/O 96 I/O WindowsUnited Linux Windows, United Linux IBM eserver 2 16 IBM EXA-2 Summit (X-64) xseries 382 xseries 445 xseries 455 2 Itanium2, 1.5 GHz 4 Itanium2, 1.5 GHz 16 Itanium2, 1.5 GHz 16 GB 40 GB 56 GB 3 PCI 18 PCI 18 PCI Windows 2003Linux Windows 2003Linux Windows 2003Linux Dell PowerEdge 2 Intel E8870 PowerEdge 5250 2 Itanium 21.5 GHz 16 GB 3 Windows 2003Linux 61

62 1.4.3 HP IPF IT Linux 3 4 ( UNIX, Linux, Windows Server 2003 OpenVMS) HP IPF IPF HP-UX 11i, OpenVMSLinux Windows 2003(NonStop Kernel) IPF ITHP Integrity ([15]) ( OS ) ISV ( / ) 1.4.4 HP Integrity () 5 Itanium Itanium HP Itanium 5 Itanium LinuxUNIX Linux HP Linux Linux Linux HP-UX MC/ ServiceGuard 7HP Linux MC/ServiceGuard Linux 8 Linux Linux MC/ServiceGuard HP StorageWorks XP StorageWorks Cluster Extension ( 100 ) HP StorageWorks NAS8000 MC/ServiceGuard for Linux ClusteringNAS8000 NAS HP SteelEye Linux LifeKeeper HP ProLiant StroageWorks HP OpenView Linux OpenView Smart Plug-Ins Linux Oracle SAPHP OpenView HP OpenView Operations Application Linux HP OpenView Network Node Manager Linux ; HP OpenView Internet Services Linux HP OpenView Omniback II Linux OpenView LinuxHP Linux ServiceControl ManagerHP Linux IT HP Process Resource Manager Linux CPU 2003 11 13 HP Windows, Linux Unix Systems Insight Manager ( Nimbus) HP ServiceControl ManagerInsight Manager 7 Tooptools ProLiant, Integrity and HP 9000 PC Systems Insight Manager HP OpenView Operations OpenView Network Node Manager HP HP Secure Linux damage containment Linux HP Linux Sendmail, ftp, DNS, LDAP, Apache, Tomcat, Struts, NFS, SNMP, and Samba 1.4.5 HP Integrity

HP MicrosoftOracleBEA Integrity ISV Integrity IPFIPF IPF 1.4.6 HP Integrity 64 RISC IPF HP Integrity Integrity HP Integrity HP Integrity CRMBIERPSCM HPTC 1000 ([14]) 2004 2000 1.4.7 HP Integrity IT ITHP IPF HP IT 160 65000 28000 5000 18000 UNIX 3000 Linux HP IPF Windows UNIX Linux 64 RISC 10 1-10 Integrity SAP R/3 Enterprise.Oracle e-business Suite, HP Integriy Baan ibaan ISV PeopleSoft ecenter HP BEA WebLogic PlatformOracle AS SAP Web Windows 2003.NETJ2EE.NET Web Services HP Oracle 9i Release 2.0 SQL Server 2003 HP MPI MLIB HP-UX 11i, OpenVMS,Linux HP Windows 2003 IPF Integrity HP 64 IA-64 64 Integrity 63

PTACIPF HP-UX HP Bangalor (PTAC)PTAC Windows Linux Unix 32 64 IA-64 PTAC IPF PTAC IPF PTAC ISV IA-64 HP-UXWindows Linux HP IPF HP Tru64 UNIX OpenVMS IPF 1000IPF HP Integrity 1-4 CPU 10HP Itanium2 Integrity rx2600, rx4640 rx5670 HP HP Itanium2 Itanium2 OpteronIA-32 RISC HP Integrity 2-1 HP Integrity rx2600 rx4640 rx5670 1 2 1.3GHz 1,2,3 4 1.3GHz 1,2,3 4 1.3GHz 1.5GHz Itanium2 1.5GHz Itanium2 1.5GHz Itanium2 1-24 GB 1-64 GB 1-96 GB 8.5 GB /s 12.8 GB/s 12.8 GB/s HP 1 1 GB/s 2 3, 64-64- 133MHz 3 1 GB/s 64-133MHz 133MHz1 GB/s 6 0.5GB/s 64-4 2 3 64-133MHz 0.5GB/s 64-66MHz 66MHz0.5GB/s 1 PCI /USB 64-66 MHz 0.5GB/s 3 3.5 438 GB 2 3.5 292 GB 4 3.5 584 GB Ultra160 SCSI Ultra320 SCSI Ultra160 SCSI 1 DVD-ROM DVD 1 SCSI 16X -ROM 16X/10X/40X CD-RW CD DVD-ROM DDS-3 Gigabit-TX LAN10/100 BT LAN Gigabit-TX LAN10/100 BT LAN Gigabit-TX LAN10/100 BT LAN Ultra320 SCSI2 RS-232 Ultra160 SCSIVGA Ultra160 SCSI VGA2 USB VGA4 USB 2 USB 10/100 BT LAN Web RS-232 RS-232 /Modem RS-232 2 U 4 U 7 U 64

2.1 HP Integrity HP Integrity rx2600rx4640 rx5760 2-1 Intel Itanium 2 SME (x3) Intel Itanium 2 6.4GB/s MIO Intel Itanium 2 6.4GB/s Intel Itanium 2 SME (x3) 2.2 HP Integrity HP Integrity(SMP) HP ( 1.3 ) PC-I133(1024MB/s) PC-I133(1024MB/s) Core 10/100/1000BT and Ultra 160 SCSI IOA IOA IOA 4.0GB/s IOA IOA IOA 66(512MB/s) 66(512MB/s) 66(512MB/s) 66(512MB/s) Core RS-232,10/100BT,VGA,USB rx2600 HP Integrity rx2600 1 2 Intel Itanium 2 200 MHz 128-bit HP I/O 6.4 GB/s s 2 266 MHz, 4.3 GB/s 8.5 GB/s 6 (DDR) SynchDRAM s 12 2 GB 133(1 GB/s) 133(512 MB/s) 133(512 GB/s) 133(512 GB/s) Intel Itanium 2 4.3GB/s IOA IOA IOA IOA MIO Intel Itanium 2 24 GB 4.3GB/s 4.0GB/s IOA IOA IOA 2-1 Hp Integrity rx2600 Core management: 10/100BT,VGA,RS-232 Core SCSI: 10/100/1000BT Core maagemer: 10/100&T,IDE,USB I/O 8 0.5 GB/s 7 I/O I/O I/O PCI 2 I/O 1 133 MHz I/O 1 GB/s I/O 3 I/O 3 133 MHz I/O 0.5 GB/s 3 I/O 3 PCI LAN, SCSI, IDEUSB 2-2 Hp Integrity rx4640 HP I/O 6.4 GB/s 200 MHz, 6.4 GB/s 6 (DDR)SynchDRAM 16 32 1 64GB I/O 8 0.5 GB/s 6 I/O I/O I/ O PCI 2 I/O 1 133 MHz I/O 1.0 GB/s 2 I/O 133 MHz I/O 2 I/O I/O 66 MHz I/O 0.5 GB/s I/O I/O 0.5 GB/s 10/100/1000 BT LAN Ultra160 SCSI 0.5 GB/s LAN RS-232 USB VGA rx5670 HP Integrity rx5670 1234Intel Itanium 2 200 MHz 128-bit HP I/O 6.4 GB/s 200 MHz, 6.4 GB/s Intel Itanium 2 SME (x3) Intel Itanium 2 6.4GB/s MIO Intel Itanium 2 6.4GB/s 6.4GB/s 4.0GB/s Intel Itanium 2 SME (x3) rx4640 HP Integrity rx4640 1234Intel Itanium 2 200 MHz 128-bit 133 (512MB/s) 133 (512MB/s) 133 (512MB/s) Core 10/100/1000BT and Ultra 160 SCSI IOA IOA IOA IOA 2-3 Integrity rx5670 IOA IOA IOA IOA 66 (512MB/s) 66 (512MB/s) 66 (512MB/s) 66 (512MB/s) 66 (512MB/s) 66 (512MB/s) PCI(512MB/s) Core RS-232 10/100BT Ultra 160 SCSI 65

