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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


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캡틴 버니/Captain Bunny

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October 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.8 울긋불긋 가을이야기 목차 From Editor 앉아서 떠나는 여행 Guidance 그림책 읽어주는 기술 Homeschool 다양한 세계문화 알아보기 Study Trip 올 가을!풍요로운 낭만축




Get your target right with TARGET TEPS 600+ 링구아포럼연구소지음 주인영 정회진 LISTENING



Unit 5 A Change for the Better A: How many meals do you eat every day? B: I usually eat two meals. A: Can you make it at three? B: OK, see you then. if If you have a bike, go for a ride! and You ll become healthier and healthier. Words advice ex. My grandfather often gives me good advice. afraid brush ex. You must brush your teeth before going to bed. call concentrate ex. Let me concentrate on my homework. confident ex. I feel confident that I will get good grades. control ex. I ve got to control how much I eat next time. drink diet ex. If you change your diet, you ll be stronger. enough everywhere exercise follow habit health healthy join junk food ex. I eat a lot of junk food. lazy magazine nature protect ex. We must protect our children s future. receive reporter 82 ride save ex. I ll save some money to buy a bag. snack ex. Is there any snack on the table? sugar taste teen thin top bottom weight worry Phrases above all be in good shape ex. We are in good shape. break a habit ex. Breaking a habit is not easy. in front of in a hurry keep in shape lose weight gain weight ex. She cut down on her food to lose weight. pocket money = allowance make it put on thanks to

Words 01 diet 02 afraid 03 brush 04 sugar 05 thin 06 confident 07 teen 08 reporter 09 drink 10 weight 11 everywhere 12 call 13 follow 14 habit 15 exercise 16 healthy 17 enough 18 junk food 19 magazine 20 nature 21 join 22 protect 23 control 24 ride 25 save 26 health 27 taste 28 snack 29 advice 30 top 31 concentrate 32 worry 33 lazy 34 receive Phrases 35 pocket money 36 break a habit 37 lose weight 38 in front of 39 keep in shape 40 thanks to 41 make it 42 put on 43 in a hurry 44 above all 45 be in good shape p.188 Unit 5 83 Words 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 84 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Phrases 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 p.188

1 This is good for your (health / healthy). 2 I am (confidence / confident) that I can win against Jerry. 3 These grapes taste (sweet / sweetly). 4 Let me give you a piece of (advice / advise). 5 You d better (product / protect) your face with a mask. 6 I have money to buy this bag. 7 It s my to listen to music while I study. 8 How do you usually spend your? 9 The children are so noisy that I can t. 10 I build up my muscles by doing. above all be in good shape break a habit lose weight thanks to 11 The P.E. teacher in my school 12, make a study plan. 13 I am trying to some. 14 his teacher s help, he could pass the test. 15 It s hard to a bad. 16 thick 17 lose weight 18 diligent p.188 good for taste spend muscle P.E. = Physical Education muscle thick diligent Unit 5 85 A: How many meals do you eat every day? B: I usually eat two meals. How manymuch~? How often ~? A: How often do you eat fruit? B: Maybe once a week. 1 A: do you eat fruit and vegetables? B: I eat them. A: junk food do you eat? B: I don t eat. 2 A: Oh, my stomach! I think I for lunch. B: did you eat? A: I had pizza, salad, ice cream, and two glasses of orange juice. B: Wow! You. A: I know. My stomach is. 3 A: I m afraid I m too much weight. B: Do you eat much fast food? A: Yes, it tastes really good, you know. B: A: I like hamburgers very much. 86.

p.188 A: Can you make it at three? B: OK, see you then. Can you make itmeetat ~? HowWhat about ~? Why don t we ~? Shall we ~? Let s make itmeetat ~. OK. Sure. I d love to. Why not? That sounds great. No problem. (I m) Sorry, I can t. I m afraid not. Maybe next time. 4 A: You re all wet, Minsu. B: The weather was nice, so I went in-line skating with friends. A: That sounds like fun. next time? B: Of course. at five this Saturday? A: Sure. you? B: Meet me at the park. A: OK,. 5 A: How do you keep in shape, Ron? Ron B: Me? I travel. A: What do you mean, you travel? B: about 50 km every Sunday. 50 A: Wow! B: That ll be great. 9 A: Sure. B: Let s meet in front of the ice cream shop. Unit 5 87 p.188 A: I m afraid 1. too much weight. B: Do you eat 2.? A: Yes, it 3., you know. B: 4. you eat it? A: 5.. I like hamburgers very much. B: 6. do you eat? A: Maybe 7.. B: Wow, that s too many. 8. if you want to control your weight. A: Let s play badminton. 9. at four? 4 B: Sorry, but I can t. 10. five? 5 A: 11. problem. (A) I usually study with a group of friends. (B) Can I join your group? (C) Of course. See you then. (D) How do you study for an exam? (E) Sure. We re meeting at five at the library. Can you make it? 88

