강의계획서 (Syllabus) 2011 학년도제 1 학기 교과목명 Title) 컴퓨터그래픽스와실습 학수번호 No. -Class No.) CSE4030-01 이수구분 Classification) 강의실 / 수업시간 (Classroom & Time) 전공 학점 (Credit) 3 ( 설계학점 :2) 화 4.5-6.0, 금 5.0-6.5 404-B107( 원흥관 2 F010 컴퓨터공학과전용실험실 ),404-B107( 원흥관 2 F010 컴퓨터공학과전용실험실 ) 담당교수 (Instructor) 담당조교 (Teaching Assistant) 이름 (Name) 홍정모이름 (Name) 이정현 연구실위치 (Office) 정보문화관 P606 호 / 충무로관 614 호 연락처 1( 연구실 ) (Office Phone Number) 02)2260-3826 연락처 1( 연구실 ) (Office Phone Number) 02-2275-3826 e- 메일 (E-mail) jmhong@dgu.edu e- 메일 (E-mail) 연락처2( 휴대폰 ) (Cellular Phone) 010-8573-0515 연락처2( 휴대폰 ) (Cellular Phone) 상담시간 (Office Hours) Available after lecture and by appointment. 상담시간 (Office Hours) Available after lecture and by appointment. 강의개요 Description) 컴퓨터그래픽스는컴퓨터를이용하여시각화를하는모든종류의기술을다루는학문이다. 최근에는게임프로그래밍이나영화특수효과, 삼차원디지털애니메이션, 증강현실같은문화기술의핵심으로써자리매김하고있다. 이과목에서는기하학모델링, 랜더링, 애니메이션과같이실시간삼차원그래픽소프트웨어를제작하는데있어서필수적인주제들을소개한다. 이번학기부터는이론학습에치중한 OpenGL 대신실무에보다가까운 DirectX 를바탕으로이론교육과실습을진행할예정이며모든예제에 S3D(Stereoscopic 3D) 를적용할계획이다. Computer graphics has take care of all kinds of computer-based visualization techniques. Recently, it has become a key-topic in many applications of the culture technology such as game programming, movie special effects, 3D digital animation, virtual reality, etc. This course introduces the computer graphics topics such as geometric modeling, rendering, and computer animation while it also focuses on programming the real-time 3D graphic software that has a variety of applications. *From this semester, S3D(stereoscopic 3D) technique used for many of recent feature movies such as 'Avatar' will also be introduced* 강의목표 Objectives) 강의목표 To understand fundamental topics in computer graphics such as graphics pipeline, basics of 3D computational geometry, light-material models, texturing techinques, etc. 1/7
강의목표 Objectives) To design and implement a 3D graphics software that is essential to real-time human-computer interfaces for virtual reality and game programming. 강의목표 학습성과목록 (Learning Outcomes) 학습성과 1 2 3 ( 기본지식 ) 수학, 기초과학, 전문교양에서습득한이론과지식을전공에응용할수있는능력 ( 분석계획 ) 자료를이해하고분석할수있는능력및프로젝트를계획하고관리할수있는능력 ( 설계구현 ) 현실적제한조건에맞추어구성요소와시스템을설계할수있는능력 4 ( 모델링 ) 컴퓨터정보기술관련문제들을인식하며, 모델링할수있는능력 5 ( 도구활용 ) 컴퓨터정보기술관련실무에필요한기술, 방법, 최신도구를사용할수있는능력 6 ( 팀웍 ) 복합학제적팀의한구성원으로서역할을해낼수있는능력 7 ( 의사전달 ) 효과적으로의사를전달할수있는능력 8 ( 평생교육 ) 평생교육의필요성인식과이에능동적으로참여할수있는능력 9 ( 통합지식 ) 컴퓨터정보기술해결방안이세계적, 경제적, 환경적, 사회적상황에끼치는영향을이해할수있는폭넓은지식 10 ( 시사논점 ) 시사적논점들에대한기본지식 11 ( 직업윤리 ) 직업적책임과윤리적책임에대한인식 12 ( 국제성 ) 세계문화에대한이해와국제적으로협동할수있는능력 강의방법 (Teaching Method) 성적평가 (Grading) Fundamental theories will be taught in lectures. The use of head-aching mathematics will be avoided in the viewpoint of imiplemenation. A large number of visual examples will allow students to understand intuitively. Details of programming techniques will given in programming classes to implement and finish programming assignments. 출석중간고사기말고사과제물 설계프로젝트 15% 20% 0% 15% 50% 기타 5 기타 6 기타 7 기타 8 기타 9 기타 10 기타 11 기타 12 2/7
