(JBE Vol. 19, No. 3, May 2014) (Regular Paper) 19 3, 2014 5 (JBE Vol. 19, No. 3, May 2014) http//dx.doi.org/10.5909/jbe.2014.19.3.396 ISSN 2287-9137 (Online) ISSN 1226-7953 (Print) a), a), a), a) Invariant Classification and Detection for Cloth Searching Inseong Hwang a), Beobkeun Cho a), Seungwoo Jeon a), and Yunsik Choe a).,,,., LBPROT_35. LBP_ROT(Local Binary Pattern with ROTation-invariant),. 11,., 810 36, 94.4% Dense-SIFT. Abstract The field of searching clothing, which is very difficult due to the nature of the informal sector, has been in an effort to reduce the recognition error and computational complexity. However, there is no concrete examples of the whole progress of learning and recognizing for cloth, and the related technologies are still showing many limitations. In this paper, the whole process including identifying both the person and cloth in an image and analyzing both its color and texture pattern is specifically shown for classification. Especially, deformable search descriptor, LBPROT_35 is proposed for identifying the pattern of clothing. The proposed method is scale and rotation invariant, so we can obtain even higher detection rate even though the scale and angle of the image changes. In addition, the color classifier with the color space quantization is proposed not to loose color similarity. In simulation, we build database by training a total of 810 images from the clothing images on the internet, and test some of them. As a result, the proposed method shows a good performance as it has 94.4% matching rate while the former Dense-SIFT method has 63.9%. Keyword informal, cloth, pattern, descriptor, classification a) (Yonsei University Electrical and Electronic Eng.) Corresponding Author (Inseong Hwang) E-mail drpro@nate.com Tel +82-2-2123-2774 " IT /IT". (NIPA- 2014-H0301-14-1012) Manuscript received March 19, 2014 Revised April 21, 2014 Accepted April 21, 2014
3 (Inseong Hwang et al. Invariant Classification and Detection for Cloth Searching)..,,.,.,,, [1][2][3][4][5].,,,,., LBPROT_ 35. Dense-SIFT, LBP_ROT(Local Binary Pattern with ROTation-invariant) [6],. HLS 11,., Dense-SIFT [8][9]. Dense- SIFT SIFT Dense-SIFT LBPROT_35 HLS., 810.,,.,,... 1. LBPROT LBP (Local Binary Pattern) 1, 5 1, 0 1. LBP (Local Binary Pattern) Fig. 1. LBP (Local Binary Pattern) calculation process
(JBE Vol. 19, No. 3, May 2014), () 2, LBP 53 [10][11][12][13]. LBP 0 255 256, 36, LBP_ROT (Local Binary Pattern with ROTation-invariant) [6]. LBP_ROT LBP., 2 LBP_ROT = 53 LBP_ROT = 106 45. LBP. 2. LBP 45 LBP Fig. 2. Comparing between LBP and 45 rotated LBP LBP_ROT. LBP_ROT., LBP_ROT /.,,. 1, 2, 2, 2, 4., 4 2 LBP_ROT [6], 2 4., LBP_ROT,, LBP_ROT., 3 90 4. 2 LBP_ROT Fig. 4. LBP_ROT histogram comparing for original image and magnifying patch image by 2 times 3. 90 LBP_ROT Fig. 3. LBP_ROT histogram comparing for original and 45 rotated patch image LBP_ROT.
3 (Inseong Hwang et al. Invariant Classification and Detection for Cloth Searching) [14]., LBP_ROT LBP_ROT, 36 LBP_ROT LBP_ROT LBPROT_35. 5. 1.5 ( 1), 2 ( 2) LBPROT_35 Fig. 5. LBP_ROT_35 histogram comparing for original image and magnifying patch image by 1.5 and 2 times LBPROT_35 5. 2. HLS.,..,,.,.. RGB HLS [15][16]. HLS RGB (Hue), (Saturation), (Lightness). (Hue, H) (Color Circle) 0. H 0 ~360, 360 0, (Saturation, S) 100%, 0%, (Lightness, L),. RGB HLS., (L) (H) (S). HLS,. (H) (S), (L) 15%, 80%. 15%~80%,,,,,,,,., (L) (S) 10%, (15%<L<80%) (10%<S) (H) 344 ~360, 0 ~9, 10 ~37, 38 ~65, 66 ~145, 146 ~181, 182 ~255, 256 ~315, 316 ~344. 11,. 11.
(JBE Vol. 19, No. 3, May 2014) 6 11. 11,. 6. 11 Fig. 6. Two examples of HLS-based color histogram Histogram Intersection, Dense-SIFT LBPROT_35 Histogram Intersection [17].. 1. 7, Dense-SIFT [8][9] LBPROT_35 HLS,., Dense-SIFT, 128 SIFT, K-means, 7. Fig. 7. Block diagram of the whole process K-D [18][19] bin. LBPROT_35, LBPROT_35 35 bin. 11 bin.,,
3 (Inseong Hwang et al. Invariant Classification and Detection for Cloth Searching),. 2.. Dense-SIFT,, Dense-SIFT LBPROT_35. 7,,,., Dense-SIFT [8][9], K-D, LBPROT_35,, Histogram Intersection [17],.. 810 100x100,. 36 10,., Dense-SIFT 32x32 4 128, 4, 100x100 361. 361 128 SIFT, 810 361x810 SIFT K K-means [20][21], 300., K-means K-D [18][19], 8. Dense-SIFT ( 5 10 ) Fig. 8. Comparing between the proposed method and Dense-SIFT(in case of Top5 and Top10), 8, 36, 5, Dense-SIFT, 10, 29 Dense-SIFT.,,, Dense-SIFT 36 23 (63.9%), 34 (94.4%). 9. Dense-SIFT. LBPROT_35 feature HLS
(JBE Vol. 19, No. 3, May 2014). 10. Dense-SIFT ( ) Fig. 10. comparing the result of scaled image between the proposed and Dense-SIFT 9. Dense-SIFT ( ) Fig. 9. comparing the result images between the proposed and Dense-SIFT 9, 29, Dense-SIFT 10,, 1, Dense- SIFT, 5 1., 10 (50 ~ 200%). Dense-SIFT,, Top5 Top10 3, Top5, Top10. LBPROT_35. 1. PC (Intel Xeon CPU 2GHz, 16GB RAM), Dense-SIFT LBPROT_35 HLS 11.5%, 6.9%,, 0.31, 0.29. 1. Table 1. Time consumption comparison between the proposed method and Dense-SIFT (sec) Dense-SIFT 0.29/1 0.26/1 0.31 Dense-SIFT 0.29. 11.5% 6.9%. SIFT,
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