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제 23 차대한당뇨병학회춘계학술대회 May 6-8. 2010 전북대학교의학전문대학원 내분비대사내과 박태선

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Neuropathic foot Ischemic foot Plantar aspect of the foot under the metatarsal heads or on the plantar aspects of the toes Medial aspect of first MTP joint of foot pitting edema, hallux valgus and erythemafrom pressure from tight shoe on medial aspect of first MTP joint

General Evaluation for Diabetic Foot General condition Glycemic control Occupational history Medical photography Six concerns vascular testing, sensory testing, ROM of joint, contracture of tendon, bony prominence, skin and nail condition

Diabetic Foot Disorders Frykberg RG et al J Foot Ankle Surg (2006)

Diabetic Foot Ulceration Frykberg RG et al J Foot Ankle Surg (2006)

Assessment of Diabetic foot ulcers

Wagner ulcer classification* Grade Description 0 No ulcer, but high risk foot (bony prominences, callus, claw toes, etc) 1 Superficial full thickness ulcer 2 Deep ulcer, may involve tendons. No bone involvement 3 Deep ulcer with bone involvement: osteomyelitis 4 Localized gangrene, e.g., toes 5 Gangrene of whole foot * Not specific for diabetes and not consider other factors (e.g., infection, neuropathy) G1 G2 G3

Diabetic Foot Infection

Infection in Dibetic Foot Absence fever or leukocytosis Organism; polymicrobial; G + cocci, G - rods (Pseudomonas), anaerobes Foul smelling ; suspicious anaerobic or enteroccocal infection Culture study; swab to bone Gas(+) on X-ray; aerobic G + cocci or G - rod

PolymicrobialDiabetic Foot Infections

Charcot Foot

Neuropathic Ulcer: Charcot foot deformity. Large painless ulcer on bottom of foot. Lateral x-ray demonstrates marked soft tissue swelling as well as boney destruction caused by underlying osteomyelitis

Charcot foot (Diabetic Neuroarthropathy) Adapted from Sanders LJ and Frykberg RG. The High Risk Foot in Diabetes Mellitus p108

Diabetic PAD

Frykberg RG et al. J Foot Ankle Surg. (2006)

Frykberg RG et al. J Foot Ankle Surg. (2006)

Risk Categorization System Category Risk Profile Evaluation Frequency 0 Normal Annual 1 2 3 Peripheral neuropathy(lops) Neuropathy, deformity and/or PAD Previous ulcer or amputation Semi-annual Quarterly Monthly to quarterly

Precipitating causes of foot ulcer and infection Friction in ill fitting or new shoes Untreated, self treated callus Foot injuries (eg, unnoticed trauma in shoes or when walking barefoot) Burns(eg, hot bath, water bottle, radiator, sand) Corn plaster Nail infections (paronychia) Heel friction in patients confined to bed Foot deformities

Clinical Manifestation Symptoms: neuralgia, swelling, discharge, ulceration, gangrene. Neuropathy burning, searing, tingling sensation 화끈거린다, 저리다, 시리다, 조인다, 이불이스치면괴로워발을내놓고잔다. worse at night bilateral and symmetric around ankle and foot

Physical Examination Evaluation of both feet Gait pattern and shoes ROM: ankle, toe, knee Shape of foot, foot arch Swelling, redness, warmth Deformity: bunion, claw toe, hind foot deformity Skin and nail condition Web condition

Pressure mat

Factors suggesting hospitalization Severe infection Metabolic instability IV therapy needed (and not available as outpatient) Diagnostic tests needed ( not available as outpatient) Critical foot ischemia Surgical procedures required Compliance with treatment unlikely Complex dressing changes needed

Neurologic Test Skin condition ; dry, flaking, crackled skin Sensory: Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments (5.07) D/Dx with other neurologic abnormality Tinnel sign for tarsal tunnel syndrome DTR EMG & NCV

Use of Monofilament JAMA. 2005;293:217-228

Vibration threshold measure machine

Quantitative Sensory Test machine

Vascular Studies P/E ; pulse, capillary filling, warmth, skin condition Ankle-Brachial arterial Index (ABI) Ankle pressure > 70mmHg, Toe pressure > 40mmHg Doppler U/S and Pulse-Volume Recordings (PVRs) Oxymetry, TcPO2 Angiography

ABI -a sensitive parameter to confirm PAD Procedure: Measure the systolic blood pressure by Doppler probe in the brachial and dorsalis pedis arteries of each sides use the highest of the brachial pressure (left or right) use the highest ankle pressure (dorsalis pedis or posterior tibial) for each leg calculate the ABI: divide the ankle pressure by the highest brachial pressure. Interpretation: ABI 1.0: normal ABI 0.8-1.0: mild arterial occlusive disease ABI 0.5-0.8: moderate arterial occlusive disease ABI 0.5: severe arterial occlusive disease

Ankle Brachial Index

Hand held Doppler Ultrasound

Laboratory Study Blood glucose (FBS, pp2) CBS and total lymphocyte ESR/CRP Protein, Alb Smear culture Measurement of foot pressure Foot printing

Imaging Study Simple X-ray: Foot standing lateral, AP, oblique view MRI Bone Scan Gallium scan, Indium scan

Screening Methods for Diabetic Foot Monofilament (Light Touch Sensation) Biothesiometer (Vibratory Sensation) Tuning Fork (Vibratory sensation) Pressure mat or Platform (Plantar pressure) 선별검사양성기준 1 Insensate site Vibration perception threshold >25V Patient loses vibration while examiner still perceives it Cutoffs: 59 N/cm 2 ; 70 N/cm 2 ; 87.5 N/cm 2; 민감도 % 66-91 83-86 55-61 57;70;64 특이도 % 34-86 57-63 59-72 70;65;46 Comment Inexpensive, quick, widely available, validated; number of test sites needed unclear Accuracy similar to monofilament, but more expensive and not as widely available Inexpensive, quick, widely available, less predictive than monofilament Numerical value of plantar pressure is device-specific; optimal cutoff unknown Singh N et al. JAMA. 2005;293:217-228

Multidisciplinary Team Approach Endocrinology Orthopedic surgery Vascular surgery Plastic surgery Neurology Orthosis or Shoe Rehabilitation Physical medicine

Conclusion Diabetic foot problems result in major medical, social, and economic consequences for patients, their families, and society Neuropathy is the major contributory factor in the pathogenesis of diabetic foot ulcers All patients with diabetes should have a thorough foot examination at least annually

Thank you for your attention for your patients foot!!