0. Once... 일단... 하면 라는표현을할때 Once you lose someone's trust, it's really hard to get it back 일단신용을잃으면만회하기가정말힘들다 Once he makes up his mind to do something, he does it. 일단한다고하면그는한다. Once you open that window, you'll never be able to close it. 일단그창문을열면, 두번다시닫을수없게된다. Once I start eating potato chips, it's hard for me to stop 일단포테이토칩을먹기시작하면좀처럼멈출수가없다 1. I need...... 이필요하다 는것을표현할때 I need a new car. 나는새차가필요해 I need a vacation. 나는휴가가필요해 I need some advice. 나는조언이필요해 I need a haircut. 머리를잘라야겠다. 2. I hope.... 을희망한다. or 어떻게되었으면한다. 는표현 I hope it snows. 눈이내렸으면좋겠다. I hope it's OK with you. 네가좋다고하면좋겠다. I hope you can make it. 네가그것을만들수있으면좋겠다. I hope my plane leaves on time. 내가탈비행기가제시간에출발했으면좋겠다. 3. Can I...?... 할수있나요?... 해드릴까요? 라는표현 Can I help you? 도와드릴까요? Can I give you a hand? 도와드릴까요? Can I get you something? 뭔가갖다드릴까요? Can I take a message? 메시지를받아드릴까요? 4. Are you...? 당신은... 입니까? 라는상대방의상태를질문함 Are you ready? 준비되었습니까? Are you all right? 괜찮아요? Are you busy right now? 지금바쁘신가요? Are you free tomorrow afternoon? 내일오후에시간이있습니까? 5. I'll (I will)... 나는... 할것이다. 라는자신의의사를표현 I'll have the New York cut. 나는뉴욕컷을먹겠습니다. I'll have a beer, please. 맥주주세요. I'll have another cup of coffee. 커피를한잔더하겠어요 I'll have the special 특별요리를먹겠습니다.
6. I want... 을원한다. 말을할때 I want more responsibility. 좀더책임있는일을하고싶습니다. I want a position with more responsibility. 좀더책임있는지위에있고싶습니다. I want a raise. 봉급을올려주길원합니다. I want it all. 나는그모든것을원합니다. 7. Do you want...?... 을원합니까? 라는표현을할때 Do you want some more coffee? 커피더하시겠어요? Do you want anything at the store? 가게에서뭐사올것없어요? Do you want anything else? 그밖에원하는것있어요? Do you want cream and sugar? 크림과설탕을넣을까요? 8. I think... 나는... 생각한다. 라는표현을할때 I think so. 나는그렇게생각한다. I don't think so. 그렇게생각지않는다. I think not. 그렇게생각지않는다. Don't you think so? 그렇게생각하지않나요? 9. Do you think...?... 생각합니까? 라고상대방의의사를물을때. Do you think this looks OK? 보기에괜찮다고생각해요? Do you think this looks good on me? 이것이나한테어울린다고생각해요? Do you think this goes with my dress? 이것이내옷에맞는다고생각해요? Do you think this color suits me? 이색깔이나에게어울린다고생각해요? 10. I know...... 을알고있다 라는표현을할때 I know what you mean. 당신이하는말이무슨뜻인지알겠어요. I know what you want. 네가원하는것을알고있다 I know how you feel. 네기분을안다 I know what you're thinking. 네가뭘생각하고있는지안다 11. Do you know...?... 을알고있습니까? 라는표현을할때 Do you know the recipe? 만드는법을알고있습니까? Do you know that woman? 저여자를압니까? Do you know the story? 그이야기를알고있습니까? Do you know the way? 그길을알고있습니까?
