Special Destination Singapore 아시아문화허브, 싱가포르 과거를잘간직하면서도미래를향한질주를멈추지않는싱가포르는전통과첨단의균형을잘보여주는나라다. 통유리외관이눈부신아파트와쇼핑몰사이에는중국과말레이시아, 그리고인도이민자들의문화유산이생생하게살아숨쉬고있다. Cultural Cocktail Singapore has reached a fine balance between preserving its past and unlocking its future. Wedged in amongst its glittery glass condos and malls are heritage areas where its Chinese, Malay and Indian cultures are on full display.
얼마전재단장을거쳐싱가포르특유의열대성폭우에도끄떡없도록지붕을설치했다. 차이나타운문화유산센터도올해말재개장을목표로리모델링이진행중인데, 최첨단쌍방향전시시스템을설치하고, 1960년대에초점을맞췄던이전과달리보다폭넓은시대상을보여줄예정이다. 실제로중국이민자들의위험천만한여정과차이나타운의발전과정을엿볼수있는방대한전시를준비중이라고한다. 불아사 ( 佛牙寺 ) 는당나라양식을좇아만다라문양형태로지은건물이다. 3층에위치한불교문화박물관에는석가모니진신사리가전시되어있고, 4층에는황금 320킬로그램으로만든거대한탑에이절의이름에서도짐작할수있는석가모니치아사리가보관되어있다. 차이나타운의불교와힌두교사원중가장화려한곳은타밀힌두족의성소이자싱가포르에서가장오랜역사를지닌스리마리암만사원이다. Food Street, which recently underwent a makeover and now has a roof to shelter it from tropical downpours. The Chinatown Heritage Center is also undergoing a renovation and is set to reopen later this year. Visitors will be greeted with a more interactive experience, with exhibits on how Chinese migrants reached Singapore and the history of Chinatown. Another tourist draw, the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum, built in the style of the Tang Dynasty and in the form of a mandala, has been open to the public since 2007. On its third floor, the Buddhist Culture Museum contains relics of the Buddha including bone and tongue. The Sacred Light Hall, on the fourth floor, houses the temple s centerpiece and namesake, the Buddha Tooth Relic, in a giant stupa made of 320kg of gold. 대관람차인싱가포르플라이어위에서는센트럴비즈니스지구의전경이한눈에내려다보인다 ( 왼쪽페이지 ). 유서깊은역사지구인차이나타운 ( 아래 ). The Singapore Flyer affords a view of the Central Business District (opposite), beyond which lies the heritage area of Chinatown (below). Of all the ornate Chinese, Buddhist and Hindu temples in Chinatown, one of the most colorful is the Sri Mariamman Temple, which is also one of the main places of worship for Tamil Hindus in the country. 올해로독립 50주년을맞은싱가포르는최근오랜시간공들여완성한다채로운시설을대대적으로공개했다. 과거시청과대법원이던건물을개조해이번달에개장할예정인국립미술관에서는싱가포르및기타지역에서활약하는현대예술가들의대규모컬렉션전시를준비중이며, 지난해 6월에공식개장한싱가포르스포츠허브는각종운동경기를필두로공연예술과쇼핑, 식당가를아우르는대형복합시설을표방한다. 싱가포르에서는이런과감한융합과결합이매우자연스럽게다가오는데, 이도시국가자체가다양한아시아문화의어울림을통해완성되었기때문인것같다. 다양성을대표하는차이나타운과리틀인디아, 그리고캄퐁글람은일찌감치싱가포르도시재개발청에서보존을결정한바있다. 과거와현재의공존을가장강렬히느낄수있는차이나타운은길거리의홍등과고풍스러운상점이특징이며, 전통시장과관광상품을파는매점이줄지어있다. 각종가게와식당은물론노점과행상에서파는음식은후각을자극하는딤섬부터껍질이바삭바삭한오리고기까지, 그스펙트럼이아주넓다. 스미스가 ( 街 ) 는이른바 먹자골목 으로조성되면서아예차이나타운의음식거리로통하게되었는데, This year Singapore is celebrating the 50 th anniversary of its independence with several grand unveilings, including the National Gallery, which opens this month and houses a massive collection of modern art from Singapore and the greater region. While the art space is a fusion of the former City Hall and Supreme Court, the Singapore Sports Hub, which opened in June 2014, is a versatile megafacility. Such audacious mixing and melding seems to come naturally to Singapore