6 (DDR)SynchDRAM 48 2 24 1 24 24 rx5670 2 rx5670 12.8 GB/s I/O 8 0.5 GB/s 8 I/O I/O I/ O PCI 3 I/O 3 133 MHz I/O 0.5 GB/s 3 I/O 3 I/O 66 MHz I/O 0.5 GB/s 2I/O I/O10/ 100/1000BT LAN Ultra160 SCSI 0.5 GB/s LAN, RS-232 Ultra160 SCSI 33 MHz PCI 0.5 GB/s 33 MHz VGA/USB Microsoft Windows VGA/USB 2.3 HP Integrity HP Integrity 32 PC RAS 2.3.1 RAS() HP Integrity 99.95% 99.999% ( ) (SSHA)HP Integrity I/O HP SSHA (HP Surviceguard) () rx5670, rx4640rx2600 N+1 N+1 rx5670 2+1 rx4640 rx2600 1 1+1 rx5670, rx4640 rx2600 rx5670 SCSI 4 SCSI SCSI SCSI rx4640 SCSI SCSI rx2600 SCSI 3 2 SCSI I/O rx5670, rx4640 rx2600 I/O I/O ECC HP Integrity rx5670, rx4640 rx2600 HP SDRAM rx5670, rx4640 rx2600 SDRAM CPU HP Integrity rx2600, rx4640 rx5670 L1 L2 1 2 1 (DPR) DPRCPU () CPU (SEL) SELFPL() 66

HP OS syslog () Itanium 2 (FAT) EFI FAT-32 Itanium2 (IPMI) LED OS ROM IPMB (MP) MP LAN MP 1.0 () () UPS HP EMS () EMS e-mail SNMP TCP/UDPOpenView (OPC) HP Insight Manager HP (OpenView)BMC, Tivoli, Computer Associates, MicroMuse 2.3.2 HP Integrity (EFI) HP-UX, Linux Windows HP rx2600, rx4640rx5670 () rx2600, rx4640 rx5670 Internet or intranet MP e-mail pager / HP Response Centerse-mail HP Event Monitoring Service (EMS) 67

WAN ( modem) () Web (SSL) 2.4 HP Integrity Itanium2 HPHP Integrity HP Integrity (SPEC SPEC Rate) ( Linpack)( SPECwebSSL SPECjbbTPC-CSAP Oeacle ) HPTC 2.4.1 Intel IA-32 Xeon Intel 2-2 HP Integrity rx2600 IBM Sun Dell IBM Newisys Dell pseries 615 Sun Fire PowerEdge xseries 382 2100 PowerEdge 4600 V280,V480 5250 Power4+ UltraSparc III Itanium2, Itanium2, Opteron 242 Xeon 1.45GHz 1.2 GHz 1.5GHz 1.5GHz 1.8-3 GHz 1-2 1-2,1-4 1-2 1-2 2 2 2-3 HP Integrity rx5670/rx4640 IBM Sun Bull IBM Newisys Dell pseries 630 Sun Fire NovaScale 4040 xseries 450 4300 PowerEdge V880,V2400 6650 Power4+ UltraSparc III Itanium Itanium Opteron 844 Xeon MP 1.45 GHz 1.2 GHz 2,1.5GHz 2,1.5GHz 2.5, 2.8GHz 1-4 1-81-12 1-4 1-4 4 4 RISC/UNIX HP Integrity Itanium2 RISC Wintel 32 Xeon/Xeon MP 2003 4 AMD Opteron Opteron 2-4 Itanium2 Integrity 2.4.2 HP HP Integrity / HP Intel ItaniumIPF HP Itanium2 HP 68

2-4 64 RISC IA-32 Opteron IPF 64 Opteron ISV Intel AMD 64 IA-32 IPF 64 RISC IPF Opteron Itanium2 IA-32 Opteron IPF ISV IPF 64 IPF IPF IPF HP HP HP Integrity Itanium 2 HP Integrity 1.5/1.4 GHz Intel Itanium2 64 64 Integrity RISC IA-32 2-5 HP Intel E8870 IBM Summit HP Intel E8870 IBM Summit Xeon Itanium2 1-4 Itanium2 1-4 Itanium2 4-16 Xeon Itanium2 8-16 Itanium2 CPU 6.4 GB/s 6.4 GB/s 6.4 GB/s 12.8 GB/s 6.4 GB/s 6.4 GB/s( 450 9.2) () RD DDR 4-9 I/O 4 GB/s 4 GB/s 4 GB/s 128 GB 256 GB/4GB 128 GB 64 GB ( 450 40GB) 2GB AGP Snoop cc-numa 69

Intel IPF HP IPF ([13]) HP HPIntel IBM NEC 2 HP 1-4 (1-2) 2-6 HP IBM Summit HP IBM Summit Yes Yes Yes Yes AGP-4X 3D Yes 1-4 1-4 Yes 4-4 Yes Yes IT HP Itanium2 Itanium2 2-5 HP IBM Summit OEMIntel E8870 HP Intel E8870 IBM Summit NUMA HPIBM Dell 2.4.3 HP Integrity HP ItaniumItanium2 Itanium 2-7 1.5 GHz Itanium2 rx2600rx5670 24 2-7 rx2600 2 SPECfp_2000 rate rx2600 Linux 42.4 2-1 SPECint_2000 rate rx2600 HP-UX 30.5 2-1 TPC-C rx2600 Windows 60, 121 2-1 Linpack N=1000 rx2600 HP-UX IBM Sun N*N 5,303 MFLOPS 1 2 N*N 9,853 MFLOPS SPEC jbb 2000-java rx2600 HP-UX 60,225 2-1 SPEC web SSL rx2600 HP-UX 1,930 2-1 70

