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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해


Unit 의문문 I

2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장



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FAQ. 리스트 구분 No. Questions Possible Responses* Greetings Daily life How are you? 어떻게 지내니? 11 I am great. Thank you. 좋아요. 감사합니다 No

2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628


3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적


Lesson 3 How Is Your School Life? What s your favorite subject? Why don t you come on Monday? -OK. / Great! / Sorry, I can t. Semin walks to school. She doesn t live in Seoul. Does he enjoy it? Words about activity art cf. artist Australia aunt bakery between break ex. He has ten-minute breaks between classes. bread clean club company concert cousin dictionary different same during each ex. Each class is about 35 minutes. England farm cf. farmer join learn library museum newspaper play ride run ran 82 sleep slept season ex. What s your favorite season? sound subject subway theater timetable ex. Is this your timetable? uniform visit cf. visitor voice water work ex. The young man works hard. Phrases a little ex. Please turn the radio down a little. by school bus ex. He goes to school by school bus. every Tuesday ex. Every Tuesday he learns samullori in the club. from A to B A BA B ex. She has classes from Monday to Friday. How about ~? ex. How about 8 o clock? in front of ex. Let s meet in front of the station. talk with ex. I want to talk with him about our homework. Why don t you ~? ex. Why don t you visit us next Wednesday?

Words 01 between 02 museum 03 bakery 04 theater 05 Australia 06 subject 07 farm 08 club 09 voice 10 dictionary 11 sleep 12 water 13 bread 14 sound 15 each 16 England 17 work 18 uniform 19 join 20 learn 21 art 22 concert 23 newspaper 24 play 25 ride 26 run 27 aunt 28 company 29 break 30 activity 31 different 32 timetable 33 subway 34 visit 35 cousin 36 season 37 about 38 clean 39 library 40 during Phrases 41 from A to B 42 by school bus 43 How about ~? 44 Why don t you ~? 45 every Tuesday 46 a little 47 in front of 48 talk with p.180 Lesson 3 83 Words 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 84 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Phrases 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 p.180

1 2 3 My uncle lives on a small (farm / museum) here. The man speaks in a loud (sound / voice). All his classes are in (different / difficult) rooms. 4 Please the flowers. 5 We play on. 6 English is my favorite. 7 They for eight hours a day. 8 His house is the school and the park. from ~ to by bus in front of why don t we 9 Sumi goes to school. 10 clean the classroom? 11 How far is it Seoul Busan? 12 A bike is the bakery. 13 I can the buk very well. We sometimes soccer after school. 14 Mike doesn t walk school. He usually goes bed at 11 o clock. p.180 live man flower hour a day park go to school clean classroom far bike well sometimes after school usually Lesson 3 85 A: What s your favorite sport? B: I like soccer. It s really exciting. What s your favorite ~? What ~ do you like mostbest? What s your favorite color? What s your favorite season? What s your favorite subject? What s your favorite movie? Who s your favorite teacher? Who s your favorite singer? Who s your favorite movie star? What food do you like most? I like English and math. I like hamburgers mostbest. My favorite color is blue. Bulgogi is my favorite food. cf. A: Which sport do you like better, baseball or soccer? B: I like soccer better. 1 A: Taeho, what s? B: subjects are art and. 2 A: Mike, who s? Mike B: Billy Evans. I love. Billy Evans 86

p.180 p.180 A: Why don t we meet at the gift shop? B: Great! How about 8 o clock? Jina: Come in, Anand. This is 1.. Why don t we meet ~? Let s meet ~. Shall we meet ~? HowWhatabout meeting ~? Anand Anand: It s nice. Oh, is this 2.? Jina: Yes, it is. Why don t we meet at the library? Why don t we meet at two o clock in front of the theater? Why don t we meet at the bus stop? Why don t we meet at the subway station tomorrow? Anand: What s 3., Jina? Jina: English. Let s meet in front of the bakery. Anand: Wait! (looks at the poster) Is the school play 4.? Let s meet at 3 p.m. Shall we meet at 4? HowWhatabout meeting this afternoon? Jina: Yes. And 5. the Drama Club. We practice every. Anand: Really? Can I 6. you? OK. / Sure. / Great. / I d love to. / Sounds goodgreat. / Yes, let s. Jina: Sure. 7. come to the school at four o clock Sorry. / Sorry, I can t. / I m sorry, but I can t. / Maybe next time.? 4 I m afraid not. / I d love to, but I can t. Anand: Great! 8. be there. 3 B: A: 4 A: A: Sounds great! How 11 o clock? 11. See you then. How 6 o clock? 6 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Really? Can I see it? Billy Evans. I love his voice. Yeah, I like him, too. I have a video of his 2008 concert in Seoul. Mike, who s your favorite singer? Sure. B: I m, but I. Lesson 3 87 88 meet at the subway station?

