1 Au utom motive Enginee ring Automotive Engineering 중앙대학교기계공학부 공학박사윤천한
2 Chapter Au1 1 Engine Types and Their Operation Autom motive Enginee ring
3 자동차 Au utom motive e Eng ginee ring 고도문명사회의필수적인이기, 운송도구 동력을발생시키는엔진을이용하여지상에서움직이는차량 산업의꽃- 대량생산, 가격과부가가치의기술집약성 문제 안전 유해가스 소음 발전방향 High Efficiency Low Emission Engine의중요성 High Power
4 Automotive Engineering
5 Engines 원동기 (Prime mover) Au utom motive e Eng ginee ring 자연계에존재하는여러가지형태의에너지를기계적에너지로바꾸어동 력을발생시키는 기계 에너지 - 원동기 전기 전동기, 물 수차, 바람 풍차, 열에너지 - 열기관 열기관 (Heat engine) 열에너지를기계적에너지로바꾸는원동기 내연기관 (Internal Combustion Engine) 왕복기관 (reciprocating engines) : 가솔린기관, 디젤기관 회전기관 (rotary engine) : gas turbine, turbo jet 외연기관 (External Combustion Engine) 왕복기관 회전기관
6 Internal Combustion Engines Au utom motive e Eng ginee ring The chemical energy contained in the fuel is released by combustion (burning or oxidizing the fuel) inside the engine to produce mechanical power. The reactants and products are the actual working fluids so that the work transfers occur directly between these working fluids and the mechanical components of the engine Reciprocating engines Spark-Ignition Engines (Gasoline /Otto /Petrol Engine) ( 전기점화기관, 가솔린엔진 ) Compression-Ignition Engine (Diesel Engine) Gas turbines Rockets
7 Heat Engine System 연료의공급 열의발생 열의전달 기계일의변환 방열 일 폐기물처리 Autom motive Eng ginee ring 방출
8 History 1 Au utom motive e Eng ginee ring 1860s J.J.E. J Lenoir - coal gas-air mixture - no compression stroke - 6 hp, = 5% 1867 Otto -Langen - free piston and rack assembly - slide valve control intake system - = 11%
9 History 2 Au utom motive e Eng ginee ring 1876 Otto - 4 piston engine - stratified charge induction system - 14% 1884 Alphonse Beau de Rochas - The largest possible cylinder volume with the minimum boundary surface - The greatest possible working speed - The greatest possible expansion ratio - The greatest possible pressure at the beginning g of expansion
10 History 3 Autom motive e Eng ginee ring 1877-2 stroke engine 1884 Daimler - high speed engine 500 1000rpm 1892 Rudolf Diesel - Diesel engine 1957 Felix Wankel - Rotary engine
11 Fuel Autom motive e Eng ginee ring Compression ratio < 4 1907 William Burton - thermal cracking process World War Ⅰ- Additive- tetraethyl lead 1940s - Los Angels Air pollution problem 1952 - Prof. A.J. Hagen Smith smog 1960s - Emission Standard 1970s - Oil Shock - smog problem : NOx, UHC
12 Air Pollutants Au utom motive e Eng ginee ring CO : 무색무취, 헤모글로빈과결합 ( 산소의 240 배이상 ) 조직의저산소증인지작용및사고능력의감퇴, 반사신경저하, 졸음, 협심증, 무의식, 사망 UHC : 조성에따라영향이다름, 호흡기자극, 산화 aldehide; 눈, 점막, 피부자극, 과산화 광화학스모그 미연소로인한고분자량탄화수소 발암성, 돌연변이유발열분해로인한저분자량탄화수소 눈염증, 기침, 재채기, 졸음 NO x : NO - 무색, 무취, 폐질환유발, 산소반응 NO 2 화, 질산생성 NO 2 - 적갈색, 자극적냄새, 호흡기질환, 폐수종, 기관지염, 폐렴 Sulfur dioxide : 무색, 자극적냄새, 기관지염, 천식, 위장장애, 산성비 Particulates : 폐질환유발 CO 2 : 지구온난화
