영어단기학교 [ 듣단기 ] 토익시작문제풀이반 Lesson 1 업무관련 1. 실내업무 업무에필요한컴퓨터작업, 문서작성, 타이핑, 전화통화등이출제된다. 2. 실외업무 도로공사, 건축공사현장, 화물이송, 쌓여있는박스등의사진이출제된다. 1. 실내업무관련사진다음녹음을듣고, 사진

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# KM





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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로



Lesson 1 업무관련 1. 실내업무 업무에필요한컴퓨터작업, 문서작성, 타이핑, 전화통화등이출제된다. 2. 실외업무 도로공사, 건축공사현장, 화물이송, 쌓여있는박스등의사진이출제된다. 1. 실내업무관련사진다음녹음을듣고, 사진과일치하는내용을모두고르시오. ( 두번씩들려드립니다.) 1. (A) (B) (C) * stare 빤히쳐다보다, 응시하다 2. (A) (B) (C) 3. (A) (B) (C)

4. (A) (B) (C) 보다관련동사 1. He is browsing in a bookstore. 그는서점을둘러보고있다. 2. He is examining some documents. 그는몇개의서류를검토하고있다. 3. He is gazing at the scenery. 그는풍경을바라보고있다. 4. He is inspecting the musical instruments. 그는악기들을점검하고있다. 5. He is peering into a microscope. 그는현미경을들여다보고있다. 6. He is staring out the window. 그는창밖을바라보고있다. 7. They are facing each other. 그들은서로마주보고있다. 회의및발표관련 1. He is addressing a crowd. 그는사람들에게연설하고있다. 2. He is attending a meeting. 그는회의에참석하고있다. 3. He is giving a speech. 그는연설을하고있다. 4. He is distributing papers. 그는서류를나눠주고있다. 5. He is handing out papers. 그는서류를나눠주고있다. 6. He is holding a meeting. 그는회의를개최하고있다. 7. He is making a presentation. 그는발표를하고있다. 8. He is speaking into a microphone. 그는마이크에대고말하고있다. 9. The audience is giving applause. 청중들이갈채를보내고있다.

2. 실내업무관련사진다음녹음을듣고, 사진과일치하는내용을모두고르시오. ( 두번씩들려드립니다.) 1. * be stacked 쌓여있는 * warehouse 창고 * assembly line 조립라인 (A) (B) (C) 2. * hammer 망치, 망치질하다 * saw 톱, 톱질하다 (A) (B) (C) 3. * pave 도로를포장하다 * traffic cones 원뿔형의도로표지 (A) (B) (C)

4. * load 짐을싣다 (A) (B) (C) 위치관련전치사구 1. across the street 도로건너편에 2. against the wall 벽에기대어 3. along the road 도로를따라 4. at an intersection 교차로에 5. behind the counter 계산대뒤편에, 작업대뒤편에 6. in front of the audience 청중들앞에 7. in the corner 모퉁이에 공사관련 1. He is driving a forklift. 그는지게차를운전하고있다. 2. He is laying bricks. 그는벽돌을쌓고있다, 그는벽돌을깔고있다. 3. He is loading crates into a truck. 그는상자를트럭에싣고있다. 4. He is measuring the window with the ruler. 그는줄자로창문을재고있다. 5. He is operating heavy machinery. 그는중장비를작동하고있다. 6. He is pouring cement. 그는시멘트를붓고있다. 7. He is transporting lumber. 그는재목을운반하고있다. 8. He is wearing a tool belt. 그는공구벨트를차고있다. 9. He is welding pipes. 그는파이프를용접하고있다. 10. They are demolishing the house. 그들은집을부수고있다. 11. They are digging holes. 그들은구덩이를파고있다.

Let s Practice! Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. 1. 3. (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) 2. 4. (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D)

5. 7. (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) 6. 8. (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D)

