µó Lesson 5_ Life Brings Memories 005P Do you remember ~? I ll never forget ~. check Do you remember never forget won t forget Let me Don t forget Let

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µó Lesson 5_ Life Brings Memories 005P Do you remember ~? I ll never forget ~. check Do you remember never forget won t forget Let me Don t forget Let s, forget to Let me see. Let s see. Don t forget to ~. time to to to live in likes to to Reading F T Reading & Writing was playing to think something cold to drink 008~012P 005P 013~015P Let me see[think]. was playing cold to drink his hand lean check 007P and trial and error was raining were sleeping was walking weren t playing to read homework to do to buy to play with Mr. Yang be -ing be not-ing to to to Brian Let me see[think]. Let s see. 007P ride is was be was/were-ing Jane Don t forget to ~. Be sure to ~. Make sure to ~.

be -ing Kate was studying at that time. waswere-ing No, I wasn t. you be were to dothings to to -thing to -thingto (A) pushchair (B) hang on (C) Nelly pushed as [] Nelly Bob it Bob it his handbob because ham and eggs Nelly kind of like a trade Bob 1 016~019P Do you remember Mrs. Hwang to live in exercise to exercise Bob was getting older. Bob [Bob ] trade hold out hang on before longsoon Let me see. Let s see. Let me think. Do you remember ~? Mrs. Hwang A B toto eat no food A was/were-ing tomorrow toto to to to look forward to toto live a house in to -ing -ing were swimming Was/Were-ing ~? Yeswas/were].No, wasn t/weren t.sue exercise any time exercise to would will

Bob through get Nelly Bob ~. Be sure to ~. Make sure to ~. A Grandma Lucy was gone be gone: so (that) ~ can how to do it Bob Bob 2 020~023P forget to choose are were an umbrella to use (A) a helping hand (B) her hand (C) (A) (B) offer to was[were]-ing were -ing 2 nothing to to to was/werenot-ing ~ to to She is looking for a toy to give her sister. Was/Were-ing ~? Bob Nelly Bob Nelly (A) (B)Nelly Bob turn moment throw give ~ a hand fast Do you remember Make sure (that) ~. Don t forget to Bob (A) one day(b) Nelly for a long time (C) so (that) can so over when Pringle Nelly Bob Nelly

024~025P 026~027P visited visiting so we can go Bob alone I can t[won t] forget ~. do [doesdid] who(m) this Saturday begoing tobe she is when was/were-ing be you were to to be -ing ~? to to to play with was/were-ing she 3 be was so (that) ~ can... Bob Nothey aren t over Bob s turnto Nelly Bob Bob Real-life Scene We Are Family A: Do you remember Mrs. Hwang who lives alone? B: Of course. We threw her a birthday party last year. A: Right. We talked, ate dinner, and watched TV with her. B: I ll never forget her happy face. A: Did you know that it s her birthday tomorrow? B: Oh, that s right. I almost forgot. What shall we do this time? A: Let s make her a birthday cake. B: Good idea. I ll write her a card. Don t forget to write one, Get Ready B: Do you remember Mr. Yang? G: Sure. I ll never forget him. B: When are we going to see him next? G: Let me see[think]. In two weeks. B: Let s take some pictures with him this time. G: Good idea. Don t forget to bring the camera. Listen & Speak B: Do you remember Jane s birthday? G: Let me see. Isn t it May 30? B: It s just one week away! G: Let s throw a surprise party for her this time. B: Good idea. Don t forget to tell Minsu about it. Listen & Act G: Do you remember our camping trip last summer? too B: Sure. When we were making that fire, it started to rain. And then the fire went out. G: That s right. We had to eat cold hot dogs. B: Do you remember when the bear came and ate the of them? G: Sure. I ll never forget that. How about camping Speak. by a river next time? I ll choose a place. B: OK. Make sure you choose a safe place this time. A: Do you remember our 6th grade teacher? B: Of course. She was so nice. I ll never forget her. rest A: What should I bring to the field trip? B: Let me see[think]. Don t bring lunch. forget to