12. I feel..... 을느낀다. 라는자신의기분상태를말할때 I feel sick 속이느글거려 I feel sick to my stomach. 배속이매슥매슥하다 I feel a little dizzy. 약간현기증이난다 I feel really tired. 아주지쳤어 13. Feel free... 사양하지말고하세요. 하는표현을말할때 Feel free to call me it you have any questions. 뭐물어볼것이있으시면주저하지마시고제게전화하세요 Feel free to give me a call if there are any problems. 문제가있으면언제든지전화를주세요. Feel free to ask me if you have any questions. 질문이있으시면언제든지물어보세요. Feel free to tell us if you want anything 원하는것이있으시면언제든지저희에게말씀해주세요. 14. I have...... 을갖고있다 는것을표현할때 I have two sisters. 나에게자매가둘이있다 I have an older sister and a younger sister. 나에게는언니가한명, 여동생이한명있다 I have two sisters, on e older and one younger. 나에게는언니와여동생, 두명의자매가있다 I have two sisters, both older. 나에게는언니가두명있습니다. 15. Have you...?... 해본경험이있어요? 라고질문할때 Have you ever been to Disneyland? 당신은디즈니랜드에가본적이있어요? * have been to- 에다녀오다, 가보다 Have you been to Paris? 파리에가본적이있어요. Have you ever seen Picasso's Three Dancers? 피카소의세명의무희라는그림을본적이있습니까? Have you ever listened to anything by Miles Davis 마일즈데이비스의연주를들은적이있습니까? 16. I have to... "... 을해야만한다. 는표현을할때 I have to make a decision. 나는결정을해야합니다. * make a decision: 결정하다 I have to make a choice. 나는선택을해야한다 I have to make the deadline. 마감시간에맞추어야한다 I have to make more of a contribution to the project. 이프로젝트에좀더공헌을해야합니다
17. Have...... 을가지세요. 어떤상태가되세요. 표현을할때 Have a good time. 즐거운시간되세요. Have a nice time. 즐거운시간되세요 Have fun. 재미있게보내세요. Have a nice weekend. 좋은주말보내세요. 18. This is... 이것은... 입니다 라는표현 This is for you. 이것을당신에게드리겠습니다. 이것은당신것입니다 This is for John. 이것은존에게주는겁니다. This is for the picnic. 이것은피크닉을위한겁니다. This is for tonight's dinner. 이것은오늘밤의저녁용이다. 19. Is this...? 이것이... 입니까? 라고물을때 Is this the report you were looking for? 이것이당신이찾고있었던보고서입니까? Is this what you were looking for? 이것이당신이찾고있던것이아닌가요? Is this what you wanted? 당신이원했던것이아닌가요? Is this the seater you knitted? 이것이당신이짠스웨터인가요? 20. That's (That is)... 저것은... 입니다 라는표현 That's right. 그래요 That's true. 그건그래 That's it. 맞아 That's wrong. 그것은잘못된거야 21. There's (There is)... 사물이나사람이어디에있다 는표현 There's some food in the refrigerator. 냉장고안에먹을게좀있다 There's some cake on the table. 테이블위에케이크가있다 There's none left. 아무것도남아있지않다 There's more ice cream in the freezer. 냉동실안에아이스크림이더있다. 22. Is there...? 어디에무엇이있는지를묻는표현 Is there a drugstore nearby? 부근에약국이있습니까? Is there a bus stop around here? 이근처에버스정류장이있습니까? Is there a direct flight to Seoul from Philadelphia? 필라델피아에서서울로가는직행편이있습니까? Is there another exit? 다른출구가있습니까?
