Unit 셀수있는명사
Unit 셀수있는명사 A 명사 명사는사람, 사물, 장소등을나타내는말이다. 셀수있는명사와셀수없는명사로구분된다. 셀수있는명사 셀수없는명사 사람사물동 식물장소 man, boy, girl pen, hat, car, star dog, bird, flower house, school 이름나라, 도시일정모양이없는것눈에보이지않는것 Chris, Selene France, Paris water, snow, air love, peace, joy Check Up 다음중셀수있는명사에동그라미하시오. tea chair boy rain park London B 단수와복수 단수는명사의개수가하나인것을말한다. 복수는명사의개수가둘이상인것을말한다. 주로명사에 -(e)s 를붙여준다. 단수 명사의개수하나 ex. apple, tree 복수 명사의개수둘이상 ex. apples, trees Check Up 괄호안에서알맞은것을골라동그라미하시오. ⑴ one ( book, books ) ⑵ two ( book, books ) 10
C 셀수있는명사의복수형 규칙변화 대부분의명사명사 + -s cup cups ball balls -s, -sh, -ch, -x, -o 로끝나는명사 명사 + -es bus buses dish dishes bench benches box boxes potato potatoes < 예외 > zoo zoos, piano pianos 자음 + y 로끝나는명사 y 를 i 로바꾸고 -es 모음 + y 로끝나는명사명사 + -s baby babies candy candies toy toys day days -f(e) 로끝나는명사 -f(e) 를 v 로바꾸고 -es life lives knife knives < 예외 > roof roofs 불규칙변화 형태가바뀌는명사 단수와복수가같은명사 모음만바뀌는경우 모양일부만바뀌는경우 단 복수의모양이같은 경우 man men foot feet tooth teeth mouse mice child children ox oxen fish fish deer deer sheep sheep Check Up 다음명사의복수형을쓰시오. ⑴ pen ⑵ city ⑶ leaf Unit 01 11
Warm Up I. 다음명사의알맞은복수형을고르시오. rock 돌, 바위 cloud 구름 rose 장미 duck 오리 1. dog 2. cat 3. bee ( dogs, dogges ) ( cat, cats ) ( bee, bees ) 4. rock 5. egg 6. cloud 7. tree 8. pig 9. cow 10. rose 11. bird 12. duck 13. ant 14. horse 15. chicken ( rocks, rockes ) ( egges, eggs ) ( clouds, cloudes ) ( tree, trees ) ( pigs, pigges ) ( cows, cowes ) ( ros, roses ) ( birds, birdes ) ( duckes, ducks ) ( ants, antes ) ( horse, horses ) ( chicken, chickens ) 12
정답및해설 2p II. 다음명사의알맞은복수형을고르시오. 1. boy 2. girl 3. chair 4. desk 5. pen 6. eraser 7. ruler 8. bag 9. doll 10. key 11. vase 12. table 13. door 14. window 15. notebook ( boys, boies ) ( girles, girls ) ( chairs, chaires ) ( desk, desks ) ( pens, penes ) ( erasers, eraseres ) ( ruleres, rulers ) ( bags, bages ) ( dolles, dolls ) ( keys, keies ) ( vase, vases ) ( table, tables ) ( doors, doores ) ( windows, windowes ) ( notebookes, notebooks ) eraser 지우개 ruler 자 doll 인형 vase 꽃병 window 창문 notebook 공책 Unit 01 13
Warm Up III. 다음명사의알맞은복수형을고르시오. bus 버스 class 학급, 수업 glass 유리 ( 잔 ) dress 드레스 boss 상사 address 주소 dish 접시 brush 붓, 솔 church 교회 watch 손목시계 peach 복숭아 inch 인치 1. bus 2. class 3. glass 4. dress 5. boss 6. address ( buses, bus ) ( class, classes ) ( glass, glasses ) ( dresses, dress ) ( boss, bosses ) ( addresses, address ) 7. dish 8. brush 9. fish 10. bench 11. church 12. watch 13. peach 14. inch 15. sandwich ( dishs, dishes ) ( brushes, brushs ) ( fish, fishes ) ( benchs, benches ) ( churches, churchs ) ( watchs, watches ) ( peaches, peachs ) ( inchs, inches ) ( sandwichs, sandwiches ) 14
