GRAND INTERCONTINENTAL SEOUL PARNAS THE NEW LEVEL OF LUXURY LOCATION 고품격럭셔리비즈니스호텔, 그랜드인터컨티넨탈서울파르나스가파르나스타워의완공과함께더욱새롭고편리한시설로재탄생하였습니다. 국내최고수준이자최대규모인그랜드볼룸, 이와수평으로연결된 4개의파르나스타워신규행사장이최첨단시설과차별화된서비스와함께다양한이벤트의성공적인진행을약속드립니다. 그랜드인터컨티넨탈서울파르나스는인터컨티넨탈서울코엑스와함께대한민국비즈니스의중심인삼성동무역센터단지내위치하여, 코엑스컨벤션센터, 도심공항터미널, 파르나스몰, 코엑스몰, 백화점, 면세점, 카지노등비즈니스, 쇼핑, 엔터테인먼트가한곳에서어우러진최적의환경을제공합니다. GRAND BALLROOM RECEPTION After an extensive construction project, city-center luxury business hotel Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas is proud to announce the opening of 4 fabulous new meeting & event venues attached to the hotel via our 5th floor walkway linking us to the Parnas Tower. Guests can now rest assured that they will receive the best possible service. along with state-of-the-art facilities. The new facilities and their surroundings provide the ideal business environment to host any convention or event. Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas and InterContinental Seoul COEX are located in Seoul s business Mecca of Samseong-dong. Inside the World Trade Center Complex, not only are you surrounded by the ideal business environment but nearby you will find the COEX Convention Center, Parnas Tower, Korea City Air Terminal, Duty Free store, department stores, as well as COEX Mall. There truly is no better combination of business support and entertainment options in one location. 그랜드볼룸의리셉션은사계절의아름다움과자연채광을느낄수있는초대형창을갖춘 665 m2의여유롭고럭셔리한공간입니다. Grand and Versatile - 넓은공간만이줄수있는품격있는분위기와공간의가변성을고려한디자인 Bright and Open - 자연채광과조망이동시에가능한초대형전망창의구현 The reception area of Grand Ballroom, spacious with size of 665m², features natural lighting to provide luxury and vivid beauty of four seasons. Grand and Versatile - Spacious under noble atmosphere for various spacing options. Bright and Open - A wide view of Downtown with natural lighting.
GRAND BALLROOM (1,494 m²) / 5F 7.5 m 그랜드 볼룸은 서양의 웅장함과 동양의 단아함을 한 공간에 디자인하여 동서양 모두의 아름다움을 현대적인 감각으로 표현하였습니다. 층 고 Embodied Beauty of Korean Festivity 공간분리 - 한국의 전통문양인 떡살을 모티브로 색다른 시각에서 재해석한 천장 디자인 음향 Elegance and Exquisiteness 조명 - 동양의 아름다운 산수에서 영감을 받은 섬세한 패턴과 반사 프레임을 조합한 벽면 디자인 다양한 컬러연출이 가능한 LED 무빙 라이트, 파라이트, 테이블 라이트 스크린 400인치 5대 최대 수용인원 빌트인 The new Ballroom embraces magnificent yet graceful ambience as the result of effort to combine western and Asian spirits into the newly born venue. Embodied Beauty of Korean Festivity - Modern interpretation of traditional Korean patterns to the ceiling. Elegance and Exquisiteness - Exquisite outburst of Asian beauty with reflection frames onto the wall. Ceiling 1500명 3섹션 영국 NEXO사의 매립형 스피커 및 최상급 음향 설비 LCD프로젝터 5대 Height 7.5 meters Capacity 1,500 guests Sections 3 Premium built-in speakers by NEXO(French) Lighting Multi-color LED moving light(24), PAR light(100), table light(120) Screen 400 inches(5) Built-in LCD projctors(5) Sound
ROSE (216 m²) / 5F 코엑스음악분수와도심경관을한눈에조망할수있는 Rose Room 은 최첨단시설을갖추고있으며, 다양한규모와성격의행사를기획할수 있는공간입니다. 럭셔리한인테리어의품격있는공간, 탁트인창으로 느끼는계절의변화와아름다움, 최상의차별화된서비스를통하여기억에남을성공적인행사를약속드립니다. Glance out the windows of the Rose Room and take in the view of the stunning COEX Piano Fountain as the city spreads out before you. Look inside and you will find luxurious, state-of-the-art facilities and a space that will make you confident in the success of any business events or meetings you are planning. The unique windows and views will ensure that each and every season you can hold a truly memorable event thanks to this creative space.