23. Could you...?... 을해주시겠어요? 라고공손히요구하는표현 Could you do me a favor? 부탁하나드려도될까요? Could you help me out? 저를좀도와줄래요? Could you get me another beer? 나한테맥주한잔더줄래요? Could you wrap this separately, please? 이것을따로포장해줄래요? 24. You should...... 을하는것이좋겠다. 하는식의충고나명령을말할때 You should give her a call. 너는그녀에게전화를하는것이좋겠다. You should give her a chance 너는그녀에게기회를주는게좋겠다. You should tell her how you feel. 그녀한테네가어떻게생각하고있는지이야기하는것이좋겠다. You should finish your homework. 너는숙제를끝내야한다 25. Would you...... 을해주시겠습니까 라고정중하게부탁할때 Would you mail this letter for me? 이편지를부쳐주시겠습니까? Would you type this letter, please? 이편지를부쳐주시겠습니까? Would you please pass me the salt? 소금좀집어주실래요? Would you explain it to her? 그것을그녀한테설명해주시겠어요? 26. I'd like (I would like)... 나는.. 을하겠다. 는자신의선호를표현할때 I'd like an ice cream sundae. 아이스크림선디를주십시오. I'd like another drink. 한잔더주십시오. I'd like a slice of pizza, please. 피자한조각을주세요. I'd like two tickets to the 9:30 show. 9 시반에상연하는티켓을두장주세요. 27. It's (It is)... 이것은... 입니다 라는뜻의표현 It's no problem. 별문제아닙니다. It's a difficult question. 그것은어려운질문이군요. It's an emergency. 긴급사태입니다 It's a joke. 농담이오. 28. Let... 함께... 합시다. 라고제안하는표현 Let's take a break. 잠깐쉽시다. Let's take a cab. 택시를타자 Let's eat out tonight. 오늘밤은외식하자 Let's set a date. 날짜를정하자
29. It takes...... 이소요됩니다 라는표현 It takes a lot of hard work. 아주열심히노력하지않으면안된다 It takes a lot of courage. 거기에는대단한용기가필요하다 It takes guts and determination. 거기에는배짱과용기가필요하다 30. It looks like...... 인것처럼보인다. 라고말할때 It looks like it's going to rain. 비가올것같다 It looks like it s going to pop. 그것은지금이라도과연될것같다 It looks like the house is falling apart. 그집은지금이라도무너질것같다 It looks like spring is arriving earlier this year. 올해는봄이빨리올것같다 31. What's...?... 은무엇입니까? 라는질문을할때 What's your number? 당신의전화번호는무엇입니까? What's your name? 당신의성함이어찌되지요 What's your address? 당신의주소가어떻게되지요 32. What a...! 참.. 이네요 라는말을할때 What a mess! 왜이렇게어수선해! What a shame! 원참창피한일이네! What a joke! 얼마나우스꽝스러운일인가! What a surprise! 야, 놀랍다! 33. What do you...? 무엇을... 하세요? 라는상대방의의사나상태를물어볼때 What do you want to do? 넌어떻게했으면좋겠니? What do you want to know? 무엇을알고싶니? What do you plan to do? 무엇을할계획입니까? What do you suggest we do? 당신은우리가어떻게할것을제의합니까? 34. How's...?... 어떠세요? 사물이나사람이어떤상태인지를질문 How's your brother doing? 형은어떻게지내냐? How's your father doing? 아버님은어떻게지내시냐? How's Mary doing? 메리는어떻게지냅니까? How's she now? 그녀는지금어때요? 35. How do you...?... 어떻게합니까? 하는방식에대한질문 How do you open this door? 이문은어떻게여는겁니까?
How do you do this? 이것을어떻게하는겁니까? How do you work this? 이것은어떻게작동시키는겁니까? How do you get there? 거기에는어떻게갑니까? 36. How about..?... 은어떻습니까? 는말을할때 How about a beer? 맥주라도마실까? How about another piece of cake? 케이크하나더드시겠어요? How about lunch? 점심이나할까요? How about some eggs this morning? 오늘아침식사는달걀이어때요? 37. How come...? 도대체.. 왜? 라는식으로물을때 How come you're not going to the party? 너왜파티에가지않니? How come you can't go? 왜갈수없니? How come you never write? 왜너는한번도편지를쓰지않니? How come it's not working? 왜그것은작동하지않습니까? 38. How long...? 얼마나... 오래이지요? 식의시간의길이를질문 How long does it take to get there? 거기까지얼마나걸리지요? How long does it take by bus? 버스로얼마나걸리지요? How long does it take on foot? 걸어서얼마나걸리지요? 39. Why don't you...?... 하지않겠어요? 식으로권유, 제안을할때 Why don't you come along? 너도같이가는게어때? Why don't you join us? 함께가지않겠어요? Why don't you sit down? 앉지그래요 Why don't you take a break? 좀쉬는것이어때요? 40. Thanks for...... 감사합니다 는감사의기본적인표현 Thanks for everything. 여러가지로고마워요 Thanks for all the help. 도와주어서고맙습니다. Thanks for the encouragement. 격려해주셔서감사합니다. Thanks for the advice. 충고해주셔서고맙습니다. 41. Take...... 을잡다 or 갖는다. 는표현 Take it easy. 그럼잘가 Take care. 조심해. 잘가 Take your time. 천천히하세요.