Fun with Speaking A: Do you remember Grandma Lucy? She was smiling. B: You re right. I ll never forget her. A: Do you remember Grandma Lucy? She was wearing a red dress. B: That s not right. Read So she did not take the cookies. Brian was fishing upstairs. fun Was he fishing just for? No! He had some cookies in his pants. He took the cookies! Project I was going home on the subway yesterday. Then all the lights went out! I had to sit on the train for over an hour. A Special Trade Old Bob is Nelly s neighbor. When Nelly was very small, he would take her for a walk every day in her pushchair to Mrs. Pringle s garden. Bob never pushed too fast. When they came to a bump, Bob always told Nelly, Hang on, Nelly! Here s a bump! Nelly would shout BUMP! as she rode over it. When the sprinkler was on, he would say, Get ready, get set, GOOOOO! Nelly would shout Wheeeee! as he pushed her through it. When Nelly began to walk, Bob took her by the hand. No-No! she cried and pulled her hand back. Nelly didn t want any help. So Bob offered his hand only when she really needed it. The neighbors called them ham and eggs because they were always together. Even on the coldest days in winter when everyone was inside. Before getting long older, Nelly was in school and Bob was. Sometimes he needed a helping hand, but he didn t like to take one. So, Nelly held out her hand only when Bob really needed it. One day, Bob went out alone and fell down the stairs. An ambulance came to take him to the hospital. He was there for a long time. Nelly wrote to him every day. She always ended with, Come back soon, so we can go for walks again. When Bob came home, he was in a wheelchair. The smile was gone from his eyes. I think our walks are over, he said. No, they aren t, said Nelly. I can take you for walks now. She knew just how to do it, too. Nice and easy, not too fast. One day when the sprinkler was on, Nelly said to Bob, All right, Bob. Ready, set, GOOOOO! And she pushed him right through it! Ah... that was fun! said Bob. Nelly smiled. Mrs. Pringle leaned over to them and said, Seems just like yesterday when Bob was pushing you in the pushchair. That was when I was little, said Nelly. Now it s my turn to push and Bob s turn to sit... kind of like a trade. Nelly could see the old smile was back in Bob s eyes. Fun with Writing Who took the cookies? Lisa was reading a book. A-1 A-2 B C D E A B C D I was eating some doughnuts. pushing you in the pushchair. swimming? 028~029P Bob was Were they my turn to push no time to play a nice jacket to wear Let me see. / Let s see. Ann wasn t[was not] studying in the library. / Ann didn t study in the library. Please give me something to drink. always ended with Come back soon. She I want something good to eat. / I want to eat something good. She knew just how to do it, too. The neighbors called them ham and eggs. Don t forget to bring a camera. Nelly Bob Nelly Bob What were they doing at 3 yesterday? I ll never forget that. He would take her for a walk every day in her pushchair. 030P [] trade pushchair ambulance stair through bump even turn remember shout upstairs for a long time hang on hold out take ~ by the hand turn push stairs remember pushchair hang on Before long ride fall held out neighbor alone bump trade lean

Lesson 6_ The First Flight 033P Have you heard about[of] ~? I heard about ~? It s surprising [shocking]! / What a surprise! / I can t believe it! check Have, heard heard about[of] heardheard surprising[shocking] believe surprise 033P since time little fewa few littlea little park little few Listening & Speaking It s surprising! 036~040P B It s surprising! I m surprised! What a surprise! That s amazing! A Pattie Reading F F T F Reading & Writing little a few has lived finished 041~043P heard about a little a few ago before check lost arrived has worked Haveseen a few little few a little 035P 7 set set up climb have[has] 3 has fewa few littlea little 035P last last I heard about ~. have[has] B be been Have you heard about

~? Do you know about ~? No, I haven t. It s surprising. What a surprise. What are they? 1 044~047P Have you heard about an observation diary? gone been has written last first the other baby birds Because Even though[though / Although] have[has] have last year She studied Chinese last year. She has studied Chinese since last year. potato a few little (a) few (a) little apple a little a few ago a year ago before diary observation diary So 9 touched face post look forward to look for: Have you heard about ~? I heard about ~. I know about ~. Kosik have[has] been tohave gone to (a) few (a) little/much a lot of alreadyjustyet forsince (a) few a fewa few books be are just have[has] (a) few(a) little have Yeshave[has]Nohaven t [hasn t].

