吏€?꾩꽌-以?-lesson 1(041~064)(理쒖쥌).indd

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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

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(016~037) Task1

시각장애학생 스마트러닝 수업 모형 개발 연구책임자: 문성준(대전맹학교) 공동연구자: 장석문(동대전초등학교) 조동열(대전맹학교) 송비정(대전맹학교) 류지영(대전맹학교) 장병열(대전맹학교) 임연화(대전맹학교) 강승화(대전맹학교) 배수정(대전맹학교) 임정민(대전맹학교) 연구

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해외취업 가이드


1 Lesson Heart to Heart BIG IDEA heart map GOALS A:Hi,I m Minji.Nice to meet you. B: Hi,I m Ted.Nice to meet you,too. A:I like sports.what do you like? B: I like music.my favorite singer is Blue Rain. be I am Song Hajun.I am not strong. I like music.i don t like spaghetti. heart map heart map I Love the Mountains folk song 1 Before You Begin Listen and Talk A, B pp.10-11 p.12 Textbook, CD-ROM 2~3 Listen and Talk C, D p.13 Talk and Play p.14 Textbook, CD-ROM Textbook, CD-ROM Workbook Give One and Get One 4~5 6 Before You Read My Heart Map p.15 pp.16-17 After You Read A, B, C p.18 After You Read D Around the World p.19 Textbook, CD-ROM Textbook, CD-ROM Workbook 7 Language in Use A p.20 Textbook, CD-ROM be 8 Language in Use B p.21 Textbook, CD-ROM 9 Think and Write p.22 10 Textbook, CD-ROM Workbook heart map Team Project p.23 Textbook, CD-ROM Review pp.24-25 Heart to Heart 41

1 Lesson 1 183 Big Idea Study Poin ts What I Kno w MyLearnin g Goa ls This girl is Dorothy. She is kind. She likes the magic shoes. This boy is the Little Prince. He likes the fox and the rose. This girl is Mina. She is 14. She likes music. This boy is Harry Potter. He goes to a magic school. This boy is Jiho. He likes cooking. INTRODUCTION 1. Big Idea Study Points The big idea of this lesson is getting to know your new friends. In this lesson, we ll learn how to ask and answer questions about our favorites. We ll also read a story about a heart map and talk about what we like. 2. What I Know Can you introduce yourself? What is your name? How old are you? 3. My Learning Goals What do you want to learn from this lesson? Think about it and set up your own learning goals. 1. Look at the picture on pages 10 and 11. What do you see? Five people are introducing themselves. Who are they? What do they like? 2. Choose the correct item for each person from the stickers on page 183. Then with your partner, introduce each person. 3. CD-ROM Are you finished? Then, let s watch the CD-ROM and check the answers together. Word Chant (Rap Song) DEVELOPMENT Before You Begin Listen and Talk A Listen and Talk B PLUS + Basic Dorothy, Harry Potter Advanced Dorothy,Harry Potter 42 Lesson 1

Hi, Im Minji. Nice to meet you. I like music. Textbook CD-ROM 3 1 2 4 Get Ready 1. CD-ROM We ll learn how to talk about our likes and favorites. Let s watch the CD-ROM and check the expressions together. Listen and Number e e p c u e abo e a d e e d a og u be e blanks. 2. Look at the picture. Can you guess what the students like? Listen and Number Talk and Complete What do your classmates like? Talk and complete the table. A: Hi, I m Minji. Nice to meet you. B: Hi, I m Ted. Nice to meet you, too. A: I like sports. What do you like? B: I like music. My favorite singer is Blue Rain. Name He/She likes... His / Her favorite ~ is 1. Now listen to the dialogs and find the speakers in each dialog. Write the dialog number in the blanks next to the people. 12 Lesson 1 SCRIPTS A 1. B: Hi, I m Ted. Nice to meet you. G: Hi, I m Jessica. Glad to meet you, too. B: I love baseball. Do you like baseball, too? G: Not really. I like soccer. 2. B: I like music a lot. Do you like music, too? G: Yes. I listen to it all the time. 3. B: Hi, I m Chris and I m from America. Nice to meet you. G: Hi, I m Mina from Korea. Nice to meet you, too. B: My favorite subject is science. What s your favorite subject? G: It s math. It s so fun. 4. G: Do you like animals? B: Yes, I do. G: What s your favorite animal? B: I love dogs. I have two dogs at home. PLUS + Hi,my name is Minho.My favorite subject is math. 2. Let s check the answers together. Talk and Complete 1. Make groups of four. Introduce yourselves and ask about each other s likes and favorites. Then complete the table. 2. Does anyone want to present your dialog to the class? PLUS + Basic Advanced CONSOLIDATION Today, we learned how to introduce ourselves and ask and answer questions about our likes and favorites. Next class, we re going to listen to a longer dialog, make a name card and introduce ourselves. Heart to Heart 43