2-8 rx5670 4 SPECfp_rate (base) rx5670 Linux 66.4 4-way IBM Sun 42.6 2-way 2 4 SPECfp_rate (base) rx5670 HP-UX 59.8 4-way 4 1 30.3 2 way TPC-C rx5670 HP-UX/Oracle 131,639@$7.25/tpmC 4- /UNIX 1 TPC-C rx5670 Windows/SQL 121,065@$4.79/tpmC 4- /Windows 1 SPEC jbb 2000-java rx5670 HP-UX 116,466 4-1 SPEC web SSL rx5670 HP-UX 3,702 4-1 TPC-C rx5670 HP-UX/Oracle 131,639@$7.25/tpmC TPC-C rx5670 Windows/SQL 121,065@$4.79/tpmC 4- /Windows 1 SAP SD 2- rx5670 HP-UX/Oracle 860 4-1 Linpack N=1000 rx5670 HP-UX IBM Sun N*N 1 CPU 5,683 MFLOPS 1,2,4 N*N 2 CPU 11,490 MFLOPS N*N 4 CPU 21,713 MFLOPS Oracle Apps rx5670 HP-UX 6,440 4 1 Linux 5,992 SPEC Rate SPECfp_rate2000 SPECint_rate2000 2-4 SPEC Rate 2-4 Itanium2 Integrity 64 RISCIA-32 Opteron tpmc TPC-C tpmc (OLTP) 4 1.5 GHz Itanium2 rx5670 121,065 tpmc ( Windows/SQL ) 4 IBM Unisys 8 1.2 Sun Fire V 12 2 1.5 GHz Itanium2 rx2600 tpmc 601212 SunFire V 4 2-5 2-6 HP Integrity OLTP 30.5 1.2x 2-way integer performance SPECint_2000 rate(base) 2-way floating point performance SPECfp_2000 rate(base) 42.4 1.2x 1.7x 2.1x 1.6x 2.2x 2.2x 2.1x 120,000 tpmc 121,065 $4.97 4-way 139,153 $5.07 8-way 118,381 $5.56 8-way 82,226 $2.76 4-way 78,116 $4.85 4-way 25.1 24.9 18* 14.5 26.8 19* 19 19.6 Intel Itanium2 1.5GHz HP rx2600 Intel Xeon 3.06GHz HP DL360 AMD Opteron 2.0GHz IBM e325 IBM Sun Power4+ USPARC III 1.450GHz 1.2GHz estimated* SunFire 280R Intel Itanium2 1.5GHz HP rx2600 AMD Opteron 2.0GHz IBM e325 IBM Power4+ Intel Xeon Sun USP ARC III 1.450GHz 3.06GHz 1.2GHz estimated* HP DL360 SunFire 280R HP rx5670 IBM x445 IBM withdrew their x440 4-way results Unisys ES700 RackSaver QX-64 Dell PE6600 Intel and Itanium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subssidiaries in the United States and other countries. SPECint, SPECfp, and SPECweb 99 is a registered trademark of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation(SPEC). * Estimated result from the IBM 630 4-way result of 35.8 2-4 Integrity rx2600 2-5 4-HP Integrity 8-71

SAP 2-6 rx2600sun V2 SPECweb99 SSL SPECweb99-SSL Web Internet Web Web HP Web Zeus Technology rx5670 Linux Zeus Web 4 3702 IBM 1.7GHz Power4+ 8 p655( 4 ) 3699 AMD 2GHz Opteron 4 10 Sun 900-MHz UltraSPARC III V480 6.5 1.5 GHz Itanium2 rx2600 SPECweb99_SSL 1930 Sun 2 V240 V280R 833 1008 rx2600 50 SAP ERP SAP R/3 SAP SAP SAP SD SAP SAP APO-DP SAP HP SAP IPF HP Integrity 4 rx5670 SAP rx5670 SAP Windows SAP APO-DP157,555 4 15, 8 212-7 rx5670 SAP SD SPECjbb2000 SPECjbb2000 Java J2EE (Java2 ) HP-UX Java rx5670 4 SPECjbb2000 116,466 IBM 4 RISC Sun 8 RISC 1.5 GHz Itanium2 rx2600 2 SPECjbb2000 60,225, 1.3 GHz Power 4 IBM 50 1.05 GHz UltraSPARC III Sun 180 2.4.4 / HP 2-7 HP Itanium2 Integrity rx56704- Sun IBM Oracle Apps Oracle 2-7 rx5670 Oracle Apps Oracle HP Itanium2 HP 4U 4 rx4640 2-8 2-9 rx4640 rx2600 HP 1U 2 Itanium2 cx2600 72

HP Integrity 1,200,000 HP Server rx2600 2-way 1.5GHz Itanium2 IBM p615 2-way 1.2GHz Power 4+ IBM p630 (4-way capable) Dell PE 2650 Dell PE 3250 2-way 1.2GHz Power 4+ 2-way 28GHz Xeon 2-way 1.5GHz Itanium 2 HPItanium2Integrity Itanium HP 2-9 HP Web99 one rack 20 servers 1.2M tpmc* 4 racks 40 servers 100% more servers 3 racks 30 servers 50% more servers * rx2600 estimated transaction performance of 60k tpm per server 3 racks 60 servers 200% more servers 2 racks 30 servers 50% more servers HP rx5670 Sun Fire v480 IBM p630 4 Itanium 2 4-4 2-8 HP Integrity rx2600 IBM Dell 1,130,000 HP Server rx4640 4-way 1.5GHz Itanium 2 IBM p630 4-way,1.2GHz Power 4+ IBM x450 4-way 1.5GHz Itanium2 SUN Fire V480 4-way,900MHz Ultra SparcIII SUN Fire V880 8-way,900MHz Ultra SparcIII Dell PE 6600 4-way,2GHz Xeon MP $87000 $50400 $68200 SPECweb 3702 568 1050 99_SSL $23.5 $89 $65 one rack 10 servers 1,130K tpm* 23 racks* 2 17 servers 80% more servers 2 racks 11 servers* 3 10% more servers 4 racks 31 servers 310% more servers * rx4640 performance based on rx5670 tec-c results of 131.639 tmpc per server $7 25/tpmC with HP-UX and Oracle 121.065 tpmc $4.97/tmpC with Windows 9 racks 17 servers 70% more servers 2 racks 14 servers 40% more servers *2 depending on I/O configurations *3 8 max recommended by IBM for 42U rack Itanium HP 2-9 HP Integrity rx4640 2-10 HP Itanium2 HP rx5670 Sun v880 IBM p660 Sun v480 IBM p630 $749060 $1499970 $2264832 $1099945 $604719 $56825 $21184 $178952 $138864 $113004 3 $39600 $118800 $158400 $79200 $39600 3 $18506 $52488 $46032 $38277 $26244 $863991 1584642 $2648216 $1356286 $783567 2.4.5 Opteron 2003 4 AMD x86-64 (AMD64) 64 Opteron AMD Opteron 32 4GB IA-32 32 64 64 64 Opteron Opteron x86-32epicitanium2 HP Integrity Opteron Intel ItaniumEPIC Opteron x86-32 x86-64 Itanium2 73

OpteronOpteron 32 64 Itanium2 64 IA-32 IPFItanium2 Opteron 2-11 IPF EPIC Opteron x86-64 EPIC X86-64 64 48 Opteron 1TB 48 64 50 40 64 EPIC x86-64 x8612 384 40 Opteron HPTC 128 16 Opteron 128 16 Itanium2 RTE EPICRTE RTE Java Web Services EPIC RTE HP Itanium2 64 4 Opteron 2004 128 8 EPIC [12] 2-10 Itanium2 Opteron Opteron 2-11 Opteron 2 Opteron IHV Integrity 2-4Opteron2-12 2-11 Integrity Opteron 2 4 74