(A) that that last first guppy They eat almost everything. Let me see. to the others the other even though[though / although] Have you heard about ~? Yes, I have. No, I haven t. question a little a few have[has] He 3 has Have[Has] ~? for since (a) little little There is ~. last year I visited Tom last year. (a) few (a) little name 2 048~051P know about a little a few forsince I named the bird Angsun. first flight to (A) wait for A to BA B (B) be worried about (C) a few wet feather kind prepare for Have you heard about ~? Do you know about ~? It s surprising! (first flight) observance observation

052~053P Have you been to China? few little I m looking forward to their first flight. observation ground hatch A: They are fish living in warm seas. They are very small but have about 20 babies at a time. B: It s surprising! Where are they from? A: I heard they are from Central America. They eat almost everything. B: It seems like you know a lot about them. A: Not really. I have watched them for 2 months and kept an observation diary. B: Cool. I want to keep an observation diary, too. Get Ready It s surprising! I m (so) surprised! What a surprise! How surprising! It s surprising! B: Some plants are in danger. Have you heard G: No, I haven t. about those plants? G: Oh, this is closing its leaves. B: I heard about this plant. It s a fly eater. G: Look! It looks like a leaf but it s moving. B: It s surprising! B Haveever (a) few (a) littlea few a little few little look forward to 9 an egg which that that Listen & Speak B: Have you heard about the Flower Fair? G: Yes. I heard about the dancing plants there, too. B: Dancing plants? What are they? G: When people make a sound, they move their leaves. B: Wow! It s surprising. Listen & Act B: Have you heard about an observation diary? G: Yes. I heard about it, Minjun. Why? B: I have kept an observation diary about my iguana, Gusik. G: That s interesting. Tell me more about it. can he catch flies? B: Gusik doesn t eat flies. He likes fruit and vegetables. G: Oh, that s surprising! I didn t know that. B: This morning his skin started to from Speak his head and legs. How peel fast away A: Have you about heard the new library? B: Yes, I have. They say it has about 50,000 books. A: I heard about pandas. They don t spend winter sleeping. B: It s surprising! 054~055P Fun with Speaking Real-life Scene Jihun s Observation Diary A: Have you heard about guppies, Jenny? B: No, I haven t. What are they, Jihun? A: Have you heard about Jeonju Hanok Village? B: No, I haven t. What is it? A: It is in Jeonju. They say there are over 700 hanoks there. B: Oh, it s surprising!