요소 (Category) 평가방법 (Assessment) 출석 Attendance (10), Participation (5) 중간고사 기말고사 과제물 Math Problems + Lab Reports 설계프로젝트프로젝트진행 ( 제안서, 중간보고 ) 20, 주차별회의록 5, 최종결과 25 수강요건 ( 선수과목포함 ) PreRequisites) Basic programming, data structure, object-oriented programming. Experiences on linear algebra and c++ language are helpful but not required. 시험기출문제및모범답안공개여부 (provide previous exams and answer keys) N 강의구성구분 (Structure) 비율 (Percentage) 강의구조 Structure) 강의 50 실험실습 50 과제명 (Assignment Title) 제출일자 (Due Date) 제출방법 (Mode of Submission) 과제 (Assignments) 교재및참고서적 (Textbooks & Reference books) 구분 (Type) 주교재 교재명 (Title) 교안개선작업후공시예정 저자 (Author) 출판사 (Publisher) 출판년도 (Publish ed Date) 지정도서 Reserved books) 3/7
기타안내사항 (Other Information) 4/7
주별강의일정 (Class Schedule) 주 (Week) 1 2 3 강의내용 (Class Topic & Contents) Week 1. The first step on a journey to the virtual world Week 2. Let's get drawing! Week 3. Living in a 3 dimensional world 예습 (Preparation) An introduction to computer graphics and interactive techniques How does your computer draw? Geometric objects in 3D 과제 (Assignment) start graphics programming Lab: A review on 2D graphics Lab: Starting 3D graphics without agonizing pain 수업활동유형 (Class Type) 4 Week 4. Make them move 5 6 7 Week 5. Show yourself! Week 6. The magician of light Week 7. The magician of material Geometric transformations Viewing Light and matter Shading move your cubes in 3D Lab: One shot, one kill - FPS interface light the virtual world color the virtual objects 8 Week 8. Midterm exam Midterm exam Midterm exam 시험 9 10 Week 9. Are you naked? Week 10. Do you want to be rich in your 2nd life? Discrete techniques Modeling and hierarchy clothe your virtual girl friend Lab: Modeling practice with Maya 11 Week 11. Shall we dance? Introduction to computer animation Lab: Life as a virtual puppeteer 5/7
주 (Week) 강의내용 (Class Topic & Contents) 예습 (Preparation) 과제 (Assignment) 수업활동유형 (Class Type) 12 Week 12. World is rigid Unconstrained Rigid Body Dynamics Lab: Introduction to PhysX simulation 13 Week 13. World of Conflict Constrained Rigid Body Dynamics Lab: More Applications of PhysX 14 Week 14. Let There Be Light Ray-tracing Lab: Ray-tracing with Mental Ray 15 Week 15. Final exam Final exam Final exam 시험 16 Week 16. 3D graphics programming competition 6/7
설계지침서 개설학기 2011-1 교과목명 컴퓨터그래픽스와실습 학수 / 강좌번호 CSE4030-01 이수구분및학점 전공 3 담당교수 홍정모 설계학점 2 Design and implement 3D graphics applications. 설계교육목표 Informal capstone design style team project. 설계교육방법 설계교육내용 설계기초요소목표설정규격결정합성및분석구현시험및평가 설계제한조건비용제품화설계사양 / 개발환경외양 / 동작환경사회성 설계기간 단기목표 PERSONAL IMPELEMTATION PROJECT 설계내용 BASIC GRAPHICS PROGRAMMING 산출결과 TEXTBOOK-STYLE 3D VISUAL APPLICATION 설계기간 단기목표 FINAL TEAM PROJECT 설계내용 PROGRAMMING GRAPHICS APPLICATIONS BY MEANS OF THE THCHNIQUES THOUGHT BY 산출결과 DESIGN PLAN, ONGOING REPORT, FINAL REPORT, C++ CODES, AND EXECUTABLE FILES 설계기간 단기목표설계내용산출결과 설계기간 단기목표설계내용산출결과 평가항목평가비율 7/7