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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로




Look and Listen 다음을 듣고, 각 대화의 상황에 알맞은 그림을 골라 번호를 써 봅시다. 3 Listen and Do 다음을 듣고, Emily와 Richard가 가고 싶어하는 곳에 표를 해 봅시다. 3 Korean Folk Museum Listen and T

istening L T est


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55호 1면

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

Unit Five: Conversation Three.


_KF_Bulletin webcopy

FAQ. 리스트 구분 No. Questions Possible Responses* Greetings Daily life How are you? 어떻게 지내니? 11 I am great. Thank you. 좋아요. 감사합니다 No

Testimonial 처음 있었던 주말의 Business English과정을 듣다.

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정

서론 34 2

step 1-1



희망사항말하기 Do you think people will use time machines someday? Yes! Then, I wish I could go back to visit my childhood. < 정보 > 정보전달하기 How did Mr. Han bec


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PowerPoint 프레젠테이션


I&IRC5 TG_03,04권


Lesson 4 Bibimbap: The Best Meal in a Bowl I d love to, but I can t. I d like to have bibimbap. Would you like some salad? I have a Korean friend who came to Australia. I saw the man next to me smiling. Words add ex. He added some salt to the soup. amount ex. We need a small amount of sugar. beansprout birthday boil bowl carrot chop ex. Chop the carrots. culture ex. I want to experience another culture. comment ex. Did she make any comment about him? cook delicious diet each favorite finally fry healthy homesickness ex. I feel homesickness. idea meal miss mix mushroom oil 126 order own pan plane post present recipe ex. She posted a recipe for a cake on the board. separately sesame something stir-fry spinach vegetable well-done Phrases easy-to-read ex. The story is easy-to-read. look like ex. It looks like healthy food. of course on a diet one by one ex. The students came out one by one. pick out ex. He picked out vegetables from bibimbap. You know what?

Words 01 chop 02 recipe 03 diet 04 well-done 05 mushroom 06 finally 07 separately 08 add 09 own 10 post 11 delicious 12 miss 13 pan 14 culture 15 homesickness 16 bowl 17 vegetable 18 comment 19 present 20 amount 21 spinach 22 each 23 idea 24 boil 25 beansprout 26 oil 27 cook 28 favorite 29 meal 30 stir-fry 31 carrot 32 sesame 33 plane 34 healthy 35 order 36 fry 37 birthday 38 mix Phrases 39 You know what? 40 of course 41 easy-to-read 42 one by one 43 pick out 44 look like 45 on a diet p.193 Lesson 4 127 Words 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 128 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Phrases 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 p.194

1 I got a (prize / present) from my parents on my birthday. 2 We (miss / mix) him so much. 3 My grandmother has a special (culture / recipe) for a chicken soup. 4 He has a large (idea / amount) of money. 5 I pour the (sesame / beansprout) oil on vegetable. 6 I my picture on my homepage. 7 the onions. 8 He made a on her work. 9 What is a good way to stop? 10 That is my car. look like pick out one by one on a diet 11 I have to go to lose weight. 12 I a book from the bookshelf. 13 He put an apple into a basket. 14 Her dog a bear. 15 finally dish 16 separate blend 17 mix lastly 18 bowl apart p.194 prize parents pour homepage onion bookshelf basket Lesson 4 129 A: Let s have pizza for lunch. B: I d love to, but I can t. I d love to, but I can t. Sure. / I d love to. / OK, let s. Why not? / That s a good idea. That sounds good. / No problem. / Of course. Sorry, I can t. / I m sorry, but I can t. I m afraid I can t. / Sounds good, but I can t. Maybe next time. / I have other plans. 1 A: some chocolate cakes. B: I d, but I can t. A: Why not? B: I m on a diet. 2 A: You finished your homework, didn t you? B: Yes, I did. A: Then let s go to a movie. B:,. I should go to my violin class. A: Are you ready to order? B: Yes, I d like to have bibimbap. I d like to have ~. Can I have ~, please? I want to have ~. Are you ready to order? MayCanI take your order? Would you like to order? 130

p.194 3 A: Are you? B: Yes, please. I d a steak. A: How would you like it? B: Well done, please. 4 A:? B: Yes, please. some green tea. A: Sorry, we don t have green tea. B:, then. A: Would you like some salad? B: Yes, please. Would you like some ~? Do you want some ~? Will you have some ~? Yes, please. / Yes, thank you. No, thanks. (I m full. / I ve had enough.) 5 A: May I take your order? B: Yes. I d like to have a hamburger. A: something to drink? B: Coke, please. 6 A: Would you like to order? B: Yes, please. I d like to have a steak. A: How would you like it? B: Medium, please. A:? B: Salad, please. Lesson 4 131 p.194 A: 1. pizza for lunch. B: 2., but I can t. A: 3.? B: I m 4.. A: Then, 5. sundubujjigae? B: That sounds 6.. (In a restaurant) C: Are 7.? B: Yes. 8. have sundubujjigae, please. C: How 9. you have it? B: 10. very hot, please. C: 11. something to drink? B: Ice water, 12.. 1 (A) I d love to, but I can t. (B) How about watching a concert this afternoon? (C) Why not? (D) I have to visit my friend Ted in hospital. He broke his leg yesterday. 2 (A) Well, a soda, please. (B) May I help you? (C) Yes, please. I d like to have spaghetti. (D) Would you like something to drink? 132

