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Laser marking (e-id 관련및기타 laser 응용소개 ) 2009.May Ph. D. Sang Young Park

Index A. Laser 소개 B. EO Technics의 laser 개발 & laser marking C. 자사 sample 소개 D. e-id 와 laser 관련 E. Gemalto & Data_card F. photo-marking G. color-marking H. 결론

A. Laser 소개 Laser : 효율, 세기, 집속도에있어서전기적에너지를강력한광에너지로변환시켜줄수있는변환기구 Resonator Resonator ( 공진기 ) Light Amplification by Laser medium ( 레이저매질 ) Stimulated Emission of Pumping Radiation

A. Laser 소개 광 Pumping 전기적 Pumping Optical radiation Collision within an electrical discharge Most of solid state lasers ( Nd:YAG, Nd:Glass, Ruby laser ) Liquid dye lasers Most of gas lasers ( HeNe, Argon ion, CO 2 laser ) 화학적 Pumping Passage of current Release of chemical energy Semiconductor lasers Chemical lasers ( HF laser)

A. Laser 소개 Pumping Schemes for DPSS lasers Side pumping End pumping source Lamp pumping Diode pumping Diode pumping Concept Medium Nd:YAG Nd:YAG Nd:YAG Nd:YVO 4 Pumping Efficiency ~ 1% ~ 30% ~45% ~ 55%

A. Laser 소개 Fiber laser MO (Master Oscillator) : Pulsed LD 20W Pulsed fiber laser MOPA : Master Oscillation Power Amplification

B. EO Technics 의 laser 개발 & laser marking 변화의인식 1) PCB 산업과반도체후공정의일체화 : 1980년대 wafer 공정수준의정밀도 / 해상도를 PCB에요구 2) week 단위의개발기간및다품종대량생산, CPU/RF IC/ memory 를통합 : Hand-phone, SSD 3) 소재의변화 : glass 물질, organic material, 저온증착, R2R 공정 (display & solar cell 기술발달의결과 ) EOTechnics business model 의변화 2005 년이전 2009 년현재 * SW customizing : 고객사불편사항해결 * Customer support : 외산장비에대비우위 * 선진 laser 완제품 marker와 good relation ship : 신규 laser를자체 know-how로안정화능력 * laser & LD package 자작화 (=RF driver, chiller 등모든부품자체개발 ) * flying inspection vision, display용노광 in-line 설비포함 SI SW 기술자체보유 * 외국대학교와선진 laser 부품업체와 good relation ship * 선진특허 licensing & 외국사와의 JV 설립을통한요소기술도입 국내타 laser 응용업체현수준 EO 만의차별성을발전 & 심화중

B. EO Technics 의 laser 개발 & laser marking 항목 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 YAG (M^2 > 5) Lamp 75W CW Lamp 120W CW DPSS green 100W DPSS green 150W DPSS 600W CW Lamp 300W CW DPSS green 300W YVO4 (M^2 < 1.5) Low cost 20W 50W green 100W green 5ns 50W IR Fiber (M^2 < 1.5) 10W CW 350W CW 30W pulse > 1kW CW 100W pulse ps laser LD package 10W single emitter 25W single emitter 50W fiber coupled 100W bar type > 1kW stack UV laser 355nm 2W 355nm 10W 355nm 30W CO2 laser >100W RF driver 27MHz 50W 27MHz 120W 40MHz 15W 68MHz 100W 40MHz 120W 150MHz 2W 100MHz PLL type Cooling system 4kW cooler TEC 50W 1.5kW chiller 5kW cooler TEC 200W 2kW chiller TEC 500W 5kW chiller 개발 Road-map

