컴퓨터개념및실습 소개 1
교과목개요 담당강사 김석준박사 ( 서울대학교컴퓨터연구소 ) 서울대학교 301동 517호 /552호 (02-880-7296) bryansjkim@snu.ac.kr http://archi.snu.ac.kr/bryansjkim Web page http://archi.snu.ac.kr/courses/under/18_spring_computer_concept/ 2
교재 Introduction to Computing Systems: From Bits & Gates to C & Beyond (Second Edition) by Yale N. Patt and Sanjay J. Patel 민상렬교수님온라인강의 https://youtu.be/vmwbcys1rdu 3
수업운영관련 60%: 2+ 개의시험 20%: 1 개의과제 ( 내용추후공지 ) 20%: 수업태도 / 참여 / 출석 4
컴퓨터과학 / 공학에서는 무엇을배울까? 5
조리법 (Recipe) 예 Source: 저염식실천을쉽게하는저염장을이용한저나트륨한식레시피, 농림축산식품부, 2014 년 7 월. 6
조리법 vs. 알고리즘 조리법 재료들 요리 Input Data 알고리즘 Output Data 7
알고리즘 (algorithm) 예 방의학생수세어보기 알고리즘 ( 가 ) 조교가한명한명씩센다 알고리즘 ( 나 ) 1. 모두일어나 1 을생각한다. 2. 일어서있는두사람씩짝을짓고, 각각의수를더한다. 3. 둘중한명은앉고, 일어서있는사람인 2 번으로돌아간다. 8
라면 vs. 국빈메뉴 Source: http://dimg.donga.com/wps/news/image/2015/03/07/69995297.4.jpg http://dimg.donga.com/wps/news/image/2016/11/09/81240824.3.jpg 9
요리사 vs. Computer Scientists/Engineers 요리사 괜찮은요리사가되려면? 조리법과조리기구사용법에대한이해 요리에대한이해 정말훌륭한요리사가되려면? 조리도구에대한깊은이해 미학, 문화, 역사, 철학등에관한깊은이해 Computer Scientists/Engineers 괜찮은 Computer Scientists/Engineers 가되려면? 알고리즘 / 프로그래밍언어 / 컴퓨터사용법에대한이해 풀고자하는문제에대한이해 정말훌륭한 Computer Scientists/Engineers 가되려면? 컴퓨터의동작에대한깊은이해 반도체, 양자역학에대한깊은이해 생명과학, 화학, 물리에대한깊은이해 인문학, 사회과학에대한깊은이해 10
중요한문제의예 #1 Understanding the universe Why we should go to mars - https://youtu.be/pltrdgf-ycs nasa.gov 11
중요한문제의예 #2 Disaster prediction yonhapnews.co.kr arirang.co.kr 12
중요한문제의예 #3 Cancer treatment www.encognitive.com 13
다시조리법으로 Manti: Turkish lamb dumplings with yogurt and brown butter tomato sauce Source: 저염식실천을쉽게하는저염장을이용한저나트륨한식레시피, 농림축산식품부, 2014 년 7 월. 1. Make the pasta dough: Combine the eggs, flour, water, olive oil, and 1 1 2 teaspoons of salt in a stand mixer fitted with the hook attachment. Mix on the lowest speed for 6 minutes, until all the flour is hydrated and a dough begins to come together. Increase to second speed and continue mixing until dough is smooth and quite elastic, about 5 minutes more. Wrap the dough loosely in plastic and rest 1 hour before rolling it out. 2. Meanwhile, make the filling: In a medium bowl, combine the lamb with the grated onion, salt, Baharat, and black pepper. Mix well with your hands or a wooden spoon and refrigerate until you are ready to shape the dumplings. 3. Make the dumplings: Line two sheet pans or cookie sheets with lightly oiled parchment paper and preheat oven to 425. Divide the pasta dough into three equal pieces; keep the remaining dough covered as you work. On a very lightly floured surface, use a rolling pin to roll 1 piece into a thin, even rectangle measuring 11 1 2 -by-16 1 2 inches. Trim the edges and cut the rectangle into 15 3-by-3-inch squares. Place about 2 teaspoons of lamb filling in the center of one square, then fold the four corners up to meet in a point, pressing the edges tightly together to make a neat parcel. Continue shaping the remaining squares, then repeat with the remaining dough. Space the dumplings evenly on the prepared pans and bake in the preheated oven for 12 14 minutes, until they are lightly toasted. 4. Bring a large pot of salted water up to a rolling boil. Cook the dumplings in batches of 15; boil for 6 8 minutes, till the pasta is tender. Scoop the cooked dumplings out of the pot using a slotted spoon and set back on the lined sheet trays as you continue cooking the remaining dumplings. When they have all been boiled, stir 1 3 cup of the cooking water into the seasoned yogurt to thin and warm it a bit. If the tomato sauce has cooled, gently rewarm it over a low flame. 5. To serve, divide the yogurt sauce evenly between 6 bowls. Add 7 8 manti to each dish, followed by 1 4 cup of tomato sauce. Sprinkle the pasta generously with mara pepper, dried spearmint, and sumac, and serve immediately. www.savuer.com 14
조리기구 떡국을가능하게하는조리기구 복잡한요리를가능하게하는조리기구들 15
중요한문제풀이를 가능하게하는것들의예 #1 Supercomputer www.wikipedia.com 16
중요한문제풀이를 가능하게하는것들의예 #2 Specialized processors www.extremetech.com www.nvidia.com 17
중요한문제풀이를 가능하게하는것들의예 #3 System infrastructure irisns.com easytechnow.com microsoft.com coursera.com 18
다시떡국으로 Source: 저염식실천을쉽게하는저염장을이용한저나트륨한식레시피, 농림축산식품부, 2014 년 7 월. 19
떡국재료들 떡 쌀을심는다? 계란 닭을기른다? 간장 콩을심는다? 마늘 마늘을심는다? 대파 대파를심는다? 소고기 소를기른다? 멸치 멸치를잡는다? 다시마 다시마를딴다? 20
Abstraction blog.naver.com en.wikipedia.com nonghyup.com 21
Abstraction 의좋은점? 나쁜점? 22
컴퓨터과학 / 공학에서는 무엇을배울까? Source: 저염식실천을쉽게하는저염장을이용한저나트륨한식레시피, 농림축산식품부, 2014 년 7 월. 23
Food for Thoughts #1 Source: Elert, E. Tech Trajectories. IEEE Spectrum, July 26 (2013) 24
Food for Thoughts #2 Source: Elert, E. Tech Trajectories. IEEE Spectrum, July 26 (2013) 25
추천 Web Site Top 3 MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Sites Coursera https://www.coursera.org/ edx https://www.edx.org/ Udacity https://www.udacity.com/ 26
꼭기억해야할것 컴퓨터개념및실습교과목을열심히공부하자. 교양교과목을열심히공부하자. 나를가슴뛰게하고세상을 ( 좋게 ) 바꿀수있는일을찾자. 27