1 vegetable (1) at three? 3 (2) fruit and vegetables? (3) I eat junk food. 2 each day A: How many apples do you eat a day? B: One or two. A: How much milk do you drink each day? B: I drink milk every morning. A: How often do you eat ramyeon? B: I eat it three or four times a week. A: How much junk food do you eat? B: I eat a lot of junk food. A: How often do you eat fruit? B: Not often. I don t like fruit. not often 3 play badminton A: Let s play badminton. Can you make it at four? B: Sorry, but I can t. How about five? A: No problem. 4 meal A: (meals / eat / do / every day / how / you / many /?) B: I usually eat two meals. Unit 5 89 p.188 5 junk food A: How much junk food do you eat every day? B: I eat junk food. no a lot of lots of once a week just a little 6 go to bed A: What time do you go to bed, Jihee? B: I go to bed at 12. A: How many hours do you sleep then? B: I go there twice a week. I usually sleep for about seven hours. Yes, I sleep too much. No, I slept for six hours yesterday. I never go to bed before 10. [7~8] A: I m afraid I m putting on too much weight. B: Do you eat much fast food? A: Yes, it tastes really good, you know. B: How do you eat it? A: Every day. I like hamburgers very much. B: How hamburgers do you eat in a week? A: Maybe nine or ten. B: Wow! You should eat healthy food if you want to control your weight. put on weight taste healthy control 7 8 90

if If I have time, I ll go to the movies. If I go to the movies, I ll buy some popcorn. If I buy some popcorn, my friend will buy some sodas. If will If I have money, I ll buy a new computer. I will help you if I have time. If he will come, I will ask some questions to him. If he comes, I will ask some questions to him. unless if ~ not Unless it rains tomorrow, we will go on a picnic. = If it doesn t rain tomorrow, we will go on a picnic. cf. if whether I wonder ifwhethershe s married. Do you know ifwhetherhe will come back? 1 (If / Unless) you don t like it, you don t have to do it. 2 (If / Unless) you study hard, you ll fail the exam. 3 If you (read / will read) the book, you will be able to do the work. 4 If it (is / will be) sunny this Sunday, I will go on a picnic. 5 I will go to your house if he (comes / will come) back. Unit 5 91 p.188 and I got thinner and thinner. You will become healthier and healthier. and The earth is getting hotter and hotter. His novel is more and more interesting. My brother is getting taller and taller every year. He became richer and richer. cf. the ~the... The older we are, the wiser we become. The more you have, the more you want. 6 = Pinocchio s nose is getting. 7 = English is becoming important. 8 = The boxes are getting. 9 = You ll become. 10 = This tree is getting. 92

1 these days Children play sports (little and little) these days. 2 give a prize If you win this game, I will give you a prize. If I knew the answer, I will raise my hand. The baby is getting more and more heavy. We read books little and little these days. Summer is getting hotter and hot. raise 3 good better strong stronger big bigger bad worse healthy healthyer 4 expensive If the bag expensive, I ll buy it. was is not will be will not be was not 5 succeed = you want to succeed, you have to manage your time effectively. manage effectively If Although Because Though Even if Unit 5 93 p.189 6 get up If you get up earlier, you can have breakfast. = Get up earlier, you can have breakfast. breakfast 7 If you don t exercise every day, you ll become stronger. You exercise every day, or you ll become stronger. If you ll exercise every day, you ll become stronger. If you exercised every day, and you ll become stronger. If you exercise every day, you ll become stronger. 8 A: (more / the / is / exciting / soccer / and / game / getting / more). B: Yes, it really is. It s a great time. 9 late for, you ll be late for the party. You don t get up now Get up now Don t get up now If you don t get up now If you get up now [10~11] 10 (more / is / difficult / math / and / more / becoming) 11 breathe (breathe / was / harder / it / and / getting / to / harder) 94

You Can Change, Too! Do you think you are in good shape? The magazine Teen Years talked with Do you think (that) you are ~?: that some teens who changed their habits to get healthy. The reporter asked them, that What did you change and how did it help you? = some teens who changed their habits to get healthy I used to be lazy. I didn t like to walk. In March, I received a bike for my used to birthday. Now I ride my bike everywhere. Thanks to this new habit, I got thinner and thinner. I am healthier than before, and I feel more confident and 3 more about myself. Because I don t take the bus anymore, I can save my pocket take money, too. Above all, I can protect nature! If you have a bike, go for a ride! go for a(n) Darae 1 What did the magazine Teen Years talk about? Some teens who to get healthy. 2 What did Darae receive for her birthday? She received for her birthday. 3 What s Darae s new habit? She everywhere. 4 How does Darae feel about herself? She feels about herself. 5 Why can Darae save her pocket money? Because she anymore. be in good shape magazine teen habit reporter lazy ride a bike everywhere thanks to thin confident save pocket money above all protect nature Unit 5 95 I used to eat lots of snacks and junk food. So friends often called me Junk lots of call Food Freak. Two months ago, I had health problems, so I had to see a doctor. The doctor said, If you change your diet, you ll become healthier and healthier. I followed his advice. I started to eat healthier food, and that and = to eat healthier food really helped me. I lost weight, and I feel stronger than before. I can also concentrate better in class. My parents are happier, too. Jiho good Many teens have a lot of bad habits. Here are the top seven. Do you have a lot of = Here are the top seven bad habits. any of these bad habits? Talk with your friends about one of your bad habits and how to break it. how to = one of your bad habits Top Seven Bad Habits Teens... 1. don t get enough sleep. 2. eat too much sugar. 3. worry too much. 4. don t exercise enough. 5. don t brush teeth well. 6. drink too many sodas. 7. eat in a hurry. T F 6 Jiho didn t eat any snacks and junk food before. ( ) 7 The doctor advised Jiho to change his diet. ( ) 8 Jiho put on weight, and he feels stronger than before. ( ) 9 Jiho changed his diet, and it helped him. ( ) 10 Getting enough sleep is one of the top seven bad habits. ( ) 96 p.189 snack junk food call freak health diet follow advice lose weight concentrate top break a habit worry exercise brush in a hurry