Let s Review! 만점이보인다. 핵심표현다섯번씩큰소리로따라읽기 보다관련동사 1. He is browsing in a bookstore. 그는서점을둘러보고있다. 2. He is examining some documents. 그는몇개의서류를검토하고있다. 3. He is gazing at the scenery. 그는풍경을바라보고있다. 4. He is inspecting the musical instruments. 그는악기들을점검하고있다. 5. He is peering into a microscope. 그는현미경을들여다보고있다. 6. He is staring out the window. 그는창밖을바라보고있다. 7. They are facing each other. 그들은서로마주보고있다. 회의및발표관련 1. He is addressing a crowd. 그는사람들에게연설하고있다. 2. He is attending a meeting. 그는회의에참석하고있다. 3. He is giving a speech. 그는연설을하고있다. 4. He is distributing papers. 그는서류를나눠주고있다. 5. He is handing out papers. 그는서류를나눠주고있다. 6. He is holding a meeting. 그는회의를개최하고있다. 7. He is making a presentation. 그는발표를하고있다. 8. He is speaking into a microphone. 그는마이크에대고말하고있다. 9. The audience is giving applause. 청중들이갈채를보내고있다. 위치관련전치사구 1. across the street 도로건너편에 2. against the wall 벽에기대어 3. along the road 도로를따라 4. at an intersection 교차로에 5. behind the counter 계산대뒤편에, 작업대뒤편에 6. in front of the audience 청중들앞에 7. in the corner 모퉁이에 8. on the rack 옷걸이에 9. on the window ledge 창문선반에 10. next to the podium 강연대옆에 11. through the tunnel 터널을통해, 터널을통과해서 12. under the window 창문아래에 공사관련 1. He is driving a forklift. 그는지게차를운전하고있다. 2. He is laying bricks. 그는벽돌을쌓고있다, 그는벽돌을깔고있다. 3. He is loading crates into a truck. 그는상자를트럭에싣고있다. 4. He is measuring the window with the ruler. 그는줄자로창문을재고있다. 5. He is operating heavy machinery. 그는중장비를작동하고있다. 6. He is pouring cement. 그는시멘트를붓고있다. 7. He is transporting lumber. 그는재목을운반하고있다. 8. He is wearing a tool belt. 그는공구벨트를차고있다. 9. He is welding pipes. 그는파이프를용접하고있다. 10. They are demolishing the house. 그들은집을부수고있다. 11. They are digging holes. 그들은구덩이를파고있다.

Let s Review! 만점이보인다. Dictations 1. (A) He is the computer. (B) He is the phone. (C) He is at the desk. (D) He is. 2. (A) He is. (B) He is. (C) He is building a house. (D) He is fixing a tire. 3. (A) A woman is. (B) A man is on a whiteboard. (C) Some people around a computer. (D) They are. 4. (A) They are wearing safety helmets. (B) They are a new house. (C) They are sitting by a truck. (D) They are onto a truck. 5. (A) They are listening to a speaker. (B) They are watching a movie. (C) They are moving a desk. (D) They are. 6. (A) A woman is putting on a safety helmet. (B) A man is looking at the. (C) Some workers are. (D) Some workers are. 7. (A) She is. (B) She is. (C) She is. (D) She is. 8. (A). (B) Monitors. (C). (D). Dictation Answers 1. * turning off *hanging up *working *filing some papers 2. *driving a motorcycle *operating heavy machinery 3. *making coffee *writing something *are gathering *sitting on stools 4. *moving into *loading some materials 5. *giving applause 6. *architect s plan *carrying a ladder *leaving the construction site 7. *leaving the laboratory *peering into a microscope *holding up a test tube *adjusting a microphone 8. *Plants are being watered *are packed in boxes *Chairs are stacked on top of one another. *Workstations are separated by partitions.

Lesson 1 업무관련해석 1. 실내업무관련사진 1. (B) (C) (A) He is typing on a keyboard. (B) He is seated in front of a computer. (C) He is staring at the monitor. 해석 (A) 그는타이핑을치고있다. (B) 그는컴퓨터앞에앉아있다. (C) 그는모니터를바라보고있다. stare 빤히쳐다보다, 응시하다 2. (B) (C) (A) She is sharpening a pencil. (B) She is talking on the phone. (C) She is taking some notes. 해석 (A) 그는연필을날카롭게갈고있다. (B) 그녀는통화중이다. (C) 그녀는메모를하고있다. sharpen 날카롭게하다, 날카롭게갈다 take a note 메모하다, 무언가를적다

3. (A) (A) She is using a copy machine. (B) She is positioning a sheet of paper on the glass. (C) She is holding the photocopier s lid. 해석 (A) 여자는복사기를사용하고있다. (B) 여자는유리에종이한장을놓고있다. (C) 여자는복사기뚜껑을잡고있다. position 위치하다, 자리를잡다, 위치 lid 뚜껑 4. (A) (C) (A) A woman is making a presentation. (B) A man is carrying a briefcase. (C) People are listening to a speaker. 해석 (A) 한여자가발표를하고있다. (B) 한남자가서류가방을들고가고있다. (C) 사람들이발표자의말을듣고있다. make a presentation 발표하다 briefcase 서류가방 2. 실내업무관련사진 1. (A) (B)

