The Environmental Technology Verification Program

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1 THE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY VERIFICATION PROGRAM U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ETV Joint Verification Statement TECHNOLOGY TYPE: APPLICATION: TECHNOLOGY NAME: COMPANY: ADDRESS: WEB SITE: MOBILE DIESEL ENGINE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL CONTROL OF EMISSIONS FROM MOBILE DIESEL ENGINES IN HIGHWAY USE BY SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION AND A CATALYZED CONTINUOUSLY REGENERATING TRAP SCCRT, VERSION 1, SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION WITH A CATALYZED CONTINUOUSLY REGENERATING TRAP JOHNSON MATTHEY PLC 380 LAPP ROAD MALVERN, PA (610) FAX: (610) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) created the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program to facilitate the deployment of innovative or improved environmental technologies through performance verification and dissemination of information. The goal of the ETV Program is to further environmental protection by accelerating the acceptance and use of improved and cost-effective technologies. The ETV Program seeks to achieve this goal by providing high-quality, peer-reviewed data on technology performance to those involved in the design, distribution, financing, permitting, purchase, and use of environmental technologies. The ETV Program works in partnership with recognized standards and testing organizations; stakeholder groups, which consist of buyers, vendor organizations, permitters, and other interested parties; and with the full participation of individual technology developers. The program evaluates the performance of innovative technologies by developing test plans that are responsive to the needs of stakeholders, conducting field or laboratory tests (as appropriate), collecting and analyzing data, and preparing peerreviewed reports. All evaluations are conducted in accordance with rigorous quality assurance (QA) protocols to ensure that data of known and adequate quality are generated and that the results are defensible. i

2 The Air Pollution Control Technology Center (APCT Center), which is one of six centers under the ETV Program, is operated by RTI International 1 (RTI) in cooperation with EPA s National Risk Management Research Laboratory. The APCT Center has evaluated the performance of an emission control system consisting of a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology with a catalyzed continuously regenerating trap (CCRT). ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY VERIFICATION TEST DESCRIPTION All tests were performed in accordance with the Test/QA Plan for the Verification Testing of Selective Catalytic Reduction Technologies for Highway, Nonroad and Stationary Use Diesel Engines and the Test-Specific Addendum to ETV Mobile Source Test/QA Plan for Johnson Matthey for the SCCRT, v.1 System. These documents are written in accordance with the applicable generic verification protocol and include requirements for quality management and QA; procedures for product selection and auditing of the test laboratories; and the test reporting format. The mobile diesel engine air pollution control technology was tested in February 2011 at Southwest Research Institute. The performance verified was the percentage of emissions reduction achieved by the technology for particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NO x ), hydrocarbons (HC), and carbon monoxide (CO) relative to the performance of the same baseline engine without the technology in place. Operating conditions were documented, and ancillary performance measurements also were made. A summary description of the ETV test is provided in Table 1. Engine family Table 1. Summary of the Environmental Technology Verification Test Test type 6CEXH0661MAV Engine make model year Cummins 2006 ISM 330 Service class Engine rated power Engine displacement Highway Transient Federal Test Procedure Highway, heavy-duty diesel engine 330 hp at 1800 rpm 10.8 L, inline six cylinder Technology Johnson Matthey SCCRT, v.1 Technology description Test cycle or mode description Test fuel description Critical measurements Ancillary measurements SCR combined with a CCRT One cold-start and multiple hot-start tests according to FTP and one SET for baseline engine, degreened, and aged systems Ultra low-sulfur diesel fuel with 15 ppm sulfur maximum PM, NO x, HC, and CO CO 2, NO, NO 2 (by calculation), NH 3, soluble organic fraction of PM, exhaust backpressure, exhaust temperature, and fuel consumption Note: CO 2 = carbon dioxide, FTP = Federal Test Procedure, hp = horsepower, NO = nitric oxide, NO 2 = nitrogen dioxide, NH 3 = ammonia, ppm = parts per million, rpm = revolutions per minute, SET = Supplemental Emission Test. Beginning of table description. Table 1 is titled Summary of the Environmental Technology Verification Test. The table lists the type of test conducted, the critical and ancillary measurements taken, the characteristics of the test engine, and the technology undergoing verification testing. End of table description. 1 RTI International is a trade name of Research Triangle Institute. ii

