NĂM Modern Vietnamese Cuisine 우크라이나키예프에위치한 YOD 스튜디오는다수의프로젝트를이어온유능한디자인팀으로건축과디자인에재능이넘치는디자이너들이한데모여있다. 모던한스타일부터각나라의문화적특색이담긴스타일까지다채로운컨셉을모두완벽히소화하는이들은호텔, 레스토랑, 카페, 바등의상업공간에특화된디자인을선보인다. 미니멀리즘과색다른자재의활용, 강렬하게기억에남는인상적인인테리어디자인으로유명하며, 가구디자인부터장식품디자인, 그래픽디자인까지다양한 분야를아우르고있다. 성은주기자 DESIGN STUDIO: YOD Design Lab EMAIL: yodlab.pr@gmail.com CONTACT: +380975386205 TYPE: Restaurant of modern Vietnamese cuisine LOCATION: Velyka Vasylkivska st., 48, Kyiv, Ukraine AREA: 575m2 GRAPHIC DESIGN AND CORPORATE ELEMENTS: PRAVDA Design PHOTOGRAPHER: Andriy Bezuglov 128 International NĂM MODERN VIETNAMESE CUISINE International NĂM MODERN VIETNAMESE CUISINE 129
웅장한아치형구조와 4.5m에이르는거대한입구가그위용을자랑하는 NĂM Modern Vietnamese Cuisine은우크라이나키예프에위치한베트남요리전문점이다. 베트남은과거프랑스의지배를받았었고, 이에프랑스처럼독보적인미식문화및특색을갖추고있다. 베트남스타일미식의향연을만나볼수있는이곳은높은천장의베트남전통가옥에서영감을얻어인테리어에적용했으며, 이외에도동시대적인인테리어요소들을활용해유니크하면서도감각적인공간으로완성되었다. 130 International NĂM MODERN VIETNAMESE CUISINE International NĂM MODERN VIETNAMESE CUISINE 131
NĂM Modern Vietnamese Cuisine은전체적으로딥한컬러감과세련된분위기, 차가운소재와따뜻한소재의교차가인상적이다. 디자이너는열대우림기후를특징으로하는베트남을조금더사실적으로표현하기위해세월을입은천연자재를최대한활용했다. 건물자체에큰유리창이많아낮에는자연스럽게내부가많은빛으로가득차며밝은분위기를연출한다. 황혼이지고어스름해질즈음, 레스토랑은점차깊은무드와차분함으로채워지며낮과는전혀다른모습과분위기로바뀐다. 134 International NĂM MODERN VIETNAMESE CUISINE International NĂM MODERN VIETNAMESE CUISINE 135
1층은쉐프와손님들, 이곳을방문한모든사람들이서로소통할수있는공간이다. 또한, 오픈키친구조를취해손님들은가까이서요리과정을지켜볼수있다. 친근한분위기조성을위해식사공간바로옆, 천장등곳곳에자연친화적인느낌의식물을배치했고, 손님의편의를위해푹신한의자와단체를위한테이블을준비했다. 1층보다사적이고일행과단란한시간을보낼수있는 2층은어두운조도와폐쇄적인테이블배치를특징으로한다. 2층도옛베트남스타일을담기위해 1층과마찬가지로천연자재와커다란식물을활용했다. 136 International NĂM MODERN VIETNAMESE CUISINE International NĂM MODERN VIETNAMESE CUISINE 137
디자이너는그저평범한베트남요리전문점아닌 NĂM Modern Vietnamese Cuisine만의특색을위해인더스트리얼풍의그물형천장구조와베트남여인의모습을그려낸벽화, 용을형상화한인장 ( 印章 ) 형태의예술품을문마다배치하는등공간에다양하고독특한요소를가미했다. 낮에는밝고황홀한미식의세계, 저녁에는와인한잔을즐기기좋은로맨틱한공간이되어주는이곳은옛베트남의이국적인모습과현대적인디자인이아름다운조화를이루고있다. 138 International NĂM MODERN VIETNAMESE CUISINE International NĂM MODERN VIETNAMESE CUISINE 139
SPACE STORY NĂM Modern Vietnamese Cuisine it s a restaurant of modern Vietnamese cuisine in Kyiv. This is a paradise for true gourmets in Vietnamese villa of colonial France, because it is in this form restaurant arises before everyone who opens its huge entrance door in height of 4,5m. The creators and ideologists of this institution are Ector Jimenez-Bravo, who also became its brand-chief, and restaurateurs Taras and Oksana Seredyuk. Interior of NĂM restaurant is decorated in French colonial style with characteristic ethnic blotches. In order to achieve maximum authenticity we tried to apply as much as possible natural materials in decoration, which were specially aged according to conditions of tropical Vietnamese climate. All wooden products including parquet on the ground floor were made from massive 100-year old barrels from under white and red wine. Almost every element in design with the exception of chairs and technical lighting was created exclusively for this restaurant. On the first floor interior space forms by open kitchen, thanks to which guests can observe processes of cooking their meals, and by contact bar which on the one hand is transformed into a scenic landing zone thanks to tiers characteristic of Vietnamese region, and on the other hand smoothly descends to stairs leading to the second floor to main guest area. Due to experiments with light restaurant radically changing its image according to time of day. In daytime thanks to large windows all halls of restaurant are full of light. With onset of twilight lighting becomes more muted, and closer to night it is almost completely extinguished, leaving only certain accents and shadows that provides a complete transformation of restaurant s atmosphere in evening. No doubt, exotic attractive interior charm of NĂM restaurant definitely will not leave no one indifferent, and authentic Vietnamese recipes, perfected and modernized under patronage of the very chief Hector Jimenez-Bravo, for visual and flavoring qualities will pleasantly surprise even the most demanding gourmets. 140 International NĂM MODERN VIETNAMESE CUISINE International NĂM MODERN VIETNAMESE CUISINE 141