a city-state that is itself an irresistible blend of Asian cultures. Each of Singapore s main heritage areas Chinatown, Little India and Kampong Glam have been flagged for conservation by Singapore s Urban Redevelopment Authority. Best representing the crossroads of past and present is Chinatown, adorned with hanging red lanterns and overflowing with traditional markets. In addition to the shops and restaurants, food carts and hawkers sell everything from fragrant dim sum to crispy duck. The main food area is Smith Street, or Chinatown 22
다채로운문화색이렇게전통의흔적이빼곡한차이나타운이지만, 한편에서는 28 홍콩스트리트, 오퍼레이션 While Chinatown s core is filled with signs of the past, the area is also becoming known for cocktail bars like 28 스리베라마칼리암만사원은리틀인디아에서가장오래된건물중하나다 ( 왼쪽페이지 ). 새롭게선보인인도문화유산센터내부 ( 위 ). Bursting with Flavor Little India, the area bounded by Serangoon Road, Sungei Road and Jalan Besar, is 대거, 그리고지거앤드포니같은칵테일바가성업중이며, 미식의천국으로명성을떨치고있다. 부킷파소문화유산 Hong Kong Street, Operation Dagger and Jigger & Pony. Keong Saik Road, in the conserved area of Bukit Pasoh, is Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple is among the oldest structures in Little India (opposite). The new Indian Heritage Center (above). rich in architecture, culture and history and buzzes with life during October and November festivals like Dewali. 보존지역에속한케옹사익로 ( 路 ) 는아르데코풍의건물들이 now one of Singapore s hottest areas, with trendy hotels, The streets are lined with spice stalls, jewelry stores and 줄지어들어섰는데, 최근들어세련된호텔과비스트로, 카페와 bistros and boutiques. Just outside the main Chinatown 많으면서도북적거리는쇼핑몰과달리편안하고여유로운 sari shops, but the main draw is the restaurants, which 부티크가속속들어서면서싱가포르최고의명소로부상했다. area, the enclaves of Ann Siang Hill and Club Street lure 분위기가연출되는점도참좋습니다. serve cuisine from every corner of the subcontinent. 차이나타운의중심부를벗어나안시앙힐언덕과클럽가가 expats with restaurants such as the Peruvian-style Tiger s 차이나타운이중국본토의풍경과냄새로자극한다면, There are large numbers of vegetarian eateries at the 교차하는지역은조금더이국적인분위기가넘실거리는데, Milk and watering holes like Gem Bar. 리틀인디아는인도이민자공동체의색감과소리로생동감을 southern end of the neighborhood, clustered around Sri 페루풍의타이거스밀크같은식당과젬바를비롯한세련된 Chinatown is also home to a vibrant arts scene, 안겨준다. 세랑군로와숭게이로, 그리고잘란브사르로가경계를 Veeramakaliamman Temple. One of the stalwarts for 술집이이방인의향수를달래준다. including the Red Dot Design Museum and ReDot Fine Art 이루는이지역에는인도고유의건축물과문화가가득하며, Tamil locals is Komala Vilas on Serangoon Road, which 그런가하면레드닷디자인박물관과리닷미술관등은 Gallery. The art scene in Singapore continues to grow, 10 월과 11 월에는등명제 ( 燈明祭 ) 를비롯한각종축제로더욱 opened its doors in 1947, and South Indian flavors entice 차이나타운을활기찬예술현장으로이끈다. 싱가포르예술계는 and it has become significantly more professional in the 활기를띤다. 거리에는향신료노점과보석가게, 사리전문점이 the senses at Madras New Woodlands Restaurant. 눈부신성장을거듭하고있어요. 최근 10 년사이괄목할 last 10 years, ReDot director Giorgio Pilla says. We 즐비하지만, 이곳의가장큰매력이라면역시인도요리를두루 New to Little India is the Indian Heritage Center, 만한성과를거두었습니다. 