1 Do you think you? 2 The magazine Teen Years talked with some teens to get healthy. 3 Thanks to this new habit, I got 4 I am healthier than before, and I about myself. 5 Because I don t anymore, I can save my pocket money, too. 6, I can protect nature! 7, go for a ride! 8 I lots of snacks and junk food. 9 So friends often Junk Food Freak. 10 Two months ago, I had health problems, so I had to 11 If you change your diet, you ll become 12 I, and that really helped me. 13 I, and I feel stronger than before. 14 I can also in class. 15 Many teens have 16 Teens don t. 17 Teens eat. p.189 1. 2. Teen Years 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Unit 5 97 3 98....

Words + Reading Teen Years p.189 Unit 5 99 advice concentrate confident enough freak habit junk food protect reporter save teen weight habit 1 : something you do regularly, often without thinking : 2 : an opinion which someone offers you about what you should do in a situation : 3 : bad quality food which is not good for you : 4 : a person who takes a special interest in something : 5 : with strong belief in one s ability : 6 : a person who finds out and writes about news for a newspaper, radio or TV : 7 : to defend against harm or loss : 8 : the measure of how heavy something or someone is : 9 : a person between the ages of 13 and 19 : 10 : as much or as many as needed : 11 : not to spend or use, to keep money for the future : 12 : to focus one s attention : I used to eat (A) a lot / lots of snacks and junk food. So friends often called me Junk Food Freak. Two months ago, I had health problems, so I had to see a doctor. The doctor said, If you change your diet, you ll become healthier and healthier. I followed his (B) advice / advise. I started to eat healthier food, and that really helped me. I lost weight, and I feel stronger than before. I can also concentrate (C) better / less in class. My parents are happier, too. (A) (B) (C) a lot advice better lots of advice less a lot advise less lots of advice better a lot advise better 100

p.189 1 How much meals do you eat every day? 2 Shall we to ride our bikes tomorrow? 3 I have to taking care of my brother. 4 I m afraid I m putting on too many weight. 5 They use the Internet for 12 hours every weeks. 6 I feel confidenter about myself. 7 If you ll change your diet, you ll become healthier. 8 I lost weight, and I feel strong than before. 9 I can also concentrate gooder in class. 10 Talk with your friends about one of your bad habit. I used to be lazy. I didn t like to walk. In March, I received a bike for my birthday. Now I ride my bike everywhere. Thanks to this new habit, I got thin and thinner. I am healthier than before, and I feel more confident about myself. Because I don t take the bus anymore, I can save my pocket money, too. Above all, I can protect nature! If you have a bike, go for a ride! Unit 5 101 1 a person with a very strong interest in a particular subject teen reporter freak friend doctor 2 I my bike everywhere. If you have a bike, go for a(n)! exercise ride drink use take 3 I m that you will win the writing contest. He wore sunglasses to his eyes from the sun. differ confident differ protect confident protect confident differ sure protest 4 I m putting on too much weight. losing removing gaining lifting carrying 102 5 = Talk with your friends (habit / how / break / about / the / bad / to). 6 How often do you eat fruit and vegetables? I never eat them. I eat them every day. I eat them very much. I eat them once a week. I eat them three out of four days. 7 (A) OK, see you then. (B) Why don t we play baseball on Saturday? (C) Can you make it at three? (D) Sure. I d love to. 8 A: How much junk food do you eat? B: I don t eat any. OK. Not too much. Sorry, but I can t. It s not that expensive. Junk food is not healthy food. Grammar + Reading

9 A: Shall we go skating tomorrow? B: Sure. That s a good idea. A: B: Why not? See you then. How about three? Can you make it at two? Let s meet at ten. What time is it? Shall we meet at four? (10~11) Jiwon: Oh, my stomach! I think I ate too for lunch. Kevin: How did you eat? Jiwon: I had pizza, salad, ice cream, and two glasses of orange juice. Kevin: Wow! You had a big lunch. Jiwon: I know. Kevin: Why don t you see the school nurse? Jiwon: I think I will. See you later. 10 often many much most less 11 12 A: How about going for a swim at noon? B: Why not? A: Shall we ride our bikes in the park? B: Sure. I ll meet you there at ten. A: What time shall we meet? B: What about five? A: Let s go shopping to the mall. B: I d love to. A: Would you like to play badminton? B: OK. See you later. 13 A: I think I left my MP3 player at your house. B: I ll have a look. If I ll find it, I ll tell you. 14 thin thinner healthy healthier good better strong more strong confident more confident 15 Jane eats little than Tom. I get up at six in the morning. You will feel better than before. How often do you exercise? The sky is getting darker and darker. Unit 5 103 16 How much do you have each day? milk juice honey apple junk food (17~18) 17 (colder / weather / getting / and / colder / the / is) 18 (more / is / exciting / more / baseball / the / getting / game / and) 19 I pass the test, I ll be very happy. As So If Since When 20 How long does it take to use 100 calories? You need running for 13 minutes. If you jump rope, it takes 18 minutes. You can walk up stairs for 28 minutes or walk for 50 minutes. If you want to use 100 calories quickly, running is the best way. 104 (21~24) I used to be lazy. I didn t like to walk. In March, I received a bike for my birthday. Now I ride my bike everywhere. Thanks to this new habit, (get thin) I am healthier than before, and I feel more confident about myself. Because I don t take the bus anymore. I can save my pocket money, too., I can protect nature! If you have a bike, go for a ride! 21 He is used to driving a car. I am used to working hard every day. This machine is used to make copies. I used to play the clarinet when I was little. The money will be used to make a new computer. 22 23 Worst of all Therefore Above all However At least 24 Darae s Favorite Sports Darae s Health Problem Darae s Birthday Party Darae s Expensive Bike Darae s New Healthy Habit