13 Noise Autom utomotive e Eng ginee ring Exhaust system Intake system Fan Engine Block Aerodynamics Combustion process Rotating Reciprocating
14 Goal High Efficiency High power Low Emission Autom motive Eng gineering
15 Engine Classification Au utom motive e Eng ginee ring Cycle 형식 2 stroke engine (2 행정기관 ) 4 stroke engine (4 행정기관 ) 열역학적분류 Constant-Volume cycle engine ( 정적사이클기관, Otto Cycle) Constant-Pressure cycle engine ( 정압사이클기관, Diesel Cycle) Combined-Cycle Cycle engine ( 복합사이클기관, Sabathe Cycle) 점화방식 Spark-ignition engine (SI) ( 전기점화기관, 가솔린엔진 ) Compression-ignition engine (CI) ( 압축착화기관, 디젤엔진 ) Fuel injection spark ignition engine Direct injection spark ignition iti engine (DISI) ( 직분식전기점화기관 ) Homogeneous charge compression ignition engine (HCCI) ( 예혼합압축착화기관 )
16 Four Stroke Engine Components Autom utomotive e Eng ginee ring Engine Body Fuel System Intake System Exhaust System Cooling System Lubricating System Ignition System
17 Nomenclature for Reciprocating Engines Automotive Engineering
18 Reciprocating Engine Displacement and Clearance Volumes Autom utomotive Enginee ring r V max = = V min V BDC V TDC
19 4 Stroke operating cycle and p-v Diagram Automotive Engineering
20 2 Stroke Engine Operating Cycles Automotive Engineering
21 The Merits of Two Stroke Engine Au utom motive 구조간단- 저중량 피스톤관성력완화 - 재료요구약 회전력균일 역전용이 - 선박등 ; autobicycle 에실용화, automobiles- orbital,gm e Eng ginee ring 장점 2 배출력- 실제 17 1.7-1.8 18 배 단점 소기펌프소음 고연료소비율 ( 무연소배기도기여 ) 윤활유소비량 저효율 과열용이 - 중앙배기공위치
22 Gasoline Engine and Diesel Engine Automotive Engineering
23 Operation Condition Au utom motive e Eng ginee ring 구분가솔린엔진디젤엔진 흡입행정 혼합가스흡입 순수공기 압축비 7 ~ 11 : 1 15 ~ 24 : 1 압축행정 압축압력 6 ~ 11 bar 30 ~ 40 bar 압축열 120 ~ 150 500 ~ 650 폭발행정 점화전기점화압축열점화 cycle 연소정적연소정압 (Sabathe) 연소 배기온도 ~ 700 ~ 500 배기행정 CO 량 3 ~ 6 % 0.1 % 열효율 ~ 30 % ~ 40 % 속도조절 흡입혼합가스량 분사연료량 연료소비율 230 ~ 300 g/psh 150 ~ 240 g/psh 특징 연소실모양이간단함 진동소음이큼
24 The Merits and Demerits Au utom motive e Eng ginee ring 장점 압축비높아열효율높고연료소비량적다 저질연료사용가능, 저연비 인화점높아안전성높음 저속성능 점화, 기화장치없어고장적음 단점 압축, 연소압력높아대형화 소음, 진동 평균유효압력낮아 저출력 과부하시불완전연소 매연 연료분사장치조정어려움 냉시동곤란 대형시동장치
25 Fuel System Au utom motive e Eng ginee ring Gasoline Engine 1. Carburetor System 2. TBI Fuel Injection System 3. MPI Fuel Injection System 4. Gasoline Direct Injection System Diesel Engine 1. Inline System 2. Common rail System 3. Unit injector System
26 Fuel Supply System Automotive Engineering
27 SI Engine Mixture Requirement Au utom motive e Eng ginee ring Entire operating range Optimum Air fuel Ratio Lowest Fuel Consumption Smooth and Reliable Operating Emission Control EGR Speed Load Engine Performance Efficiency Emission Control Power