3 VERIFIED TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION The Johnson Matthey SCCRT, v.1 technology is a urea-based SCR system combined with a CCRT filter designed for on-highway light, medium, and heavy heavy-duty diesel, urban and non-urban bus, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)- or non-egr equipped engines for use with commercial ultra low-sulfur diesel fuel (ULSD) conforming to 40 Code of Federal Regulations This verification statement describes the performance of the tested technology on the diesel engine and fuels identified in Table 1 and applies only to the use of the Johnson Matthey SCCRT, v.1 system on highway engines fueled by ULSD (15 parts per million [ppm] or less) fuel. The monitoring and notification system that was functionally tested and used with this technology includes sensors for urea level and leakage detection and a mechanism to interrupt engine restart in the event of an empty urea tank. VERIFICATION OF PERFORMANCE The Johnson Matthey SCCRT, v.1 system achieved the reduction in tailpipe emissions shown in Table 2 compared to baseline operation without the system installed on the test engine. In Table 2, degreened refers to a system with hours of accumulated run time while aged refers to a system with over 1000 hours of accumulated run time. Additionally, the functional test results indicated proper operation of the monitoring and warning system. a Table 2a. Verified Emissions Reductions: Mean Emissions Reduction (%) System Type Fuel PM NO x HC CO Degreened ULSD Aged ULSD Table 2b. Verified Emissions Reductions: 95% Confidence Limits on the Emissions Reduction (%) System Type Fuel PM NO x HC CO Degreened ULSD 91 to to to a 69 to a Aged ULSD 89 to to to a 66 to a The upper limit of the emissions reduction could not be distinguished from 100% with 95% confidence. Beginning of table description. Table 2 is titled Verified Emissions Reductions. The table describes the verified emissions reduction percentages for the degreened and aged systems for particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and carbon monoxide. 95% confidence limits for these reductions are also listed. End of table description. The APCT Center quality manager has reviewed the test results and quality control (QC) data and has concluded that the data quality objectives given in the generic verification protocol and test/qa plan have been attained. APCT Center QA staff have conducted technical assessments of the test laboratory procedures and of the data handling. These assessments confirm that the ETV tests were conducted in accordance with the EPA-approved test/qa plan. iii

4 This verification statement verifies the emissions characteristics of the Johnson Matthey SCCRT, v.1 system for the stated application. Extrapolation outside that range should be done with caution and an understanding of the scientific principles that control the performance of the technology. This verification focuses on emissions. Potential technology users may obtain other types of performance information from the manufacturer. In accordance with the generic verification protocol, this verification statement is valid, commencing on the date below, indefinitely for application of the Johnson Matthey SCCRT, v.1 system within the range of applicability of the statement. signed by Sally Gutierrez 8/22/2011 Sally Gutierrez Date Director National Risk Management Research Laboratory Office of Research and Development United States Environmental Protection Agency signed by Jason Hill 8/8/2011 Jason Hill Date Director Air Pollution Control Technology Center RTI International NOTICE: ETV verifications are based on an evaluation of technology performance under specific, predetermined criteria and the appropriate quality assurance procedures. EPA and RTI make no express or implied warranties as to the performance of the technology and do not certify that a technology will always operate as verified. The end user is solely responsible for complying with any and all applicable federal, state, and local requirements. Mention of commercial product names does not imply endorsement. iv