Read 056~057P The First Flight of Mandarin Ducks The First Meeting Friday, May 23 I found a bird and a few eggs in a small room outside the living room. I have never seen that kind of bird before. I posted its picture on a website. Angsun, the Mandarin Duck Saturday, May 24 Wow! The bird is a mandarin duck. I set up a camera in the small room. I named the bird Angsun. Angsun pulled out her own feathers to cover her eggs. She sat on her eggs for almost 22 hours a day. Ready for the First Flight Friday, June 20 I m waiting for the babies to hatch. I heard that mandarin ducks jump from the nest for their first flight. My house is on the 9th floor and I m worried about them. So my mother and I put some clothes in the yard for them. The eggs will hatch a few days later. I m looking forward to their first flight. The First Flight Sunday, June 22 Seven eggs hatched at first. A few minutes later, there was a sound from an egg that didn t hatch. Angsun made a sound, too. I thought they were talking to each other. Finally, the last egg hatched. Angsun prepared for her babies first flight. She dried their wet feathers and flew out of the room. She made strange sounds and flew down to the ground. She waited there. Then the first baby bird climbed up the hole in the wall of the small room. It looked down and jumped. Surprisingly, it didn t get hurt. Angsun flew to a tree and then, the first baby stood up and walked fast to meet her! Like the first baby bird, the others jumped! All of them followed Angsun. It didn t take long. I ve learned a lot from Angsun and her babies. They did their first flight without fear. Even though there were lots of difficulties, they showed no fear. In the future, I ll face my difficulties just like them. Think Back Angsun s Family Monday, June 23 I met Angsun s family by the river. They were swimming with another bird. It may be the babies father. They looked happy. Great! I hope they will live a happy life. I was touched by Angsun s story. I m Angsun. We re doing fine. Thanks. :) A-1 Have you heard about those plants? I have never seen that kind of bird. / I haven t seen that kind of bird. book. Sejin has drawn pictures on Junsu s A-2 There is little water in the bottle. You will use a little cream and milk. You need a few potatoes B C D E A B C D to make the green salad. I found a bird and a few eggs in a small room. I have grown the potato for 6 days. It s surprising! / I m surprised! her own feathers to cover her eggs. Angsun pulled out I have kept an observation diary about my iguana. She sat on her eggs for almost 22 hours a day. A few minutes later, there was a sound from an egg. / There was a sound from an egg a few minutes later. each other. I thought they were talking to Like the first baby bird, the others jumped! The eggs will hatch a few days later. / A few days later, the eggs will hatch. plants there, too. I heard about the dancing 058P yard kind mandarin duck fly eater observation post fear strange dry wet hatch prepare for at a time set up be worried about wet flight almost difficulty surprisingly prepare for pull out hatch even though yard dry post feather floor nest Fun with Writing Junsu s family got together last weekend. The picture shows their weekend. In the yard, Grandpa has finished cleaning the yard. And the cat has eaten his fish.

061P Are you interested in ~? Lesson 7_ Art in Recycling interested make it check in afraid[sorry] I m interested in ~. Can you make it at ~? Sure. / Okay. I m afraid[sorry] I can t. 061P B Yes, I am. Are you ~? A B A make 3 Can you make it at ~? 063P that [] so ~ that... so check too enough so, can ourselves themselves myself too ~ to... ~ enough to... so ~ thatcan... could couldn t enough fast fast enough 063P Jerry and I enjoy oneself introduce My parents 3 themselves too ~ to... sothatcannot I of could couldn t enough Listening & Speaking in Reading make it F T F T F Reading & Writing to go to eat themselves so old enough himself 064~068P 069~071P in dancing too so herself sneakers paper dolls express difficult go well with I m interested in in -ing 5 A 7 B 9 7 That s fine with me.

[]enoughto [] too[]to too[]to [] [] enoughto to [] so ~ that... by oneself Susan Amy Amy sneakers with too ~ to... too busy (A) Why don t you ~? give it a try: 1 072~075P of I m interested in watching old movies. They are going to meet at 5:30. too short money enough enough money recycle a pair of: in front of: Can you make it ~? A I m interested in ~. A B B Yes, I am. 5 A B 5 6 5 30 [] that so ~ that... too ~ to... [] enough to []enoughto introduce myself namemy too ~ to... be between ourselves decide to enjoy unique

Sally Sally Amy Amy What is worse What is better a bright idea how enough money 2 076~079P five, Sunday us ourselves herself so busy that he banner to put put waterproof a pair of Can you make it at ~? Sorry, I can t. 3 5 ~ enough to...so ~ thatcan too too ~ to... too we think of us ourselves tooto not you yourself you enjoy yourself introduce myself herself I ran fast enough to win the race. I ran so fast that I could win the race. so[] that a very special bag that which a used cloth banner (D) (A) (B) how (C) cut ~roll ~put ~ and to put put but short strong weak