[1~2] 1 A: Why don t we clean the room? B: I m busy. No problem. Sure. Yes, let s. Maybe next time. Why not? 2 A: Susan,? B: No, I don t. My favorite subject is science. what do you like does she like math do you like math why do you like science what s your favorite subject 3 A: Can I go to your house? B: Sure. How about after school? A: Great. Thanks! = after school? 4 Why don t we meet at 5? Let s meet at 5. Why don t you join us? Shall we meet at 5? Why do you want to meet at 5? How about meeting tomorrow? 5 A: Can I visit your house? B: Sure. A: Great.? (don t / on / why / come / you / Saturday) clean room busy problem subject science math house after school meet join tomorrow visit Saturday Lesson 3 89 6 A: How about meeting this afternoon? B: OK. Sounds great. Sure. I m afraid not. You re welcome. [7~9] Anand: Is this your timetable? Jina: Yes, it is. Anand: What s your favorite, Jina? Jina: English. Anand: Wait! (looks at the poster) Is the school play next month? Jina: Yes. And I m a member of the Drama Club. We practice every Friday. Anand: Really? Can I come and watch you? Jina: Sure. Why don t you come to the school at four o clock on Friday? Anand: Great! I ll be there. 7 8 Sure. OK. Of course. Sounds good. I d love to, but I can t. 9 Q: When does Jina practice for the school play? A: She every. 90 p.180 this afternoon sound timetable poster play next month practice watch

She walks to school. He likes the book. School starts at 9 and finishes at 3. 3 (he, she, it, Mike, Anne ) -s -es have 3 has Jane plays the piano. Tom reads comic books. Yumi does her homework at 5. 3 ex. like - likes, stop - stops, run - runs, learn - learns, sing - sings ex. pass - passes, watch - watches, wash - washes, do - does, fix - fixes ex. study - studies, cry - cries, try - tries ex. play - plays 1 She speak four languages. 2 John go to church on Sundays. 3 He have two brothers. 4 The little girl wash her face. 5 My friend sing very well. She does notdoesn tlive in Seoul. He does notdoesn twalk to school. Jane does notdoesn tknow the answer. dodoesnot 1, 2 do notdon t 3 does notdoesn t Lesson 3 91 p.180 6 My sister walks to school. 7 Chris likes horror movies. 8 My uncle lives in New York. 9 Brian plays badminton every morning. Does she have a sister? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn t. 1, 2 do Do 3 Does Yesdoes Nodoesn t Does Mike play soccer? Yes, he does. No, he doesn t. cf. dodoes What do you do? Where does Mr. Baker work? 10 Does he lives in a big city? 11 Do Sarah want to go to the concert? 12 Do your mother likes classical music? 92

1 (1) (2) (3) Yumi (don t / doesn t) exercise in the morning. Does Mike (have / has) many friends? Alice (plays / plaies) the piano after school. 2 (1) (know / cousins / Mr. Jones / your / does)? (2) (English / my / does / learn / little / not / brother) 3 A: Does Mr. Yi teach English at school? B: Yes, he is. No, he isn t. Yes, he does. No, you don t. Yes, she does. 4 Minsu TV every night. Minsu s sister does not her homework at night. Minsu and his sister to bed at 10. watch - do - go watches - do - go watch - does - goes watches - do - goes watchs - does - goes 5 My father take the subway every morning. exercise friend know cousin learn teach at school every night homework father subway Lesson 3 93 (6~8) 6 Sam visits his grandparents every Sunday. 7 She takes a shower after dinner. 8 I have breakfast at 7:30. he 9 John every morning. washes his face brushes his teeth cleans his room get up at 7 o clock drinks some milk 10 Bill After school, Bill his friends. 11 Minho have books about plants. Does he has a soccer ball? She doesn t loves her pet. Does Anne goes to school by bus? The new school year begins in March. 94 p.181 visit grandparents take a shower after dinner have breakfast wash one s face brush one s teeth get up drink after school plant soccer ball pet begin March 3

How Is Your School Life? Semin walks to school. He usually has six classes a day. He has ten-minute = Semin goes to school on foot. breaks between classes. His favorite subject is math. Every Tuesday he learns samullori in the club. He plays the buk. Does he enjoy it? Yes, he does. 3 = Yes, he enjoys it. (the) Tuesday = On Tuesdays 1 9:00~9:45 Math 2 9:55~10:40 Music 3 10:50~11:35 Korean 4 11:45~12:30 English 12:30~1:20 Lunch break 5 1:20~2:05 Art 6 2:15~3:00 Science Anne lives in England. She goes to school by school bus. She has classes go3 from Monday to Friday. Each class is about 35 minutes. All her classes are in from A to B: AB Tuesday 1 9:15~9:50 French 2 9:50~10:30 Math 10:30~10:40 First break 3 10:40~11:15 Art 4 11:15~11:55 ICT 11:55~12:25 Second break each different rooms. She eats lunch during the second or third break. After school, she plays soccer with her club members. She play3 is a good player. = She is good at soccer. by all during cf. for 5 12:25~1:00 Music 6 1:00~1:40 History 1:40~2:45 Third break 7 2:45~3:20 English 8 3:20~4:00 P.E. school life walk usually class minute break between subject learn club enjoy live England from A to B A B A B about different same during member player Lesson 3 95 Listen & Speak 1 A: Kevin, do you like winter? Do 3 Does B: No, I don t. It s too cold. I like summer. How about you, Aram? A: I like winter. Tell me, what s your favorite color? B: Blue. What about you? = What about you What s your favorite ~? A: I like yellow. Yellow is cool. B: I see. Well, who s your favorite teacher, Aram? who is A: I like my science teacher. How about you, Kevin? B: I like my English teacher. Listen & Speak 2 1 A: I have two tickets to the movie. Can you come with me? B: Sure. A: Why don t we meet at five o clock in front of the theater? B: OK. at Why don t we Can 2 A: I need some help with my science homework. I need some books about plants. B: I have books about plants. Why don t you come to my house after school? Why don t you A: Great! Thanks! Think & Write M: Aram is a middle school student. She goes to school by bus. Every Wednesday her first class is English. During breaks between classes, she sometimes sleeps a little. After school, she writes for the school newspaper. by go 3 96 Listen & Speak 1 winter summer blue yellow Listen & Speak 2 ticket theater help plant Think & Write middle school student between newspaper

