45 3, 193 200 (2018) Koren J. Poult. Sci. Vol.45, No.3, 193 200 (2018) https://doi.org/10.5536/kjps.2018.45.3.193 193 1 2 3 4 Effect of Sprying Chmecypris obtus Essentil Oil on the Elimintion of Red Mite (Dermnyssus glline) in Lying Hens Chun Ik Lim 1, Seung Gyu Prk 2, Ho Sung Choe 3 nd Kyeong Seon Ryu 4 1 Student, Deprtment of Animl Science, Chonbuk Ntionl University, Jeonju 54896, Republic of Kore 2 Resercher, ClTecBio Incorported, Pocheon 11183, Republic of Kore 3 Professor, Deprtment of Animl Biotechnology, Chonbuk Ntionl University, Jeonju 54896, Republic of Kore 4 Professor, Deprtment of Animl Science, Chonbuk Ntionl University, Jeonju 54896, Republic of Kore ABSTRACT The purpose of this study ws to evlute the influence nd sfety of sprying Frm Clen-S (FC-S) contining 70% Chmecypris obtus essentil oil on the elimintion of red mite in lying hens. In totl, 300 lying hens (ISA brown) ged 72 weeks nd infected with red mite were ssigned to individul cges for five tretments with five replictes for 18 dys. Tretments consisted of distilled wter (negtive control; NC), commercil spry product (positive control; PC), FC-S 0 (originl concentrtion), FC-S 50 (50 times diluted) nd FC-S 100 (100 times diluted). The number of red mites, egg production nd weight of ech group were evluted dily throughout the whole experimentl period. Egg qulity nd blood biochemicl prmeters were mesured t the end of the experiment. Sfety tests were confirmed by feed intke, respirtion, lethrgy, dirrhe nd mortlity symptoms fter the feeding tril. As the result, more thn 80% of red mites were eliminted by the FC-S 0 spry tretment, nd FC-S 50 lso showed higher elimintion percentge thn did PC (P). However, the elimintion effect of the FC-S 100 spry ws lower thn tht of the PC, but higher thn tht of the NC (P). These results confirmed tht the optimum FC-S dilution rte rnged from 0 50 times with distilled wter to eliminte the red mite effectively. The performnce, egg qulity, blood prmeter nd sfety tests were not significntly different mong tretments. Thus, FC-S 0 nd FC-S 50 spry tretments cn effectively nd sustinbly control red mite infesttions without detrimentl effects on the performnce, egg qulity nd plsm biochemicl properties of lying hens. (Key words: Chmecypris obtus essentil oil, egg qulity, lying hens, performnce, red mite) (Dermnyssus glline),. (Flochly et l., 2017), (Kilpinen et l., 2005)., (George et l., 2009; Mullens et l., 2010),, (Vliente Moro et l., 2007). (pyrethroid), (orgno phosphorus) (crbmte),, (Dlton nd Mulchy, 2001),. (essentil oil) To whom correspondence should be ddressed : seon@jbnu.c.kr