080~081P 082~083P for can t couldn tlift lift it sketch with great care for a long time quickly Can 6 Can 5 30 How What Lee s Kitchen Why don t you ~? Because for oneself so ~ that... so so so too that that lift myself I youself yourself[yourselves] Then Amy (A) be was thinking (B) picked and made (C) Why don t you ~? so ~ that...[] anyone Real-life Scene Are You Interested in Recycled art? A: Are you interested in recycled art, Jenny? B: Recycled art? What is it, Minsu? A: Some artists make works out of recycled trash like empty bottles, cans, or old newspapers. That s recycled art. B: That s interesting. A: Why don t we go and see some of them tomorrow? There s a recycled art festival in Nuri Park. B: Great. How about meeting at 2? A: I m afraid I can t. Can you make it at 4? B: OK. Let s meet in front of the library. Get Ready B: Are you interested in the show? G: Sure. Why? B: Well, this ticket is a present for you. G: Thank you. I m really interested in recycled art. B: Can you make it at 7 p.m. today? G: I m so busy that I can t go today. How about tomorrow? Listen & Speak G: Minsu, are you interested in Korean pop songs? B: Yes. I love them. G: Good. Let s go to the K-pop Festival this Saturday. B: I m afraid I can t. I have a soccer game at 3 on Saturday. How Sunday? G: Okay. Can you make it at 5? B: Sure! See you then. Listen & Act about G: Look at the poster for the magic show. B: Wow! I m really interested in magic. G: Yunho, I have two tickets for today. Can you come with me? B: Great! Thanks a lot, Mina. G: It starts at 7. Can you make it at 6? B: Let s meet earlier and have dinner before the show. How about 5:30 at Lee s Kitchen? G: Okay. See you there. Speak A: Are you interested in history? B: No, I m not. I m interested in music. A: Let s go to the recycling center this Friday. B: Sounds good. Can you make it at 5? A: I m afraid I can t. How about 6? B: Fine with me.

Fun with Speak A: Are you interested in soccer? B: Yes, I am. A: Good. Let s play soccer together. Can you make it at 3:30? B: All right. / I m afraid I can t. Read Art In Recycling Amy These are my new, but actually they are not new. My sister Sally gave them to me because they were too small for her. I did not like the sneakers at first, and I decided to make them look better. I made a simple sketch on the sneakers a pencil. Then I painted the sneakers with waterproof paint. I also put the buttons and ribbons on them. Now I enjoy wearing them because I can express Hyeonsu I have a very special bag day, I my mom made it enough the world. Kyuri well better through these unique sneakers. my mom made. Last sports home a used cloth banner from the school and this beautiful bag. It is to carry books and notebooks, and its color my school uniform., it s very unique because there s no other bag like it in Tomorrow is my little sister s birthday, but I was busy shopping for her birthday present. After dinner, I was thinking about her present and then I had a bright idea. I picked up some cardboard from the recycling box and made some dolls out so easy it. Do you want to know roll the pieces of the paper, and put paper dolls are good don t you make one for your sister? Just try! Step Up brought myself with to of that sneakers into go presents which with? It s anyone can do it! Just cut the paper, them What together. I think for little girls like my sister. Why give Let me tell you about our plan to around Seoul this Saturday. Yena and I how it strong goes to meet at 2 in the afternoon. First, we re going to visit Changdeokgung. We there. Then, we re going to go to the N Seoul Tower see the whole city of Seoul. I think we ll much fun this Saturday. Fun with Writing are interested are Wonderful the Changes Are! is too in the Korean gardens Many things change in a day. Yesterday the bird was weak strong How to enough to catch have a look going to so Jeff, the dog the worm, but now it is catch too it. What about me? I was too big to now I am Project small to catch my eye every day. 084~085P The bird was so weak that it couldn t catch the worm. I was too busy to go shopping. Mr. Green was too fat to wear the jeans. She bought a pair of glasses. Are you interested in playing soccer? I have a very special bag which my mom made. myself through these unique sneakers. I can express It is so easy that anyone can do it! Tommy is too young to drive a car. I decided to make them look better. buy a new cellphone. I will have enough money to get Can you make it at 7 p.m.? What is better, it s very unique. It s strong enough to carry books and notebooks. into enough to get there. What do you think of my it enough money money the dog house yesterday, but out of a paper cup and some cardboard. It s to catch my eye every day. into it every day. Someday I will have to buy a new cellphone! piggy So bank? I made cute I put some enough A-1 The girl ran fast enough to catch the bus. She is healthy enough to exercise. It s cute enough A-2 B C D E A B C D 086P win through decide subject magic enough bottle weak cook recycle festival make it in front of what is better give it a try solve reach language bottle present empty interested in sneakers banner get on sketch cardboard simple express roll