1 A: Why don t we go out to play soccer? B: A: Why not? B: I m really tired today. That sounds good. Yes, please. I d love to, but I can t. OK, let s. I m looking forward to it. 2 A: Are you ready to order? B: Yes, have chicken salad. 3 A: Let s go for a walk in the park. B:. I have a lot of homework today. No problem. Maybe next time. I d love to. Of course. That s a good idea. 4 A: What you like to have? B: I like to have bulgogi. A: Okay. you like something to drink? B: Warm water, please. 5 How would you like your steak? I don t like steak. Well-done, please. I d like another one. I d like to have a steak. I d love to, but I can t. soccer park homework warm Lesson 4 133 6 A: Let s go to a movie after school. B: I d love to. A: Would you like some coffee? B: Yes, please. A: Would you like something to drink? B: Green tea, please. A: How would you like it? B: Medium, please. A: Are you ready to order? B: Yes, I do. [7~9] A: Let s have pizza for lunch. B: I d love to, but I can t. A: Why not? B: I m on a diet. A: Then, how about bibimbap? B: That sounds good. (In a restaurant) C: Are you ready to order? B: Yes. I d like to have bibimbap. C: How would you like something to drink? B: Water, please. 7 How would you like to have? What would you like to order? Can I take your order? Would you like to order? May I take your order? 8 9 C B A B A B 134 p.194 medium on a diet

I know the girl who is wearing a red hat. I remember the tree (which) you planted. I met a man who won the gold medal. The woman who lives next door is a pianist. She is my friend who lives in my town. I know the boy (whom) my sister wants to talk to. who who, whom which that which that I know a man who can speak German. The woman who(m) Bob is going to marry is beautiful. The movie which we saw yesterday was great. This is a book that my mom gave to me. 1 (1) This is the boy we met last night. (2) The car my brother wanted to buy was sold yesterday. (3) Vincent van Gogh is the artist painted Sunflowers. (4) I saw an old house stood on the hill. 2 (1) He has a daughter. She is very kind. (2) I don t remember the boy. I met him in the library. (3) I lost my diary. It has a picture of my parents. (4) The rabbit is an animal. People like it a lot. Lesson 4 135 -ing 136 p.194 I saw some students waiting for the bus. I heard my brother singing. seewatchhearlisten tofeel I saw him walk on the street. I heard my phone ring. She felt the ground shaking. I heard my sister sing in her room. -ing The driver didn t see the child crossing the street. 3 (1) heardsinging in the living room. (2) TV sawturn on (3) the manwalkingsaw 4 (didn t / the bell / loudly / hear / ringing / he)

[1~2] 1 The cake he made was very delicious. who whom how which that 2 I heard my dog in the room. bark barked barking to bark barks 3 The man who is in the garden is my uncle. I want to know who she is. She met the boy who came from Canada. I know the man who can speak French. The woman who has a big bag is my sister. [4~5] 4 I heard the baby to cry near here. 5 The dress whom she is wearing is beautiful. 6 I like the painting. + Picasso painted it. (who / what / how / which ) 7 The book that you bought for me is interesting. He is the man whom I played tennis with. This is the chocolate which I made for my father. The shoes which Brian is wearing are new. I have a friend who is a famous actor. delicious bark garden uncle French paint interesting wear famous Lesson 4 137 8 that The museum has many paintings that famous artists painted. Is that the longest river in Korea? I m so busy that I can t go to the movies. This is the shop that I often visit. Who is that lady wearing a blue dress? I think that he is the smartest boy in our class. 9 This is my friend whom can speak three languages. She is the girl who lives next door to me. This is a doll that my mother made for me. I saw my sister dancing in her room. I heard someone crying out on the street. 10 The man has brown hair is my father. I have a cat is two years old. who which whom that what 11 I felt something in the box. (move) 12 I ate an apple pie. My mother made it for me. 138 p.194 museum river shop smart next doll cry out

Bibimbap: The Best Meal in a Bowl I have a Korean friend who came to Australia six months ago. She s now friend that staying with us. She misses everything in Korea: her family, friends, and, of beamareis-ing course, the food. Yesterday was her birthday. I made something special for her. I got the idea from a website about Korean culture. Look at the present that I made for my Korean friend. You know what? It really helped stop her homesickness. Here the recipe for bibimbap: present Cook the rice. Stir-fry the carrots and mushrooms. Boil the beansprouts and spinach. Fry an egg. 1 6 ago stay miss special homesickness recipe stir-fry carrot mushroom beansprout spinach Lesson 4 139 To enjoy bibimbap: 1. Put some cooked rice in a bowl. Then add a small amount of each of the put A in B: A B cooked vegetables. 2. Add some gochujang, sesame oil, and a fried egg. 3. Mix them well, and enjoy your bowl of bibimbap! I posted this recipe on my own website. Here are some of the comments that people made after reading it. after-ingafter Bibimbap is a favorite of mine. Thanks for this easy-to-read recipe! - Amy I d like to make this at home. The bibimbap looks delicious. - Ben When I first had bibimbap on the plane, I picked out and ate the vegetables one by one. Soon I saw the man next to me smiling. I didn t know that I should mix the vegetables and the rice together. - Tim The bibimbap looks like healthy food. And the colors are beautiful! look like Brown, orange, green, and white in a bowl! - Rachel TF 2 People made comments after reading the recipe. ( ) 3 Amy thinks it is difficult to read the recipe. ( ) 4 Ben wants to make bibimbap. ( ) 5 Tim didn t know how to eat bibimbap at first. ( ) 6 Rachel thinks the color of bibimbap is strange. ( ) 140 p.195 post own comment easy-to-read delicious plane pick out one by one

