Fig. 2. CT during SMA angiography. CT during SMA angiography shows extravasation of contrast media (large arrows) within the jejunal lumen. This finding was not noted on initial CT and angiography (not shown). Catheter is seen in abdominal aorta (small arrow). A B Fig. 1. Extravasation of contrast media within the bowel lumen. A. Contrast-enhanced CT well depicts extravasation of contrast media (arrow) within the lumen of the proximal jejunum on arterial phase. B. On two-minute delayed image, the amount of extravasated contrast media (arrow) are increased. 382
Table 1. Radiologic and Pathologic Results of Each Case Patient MDCT Angiography Operation No. Age/Sex Finding Location Finding Pathology 01 56/F Ma D. Jejunum * GIST 02 59/F E P, Jejunum * 03 64/F E Duodenum Diverticulum 04 61/M * 05 33/F E D. Ileum * 06 49/F E,Ma P. Jejunum * GIST 07 78/M E D. IleumE E CMV infection 08 70/M Ma D. Ileum * GIST 09 54/F * 10 45/M E P. Jejunum E * 11 51/M E Rt. Colon E * 12 71/F E,Ma P. Jejunum * GIST 13 42/M Lymphangioma 14 33/M Lymphangioma 15 44/M E Lt. Colon E * 16 71/F E D. Jejunum E * 17 51/M E Rt. Colon E * CMV: cytomegalovirus, D.: distal, E: extravasation of contrast media, F: female, GIST: gastointestinal stromal tumor, M: male, Ma: mass, No.: number, -: negative finding, *: not performed, P.: proximal 383
A B Fig. 3. GIST in a 72-year-old man presenting acute GI bleeding. A. Angiography performed at outside hospital showed no bleeding foci. B. When this patient was transferred to our hospital, CT was performed, first. Small bowel intussusception (large arrow) and mass (small arrow) were detected. After surgical resection without additional angiography, this mass was confirmed as GIST. 1.,,,,,,.. 2003;42:27-34 2. Eisen GM, Dominitz JA, Faigel DO, Goldstein JL, Kalloo AN, Petersen BT, et al. An annotated algorithmic approach to acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Gastrointest Endosc 2001;53:859-863 3. Gunderman R, Leef J, Ong K, Reba R, Metz C. Scintigraphic screening prior to visceral arteriography in acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding. J Nucl Med 1998;39:1081-1083 4. Grassi R, Di Mizio R, Romano S, Cappabianca S, Del Vecchio W, Severini S. Multiple jejunal angiodysplasia detected by enema-helical CT. Clin Imaging 2000;24:61-63 5. Junquera F, Quiroqa S, Saperas E, Perez-Lafuente M, Videla S, Alvarez-Castells A, et al. Accuracy of helical computed tomographic angiography for the diagnosis of colonic angiodysplasia. Gastroenterology 2000;119:293-299 384
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The Usefulness of MDCT in Acute Intestinal Bleeding 1 Kum Rae Kim, M.D., Won Kyu Park, M.D., Jae Woon Kim, M.D., Jay Chun Chang, M.D., Han Won Jang, M.D. 1 Department of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University Purpose: We wanted to evaluate the usefulness of MDCT for localizing a bleeding site and for helping make a decision on further management for acute intestinal bleeding. Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective review of 17 consecutive patients who presented with acute intestinal bleeding and who also underwent MDCT before angiography or surgery. The sensitivity of MDCT for detecting acute intestinal bleeding was assessed and compared with that of conventional angiography. Results: The sensitivity of MDCT for the detection of acute intestinal bleeding was 77% (13 of 17), whereas that of angiography was 46% (6 of 13). All the bleeding points that were subsequently detected on angiography were visualized on MDCT. In three cases, the bleeding focus was detected on MDCT and not on angiography. In four cases, both MDCT and angiogphy did not detect the bleeding focus; for one of these cases, CT during SMA angiography was performed and this detected the active bleeding site. Conclusion: In patients with acute intestinal bleeding, MDCT is a useful image modality to detect the bleeding site and to help decide on further management before performing angiography or surgery. When tumorous lesions are detected, invasive angiography can be omitted. Index words : Gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhage Computed tomography (CT) Angiography Address reprint requests to : Jae Woon Kim, M.D., Department of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, 317-1, Daemyungdong, Namgu, Daegu 705-717, Korea. Tel. 82-53-620-3428 Fax. 82-53-653-5484 E-mail: sungho1999@yumail.ac.kr 386