리닷미술관조르조필라관장의 chose the new location as it has for 10 or more years been 맛볼수있는식당가일것이다. 스리베라마칼리암만사원이 which divides its exhibits into five themes, including the 말이다. 새로운장소를선택하는데에는 10 년넘게시각예술의 a visual-arts cluster. I love the iconic building we are in, 중심을이루는리틀인디아남단에는특히채식주의식당이많이 contributions of Indians in Singapore. Another debut 집결지로서자리매김해온그간의명성이큰영향을미쳤습니다. and I love the fact that we still get a lot of natural traffic, 포진해있다. 1947 년에문을연세랑군로의코말라빌라스는 this year was Artwalk Little India, a public art project 저는우리가새로입주한상징적인건물이무척마음에 given the high profile of the building, but yet we have a nice 싱가포르내타밀족의아지트같은곳이며, 마드라스뉴우들랜즈 celebrating the district s heritage and culture. Started as 듭니다. 눈에띄는이건물덕분에자연스럽게드나드는사람이 relaxed ambiance, unlike a shopping mall. 레스토랑은남인도의풍미로사람들을유혹한다. part of Singapore Art Week, it engages the public through 24 25 november 2015
리틀인디아에새로문을연인도문화유산센터에서는인도이민자들이싱가포르발전에기여한공로를비롯하여총다섯가지주제의전시를관람할수있다. 역시올해발족한 아트워크리틀인디아 는이지역의전통과문화유산을기리기위한공공예술프로젝트다. 싱가포르아트주간 의일환으로, 전시와영화, 음악, 공연을통해일반대중에게다가간다. 리틀인디아와인접한잘란브사르는싱가포르의신 ( 新 ) 명소다. 독특한분위기의바에앉아커피를내리는바리스타를구경할수있는커피전문점쳬썽홧하드웨어, 그리고 1925 마이크로브루어리앤드레스토랑등이유명하고, 중의학약제사협회건물을개조해서새로문을연드러기스츠도인기가높은데, 이곳에선 23가지수제맥주를맛볼수있다. 싱가포르의무슬림공동체인캄퐁글람은세개의문화유산지구가만나는삼각형의북동쪽끝에자리잡고있다. 이곳은 art installations, films, music and performances. Neighboring Little India is Jalan Besar, one of Singapore s up-and-coming areas. Popular draws include the coffee roastery Chye Seng Huat Hardware, where patrons can sit around an island bar and watch the baristas at work. A trendy new bar, Druggists, occupies the former headquarters of the Chinese Druggists Association and has 23 craft beers on tap. Occupying the northeast corner of the triangle formed by the three heritage neighborhoods is Kampong Glam, the center of Singapore s Muslim community. Here an eclectic blend of history and culture mingles with a trendy lifestyle scene. The lanes near the Malay Heritage Center and towering Sultan Mosque are filled with outdoor 다채로운문화와예술이세련된생활양식과어우러지는 공간이다. 말레이시아문화유산센터와하늘높이솟은술탄모스크인근에는노천카페, 그리고현지인이즐겨먹는음식부터일식과스웨덴, 멕시코요리에이르는다국적음식을파는식당이빼곡하다. 쇼핑을좋아하는사람들은현지디자이너브랜드를 캄퐁글람의술탄모스크는싱가포르말레이지구의대표적인랜드마크다 ( 아래 ). 마리나베이지역에위치한가든스바이더베이공원전경 ( 오른쪽페이지 ). The Sultan Mosque is a key landmark of Kampong Glam, Singapore s Malay neighborhood (below). Gardens by the Bay (opposite). 다양하게만날수있는하지레인을즐겨찾는다. 그리고캄퐁글람과가까운거리에들어선싱가포르스포츠허브에서는운동경기관람은물론이고각종시설을무료로이용할수있으며, 스포츠와연관이없는문화행사도풍성하게진행된다. 싱가포르국립박물관도중국, 인도, 말레이시아의문화가한데어우러지는곳인데, 지난 9월에재개장한상설관에서는이도시국가의역사를보다깊이조망해볼수있다. 이번에특별히스위스의유명향수회사인지보단과손잡고전시내용에맞춰비온후의상쾌함을안겨주는향수에서부터공해가심했던시절싱가포르강의고약한냄새에이르기까지다양한향을개발했으며, 싱가포르독립 50주년을기념하는 시티 라는이름의향수는박물관의기념품가게에서한시적으로판매한다. 박물관을나설때면협소한영토의한계에도불구하고불과반세기만에눈부신발전을거둔이도시국가를다시금새로운안목으로바라보게될것이다. 이렇듯싱가포르가미래를향해성큼도약하는한편으로말레이시아와중국, 그리고인도의문화유산이여전히현재에굳건히뿌리내리고있다는사실, 그지혜로운공존은우리의마음을편안하게한다. 