1. Semin school. 2. He a day. 3. He has ten-minute breaks. 4. is math. 5. Tuesday he samullori in the club. 6. He the buk. 7. it? Tuesday 8. Yes,. 1 9:00~9:45 Math 2 9:55~10:40 Music 3 10:50~11:35 Korean 4 11:45~12:30 English 12:30~1:20 Lunch break 5 1:20~2:05 Art 6 2:15~3:00 Science Tuesday 1 9:15~9:50 French 2 9:50~10:30 Math 10:30~10:40 First break 3 10:40~11:15 Art 4 11:15~11:55 ICT 11:55~12:25 Second break 9. Anne England. 10. She to school by. 11. She has classes 5 12:25~1:00 Music 6 1:00~1:40 History 1:40~2:45 Third break 7 2:45~3:20 English 8 3:20~4:00 P.E. 12. class is 35 minutes. 13. All her classes are rooms. 14. She eats the second or break. 15., she her club members. 16. a good. p.181 1. 2. 6 3. 10 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Anne 10. 11. 12. 3513. 14. 15. 16. Lesson 3 97 6 10 35 98 p.181.

Words + Reading Listen & Speak 1 A: Kevin, winter? B: No,. too. I. How, Aram? A: I. Tell me, what s? B: Blue. What? A: I. is cool. B: I see. Well, your favorite, Aram? A: I like my. How, Kevin? B: I like my. Listen & Speak 2 1 A: I to the movie. Can you come? B: Sure. A: five o clock the theater? B: OK. 2 A: I some help with my. I some books. B: I have. to my house after school? A: Great! Thanks! Think & Write M: Aram is. She to school bus. Wednesday her is English. During breaks, she a little. school, she for the. p.181 Listen & Speak 1 A: Kevin B: Aram A: B: A: B: Aram A: Kevin B: Listen & Speak 2 1. A: B: A: 5 B: 2. A: B: A: Think & Write Aram Lesson 3 99 1 2 3 different : not alike; not the same : : a place where plays or movies are shown : : an area of land that is used for growing crops or keeping animals such as sheep, cattle, pigs, etc. : 4 : a publication consisting of a number of large sheets of folded paper, on which news, advertisements, and other information is printed : 5 6 : an underground railway : : a building where a large number of interesting and valuable objects are kept, studied, and displayed to the public : 7 : a plan of the times when particular events are to take place : 8 : a pause, interval or interruption in some ongoing activity or situation : 9 10 : to become a member of a group : : a son or daughter of one s uncle or aunt : newspaper theater museum join farm subway break different cousin timetable Anne lives in England. She (A) walks / goes to school by school bus. She has classes from Monday to Friday. Each class is about 35 (B) minutes / seconds. All her classes are in different rooms. She eats lunch (C) for / during the second or third break. After school, she plays soccer with her club members. She is a good player. (A) (B) (C) walks minutes during goes seconds for walks minutes for goes seconds during goes minutes during 100

p.181 Grammar + Reading 1 He usually have six classes a day. 2 He has ten-minutes breaks between classes. 3 Every Tuesdays he learns samullori in the club. 4 He plays buk. 5 Does he enjoys it? 6 Is this you timetable? 7 What your favorite subject, Jina? 8 I m member of the Drama Club. 9 Why don t you come to the school at four o clock in Friday? 10 What s your favorite teacher, Aram? 11 Why don t we meet at five o clock at front of the theater? Aram is a middle school student. She goes to school by bus. Every Wednesday her first class is English. During breaks between class, she sometimes sleeps a little. After school, she writes for the school newspaper. Lesson 3 101 1 history P.E. math subject science 2 a building in which collections of books, tapes, newspapers, etc. are kept for people to read, study or borrow museum farm theater library school 3 Clara is Canada. I take piano lessons Monday to Thursday. 4 dad: a male parent of a child mom: a female parent of a child aunt: the sister of your father or mother uncle: the brother of your father or mother cousin: the son of your brother or sister 102 5 A: Shall we meet at 2:30? B: I m sorry, but I can t. Sure. Of course. I m afraid not. I d love to. Sounds great. 6 A: Can I join your club? B: I m sorry, I can t. A: How about four o clock? B: Great! A: Can I visit your house? B: Sure! A: What s your favorite color? B: My favorite color is blue. A: What s your favorite subject? B: My favorite subjects are math and art. 7 Why don t we meet tomorrow? Let s meet tomorrow. Shall we meet tomorrow? I m afraid of meeting tomorrow. How about meeting tomorrow? Why do you want to meet tomorrow?