Listening 1 A: Would you like some ice cream for dessert, Kevin? B: I d love to, but I can t. A: Why not? Do you want some ~? B: I have a cold. A: Too bad. The ice cream is really good here. B: I know, but I d like some tea with lemon. 2 A: Do you like Mozart? B: Well, I don t like classical music. It s so boring. A: Then what kind of music do you like? B: I like hip-hop. A: Okay, then let s listen to your favorite music. let s B: I d love to, but I can t. I have to go out for lunch now. = must Speaking 2-1 A: What would you like to have? B: I d like to have bulgogi. A: Okay. Would you like something to drink? B: Green tea, please. 2-2 A: What would you like to have? B: I d like to have a chicken sandwich. = eat A: All right. Would you like something to drink? B: A Coke, please. = eat = Do you want something to drink? 2-3 A: What would you like to have? B: I d like to have pizza. A: All right. Would you like something to drink? B: Yes. Green salad, please. somethingto Listening dessert have a cold classical music boring go out for lunch Speaking something to drink green tea Lesson 4 141 Bibimbap: The Best Meal in a Bowl I have a Korean friend who came to Australia six months ago. 1. She s now us. 2. She in Korea: her family, friends, and, of course, the food. Yesterday was her birthday. 3. I made for her. I got the idea from a website about Korean culture. 4. Look at the present for my Korean friend. 5.? 6. It really helped stop. Here s the recipe for bibimbap: Cook the rice. Stir-fry the carrots and mushrooms. 7. the beansprouts and spinach. Fry an egg. To enjoy bibimbap: 1. Put some cooked rice in a bowl. 8. Then add a small amount of each of the. 2. Add some gochujang, sesame oil, and a fried egg. 3. Mix them well, and enjoy your bowl of bibimbap! 9. I on my own website. 10. Here are some of the comments that people made it. Bibimbap is a favorite of mine. 11. this easy-toread recipe! - Amy I d like to make this at home. 12. The bibimbap. - Ben 13. When I first had bibimbap on the plane, I and ate the vegetables one by one. Soon I saw the man next to me smiling. 14. I didn t know that I should the vegetables and the rice. - Tim 15. The bibimbap healthy food. And the colors are beautiful! Brown, orange, green, and white in a bowl! - Rachel 142 p.195 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 8. 2. 3. 9. 10. 11. - Amy 12. - Ben 13. 14. - Tim 15. - Rachel

Lesson 4 143 144 p.195

Words + Reading Listening 1 A: Would you like some ice cream, Kevin? B: I d love to, but I can t. A: Why not? B: I. A: Too bad. The ice cream is really good here. B: I know, but I d like some. 2 A: Do you like Mozart? B: Well, I don t like. It s so. A: Then music do you like? B: I like hip-hop. A: Okay, then your favorite music. B: I d love to, but I can t. I have to now. Speaking 2-1 A: to have? B: I d like to have bulgogi. A: Okay. Would you like? B:, please. 2-2 A: What would you like to have? B: a chicken sandwich. A: All right. Would you like something to drink? B: A Coke, please. 2-3 A:? B: I d like to have pizza. A: All right.? B: Yes. Green salad, please. p.195 Listening 1 A: Kevin B: A: B: A: B: 2 A: B: A: B: A: B: Speaking 2-1. A: B: A: B: 2-2. A: B: A: B: 2-3. A: B: A: B: Lesson 4 145 add amount chop comment homesickness miss present recipe spinach vegetable cook : to prepare and heat food so that it is ready to eat : 1 : how much there is or how much you have, need or get : 2 : something that you give to someone, for example on their birthday : 3 : to feel sad because you can no longer see someone : 4 : a written or spoken remark giving an opinion : 5 : a part of a plant used as food, for example a potato or carrot : 6 : directions for cooking or preparing a particular food : 7 : to put something with another thing : 8 : a feeling of sadness and loneliness because of being far away from home : 9 : to cut something such as food or wood into pieces : 10 : a vegetable with dark green leaves : (A)(B)(C) I have a Korean friend who came to Australia six months (A) age / ago. She s now staying with us. She (B) misses / mixes everything in Korea : her family, friends, and, of course, the food. Yesterday was her birthday. I made something special for her. I got the idea from a website about Korean culture. Look at the present that I made for my Korean friend. You know what? It really helped stop her (C) headache / homesickness. (A) (B) (C) ago misses homesickness age misses homesickness ago mixes headache ago mixes homesickness age misses headache 146

