Special Issue Rehabilitation of Running Injuries Ki Un Jang, M.D. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Hallym University College of Medicine Hangang

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Rehabilitation of Running Injuries Ki Un Jang, M.D. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Hallym University College of Medicine Hangang Sacred Heart Hospital Email : jangkiun@hanmail.net Abstract Running is becoming one of the most popular leisure sports. The growing popularity of running is due in part to its easy accessibility and health benefits. The incidence of running injuries ranges from 37% to 56%, which is still 2 to 6 times lower than in other sports. Most running injuries are musculoskeletal overuse syndrome of the lower extremities. The risk factors of running injuries include training errors, improper running surface, worn shoes, body flexibility, and prior injury. The knee is the most common site of injury and accounts for 25% to 33% of all, and patellofemoral stress syndrome is most commonly known as runner's knee. Iliotibial band syndrome, medial tibial stress syndrome, plantar fascitis, Achilles tendinitis, and stress fracture are all common injuries among runners. The process of rehabilitation is to be divided into four stages according to the athlete's level of function; the initial stage, intermediate stage, advanced stage, and final stage. Keywords : Runner; Injury; Patelofemoral; Foot; R e h a b i l i t a t i o n 963






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