CARNATION (121m²) / MAPLE (114m²) / TULIP (54m²) / 5F CARNATION MAPLE TULIP Carnation Room과 Maple Room은독립된테라스와함께세련되고화려한파티연출이가능합니다. 또한, 높은천장고에확장감을더한디자인은고급스러운분위기를연출합니다. 뉴트럴톤의인테리어는자연스러우면서차분한분위기를조성하고, 다채로운조명은세미나및비즈니스행사를고급스럽게연출할수있게해주어밝고화사한분위기의 VIP 만찬등야경과함께진행하는소규모행사에특별함을선사합니다. The Carnation and Maple Room allow you to hold events connected to the terrace, adding a touch of sophistication and glamour to your event. The vertical design gives the room a sense of scale beyond its actual proportions and a posh sensibility. The interior uses neutral tones, creating a calming, natural atmosphere, while the subtle lighting from the ceiling adds a touch of elegance to any business meeting or seminar. Hold a radiant and splendid evening VIP banquet and take in the dazzling city lights that surround you and your guests.
ORCHID (407m²) / 2F CHRYSANTHEMUM (286m²) / 2F 클래식하고우아한분위기의중형행사장으로최대 420 명을수용 할수있습니다. 독립적인리셉션공간으로전시, 칵테일리셉션등 다양한행사연출이가능합니다. 고풍스러운조명과단정한인테리어가돋보이는국화룸은세미나장소로적합하며, 독립적인리셉션장소가구비되어있어칵테일리셉션을동반한만찬을위한최적의장소입니다. Holding up to 420 guests, our mid-sized meeting rooms are elegant and classy destinations for events such as exhibits and cocktail receptions with separate reception areas. The Chrysanthemum Room features antique-style lighting and neat interior design. It is suitable for meetings and family gatherings including first birthday parties. A spacious foyer is provided for registration and various exhibitions.
IRIS (137m²) / 2F CAMELIA (105m²) / LOTUS (78m²) / WISTERIA (63m²) / 2F CAMELLIA AZALEA (62m²) / 2F LOTUS WISTERIA
FORSYTHIA (90m²) / WATERLILY (41m²) / PAEONIA (58m²) / 3F MEETING ROOM CAPACITIES AND DIMENSIONS Meeting Room Sq.m Sq.ft Dimensions Height Round Buffet Classroom Theatre U - Shape - Shape Reception Cocktail Grand Ballroom 1,494 16,081 51.96 x 28.76 7.5 1,160 850 1,040 1,561 - - 1,600 Section I 481 5,177 16.72 x 28.76 7.5 350 250 347 520 110 130 530 Section II 527 5,673 18.32 x 28.76 7.5 350 250 347 520 110 130 530 5F Section III 481 5,177 16.72 x 28.76 7.5 350 250 347 520 110 130 530 Rose Room 216 2,330 11.43 x 18.94 3.5 110 100 114 170 51 60 150 Carnation Room 121 1,306 11.35 x 10.69 3.5 70 60 48 84 30 36 80 Maple Room 114 1,232 9.02 x 12.69 3.6 50 50 48 68 30 36 50 Tulip Room 54 581 6.10 x 8.85 3.4 30-18 30 24 30 30 Orchid Room 414 4,381 25.40 x 16.30 2.95 240 240 252 420 87 108 300 Section I 207 2,385 12.70 x 16.30 2.95 120 90 126 210 57 72 150 Section II 207 2,385 12.70 x 16.30 2.95 120 90 126 210 57 72 150 Chrysanthemum Room 270 3,079 16.50 x 16.41 2.95 140 140 147 240 51 66 240 2F Iris Room 136 1,475 16.76 x 7.30 2.8 70 50 72 108 42 48 80 Azalea Room 64 667 5.00 x 9.11 2.8 20-30 41 21 24 30 Camellia Room 99 1,130 7.00 x 14.17 3.1 50 40 54 86 36 42 50 Lotus Room 82 840 7.30 x 11.25 2.8 40-36 53 24 30 40 Wisteria Room 67 678 5.52 x 12.25 3.1 30-30 46 27 30 30 Forsythia Room 90 969 7.25 x 12.55 3 50 40 45 86 30 36 50 3F Water Lily Room 41 441 7.10 x 5.80 3 20-18 27 15 21 20 Paeonia Room 58 624 5.12 x 11.40 2.8 30-30 46 27 30 30 ADDRESS & CONTACT 서울특별시강남구테헤란로 521 (06164) (06164) 521, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel : +82 (0)2-555-5656 Fax : +82 (0)2-559-7990