B. EO Technics 의 laser 개발 & laser marking item 시장상태해결책 / 주요응용 YAG laser YVO4 laser Fiber laser LD package CO2 laser 시장성숙기팽창기팽창기팽창기시장성숙기 - 큰부피와상대적으로낮은에너지효율 - 고출력을필요로하는곳에많은수요있음 - 기존시장에대한추가소요 & 계속적인신규응용존재 - 높은효율, 작은부피, 장수명 LD 채용으로 fiber에대한경쟁력보유 - green, UV laser 발진에최상 -저가시장에서고급시장까지급성장예상 -유럽 laser 회사및외국대학교와 JV 진행중 -높은에너지효율, 장수명, 작은부피 -특히대용량응용 (= 절단 / 용접 ) 관련해서경쟁력이높음 -주요부품 marker와외국대학교와긴밀한관계유지 -Laser에서가장고가의소모품, 최근들어발열문제해결로수명이 2-5배증가 -LD 자체만으로플라스틱용접및열처리용, PR 노광용으로많이사용 -laser 개발시에가장핵심부품으로중국조립생산공장추진중 - 반도체 /LCD에유리와저온유기물사용이늘면서다시각광을받음 - 기존시장점유가매우크나, 신규개발진입에기술장벽이매우높다 - 유럽회사와 JV

B. EO Technics 의 laser 개발 & laser marking Marking : Making a legible Contrast of character, number, logo, and picture etc. onto a substrate. Traditional marking Laser marking Pen writing/ Press labeling/ Ink stamping/ Inkjet printer Laser mask marking/ Laser scanning marking/ Dot-matrix Laser marking

B. EO Technics 의 laser 개발 & laser marking Photo-Thermal effect Heating, melting and vaporization VIS and IR wavelength Photo-Chemical effect Rearrangement of structure thru breaking or crosslinking of molecular bonding Ablation via breaking of molecular bonding Thermal Photochemical Laser photon energy Molecular bonding energy

B. EO Technics의 laser 개발 & laser marking Laser processing(=marking) mechanism Vaporization Layer removal Melting Color change Slightly engraving with a distinct change of surface structure Selective vaporization between layers Melting and softening Color change - Legible by Different light scattering along surface shape - Well above the melting point - Legible by different light scattering long surface shape - Legible by different color bet. layers - Oxidation or incorporation with impurities (Metal) - Forming a ridge (Plastic) - Different coloring - Black carbonization - Changes in chemical composition or in molecular structures - Pigment added color change

B. EO Technics 의 laser 개발 & laser marking Laser Optimal Laser selection. Laser quality issue Galvano scanner control Unique calibration technique. Motor structure/thermal drift Optical system Optic simulation. Optimal beam delivery design. thin linewidth realization. Laser-material interaction Specifying Interaction mechanism.

C. 자사 sample 소개 Laser marking (semiconductor) 0.15mm size marking 300mm wafer sample Built-In-Vision Add-on marking (25um accuracy) Fiber laser sample

C. 자사 sample 소개 Laser marking (semiconductor) Sapphire wafer SOG(Silicon on Glass) wafer 504µm 50µm Silicon 454µm Glass Marking Depth : 0.8 μm Marking Depth : 4.4 μm Quartz glass wafer Side wall

C. 자사 sample 소개 Laser marking (PCB/ etc) 1D barcode 2D barcode (solder resistor / Copper) SUS depth 200um (12x12mm) engraving PCB reject marking (gold color to black color change)

C. 자사 sample 소개 Bottle marking (=flying) 300 bottle per minute laser marking results

C. 자사 sample 소개 EMC Package drill processing After laser drill process After wet process Laser drilling process Chip Package Structure drilling throughput by laser

C. 자사 sample 소개 Silicon wafer drilling 15um 40um 100um 200um Top Ø15um Ø40um Ø100um Ø200um Bottom Ø13um Ø29um Ø95um Ø190um General specifications stage Laser Type Working area Precision / Repeatability Maximum speed Type XY Table, with Z axis 600 X 600mm 1um / ±0.5um 500mm/s Nd:YVO 4 third harmonic crystal laser (355nm) Dimension 1620(W) x 1750(D) x 1780(H)