8 A: Mike, B: Billy Evans. I love his voice. do you like the singer? what s your favorite singer? who s your favorite singer? who s favorite your singer? what s favorite your singer? 9 A: Every Friday I make cakes and cookies with my cooking club members. B: Really? Can I join your club? A: Sure. Why don t you visit us tomorrow? B: Great! See you then. 10 A: How is your school life? B: They re great. A: What s your favorite month? B: May is your favorite month. A: Your cake is great! I love it. B: Thanks. I can t make cakes. A: Who s your favorite teacher? B: I like my science teacher. A: Why don t we meet in front of the library? B: I m afraid not. See you then. 11 A: What s your favorite food? B: I like Chinese food. I love Japanese food. My favorite food is pizza. I would like to meet a cook. I like bibimbap and bulgogi. 12 My favorite food is gimbap. What about you? What s your favorite food? I like cheese cake. 13 A: Why don t we meet at 3 o clock in front of the theater? B: OK. meet at 3 o clock in front of the theater? 14 Tom walks to school. He usually six classes a day. have has do does get Lesson 3 103 15 She eats breakfast at 8. Do she eat breakfast at 8? Do she eats breakfast at 8? Does she eat breakfast at 8? Does she eats breakfast at 8? She does eat breakfast at 8? 16 The bird flys. He works hard. She watches TV. Kevin goes to school at 8. The lion catches a rabbit. 17 He buys a car. She studys English. She walk to school. He fixs a computer. She goes to the hospital. 18 his friends like Mike? your brother like pizza? your parents use computers? they play basketball after school? you learn English every Monday? 104 19 During breaks between classes, Sangho sometimes sleep a little. 20 She tennis after school. Mary her homework. David TV every night. play - do - watchs plays - does - watchs plaies - does - watches plays - does - watches playes - do - watches 21 This is Bob. He s cute. He eats breakfast 7:30. he like rice? No, he. His favorite food is fish. After breakfast, he goes to the park. 22 Tom likes cookies. Bora eats cookies after lunch. Yujin wants to eat cookies. Semin doesn t wants cookies. Kevin doesn t give her cookies.

(23~25) A: Kevin, do you like winter? B: No, I don t. It s too cold. I like summer., Aram? A: I like winter. Tell me, what s your favorite color? B: Blue. What about you? A: I like yellow. Yellow is cool. B: I see. Well, who s your favorite teacher, Aram? A: I like my science teacher., Kevin? B: I like my English teacher. 23 How are you How about you How do you feel How long is it How about meeting tomorrow 24 Kevin winter. He likes summer. His favorite color is. And he likes his teacher. 25 (1) Q: Who is Aram s favorite teacher? A: She her teacher. (2) Q: What is Aram s favorite color? A: Her favorite color. (3) Q: What is Aram s favorite? A: She winter. (26~28) Anne lives in England. She goes to school by school bus. She has classes from Monday to Friday. Each classes are about 35 minutes. All her classes are in different rooms. She eats lunch during the second or third break. After school, she plays soccer with her club members. She is a good player. 26 27 28 Club Activities in England School Life in England Students Favorite Subject A Soccer Club in England A School Day of a Korean Student 29 His name is Yi Junho. He teaches science. He lives in Jongno-gu, Seoul. His favorite food is bulgogi. His favorite singer is John Lennon. On weekends he usually goes to the museum or meets his friends. (1) Mr. Yi s job is a teacher. (2) Mr. Yi likes John Lennon s songs. (3) On weekends Mr. Yi usually meets his students. Lesson 3 105 (30~32) Semin (walk) to school. He usually has six classes a day. He has ten-minute breaks between classes. His favorite subject is math. Every Tuesday he (learn) samullori in the club. He (play) the buk. Does he enjoy it? Yes, he does. Tuesday 1 9:00~9:45 Math 2 9:55~10:40 Music 3 10:50~11:35 Korean 4 11:45~12:30 English 12:30~1:20 Lunch break 5 1:20~2:05 Art 6 2:15~3:00 Science 30 31 10 6 32 It is Semin s Tuesday timetable. Semin s first class begins at nine. One class takes 45 minutes. Semin has fifty-minute lunch break. Every Tuesday his third class is English. 106 p.182 (33~34) Emma goes to Jones Middle School. Her first class begins at 8:05. One class 90 minutes. After two classes, she has lunch. She only four classes a day. Her favorite subject is history. She is a member of the Girls Basketball Club. After school, she plays basketball with her club members. She enjoys her school life. 33 goes takes have get is 34 What time does Emma s first class begin? How many classes does Emma have each day? What is Emma s favorite subject? Which club is Emma in? What does Emma do after dinner?