5 기술유형: 응용분야 기술명 회사명 주소 웹사이트 이메일 이동형 디젤엔진 대기오염 제어장치 선택적 환원촉매(SCR) 및 촉매연속재생트랩(CCRT)을 이용 한, 고속도로용 모바일 디젤엔진의 배출가스 제어 SCCRT 버전 1. 촉매화된 연속재생시스템을 이용한 선택 적 촉매환원 JOHNSON MATTHEY PLC 380 LAPP ROAD MALVERN, PA 전화 (610) 팩스 (610) 환경기술검증 테스트 내역 모든 테스트는 "고속도로-비도로 디젤엔진에 대한 선택적 촉매환원(SCR) 기술 검증 테스트용 테스트/QA 계획" 및 "SCCRT v.1 시스템용 Johnson Matthey ETV 이동원 테스트/QA 계획에 대한 테스트 전용 부록"에 따라서 실시되었다. 이 문서들은 적용 가능한 범용 검증 프로토콜에 따라서 작성되었으며 품질관리 및 QA(품질보증)요건: 제품선정 및 테스트 실험실 감사절차와 테스트 보고 형식 에 대한 내용이 들어있다. 디젤엔진 대기오염 제어기술은 2011년 2월에 Southwest Research Institute에서 테스트 를 받았다. 이 기술과 해당 기술을 사용하지 않은 동일한 기준의 엔진과 상호 성능 테스트 검증 결과, 입자성물질(PM), 질소산화물(NOx), 탄화수소(HC), 일산화탄소 (CO) 배출량이 일정 수준 감축하는 결과를 얻었다. 운전조건에 대해 내용을 기록하 였으며, 이의 부수적 측정도 함께 실시하였다. 검증 기술 내역 Johnson Matthey SCCRT v.1 기술은 미국연방규정법 , 40에 부합하는 상용 초저유황경유연료(ultra low-sulfur diesel fuel, ULSD)와 함께 사용하는 고속도로 용 소형(light), 중형(medium), 초대형 디젤(heavy heavy-duty diesel)의 시내외 버스와 배기가스재순환장치(exhaust gas recirculation, EGR)를 장착 또는 장착하지 않은 엔진 용으로 설계된 CCRT 필터를 결합시킨 요소기반(urea-based)의 SCR 시스템이다

6 검증확인서는 제시된 디젤엔진 및 연료에 대한 테스트 기술의 성능을 기술하였으며 ULSD(15 ppm 이하) 연료를 사용하는 고속도로용 차량 엔진에 Johnson Matthey SCCRT v.1 시스템을 채택한 경우에만 적용된다. 이 기술을 사용하여 기능 테스트를 거친 모니터링 및 경보시스템 속에는 요소 수치 와 누출 탐지를 위한 센서, 요소 탱크가 비었을 경우 엔진 재시동을 중단시키기 위 한 메커니즘이 들어있다. 성능 검증 APCT 센터 품질매니저가 테스트 결과와 품질관리(QC) 데이터를 검토하고 범용검증 프로토콜 및 테스트/QA 계획에 제시된 데이터 품질목표가 달성되었다는 결론을 내 렸다. APCT 센터 QA 담당직원은 테스트 실험실 절차와 데이터 취급에 대한 기술 적 평가를 수행하였다. 이러한 평가는 ETV 테스트가 EPA가 승인한 테스트/QA 계 획에 따라 실시되었음을 확인해 준다. 범용검증프로토콜에 따라 본 검증확인서는 아래 기재된 날짜부터 이의 적용 범위 내에서 Johnson Matthey SCCRT, v.1 시스템 응용 분야에 무기한 효력을 발휘한다. 본 검증확인서는 명시된 적용(응용) 분야의 Johnson Matthey SCCRT v.1 시스템의 배출가스 특성을 입증한다. 명시된 내용 범주외 추론 시 신중을 기해야 하며 본 기 술의 성능을 좌우하는 과학적 원칙에 대한 이해가 선행되어야 할 것이다. 검증은 배출가스에 초점을 맞췄으며 향후 본 기술의 잠재적 사용자는 이외 형태의 성능 정 보가 필요한 경우 해당 제조업체로부터 이를 제공받을 수 있다. 2011/8/22-2 -



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