글말린골드먼사진보아즈로템 cafés and eateries featuring everything from local favorites to Japanese, Swedish and Mexican cuisines. For shopaholics, the popular Haji Lane is home to many stores selling the creations of local designer brands. Just a hop, skip and a jump from Kampong Glam is the new Singapore Sports Hub, which offers sports spectacles and a wide range of public exercise and sport facilities. Another place where all three of Singapore s main cultures blend together is the National Museum of Singapore, which reopened its permanent galleries in September of this year. With help from the Swiss flavor and scent maker Givaudan, the museum created various evocative smells for the exhibits and even developed a fragrance named City, in a nod to Singapore s 50 th birthday. Visitors are sure to leave the museum with a new appreciation of the city-state. As the Lion City bounds into the future, it is comforting to know that its Malay, Chinese and Indian districts are still firmly planted in the present. By Marlene Goldman Photographs by Boaz Rottem 27 november 2015
Special Destination Guidebook Sports Central 스포츠애호가의중심지싱가포르스포츠허브 Urban Village 싱가포르무슬림공동체의중심캄퐁글람 유명한프로운동선수뿐만아니라운동을즐기는일반시민을위한공간으로조성된싱가포르스포츠허브는이곳을찾는모든이를만족시키겠다는포부아래탄생했다. Drawing professional athletes as well as health-conscious locals, the Singapore Sports Hub aims to satisfy all with its multiple venues. 싱가포르무슬림공동체의역사문화적구심체인캄퐁글람. 이매력적인지역의모스크와상점, 레스토랑에서는수시로온갖감각의향연이펼쳐진다. Singapore s Muslim community convenes in Kampong Glam s mosques, shops and restaurants, all of which offer a feast for the senses. lane competition pool and eight- The compact grid of corridors lane training pool; and Water and alleys that snake through Sports Center for sports such as Kampong Glam bustles canoeing. There is also a sports with cafés, boutiques and library, a mall and free facilities restaurants, a far cry from the including a skate park and a neighborhood s origins as a giant chessboard. For other fishing village at the mouth of facilities, there are booking the Rochor River. Here, antiques rates and equipment charges. shops intermingle with Middle 칼랑분지를굽어보는 35 만 암벽장등여러시설의이용료와 Set on 35ha of land overlooking One of the goals behind the Eastern restaurants and bistros, Persian, Moorish and Turkish 캄퐁글람을종횡으로촘촘하게 테타릭을마시는손님들로 제곱미터부지에조성된 장비대여료도아주저렴한편이다. the Kallang Basin, the project is to help Singaporeans all set in restored heritage themes. At the heart of the 연결하는길과골목에는카페와 넘쳐난다. 길끝에는술탄모스크가 싱가포르스포츠허브 (www. 단, 분주한시간대와한가한 Singapore Sports Hub (www. become more physically active, buildings. The name Kampong district sits the 1840s-era Istana 부티크, 레스토랑이즐비해서, 자리하고있는데, 1924 년에완성된 sportshub.com.sg) 는싱가포르를 시간대의요금이다를수있다. sportshub.com.sg) complex part of the Singapore Sports Glam is derived from the Malay Kampong Glam, the former 로초르강하구의어촌마을이던 현재의건물은타지마할을본떠 대표하는국립경기장으로 싱가포르스포츠허브의탄생은 opened to the public in June Council s Vision 2030 strategy, word kampong, which means Sultan s palace, which since 주변일대의풍경과선명한 지었지만, 페르시아와무어, 터키 떠올랐다. 싱가포르스포츠허브는 시민들의활동적인생활양식을 2014, taking the place of a 20-year road map for using village, and glam, after the 2005 has been serving as the 대조를이룬다. 