p.195 1 Look at the present whom I made for my Korean friend. 2 I saw the man next to me smiled. 3 I made special something for her. 4 I picked on and ate the vegetables one by one. 5 I d like to having bibimbap. 6 Here are some of the comments that people made after read it. 7 I have a Korean friend which came to Australia six months ago. 8 The bibimbap looks deliciously. 9 You finished your art project, did you? 10 The bibimbap looks like health food. I posted this recipe on my own website. Here are some of the comments that people made after reading it. Bibimbap is a favorite of me. Thanks for this easy-to-read recipe! - Amy I d like to make this at home. The bibimbap looks delicious. - Ben When I first had bibimbap on the plane, I picked out and ate the vegetables one by one. Soon I saw the man next to me smiling. I didn t know that I should mix the vegetables and the rice together. - Tim Lesson 4 147 1 beansprout carrot spinach mushroom meat subject taste dish vegetable 2 I miss my friends in France. He missed good chance. I missed the train this morning. She badly missed her family. I missed the point of his speech. Hurry up, or you ll miss the bus. 3 health healthy separate separately delicious deliciously special specially beautiful beautifully 4 He has a large of money. If you three and four, you get seven. each mix amount add amount put each add amount mix 148 5 a feeling of sadness and loneliness because of being far away from home 6 (A) I d love to, but I can t. (B) Why not? (C) Tomorrow is Kevin s birthday. Let s go to his birthday party. (D) I have to visit my grandparents. (C) (D) (B) (A) (D) (C) (A) (B) (D) (B) (A) (C) (C) (A) (B) (D) (B) (A) (C) (D) (7~8) 7 A: B: I d like to have some apple pie. What kind of food do you like? Are you ready to order? What do you think about apple pie? Would you do me a favor? Why don t you have it? Grammar + Reading

8 A: Why don t we go to movies now? B: A: Why not? B: I have lots of homework to do. That sounds good. I d love to, but I can t. OK, let s. I m sorry, I feel tired. I m looking forward to it. 9 A: I m busy with my homework. B: Why not? A: Let s have pizza for lunch. B: I d love to. A: Would you like some salad? B: Yes, please. A: Are you ready to order? B: Yes, I d like to have a hamburger. A: How about going out for a walk? B: I d love to, but I can t. 10 A: Tomorrow is Dad s birthday. Why not we have a surprise party? B: I d love to. 11 A: Are you ready to order? B: Yes. I d like to have a sandwich. A: (like / something / would / drink / you / to)? B: Coke, please. 12 Steve Jenny: Let s go to a concert this Saturday. Steve: I d love to, but I can t. Jenny: Why not? Steve: My family is going on a picnic that day. 13 I like the girl I met at the library. which what whom when where 14 I have a Chinese friend. She came to Korea three months ago. 15 I saw a cat followed her. I saw her following a cat. I saw her follow a cat. I saw a cat to follow her. I saw a cat following her. Lesson 4 149 16 The shoes which she is wearing are great. The boy who is standing is my brother. People who exercise are healthy. The dog which is under the chair is cute. l have a sister who lives in America. 17 This is the house that he lives in. This is the house which he lives in. This is the house in which he lives. This is the house he lives in. This is the house in he lives. 18 They (lost / dog / found / sleeping / the ) under the table. 19 This is the book that is written in English. Do you think that he is a great painter? Look at the toy that we have. That is the restaurant that I often visit. The monkey is an animal that people like. (20~21) 20 I saw the dog next to you barked loudly. 150 21 A: Have you seen Cathy? B: Yes, I did. I saw her running in the park. (22~23) I have a Korean friend came to Australia six months ago. She s now staying with us. She everything in Korea: her family, friends, and, of course, the food. 22 whom which who what where 23 makes misses thanks leaves mixes (24~26) I d like to make this at home. The bibimbap looks (A) delicious / deliciously. - Ben When I first had bibimbap on the plane, I and ate the vegetables one by one. Soon I saw the man next to me (B) smiling / to smile. I didn t know that I should mix the vegetables and the rice together. -Tim The bibimbap looks like (C) healthy / health food. And the colors are beautiful! Brown, orange, green, and white in a bowl! - Rachel

24 picked out picked in picked to put out put off 25 (A)(B)(C) (A) (B) (C) delicious to smile healthy deliciously smiling health delicious smiling healthy deliciously to smile healthy delicious smiling health 26 Tim (27~28) I posted this recipe on my own website. Here are some of the comments that people made after reading it. Thanks for this easy-to-read recipe! -Amy 27 after it 28 (mine, favorite) (29~30) I have a Korean friend who came to Australia six months ago. She s now staying with us. She misses everything in Korea: her family, friends, and, of course, the food. Yesterday was her birthday. I made something special for her. I got the idea from a website about Korean culture. Look at the present that I made for my Korean friend. You know what? It really helped stopping her home-sickness. 29 30 Lesson 4 151 (31~33) Here s the for bibimbap: Cook the rice. Stir-fry the carrots and mushrooms. Boil the beansprouts and spinach. Fry an egg. To enjoy bibimbap: (A) Add some gochujang, sesame oil, and a fried egg. (B) Mix them well, and enjoy your bowl of bibimbap! (C) Put some cooked rice in a bowl. Then add a small amount of each of the cooked vegetables. 31 recipe food salad vegetable comments 32 33 (A)(C) (C) (A) (B) (C) (B) (A) (A) (C) (B) (A) (B) (C) (B) (C) (A) 152 p.196 34 recipe 1. You need cooked rice, chopped kimchi and beef. 2. Stir-fry the chopped kimchi and beef together. 3. Put the cooked rice, stir-fried kimchi and beef in a pan. 4. Mix and stir-fry them again. 35 Let me tell you. First, cook some rice. Stir-fry some carrots and mushrooms, and boil some beansprouts and spinach. the origin of bibimbap the recipe of japchae how to make bibimbap how to order Korean food how to eat Korean food

