1. Normal taste 2. Bitter taste diarrhea 3. Sour Gooood! How? Microorganism!!!
Microorganism : micro + organism Microbes by Charles S. Sedillot, 1879 미생물 -> 첫인상, 첫생각? 학습목표 미생물이농업, 산업, 연구, 환경등에미치는영향 인간의삶의질향상에미치는미생물의예 미생물학의탄생과발전 미생물들의형태이해 미생물의다양성
1. Why microbes matter - 한주먹흙속의미생물 : count 1 by second for 33 years - What are they doing, and why are they there? - 분해자 -> 물질의순환 - 산소생성 ( 광합성 ) - 자연환경의균형유지 - 병원성 -> 1518년천연두유행스페인침입후아메리카인구 1억명중 90% 사망 Where am I?
On the farm - 소장내미생물 : - 반추위미생물 : 탄수화물분해, 발효 - 미생물살충제 - Bacillus thuringiensis : 독성물질생산 -> 곤충애벌레살해 - GMO : BT toxin 유전자지닌콩
In the industrial area -식품: - 빵, 발효유, 치즈, 맥주, 전통음식 -의약: - vitamin B, - 감미료, 향료,
In the biotechnology - living factories - gene transfer - produce vaccine In the environment - water pollutant - alleviate pollution -> bioremediation( 생물정화 ) : 중금속, 폭발성폐기물, - sewage treatment : 공장폐수처리, 정화조 In the research lab - antibody - gene transfer - vaccine
중앙일보 2008. 3. 1 - 눈결정의핵중 85% 이상이박테리아 -5 o C 에서눈결정형성시작-> 일반무기물 : -10 o C - 생명체활동이활발할수록발견빈도높음 - 빗물에서도발견 -> 수분덩어리형성의핵 - Pseudomonas syringae 가주미생물 ( 식물병원균 ) - P. syringae를방제하면?
Magnetococcus marinus
< Enterotype >
1. 마른생쥐 vs 뚱쥐 : 장내균총차이발견 비만 : Firmicutes(90%) vs Bacteroidetes(3%) 정상 : Bacteroidetes (30%) 1 년체중감량 비만 : Firmicutes(73%) vs Bacteroidetes(15%) 2. 돌연변이비만생쥐준비장내세균제거 -> 마른쥐와뚱쥐의장내세균이식 2 주후 체지방증가 : 27% vs 47%
사촌이땅을사면배가아프다스트레스받으면단것이땡긴다연애할때는단것위주로.. 과민성대장염
GBA 의명암 CNS (central nerve system) 중추신경계
Good Food vs Bad Food
미생물교체하면회춘? 독일막스플랑크노화생물학연구소 -> 아프리카민물고기청록색킬리피시대상 3 주만에성체 -> 몇개월만에늙어죽음 출생후 12 주 : 선명하던색소잃고운동능력과정신능력퇴화시작암에걸림 생후 9.5 주된늙은개체에게항생제를투여해장내미생물을청소 중년에해당하는 6 주짜리개체의장내미생물에노출 16 주가된다음에도중년처럼팔팔수명도상당히늘었다.
물전기분해로수소, 산소생산 세균에의해수소 + 산소 + CO 2 -> 균체생성 균체분말 : 단백질 (50%), 탄수화물 (25%), 지방핵산 (25%)
미생물과 IT
2. Roots of Microbiology Anton van Leeuwenhoek : 네덜란드상인 - 1673, 초기현미경발명 - 1683, 세균언급논문발표
Where were microbes from? - spontaneous generation ( 자연발생설 ) - 반박 : Francesco Redi(1626-1697) -> 구더기발생에관한논문 Open 종이 수건 방치 : 구더기생성종이 :? 수건 :? 결론 :? * 미생물자연발생설 : 큰생명체는불가능하지만미생물은가능하다
* 미생물자연발생설 : 큰생명체는불가능하지만미생물은가능하다 - 1748, John Needham : 건초, 고기 -> 끓인후방치 -> 미생물생성확인 - 반박 : Louis Pasteur (1861 년 ) - 실험 1 : 공기를솜으로 filtering -> 솜에서미생물발견 - 실험 2 :
Louis Pasteur
Louis Pasteur - germ theory of disease( 미생물병인론 ) 에대한근거정립 - Pasteurization( 저온살균법 ) 기술개발 Robert Koch - 1879, germ theory of disease 입증 - 동물의탄저병대상특정미생물과질병간의연관성밝힘 -Koch s postulates( 코흐의가설 ) : Golden age of microbiology( 미생물학의황금기 ) - 1857, germ theory of disease 제시이후 1차세계대전발발 60여년 - 열에민감한세균발견 -> vaccine 의원리 - 질병의발생이 toxin 에기인함확인 -> antitoxin 발견 - 미생물의관심이의학외의분야로확대 20 세기미생물학 - 미생물의산업적이용시작 -> 미생물이용유제품생산 - 1930년대전자현미경개발 -> 바이러스연구시작 - 항생제개발, gene 확인 -> Age of Molecular Genetics 시작다양한미생물학분야확립
Koch s postulates => relate a single microbe to a single disease
3. Microbial World - Microbes are extremely diverse - inhabit most environment on earth 1) Bacteria - diverse shape, habitat
2) Virus - diverse shape, habitat
3) Protozoa( 원생동물 ) - differs substantially from bacteria and viruses in structural component - nuclei, ultramicroscopic cellular body a : amoeba Naegleria fowleri 인간수막염 b : protozoan, trypanosome 아프리카수면병 c : protozoan, Giardia lamblia 인간설사병 a c b
4) Algae - implies a large group of photosynthetic organisms - plant-like(photosynthetic pigment) but considered microbes(unicellular) - two group, diatoms( 규조류 ) and dinoflagellates( 쌍편모조류 ) - several freshwater species, but most found in marine environment - trap sunlight s energy -> convert it to carbohydrates energy - trap more energy, use more CO 2, produce more O 2 than all land plants do
5) Fungi - major decomposers of organic matter on earth - distinguished from other microbes by physical structure and the way of obtaining nutrients -> break down the organic matter by the secreted enzyme and absorb the molecular particles -> other microbes take up small molecules directly from the environment - fungi have close relationship with human society in various ways
Microbes is by David Perlman, Univ. of Wisconsin 1. The microbe is always right, your friend, and a sensitive partner; 2. There are no stupid microbes; 3. Microbes can and will do anything; 4. Microbes are smarter, wiser, and more energetic than chemists, engineers, and others; and 5. If you take care of your microbial friends, they will take care of your future Just guess if there are no more microbes on the earth!!