Microsoft Word - Cardiac_Nuclear_Medicine_Exam_KO_5_09.doc

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스마일 contents 당신을 만나 기분이 좋습니다! 병원에 있는 사람들은 모두 힘듭니다. 환자는 환자대로, 보호자는 보호자대로, 의료진은 의료진대로. 아픈 환자가 제일 힘들 것 같다가도, 그들을 뒷바라지하는 보호자가 더 어려울 것 같습니다. 하지만 환자와 보호자를 상




Cardiac Nuclear Medicine Exam Korean 환자교육 영상서비스 심장핵의학검사검사를위해서어떻게준비하나 심장핵의학검사는심장의구조와기능을검사하기위해서쓰입니다. 검사를위해서어떻게준비하는가, 검사가어떻게행해지나, 검사동안무엇을느낄수도있는가, 그리고검사결과는어떻게받는가를알수있게이책자를읽으십시오. 심장핵의학검사는무엇입니까? 핵의학검사는여러가지질병을탐지하고치료하는데방사능화합물을사용합니다. 이것은인체의사진을포착하는데방사선이쓰여지는이유로방사선과의한분야입니다. 심장핵의학은심장의구조와기능을조사하는데쓰이는검사를가르킵니다. 검사는어떻게합니까? 심장의혈관들은운동으로인한혈액의흐름의변화를관찰하는것이가장좋은검사입니다. 그러므로, 환자분은흔히신체운동을통해서정상보다심장을더많이일하게만드는스트레스테스트를받으실것입니다. 그런다음에는추적자라고불리는방사능화합물을주사받을것입니다. 추적자는심장에모여질것이고감마선을방출할것입니다. 감마선카메라가방사선을탐지합니다. 컴퓨터가탐지된감마선을바탕으로심장의사진을만들어낼것입니다. 검사를위해서어떻게준비해야합니까? 정시에도착해주십시오. 15 분이상늦으시면재예약을하셔야할수도있습니다. 적어도 3 시간동안핵의학과에계실예상을하고오십시오. 검사이전 6 시간동안은먹거나마시지마십시오 ; 물은괞찬습니다. 검사이전 24 시간동안은카페인이없는음식을드시거나마시십시오. 디카페인음료, 커피, 차 ( 허브포함 ), 코코아, 어떤종류의청량음료도마시지마십시오. 초코렡을드시지마십시오.

Page 2 영상서비스 심장핵의학검사 검사이전적어도 4 시간동안은담배나시가를피우거나토바코를씹지마십시오. 검사이전에중단하셔야될약이있는지를의사선생님에게문의하십시오. 어떤약들은검사받는날드시면결과가달라지게할수있습니다. 걷기에편한신발과헐렁한옷을입고오십시오. 검사하는날은가슴에크림이나로션, 아니면파우더를바르지마십시오. 검사이후, 2 주이내에해외여행을할계획이있으시면검사전문가에게말씀해주십시오. 아래와같은문제가있으시면의사선생님이나핵의학과에연락해주십시오 : - 20 분동안머리위로팔을올린채로누워있을수없으시면. - 천식이나만성폐질환이있으시면. - 무릎이나둔부, 또는균형을잡는데문제가있으면. 이런문제들은검사에필요한운동을하는데제한이될수도있습니다. 검사는어떻게진행됩니까? 1. 첫째, 팔에정맥도관 (IV) 이삽입될것입니다. 전문가가환자분의심장사진을찍을수있게하기위해서소량의추적자를주사할것입니다. 이추적자는해가되거나부작용을일으키지않습니다. 팔을올린채로누워계시는동안감마카메라가 20 분동안심장의사진을찍을것입니다. 2. 사진을찍고나면스트레스테스트도중환자분의심장을지켜보기위해서환자분의가슴에전극들을붙일것입니다. 검사의스트레스부분을위해서환자분은몇분동안트레드밀위를걸을것입니다. ECG( 심전도 ) 전극들이환자분이걷는동안심장의전기활동을관찰할것이고자주혈압을잴것입니다. 걷기를중단하기전에두번째추적자주사를맞을것입니다. 충분한혈액의공급을받지못하는부분을탐지하는데최적의시기를감지하기위해서심장으로의혈액의흐름이정점에달했을때주어집니다. 3. 일분이후에걷기를중단할것입니다. 검사대에누워계시는채로 30 분이후에추적자들이심장에모일것입니다. 그러면감마카메라가사진을찍기위해서쓰일것입니다. 감마카메라는 20 분가량환자분의가슴앞부분위를활모양의원을그리면서천천히이동할것입니다. 이부분동안은움직이지말고반드시아주가만히누워계셔야합니다.