C. 자사 sample 소개 Sapphire wafer drilling / structuring 29um Min, hole size 20um 30um Stencil cutting Rotating beam scanner Process depth Max. drilling speed 300um 40 holes/min 25um laser Sapphire Substrate Depth 130um. Micro crack 10X80 um In-structuring using ns laser Optical Microscope Image(X100)

C. 자사 sample 소개 Thick material processing Silicon Carbide plate 10T Ø1mm Surface View Bottom View 11 10 9 8 7 Silicon carbide Fused glass Fused glass plate 7T Ø400um Surface View Bottom View Drilling Speed (hole/min) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ceramic plate 7T Ø1mm Surface View 2 4 6 8 10 12 Thickness( mm) drilling throughput by laser

C. 자사 sample 소개 Thin metal processing Stainless steel, 0.1t Stainless steel, 0.1t 600 Cutting speed [mm] 500 400 300 200 100 Stainless steel Aluminum Copper Copper, 0.3t Ceramic, 1.0t 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Thinckness [mm]

C. 자사 sample 소개 Laser welding inside the glass Laser FRIT Glass Glass Plastic welding inside the glass(=420um/860um)

C. 자사 sample 소개 GaAs wafer full cutting Damage Optical Microscope Images No damage SEM Images LED chip (kerf <14um, 150um thickness) GaAs 6 wafer (kerf < 17um, 100um thickness, 80m/sec)

C. 자사 sample 소개 Thin silicon wafer full cutting (with DAF) Top surface Cross-section Si Chip DAF No debris on top side - Kerf width: 20~30 μm - Cutting speed: ~ 100 mm/s @ 50 μm ~ 80mm/s @ 75 μm - Silicon 25um, DAF 25um Silicon No debris Debris by laser cutting and shortage by debris Bonding wire DAF Debris problem at wire bonding

C. 자사 sample 소개 PCB solder resistor direct ablation Cu SR Epoxy ink SR Cu

C. 자사 sample 소개 Resistor trimmer Plunge cut image Scan cut

C. 자사 sample 소개 UV driller (=Cu direct 60um hole drilling) Top Bottom Cu (18 μm ) PI (25 μm ) PPG (30 μm ) after drilling after Plating

C. 자사 sample 소개 CO2 drilling (=FR-4 large window & BVH) Slope:72% Top drill size :82um Top drill size :83um Top drill size :110um Top drill size :120um Top drill size :100um Top drill size :300um Top drill size :320um Top drill size :320um

D. E-id 와 laser 관련 Level IV 에대해서는정보검색이곤란 * overview of security feature : www.challengecard.de

D. E-id 와 laser 관련 * overview of security feature : www.challengecard.de

D. E-id 와 laser 관련 * overview of security feature : www.challengecard.de

D. E-id 와 laser 관련 화상 data 를 SW 적으로조합하여, 명암정보를 hole 크기로비례 drilling 처리 (laser 장비상으로는 laser perforation 보다는 laser drilling 로분류, 특허는매우많음 ) * Ian Willams, Identity System Group Inc, Advanced techologies better methods of laser engraving, CCTAM Annual Conference 2004

D. E-id 와 laser 관련 2 개이상의화상 data 를 SW 적으로조합하여, 카드표면을 laser 로 marking 처리 * Ian Willams, Identity System Group Inc, Advanced techologies better methods of laser engraving, CCTAM Annual Conference 2004

D. E-id 와 laser 관련 2 개이상의화상 data 를조합하여, 카드표면을 laser 로요철처리 * Ian Willams, Identity System Group Inc, Advanced techologies better methods of laser engraving, CCTAM Annual Conference 2004