1 spinach vegetable carrot beansprout potato 2 healthy: making you strong and not sick add: to cut something such as food or wood into pieces spinach: a vegetable with dark green leaves miss: to feel sad because you can no longer see someone or do something you like present: something that you give to someone, for example on their birthday (3~4) A: Are you ready to order? B: Yes. I d like to have a steak, please. A: B: Well-done, please. A: Would you like? B: Hot water, please. 3 steak? would you your 4 to drink something drink to something something to drink drink something to something drink to 5 A: Why don t we have some dessert? B: A: Why not? B: I m full. Of course. I really want to do that. That s a good idea. I d love to, but I can t. Let s have some dessert. 6 This is the pen that I bought yesterday. Who is that boy? I think that you are right. It is the magazine that clever people read. She is so busy that she can t join the party. He said that he should study hard. 7 I know the girl who plays the piano well. I met the boy who came from India. The girl who wears black dress is my friend. This is the girl who is the tallest in the class. Do you know who they are? 8 He me to dance in the stage. saw told helped asked wanted Lesson 4 153 (9~11) I have a Korean friend who came to Australia six months ago. ( ) She s now staying us. ( ) She misses everything in Korea: her family, friends, and, of course, the food. ( ) I made something special for her. ( ) I got the idea a website about Korean culture. Look at the present that I made my Korean friend. ( ) You know what? It really helped stop her. 9 Yesterday was her birthday. 10 with of by with from for on from for on of for with from by 11 (12~13) I posted this recipe on my own website. Here are some of the that people made after reading it. When I first had bibimbap on the plane, I picked out and eat the vegetables one by one. Soon I saw the man next to me smiling. I didn t know that I should mix the vegetables and the rice together. - Tim 154 p.197 12 recipes amounts commands comments cultures 13 on my own website after reading it picked out and eat one by one next to me smiling (14~15) Here s the recipe for bibimbap: Cook the rice. (a) (b) (c) the carrots and mushrooms. the beansprout and spinach. an egg. To enjoy bibimbap: 1. Put some cooking rice in a bowl. Then add a small amount of each of the cooked vegetables. 2. Add some gochujang, sesame oil, and a fried egg. 3. Mix them well, and enjoy your bowl of bibimbap! 14 (a)(b)(c) mix fry put boil chop stir-fry (a) (b) (c) 15 To enjoy cooking rice a small amount of some well

1 mushroom carrot bowl beansprout spinach 2 amount: how much there is or how much you have, need or get carrot: a long hard orange vegetable that grows under the ground cook: to prepare and heat food so that it is ready to eat recipe: a written or spoken remark giving an opinion pick out: to choose one thing or a person from a group 3 A: I d like to make pizza for my family. B: Do you have the for it? A: Yes, I have an easy-to-read for pizza. diet pan comment way recipe (4~5) A: Are you ready to order? B: Yes. I d like to have some green tea, please. A: Sorry, we don t have green tea. B: Yes, please. 4 What s your favorite food? Would you like to order? How would you like yours? How would you like to have? What kind of food do you like? 5 Would you like some coffee? What would you like then? Do you like coffee? What would you like, coffee or tea? How do you like your coffee? (6~7) Jimmy: Why don t we going on a bike ride? Emma: I d love to, but I can t. Jimmy: Why not? Emma: I hurt my leg. Jimmy: That s too bad. What would you do, then? Emma: I ll listen to music. 6 Sorry, I can t. I m afraid I can t. Why not? Maybe next time. Sounds good but I can t. Lesson 4 155 7 Emma will instead of on a bike ride. 8 Let s go swimming. Sorry, I can t. No problem. I d love to, but I can t. I have other plans. Maybe next time. 9 The man reads a book is Mr. Brown. The rice he cooked was delicious. who which that who which which which that which who 10 I know the man who gave me a present. She has a book which is very interesting. Kimchi is the food I like most. The dog is an animal that is popular around the world. Look at the doll who I made for my daughter. 156 11 The singer that I like most is Big Bang. I read the book that was written in English. I want to go to the museum that has many pictures. The movie that he watched yesterday was good. I hope that I ll meet him soon. 12 A: Have you seen Brian? B: Yes, I have. I saw in the garden. (run) 13 I meet an English friend who come to Korea last week. (14~15) I have a Korean friend. She came to Australia six months ago. She s now staying with us. She misses everything in Korea: her family, friends, and, of course, the food. Yesterday was her birthday. I made something special for her. I got the idea from a website