28 Mixture Requirement Autom utomotive e Eng ginee ring Idle Acceleration Deceleration Full load Part load Emission Control
29 Carburetor System Automotive Engineering
30 MPI System Automotive Engineering
31 TBI(SPI) System Automotive Engineering
32 GDI System Automotive Engineering
33 GDI Principal Autom motive e Eng ginee ring GDI 엔진이란 GDI 엔진은가솔린연료를실린더내에직접분사하여 초희박공연비 40:1 에서도이상적인연소가가능한엔진 GDI 엔진의효과 펌핑로스저감및열손실저감으로연비 30% 향상 흡입공기냉각및압축비증대로엔진성능 10% 향상 환원형촉매와대용량 EGR 밸브적용으로배기가스 30% 저감
34 Fuel Air Ratio Control Autom motive e Eng ginee ring 흡입행정에분사 흡입 OR 압축행정에분사압축행정말기에분사 초희박공연비제어조건 : 냉각수온 60 이상 / 엔진회전수 3000 RPM 이하 / 엔진부하 50% 이하급가속시연료분사는성능향상을위하여흡기 & 압축행정에 2단분사
35 GDI Combustion Automotive Engineering
36 디젤엔진의구조 Au utom motive e Eng ginee ring 실린더헤드 연소실 실린더블록 피스톤 크랭크샤프트 플라이휘일 캠샤프트 과급기 (supercharger ; turbocharger) 냉각계통 주유 ( 연료및윤활유 ) 계통 연료공급장치 전기장치
37 Example Diesel Engine Automotive Engineering
38 Direct Injection System Automotive Engineering
39 Indirect Injection System Automotive Engineering
40 2 Stroke Diesel Engine Autom motive e Eng ginee ring Two Stroke Turbocharged Marine Diesel Engine Bore 840mm Stroke 2900mm 79rpm 4 to 12 cylinders
41 In-Line Fuel Injection Pump Automotive Engineering
42 Fuel Line and Plunger Pump Automotive Engineering
43 Common Rail System Automotive Engineering
44 Common Rail Injector Automotive Engineering
45 Unit Injector Automotive Engineering
46 로터리엔진 Automotive Engineering
47 로터리엔진 Automotive Engineering
48 로터리엔진 Automotive Engineering
49 그밖의자동차용원동기 Au utom motive Eng ginee ring 수소가스엔진 스털링엔진 하이브리드카 2 개의동력원을이용하여구동되는자동차를말하며, 가솔린엔진과전기모터, 수소연소엔진과연료전지, 천연가스와가솔린엔진, 디젤엔진과전기모터등 2개의동력원를함께쓰는차를말한다. 주로가솔린엔진과전기모터를함께쓰는방식을많이이용하고있다.
50 배출가스의정화대책 Au utom motive e Eng ginee ring 자동차의배출가스 Exhaust gas CO : 탄소가불완전연소시발생 ( acceleration, idling ) HC : 연료의일부가미연소 ( 농후한혼합기 ) NO x : 고온연소 Pb Blow-by gas 피스톤과실린더의틈새로새는연소가스 Evaporation gas 연료탱크, 기화기등에서증발
51 배출가스의정화대책 자동차의배출가스 배출원배출비율 HC 의배출비율 배기가스 60% 블로바이가스 25% Automotive Enginee ring 증발가스 15%
52 배출가스의정화대책 배기가스정화대책 완전연소 EGR(exhaust gas recirculation system) Autom motive Engineering
53 배출가스의정화대책 Au utom motive e Enginee gineering 배기가스정화대책 PCV(positive crankcase ventilation system 경부하시는아주적은양의블로바이가스가고부하시에는많은양의블로바이가스가실린더위로커커버의 PCV(Positive Crankcase Ventilation) 밸브를거쳐연소실로들어간다.
54 배출가스의정화대책 Au utom motive e Enginee gineering 배기가스정화대책 Catalytic converter 3원촉매변환장치는배출가스중의 CO,HC에대해서추가로공급된 2차공기와함께산화시켜 CO2와 H2O 로만들며, NOx 에대해서는환원시켜 N2 와 O2 로만든다.
55 배출가스의정화대책 배기가스정화대책 Stratified charge system Autom motive Engineering
56 배출가스의정화대책 Au utom motive Enginee gineering 배기가스정화대책 EEC (evaporative emission control system) Charcoal canister
Porshe Boxster S Flat type engine 57 Automotive Eng gineering
58 Indicator diagram Automotive Engineering
59 Automotive Engineering
60 Four Stroke Engine Components Automotive Engineering