1 play - player sing - singer run - runner teach - teacher music - musician 2 subway : an underground railway different: not alike; not the same join: to become a member of a group theater: a building where a large number of interesting and valuable objects are kept, studied, and displayed to the public timetable: a plan of the times when particular events are to take place 3 A: Can we meet in front of the station? B: Why don t we meet at the park? Sure. Of course. I d love to. Sounds great. I m sorry, but I can t. 4 She goes to school by school bus. She don t go to school by school bus. She doesn t go to school by school bus. She don t goes to school by school bus. She does go not to school by school bus. She doesn t goes to school by school bus. 5 A: What s your? B: I like pizza. 6 Can we meet at the subway station? How do we get to the subway station? Let s meet at the subway station. Why don t we meet at the subway station? What about meeting at the subway station? 7 A: Do you like art, Sally? B: No, I don t. I like P.E. A: Taeho, what s your favorite subject? B: Art. A: What s your favorite subject? B: It s music. A: My favorite subject is Korean. How about you? B: I eat fast food a lot. A: What s your favorite subject? B: I really like science and math. 8 She plays buk. Does she enjoy it? Do you like your school life? He plays soccer well. She meets her club members every week. Lesson 3 107 9 A: How about meeting at 2 o clock? B: Let s meet at the park. Sure. Great. That s right. Sounds good. You re welcome. 10 Tony runs very fast. Kevin teaches English. Alice sometimes cries. Chris work in a bank. Tom plaies baseball every day. (11~12) Bora s Week Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun ride a bike clean her room play basketball water the flowers study in the library 11 Q: When does Bora clean her room? A: On. 12 She plays basketball once a week. She studies in the library every day. She waters the flowers twice a week. She cleans her room on Sundays. She rides a bike on Mondays and Thursdays. 108 p.182 (13~14) Anne lives in England. She goes to school by school bus. She has classes from Monday to Friday. Each class is about 35 minutes. All her classes are different rooms. She eats lunch during the second or third break. After school, she plays soccer her club members. She is a good player. 13 at - with in - with in - for at - for on - with 14 Where is Anne from? How long are Anne s breaks? What does Anne eat for lunch? What does Anne do after school? How many classes does Anne have a week? 15 A: I m a member of the Drama Club. We practice every Monday and Friday. B: Really? Can I come and watch you? A: Sure. Why don t you come to the school at five o clock on Monday? B: Great! I ll be there. 3:00 - Monday 3:00 - Friday 4:00 - Friday 5:00 - Monday 5:00 - Wednesday

1 a person who belongs to a club student farmer member officer friend 2 The bank is the bookstore. behind next to at the back of in front of in the middle of (3~4) 3 A: Kevin, what s your favorite? B: Pink. What you, Tony? A: I like blue. 4 A: I have two tickets to the movie. Can you come me? B: Sure. A: Let s meet 4:00 the bus stop. B: OK. 5 A: Why don t we meet at the subway station tomorrow? B: You re right. It s 5 o clock. Sounds great. You re welcome. Because I m late. 6 He loves his mom. Sam jogs in the morning. My mom does the dishes after dinner. Jim playes soccer after school. She washes her hands before meals. 7 Let s go to the theater. May I go to the theater? Why don t we go to the theater? How about going to the theater? What about going to the theater? 8 Sumi TV after dinner. TV Lesson 3 109 (9~11) Bob is my cat. He gets up at 6:00 every morning. He eats breakfast at 7:30. Does he like rice? No, he doesn t. His favorite food is fish. What does he usually do after breakfast? He to the park. He plays with a dog there. He drinks some milk at 12:00. He has dinner with his family at 6:30. After dinner, he watches TV. He doesn t stay up late. He to bed at 10:00. 9 10 Bob likes rice and fish. Bob watches TV after dinner. Bob doesn t want to sleep late. Bob usually plays with a dog in the park. Every day Bob gets up at 6 o clock. 11 (1) Q: Does Bob eat breakfast? A:, he. (2) Q: What time does Bob have? A: At 6:30. (3) Q: Does Bob stay up late? A:, he. 110 12 Wednesday 1 9:00~9:45 Math 2 9:55~10:40 Korean 3 10:50~11:35 Music 4 11:45~12:30 English 12:30~1:20 Lunch break 5 1:20~2:05 Science 6 2:15~3:00 Art Semin s first class is math. There are six classes on Wednesday. There are breaks between classes. Semin learns samullori in the club. There is a lunchtime after English class. 13 (on / you / Tuesday / have / do) How many classes? 14 I have. 15 Can we meet tomorrow? How about meet at the post office? Why don t we meet at the bus stop? When does the first class begin? On weekends he usually goes to the museum.

16 A: Who s your favorite singer? B: I like Madonna. A: Let s go to school together. B: Sure. A: What s your favorite season? B: I love winter. A: Why don t we meet at the library? B: I m sorry, but I can t. A: Shall we go swimming? B: I like summer. (17~18) Semin walks to school. He usually has six classes a day. He has ten-minutes breaks between classes. His favorite subject is math. Every Tuesday he learns samullori in the club. He plays the buk. Does he enjoy it? Yes, he does. 17 18 (19~21) A: Kevin, do you like winter? B: No, I don t. It s too. I like summer. How about you, Aram? A: I like winter. Tell me, what s your favorite color? B: Blue. What about you? A: I like yellow. Yellow is. B: I see. Well, who s your favorite teacher, Aram? A: I like my science teacher. How about you, Kevin? B: I like my English teacher. 19 cold - cold cold - cool cool - cool hot - cool windy - cold 20 black orange circle white brown 21 math Korea art history music Lesson 3 111 p.183 22 24 A: I need some help with my science homework. I need some books about plants. B: I have books about plants. Why don t you come to my house after school? A: Great! Thanks! Yujin: I like English, but I don t like Korean. How about you, Jinsu? Jinsu: I don t like P.E., but I like art. Kevin: I like art, too. But I hate math. Elis: My favorite subject is math, but I don t like science. Good job! I m afraid not. Of course not. Sounds good! I m sorry, but I can t. Kevin Kevin Elis 23 A: Your cake is great! I love it. B: Thanks. Every Wednesday I make cakes and cookies with my cooking club members. A: Really? Can I join your club? B: Sure. Why don t you visit us tomorrow? A: Great! See you then. 25 Sam: Mike, who s your favorite singer? Mike: Billy Evans. I love his voice. Sam: Yeah, I like him, too. I have a video of his 2008 concert in Seoul. Mike: Really? Can I see it, Sam? Sam: Sure. Why don t you come to my house this Saturday afternoon? Mike: OK. Sam likes Billy Evans. Mike s favorite singer is Billy Evans. Billy Evans had a concert in Seoul. Sam has a video of Billy Evans s concert. Mike will go to Sam s house this afternoon. 112

