Study of the Management Information Modeling Method in IMT2000, TMN IMT2000 / 3GPP/3GPP2 IMT2000 TMN TMN, IMT2000 TMN (Management Information) (OSF),,, TMN IMT2000 TMN TMN, IMT2000 IRP(Integration Reference Point) TMN 1, IMT2000 / 3GPP/3GPP2IMT2000 TMN(Telecommunication Management TMN TMN Network)[16] TMNITU-T M3000,,,, IMT2000,,, (QoS) 3GPP TIP(Technology Integration, Point)[23] IRP(Integration Reference TMN Point)[3] TMN
IMT2000 TMN (Management, ITU-T Information) X700[10] ODMA TMN (OSF) ITU-T X700[10] ETR230 TMN [15],,, NMF Ensemble TMN GDMO[14] IMT2000TMN TMN IMT2000 3 2 TMN (MIM : Management, Information Models) TMN IMT2000 IRP(Integration Reference Point) 3 GSM3GPP GSM call and event data for the circuit switched domain [4] TMN, /,, 4 TMN 2 [1] TMN (MIM) TMN : TMN (MO) (MO : Managed Object),
TMN TMN : ITU-T M3020 (Definition of Management Services)[9],, NMF Ensemble (Definition of Management Functions) : CMIP, ITU-T G851-1 (ODP) - [18] : 211 Definition Process (1) Tasks, information and relationships ( ) ITU-T M3020 TMN ( OSI, ) (configuration management), TMN (fault management), TMN (context) (performance management), (security management) (accounting management) [2-1], [9] (2) Describe TMN management services task TMN, TMN,,, (3) Describe TMN management context task,,, (relationships) (4) Perform information modelling task 21 M3020 TMN Interface Definition Methodology (generic and technology-specific) TMN ITU-T M3020[9]
(5) Consolidate available information task (6) Define management information schema task (product descriptor),, (containment naming) TMN, 22 Ensemble Specification Framework (CMIP, SNMP ) (Ensemble) NMF(Network Management Forum) (ensemble structure)4, TMN Introduction : TMN,, Management context : NMF (solution set) NMF ( )
] Information model :, TMN ITU-T M3010[16] ITU-T X701[11] TMN Manager Agent Conformance requirements :,, MOCS (proforma) CMIS (template) NMF The Ensemble Concepts and Format (2) Resources, 221 Management context (1) Management view and level of abstraction TMN (descriptions) LLA(Logical Layered Architecture) ITU- TM3010OSI ITU-T, X701 ( ) TMN LLA Ensemblenetwork management layer configuration management,, 1 Identification of general Ensemble management view and level of abstraction
request/response (primitive) (ITU- ( TMN T X710), LLA ITU-T M3010[16]Element (function) Management Layer) [ 2-, logs record, 2] (event forwarding discriminators) TMN (3) Functions ITU-T M3020 3 ITU-T G851-1 (ODP) - (MSs : Management Services) (MFSs : Management Function Sets) (MFs : Management Functions) MF ITU-T X710[17]CMIS 2-2 General format for message flow diagram MF, (attribute), (operation), (action) (notification) 23 IMT2000 - Integration Reference Point (IRP) MS, MFS, MF OSI FCAPS, name/identifier, description, inter-relationship IRP FCPS (Fault, Configuration, Performance, Security management) TMF TOM(Telecom Operation Map)[22],,, IRPEML-NML(Element Management Layer Network Management Layer) 3GPP/SA5, 222 Information model EM-NM NE-NM Ninterface ITU-T X722 GDMO IRP3 : Top-down, Process Driven 223 Scenarios : IRP TMF TOM, (management context) one step at a time Protocol-independent modelling :, IRP (IRP ) (IRP solution set) (description) manageragent : IRP (CMIP, (ITU-T X701) CMIS
SNMP, WBEM ), (1), (2),, 231 Integration levels / IRP Network Infrastructure IRPs Detailed(product-specific) interface : - / - bottom-up,, (element management) TMN :, (Screen Integration) : ( ) 232 Network infrastructure IRPs GUI(Graphic User Interface), NE GUI (seamless) Screen Telecom integration Network Infrastructure IRP (Application IRP NE Integration) : NE, EM(element manager), end-to-end SNM(Sub-Network Manager) -, NE (element 3 management application) High-level generic interface : embedded EM(element manager) IRP [ 2-3] (PSA : High-level(technology-independent to the Product-Specific Applications) extent possible) interface :, IRP : (FM : Fault Management) Top-down