Take a chance. 운에맡기고해보세요. 42. Tell..... 알려주세요 라는것을말할때 Tell her I'll stop by around 7. 그녀에게 7 시쯤들른다고전해줘요 Tell her I'll call her when I get home. 집에도착하면전화한다고그녀에게전해줘요 Tell him I said hello. 내가안부전한다고전해줘요 Tell Jane I bought a ticket for her. 제인의티켓을샀다고전해줘요 43. See you...... 에만나지요 라는것을말할때 See you on Saturday. 토요일에만나요 See you at 8. 8 시에만나요 See you next week. 다음주에만나요 See you tomorrow. 내일만나요 44. This sounds...... 처럼생각되다 는표현을할때 This sounds interesting. 재미있을것같다 This sounds good. 좋을것같다 This sounds exciting. 재미있을것같다 This sounds scary. 무서울것같다 45. Do you mind...?... 해도상관없어요? 라는허가를구할때 Do you mind? 상관없어요? Don't you mind? 상관없어요? Don't you care? 상관하지않아요? Do you care? 괜찮아요? 46. Are you sure...?... 확실해요? 상대방의의도를확인하는표현 Are you sure? 확신해? Are you certain? 확신합니까? Are you positive? 틀림없습니다. Are you serious? 진지한거예요?, 중대한거예요? 47. I'm worried about...... 염려가돼요 라는불안의표현 I'm worried about Susan. 나는수잔이걱정돼 I'm worried about you. 네가걱정이다 I'm worried about the kids. 아이들이걱정이다 I'm worried about our younger generation today. 오늘날의젊은이들이걱정이다
48. be going to...... 하려고하다 는자신의의지를표현하는말 I'm going to study harder next year. 내년에는좀더열심히공부할생각이다 I'm going to quit my job. 나는일을그만둘생각이아 I'm going to take a long vacation this summer. 이번여름에는긴휴가를낼생각이다 49. I'm sorry...... 미안합니다 는뜻의기본적인표현 I'm sorry about what I said. 그런말을해서죄송해요 I'm sorry about what I ve done. 여러가지로폐를끼쳐죄송합니다. I'm sorry I got upset. 화를내서미안합니다 50. I wonder...... 일까? 라는확신이없이추측하는표현 I wonder if he'll call. 그사람이과연전화할까? I wonder if he wants to come. 그사람이오고싶어할까? I wonder if we should invite Carl. 우리가카알을초대해야만하나? I wonder if it will be sunny this weekend. 이번주말에는날씨가좋을는지모르겠다. 51. I hate...... 을싫어한다. 는자신의기호를말할때 I hate spinach. 나는시금치를싫어한다. I hate crowds. 나는사람이많은것을싫어한다. I hate that song. 나는그노래를싫어한다. I hate this weather. 나는이런날씨는질색이다 52. I wish...... 을소원하다 는말의표현 I wish you luck. 당신의행운을빕니다. I wish you every success. 성공을빕니다. I wish you all the happiness in the world. 세상에서가장행복하시길바랍니다. I wish you all the best. 멋진일이있으시기를바랍니다. 53. I guess...... 이라고생각한다. 단서가없이하는말 I guess you're right. 네가옳다고생각한다. I guess it is OK. 괜찮다고생각한다. I guess it would be all right. 괜찮을것이라고생각한다. I guess it doesn't matter. 상관없다고생각한다. 54. May I...? 해도좋습니까? 식의허가를구할때