1 learn - teach clean - dirty late - early finish - end same - different 2 music : singing, playing the piano or violin art : painting and drawing math : doing experiments on animals and plants P.E. : running, playing basketball, jumping rope history : the study of the events of the past 5 A: What s your favorite subject? B: I like my English teacher. I study English hard. I don t like American food. I like to use a dictionary. My favorite subject is English. 6 3 A: Why don t we meet at the bus stop? B: OK. What time shall we meet? A: How about 12 o clock? B: She is a good basketball player. She plays basketball very well. She does a good play. She likes basketball very much. She often plays basketball. She knows a good basketball player. OK. Sure. Great. I m fine, thanks. Sorry, I can t. (4~5) 4 Yes, I do. Yes, he does. No, I don t. No, he doesn t. My father works for a school. A: Does your father teach Korean? B: My father is a math teacher. 7 Every Tuesday he learns samullori in the club. = He learns samullori in the club on Tuesdays. A class takes about 35 minutes. = Each class is about 35 minutes. His favorite subject is math. = He likes math most. She has classes from Monday to Friday. = She has classes for 6 days a week. Semin walks to school. = Semin goes to school on foot. Lesson 3 113 8 A: Can I visit your house? B: Sure. don t you come on Monday? A: Sorry, I can t. about Wednesday? B: Great! How - How What - Why Why - How What - What Why - Why 9 A: How is your school life? B: Great! A: What s your favorite month? B: April is my favorite month. A: Your cake is great! I love it. B: Thanks. A: What s your favorite season? B: I like spring. A: Shall we meet in front of the library? B: I m afraid not. See you then. 10 A: What s your favorite subject? B: I like math. How about you? A: My favorite subjects are art and Korean. B: What s your favorite teacher? A: I like my music teacher. 114 11 She studies English. Does he work in the bank? He doesn t clean his room. He does not get up early. She play the piano every day. (12~13) Jina: Come in, Anand. This is my classroom. Anand: It s nice. Oh, is this your timetable? Jina: Yes, it is. Anand: What s your favorite subject, Jina? Jina: English. Anand: Wait! (looks at the poster) Is the school play next month? Jina: Yes. And I m a member of the Drama Club. We practice every Fridays. Anand: Really? Can I came and watch you? Jina: Sure. Why don t you come to the school at four o clock on Friday? Anand: Great! I ll be there. 12 13 Anand Anand

14 Tuesday 1 9:15~9:50 French 2 9:50~10:30 Math 10:30~10:40 First break 3 10:40~11:15 Art 4 11:15~11:55 ICT 11:55~12:25 Second break 5 12:25~1:00 Music 6 1:00~1:40 History 1:40~2:45 Third break 7 2:45~3:20 English 8 3:20~4:00 P.E. The first class begins at 9:15 a.m. She has eight classes on Tuesday. Each class is 35 minutes. The last class ends at 4 o clock. The 5th class on Tuesday is music. (15~16) Anne lives in England. She goes to school school bus. She has classes Monday to Friday. Each class is about 35 minutes. All her classes are in different rooms. She eats lunch the second or third break. After school, she plays soccer with her club members. She is a good player. 15 by from for by from during with by for with by during with from during 16 Anne Anne 1 5 Anne Anne Anne (17~18) Sounds great. Can I join your club? Great! See you then. Thanks. Every Wednesday I make cakes and cookies with my cooking club members. Tom, your cake is great! I love it. Sure. Why don t you visit us next Wednesday? 17 18 Tom meets his cooking club members. every day on Wednesdays every month every weekend next week Lesson 3 115 (19~20) Semin walk to school. He usually have six classes a day. He has ten-minute break between classes. His favorite subject is math. Every Tuesday he learn samullori in the club. Tuesday 1 9:00~9:45 Math 2 9:55~10:40 Music 3 10:50~11:35 Korean 4 11:45~12:30 English 12:30~1:20 Lunch break 5 1:20~2:05 Art 6 2:15~3:00 Science 19 walk have breaks learns walks has break learn walks has breaks learns walk have break learn walks has breaks learn 20 Q: How long is Semin s lunch break? A: For minutes. (21~23) Aram is a middle school student. She goes to school by bus. During breaks between classes, she sometimes sleeps a few. After school, she writes for the school newspaper. 116 p.183 21 22 Every her class is. 23 Aram Aram Aram Aram Aram (24~25) Emma goes to Jones Middle School. Her first class begins at 8:05. One class takes 90 minutes. After two classes, she has lunch. She takes only four classes a day. Her favorite subject is history. She is a member of the Girls Basketball Club. After school, she plays basketball with her club members. She enjoys her school life. 24 at 8:05 at 9:05 at 9:30 at 9:35 at 9:45 25 2 classes 3 classes 4 classes 5 classes 6 classes