Service Activation Inventory Management Fault Managagement Performance Monitoring / Warehouse Alarm IRP Configuration service IRP IRP (alternative 1) IRP (alternative 2) Performance data IRP PSA EM/ SNM PSA EM/ SNM NE NE 2-3 IRPs for application integration (notification) (alarm surveillance) NE Notification IRP FM, Alarm IRP Basic Configuration Management IRP,, Name Convention for Managed Objects (NE ),, service activation application, 233 Defining the IRPs (inventory management), IRPIRP (IRP information service) (NRM : Network ; Resource Model) IRP, (PM : Performance Monitoring) Performance IRP, IRP 2 Alarm IRP, Performance IRP TMFSMART TMN Basic Configuration Management IRP :
Alarm IRP: Information Service - Alarm reporting parameters consistent with ITU-T M3100, X721, X733, X736 and ETSI GSM 1211 standards, and UMTS-specific probable causes (Text) IRP Information Service - Operations possible over the Alarm IRP (UML/Text) Protocol independent Protocol specific SNMP solution set Corba solution set CMIP solution set - Alarm IRP SNMP (SMIv2) MIB - IRP operation mapping matrix to SNMP - Alarm reporting parameters mapped to OMG Structured Event - Corba IDL files defining IRP operations - Profile of relevant ITU-T/ ETSI standards IRP Solution Sets SNMP Corba/IIOP CMIS CMIP Application Layer UDP TCP OSI transport protocol Transport Layer IP OSI network protocol Network Layer 2-4 IRP example Information model : OMG, (: CIM ) UML(Unified Modelling Language) Solution Set : (CORBA/IDL, SNMP/SMI, PLMN CMIP/GDMO, COM/IDL NE, )MSC TS IRP 22086[33] TS 22024[32] [2-4]IRP AoC(Advise of Charge), MS 3 IMT2000 GDMO, ITU-T M3010[16] GSM 31 1200[38] TMN MSC(Mobile Services Switching Center),, BSS(Base Station System) MSC, BSS (HLR/VLR) NEF(Network Element Function) : NEF OSF(Operation
System Function) [ 3-1], OSF OSF OSF OSF Service Customer NEF Billing Accounting Provision Admin () OSF Billing Accounting Tariff Statistics OSF, OSF Tariff and Charging ADC(Administration Center) Administration NE Tariff IMT2000 GDMO Administration Collection (event) NEF (call data) (administration) [4] NE 3-1 Tariff and administration (IMSI : International Mobile 321 Service Provision Subscriber Identity) (IMEI : NE International Mobile Equipment Identity) (billing)/ (accounting),, () NE () AoC NE () Advise of Charge 1 IMT2000 GDMO 33 TMN management service component, Tariff and administration () administration AoC(Advise of Charge) TMN (TMN- MSC) Tariff Administration : 32 TMN management services (ing, : AoC) Tariff/ administration Collection Management :, ITU-T M3200[26] TMN [ 3-2] Tariff and Charging Administration (ITU-T M3400 ) NE OSF Tariff Admin Collection NEF Tariff Transfer Generation Admin AoC On-line Real-time Tariffing event Telecomm Parameters (AoC) collection Events (MS) Tariff Call Records 3-2 Management Service Components
Tariff administration NE(NEF) () OS AoC () 34 TMN management functions MSC Tariff administration collection () TMN : origin/destination ( zone) 35 Naming(containment) hierarchy (: full/half rate radio traffic channel) Naming(containment) [ 3-3] managedelement (transparent/non-transparent) / (: MOC/MTC) managedelement mscfunction (containment) ( administration GSM 1200[38] service) managed Element * msc Function * call Recording Function log record Class event Fwd Discrim callevent LogEntry emergency CallIndication LogEntry observedimei TicketReport LogEntry record Type suppl Service ssaction Admin Calendar System Origin Dest Zone day Class aoc Service Class roamer Tariff Switch Pattern Note: The objects marked as (*) are defined in GSM 1200 3-3 Naming Tree
top Admin log logrecord System Calendar roamer Tariff call Recording Function event LogRecord Origin Dest Zone callevent LogEntry day Class record Type emergency CallIndication LogEntry Class Switch Pattern suppl Service record Class observedimei TicketReport LogEntry aoc Service ssaction 3-4 Inheritance Tree Log 3GPP/3GPP2IMT2000 ITU-T X721[13] TMN 36 Inheritance, IMT2000 (Inheritance) [3-4] mscfunction IMT2000 managedelement TMN GSM 1200[38] TMN, log, logrecord, eventlogrecord, IMT2000 eventforwardingdiscrimininator ITU-T X721[13] IRP(Integration Reference Point) GSM3GPP 37 GDMO GSM call and event data for the circuit switched domain GDMO [4] managed object classes, attributes, actions, TMN notifications, name bindings 4 IMT2000 /