Lesson 8_ Got a Minute? Get a Laugh! check 089P watching How Let what 091P she her was were It It enjoy by How interesting! what Let me I don t know what you mean. be ~? Did Was it to that by by she by her All the things be were 089P Let 092~096P wanthope, wish to reading Listening & Speaking enjoy walking interesting Reading F T F T How interesting! / That s interesting! Reading & Writing filled built loved fun it to tell Let me Can I ~? Do you mind if I A 097~099P enjoy listening read to read was written (that) this cartoon is funny check 091P It to watch sung written made to It to to sing sung write written make made unexpected fun funny fun make a sound: make a joke: I enjoy

How interesting! A B Let me show you how. Let s it a waiter put his finger in your soup unexpected answer Brian Brian Let me ~. Brian Okay. Brian Brian day night day to to It It ~ to... to read to read be be be by be not that some words that which that If not If not If you don t think that this cartoon is funnythat and.... and cf.or.... 1 100~102P his own is led That It It is hard to ride that[which] miss on one s own: I enjoy ~. A B How interesting! / That s interesting! The lion be by To do it To do it is not so difficult. It is not so difficult to do it. to it thatit

beby? be It is ~ to puzzled cute and simple thoughts which that x x make help to The early worm is eaten by the early bird. The early bird catches the worm. on 2 103~105P in a different way It is not easy felt sad because you couldn t come to cute and simple thoughts joke in a different way angry upset repair fix May[Can] I ~? Do you mind if I ~? be ~? Alice s coffee cup 3 B be was break broke broken to it Itto beby gave given invented was invented building built paint painted Itto to to riding to ride didn t you missed missed didn t come to lesson (A) it make a joke on your own share ~ with... with: 106~107P Let, tell you was not given were wasby with missed secret proverb a short saying that expresses truth long face AB How interesting! be How 3 A be was write wrote What written what

May[Can] I ~? Let me Do you mind if I ~? by by in Get Ready G: How interesting! B: What is it? G: Let me tell you a joke. Saturday and Sunday are so strong because the rest are weekdays. B: I don t know what you mean. G: I mean, the rest are weak days. Jim was not given Listen & Speak it it It that this 3 The hall be was by withbe filled with B: Let me show you a picture. What do you see? G: Two faces. B: Can you see a glass? G: I don t know what you mean. B: It s easy to find it. Look at the black part. Do you see? G: Oh, now I get it. How interesting! be bespeak spoke spoken English can be spoken by him. miss miss didn t you? (A) put (B) be is eaten say sorry 108~109P Listen & Act B: Why the long face, Jimin? G: I m sorry? I don t know what you mean, Minjun. My face is not long. B: I mean, you look unhappy. G: Oh, I see. How interesting! How did you know that expression? B: Well, I enjoy learning English expressions. By the way, why do you look so sad? G: My dog is sick. B: That s too bad. Speaking A: What do you do after school? B: I enjoy drawing cartoons. I post them on the Internet. A: How interesting! A: Let me tell you something. John has a big mouth. B: I don t know what you mean. A: I mean, he talks a lot about other people. Real-life Scene Rome Was Built at Night? A: I enjoy reading jokes in my free time. Let me tell you one, Miso. B: Okay, Brian. A: Do you know when Rome was built? B: Well, I don t know. A: Rome was built at night. B: I don t know what you mean. A: You know the proverb, Rome was not built in a day, right? B: Oh, now I get it. How interesting! Step Up A: Let me ask you a question. What s than a worm in your apple? B: Well, I don t know. What s the answer? A: Half a worm. B: I don t know what you mean. A: If you find half a worm, that means you have already half finding. B: Oh, now I get it. How interesting! eaten more the terrible other