2-12 Opteron IBM Newisys Newisys xseries 325 Newisys 2100/Rack Newisys 2100/Rack Server RSN 1164 Server Quatrex-64 Model 240,242,246(1.4, 1.6, 2 GHz) Model 242 1.6 GHz Model 844 2 1-2,1-4 4 2-13 Integrity Opteron 2 HP rx2600 HP c2600 ( 2004 ) Newisys 2100 IBM xseries 325 1-2 Itanium2 6M 1-2 Itanium2 2 Model 240,242,246 Opteron 242 (1.4, 1.6, 2 GHz) 2 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 24 GB 512 MB-12 GB 16 GB 2 CPU 1-6 GB I/O 4 2 2 2 I/O 4 GB/s 2 GB/s 1.5 GB/s 1.5 GB/s 3 SCSI 2 SCSI 2 SCSI 36-292 GB 2-14 Integrity Opteron 4 HP rx5670 HP rx4640 Newisys 4300 1-4 Itanium2 6M 1-4 Itanium2 6M 4 Opteron 844 7 U 4 U 4 U 96 GB 64 GB 32 GB 4 CPU I/O 10 6 5 I/O 9.5 GB/s 4 GB/s 3.5 GB/s 4 SCSI 2 SCSI 4 SCSI 2-13 rx2600 Newisys 2100 1502 I/O 130 2004 c2600 1U 2-14 rx5760 Newisys 4300 3 2.5I/Orx4640 HP HP IntegrityHP AMD 8131 ( 2-15) HP Integrity Itanium2 HP HP Integrity Opteron 2-12 HP Integrity rx2600 IBM e325 AMD Opteron HP HP Integrity ( 2-13) HP Integrity 75

2-15 HP AMD8131 HP AMD 8131 Opteron AGP AMD8151( AGP) AMD 8111(I/O Super I/O) CPU 1-4 Itanium 2 1-8 HyperTransport CPU 6.4 GB/s 6.4 GB/s 4-12.8 GB/s CPU 5.3 GB/s. AMD CPU 1-2 8.6 GB/s CPU cc-numa 85n 140n 128 GB 2GB CPU 16 GB8 2GB 256 GB 8 128 GB 4GB I/O 4 GB/s, AGP AMD 8131 2GB/s RAS 4 8 1 2 AGP AGP CPU 8 2-16 HP Integrity 2 4 HP Itanium 2 6M 1.6 GHz AMD Opteron 1.8 GHZ, 64-bit SPECfp_2000_base #1 2119 1093 HP 1 SPECint_2000_base #1 1322 1095 SPECint_rate 2-way #1 30.5 26.8 SPECweb_SSL 2-way #1 1930 1783 SPECweb_SSL 4-way #1 3702 3498 SPECjbb 2000 2-way #1 59,317 50,001 SPECjbb 2000 4-way #1 116,466 90,737 2-17 HP Integrity Opteron tpmc rx2600 60, 021 Newisys 2100 40 K SPECfp2000_rate rx2600 42.4 Newisys 2100 22.5 tpmc rx5670 121,065 Newisys 4300 82,226 Opteron HP IPF IntegrityISV () 64 RISC ([14])HP IPF ([14]) Opteron HP Integrity IPF40 IHV8 IHV 10 Opteron IHV IBM2 Opteron IBMPowerIBM Itanium 16 Itanium2 IBM 76

Relative integer and floating point performance 1 HP Integrity beats the IBM e325 on both floating point and integer tests 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 IBM e325 HP rx2600 0 SPECfp (base) SPECint (base) SPECfp_rate SPECfp_rate (2-way base) (2-way base) Resulls from www.spec.org IBM e325 with Opteron 2.0GHz SPECfp(base)=1,217,SPECint(base)=1,132,SECfp_rate_base(2-way)=26.80 SPECint_rate_base(2-way)=24.9 HP rx2600 with Itanium 1.5GHz SPECfp(base)=2,119,SPECint(base)=1,322,SECfp_rate_base(2-way)=42.4, SPECint_rate_base(2-way)=30.5 2-12 HP Integriy rx2600 IBM e325 2-13 HP ItaniumOpteron 2-18 IPF Opteron Itanium 2 Opteron HP IPF Suse 64 Linux HP-UX, OpenVMS, Linux Windows 2003 MicrosoftRed Hat Solaris 64 Linux IPF 64 400 ISV IPF 1000 ISV Opteron IPF 2004 1000 2000 x86-64 32 1000 MKL IPF Intel HP HP Opteron 64 2 Intel HP 64 64 32 Opteron Opteron IPF 400 ISV HPTC ISVIPF 1000 2004 IPF ISV 1000 2000 ([14]) ISV Opteron Opteron HP Integrity Opteron HP Integrity 8-16 CPU 100HP Itanium2 Integrity rx7620 rx8620 HP HPItanium2 / ( ) Itanium2 RISC HP Integrity 77

3-1 HP Integrity HP Integrity rx7620 8- HP Integrity rx8620 16- HP 2-CPU 4-CPU 1-2 1-4 1.3 1.5 GHz Intel Itanium2 2-8 2-16 512 MB 1 GB 2 GB 2-64 GB 2-128 GB I/O 15 16 16 I/O 15.4 GB/s 15.9 GB/s 15.9 GB/s 533 MB/s (1) 533 MB/s (2) 533 MB/s (2) 1066 MB/s (14) 1066 MB/s (14) 1066 MB/s (14) / 4/584 GB 4/584 GB 4/584 GB DVD, DAT 1 2 2 2 4 N+1 2 6 2 N+1 Yes Yes Yes CPU DRAM I/O HP-UX 11i v2; Windows Server 2003 Datacenter (rx8620) Enterprise Edition 1Q2004; Linux Red Hat v3.0 (1H2004), OpenVMS (2005) 3.1 HP Integrity HP Integrity rx7620 rx8620 3-1 3.2 HP Integrity HP Integritycc-NUMA HPsx1000 3.2.1 HP Integrity rx7620 2-8 SMP 2 (npars) 3-1 rx7620 npars I/O3-1 I/O I/O 3-1 HP Integrity rx7620 rx8620 rx7620 4 HP Server Expansion Unit (SEU) I/ O rx7620 rx8620 2- to 16-way SMP, npars SEU rx8620 4 78

DRAM SDRAM ASIC16 GB/s 245 ns 3-2 HP Integrity rx8620 3.2.2 Integrity (SMP) 4 ASIC() rx7620 1 2 rx8620 1 424 Itanium 2 (icod) CPU CC12.8 GB/sCC 16 GB/sCPU CC CPU 3.2.3 4 I/O (rx7620 ) 32GB( 16 4 512 MB 1 GB ) (VRM) ASIC (CC) CC I/O ASIC 4 Intel Itanium 2 32 GB I/O ASIC ASICsx1000 ASIC SDRAMASIC ASICDRAM ASICASIC ASIC DRAM ASIC ASIC ASIC ASICsx1000 8 500 MHz rx8620 2 ASIC rx8620 rx8620 rx8620 ASICrx8620 128 ( PA-8800PA- 8900 mx2 ) 250 MHz 79