1 A: we clean the room? B: Maybe. I must do my homework. 2 (1) He works in a library. (2) Tom studies for a math test. (3) She takes a walk every day. 3 (1) A: Does Jack like soccer? B:, he. So he often plays soccer after school. (2) A: Does Yumi play computer games? B:, she. She listens to music. 4 Q: A: (5~6) A: I m a member of the Drama Club. We practice every Tuesday. B: Really? Can I come and watch you? A: Sure. Why don t you come to the school at four o clock on Tuesday? B: Great! I ll be there. 5 6 (7~8) His name is Yi Junho. He teach science. He live in Jongno-gu, Seoul. His favorite food is bulgogi. His favorite singer is John Lennon. On weekends he usually go to the museum or meet his friends. 7 8 (1) Q: What does Mr. Yi do? A: He is a. (2) Q: Who s his? A: He likes John Lennon. Lesson 3 117 (9~10) 9 I study English very hard. (Susan) 10 Do you like salad? (John) (11~12) 5 A: Why don t we meet at five o clock in front of the theater? B: OK. 11 2 A: B: OK. 12 4 A: B: OK. 13 Andy gets up 6:30 in the morning. First, he his face and has breakfast. He to school eight o clock. At school, he has classes from nine o clock. 118 p.184 14 A: What s your favorite food? B: A: What s your favorite season? B: My family is now in Australia. My aunt live on a small farm here. I late every day. But my dad early. He help my mom with breakfast. I have two cousins, Linda and Ben. Linda Ben and I often plays with the dogs. I really like it here. 15-1 15-2 (1) (2) (3) 15-3 Linda. every day.

Lesson 3 How Is Your School Life? p.83 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 p.84 1 different 2 aunt 3 subject 4 dictionary 5 subway 6 farm 7 company 8 about 9 art 10 activity 11 ride 12 timetable 13 theater 14 sleep 15 learn 16 library 17 each 18 clean 19 uniform 20 newspaper 21 run 22 sound 23 club 24 during 25 bread 26 Australia 27 break 28 between 29 cousin 30 museum 31 visit 32 England 33 concert 34 work 35 season 36 play 37 voice 38 water 39 bakery 40 join 41 Why don t you ~? 42 every Tuesday 43 a little 44 talk with 45 How about ~? 46 in front of 47 by school bus 48 from A to B p.85 1 farm 2 voice 3 different 4 water 5 baseball, Tuesday 6 subject 7 work 8 between 9 by bus 10 Why don t we 11 from, to 12 in front of 13 play 14 to p.86 1 your favorite subject, My favorite, 180 Korean 2 your favorite singer, his voice 3 Why don t we, about, OKSure / Great 4 about meeting at, sorry, can t p.88 1 my classroom 2 your timetable 3 your favorite subject 4 next month 5 I m a member of, Friday 6 come and watch 7 Why don t you, on Friday 8 I ll (D) - (B) - (C) - (A) - (E) p.89 1 2 3 What about 4 5 Why don t you come on Saturday 6 7 subject 8 9 practices, Friday 1 I m busy. A 2 B No, I don t. do you ~? 3 How about ~? = What about ~?: 4 Why don t we meet ~? Let s meet ~. / Shall we meet ~? / How Whatabout meeting ~? 5 Why don t you 6 OK. / Sure. / Great. / Sounds goodgreat I m sorry, but I can t. / I m afraid not. / I d love to, but I can t. 8 I ll be there. p.91 1 She speaks four languages. 2 John goes to church on Sundays. 3 He has two brothers. 4 The little girl washes her face. 5 My friend sings very well. 6 My sister does notdoesn twalk to school. 7 Chris does notdoesn tlike horror movies. 8 My uncle does notdoesn tlive in New York. 9 Brian does notdoesn tplay badminton every morning. 10 Does he live in a big city? 11 Does Sarah want to go to the concert? 12 Does your mother like classical music? p.93 1 (1) doesn t (2) have (3) plays 2 (1) Does Mr. Jones know your cousins (2) My little brother does not learn English. 3 4 5 take takes 6 Sam does notdoesn tvisit his grandparents every Sunday. 7 Does she take a shower after dinner? 8 He has breakfast at 7:30. 9 10 plays baseball with 11 1 3 does not 3 Does play 3 plays 3 Does Yes, does. No, doesn t. 4 TV 10 5 3 takes 8 have 3 has 9 John 3 gets 10 Bill 3 plays 11 have has has have loves love goes go p.97 1 walks to 2 usually has six classes 3 between classes 4 His favorite subject 5 Every, learns 6 plays 7 Does he enjoy 8 he does 9 lives in 10 goes, school bus 11 from Monday to Friday 12 Each, about 13 in different 14 lunch during, third 15 After school, plays soccer with 16 She is, player p.98 1 How show isyour school life? 2 He usually has six classes a day. 3 He has ten-minute breaks between classes. 4 His favorite subject is math. 5 Every TuesdayOn Tuesdayshe learns samullori in the club. 6 He plays the buk. 7 She goes to school by school bus. 8 She has classes from Monday to Friday. 9 Each class is about 35 minutes. 10 All her classes are in different roomsclassrooms. 11 She eatshaslunch during the second or third break. 12 After school, she plays soccer with her club members. p.99 Listen & Speak 1 do you like, I don t, It s, cold, like summer, about you, like winter, your favorite color, about you, like yellow, Yellow, who s, teacher, science teacher, about you, English teacher Listen & Speak 2 1 have two tickets, with me, Why don t we meet at, in front of 2 need, science homework, need, about plants, books about plants, Why don t you come Think & Write a middle school student, goes, by, Every, first class, between classes, sometimes sleeps, After, writes, school newspaper p.100 Words + Reading 2 theater / 3 farm / 4 newspaper / 5 subway / 6 museum / 7 timetable / 8 break /, 9 join /, 10 cousin / 181