Page 3 영상서비스 심장핵의학검사 질문있으십니까? 환자분의질문은 중요합니다. 만일 질문이나걱정되는점이 있으시면담당의사 선생님이나건강 관리인에게전화하십시오. 또한 UWMC 클리닉 직원들도언제든지 도와드릴준비가 되어있습니다. 워싱턴대학병원 영상서비스 : 하버뷰영상서비스 : 206-744-3105 4. 휴식을취하고계시는동안, 운동이후에찍는사진은같은추적자주사이후에찍은심장사진과비교되어야합니다. 그비교는환자분이휴식을취하면환자분의심장으로의혈액의흐름에변화가있는가와심장질환을확인하는결론을내리기위해서행해집니다. 5. 트레드밀을쓰실수없으면운동을하지않으시고그대신에심장이그만큼심하게작동하게만드는약을투여받을것입니다. 그런다음환자분은추적자를주사받으실것입니다. 6. 검사직후에핵의학의특별훈련을받은의사선생님이사진의질을검사하실것입니다. 7. 전체검사시간은 3 시간정도걸리거나아니면 2 일에걸쳐서받을수있습니다. 검사도중어떤것들을느끼게됩니까? 추적자주사로인한약간의불편함을느끼실수도있습니다. 계속걷기에너무피곤하거나숨이가쁘거나, 가슴이아프거나다리가아프거나아니면중단하고싶게만드는다른통증을느끼실때까지걷도록요청받을것입니다. 운동대신에혈액의흐름을늘리는약을주사맞게되시면잠시불안하거나어지럽거나메스껍거나떨리거나숨이가쁨을느낄수도있습니다. 약으로부터오는부작용이심하거나너무불편을느끼게하면다른약으로그부작용을치료할수있습니다. 이런반응은드믑니다. 대부분의환자분은검사이후곧바로정상적인활동을다시시작하실수있습니다. 시간이지나면서환자분의몸에있는방사능은줄어들것입니다. 방사능은또한추적자가소변이나대변을통해서체외로빠져나감에따라서줄어들것입니다. 결과는누가해석하고어떻게그것을받을수있습니까? 핵의학과의훈련을받은전문의사선생님이사진을검토하고의뢰한환자분의의사선생님에게결과보고를보낼것입니다. 그러면환자분의의사선생님이환자분과그결과를상의하실것입니다. UWMC Imaging Services Box 357115 1959 N.E. Pacific St. Seattle, WA 98195 University of Washington Medical Center Cardiac Nuclear Medicine Exam Korean 03/2005 Rev. 05/2009 Translation by UWMC Interpreter Services Reprints on Health Online:

Patient Education Imaging Services Cardiac Nuclear Medicine Exam How to prepare for your exam A cardiac nuclear medicine exam is used to study the structure and function of the heart. Read this handout to learn how to prepare itthe exam works, how it is done, what you may feel during the exam, and how to get your results. What is a cardiac nuclear medicine exam? A nuclear medicine exam uses radioactive compounds to detect and treat many diseases. It is a form of radiology, because radiation is used to capture pictures of the human body. Cardiac nuclear medicine refers to tests that are used to check the structure and function of the heart. How does the exam work? Blood vessels of the heart are best studied by watching the changes in blood flow to the heart due to exercise. Therefore, you will have a stress test most often through physical exercise to make your heart work harder than normal. You will then be given a radioactive compound, called a tracer. The tracer will collect in your heart, and will give off gamma rays. The gamma camera detects the rays. A computer will then produce pictures of the heart based on the detected gamma rays. How should I prepare for the exam? Please arrive on time. If you are more than 15 minutes late, your exam may need to be rescheduled. Plan to be in the Nuclear Medicine Department for about 3 hours. Do not eat or drink for 6 hours prior to your study; water is OK. Eat or drink only caffeine-free products for 24 hours before your exam. Do not drink decaf products, coffee, tea (even herbal), cocoa, or any kind of soft drink. Do not eat chocolate.