May I sit here? 여기에앉아도되겠습니까? May I help you? 도와드릴까요? May I speak to Larry, please. 래리씨와이야기를할수있을까요? May I have another piece of pie? 파이한조각을다먹어도될까요? 55. I'm glad...... 해서기쁘다 는말을할때 I'm glad to hear that. 기쁜소식이군요. I'm glad to be here. 여기에오기를잘했네요. I'm glad to meet you. 만나서반갑습니다. I'm glad to see you're all right. 건강한모습을보아서반갑습니다. 56. I heard...... 소문을들었다 는표현 I heard you're moving. 이사하신다고들었습니다. I heard you won. 당신이이겼다고들었습니다. I heard Jim got the promotion. 짐이진급했다고들었습니다. I heard Kate and Richard are getting married. 케이트와리차드가결혼할것이라고들었습니다. 57. I'm afraid...... 두렵다 는두려움을나타낼때하는표현 I'm afraid of flying. 비행기를타는것은무섭다 I'm afraid of the dark. 어두운곳이무섭다 I'm afraid of height. 나는고소공포증이있었다. I'm not afraid of him. 나는그를무서워하지않는다. 58. Shall I...?... 을해드릴까요? 라는뜻의표현 Shall I open the window? 창문을열까요? Shall I get the door? 제가문을열까요? Shall I answer the phone? 제가전화를받을까요? Shall I take a message? 메시지를남기시겠습니까? 59...., isn't it?... 이지요, 안그래요? 라는표현 This is our pen, isn't it? 이것이당신의펜이지요? 안그래요? You're a student, aren't you? 학생이지요? 안그래요? We're next, aren't we? 우리가다음차례이지요? 안그래요? She's from Canada, Isn't she? 그녀는캐나다출신이지요? 안그래요? 60. Please... ( 무엇을요구하면서분위기를완화하는표현 )
Please forgive me. 부디용서해주세요. Please accept my apology. 부디제사과를받아주세요 Please come with me. 부디함께가시지요 Please don't tell anyone. 부디아무한테도말하지말아주세요 61. Be... Be 동사의명령형으로 하라, 되라! 의뜻으로사용 Be careful. 조심해요 Be quiet. 조용히하세요. Be reasonable. 이성적이되세요. Be practical. 현실적으로되세요. 62. Here... 가까운것을가리키는 여기 를나타내는표현 Here you are. 자여기있습니다. Here it is. 자여기있습니다. Here she comes. 그녀가오네요. Here we go again. 자다시합시다. 63. Because... " 왜냐하면... Because I like it. 그것을좋아하기때문입니다 Because It's Sunday. 일요일이기때문입니다 Because It's required. 그것이요구되기때문입니다 Because that's just the way it is. 세상이란그런것이기때문입니다 64. Don't...... 하지마라 의듯을나타내는표현 Don't jump to conclusions. 지레짐작하지마세요. Don't panic. 당황하지마 Don't worry about it. 그것에관해서걱정하지마 Don't mention it. 천만예요 65. You'd better...... 하는편이좋다 는뜻을나타내는표현 You'd better hurry. 서두르는편이좋겠다. You'd better watch out. 조심하는것이좋겠다. You'd better apologize. 당신이사과하는것이좋겠어. You'd better be careful. 주의하는것이좋겠어. 66. You must...... 해야만한다.