194 : (Kim nd Kim, 2010; Abdelftth et l., 2018). (George et l., 2009b)., (Chmecypris obtus) (phytoncide) (Mori nd Mitzki, 2002), (Dermtophgoides pteronyssinus) (Hirmtsu nd Miyzki, 2001; Kim et l., 2009).,. 70% ( -S),,.. 20 1, 100 lctophenol cotton blue 45 1., (Di Plm et l., 2012). -S (FC-S, Tble 1). FC-S 0(, FC-S 0), 50 (FC-S 50) 100 (FC-S 100), (negtive control; NC) (positive control; PC). 72 ISA Brown 300 5 5 12 ( / : 70 cm 40 cm 50 cm /6 ) 2, Tble 1. Composition of essentil oil product (FC-S) Composition % Checypris obtus essentil oil 70 Clcium hydroxide 2.5 Polysorbte 2.4 Distilled wter 25.1 Totl 100 6 3 m 2 430 ml.,, 16.. (Fig. 1, : 10 cm 10 cm) 2,.., 1. 30 (QCM+; TSS, UK), (QC-SPA; TSS, UK) (FHK, Jpn). 10, (Automtic Biochemicl Anlyser, Thermo Scientitic, Konelb 20, Finlnd). 10,
Lim et l. : Effect of Sprying Chmecypris obtus Essentil Oil on the Elimintion of Red Mite 195 Fig. 1. Crdbord trp of red mite (closed nd opened). 사, 호흡기 증상, 침울 및 설사증상을 조사하였다. 1차 살포 를 마친 후 7일까지 상태를 조사하였고, 다시 2차 살포를 하 여 14일까지의 이상증상을 확인하였다. 4. 통계처리 안전성 검사를 제외한 모든 데이터는 SAS(Sttisticl 의 ANOVA로 분석하였고, 처리구간 값을 Duncn(1955)의 다중검정방법 을 통하여 95%로 유의성을 검정하였다. Anlysis System, 9.2 Version, Cry, NC, 2002) 결 과 1. 닭진드기 동정 닭에 기생하는 진드기는 대부분이 닭진드기종(Dermmyssus glline)에 속하지만, 그 외에도 닭작은진드기(Ornithonyssus sylvirum), 열대진드기(Ornithonyssus burs), 탈모옴 진드기(Knemidocoptes glline), 비늘다리진드기(Knemidocoptes mutns) 및 비늘피부진드기(Epidermoptes bilobtus) 의 기생이 가능하다. 본 사양실험에 앞서 Di Plm et l. (2012)의 방법에 준용하여 산란계가 감염된 진드기의 종류 에 대해 조사하였다(Fig. 2). 광학현미경으로 관찰한 결과로 진드기의 등 부분에 방패모양의 갑각을 확인하였으며(f), 갑 각에 무늬와 털이 존재한다(g, h). 또한 한 쌍의 외생식공(i) 과 다리의 강모가 확인되어(j) 형태학적으로 닭진드기의 특 징과 모두 일치하였고, 본 실험에 이용된 진드기는 닭진드 기임을 확인하였다. 2. FC-S 농도별 살포가 닭진드기에 미치는 영향 닭진드기에 감염된 산란계에 FC-S의 농도별 살포시에 잔 류하는 닭진드기 수와 비율에 미치는 영향은 Tble 2에 나 타내었다. 1차 살포 후 6일간 닭진드기 숫자와 비율은 FC-S 0 처리구에서 다른 처리구에 비하여 매우 감소하였다(P). 또한 FC-S 50 처리구에서도 닭진드기 제거는 PC 처리구보 다 우수하였고, FC-S 100 처리구는 PC 살포시에 나타났던 진드기 제거 효과와 유사하였지만 NC 처리구에 비하여 효 율적으로 닭진드기를 제거하였다(P). 닭진드기 제거를 위하여 FC-S를 2차로 살포 후에는 FC-S 0 처리구에서 닭진 드기 숫자와 비율은 유의적으로 감소되었다(P<0.05). 1, 2차 결과와 유사하게 3차 살포시에도 FC-S 0 처리구에서 닭진 드기의 숫자와 비율은 현저하게 감소되었으며(P), FC-S 50 처리구도 PC 에 비하여 감소되었으며, 처리구간에 통계 적으로 차이를 보였다(P). 본 실험 결과, 전체 사양실험 기간에 FC-S 0를 살포한 처리구에서 잔류한 닭진드기 숫자 와 그 비율은 213.32마리와 19.39%가 잔류함으로써 가장 우 수한 제거효과를 나타내었으며(P), FC-S 50 처리구에 서 44.38%가 잔류되어 PC 처리구의 54.80%보다 개선되었 다. FC-S 100 처리구에서 닭진드기 셍존율은 63.15%로 PC 처리구에 비하여 그 효과가 적었지만 NC 처리구에서 생존 율 87.42%에 비하여 진드기 제거효과는 현저하게 향상되었 다(P). 3. 산란율, 난중, 사료요구율, 난백높이, 호유닛, 난각 강도 및 두께 의 살포가 산란계의 생산성과 계란품질에 미치는 영 향은 Tble 3에 나타내었다. 본 연구결과, FC-S 처리구에서 산란율은 76.5277.64%로 NC와 PC 처리구의 산란율과 유 FC-S