500 / (MT/s) Intel Itanium 3.2.4 I/O HP Integrity I/O I/O bay 7 available I/O slots I/O I/O controller 1 I/O controller 0 8 I/O slots All hot-plug rx7620 and rx8620 I/O rx8620 I/O HP Server Expansion Unit (SEU) I/O I/O I/O I/O 3-3 3-4 rx7620 and rx8620 I/ O I/O Core I/O LAN/ SCSI MP/ SCSI MP/ SCSI LAN/ SCSI Peripheral bay 3-3 HP Integrity rx7620 I/O Peripheral bay Multifunction core I/O Core I/O PCI backplane I/O controller 0 System crossbar backplane All hot-plug disks 8 I/O slots 8 I/O slots Multifunction core I/O I/O controller 1 3-4 HP Integrity rx8620 I/O rx7620 rx8620 I/O I/O 16 12 16 I/O I/O () I/O 3016 133 MHz x 64-bit I/O I/O( ) All slots are 133 MHz x 64-bil capable 3-5 HP Integrity rx7620 and rx8620 I/O rx7620 I/O 1-2 16 I/O 14 I/O 1.06 GB/s I/O 530 MB/s I/O 15.9 GB/srx7620 rx8620 133 MHz x 64 I/O I/O I/O I/O Dual link 1060 MB/s bw Twin link Twin link Twin link Twin link Twin link Twin link Twin link Single link Core LAN/ SCSI Single link 530 MB/s bw Link to cell boards I/O controller Core I/O MP /SCSI I/O controller Optional Core LAN/ SCSI Twin link or Twin link Twin link Twin link Twin link Twin link Twin link Single link Core I/O MP /SCSI Dual link 1060 MB/s bw All slots are Twin link 133 MHz x 64-bil capable Twin link Twin link Twin link Twin link Twin link Twin link Single link Core LAN/ SCSI Single link 530 MB/s bw Link to cell boards rx7620 rx8620 1 2 I/O I/O controller Core I/O I/O controller Twin link Twin link Twin link Twin link Twin link Twin link Twin link Single link 3-5 HP Integrity 7620 8620 MP/SCSI card Management processor 100Base- TX LAN 100Base- TX LAN Management LAN RS-232 RS-232 RS-232 UPS Remote Local Link to PCI converter Ultra 160 SCSI controller Peripheral bay Link to PCI converter Ultra 160 SCSI controller 530 MB/s bus 530 MB/s bus LAN/SCSI card 10/100/ 1000 Mb LAN Ultra 160LVD 10/100/ 1000 Mb LAN MP/SCSI card Management processor Management LAN RS-232 RS-232 RS-232 UPS Remote Local Link to PCI converter Ultra 160 SCSI controller Peripheral bay Core I/O 530 MB/s bus Link to PCI converter Ultra 160 SCSI controller 530 MB/s bus LAN/SCSI card 10/100/ 1000 Mb LAN Ultra 160LVD 10/100/ 1000 Mb LAN 3-6 HP Integrity 7620 8620 I/O 80

I/O Ultra160 SCSIGigabit LANserial (MP) SCSI I/O MP HP Integrity rx8620 I/O 3.3 HP Integrity HP IntegritySuperdome cc-numa 3-2 HP Integrity ( 4.3 ) 3-2 HP Integrityy Integrity (EMS) ( HP-UX) STM (icod) N+1 CPU ( HP-UX ) N+1 DC/DC I/O / ( HP-UX)) Integrity 32 CPU Integrity 17U 2m 2.4 HP Integrity HP 33.7% Itanium2 HPHP Integrity HP Integrity ( Linpack)( SPECwebSSLSPECjbbTPC-CSAP Oracle ) HPTC 2.4.1 / Intel IA-32 Xeon Intel RISC/UNIX HP Integrity Itanium2 RISC Wintel 32 Xeon/Xeon MP 81

3-3 HP Integrity rx7620 IBM Sun Bull NEC Dell pseries 650655 Sun FireV880, V1280 NovaScale 5080 Express5800 1080 PowerEdge 8450 Power4+ 1.45 GHz UltraSparc III 1.2 GHz Itanium2, 1.5GHz Itanium2, 1.5GHz Xeon MP 2,2.5, 2.8 GHz Xeon 3GHz 8 8,12 8 8 8 3-4 HP Integrity rx8620 IBM Sun Bull IBM NEC IBM pseries 670 Sun Fire 4800,6800 NovaScale 5160 xseries 455 Express5800 1160 xseries 445 Power4+ UltraSparc III Itanium2,1.5GHz Itanium2,1.5GHz Itanium2,1.5GHz Xeon MP 2,2.5, 1.45 GHz 1.2 GHz 2.8 GHz Xeon 3GHz 16 1224 16 16 16 16 2.4.2 HP HP Integrity HPIPF HP IPF Itanium2 HP sx1000 HP Integrity HP Integrity HP Integrity Itanium 2 sx1000 HP Integrity Intel Itanium2 HP sx1000 RISCIA-32 Intel IPF HP IPF ([13]) 3-5 Integrity rx7620 HP Integrity IBM pseries Sun Fire 4800 IBM eserver Bull NovaScale Unisys ES7000 rx7620 p655 xseries 445 5080 Aries 410 Itanium2 Power4+1.5, UltraSPARC III Xeon MP 2,2.5, Itanium2 Itanium2 1.5GHz 1.7 GHz Cu, 1.2 GHz 2.8 GHz Xeon 1.5GHz 1.5GHz 1.3 GHz 3GHz 1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz 2-8 2,4,6,8 12 16 2-8 2-8 2-64 GB 4-64 GB 2-96 GB 2-64 GB 4-64 GB 4-128 GB I/O 15 64 3 8 PCI 6 11 6 16 14 1 4 36-2642 GB 292 GB 376 GB -- 584 GB 82

3-6 Integrity rx8620 HP Integrity IBM pseries Sun Fire 6800 IBM xseires 455 Bull NovaScale Unisys ES7000 rx8620 p670 5160 Aries 420 Itanium2 1.5GHz Power4+ UltraSparc III Itanium2 Itanium2 1.5GHz Itanium2 1.5GHz 1.3 GHz 1.5 GHz Cu 1.2 GHz 1.5GHz 1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz 1.3 GHz 2-16 16 24 16 16 2-16 2-128 GB 4-256 GB 2-192 GB 1-224GB 4-128GB 4-256 GB I/O 16 64 10 PCI 16 PCI 6 11 6 PCI -X 14 2 4 584 GB 36-7046 GB 1168 GB 576 GB - HP Integrity rx7620 rx8620 Integrity CPUItanium2 816Itanium2 Integrity Integrity 64-128 GB TB I/O Integrity I/O Integrity cc-numa HPsx1000 ( 4) HP Integrity sx1000 I/O 3-7 HP Integrity 20049 MB L3Itanium2 2005 Montecito ( ) HP Integrity PA-RISC HP9000 PA- RISC CPUItanium2 IPF HP Integrity rx7620rx8620 2004 mx216 32 3-8 HP 9000 HP Integrity 83

2.4.3 HP Itanium2 HP Integrity RISC IA-32 HP Itanium Itanium2 Itanium 3-7 1.5 GHz Itanium2 rx7620rx8620 3-7 rx7620 8 SPECfp_2000 rate 4, 8 HP-UX 71.4, 142 8-1 SPECint_2000 rate 4, 8 HP-UX 58.6, 116 8-1 SPEC jbb 2000-java HP-UX 190,349 2-1 SAP SD 2 8 HP-UX/Oracle 1500 8- SPECsfs97 8 HP-UX 71013 8- SPEC web SSL 8 HP-UX 5,388 8-1 SPEC OMPM 2001 4, 8 6555, 11098 8-3-8 8620 16 CPU SPECfp2000_rate 816 HP-UX 142234 IBM Sun SPECint2000_rate 816 HP-UX 117232 16 1 SPEC jbb 2000-java HP-UX 341,098 4-1 SPEC web SSL 16 HP-UX 9060 4-1 SPEC OMPM 2001 816 HP-UX 11847, 17852 16- tpmc TPC-C tpmc (OLTP) 8-16 1.5 GHz Itanium2 Integrity rx7620 rx8620 tpmc 3-9 HP Itanium2 rx8620 36 Sun Fire V tpmc SPEC Rate SPECfp_rate2000 SPECint_rate2000 816 SPEC Rate 3-9 Itanium2 Integrity 1 64 RISC IA-32 3-9 16-way HP Integrity rx8620 Sun 36- Sun Fire 12K IPFHP Itanium2 HP 84