You mustn't (must not) disturb her. 그녀를방해새서는안된다. You mustn't wake her up. 그녀를깨워서는안된다 You mustn't be late. 늦어서는안된다 You mustn't forget. 잊어서는안된다 67. You mean...? 즉.. 라는말이지요? 라는뜻의표현 You mean you didn't accept the offer? 너는그제안을받아들이지않았다는말이냐? You mean it's impossible? 불가능하다는말입니까? You mean you're not going? 가지않겠다는말이예요? You mean it's true? 그게사실이란말이예요? 68. I'd (I would) rather...... 보다는... 쪽을하고싶다 는뜻의표현 I'd rather stay home tonight. 어느쪽인가하면오늘밤에는집에있고싶다 I'd rather eat out. 어느쪽인가하면외식하고싶어요. I'd rather go bowling. 어느쪽인가하면볼링치러가고싶다 I'd rather 애 something else. 뭔가다른것을해보고싶다 69. I used to... 옛날에는... 이었다 는뜻의표현 I used to be a high-school teacher. 나는전에는고등학교선생이었다. I used to be a fan of hers. 나는전에는그녀의팬이었다. I used to be a baseball player. 나는전에는야구선수였다 There used to be a market on the comer. 전에그모퉁이에시장이있었다. 70. It seems...... 라고생각되다 라고추측하는표현 It doesn't make any difference to me. 나에게는차이가없다 It makes sense. 그것은일리가있네요. It doesn't make any sense. 그건도무지말이되지않는다. It makes a good meal. 맛있어요. 72. Is it all right...? ~ 해도좋아요? 허가를구하는표현 Is it all right to use phone? 전화를써도될까요? Is it all right to let the cat out? 고양이를밖으로내보내도될까요? Is it all right to mention it to Tony? 토니에게말해도돼요? Is it all right to use this glass 이컵을사용해도돼요? 73. That's (that is) what... 그것이바로... 이다 That's what I was thinking. 내가생각하고있던것이바로그거야
That's what we have to do. 우리들이해야만하는것이그것이다 That's what I was afraid of. 내가두려워했던것이바로그것이다 That's what I call modern art. 내가현대예술이라고하는것이그것입니다. 74. There's (there is) nothing... 거기에... 아무것도없다 는표현 There's nothing to do. 한일이아무것도없다 There's nothing to be afraid of. 아무것도무서워할것없다 There's nothing to worry about. 아무것도걱정할것이없다 There's nothing to drink. 마실것이아무것도없다 75. There's (there is) no...... 이아무것도없다 는표현 There's no way I'm going to finish it on time. 정해진시간에끝내는것은무리다 There's no way now that we'll get a reservation. 지금예약을하는것은무리다 There's no chance that you'll be able to make it. 당신이제시간에댈가능성은없다 There's no possibility that you'll change your min. 당신이생각을바꿀가능성은없다 76. No wonder...... 에대해서무리는아냐... 당연하다 표현 No wonder she got angry. 그녀가화가난것도무리는아니다 No wonder. 그럴만해 No wonder he quit. 그가그만둔것도무리가아니다 No wonder you're upset. 네가당황하는것도무리가아니다 77. Which~better... 어느것을 ~ 더 둘중에하나를선택해야함 Which do you like better, the red or the blue one? 빨간것과파란것중에어느쪽을좋아합니까? Which do you like better, spring or fall? 봄하고가을중에어느것을더좋아하십니까? Which do you speak better, English or French? 영어하고분란서와어느것을더잘합니다까? Which does he play better, tennis or racquetball? 테니스와라켓볼중에어느쪽을더잘합니까? 78 Why not...?... 하지그래요? 라고제안하는표현 Why not give her a call? 그녀에게전화해보는것이어때요? Why not give it a try? 시도해보는것이어때요? Why not give it a chance? 한번기회를주는것이어때요? Why not give yourself more time? 좀더시간을들이는것이어때요? 79. What if...?... 하면어떨까? 가정적인지문을통해서상대방의의사를묻는표현
What if we put this table next to the chair 테이블을의자옆에놓으면어떨까요? What if we get rid of this old desk? 이낡은책상을치우면어떨까요? What if we take an earlier bus? 좀더이른버스를타면어떨까요? 80. What else... 그밖에무엇이... 라고물을때 What else happened? 그밖에무슨일이있었지요? what else is now? 그밖에무엇이새롭지요? what else is there? 그밖에무엇이있지요? what else is available? 그밖에무엇을사용할수있나요? 81. What makes you...? 어째서당신은... 합니까? 라는원인을묻는말 What makes you so sure? 어째서그런확신을갖고있지요? What makes you so sure about that? 어째서그것세대해서그런자신을갖고있습니까? What makes you so positive? 어째서그렇게자신을갖고있습니까? What makes you so cheerful? 어째서그렇게즐겁습니까? 82. What~ is... ~ 하는것은... 이다 라고할때 What you need is a nice long vacation. 당신에게필요한것은여유있게지낼수있는긴휴가입니다 What you need is more information. 당신에게필요한것은좀더많은양의정보이다 What you need is better management. 네게필요한것은좀더좋은경영진이다 What you need is a good hot bath. 네게필요한것은따뜻한목욕이다. 83. Whatever...... 하는무엇이든지 라는표현 Whatever you decide is OK with me. 어떻게결정생각하든지최고입니다 Whatever you think is best? 당신이무엇을생각하든지최고입니다 Whatever you 애 is all right with me. 당신이무엇을하든지나는좋습니다. Whatever you want to do is OK with me. 당신이하고싶은것이무엇이든지저는좋습니다. 84. Whenever... 할때는언제라도 라는표현 Whenever you want to go is fine with me. 당신이언제가고깊던지나는좋습니다. Whenever you come is OK with me. 당신이언제오든지나는좋습니다. Whenever he wants to meet is all right with me. 그가만나고싶을때가언제든지나는좋습니다. Whenever you did it would be fine with me. 당신이언제했던지나는좋습니다.
