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21.. 2050 50% Cool Earth 50. 97% 10,,,. / 2009 5.. 2030 2030 11%, CO 2 8 1 CO 2. CO 2 CO 2 45%. ( ) ( ) 2 11.,, 3,,,,,,,, 8.. 20082% 2030 11%, 2050 20%. 13,000 TOE, 2012 (250~1000kW ) 300, (10~50kW) 2,000, (3kW ) 10,000, 15,000 580. 300, 11

., IGCC. 2.1. 2.1.1..,. ().,., (passive) (active).,,.,,,, Table 1.. (250~1200), Fig. 1,,,. (power tower) (heliostat),,,. /,, Fig. 2,. Heliostat Table 1. 60 100 300 300 PTC Dish CPC Power Tower, Tromb Wall (, ) (, ) (, ) (),,,,,, (,),, Fig. 1.. Fig. 2. ( + ). 12

/, (Fig. 2 )/ 700~1000.. rankine cycle 40%., (Dish Type), kw kw. 5 bar 700 1,000,, ORC (Organic Rankin Cycle). ORC, 40%. (Fig. 3 ) Fig. 3. ( + ). 2.1.2. Fig. 2 Fig. 3 (volumetric receiver),,., Table 2,. (thin-wall multi-channeled honeycomb), -., (, ) (SiC, silicon carbide),. SiC,. SOLAIR Project (Advanced Solar Volumetric Air Receiver for Commercial Solar Tower Power Plants- ERK6-CT-1999-00021) SiC Table 2. Optical/Thermodynamic Requirements Material Requirements High absorption Dark Optical extinction High porosity Heat transfer surface High cell density High fluxes Temperature resistance Radial heat transfer Thermal conductivity High permeability 3D-structure 13

SiC (recrystallized SiC) SiC (reaction Sintered SiC). (Fig. 4 ) SOLAIR,,, Fig. 4. SiC : (a) Volumetric receiver honeycomb units (b) Modular SOLAIR-200kW receiver assembly (c) SOLAIR- 200kW receiver assembly, and (d) SOLAIR-200kW receiver operation., /. 2.2. 2.2.1..,... Fig. 5 2009,, 27%. 10%, 20%. Fig. 5.. 14

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