5 [1] ETSI TR 101 648 v121 TMN ; Managed Object modeling guidelines [2] 3GPP TSG/SA : 3G TS 32101: "3G Telecom Management principles and high level requirements" [3] 3GPP TSG/SA : 3G TS 32102, 3G Telecom Management Architecture [4] 3GPP TSG/SA : 3G TS 32005, GSM call and event data for the circuit switched domain [5] http://wwwplasticsoftwarecom, Unified Modelling Language [6] http://wwwcsuclacuk/research/osimis/ describehtm, OSIMIS [7] http://wwwfokusgmdde/minos/sig/ damocleshtml, DAMOCLES [8] ITU-T Recommendation M3100: "Generic Network information Model (1 st revision)" [9] ITU-T Recommendation M3020: "TMN interface specification methodology" [10] ITU-T Recommendation X700: "Management framework for Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) for ITU-T applications" [11] ITU-T Recommendation X701: "Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Systems management overview" [12] ITU-T Recommendation X720: "Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Structure of management information: Management information model" [13] ITU-T Recommendation X721: "Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Structure of management information: Definition of management information" [14] ITU-T Recommendation X722: "Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Structure of Management Information: Guidelines for the definition of managed objects" [15] ETR 230: "Network Aspects (NA); Telecommunications Management Network (TMN); TMN standardisation overview" [16] ITU-T Recommendation M3010: "Principles for a Telecommunications management network" [17] ITU-T Recommendation X710: Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Common Management Information Service [18] ITU-T Recommendation G851-1: "Management of the transport network Application of the RM-ODP framework" [19] ITU-T Recommendation Q811 (1993): "Lower layer protocol profiles for the Q3 interface" [20] ITU-T Recommendation X200 (1994): "Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Basic reference model: The basic model" [21] ITU-T Recommendation M3400 : "TMN management functions" [22] TMF GB910 Smart TMN Telecom Operations Map (Release 11) [23] TMF GB909 Smart TMN Technology Integration Map (Issue 11) [24] ITU-T D93 (1988): " Charging & Accounting in the international land mobile telephone service provided via cellular radio systems" [25] ITU-T E164 (1988): " Numbering Plan for the ISDN Era" [26] ITU-T M3200: " TMN Management Services: Overview" [27] ITU-T X730 (ISO/IEC 10164-1): "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management: Object Management Function" [28] ITU-T X731 (ISO/IEC 10164-2): "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management: State Management Function" [29] ITU-T X733: "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management: Alarm reporting function" [30] ITU-T X734 (ISO/IEC 10164-5): "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management: Event Report Management Function" [31] ITU-T X735 (ISO/IEC 10164-6): "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management: Log Function" [32] TS 22024: "Description of Charge Advice Information (CAI)" [33] TS 22086: "Advice of charge (AoC) supplementary services - Stage 1" [34] TS 23003: "Numbering, addressing and identification" [35] TS 23040: "Technical realization of the Short Message Service (SMS) Point to Point (PP)" [36] TS 24008: "Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification"
[37] TS 29002: "Mobile Application Part (MAP) specification" [38] GSM 1200: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2); Objectives and structure of Network Management (NM)" [39] GSM 1201: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2); Common aspects of GSM Network Management (NM)" [40] GSM 1202: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Subscriber, Mobile Equipment (ME) and services data administration" [41] ETS 300 196-1: "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Generic functional protocol for the support of supplementary services; Digital Subscriber Signalling System No one (DSS1) protocol; Part 1: Protocol specification" [42] TS 29078: "Customised Application for Mobile network Enhanced Logic (CAMEL); CAMEL Application Part (CAP) specification - Phase 2"