골동품가게와 문화의색채가골고루섞여있다. 스포츠와공연예술관람, 취미 이끌목적으로싱가포르스포츠 Singapore s original National sports to help Singaporeans gelam tree that used to grow in Malay Heritage Center. But 중동풍의레스토랑, 비스트로등이 이곳의중심부에위치한이스타나 활동을한장소에서두루즐길 위원회가마련한비전 2030 전략의 Stadium. With construction live long, healthy lives. Besides Singapore. The neighborhood s the main attraction for visitors 한데어우러진이곳의상점들은 캄퐁글람은 1840 년대술탄의 수있도록설계되었다. 가운데에 일환인데, 이는스포츠를통해 commencing in 2010, the sporting events, the complex cultural heritage is still on is the shops lining some of 하나같이 2 층건물을개조해서 왕궁이었던곳으로 2005 년부터 자리잡은 5 만 5000 석규모의 시민의건강과기대수명연장을 complex was designed hosts concerts and other large- full display. Arab Street s the narrow lanes, notably Haji 사용하고있다. 캄퐁글람 이라는 말레이시아문화유산센터로 주경기장은개폐식지붕아래 꾀하려는 20 주년장기로드맵이다. to accommodate sports, scale spectacles. For example, shopkeepers hawk batiks and Lane. On weekends, Haji Lane 이름은마을을의미하는말레이어 사용하고있다. 하지만이지역의 럭비와크리켓, 축구를비롯한각종 스포츠행사외에도콘서트와 entertainment and lifestyle this past summer, the Singapore baskets, while Bussorah Street becomes a car-free zone, and 캄퐁 과싱가포르에서많았던 대표적인매력은하지레인과 경기가개최된다. 주변시설로는 가족을위한공연, 각종대규모 offerings. The centerpiece is Sports Hub celebrated its one- vendors sell Muslim-inspired pedestrians can window-shop 글람나무에서따온 글람 이라는 좁은골목길에가득한가게들이다. 1 만 2000 석규모의실내경기장, 행사가이곳에서열린다. 실제로 the new 55,000-seat National year anniversary with several crafts. Kampong Glam Café is or dine alfresco. Kampong 말이합쳐진것. 이곳역시곳곳에 주말에는하지레인인근의차량을 레인 10 개의대회용수영장과레인 올여름에는제 28 회동남아시안 Stadium, sporting a retractable big events, including the 28 th often full of patrons dining on Glam still draws customers to 문화유산이잘보존되어있다. 아랍 통제하기때문에여유롭게거닐며 8 개의훈련용수영장을갖춘 OCBC 게임을비롯한다수의행사가 roof and hosting rugby, cricket Southeast Asian Games. nasi goreng and sipping teh its shisha (hookah) cafés, but all 가의가게주인들은납결염색을 눈요기를하기에좋다. 아직까지는 아쿠아틱센터, 그리고수상스포츠 열렸으며, 앞으로예정된행사로는 and soccer matches, among Upcoming events include a tarik, a hot milk tea. At the end of proprietors will have to cease 한천과바구니를소리쳐팔고, 캄퐁글람의물담배카페에 센터등이있다. 그밖에스포츠 테일러스위프트의콘서트, 다양한 others. Surrounding venues Taylor Swift concert, the ONE the street is the Sultan Mosque. offering shisha by July 2016. 부소라가의상인들은무슬림 사람들의발길이이어지지만, 도서관과박물관, 그리고대형 무술의향연을감상할수있는 include the 12,000-seat Championship of mixed martial The current building dates Despite the ban, Kampong 색채가강한공예품을판매한다. 2016 년 7 월이후로는물담배를 체스판등의시설도구비하고있다. 원챔피언십, 그리고인터내셔널 Singapore Indoor Stadium; arts and International Premier back to 1924 and was fashioned Glam s cultural ties will no 캄퐁글람카페에는나시고렝에 제공할수없게된다. 그러나이 수영장과비치발리볼경기장, 실내 프리미어테니스리그등이있다. OCBC Aquatic Center, with a 10- Tennis League matches. after the Taj Mahal, though with doubt remain intact. 곁들여말레이시아식밀크티인 거리의매력은여전할것이다. 28 29 november 2015