85. When...... 했을때 특정한시점을말할때사용하는표현 When I was a child, things were different. 내가어렸을때는사정이달랐다. When I was in Spain, the weather was great. 내가스페인에있었을때일기는좋았다 When my mother was young, she lived in Ohio. 엄마는젊었을때오하이오주에살았다 When he was in high school, he was one heck of an athlete. 그가고등학생이었을때굉장한운동선수였다 86. No matter... 아무리... 해도 No matter how hard I study, I don't seem to improve. 아무리열심히공부를해도향상이되지않는것같다 No matter how hard I work, it's never appreciated. 아무리열심히일을해도전혀인정을받지못한다 No matter how late she goes to bed, she's always up early the next morning. 아무리늦게잠자리에들어도그녀는다음날아침에일찍일어난다. No matter how much I feed the dog, he still wants more. 개에게아무리많이먹여도그개는더먹기를원한다. 87. While...... 하는동안에 라는기간을표현하는말 While you were out, Bill stopped by. 당신이외출했을때빌이들렀었다 While I was working on the computer, there was a power failure. 내가컴퓨터로일을하고있는동안에정전이있었다. While she was a student in England, she met her future husband. 그녀가영국에서학생으로있는동안그녀는그녀의장래의남편을만났다 While they were away on vacation, someone broke into the house. 그들이휴가로집을비웠을때, 누군가가집에침입을했다 88. If... 만일... 한다면 어떤상황을가정해서말할때 If it rains, we'll just have to reschedule it. 만일비가오면계획을다시세워야한다. If you get lost, just give us a call. 만일길을잃어버리면우리에게전화해주세요. If she doesn't come soon, we'll just have to leave without her. 만일그녀가곧오지않으면우리는그녀를빼놓고출발해야한다 If you really want to improve, you'll have to practice more. 당신이항상하기를진심으로원하면좀더많은연습을해야한다 89. Even if... 비록.. 할지라도 라는양보의뜻을나타낼때 Even if it rains, we're still going. 설령비가와도그래도우리는간다. Even if we rush, we're still going to miss the beginning. 설령서두르더라도우리들은시작부분을놓치고말것이다 Even if I wash this, I don't think it'll get clean. 설령이것을빨더라도나는이것이깨끗해지지않을것으로생각한다 Even if we work overtime, we still won't get it done today.