Read Fun with Writing is Everything The Secrets of Jokes played making Many people enjoy jokes and laughing out loud. funny Why are jokes? What are the secrets of jokes? Let s read some jokes and find out. Teacher : You missed school yesterday, Student : Not very much. didn t you by cleaned by by strange in this world. The music is are the birds. The windows are baked the elephant. Cookies the bear.? 110~111P 교과서 funny Do you think this cartoon is? If not, you missed the that two meanings of the word miss. Some words have laugh two different meanings can make us. In the cartoon, the teacher is saying, You didn t come to school yesterday. The gets as felt girl it You sad because you couldn t come to school yesterday. Now, read it again. Don t you think it s funny? A-1 1 It is fun to read jokes. 2 It is not easy to solve this question. 3 It is boring to wait for someone for hours. A-2 1 The lion is led by the little mouse. 2 Was it made by Ms. Collins last week? 3 The windows are cleaned by the elephant. B Woman: Your finger is in my soup! Waiter : Don t worry. The soup isn t hot. 1 How interesting! 2 Let me tell you a joke. 3 It 4 The book is not is difficult to carry the box. written in Korean. if put Would it be okay a waiter his finger in your soup? Most people would think it was bad service. The waiter should say sorry to the woman. However, he thought she was worried about being his finger in the soup. funny Sometimes unexpected answers can make situations. C 2 Did you do anything like that when you were young? 3 You know a few secrets on how to make a good joke. 4 Some words that have two different meanings can make us laugh. D Who Teacher : can find x? Student : Me! (here it is.) 1 It is not so difficult to do it. 1 너는 어제 학교에 결석했지, 그렇지 않니? 스로 농담을 만들 수 있다고 생각하나요? 2 당신은 스 3 변형된 속담 은 당신이 다른 방식으로 인생을 보도록 할 수 있습니다. that Sometimes kids have cute and simple thoughts can make people laugh. Look at the boy s answer. Did when you do anything like that you were young? Mom : Wake up! The early bird catches the worm. Son : Yes, I know! But the early worm is also by the early bird. eaten by the early bird. your A C 20 to learn computers. to solve this question. 영어❷- 2 _ 중간 I 천재(정) 5 어린아이 D 올라가다 3 따르다 6 이끌다, 안내하다 4그 7교 8 그리워하다; 출석하지 않다 9 공유 11 부지런한 사람 12 여가 시간 13 우울한 얼굴 14 농담을 하다 15 다른 방식으로 16 post 17 bake 18 cute 19 rule 20 rest 21 joke 22 cartoon 23 laugh 24 story weekday secret lock up 25 26 27 28 make a sound 29 on one s own 30 lose one s mind 1 noise 2 fix 3 dangerous 4 well-known 5 expression 1 joke 2 understand 3 worm 4 because 5 how to 1 unexpected 2 situation 3 twisted 4 proverb 5 service 하다 B fun 2. It s easy 3. It s not 2 오르다, 깨진 훈; 수업; 단원 to? It s not so difficult to do it. You can use the secrets you ve learned. with Share your jokes others and laugh together. Laugh, and the whole world will laugh with you. It s difficult to carry the box. to follow 1. It s important the rules. 1 부서진, 러나, 하지만 own Language Focus 112P 어휘 Now you know a few secrets on make a good joke. Do you think you can make a joke on 1 I don t know what you mean. 2 I enjoy reading jokes in my free time. 3 The early worm is also eaten People can change well-known proverbs for a big laugh. You ve learned that proverbs teach you lessons. However, twisted see in a proverbs can make you life different way enjoy and help you it more. how E 10 화난