Special Destination Guidebook Happy Hour 싱가포르식섞음문화의일면칵테일바 숨은무허가콘셉트의술집부터옥탑에자리잡은술집에이르기까지, 싱가포르의칵테일바는세계적인명성을누리며다른어느곳에서도찾아볼수없는독특한배합의맛을선사한다. From hidden speakeasies to rooftop establishments, Singapore s cocktail bars are earning world recognition with their one-of-a-kind concoctions. leave a pleasant odor on your fingers after you put your drink down. One of the classics at Jekyll & Hyde is the Mr Bean cocktail, based on a local soy curd dessert known as tau huay. Tippling Club, on Tanjong Pagar Road, which was named one of Drinks International s World s 전세계에 싱가포르슬링 이라는 칵테일이다. 탄종파가르로에자리 The island country that brought 50 Best Bars in 2013, serves 칵테일을유행시킨이섬나라는 잡은 티플링클럽 은 2013 년에 the world the Singapore creations like the Buenos Dias 다양하고독특한칵테일로메뉴 드링크인터내셔널에서세계 sling cocktail is expanding reposado tequila, chili padi, 목록을확장해가고있다. 요즘 50 대술집에선정된바있으며, its repertoire with a range of agave, chocolate and espresso. 떠오르는일부술집은현지 대표메뉴는레포사도테킬라와 bespoke concoctions. Some Top among the speakeasy bars 재료를부쩍많이사용한다는게 매운고추, 용설란, 초콜릿에 of the trendiest bars are using and sans signage, 28 Hong 차이나타운근처탄종파가르에서 에스프레소를혼합한부에노스 ingredients that Singaporeans Kong Street draws Singapore 지킬앤드하이드 를운영하는 디아스다. 간판없이운영하는 have come to recognize as socialites and those looking 지배인알렉스탄의전언이다. 술집가운데가장유명한 28 홍콩 undeniably local, according to be seen. Finding Operation 다채로운방법으로고객의감각을 스트리트 는싱가포르의명사들이나 to Alex Tan, bar manager at Dagger requires a dark walk in 사로잡는것이요즘의대세입니다. 트렌디한공간을선호하는 Tanjong Pagar s Jekyll & Hyde, a stairwell before reaching an 음료를따르는소리부터색다른 사람들이즐겨찾는다. 숨은무허가 near Chinatown. Drinks that entryway of dangling lightbulbs. 풍미를더하기위해열을가한 술집이라는콘셉트를한단계더 engage customers on multiple The bar displays hand-labeled 향료의냄새, 심지어미리차갑게 끌어올린 오퍼레이션대거 에는 levels are all the rage now, Tan bottles containing spirits 얼려놓은유리잔을쥘때의감각과 손글씨로라벨을적고직접만든 says. From the sound of ice distilled on the premises. For a 시트러스오일을뿌려서음료수를 술을담은병이진열되어있다. shaken or stirred into the drink, change of scenery, the 28-seat 내려놓은후에도손가락에상쾌한 분위기가전혀다른 디비스포크 는 to the smell of heated spices D Bespoke is a take on a Ginza- 냄새가감돌게하는것까지그방법은이루말할수없이 일본출신의가네타카다이키가운영하는도쿄긴자풍의술집이다. that add a different dimension, and even the tactile experience style bar. The bar is helmed by Kanetaka Daiki, who designed 다채롭습니다. 지킬앤드하이드의 가네타카는티크나무가돋보이는 of holding a prechilled glass its teak-wood interior and is an 대표메뉴가운데하나는미스터빈 인테리어를직접했다고한다. peppered with citrus oils that expert on sherry. 30
Korean Air Navigation Singapore 찾아가는길 36 번버스는창이에서도심으로 컬렉션이소유한 원더러스트 추천먹을거리 싱가포르의창이공항 (www. 운행하는데, 정확한요금을미리 호텔 (www.wanderlusthotel.com) 도 차이나타운케옹사익로에자리 changiairport.com) 은그자체가 준비하거나창이공항전철역에서 그중하나인데, 1920 년대학교건물을 잡은마흔석규모의 큐어 (www. 관광명소인데, 두개의영화관과 EZ 링크카드를구입해서사용하면 호텔로개조해서사용하고있다. curesingapore.com) 는오너 비디오게임아케이드, 마사지 된다. SMRT 는마리나베이와쇼핑 이보다조금더고급스러운시설을 셰프인앤드루월시가운영하며, 숍, 옥상에해바라기정원과 명소인오처드로드, 차이나타운, 원한다면 2012 년에차이나타운 아스파라거스부터대황에이르는 나비정원까지갖추고있다. 캄퐁글람과리틀인디아를비롯한 인근의피커링에문을연 파크로열온 제철채소를이용한요리가특징이다. 싱가포르에서체류할시간이 도심대부분의명소를지난다. 피커링 (www.parkroyalhotels.com) 을 수석셰프인앤드루노센티가 길지않은사람이라면공항에서 싱가포르의버스시스템역시 고려해볼만한데, 옥상에트렌디한 현지사업가인펑로릭과손잡고 제공하는반나절일정의문화유산 이용하기에편리하다. 택시를타려면 바를갖추고있다. 캄퐁글람에있는 배가본드에문을연 5 쿼터 (www. 