(25~27) I used to eat lots of snacks and junk food. So friends often called me Junk Food Freak. Two months ago, I had health problems, so I had to see a doctor. The doctor said, If you change your diet, you ll become healthier and healthier. I followed his advice. I started to eat most healthier food, and that really helped me. I lost weight, and I feel stronger than before. I can also concentrate better in class. My parents are happier, too. 25 26 Jiho eats snacks if he is hungry. Jiho is healthier than before. Jiho doesn t get upset easily. Jiho saves money. Jiho can focus better at school. 27 Jiho s problem was to eat in a hurry. A doctor told Jiho to change his diet. Jiho lost his weight by changing the food. Jiho s parents like his new habit. The doctor s advice for Jiho was to eat healthy food. (28~30) 1. Teens don t get enough sleep. 2. Teens eat too sugar. 3. Teens worry too much. 4. Teens don t exercise enough. 5. Teens don t brush teeth well. 6. Teens drink too sodas. 7. Teens eat in a hurry. 28 Top Seven Healthy Habits Top Seven Unhealthy Habits Top Seven Unhealthy Foods Why Teens Become Fatter How to Break Bad Habits 29 much many many much many many many more much much 30 Teens play a lot of computer games. Teens stay up late at night. Teens eat too much fast food. Teens use the stairs. Teens skip breakfast. Unit 5 105 31 food hamburger ice cream pizza ramyeon calories 278 200 250 500 This table shows how many calories in each food. Ice cream has the least calories of all. The calories of hamburger are higher than those of pizza. The calories of pizza are twice higher than those of ramyeon. The calories of ice cream are lower than those of pizza by 50 calories. (32~33) walking 50 running 13 jumping rope 18 walking up stairs 28 minutes to use 100 calories How long does it takes to use 100 calories? Look at the graf. You need to run for 13 minutes. If you will jump rope, it takes 18 minutes. You can walk up stairs for 28 minutes or walk for 50 minutes. If you want using 100 calories quickly, is the best way. 32 33 106 p.190 (34~35) How do students use their time? Let me tell you about students in a Korean middle school class. They watch TV for about 11 hours and use the Internet for 12 hours every week. Of course, they love to hang out with friends. They spend about 27 hours doing that. And they play sports for 8 hours and read for 4 hours a week. 34 Enjoying the Clubs in School Korean Students School Life How Many Books Korean Students Read The Way Korean Students Use Their Time How to Use Korean Students Time Effectively 35 doing that

1 An apple a day keeps the doctor. on out with up away 2 thanks to: because of something lose weight: to become less heavy nickname: an informal name for someone junk food: food which is good for health in good shape: in good health or condition 3 If you follow your teacher s advice, you get a good grade in science. 4 big bigger little less long longer thin thinner healthy more healthy 5 A: water do you drink a day? B: I drink just a little water. A: do you eat fruit? B: I eat it three or four times a week. How many How much How many How often How much How often How much How many How often How much 6 A: I have a headache. It won t go away. B: Why don t you get some medicine? A: How about going shopping this afternoon? B: Why not? A: How often meals do you eat every day? B: I usually eat two meals. A: What time shall we make it? B: Let s meet at three. A: How often do you eat ramyeon? B: I used to eat it three or four times a week, but I don t eat it anymore. (7~8) A: B: I usually study with a group of friends. A: You mean like in a study group? B: Yes. We help study each other. A: Can I join your group? B: Sure. We re meeting at five at the library. A: Of course. See you then. 7 When do you usually study? What is your favorite subject? What would you like to study? How do you study for an exam? How many subjects do you like? 8 Where shall we meet? When is it convenient? Can you make it? Can I join you? What time shall we meet? 9 He speaks English better than me. The days are getting shorter and shorter. I don t know how to break the bad habit. In March, I received a bike as a birthday gift. If I ll go to the movies, I ll buy some popcorn. Unit 5 107 10 How long does it take use 100 calories? You need to run for 13 minutes. If you jumps rope, it takes 18 minutes. You can walk up stairs for 28 minutes or walk for 50 minutes. If you want use 100 calories quickly, running is best way. 11 (hot / get / the weather) (12~13) I used to eat lots of snacks and junk food. So friends often called me Junk Food Freak. ( ) Two months ago, I had health problems, so I had to see a doctor. ( ) The doctor said, If you change your diet, you ll become healthier and healthier. ( ) I started to eat healthier food, and that really helped me. ( ) I lost weight, and I feel stronger than before. ( ) I can also concentrate better in class. My parents are happier, too. Jiho 12 I followed his advice. 108 p.190 13 He drinks water too many times. He worries too much. He doesn t exercise enough. He drinks too many sodas. He eats in a hurry. (14~15) I used to (being / be) lazy. I didn t like to walk. In March, I received a bike for my birthday. Now I ride my bike everywhere. Thanks to this new habit, I got thinner and thinner. I am healthier (than / as) before, and I feel more confident about myself. Because I don t take the bus (no more / anymore). I can save my pocket money, too. Above all, I can protect nature! If you have a bike, go for a ride! Darae 14 being than no more being as anymore be than anymore be as no more be as anymore 15 My Birthday Present My New Healthy Habit How to Protect Nature To Learn to Ride a Bike How to Make Pocket Money