Page 2 Imaging Services Cardiac Nuclear Medicine Exam Do not smoke cigarettes or cigars, or chew tobacco, for at least 4 hours before your exam. Ask your doctor if you should stop taking any medicines before the exam. Taking certain medications the day of the test can alter the results. Wear comfortable walking shoes and loose-fitting clothes. Do not apply any creams, lotion, or powder to your chest area on the day of your exam. Tell the technologist if you are planning to travel out of the country within 2 weeks after your exam. Please tell your doctor or contact the Nuclear Medicine Department if you: - Cannot lie flat on your back with your both your arms extended above your head for 20 minutes. - Have asthma or a chronic lung disease. - Have problems with your knees, hips, or keeping your balance. These problems may limit your ability to do the exercise needed for this exam. How is the exam done? 1. First, an intravenous (IV) line will be placed in your arm. A small amount of the tracer will be injected, enabling the technologist to obtain pictures of your heart. There are no adverse or allergic reactions from this tracer. For about 20 minutes, a gamma camera will take pictures of your heart while you are lying on your back with your arms above your head. 2. Once the imaging is done, electrodes will be attached to your chest to watch your heart during the stress test. For the stress part of the exam, you will walk on a treadmill for a few minutes. The ECG (electrocardiogram) electrodes will monitor the electrical activity of your heart while you walk, and your blood pressure will be measured often. Before you stop walking, you will get a second dose of the tracer. It is given when the blood flow to the heart is at its peak, providing the best chance to detect regions of the heart that are not receiving enough blood flow. 3. One minute later, you will stop walking. The tracer will have collected in your heart about 30 minutes later, as you lie on the exam table. The gamma camera will then be used to obtain pictures. It will move slowly in an arc over the front of your chest for about 20 minutes. Be sure to lie very still during this part of the exam.

Imaging Services Cardiac Nuclear Medicine Exam Questions? Your questions are important. Call your doctor or health care provider if you have questions or concerns. Clinic staff are also available to help. UWMC Imaging Services: Harborview Imaging Services: 206-744-3105 4. The pictures taken after exercise must be compared with pictures of your heart taken after injection of the same tracer while you are resting. The comparison is done to conclude whether or not blood flow to your heart has changed once you have rested, and to check for heart disease. 5. If you can t use a treadmill, you will not exercise, but instead be given a drug that will cause your heart to work just as hard. You will then be given the tracer. 6. Right after the exam, a doctor with special training in nuclear medicine will check the quality of the images. 7. The entire exam takes about 3 hours, or it could be a 2-day exam. What will I feel during the exam? You may notice some minor discomfort from the IV injection of the tracer. You will be asked to walk until you are either too tired to keep going, or short of breath, or if you have chest pain, leg pain, or other discomfort that makes you want to stop. If you are given a medicine to increase blood flow instead of exercising, you may briefly feel anxious, dizzy, queasy, shaky, or short of breath. If the side effects of the drug are severe or make you too uncomfortable, other drugs can be given to stop the effects. A reaction of this type is rare. Most patients can resume normal activities right away after the exam. The radioactivity in your body will decrease over time. Radioactivity will also decrease as the tracer passes out of the body in the urine or stool. Who interprets the results and how do I get them? A doctor with special training in nuclear medicine will review the pictures, and will send a report of the results to your referring doctor. Your doctor will then share the results with you. UWMC Imaging Services Box 357115 1959 N.E. Pacific St. Seattle, WA 98195 University of Washington Medical Center 03/2005 Rev. 05/2009 Reprints: Health Online