:, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium The world of script is open and closed at the same time. Exploration of script, the medium of communication.

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:, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium The world of script is open and closed at the same time. Exploration of script, the medium of communication.

48 :, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium 49 Welcome to Paradise :,,, 2016 Welcome to Paradise GRANSHAN Design: KIM Changsik Printed on fabrics, mixed media, Dimensions variable, 2016 (GRANSHAN) writing of sign,.., (Mesrop Mashtots)., 10. GRANSHAN means writing of sing in Armenian. It is a foundation that hosts GRANSHAN Type Design Competition, the international conference as well as the non-latin typefaces design festival in collaboration with Typographical Society in Munich and Armenia. The competition aims to support documenting human thoughts and languages beautifully. GRANSHAN regards that Seoul has lots of similarities with: Yerevan, Armenia, where the GRANSHAN competition has begun, the creation background and the story of Mesrop Mashtots, who made the Armenian script, Hayots aybuben, thus participates World Script Symposia. They shows the winners of competition of global non-latin font designs at conference room and exhibits the designed banners where around ten different non-latin scripts implied in Ikseon-dong alley.

50 :, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium 51 Welcome to Paradise

52 :, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium 53 PET, 84x118cm, 2014~2015 Granshan International Non-latin Type Competition Winners Exhibition Granshan International Non-latin Type Competition Winners Exhibition GRANSHAN Printed on PET, 84x118cm each, 2014~2015

54 :, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium 55 Granshan International Non-latin Type Competition Winners Exhibition

56 :, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium 57 worldscript.org worldscript.org (, ), 2016 worldscript.org Kim Yang Project (GIM Jungi, YANG Jeongsoo) Digital, 2016 (Kim Yang Project), (Writing system). worldscrip.org. worldscript.org (country), (language), (script), (glyph).,., 800. Kim Yang Project focused on the beginning of world script, which was rooted in linguistic inscription and they have confirmed that influence of writing system is dominant in the status of vanishing or maintaining a certain language in the process of exploring on world script. Hence, before understanding world script, worldscript.org is established in order to discover the clues for reviewing meanings and directions of World Script Symposia. Worldscript.org is an archive of world script systemized in four categories: country, language, script, and glyph. These ranges of script, which is easily confused in general, are categorized into four groups, so that the user can find the shape of a letter that consists script within his or her needs. With establishing a standard on nations that have over eight million population, the user can also check the number of scripts and glyphs that each nation uses.

58 :, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium 59 worldscript.org worldscript.org.. Country UN.. Language.. Script (UNICODE).. (,, ). Language-English. Country : 25 Language : 1 Script : 1 Population : 2,162,598,114 (English) 25, 21 6. Country. Script,. worldscript.org, (Script). Cyrillic Cyrillic Supplement Greek Ancient Greek Numbers Latin (ASCII) Latin-1 Supplement Latin Extended-A Latin Extended-B Latin Extended Additional Latin Ligatures Fullwidth Latin Letters Bopomofo CJK Unified Ideographs (Han)?(35MB) CJK Extension- A?(6MB) CJK Extension?B?(40MB) CJK Extension?D CJK Extension?E?(3.5MB) CJK Compatibility Ideographs Hangul Compatibility Jamo Hangul Syllables Hiragana Katakana Halfwidth Katakana

60 :, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium 61 Hunt and Peck,,,, 2016 Hunt and Peck BAE Insook Leap motion, computer, sound, Dimensions variable, 2016.,. Hunt and Peck consists of solving a word-play quiz that uses the trending homonyms, by typing the answer using just two fingers. The act of typing with just two fingers reminds the hardship of using an unaccustomed keyboard, and the reality where a contemporary man must adapt to a new interface.

62 :, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium 63 Hunt and Peck

64 :, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium 65 Script Song MDF,,,, 2016 Script Song BAE Insook MDF, sound, speaker, Dimensions variable, 2016.,.,, CDEFGAB.. A name is an appointed word for a person or an object. A name is a proper noun, even though there are several names for a single object. For example, musical notes can be called in different names such as Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do, or CDEFGAB, but they all make the same sound when played in music. Script Song expresses the will to reveal and sing out loud the hidden notes in music.

66 :, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium 67 Give and Take,,,, 2016 Give and Take SHIN Hyocheol Ball pit, neon light, paint marker, Dimensions variable, 2016 (SNS). SNS.. (tagging).. SNS. 1. 2. 3. 4. The confirmation and sharing of places through SNS is vigorously growing today. Many people post and share places they have visited on their SNS account, and when researching a new location, reviews written by past visitors are used. The information of a place changes through the repetition of tagging and web-search online. Give and Take is a stage where the participants share balls with information written on, in a certain space. The installation placed in a café transforms into a real version of SNS where people leave their marks and take other people s reviews and impressions. 1 The participant receives a ball and a pen as they enter. 2 The participant records their thoughts of the place, or things they wish to share with other visitors on the ball. 3 The participant may leave their ball in a location they choose. 4 Each participant may take another participant s ball.

68 :, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium 69 Give and Take

70 :, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium 71 Moving Ikseon-dong, 38 30 45cm,, 2016 Moving Ikseon-dong IM Sunhee Silk-screen printed map on objet made of wood and steel, 38 30 45cm each, Dimensions Variable, 2016,,..,. Moving Ikseon-dong is an objet placed in between the home and the streets, two homes, and visitors and residents. A map of Ikseon-dong marking the location of the audience is printed on top of the chair and table shaped objet, throughout Ikseondong. The objet acts as a Haengnang placed in between a home and the streets, a place where people interact and concord, as well as a sign indicating the current location of the audience in the maze-like Ikseon-dong area.

72 :, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium 73 Moving Ikseon-dong

74 :, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium 75 Moving Ikseon-dong

76 :, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium 77 Moving Ikseon-dong

78 :, Haengnang: Open and Close, Medium 79.... :,,, 180 180 122cm, 2016.. Dispatch Collective Assistant: KIM Taehyup, LEE Dongkyu Pop board, fabric, 180 180 122cm, 2016 180cm,, 4.. This work, designed by the dispatched artists from Nakwon Music Mall and World Script Institute, is installed in the Art Lounge Awesome Sky in Nakwon Music Mall. The,, shaped sculptures measure 180cm in height, and are placed on top of grass. The audience can complete the meaning of the work by creating the vowels with their bodies to supplement the consonants.