1 an informal name for someone or something which mostly has his or its characteristics title nickname genre surname identity 2 Jogging is great for everyone. every day, and you will become healthier. ride expert activity exercise workout 3 How was she able to keep in shape? To live long, you have to break a bad habit. Would you like to ride a bike with me? They usually put a walk every morning. Please let me give a try. 4 If I ll learn to swim, I will catch the fish. 5 Choose the right ones for the blanks and to complete the dialog. A: Let s play badminton. Can you it at four? B: Sorry, but I can t. about five? make Why make How do Why do What put How 6 How often do you drink milk a day? I never drink it. I drink it a few times. I drink it very much. I drink it twice or more a day. I have no idea how many times I drink it a day. 7 A: How much junk food do you eat? B: I like to eat junk food a lot. A: Can you make it at five? B: No problem. A: How often do you eat junk food? B: I eat junk food every day. A: Shall we ride our bikes tomorrow? B: I m sorry but I can t. I have to help my mom. A: I m putting on too much weight. B: Change your diet, then. Unit 5 109 (8~9) Semin: I have concert tickets for this Sunday. Would you like to go together? Jiwon: Sure. What time does it start? Semin: It starts at two. How about meeting at 12:30? Jiwon: Sorry, but I can t. How about 1:30? Semin: OK. Jiwon: Let s meet in front of Linda s bakery. Semin: See you there. 8 Let s make at 12:30. When shall we meet? How about the concert at 12:30? Can you make it at 12:30? Do you want to meet me? 9 Where shall we meet? Shall we meet tomorrow here? When shall we meet? How about meeting at the concert hall? Would you like to meet me at Linda s bakery? 10 (A) I have a toothache. I think I ate too many candies. (B) Did you see a doctor? (C) What s wrong with you, Jinsu? (D) No, but I think I have to. See you tomorrow. (B) (A) (C) (D) (B) (A) (D) (C) (C) (A) (B) (D) (C) (B) (A) (D) (C) (D) (B) (A) 110 (11~12) A: I m afraid I m putting on too much weight. B: Do you eat much fast food? A: Yes, it tastes really good, you know. B: How often do you eat it? A: Every day. I like hamburgers very much. B: How many hamburgers do you eat in a week? A: Maybe nine or ten. B: Wow, that s too many. You should eat healthy food though you want to control your weight. 11 12 13 If you will win this game, I give you a prize. 14 A: (more / the / is / exciting / soccer / and / game / getting / more). B: Yes, it really is. It s a great time.

15 If you buy me a computer, I ll use it to do my homework. Pinocchio s nose is getting longer and longer. How often do you exercise in a week? Let s make it at nine on Sunday. How much eggs do you need? 16 I used to like snacks and junk food very much. So my health got bad and bad. After I changed my diet, there were big changes in my life. I am stronger now. I can concentrate better in class. So, if you want to be healthy, you should change your diet. (17~19) I used to be lazy. I didn t like to walk. In March, I received a bike for my birthday. Now I ride my bike everywhere. Thanks to this new habit, I got thinner and thinner. I am healthier than before, and I feel more confident about myself. Because I don t take the bus anymore, I can save my pocket money, too., I can protect nature! If you have a bike, go for a ride! Darae 17 18 What is the best choice for the blank? Above all Therefore For example So However 19 Which is true about Darae? 20 Do you think you are in good shape? The magazine Teen Years talked with some teens who changed their habits to get healthy. The reporter asked them, What did you change and how did it help you? Unit 5 111 (21~23) I used to eat (a few / lots of) snacks and junk food. So friends often called me Junk Food Freak. Two months ago, I had health problems, so I (have to / had to) see a doctor. The doctor said, If you change your diet, you ll become healthier and healthier. I followed his advice. I started to eat healthier food, and (that / those) really helped me. I lost weight, and I feel stronger than before. I can also concentrate better in class. My parents are happier, too. Jiho 21 a few had to those a few have to that lots of had to that lots of have to that lots of had to those 22 to think very carefully about something you are doing 23 What was Jiho s nickname? Can you guess what Junk Food Freak means? Why did Jiho start to eat healthier food? What kind of snacks did Jiho like to eat? What happened after Jiho changed his diet? 112 p.191 (24~25) So, this button is Play. No, that s Stop! I was explaining to Grandma how to use the new video. Well, I must go now. I ll come back tomorrow. When I got home, I told Simon about Grandma. He said, I myself explained it to Grandma three times, but she still didn t understand. The next day I visited Grandma again. She was watching a movie. How did you do that, Grandma? I asked. A nice young man next door helped me. Grandma answered. You don t have to visit me every day because I can ask the young man for help. 24 Simon Simon 25 I Simon Simon: Hi! Where have you been? I : I ve been to my grandma s. Simon: How s she? What happened? I : She s fine. I just went to let her know how to use the video. Simon: I have done that before. It was so hard. My grandma just didn t understand. I : So, what did you do to help her? Simon: I tried to explain it three times. Finally she succeeded. Just be patient! I : I see. I should try more.