임 등 : 산란계에 편백나무 정유 살포가 닭진드기에 미치는 영향 196 () (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) Fig. 2. Comprison of red mite (Dermnyssus glline) photogrph nd smple photogrph. ( e): stndrd photogrph of red mite (Di Plm et l., 2012); (f j): representtive photogrph of this study mite; (, f): shield-shped crpce on the bck; (b, g): pointed hir of crpce; (c, h): existence of J1 nd S1 hirs on the crpce; (d, i): pir of epigynl pores on the crpce; (e, j): existence of bristles on the tibi IV. Tble 2. Eliminting effect of sprying FC-S on the red mite of lying hens Tretments Before spry 1st spry (1 6 d) 2nd spry (7 12 d) 3rd spry (13 18 d) Rtio (%) Rtio (%) 747.70b 51.27b 798.38b 54.80b 185.20d 16.28b 158.35d 14.59c 213.32d 19.39c 59.39b 511.35c 36.85b 532.75c 36.89bc 625.37c 44.38bc 78.70b 515.40c 43.97b 842.70b 66.77b 794.57b 63.15b 78.35 6.42 62.43 6.33 77.73 7.12 67.40 6.31 0.02 943.45 78.34 1,489 934.40 64.26b 713.05b FC-S 0 1,174 296.40b 27.31c FC-S 50 1,450 832.00 FC-S 100 1,326 1,025.60 SEM 76.87 P vlue 0.77 Rtio (%) 48.89b 92.49 87.42 PC Rtio (%) 1,064.50 1,141.60 ~d 91.44 1,355 1,108.45 NC Totl verge (1 18 d) Vlue within row with different letters re the sme letters in the row re significntly different t 5% level. FC-S (Frm Clen-S) included Chmecypris obtus essentil oil t 70%; NC (negtive control): distilled wter; PC (positive control): commercil spry solution for eliminting red mite; FC-S 0: FC-S undiluted; FC-S 50: FC-S diluted with 50 times distilled wter; FC-S 100: FC-S diluted with 100 times distilled wter. 사하여 처리구간에 통계적 차이가 없었으며, 난중과 사료요 구율도 전체 64.9765.44 g과 2.272.31로 처리구간에 차 이가 없었다. 난백높이는 FC-S 처리구에서 7.718.02 mm로 NC와 PC 처리구와 차이가 없었으며, 호유닛, 난각강도 및 두께도 처리구간에 차이가 없었다. 4. 혈액분석 의 살포가 산란계의 혈액성상에 미치는 영향은 Tble 4 FC-S
Lim et l. : Effect of Sprying Chmecypris obtus Essentil Oil on the Elimintion of Red Mite 197 Tble 3. Effect of sprying FC-S on performnce nd egg qulity of lying hens Tretments Egg production (%) Egg weight (g) Feed conversion Albumen height (mm) Hugh unit Shell strength (kg/cm 2 ) Shell thickness (mm) NC 77.92 64.97 2.28 7.92 87.28 2.15 0.365 PC 77.92 65.18 2.27 7.86 86.33 2.09 0.371 FC-S 0 77.64 65.44 2.29 7.80 86.44 2.34 0.356 FC-S 50 76.53 65.42 2.31 8.02 87.85 2.07 0.364 FC-S 100 76.52 65.37 2.30 7.71 86.10 2.32 0.370 SEM 1.17 0.24 0.04 0.13 0.74 0.12 0.004 P vlue 0.99 0.97 0.99 0.96 0.94 0.93 0.77 FC-S (Frm Clen-S) included Chmecypris obtus essentil oil t 70%; NC (negtive control): distilled wter; PC (positive