투어에참여해서차이나타운과 지정승강장을이용해야한다. 배가본드 (www.hotelvagabond 5thquarter.com.sg) 는큰인기를 리틀인디아, 그리고캄퐁글람등의 singapore.com) 는흥미로운예술 누리고있다. 모던한분위기의 문화명소를돌아보는것도좋은 추천숙박지 작품과뛰어난디자인감각을만끽할 그릴에서는염지육 ( 鹽漬肉 ) 을이용한 방법이다. 싱가포르의지하철과 싱가포르에는고급호텔과국제적인 수있는새로운개념의부티크 요리를선보이는데럼주에재워서 신속한대중교통환승시스템인 브랜드의호텔이두루포진해있지만, 호텔이다. 객실 2 개를상주예술가를 숙성한돼지고기뱃살부터소금과 SMRT(www.smrt.com.sg) 는이용이 개인이운영하는작은부티크호텔도 위한전용실로따로배정해놨을만큼 후추를가미한내장까지모든부위를 편리하며공항을경유한다. 많다. 리틀인디아의언리스티드 매력적인예술공간이기도하다. 사용한메뉴를맛볼수있다. 배가본드호텔 Hotel Vagabond Little India Hotel Vagabond SINGAPORE Wanderlust Hotel Singapore Sports Hub Kampong Glam Café SINGAPORE Chinatown D Bespoke 28 Hong Kong Street Parkroyal on Pickering Jekyll & Hyde Marina Bay Changi Airport 대한항공은싱가포르로매일운항합니다. Korean Air flies Incheon Singapore daily. GETTING THERE Singapore s Changi Airport (www.changiairport.com) is a destination unto itself, with two movie theaters, video game arcades and even a butterfly garden. For those spending only a short amount of time in Singapore, the airport offers a daytime Heritage Tour of the cultural districts of Chinatown, Little India and Kampong Glam. Singapore s subway and mass rapid transit system, or SMRT (www.smrt.com.sg), is easy to navigate and stops at the airport. Public bus 36 also connects Changi to downtown. Exact fare is needed. Alternatively, an EZ- Link card can be purchased at the Changi Airport train station. The SMRT connects most of the city s highlights, including Marina Bay, the shopping hub Orchard Road, Chinatown, Kampong Glam and Little India. The city also has an efficient system of buses. Pickup points for taxis are at official taxi stands. Where to Stay Luxury hotels and international brands proliferate throughout Singapore, but there are also many boutique and independent properties, such as Little India s Wanderlust Hotel (www. wanderlusthotel.com), owned by the Unlisted Collection. The four-story building started out in the 1920s as the Hong Wen School but has been transformed into a 29-room hotel, featuring works from award-winning Singapore design agencies. For a more upscale option, Parkroyal on Pickering (www.parkroyalhotels.com), near Chinatown, features a well-being floor with a spa and a rooftop bar. Hotel Vagabond (www. hotelvagabondsingapore.com), in Kampong Glam, is a boutique hotel filled with intriguing art and design touches. Two of its 42 rooms are permanently reserved for artists-in-residence. Where to Eat Located on Chinatown s busy Keong Saik Road, the 40-seat Cure (www.curesingapore. com), run by chef-owner Andrew Walsh, showcases seasonal produce, ranging from asparagus to rhubarb. The hot spot 5 th Quarter (www.5thquarter. com.sg), which is located in Hotel Vagabond, is a joint venture between executive chef Andrew Nocente and local entrepreneur Peng Loh Lik. The Italian restaurant specializes in meat curing and serves dishes that use all parts of the animal, from rum-cured pork belly to saltand-pepper tripe. Hotel Vagabond 32