1 nod: to move head downwards and upwards communicate: to share or exchange information make fun of: to play with or to have fun with tongue: the soft movable part inside the mouth hurry up: to move or work faster 2 Soda is not a healthy. In summer, you have to lots of water. 3 you don t get up now, you ll be late for the party. Although When Unless If Since 4 How often do you eat pizza? Thanks. I d like to eat it. My favorite food is pizza. Not much, but I don t have any. Not too many, but I don t like it. I used to eat it three times a week, but I don t eat it anymore. 5 When is it convenient? When can you make it? What time shall we make it? How soon do you make it? When would you like to meet? 6 Can I join your club? A: How do you study for an exam? B: I usually study with a group of friends. ( ) A: You mean like in a study group? ( ) B: Yes. We help study each other. ( ) A: Wow! That sounds good. ( ) B: Sure. We re meeting at five at the library. Can you make it? ( ) A: Of course. See you then. 7 A: How about going shopping tomorrow? B: Why not? A: Shall we take a walk in the park? B: Sure. I ll meet you there at ten. A: Let s play badminton. Can you make it at four? B: Sorry, but I can t. How about five? A: Let s go shopping to the mall. B: I d love to. A: How much milk do you drink each day? B: I drink it once or twice a week. Unit 5 113 (8~9) A: You are in good health. B: Thanks. I like to exercise. A: How often do you exercise? B: I do yoga twice a week. yoga, I became thinner and thinner. 8 at nice shape in poor condition out of order in good shape in the blue 9 Thanks to Therefore However Moreover On the other hand (10~11) A: I m afraid I m putting on too much weight. B: Do you eat fast food? A: Yes, it tastes really good, you know. B: How do you eat it? A: Every day. I like hamburgers very much. B: How many hamburgers do you eat in a week? A: Maybe nine or ten. B: Wow, that s too many. You should eat healthy food if you want to control your weight. 10 many much much many many often much often much long 114 11 A 10 B B A B A A B 12 I used to like snacks and junk food very much, my health got worse and worse. After I changed my diet, there were big changes in my life. I am stronger now. I can concentrate better in class., if you want to be healthy, you should change your diet. because but so since however 13 How long does it take to use 100 calories? If I ll have time, I ll go to the movies with you. After I changed my diet, there were big changes in my life. How many meals do you eat every day? I drink more soda than milk.

14 = The day is becoming and. (short) 15 Many teens have a lot of bad habits. Here is the top seven. Do you have some of these bad habits? Talk with your friends about one of your bad habit and how to break them. (16~18) I used to eat lots of snacks and junk food. So friends often called me Junk Food Freak. Two months ago. I had health problems, so I had to see a doctor. ( ) The doctor said, If you change your diet, you ll become. ( ) I followed his advice. ( ) I started to eat healthier food, and that really helped me. ( ) I can also concentrate better in class. ( ) My parents are happier, too. 16 I lost weight, and I feel stronger than before. 17 worse and worse healthier and healthier faster and faster heavier and heavier more and more exciting 18 2 (19~20) Q: Darae: I used to be lazy. I didn t like to walk. In March, I received a bike for my birthday. Now I ride my bike everywhere. Thanks to this new habit, I got thinner and thinner. I am healthier than before, and I feel more confident about myself. Because I don t take the bus anymore, I can save my pocket money, too. Above all, I can protect nature! If you have a bike, go for a ride! 19 What kind of food do you eat for your health? What did you change and how did it help you? What kind of sports do you like to do? How can we choose a nice bike for health? What do you do in your free time? Unit 5 115 20 Which is true according to the passage? Darae is still lazy. Darae enjoys walking to her school. Darae is happy with her new habit. Darae likes taking the subway or bus. Darae can save money because she doesn t eat junk food anymore. 21 Top Seven Bad Habits 1. Teens don t get enough sleep. 2. Teens eat too much sugar. 3. Teens worry too much. 4. Teens don t exercise enough. 5. Teens don t brush teeth well. 6. Teens drink too many sodas. 7. Teens have breakfast every day. 22 Which is NOT true according to the chart? food hamburger ice cream pizza ramyeon calories 278 200 250 500 This table shows the relationship between several foods and their calories. If you eat a hamburger, you take in 278 calories. The calories of ramyeon are twice as high as those of pizza. The calories of ice cream are the most of all. The calories of pizza is higher than those of ice cream by 50 calories. 116 p.191 23 I was lazy, so I didn t like to walk. But I got a bike from my parents on my birthday. I ride my bike everywhere now. This new habit changed me: I am much thinner and healthier now. I feel better about myself. You should walk to your school! If you have a bike, go for a ride! You don t need to buy a bike! If you have a car, sell it and buy a bike! Learn how to ride a bike for your money! (24~25) walking 50 running 13 jumping rope 18 walking up stairs 28 minutes to use 100 calories (100 / does / it / use / to / long / how / take / calories /?) Look at the graf. You need to run for 13 minutes. If you jump rope, it takes 18 minutes? You can walk up stairs for 28 minutes or walk for 50 minutes. If you want use 100 calories quickly, walking is the best way. 24 100 25 Checklist Yes No