about Korean culture. Look at the present that I made for my Korean friend. You know what? It really helped stop her homesickness. 14 who 15 Which is NOT correct? My friend is a foreigner. My friend has been with us for six months. Yesterday was my friend s birthday. I prepared a special present for my friend. My present couldn t help stop my friend s homesickness. (16~18) I posted this recipe on my own website. Here are some of the comments that people made after reading it. I d like to make this at home. The bibimbap looks deliciously. - Ben When I first had bibmbap on the plane, I picked out and ate the vegetables one by one. Soon I saw the man next to me smiling. I didn t know that I should mix the vegetables and the rice together. - Tim The bibimbap looks alike health food. And the colors are beautiful! Brown, orange, green, and white in a bowl! - Rachel 16 17 Why was the man next to Tim smiling? Tim didn t eat bibimbap. He wanted to be Tim s friend. He is the man who knows Tim. Tim didn t know how to eat bibimbap. It was the first time for Tim go abroad. 18 2 (19~20) You need cook rice, chop kimchi and beef. the chop kimchi and beef together. the cook rice, stir-fried kimchi and beef in a pan. and them again. 19 chop mix cook put stir-fry Lesson 4 157 20 cook chop cooking chopped cooked chopped cooked chopping cook chop cooking chopping (21~22) Here s the recipe for bibimbap: Cook the rice. Stir-fry the carrots and mushrooms. Boil the beansprout and spinach. Fry an egg. To enjoy bibimbap: 1. some cooked rice in a bowl. Then a small amount of each of the cooked vegetables. 2. some gochujang, sesame oil, and a fried egg. 3. them well, and enjoy your bowl of bibimbap! 21 22 add put mix put add mix chop add put mix put add put mix add 158 p.197 (23~25) I posted this recipe on my own website. Here are some of the comments people made after reading it. Bibimbap is Thanks for this easy-to-read recipe! -Amy I d like to make this at home. The bibimbap delicious. -Ben 23 that whom what who how 24 my a favorite my favor a favor of me a favorite of mine a favorite of me 25 look looks to look looking looks like

1 a part of a plant used as food, for example a potato, bean, or carrot spinach sesame drink beansprout vegetable 2 They used a large of money on the party. We need a small of pepper. number amount few little account 3 boil fry post cook mix 4 Let s go for lunch. No problem. I d love to, but I can t. Maybe next time. I m afraid I can t. Sounds good but I can t. 5 A: Why don t you go to movies this Sunday? B: Why not? A: Let s eat steak for dinner. B: I d love to, but I can t. A: Are you ready to order? B: Yes, I d like to have a chocolate cake. A: How would you like your steak? B: I really like it. A: You finished your project, didn t you? B: Yes, I did. 6 Cathy Jim: Let s go to a movie this Sunday. Cathy: I d love to, but I can t. Jim: Why not? Cathy: Sunday is my mother s birthday. So my family is going to have a party. Lesson 4 159 (7~8) A: Are you ready to order? B: Yes. I d like to have bibimguksu. A: (you / would / something / to / like / drink)? B: Yes, please. Can I have some iced tea? A: Anything else? B: That s all. Thanks. 7 8 Sure. Sorry. No problem. OK. Of course. 9 The dress she is wearing is beautiful. 10 This is the boy who won the race. Who do you like most? Tell me who is your father. I have a sister who lives in France. I wonder who is that man. He asked me who broke the window. 160 11 A: Have you seen Kate? B: No, I haven t. But 12 It is the park that I met him. He is the singer who we like. This is the song that I heard yesterday. The man whom I saw is Mr. Smith. There are many people who help the poor. 13 The woman stands there is my mother. The picture was hanging on the wall was beautiful. who who who which which who which which who what

14 The woman is enjoying her lunch in the restaurant. She ordered a steak with salad. She wanted her steak to medium. She also ordered iced tea. 15 This is my dog that is cute. He is the boy that runs very fast. Look at the book that is on the desk. Don t you think that he is handsome? That is the painting that my sister painted. 16 Stir-fry the chopped kimchi and beef together. Mix and stir-fry them again. Put the cooked rice, stir-fried kimchi and beef in a pan. You need cooked rice, chopped kimchi and beef. (17~19) I have a Korean friend who came to Australia six months ago. She s now staying with us. She misses everything in Korea: her family, friends, and, of course, the food. Yesterday was her birthday. I made something special for her. I got the idea from a website about Korean culture. Look at the present that I made for my Korean friend. It really helped stop her homesickness. 17 May you know? Do you know? You know what? What do you know? Maybe you know. 18 19 I Lesson 4 161 (20~22) I posted this recipe on my own website. Here are some of the comments that people made after reading it. I d like to make this at home. The bibimbap looks delicious. - Ben When I first had bibimbap on the plane, I picked out and ate the vegetables. Soon I saw the man next to me smiling. I didn t know that I should mix the vegetables and the rice together. -Tim The bibimbap healthy food. And the colors are beautiful! Brown, orange, green, and white in a bowl! - Rachel 20 one another all in one one by one all one on one 21 looks looks like looking looks alike look to 22 What did Ben, Tim, and Rachel do in common? They didn t know how to eat bibimbap. They like beautiful color of bibimbap. They wrote their own recipe. They want to make bibimbap at home. They read the recipe of bibimbap on webpage. 162 p.198 (23~25) I have a Korean friend who came to Australia six months ago. She s now staying us. She misses everything in Korea: her family, friends, and, of course, the food. Yesterday was her birthday. I made something special her. I got the idea a website about Korean culture. Look at the present my Korean friend. You know what? It really helped stop her homesickness. 23 with of from for for of with for from for with for for of at 24 25 Which is correct? My friend has been staying with us in Australia. My friend is an Australian. My friend doesn t miss anything in Korea. Today is my friend s birthday. I forgot my friend s birthday.