3-9 HP Integrity rx7620 8 HP rx7620 SunFire Fujitsu IBM Bull SGI PRIMEPOWER xseries NoveScale Altix 3700 Itanium2 UltraSparc III SPARC64 Xeon MP Itanium2 Itanium2 SPECint2000 8 116 6800 16 122 850 8 79 445 16 131 5160 8 93 8 98 SPECfp2000 8 142 6800 16 153 850 8 110 5080 8 125 8 142 3-10 HP Integrity rx8620 HP rx8620 SunFire Fujitsu IBM Bull Unisys ES7000 PRIMEPOWER pseries NoveScale Aries Itanium2 UltraSparc III SPARC64 Power4+ Itanium2 Itanium2 SPECint2000 16 232 12K 32 232 1500 16 154 690 16 131 5160 16 117 420 16 137 SPECfp2000 16 234 12K 16 174 1500 16 194 670 16 187 5160 16 215 420 16 215 SPECweb99 SSL SPECweb99-SSL Web Internet HP Web Zeus Technology, Integrity Web 3-10 8 16 rx8620 16RISCSPECweb99-SSL SAP SAP ERP SAP R/3 HP Integrity SAP 3-10 rx7620 SAP SD #1 midrange OLTP performance! (Based on estimates) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 HP HP rx8620 Itanium 2 1.5 GHz 16-way (Windows) Relative OLTP performance IBM IBM x445 Xeon 2.8 GHz 16-way (Windows) Unisys Unisys Orion 540 Xeon 1.5 GHz 16-way (Windows) IBM UIBM X440 Xeon 2.0 GHz 16-way #1 for secure Web transactions! (Based on estimates) 12,000 9,000 6,000 3,000 HP HP rx8620 Itanium 2 1.5 GHz 16-way (Windows) HP HP rx8620 Itanium 2 1.5 GHz 8-way (Windows) IBM IBM i890 POWER4 1.3 GHz 16-way (OS/400) SPECweb99_SSL HP HP rp8400 PA-RISC 875 MHz 16-way (HP-UX) #1 midrange Java performance! (Based on estimates) SPECjbb2000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 HP HP IBM HP rx8620 HP rx8620 IBM p670 Itanium 2 Itanium 2 POWER4 1.5 GHz 1.5 GHz 1.1 GHz 16-way 8-way 16-way (HP-UX) (HP-UX) (AIX) 3-10 HP Integrity IBM IBM p690 POWER4 1.3 GHz 16-way (AIX) Sun Sun Fire 6800 UltraSPARC III 1.2 GHz 24-way (Solaris) #1 8-way for SAP SD benchmark! 9,000 6,000 3,000 0 HP HP rx7620 Itanium 2 1.5 GHz 8-way (HP-UX) IBM IBM x445 Xeon 2.8 GHz 8-way (Windows) IBM IBM p650 POWER4 1.45 GHz 8-way (AIX) SAP SD Sun Sun v880 UltraSPARC III 900 MHz 8-way (Solaris) SPECjbb2000 SPECjbb2000 Java J2EE (Java2 ) HP-UX Java Integrity 816SPECjbb2000 3-10 16 Integrity rx8620 16 IBM p670 p690 24 Sun Fire 6800 SPECjbb2000 Integrity J2EE Web Services ( ) 3-11 3-12 HP Integrity IBM Sun 2.4.4 / HP Itanium 85

3-11 HP Integrity ဣଚዐ ޜڗ ခഗ ࠃඇ௬ ࡗג IBM ܔ ᆌ ޜ ခഗ ڦ Ⴀ 3-12 HP Integrity ဣଚዐ ޜڗ ခഗ ࠃඇ௬ ࡗג Sun ܔ ᆌ ޜ ခഗ ڦ Ⴀ Ⴔᄲ ܠ ณ ޜ ခഗ ࠕ ࠃ ݴ ዓ 672,000 ᅟ ڦ OLTP HP Integrity rx7620 IBM p650 IBM p655 Sun Fire V1280 8-way 1.5GHz Itanium2 8-way 1.45GHz POWER 4+ 8-way POWER 4+ 8-way,900MHz *2 2 rack 1 rack 3 rack one rack 6 servers 672K (IBM 24 rack 7 servers 4 servers 672K 50% more minimum req t) q75%more servvers 5 servers servers tpmc*1 *1 rx7620 OLTPestimated perfomarce Sun Fire Unisys ES7000 model 410 4800 12-way,1.2GHz 8-way,1.5GHz Itanium2 3 rack 6 servers 50%more servers 6 rack 6 servers 50%more servers *2 Depends on I/O(see notes) Typical configurations depicted visualy 3-13 HP Integrity rx7620 ࠃଶ ڦ 8 ୟႠ HP Integrity rx8620 16-way 1.5Ghz Itanium2 one rack 2servers 560K tpmc* Unix 560K tmpc* Windows IBM p670 16-way 1.5Ghz POWER 4+ IBM x445 16-way 2.8GHz Xeon MP 2 rack 12servers (each 16-way configuration requires 4 x445servers) *1 Relative performance estimates, see notes 2 rack 2servers double the racks Sun Fire 4800 Sun Fire v6800 12-way 1.2GHz 24-way 1.2GHz 3 rack 5servers triple the racks 4 rack 4servers quaolruple the racks Unisys ES7000 420/430 16-way 1.5GHz Itanium2 2 rack 1x430servers (32 CPUs) 1x420 server (16 CPUs) 50% more CPUs 3-14 HP Integrity rx8620 ࠃଶ ڦ Ⴀ LjႹ ܠ ฆ ۼ ই گ ဣཥ ڦ ጺᆛᆶ Ԩă ړ മႹ ۉܠ ႑ Քጚऐॐ ᅜ ݣ ዃ 4 rx7620 ޜ ခഗĂ ࠃ 672k tpmc ኸՔǗ ഓᄽ ஏ ޜ ခഗࠃᆌฆ ᆩ ٷ ଉዐ ޜڗ ခഗ ࠃ ޜ ခLjᄲ൱ ޜ ཞᄣᆯ 3-14 ९Lj HP Քጚऐॐ ᅜ ݣ ዃ 2 rx8620 ޜ ခഗ ᆩ ณ ڦ क़ăᅺ LjႠ ዐ ޜڗ ခഗ ڦ ᅃ ခഗĂ ࠃ 550k tpmc ኸՔLj ฆཞ ޜڦ ڗ ခഗႴᄲ ዘᄲኸՔLj ܔ ᇀই گ ᆩ ڦ ጺᆛᆶ Ԩਏᆶዘᄲ ڦ ፕᆩăHP ڦ ๑ᆩ ڦܠڥܠ ऐॐ ޜ ခഗLjຫ HP Integrity ዐ ޜڗ ခഗ ࠃ ᆫ ย रຍ๑ ڦ एᇀ Itanium2 ڦ ੨प ޜ ခഗ ࠓๆ ݴ ፌߛ ڦ Ⴀ ă Ă ࠃᇺԲ৪ኛ ܔ ߛ ڦ Ⴀ ăᆯ 3-13 ९Lj HP 86 Ⴔᄲ ܠ ณ ޜ ခഗ ࠕ ࠃ ݴ ዓ 550,000 ᅟ ڦ OLTP Ǜdž