1 something that you do often or regularly, especially an action which is considered bad that someone does repeatedly and finds it difficult to stop doing ex) Fast food has become a bad with him. 2 I used to like snacks and junk food very much. So my health got worse and worse. After I changed my diet, there were big changes in my life. I am stronger now. I can concentrate better in class. So, (if, healthy, want, should, diet, change) 3 A: I ride my bike about 50 km every Sunday to keep in shape. (A) That ll be great. Can you make it at nine this Sunday? (B) Wow! Can I join you? (C) Sure. Where shall we meet? (D) Let s meet in front of the ice cream shop. 4 If I will have time, I will go to the movies. 5 A: How many apples do you eat a day? B: One or two. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, you know. = you have an apple a day, you ll be. 6 Mina: What s wrong with you, Jinsu? Jinsu: My tooth hurts very much. I think I ate too many candies. I like sweets very much. Mina: Did you see a dentist? Jinsu: No, but I think I have to. See you tomorrow. Jinsu has a because he ate a lot of. (7~8) 7 5 (five / Sunday / let s / at / it / make / on /.) 8 (tomorrow / shall / we / bikes / our / ride /?) Unit 5 117 (9~10) I used to be lazy. I didn t like to walk. In March, I received a bike for my birthday. Now I ride my bike everywhere. Thanks to this new habit, I got thinner and thinner. I am healthier than before, and Because I don t take the bus anymore, I can save my pocket money, too. Above all, I can protect nature! If you have a bike, go for a ride! 9 (feel, confident) 10 Thanks to the bike, I can save not only but also. (11~12) I used to eat lots of snacks and junk food. So friends often called me Junk Food Freak. Two months ago, I had health problems, so I had to see a doctor. The doctor said, I followed his advice. I started to eat healthier food, and that really helped me. I lost weight, and I feel stronger than before. 11 you / become / diet / if / change / will / healthier / your / and / you / healthier 118 p.192 12 I health problem (1) (2) 13-1 are / bigger / the boxes / and / getting / bigger 13-2 (1) (your pizza, cold) (2) (the story, interesting) 13-3 I liked junk food. My nickname was Junk Food Freak. My health got bad and bad. The doctor asked me to change my diet. The new diet changed me a lot. I lost weight, and I am strong than before. (1) (2)

Unit 5 A Change for the Better p.83 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 p.84 1 diet 2 afraid 3 brush 4 sugar 5 thin 6 confident 7 teen 8 reporter 9 drink 10 weight 11 everywhere 12 call 13 follow 14 habit 15 exercise 16 healthy 17 enough 18 junk food 19 magazine 20 nature 21 join 22 protect 23 control 24 ride 25 save 26 health 27 taste 28 snack 29 advice 30 top 31 concentrate 32 worry 33 lazy 34 receive 35 break a habit 36 lose weight 37 pocket money 38 in front of 39 keep in shape 40 thanks to 41 make it 42 put on 43 in a hurry 44 above all 45 be in good shape p.85 1 health 2 confident 3 sweet 4 advice 5 protect 6 enough 7 habit 8 pocket money 9 concentrate 10 exercise 11 is in good shape 12 Above all 13 lose weight 14 Thanks to 15 break habit 16 thin 17 put ongainweight 18 lazy p.86 1 How often three or four times a week How much any junk food 2 ate too much How much had a big lunch getting worse and worse 188 3 Putting on How often do you eat it? Every day. 4 Can I join you Can you make it Where shall I meet / see you there 5 I mean I ride my bike Can I join you? Can you make it at nine this Sunday? Where shall we meet? p.88 1 I m putting on 2 much fast food 3 tastes really good 4 How often do 5 Every day 6 How many hamburgers in a week 7 nine or ten. 8 You should eat healthy food 9 Can you make it 10 How about 11 No (D) (A) (B) (E) (C) p.89 1 (1) Can you make it (2) How often do you eat (3) once or twice a week 2 3 4 How many meals do you eat every day? 5 6 7 8 often many 2 A How much~? B 3 Can you make it at four? B 5 No problem 4 How many ~? 5 A How much~ 6 How many hours~? for~ How Yes No 8 Every day. p.91 1 If 2 Unless 3 read 4 is 5 comes 6 longer and loner 7 more and more 8 smaller and smaller 9 healthier and healthier 10 taller and taller p.93 1 less and less 2 3 4 5 6 and 7 8 The soccer game is getting more and more exciting. 9 10 Math is becoming more and more difficult. 11 It was getting harder and harder to breathe. 1 little lessand 2 If will if knew know more and more heavy heavier and heavier little less hot hotter 3 -y -y -i -er healthy healthier 4 if will 5 if 6 if and 7 If if will 8 and exciting more exciting 9 and 11 harder and harder p.95 1 changed their habits 2 a bike 3 rides her bike 4 more confident 5 doesn t take the bus 6 F 7 T 8 F 9 T 10 F p.97 1 are in good shape 2 who changed their habits 3 thinner and thinner 4 feel more confident 5 take the bus 6 Above all 7 If you have a bike 8 used to eat 9 called me 10 see a doctor 11 healthier and healthier 12 started to eat healthier food 13 lost weight 14 concentrate better 15 a lot of bad habits 16 get enough sleep 17 in a hurry p.98 1 Teens don t get enough sleep. 2 In March, I received a bike for my birthday. 3 If you have a bike, go for a ride! 4 I am healthier than before, and I feel more confident about myself. 5 Teens eat in a hurry. 6 Above all, I can protect nature! 7 Teens don t brush teeth we. 8 Thanks to this new habit, I got thinner and thinner. 9 Here are the top seven. 10 Teens eat too much sugar. 11 Do you think you are in good shape? 12 Because I don t take the bus anymore, I can save my pocket money, too. 13 I used to eat lots of snacks and junk food. 14 Teens worry too much. 15 If you change your diet, you ll become healthier and healthier. 16 The magazine Teen Years talked with some teens who changed their habits to get healthy. 17 I started to eat healthier food, and that really helped me. 18 Two months ago, I had health problems, so I had to see a doctor. 19 I lost weight, and I feel stronger than before. 20 Many teens have a lot of bad habits. 21 Teens don t exercise enough. 22 So friends often called me Junk Food Freak. 23 Teens drink too many sodas. 24 I can also concentrate better in class. p.100 2 advice 3 junk food 4 freak 5 confident 6 reporter 7 protect 8 weight 9 teen 10 enough 11 save 12 concentrate 1 How many meals do you eat every day? 2 Shall we ride our bikes tomorrow? 189