1 A: Let s have spaghetti for lunch. B: A: Why not? B: I ate breakfast late. I m full now. 2 A: Are you ready to order? B: Yes, please. I d like to have a steak. A: What do you like your steak? B: Well-done, please. A: Would you like soup or salad? B: Salad, please. (3~5) whom who which 3 I know a man. (bike / can t / a / ride) 4 This is the book. (wrote / me / my mother / for) 5 He is the boy. (at / yesterday / the park / saw / I) (6~8) 6 I (saw / a book / reading / him) in the room. 7 I (a dog / heard / bark) in the street. 8 Would you (to / like / drink / something)? 9 The picture was great. He was looking at the picture. The picture he was looking was great. 10 I have a Korean friend. She came to Australia. I have a Korean friend who came to Australia. (1) I know a girl. She plays the violin well. (2) The dress was beautiful. She was wearing it. Lesson 4 163 11 (1) A: Have you seen Ted? B: Yes, I have. I saw him. (watch TV in the room) (2) A: Did you see Amy? B: Yes, I did. I saw her. (read a book in the library) (12~13) When I first had bibimbap on the plane, Soon (next / man / saw / the / I / to / smiling / me). I didn t know that I should mix the vegetables and the rice together. - Tim 12 13 Soon. 164 p.198 14-1 (1) I saw my brother. (chair / on / dance / the) (2) I heard a little bird. (singing / garden / in / the) 14-2 (1) He smelt something. (burn, kitchen) (2) She saw him. (walk, street, at night) 14-3 (1) (sing) (2) (move)

10 11 4 3 to 12 have has were you doing are you going to do borrowing to borrow do you have you have 13 help 14 (A) (B) and...: (C) help 15 16 17 18 (4) (3) (2) (1) 19 sit up straight: 20 take a class: 21 22 not only A but also B B as well as A 23 If 24 Most of all 25 pp.123~124 1 What s the problem (with you)? What s wrong? What s the matter (with you)? 2 (I think) You should take it to the animal doctor. 3 He helped his brother (to) wash the puppy. 4 5 To understand idioms can help you (to) learn the language. 6 If you take the subway, you will get there on time. 7 He is looking forward to meeting you. 8 You don t need anything special to do yoga. 9 you practice yoga, you will stay healthy 10 you turn right, you will find the post office 11 If I get a good grade in math 12 (1) you take the golf class (2) feel relaxed 13 No, we shouldn t. 14 You should see a doctor. You should get some rest. 15-1 helped his father wash 15-1 The teacher helped her students solve the problem. 15-3 (1) help us see better (2) help us work easily 1 What s up? 2 You should ~. 3 helpto 4 need comfortable clothes and bare foot / don t eat anything before you practice yoga 5 help to 6 7 look forward to -ing: 8 -thing 9 and Ifyou 10 and...: 13 14 15-1 help 15-2 help Lesson 4 Bibimbap: The Best Meal in a Bowl p.127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 193 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 p.128 1 separately 2 post 3 boil 4 healthy 5 comment 6 order 7 spinach 8 amount 9 finally 10 add 11 miss 12 oil 13 mix 14 recipe 15 cook 16 bowl 17 delicious 18 chop 19 present 20 diet 21 pan 22 culture 23 sesame 24 each 25 beansprout 26 carrot 27 favorite 28 well-done 29 fry 30 homesickness 31 vegetable 32 stir-fry 33 birthday 34 own 35 meal 36 mushroom 37 idea 38 plane 39 one by one 40 easy-to-read 41 on a diet 42 You know what? 43 look like 44 of course 45 pick out p.129 1 present 2 miss 3 recipe 4 amount 5 sesame 6 posted 7 Chop 8 comment 9 homesickness 10 own 11 on a diet 12 picked out 13 one by one 14 looks like 15 lastly 16 apart 17 blend 18 dish pp.130~131 1 Let s have love to 2 I d love to, but I can t 3 ready to order like to have 4 Are you ready to order I d like to have I d like to have orange juice 5 Would you like 6 Would you like soup or salad p.132 1 Let s have 2 I d love to 3 Why not 4 on a diet 5 how about 6 good 7 you ready to order 8 I d like to 9 would like to 10 Not 11 Would you like 12 please 1 (B) (A) (C) (D) 2 (B) (C) (D) (A) 194 pp.133~134 1 2 I d like to 3 4 wouldwould 5 6 7 8 How would you Would you 9 1 3 6 Are you ~? Yes, I am. I d like to ~. 7 8 Would you like something to drink? pp.135~136 1 (1) who(m)that(2) which[that] (3) whothat(4) whichthat 2 (1) He has a daughter whothatis very kind. (2) I don t remember the boy who(m)thati met in the library. (3) I lost my diary whichthathas a picture of my parents. (4) The rabbit is an animal whichthatpeople like a lot. 3 (1) I heard my brother singing (2) I saw her turn on the TV. (3) I saw the man walking to the hospital. 4 He didn t hear the bell ringing loudly. pp.137~138 1 2 3 4 to cry crycrying 5 whom whichthat 6 I like the painting (which) Picasso painted. 7 8 9 10 11 movemoving 12 I ate an apple pie which[that] my mother made for me. 1 which that 2 -ing bark barking 3 who 4 heard