Itanium HP 3-11 HP Integrity IBM pseries 670 HP Integrity rx8620 $318,536(8-, 1.5 GHz) $209,760(8-, 1.5 GHz) $104,775 33 $2.08/ $0.75/ $1.33/ 64 $80,312 $71,895 $8,617 11% $72,482 ()Power5 $25,100 () $47,382 65% HP mx2 CPU HP Integrity 16CPU 300 Internet IT HP Itanium2 Integrity 1632 64 CPU Superdome HP HPItanium2 HP Integrity Superdome 4-1 HP Integrity Superdome 16 Superdome 32 Superdome 64 Superdome 2-CPU 4-CPU 1-4 1-8 3-16 Intel Itanium 2 1.5 GHz 2-16 2-32 6-64 ( 512 MB 1 GB ) 2-128 GB 2-256 GB 6-512 GB 12 I/O 1-4 1-4 IOX 1-8 1-8 IOX 1-16 I/O 48 (32 48 IOX 12-96 96 IOX 12-192 16 BW (64 32 (128 64 ) BW ) BW ) ( N+1) 4 6 12 I/O 6 6 12 ( N+1) 4 4 8 I/O 8 GB/s 16 GB/s 32 GB/s 16 GB/s I/O 8 GB/s 16 GB/s 32 GB/s 2X PCI I/O 4X PCI I/O 533 MB/s 1066 MB/s 266 MB/s 533 MB/s I/O 2.0 GB/s 87

4.1 HP Integrity HP Integrity163264CPUSuperdome 4-1 4.2 HP Integrity HP Integrity Superdome (ccnuma) HP sx1000 ( 1-3) 4.2.1 HP Integrity Superdome I/O - crossbar CPU 4.2.2 Superdome (SMP) 4 ASIC() 32GB( 32 4 512 MB 1 GB ) (VRM) 12 I/O I/O Cell Crossbar Crossbar I/O Cell Superdome () CPU I/O 4-2 Superdome16 GB/s 12 2 GB/s crossbar 8 GB/s Crossbar Crossbar Backplane Backplane Superdome left cabinet Superdome left cabinet 4-1 HP Integrity Superdome - 4-4 - - 4-2 Superdome ASIC() Superdome sx1000 I/O ASIC 16 CPU 3 NUMA - CPU - CPU ASIC 5 4 2 ( 2 1 ) 88

(PDH) I/O I/O ASIC ASIC Intel Itanium 2 PA-RISC (PDH) PDH ASIC ASICsx1000 ASIC SDRAMASIC ASICDRAM ASICASIC ASIC DRAM ASIC ASIC DRAM SDRAM ASIC16 GB/s 245 ns 4.2.3 ASIC ASIC 8 8 32 ( HP Integrity Superdome 32 ) 16 64(HP Integrity Superdome 64 ) ASIC ASICsx1000 8500 MHzcrossbar Superdome 4 ASIC, 4 ASIC Superdome Superdome Superdome ASICSuperdome 128 ( PA-8800PA- 8900 mx2 ) 250 MHz 500 / (MT/s) Intel Itanium ASIC 8 GB/s ASIC ASIC 4 4 ( 1 ) 3 3 ASIC ( 64 Superdome ) HP Integrity Superdome ( x ) 2 HP Integrity Superdome crossbar HP Integrity Superdome 16 16 GB/s HP Integrity Superdome 32-way 32 GB/s HP Integrity Superdome 64 64 GB/s HP Integrity Superdome HP Integrity Superdome npartition 89

4nPartition npartition 4 1/4 3/4 3 16 - I/O I/O - 16 npartitions I/O I/O crossbar crossbar npartition npartition 16 1/16 3/16 3 12/16 crossbar HP Integrity SuperdomeCPU ()( ) 4-2 Superdome CPU 1 4 246 ns 2 8 330 ns 4 16 371 ns 8 32 417 ns 16 64 440 ns 4.2.4 I/O Superdome I/O I/O I/O I/ O HP Integrity SuperdomeI/O I/O 12 8 4 1 I/ O ASIC - 533 MB/s1066 MB/s I/O I/O ( npartition )HP Integrity Superdome 16 32 64448I/O PCI 4848 96 I/O HP Integrity Superdome 32 I/O 48896 HP Integrity Superdome 64 I/O 96 16 192 I/O 2.0 GB/sHP Integrity Superdome 16 32 64 I/O 8.0 GB/s16.0 GB/s 32 GB/s 4.3 HP IntegritySuperdome HP IntegritySuperdome 4.3.1 Superdome Superdome ASIC ASIC 10 HP CPU I/O ECC CPU 1 CPU CPU CPU DRAM I/O I/OI/O npartitioni/o I/O I/O HP Integrity Superdome Superdome 90

(EMS) (HP-UX)HP-UXHP (HP Event Monitoring ServiceEMS) ( )I/O ECC CPU ECC SNMPOpenView Vantagepoint Operations () HP-UX icod EMS (STM) HP (FRU) STM (DMI) (SMS) Superdome - Superdome HPSMS Superdome (ISEE) ISEE HP ISEE Superdome HP Integrity Superdome (OLAR) I/OHP-UX Windows Server 2003 Superdome PCI OLAR / ( HP-UX )Superdome npartitions npartitions npartitions Superdome Superdome Serviceguard HA Superdome Superdome npartitions Serviceguard HA npartition Serviceguard HA Superdome npartition 4.3.2 HPSuperdome Superdome Superdome IT HP (icod) N+1 CPU (HP-UX ) Superdome HP-UX (icod) CPU icod N+1 CPU CPU(CPU ) N+1 DC/DC Superdome N+1 DC I/O HP-UX Superdome 4-3 HP Partitioning Continuum 91

HP (SPOF) Superdome npartitionnparsuperdome 1 16 npartition npartition HP- UXLinux Windows HP npartition crossbar npartitionnpartition npartitionnpartition ( HP- UXLinux Windows) npartitioncpui/o npartition npartition (HP-UX 11i v3) - HP HP-UX HP Process Resource Manager Windows Microsoft Windows System Resource Manager (WSRM) HP Superdome HP HP HP-UX (icod) (PPU) icod( [TiCOD] )HP PPU HP IT HP 15-50% 90% (icod) (PPU) 4.3.3 () () () Superdome Superdome ()() () Superdome mx2(128) IPF Superdome 4GB 2 TB Superdome Hyperplex TOP500 126 HP9000 Superdome Integrity Superdome HPTC Superdome 192 I/O 32 GB/s IO HP SAN StorageWorks GigaBit Superdome Superdome 64 (VLM ) IPF Superdome PA-RISC HP9000 Superdome 92

Superdome Superdome 4 12.8 GB/s 2 Integrity 4-3 Superdome 816 32 64 TPC-C Superdome HP Superdome HP i COD ( ) HP CPU HP 4-3 Superdome 8 CPU 16 CPU 32 CPU 64 CPU SPECint2000_rate 116 229 453 904 SPECfp2000_rate 142 236 470 928 SPECjbb2000 181,369 322,604 574,912 1,008,604 Superdome Superdome 100% Superdome Superdome TX/min. 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 Proven performance growth in the same box Superdome TPC-C performance over time 600,000 541,000 400,000 389,000 423,000 200,000 197,000 0 2000 The first TPC-C 2002 $16.41/tmpC Avail 5/15/02 2002 $15.64/tmpC Avail 8/26/02 Note: all are HP-UX, except where Windows is noted 2003 $10.69/tmpC Avail 12/31/03 786,000 824,000 2003 $6.49/tmpC Avail 10/23/03 2003 $8.28/tmpC Avail 12/31/03 1,008,144 Year 2003 $8.33/tmpC Avail 4/12/04 TX= transactions 4-4 Superdome OLTP 5 Windows tmpc Integrity Superdome 4.4 HP Integrity 20 70 Internet ebusiness IT ( TPC-C) 4.4.1 HP IntegritySuperdome RISC Itanium2 16 32CPU Superdome 93