3 I have to take care of my brother. 4 I m afraid I m putting on too much weight. 5 They use the Internet for 12 hours every week. 6 I feel more confident about myself. 7 If you change your diet, you ll become healthier. 8 I lost weight, and I feel stronger than before. 9 I can also concentrate better in class. 10 Talk with your friends about one of your bad habits. p.102 1 2 3 4 5 about how to break the bad habit 6 7 (B) (D) (C) (A) 8 9 10 11 12 13 If I find it, I ll tell you. 14 15 16 17 The weather is getting colder and colder. 18 The baseball game is getting more and more exciting. 19 20 21 22 I got thinner and thinner. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 running 34 35 1 freak 2 ride 6 How often ~? 8 9 10 much 12 A B 14 strong stronger 15 than little less 16 How much apple 190 18 more more and more 19 if 20 need -ing to run 21 usedto be used to 22 getand thin n -er 24 Health Problem Favorite Sports Birthday Party Expensive Bike 25 healthier food healthier healthy y i -er most 27 in a hurry 31 32 can take graph jump to use 33 100 running 35 doing that hang out with friends p.107 1 2 3 get will get 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 The weather is gettinggets hotter and hotter. 12 13 14 15 1 2 junk food 4 healthy healthier 5 how much how often 7 10 to use you3 -s want to the 11 and hot hotter 12 his advice 14 used to than not ~ anymore notno 15 p.109 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 If you win this game, I will give you a prize. 14 The soccer game is getting more and more exciting. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 concentrate 23 24 25 1 nickname 2 exercise 4 If if will 5 make it 5 How about ~? 7 How much ~? 9 11 though if 12 15 egg how many 16 get and worse and worse 17 this new habit I ride my bike everywhere. 20 21 snacks junk food lots of two months ago had to that 22 concentrate 24 p.113 1 2 drink 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 shorter shorter 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 How long does it take to use 100 calories? 25 2 drink 3 if 5 6 Can I join you? B Sure. 8 be in good health be in good shape 191

9 thanks to 10 much often 12 so 15 is are some any habit habits them it 17 18 22 the most the least 23 24 How long does it take to ~? 25 Yes No 18 minutes? 18 minutes graf graph want use want to use walking is the best way running p.117 1 habit 2 If you want to be healthy, you should change your diet. 3 (B) (A) (C) (D) 4 If I have timei will go to the movies. 5 If healthy 6 toothachecandiessweets 7 Let s make it at five on Sunday. 8 Shall we ride our bikes tomorrow? 9 I feel more confident about myself. 10 my pocket money nature 11 If you change your dietyou will become healthier and healthier. 12 (1) I used to eat lots of snacks and junk food. (2) I started to eat healthier food. 13-1 The boxes are getting bigger and bigger. 13-2 (1) Your pizza is getting colder and colder. (2) The story is getting more and more interesting. 13-3 (1) bad and bad worse and worse (2) strong stronger 192 2 if want to should 4 If will if 5 6 My tooth hurts ~ toothache 7 make itaton 8 Shall we ~? 10 save 12 (1) (2) 13-3 (1)getand (2) strong than Special Unit Easy Money p.120 1 how to use the new video 2 three times 3 the young man next door 4 (that) the man next door might do bad things to Grandma 5 F 6 T 7 F 8 T p.122 1 how to use 2 three times still didn t 3 next door 4 don t have to ask for help 5 were full of 6 may do 7 brought for me 8 gave him for helping with 9 give a present if 10 Why don t you 11 How can get for helping 12 in front of 13 front teeth 14 while at work 15 instant took out 16 pays me an hour looking after.