Grammar + Reading 1 He usually has six classes a day. 2 He has ten-minute breaks between classes. 3 Every Tuesday he learns samullori in the club. 4 He plays the buk. 5 Does he enjoy it? 6 Is this your timetable? 7 What swhat isyour favorite subject, Jina? 8 I m a member of the Drama Club. 9 Why don t you come to the school at four o clock on Friday? 10 Who s your favorite teacher, Aram? 11 Why don t we meet at five o clock in front of the theater? p.102 1 2 3 from 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Shall we 14 15 16 17 18 19 sleep sleeps 20 21 at, Does, doesn t 22 23 24 doesn t like, blue, English 25 (1) likes, science (2) is yellow (3) season, likes 26 27 28 29 (1) T (2) T (3) F 30 walks learns plays 31 32 33 34 1 P.E. physical education 2 (library) 3 be from: from A to B: AB 4 nephew cousin: 5 7 8 who 10 your school life it 182 B: May is my favorite month. A B I can t make cakes. See you then. 11 12 13 Why don t we meet ~? Let s meet ~. / Shall we meet ~? / How Whatabout meeting ~? 14 3 has 16 The bird flies. 17 studys studies walk walks fixs fixes 18 your brother 3 Does 20 3 -(e)s 21 Does Yesdoes. No doesn t. 22 Semin doesn t want cookies.doesn t 23 How are you? HowWhatabout you? 26 Each class is about 35 minutes. 28 Anne 32 Korean 33 One class takes 90 minutes.: 90 She takes only four classes a day.: 4 p.107 1 2 3 4 5 favorite food 6 7 8 9 10 11 Saturdays 12 13 14 15 1 music musician 2 (museum) theater: 3 A: B: 6 8 the She plays the buk. 10 Chris works in a bank. Tom plays baseball every day. 11 Q: A: 13 in with 14 Anne Anne p.109 1 2 3 color, about 4 with, at, at 5 6 7 8 watches 9 goes 10 11 (1) Yes, does (2) dinner (3) No, doesn t 12 13 do you have on Tuesday 14 six classes on Tuesday 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 (member) 2 in front of: 5 Sorry, I can t. / I m sorry, but I can t. / Maybe next time. / I m afraid not. 6 play y -s 3 ( plays) 7 8 watch 3 watches 9 go to the park: go to bed: 12 15 How about -ing ~? (meet meeting) 16 17 ten-minute breaks 19 It s too cold. It Yellow is cool. 21 Korean 22 Great! B 23 Why don t you 25 Mike Sam p.113 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Fridays Friday came come 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 50fifty 21 22 Wednesday, first, English 23 24 25 1 2 (science) 3 6 A How are you (doing)? 7 35 183

6 8 Why don t you HowWhatabout ~? 9 I m afraid not. See you then. 10 Who s your favorite teacher? 11 play 3 plays 12 every Friday: Can I come and watch you?: Can 14 2, 4, 6, 8 40 15 by school bus: from A to B: AB during 17 Tom 18 Tom on Wednesdays every Wednesday: 19 3 -s have 3 has 10 ten-minute breaks 20 50 21 a little 24 Emma 8 5 90 9 35 p.117 1 Why don t, next time 2 (1) He does notdoesn t work in a library. (2) Tom does notdoesn tstudy for a math test. (3) Does she take a walk every day? 3 (1) Yes, does (2) No, doesn t 4 What swhat is your favorite subject? My favorite subject is English. / I like history (mostbest 5 HowWhat about coming 6 OK! / Sure! / I d love to! / Sounds 184 goodgreat! 7 teaches lives goes meets 8 (1) science teacher (2) favorite singer 9 Susan studies English very hard. 10 Does John like salad? 11 Why don t we meet at two o clock at the bus stop? 12 Why don t we meet at four o clock in front of the museum? 13 at, washes, goes, at 14 My favorite food is gimbap. / I like pizza (mostbest., My favorite season is winter. / I like spring (mostbest. 15-1 get up gets up 15-2 (1) My aunt lives on a small farm here. (2) He helps my mom with breakfast. (3) Ben and I often play with the dogs. 15-3 has aonehorse and three dogs She rides her horse 1 Why don t we ~? Sorry. / Sorry, I can t. / I m sorry, but I can t. / Maybe next time. / I m afraid not. / I d love to, but I can t. 2 3 does not Does 4 What swhat isyour favorite subject? = What subject do you like mostbest? 8 John Lennon 9 Susan 3 study 3 studies 11 at the bus stop: 12 museum: in front of: 13 at wash one s face: go to school: wash go 3 washes goes 14 What s your favorite ~? My favorite ~ is... / I like ~ (mostbest 15-1 I 1 get up my dad 3 gets up 15-3 have 3 has Linda 3 has ride 3 rides