control): commercil spry solution for eliminting red mite; FC-S 0: FC-S undiluted; FC-S 50: FC-S diluted with 50 times distilled wter; FC-S 100: FC-S diluted with 100 times distilled wter. Tble 4. Effect of sprying FC-S on blood composition of lying hens Tretments Albumin (g/dl) AST (IU/L) ALT (IU/L) Cholesterol (g/dl) HDL cholesterol (g/dl) Glucose (mg/dl) Protein (g/dl) Neutrl ft (mg/dl) NC 2.34 161.79 0.80 158.66 10.71 303.05 7.02 1,814.75 PC 2.21 142.33 0.72 157.68 9.77 315.30 6.53 1,924.95 FC-S 0 2.30 160.70 0.55 155.08 9.62 314.61 6.63 1,801.015 FC-S 50 2.31 154.24 0.61 157.17 10.28 319.28 7.20 1,792.33 FC-S 100 2.34 142.07 0.79 163.45 11.78 345.13 8.59 1,964.86 SEM 0.03 5.18 0.15 9.10 1.10 5.78 0.33 157.26 P vlue 0.71 0.64 0.98 0.99 0.98 0.22 0.29 0.99 FC-S (Frm Clen-S) included Chmecypris obtus essentil oil t 70%; NC (negtive control): distilled wter; PC (positive control): commercil spry solution for eliminting red mite; FC-S 0: FC-S undiluted; FC-S 50: FC-S diluted with 50 times distilled wter; FC-S 100: FC-S diluted with 100 times distilled wter.., FC-S, AST ALT NC PC, HDL.,,. FC-S Tble 5.,,, 1 4 FC-S 50 1. 2 FC-S 50, FC-S 50 FC-S 0 FC-S.,. (Flochly et l., 2017).
198 : Tble 5. Sfety test of FC-S sprying on lying hens Tretments Immeditely before sprying After 1 st sprying Immeditely fter sprying After 4 h After 1 7 d Immeditely before sprying After 2 nd sprying Immeditely fter sprying After 4 h After 1 14 d NC - - - - - - - - PC - - - - - - - - FC-S 0 - - - - - - - - FC-S 50 - - - 1 deth (4 d) - - - - FC-S 100 - - - - - - - - Sfety test confirmed bnorml symptoms (bnorml feed intke nd respirtion, lethrgy, dirrhe nd mortlity). FC-S (Frm Clen-S) included Chmecypris obtus essentil oil t 70%; NC (negtive control): distilled wter; PC (positive control): commercil spry solution for eliminting red mite; FC-S 0: FC-S undiluted; FC-S 50: FC-S diluted with 50 times distilled wter; FC-S 100: FC-S diluted with 100 times distilled wter. (orgno phosphorous), (crbmte) (pyrethroid) (Dlton nd Mulchy, 2001), (Kim et l., 2007). thyme, cde neem, (George et l., 2009; Cmrd et l., 2018). 40 38 90% (Kim et l., 2004),. (Kim et l., 2009), (terpene),, (Kim nd kim, 2010; Nm nd Lee, 2013). β -thujplicin (house dust mite) (Mori nd Mitzki, 2002; Jng et l., 2005), (Hirmtsu nd Miyzki, 2001). (Tble 2), FC-S 0 80% (P). FC-S 50 PC, FC-S 100 PC NC (P).,, (George et l., 2009b)., (George et l., 2010). FC-S NC PC, (Tble 3 5). Ymuchi et l.(2014), 500 1,000. 70% FC-S 0 50,,,., FC-S, FC-S 0 50.
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