5 the dress which that 6 the painting which 7 who is 8 that 9 can speak whom who 10 that 11 feel -ing 12 it which that pp.139~140 6 F 1 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T p.142 1 staying with 2 misses everything 3 something special 4 that I made 5 You know what 6 her homesickness 7 Boil 8 cooked vegetables 9 posted this recipe 10 after reading 11 Thanks for 12 looks delicious 13 picked out 14 mix, together 15 looks like pp.143~144 1 I have a Korean friend who came to Australia six months ago. 2 She s now staying with us. 3 She misses everything in Korea: her family, friends, and, of course, the food. 4 Yesterday was her birthday. 5 I made something special for her. 6 I got the idea from a website about Korean culture. 7 Look at the present that I made for my Korean friend. 8 You know what? It really helped stop her homesickness. 9 Here s the recipe for bibimbap. 10 Cook the rice. Stir-fry the carrots and mushrooms. 11 Boil the beansprouts and spinach. Fry an egg. 12 Put some cooked rice in a bowl. 13 Then add a small amount of each of the cooked vegetables. 14 Add some gochujang, sesame oil, and a fried egg. 15 Mix them well, and enjoy your bowl of bibimbap! 16 I posted this recipe on my own website. 17 Here are some of the comments that people made after reading it. 18 Bibimbap is a favorite of mine. Thanks for this easy-to-read recipe! 19 I d like to make this at home. The bibimbap looks delicious. 20 When I first had bibimbap on the plane, I picked out and ate the vegetables one by one. 21 Soon I saw the man next to me smiling. 22 I didn t know that I should mix the vegetables and the rice together. 23 The bibimbap looks like healthy food. 24 And the colors are beautiful! Brown, orange, green, and white in a bowl! p.145 Listening 1 for dessert have a cold tea with lemon 2 classical music, boring what kind of let s listen to go out for lunch Speaking 2-1 What would you like something to drink Green tea 2-2 I d like to have 2-3 What would you like to have Would you like something to drink pp.146~147 1 amount 2 present 3 miss 4 comment 5 vegetable 6 recipe 7 add 8 homesickness 195 9 chop 10 spinach 1 Look at the present that[which] I made for my Korean friend. 2 I saw the man next to me smile[smiling]. 3 I made something special for her. 4 I picked out and ate the vegetables one by one. 5 I d like to have bibimbap. 6 Here are some of the comments that people made after reading it. 7 I have a Korean friend who came to Australia six months ago. 8 The bibimbap looks delicious. 9 You finished your art project, didn t you? 10 The bibimbap looks like healthy food. pp.148~152 1 2 3 4 5 homesickness 6 7 8 9 10 Why not Why don t 11 Would you like something to drink? 12 13 14 I have a Chinese friend who came to Korea three months ago. 15 16 17 18 They found the lost dog sleeping under the table. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 they read 28 Bibimbap is a favorite of mine. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 2 miss 3 196 4 amount 3 4 7 add 5 homesickness 6 Kevin 7 8 A: B: A: B: 9 A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 13 I like the girl. I met her at the library. which whom 14 3 15 saw 16 17 18 19 20 -ing

barked bark barking 21 did have 22 came who 23 24 pick out: 25 (A)look delicious (B) smiling (C) food healthy 26 29 helpto stopping stop to stop 30 31 recipe 32 33 (C) (A) (B) 34 pp.153~154 1 2 3 Howlike 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 homesickness 12 13 14 (a) stir-fry (b) boil (c) fry 15 1 vegetable 2 add chop add to put something with another thing 4 to something something to drink 5 Why not? 6 that 7 8 11 homesickness 13 and Tim eat ate 15 cooking cooked pp.155~158 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 listen to musicgoing 8 9 10 11 12 him runrunning 13 14 I have a Korean friend who came to Australia six months ago. 15 16 17 18 The bibimbap looks like healthy food. 19 stir-fry put mix 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 recipe comment recipe instructions for cooking or preparing a particular food 4 5 B 9 who which that 10 the doll which that 197 11 that 13 come came 16 look delicious 23 that which pp.159~162 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Would you like something to drink? 8 9 whichthat 10 11 I heard her singsingingin the room 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 that I made for 25 1 vegetable 2 a large amount of: a small amount of: 3 5 A steak Rare Medium, Well-done, please. 7 to drink something to Would you like something to drink? 9 which that 10 who 12 who 13 who which 14 to 15 20 one by one: 22 25 198 pp.163~164 1 I d love to, but I can t. / I m sorry, but I can t. / I m afraid I can t. / Maybe next time. / Sounds good but I can t. 2 What do you like How would you like 3 who can t ride a bike 4 which my mother wrote for me 5 whom I saw at the park yesterday 6 I saw him reading a book in the room. 7 I heard a dog bark in the street. 8 Would you like something to drink? 9 at which 10 (1) I know a girl who plays the violin well. (2) The dress which she was wearing was beautiful. 11 (1) watch(ing) TV in the room (2) read(ing) a book in the library 12 I picked out and ate the vegetables one by one. 13 I saw the man next to me smiling 14-1 (1) dance on the chair (2) singing in the garden 14-2 (1) burn(ing) in the kitchen (2) walk(ing) on the street at night 14-3 (1) I heard him sing(ing) in the garden. (2) I felt something move movingin the box. 2 How would you like ~? 6~7 9 which that that 11 (1) A: Ted B: TV (2) A: Amy B: 1 pp.165~168 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I have never seen such a small beetle. 8 9 10 11 (W)hen 12 13 to get 14 15 16 If I get a good grade in math 17 which 18 19 20 21 22 has have 23 24 You know what? 25