IV. 다음명사의알맞은복수형을고르시오. 1. box 2. fox 3. fax 4. ox ( boxes, boxs ) ( foxes, foxs ) ( faxs, faxes ) ( oxes, oxen ) fax 팩스 ox 황소 hero 영웅 potato 감자 photo 사진 tray 쟁반 donkey 당나귀 5. hero 6. potato 7. piano 8. zoo 9. photo 10. boy 11. toy 12. day 13. tray 14. monkey 15. donkey ( heros, heroes ) ( potatoes, potatos ) ( pianos, pianoes ) ( zoos, zooes ) ( photos, photoes ) ( boies, boys ) ( toies, toys ) ( days, daies ) ( trays, traies ) ( monkeys, monkeies ) ( donkeies, donkeys ) Unit 01 15
Warm Up V. 다음명사의알맞은복수형을고르시오. city 도시 party 파티 cherry 체리 strawberry 딸기 library 도서관 country 나라 memory 기억, 추억 holiday ( 공 ) 휴일 1. lady 2. baby 3. sky 4. city 5. butterfly 6. body 7. family 8. party 9. story 10. cherry 11. strawberry 12. library 13. country 14. memory 15. holiday ( ladies, ladys ) ( babys, babies ) ( skies, skys ) (citys, cities ) ( butterflys, butterflies ) ( bodies, bodys ) ( familys, families ) ( partys, parties ) ( storys, stories ) ( cherries, cherrys ) ( strawberrys, strawberries ) ( librarys, libraries ) ( countries, countrys ) ( memorys, memories ) ( holidays, holidaies ) 16
VI. 다음명사의알맞은복수형을고르시오. 1. knife 2. leaf 3. wolf 4. scarf 5. wife 6. chef ( knives, knifes ) ( leafs, leaves ) ( wolves, wolfs ) ( scarves, scarfs ) ( wives, wifes ) ( cheves, chefs ) leaf 나뭇잎 wolf 늑대 scarf 목도리 wife 아내 chef 요리사 tooth 이빨 foot 발 goose 거위 child 어린이 person 사람 deer 사슴 sheep 양 7. man 8. tooth 9. foot 10. goose 11. mouse 12. child 13. person 14. deer 15. sheep ( men, mans ) ( tooths, teeth ) ( foots, feet ) ( gooses, geese ) ( mice, mouses ) ( children, childs ) ( persones, people ) ( deer, deers ) ( sheeps, sheep ) Unit 01 17
Build Up I. 다음명사의알맞은복수형을쓰시오. gift 선물 shoe 신발 balloon 풍선 1. kid 2. candy 3. cake 4. gift 5. piano 6. violin 7. radio 8. camera 9. picture 10. tray 11. child 12. shoe 13. coat 14. house 15. balloon 18
정답및해설 2p II. 다음명사의알맞은복수형을쓰시오. 1. star 2. moon 3. hill 4. wind moon 달, 위성 hill 언덕 lily 백합 life 삶, 생명 spider 거미 giraffe 기린 mountain 산 5. river 6. lily 7. life 8. ant 9. spider 10. giraffe 11. flower 12. lemon 13. tomato 14. country 15. mountain Unit 01 19
Build Up III. 다음명사의알맞은복수형을쓰시오. bike 자전거 plane 비행기 road 도로, 길 park 공원 kitchen 부엌 roof 지붕 station 역 bedroom 침실 library 도서관 bookstore 서점 1. car 2. bus 3. train 4. bike 5. plane 6. road 7. church 8. park 9. kitchen 10. school 11. roof 12. station 13. bedroom 14. library 15. bookstore 20