E. Gemalto & Datacard Datacard corporation 는많은특허보유 ( 국내제외 380 건이상 )

E. Gemalto & Datacard * Gemalto, 2007

E. Gemalto & Datacard * Gemalto, 2007 : 40 건정도의특허보유 (= 국내제외 )

F. Photo-marking Overview for Photo Marking (Scanner & Laser control ) Bi-direction move Duty and analog voltage control for each pixel Position Command Move1 Of pixel1 Move2 Of pixel2 Move3 Of pixel3 Move4 Of pixel4 Move5 Of pixel5 Move6 Of pixel6 Move7 Of pixel7. Period = 1/(Laser frequency) LM Command Laser On Delay LM1 Of pixel1 LM2 Of pixel2 LM3 Of pixel3 LM4 Of pixel4 LM5 Of pixel5 LM6 Of pixel6 LM7 Of pixel7 Delay offset LM Delay Period = 1/(Laser frequency)

F. Photo-marking Move6 Of pixel6 Position Command Period = 1/(Laser frequency) Move1 Of pixel1 Move2 Of pixel2 Move3 Of pixel3 Move4 Of pixel4 Move5 Of pixel5 LM Duty Laser On Delay Delay offset LM Delay LM1 LM2 LM3 LM4 LM5 LM6 Analog Voltage Scanner & laser LM timing / photo-marking 용 laser 의 pulse 제어특성

F. Photo-marking EO laser (20TQ) : 435DPI Time: 3.4s FOBA (30GS) : 435DPI Time: 2.16s FOBA(10GS) : 550DPI Time: 9s

F. Photo-marking Photo image Histogram Marked 16 gray level 1.0 Nomalized Intensity 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Pixel Level Norm malized Intensty 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Marked image Histogram 0.0 1.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Pixel Level Nomaiized Intensity 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Pixel Level 인물사진에서원본대비흰색부분과검은색부분에서다소높은화소수를보임 16 gray level 부분도 pixel level 의양쪽화소수가높은형상을보임

F. Photo-marking Original photo image 1.0 Nomalized Intensity 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Pixel Level FOBA EO PRISMA EV20TQ 1.0 1.0 1.0 Nomaiized Intensity 0.8 0.6 0.4 Normalized Intensity 0.8 0.6 0.4 Normalized Intensity 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Pixel Level 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Pixel Level 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Pixel Level 각 laser 별 photo-marking 후 histogram 처리결과

G. Color marking Colour White Black Blue Violet Orange Yellow (Green) Outline Power (%) 60 40 65 40 45 45 70 Speed (mm/s) 650 25 25 50 75 125 200 Mode 1 2 Freq. (khz) 65 125 Hatch (mm) 0.02 0.03 -- 금속판 (=SUS) 에대한 laser color marking ( 온도에민감하나, marking 은가능, niche market)

G. Color marking * ORGA systems, www.orga-systems.com, 2006 3 색 laser 로각파장별로흡수물질은표백처리

G. Color marking Organic 물질이나비 organic 물질을 laser 가열하여, 비가역색처리 (=color laser marking 특허는 10 여건검색 )

G. Color marking Organic 물질을 laser 가열하여, 비가역색처리

G. Color marking Laser 의금속가공시발생되는 plasma 를적극적으로사용하여, 유리를가공하거나 color 처리하는방법 * Yasutaka Hanada, Koji Sugioka, Katsumi Midorikawa, Nanosecond lasers micromachine glass, SPIE Newsroom 10.1117/2.1200608.0334, 2006

H. 결론 1. 최근들어반도체기술의급격한발달, 특히 packaging 공정기술의발달로카드나 passport 내에 PC 와주변기기정도를넣는것이실용화되고있다. 2. 이러한 e-id 발권에서의 laser 기술이핵심으로나오고있으며, 각국가와다국적회사별로카드물성을포함하여 laser 관련고유기술개발이진행중이다. 3. 이러한국제적인변화에대응하여, 국내의관련요소기술을보유한산학연을통합하려는노력이필요하다. 4. laser 발권시에는 laser 자체의성능, 광학계구성, SW 전처리방법, Card 재질에따라고유의특징이나타나며특히 laser 의성능이중요하다. 특허검색 keyword Assignee : Datacard, Gemalto Abstract : laser color marking, laser perforation, smart card, laser engraving