(A) One of the men is pulling a cart. (B) Boxes are stacked in a warehouse. (C) They are working on an assembly line. 해석 (A) 남자들중한명이카트를끌고있다. (B) 창고에상자들이쌓여져있다. (C) 그들은조립라인에서작업하고있다. be stacked 쌓이다 warehouse 창고 assembly line 조립라인 2. (A) (B) (A) He is hammering a nail. (B) He is using a tool to build a house. (C) He is sawing a piece of wood. 해석 (A) 그는못을치고있다. (B) 그는집을짓기위해공구를사용하고있다. (C) 그는목재를톱질하고있다. hammer a nail 못을치다 saw 톱질하다, 톱 3. (B) (C) (A) They are building a bridge. (B) They are paving the road. (C) There are traffic cones on the road. 해석 (A) 그들은다리를짓고있다.. (B) 그들은도로를포장하고있다. (C) 도로에원추형도로표지가있다.

pave ( 도로등을 ) 포장하다 traffic cone 원추형도로표지 4. (B) (C) (A) He is unpacking boxes. (B) He is loading boxes into a vehicle. (C) He is driving heavy machinery. 해석 (A) 그는상자를풀고있다. (B) 그는운송수단에상자를싣고있다. (C) 그는중장비를운전하고있다. unpack 풀다, 열다 load 싣다, 짐 vehicle 운송수단, 차량 heavy machinery 중장비 Let s Practice! 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 A 6 C 7 B 8 D 1. (C) (A) He is turning off the computer. (B) He is hanging up the phone. (C) He is working at the desk. (D) He is filing some papers. (A) 그는컴퓨터를끄고있다. (B) 그는전화를끊고있다. (C) 그는책상에서일하고있다. (D) 그는몇개의종이를철하고있다.

turn off 끄다 hang up 전화를끊다 file 철하다, 보관하다 2. (B) (A) He is driving a motorcycle. (B) He is operating heavy machinery. (C) He is building a house. (D) He is fixing a tire. (A) 그는오토바이를운전하고있다. (B) 그는중장비를조종하고있다. (C) 그는집을짓고있다. (D) 그는타이어를수리하고있다. operate 조종하다, 조작하다 fix 수리하다 3. (C) (A) A woman is making coffee. (B) A man is writing something on a whiteboard. (C) Some people are gathered around a computer. (D) They are sitting on stools. (A) 한여자가커피를만들고있다. (B) 한남자가화이트보드에무언가를적고있다. (C) 몇몇사람들이컴퓨터주위에모여있다. (D) 그들은의자에앉아있다. gather 모이다 stool 등받이와팔걸이가없는의자

4. (D) (A) They are wearing safety helmets. (B) They are moving into a new house. (C) They are sitting by a truck. (D) They are loading some materials onto a truck. (A) 그들은안전모를착용하고있다. (B) 그들은새집으로이사하고있다. (C) 그들은트럭옆에앉아있다. (D) 그들은트럭으로몇몇물건을싣고있다. safety helmet 안전모 material 물건, 재료 5. (A) (A) They are listening to a speaker. (B) They are watching a movie. (C) They are moving a desk. (D) They are giving applause. (A) 그들은발표자의말을듣고있다. (B) 그들은영화를보고있다. (C) 그들은책상을옮기고있다. (D) 그들은박수갈채를보내고있다. applause 박수갈채, 성원 6. (C)

(A) A woman is putting on a safety helmet. (B) A man is looking at the architect s plan. (C) Some workers are carrying a ladder. (D) Some workers are leaving the construction site. (A) 한여자가안전모를쓰고있다. (B) 한남자가설계도를보고있다. (C). 몇몇인부들이사다리를옮기고있다. (D) 몇몇인부들이공사현장을떠나고있다 architect s plan 설계도 ladder 사다리 construction site 공사현장 7. (B) (A) She is leaving the laboratory. (B) She is peering into a microscope. (C) She is holding up a test tube. (D) She is adjusting a microphone. (A) 여자가실험실을떠나고있다. (B) 여자가현미경을들여다보고있다. (C) 여자가시험관을들어올리고있다. (D) 여자가마이크를조정하고있다. laboratory 실험실 peer into 자세히들여다보다 microscope 현미경 test tube 시험관 adjust 조절하다, 조정하다 microphone 마이크 8. (D) (A) Plants are being watered. (B) Monitors are packed in boxes. (B) Chairs are stacked on top of one another. (D) Workstations are separated by partitions.

(A) 식물에물을주고있다. (B) 모니터가상자속에포장되어있다. (C) 의자가차곡차곡쌓여있다. (D) 개인작업공간이칸막이로나눠져있다. water ( 화초등에 ) 물을주다 pack 포장하다, 싸다 on top of one another 차곡차곡 workstations 사무실내개인작업공간 separate 분리하다, 나누다 partition 칸막이