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Exploration of Invigoration Condition for Development of Teachers' Community of Pratice : 'Indie-school' Case Study
Exploration of Invigoration Condition for Development of Teachers' Community of Pratice : 'Indie-school' Case Study
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Ⅲ. 실천공동체로서인디스쿨의발달과정 - 37 -
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Exploration of Invigoration Condition for Development of Teachers' Community of Pratice : 'Indie-school' Case Study This study reveals how the network-based Communities of Practice for the share of teachers' everyday knowledge and development of professionalism is formed, ripened and altered. On this basis, the study' purpose is to search for the way to vitalize the network-based Communities of Practice(CoP). For this cause, this study selected 'indie-school' a typical Distributed CoP formed autonomously online by elementary school teachers as a case study and performed qualitative research. The means of data collection includes in-depth interviews, participatory observation and content analysis. Objects of the in-depth interviews are the system operators of the -indie-school' and participatory observation was performed through observing the indie-school online site. Lastly, content analysis was conducted by analyzing the notices and activity data stated in the online site. The main result of this research can be delineated by dividing the development progress of indie-school into four stages: latency stage, linkage stage, maturity stage and maintenance stage. The analysis of each period is performed according to the critical incidents of each. Furthermore, through analyzing emerging themes such as 'discovery of passion toward sharing and imagination upon community(latency stage)', 'confidence formation inside community and discovery of value toward knowledge share(linkage stage)', 'enhancement of sense of community ownership(maturity stage)', and 'tension between original - 74 -
intension and new revolution(maintenance stage)', the development progress is interpreted and discussed. Conclusively, based on the in-depth technology of this development progress, the implication for autonomous nurture and support not artificial plan and management of online network based CoP is debated. principal language: Communities of Practice(CoP), indie-school, practice network, Distributed Communities of Practice, study community, online community, knowledge sharing, professionalism development - 75 -