Œœ ffi Lesson 5_ Life Brings Memories 122~123P Do you remember Mrs. Hwang who[that] lives alone? Be sure to write one, too. / Make sure to write one, too. I ll never forget that. Let s see. / Let me think. Alice was playing computer games. / Kate was cooking (in the kitchen). / Emily was sleeping (on the bed). She wants to buy a new pen to write with. Were, they weren t, were playing baseball some money to give you I went to the park with my family last Saturday. When I was jogging in the park, my brother was playing basketball. And My mother and father were sitting on a bench. There were many benches to sit on in the park. to do read to read She was looking for something to put on. Don t forget to ~. Be sure to ~. Make sure to ~. I ll never forget that. Let me see. Let s see. / Let me think. was[were]-ing too too to to to Was[Were]-ing ~? Yes, was[were].no, wasn t[weren t]. money to give you to was[were]-ing to Lesson 6_ The First Flight 124~125P Do you know about guppies, Jenny? I have watched them for 2 months. I m so surprised! / What a surprise! / How surprising! / How shocking! Yes, I have. No, I haven t. The thief has stolen my purse. We have lived in Seoul for five years. There is little water in the bottle. have watched a movie has never ridden a horse / hasn t ridden a horse few a few, a little a few I have studied English for 3 years. I have difficulty in memorizing a few English words. So I memorize them by reading aloud. ate eaten She has worked there since last year. dinner yet? Has she finished Have you heard about ~? have[has] Have you heard about~? Yes, I have. No, I haven t. (a) few (a) little little have[has] have[has] not never have[has] Have[Has] Lesson 7_ Art in Recycling 126~127P Give it a try cook cooking How interesting! Can we meet at 4? / How about meeting at 4? / Let s meet at 4. in front of yourself, themselves It was so hot that I went swimming. Jenny is so funny that everyone likes her. I cooked it myself. I myself cooked it. Brian strong enough to carry

too short to get I m strong enough to move a desk. I m too short to reach the ceiling. I run so fast that I can win a race. myself himself, themselves She only thinks about herself. give it a try You yourself themselves so ~ that...so []that I cooked it. I myself ~ enough to... Jack Jack too ~ to... get on express express myself: Little Tommy himself Little Tommy enjoy oneself She herself Lesson 8_ Got a Minute? Get a Laugh! 128~129P riding a bike Let me tell you a joke. I don t know what you mean. This house was not built last year. It is fun to play the piano. was painted by It is difficult to break a bad habit. It is important to follow the rules. The telephone was invented by Bell. The early bird eats the worm. It is easy to study English. It is wonderful to see my favorite singer s concert. It is terrible to get up early on weekends. was broken lead led The coffee was given to Alice. enjoy (A) benot It ~ to... it to It be by by be it it to apple«ìá Lesson 5_ Life Brings Memories 130~131P Do you remember were listening to where how shout neighbor (Exercise is the best way.) (the best way) to (to lose weight) to to I have no time to play. was[werenot-ing went to go to eat something something to eat wear to wear to will read to read even even though get wherehow

Lesson 6_ The First Flight 132~133P They say it s a great musical. yet a little little (C)(A)(B) fast fast They say ~. for five years5 3 has learnedten years ago yet (a) few(a) little fewlittle a fewa little a little little set up 22 jumped Lesson 7_ Art in Recycling 134~135P he enjoy oneself: by oneself: ~ enough to... enough time enough that can could was is is deeply deep We ourselves Mina and Jane 3 themselves with You him my new sneakers it them Lesson 8_ Got a Minute? Get a Laugh! 136~137P The rules should be kept all the time. proverb for oneself on one s own Why the long face? two pairs of glasses can could was is it them banner recycle empty simple glasses pair 10 B 11 be interested in B A B A to make to beby be by be was be It is important to be on time.

It ~ that... (B) that some words that make see «apple«ìá 138~140P do have were you doing known a helping hand fear a pair of surprised Have you heard ~? YesI have. A make it 7 B gold a little to so ~ that... what that be wrote written have for a long time know known which a very special bag go well with: one a helping hand lots of difficulties there was there were 141~143P egg eggscheeses cheese myself has have well-known[famous] hang on: on one s own: It s surprising! playing played egg a few egg eggscheeses to to to play to play with to to to not forget not to forget that Some words has have be over howto to coverto win to