우리들이설령야근을하더라고그것은오늘중에끝나지않을것이다 90. The best ~ is... 가장좋은 ~ 은... 이다 라는선호를나타낼때 The best day for me is Thursday. 내게가장좋은날은목요일입니다 The best man for the job is Todd. 그업무의최적임자는 Todd 이다 The best medicine for a cold is plenty of rest. 감기에가장좋은약은푹쉬는것이다. The best place for ribs is Buffalo Bill's. 갈비를잘하는곳은버팔로빌즈이다 91. So~that... 너무 ~ 해서.. 하다 원인과결과를나타내는표현 He was so happy that he bought everybody a drink. 그는너무기분이좋아서모두에게음료수를샀다. He was so angry that he threw the book at her. 그는너무화가나서그책을그녀에게던졌다 Dad was so excited that he forgot to call Mom and tell the good news. 아버지는너무흥분한나머지엄마에게전화해서그기쁜소식을전하는것을잊으셨다 I was so tired that I almost fell asleep at the wheel. 나는너무피곤해서하마터면졸음운전을할뻔했다 92. too ~ to... 너무 ~ 하기때문에... 할수없다 He is too small to play football. 그는너무작아서축구에는적합하지않다 She' too young to be seeing that kind of movie. 그녀는너무어려서그런영화를볼수없다 He's too sick to make it to the conference. 그는너무아파서회의에참석치못했다 They're too busy to help us with it right now. 그들은너무바빠서우리를당장도와줄수없다 93. as ~ as... 와같은정도의 라는비교를나타낼때 She's as quiet as a mouse. 그녀는정말조용하다 He's as big as a house. 그는정말크다 Bill is every hit as capable as Jack. 빌은어느모로보나잭만큼유능하다 You've been as busy as a bee lately. 당신은요즘무척바쁘시군요. 94. It's (It is)~to... ~ 하는것은... 이다. It's safer to send checks by registered mail. 수표는등기로보내는것이더안전하다 It's faster and easier to send it by fax. 팩스로보내는것이더빠르다 It's not so easy to do. 행동하는것은그리쉽지않다 It's not so hard to get in touch with him in the evening. 밤에그에게연락하는것은그리어렵지않다
95. It's (It is) ~but... 그것은.. 이다그러나... It's true, but I still cant' believe it. 그것은사실이지만나는아직믿을수가없다 It's nice, but i'm afraid it's a little too expensive. 그것은좋지만좀비싼것같습니다 It's free, but there must be some strings attached. 그것은무료이지만뭔가부대조건이있을것이다 It's pretty good, but I think you can do better. 상당히잘했는데, 나는네가더잘할수있으리라고생각한다 96. Not only ~ but also... A 뿐만아니라 B 도역시 Not only the city but the surrounding suburbs experienced flooding. 그도시뿐만아니라근교도홍수를만났다 Not only Maria but Juan also came from Costa Rica. 마리아뿐아니라후안도코스타리카에서왔다 Not only mathematics but English is a required subject too. 수학뿐만아니라영어도필수과목이다 Not only you, everybody in the building has to vacate temporarily. 너뿐만아니라그빌딩안에있는모든사람들이일시적으로피난하지않으면안된다 97. All~ is... ~ 하는모든것은... 이다 라는상황을나타내는표현 All you can do now is wait. 지금당신이할수있는일은기다리는것뿐이다 All I can think about is my upcoming vacation. 내가생각할수있는것은다가오는휴가에대한것뿐이다 All we can do now is just sit and wait. 지금우리가할수있는일은그저앉아서기다리는것뿐이다 All I did yesterday was lie around and watch TV. 어제내가한일은빈둥빈둥 TV 를본것뿐이다 98. The more ~, the more... ~ 하면할수록,... 하다 비교강조할때 The more I think about it, the more confused I get. 그것에대해서생각하면할수록혼란스러워진다 The more you think about it, the more nervous you've going to get. 그것에대해서생각하면할수록너는점점초조해진다 The more he tried to explain, the more suspicious she got. 그가설명하면할수록, 그녀는더욱더수상히여겼다 The more she drank, the more talkative she became 마시면마실수록그녀는말이많아졌다 99. Now that... 자, 이제는... 라는식의시간에경과에따른결과를표현할때 Now that all my children have grown up, I have a lot of free time 지금은아이들이모두컸기때문에남는시간이많아요.
Now that everyone's here, why don't we start? 자이제는모두모이신것같으니시작할까요? Now that Tom has graduated, he'll be working for a trading company 이제는탐도학교를졸업했으니상사에서일을할것이다 Now that you've quit your job, what are you going go do next? 자, 이제회사를그만두었으니다음에는무엇을할생각입니까?