4-4 HP Integrity Superdome IBM Sun Fujitsu NEC Unisys pseries 690 Turbo Sun Fire 15000 PrimePower Express/1000 ES7000 Orion 430 Model 2500 Model 1320 Xc Power4 UltraSparc III Cu SPARC64 V Itanium2,1.5GHz Itanium2,1.5GHz 1.7/1.5 GHz 1.2/1.05 GHz 1.35 GHz 8-32 16-106 16-128 32 2 16 SGI Altix 3700 64 Itanium2 Integrity Superdome 2.4.2 (RAS) HP HP Integrity HP Integrity Superdome / CPU I/O 4-6 Superdome 4-5 HP IBM Sun Fujitsu NEC Unisys Integrity pseries 690 Sun Fire 15000 PrimePower Express/1000 ES7000 Superdome Turbo Model 2500 Model 1320 Xc Orion 430 Itanium2, Power4 UltraSparcIIII Cu SPARC64 V Itanium2, Itanium2, 1.5GHz 1.7/1.5 GHz 1.2/1.05 GHz 1.35 GHz 1.5GHz 1.5GHz 64 8-32 16-106 16-128 32 2 16 512GB 512GB 16-576 GB 2-512 GB 256 GB 128 GB I/O 192 20 PCI 72 PCI 320 PCI 56 32 64 PCI 4-5 CPU CPU CPU CPU Sunperdome 64 1.5GHz Itanium2 64 Itnaium2 Superdome CPU 2 CPU Sun Fujitsu 64 32 4 GB Superdome512 GB(2TB) 94

(VLM) ( )Superdome I/O I/O Superdome 192 ( PCI ) I/O SAN NAS I/O I/O Superdomesx1000 NUMA UMA NUMA 2: 1 UMA 4-6 Superdome CPU 1 4 246 ns 2 8 330 ns 4 16 371 ns 8 32 417 ns 16 64 440 ns Superdome 32GB ( 128GB) HP HP-UX 11i Superdome Superdome Superdome -Sun Fire15000 IBM p690 - CPU() Superdome 64 GB/s (16*8GB/s /2) 256 GB/s (16*16 GB/s) 32 GB/s IO (16* 2GB/s) 204.8 GB/s CPU (64*3.2 GB/s ) I/O I/O Superdome Superdome256256GB Superdome4 16 3.2 GB/s (4 12.8 GB/s ) Superdome CC-NUMA (snoop) Sun Fire15000 NEC 95

snoop Superdome CC-NUMA 16 I/O Superdome 16 192 I/O I/O 128 GB/s() I/O I/O32 GB/s IO Superdome I/O 4 1.5 GHz Itanium2 4 32GB 12 8 GB/s 16.0 GB/s 2.0 GB/s IO 3.2 GB/s (4 12.8 GB/s) HP Integrity Superdome (SMP) UNIX Superdome I/O SMP 4-7 HP sx1000 HP sx1000 NEC Express IBM EXA Intel E8870 5800/1000 Itanium2 Itanium2 EXA2 PA-8800 ( EXA Itanium Itanium 8-128 Itanium2 8-32 Itanium2 4-16 Xeon 1-4 Itanium2 PA-8800 Itanium2 CPU 12.8 GB/s 6.4 GB/s 6.4 GB /s 6.4 GB/s 16 GB/s 12.8 GB/s 6.4 GB/s ( x450 6.4 GB/s 9.2 GB/s) I/O I/O 4 GB/s 4 GB/s 8.4 GB/s RD DDR 4 9 128 GB/ 64 GB/ 64 GB 128 GB 2GB 2 TB/ 64GB x450 40 GB snoop L4 snoop NUMA Superdome 96

HP sx1000 mx2 HPIntel IBM NEC 2 HP sx1000 mx2 128 Itanium2 HP sx1000 816 Integrity 1632 64 Superdome Integrity 4.4.3 Superdome HP Integrity HPItanium2 Itanium 4-8 1.5 GHz Itanium2 Superdome tpmc TPC-C tpmc (OLTP) HP Integrity Superdome tpmc tpmc Superdome 4-8 Superdome SPECint2000_rate Superdome HP-UX 8 CPU 117 8-1 16 CPU 229 16-1 32 CPU 453 32-1 64 CPU 904 64-1 SPECfp2000_rate Superdome HP-UX IBM Sun 8 CPU 142 16 CPU 236 32 CPU 470 64 CPU 928 TPC-C Superdome HP-UX/Oracle 10g 1,008,144($8.33/tpmC) 64 1 Superdome HP-UX/Oracle 10g 824,164($8.28/tpmC) 64 1 Superdome Windows/SQL 786,646($6.49/tpmC) 64 1 SPECjbb2000-java Superdome HP-UX 8 CPU 181,369 8-1 16 CPU 322,604 16-1 32 CPU 574,912 32-1 64 CPU 1,008,604 64-1 Linpack N*N Superdome HP-UX 335( IBM Sun 1/3 TFLOPS 4-9 HP Integrity Superdome tpmc tpmc $/tpmc Superdome 1 04-Nov-2003 1,008,144 8.33 HP-UX 11i, Oracle 10g 64 1.5 2 30-Jul-2003 824,164 8.28 HP-UX 11i, Oracle 10g GHz Itanium2 3 26-Aug-2003 786,646 6.49 Windows/SQL 97

4-5 HP Itanium2 Integrity Superdome UNIX Windows TPC-C IBM Sun 64 RISCNECUnisys Itanium2 SPEC Rate SPECfp_rate2000 SPECint_rate2000 3264SPEC Rate 4-10 Itanium2 Integrity 64RISC IPF HP 4-5 HP Integrity Superdome UNIX Windows tpmc 4-10 HP Integrity Superdome HP Superdome HP Superdome SunFire SunFire IBM Fujitsu eserver PSeries PRIMEPOWER Itanium2 Itanium2 UltraSparc III UltraSparc III Power4+ SPARC64 SPECint2000 64 904 64 453 15K 72 478 12K 36 260 --- 1500 32 205 SPECfp2000 64 928 32 470 15K 72 492 12K 36 579 690 32 350 1500 32 346 TPC-H 4-6 Superdome 3TB TPC-H non-clusterd tpc-h @ 3TB 45,247 1.3x 1.5x $109/QphH SPECjbb2000 SPECjbb2000 Java J2EE (Java2 ) J2EE Web Services SPECjbb2000 4-11 32 CPU Superdome J2EE CPU IBM p390 72 CPU Sun Fire 15000 SuperdomeInternet Web Services 34,345 $147/QphH 29,948 $184/QphH HP Superdome Itanium 2 1.5GHz Futisu PrimePower Sparc V 1.3GHz Sun Fire 15K USparc III Cu 1.2GHz IBM p690 4-6 HP Integrity Superdome 98

4-11 Superdome SPECjbb2000 32/64 HP Integrity 32 IBM eserver pseries 690 Turbo 72 Sun Fire 15000 Superdome SPECjbb2000 574,912/1,008,604 553,480 433,186 CPU 1.5 GHz Itanium2 1.45 GHz Power4+ 1.2 GHz UltraSparc III HP-UX 11i V2 AIX Solaris ( TPC-CTPC-HSPECjbb2000 ) ( LinpackSPEC Rate ) () 4-6 Superdome IBM p690 4-7 IBM p690 TPC-C Superdome 4-6 HP Integrity IBM Power4+ 4-7 CPU IBM TPC-C HP Integrity 99