IV. 다음명사의알맞은복수형을쓰시오. 1. lady 2. girl 3. parent 4. family 5. husband 6. singer lady 여성 parent 부모 husband 남편 hero 영웅 nurse 간호사 thief 도둑 fireman 소방관 (= firefighter) classmate 동급생 policeman 경찰관 (= police officer) 7. hero 8. nurse 9. doctor 10. thief 11. fireman 12. student 13. teacher 14. classmate 15. policeman Unit 01 21
Jump Up 셀수있는명사 명사 I. 다음두단어중셀수있는명사를고르시오. 1. ( air, chair ) 2. ( mouse, juice ) 3. ( Spain, spoon ) 4. ( bank, Patrick ) 5. ( story, water ) 6. ( love, picture ) 7. ( watch, Washington ) 셀수있는명사 셀수있는명사의복수형 II. 다음빈칸에알맞은단수형또는복수형을쓰시오. [ 단수형 ] [ 복수형 ] 1. - lips 2. egg - 3. - fish 4. man - 5. puppy - 6. - oxen 7. tooth - 22
정답및해설 3p III. 다음명사의복수형을바르게고치시오. [ 단수형 ] [ 복수형 ] 셀수있는명사 셀수있는명사의복수형 1. pin - 2. box - 3. toy - 4. glue - pinnes boxs toies glue 5. pencil - penciles 6. knife - knifes 7. scissor - 8. photo - scissores photoes 9. tooth - 10. radio - tooths radioes 11. mirror - 12. hobby - mirrores hobbyes 13. bench - 14. fish - benchs fishes 15. business - business Unit 01 23
Wrap Up [1~3] 다음중단수형과복수형이잘못연결된것을고르시오. 01 1 fox - foxs 2 tiger - tigers 3 wolf - wolves 4 sheep - sheep 5 monkey - monkeys 02 1 sky - skies 2 kite kites 3 glue - glues 4 table - tables 5 pencil penciles 03 1 face - faces 2 tooth tooths 3 body - bodies 4 cheek - cheeks 5 mouth - mouths 24
정답및해설 3p 04 다음중복수형을만드는방법이다른것은? 1 toy 2 lady 3 party 4 hobby 5 butterfly [5~6] 다음은단수형을복수형으로고친것이다. 옳지않은것을고르시오. 05 1 bank banks 2 school schools 3 library libraries 4 church churchs 5 bookstore bookstores 06 1 wife wives 2 baby babies 3 parent parents 4 husband husbands 5 gentleman gentlemans 06 gentleman 신사 Unit 01 25
Wrap Up 07 give 주다 07 다음빈칸에들어갈수없는것은? Give me five. 1 forks 3 glass 5 trays 2 knives 4 dishes 08 want 원하다 [8~9] 다음빈칸에들어갈알맞은말을고르시오. 08 I want two. 1 fish 2 milk 3 water 4 snow 5 music 09 there is ~ 가있다 09 There is one. 1 oxen 2 mouse 3 geese 4 women 5 children 26
10 다음중밑줄친부분이어법상옳지않은것은? 1 Look at three stars. 2 There are ten heroes. 3 She will buy nine roses. 4 I traveled to seven countries. 5 Mr. Johnson has one dogs. 10 look 보다 travel 여행하다 have 가지다 11 다음빈칸에들어갈말이순서대로바르게짝지어진것은? Mom has one. She has four. And she has six. 1 watch scarf - dresses 2 watch scarves - dress 3 watches scarf - dresses 4 watch scarves - dresses 5 watches scarves - dress Unit 01 27
Wrap Up 12 다음 그림을 보고, 해당 철자로 시작하는 알맞은 말을 빈칸에 쓰시오. There are ⑴ four a, ⑵ five c, ⑶ two m, and ⑷ three p. Useful Expressions news 뉴스 news는 복수처럼 보이는 단수 명사입니다. 이러한 명사로는 다음과 같은 것들이 있어요. physics 물리학 economics 경제학 mathematics 수학 28 초등문법_1권(unit01)3.indd 28 14. 10. 7. 오후 1:03