2 Textbook CD-ROM Minho Jenny Watch the video clip and practice the dialog with your partner. In Conversation Guess What are Minho and Jenny talking about? They re talking about the man in the picture. 1. Listen and Check Check T (True) or F (False). (1) Jenny is from Canada. T F (2) The man in the picture is an actor. T F 2. Listen Again and Write Complete the information. Dream Middle School Name: Jenny Parker Likes: music Favorites: hip hop music Dream Middle School Name: Kim Minho Likes: Favorites: sports soccer INTRODUCTION Last class, we learned how to introduce ourselves and ask and answer questions about our likes and favorites. Today, we re going to listen to a longer dialog and practice introducing ourselves more. DEVELOPMENT Introduce Yourself Complete your name card and introduce yourself to your classmates. Hello. My name is Picture Here Name: Likes: Favorites: Email: Middle School Hello. My name is Junho. I like painting. My favorite painter is Picasso. Lee Suji. I like movies. My favorite movie is The Lion King. Heart to Heart 13 Listen and Talk C Listen and Talk D In Conversation PRE -LISTENING Guess Jenny Look at the picture and guess what Minho and Jenny are talking about. WHILE -LISTENING 1. Listen and Check T/ F CD-ROM Listen to the dialog and check T if the sentence is true and F if the sentence is false. Then, let s check the answers together. 2. Listen Again and Write Jenny CD-ROM Listen to the dialog again and fill out Jenny s and Minho s name cards. Then, let s check the answers together. SCRIPT C B: Hi, I m Kim Minho. Nice to meet you. G: Hi, I m Jenny Parker and I m from Canada. B: Who s the man in the picture? G: He s a famous hip hop singer in my country. B: I see. So, do you like hip hop music? G: Yes. It s my favorite music. Do you like music, too? B: Not really. I like sports. My favorite sport is soccer. B: G:Jenny Parker B: G: B: G: B: Words and Expressions be from famous a. favorite a.n. Not really. 44 Lesson 1

1. Is Jenny from Canada? 2. Does Jenny like hip hop music? 3. What is Minho s favorite sport? 1. Yes, she is. 2. Yes, she does. 3. It s soccer. POST -LISTENING CD-ROMrole-play Now, watch the video clip and practice the dialog with your partner. PLUS + Birds of a Feather 1. 2. Introduce Yourself 1. CD-ROM Let s check the example in the CD-ROM. Make your own name card. Write your name, likes, favorites, email address and school name on the name card. 2. Now introduce yourself to your classmates based on your name card. PLUS + Basic Advanced D. Introduce Yourself 1. 2. CONSOLIDATION Today, we listened to a longer dialog. We made our own name cards and introduced ourselves to our classmates. Next class, we re going to play the Give One and Get One game. Nice to meet you. My name is ~.Im ~. Where are you from? Im from ~.I come from ~. Nice to meet you.gladgoodhappypleased to meet you. What do you like?what is your favorite ~? I like ~.My favorite ~. A:What is your favorite sport? B:It s swimming. Heart to Heart 45

3 Textbook CD-ROM Workbook(pp.285~286) Step 1 179 color sport (name) (favorite color) subject song movie season INTRODUCTION Last class, we listened to a longer dialog and we also made our own name cards and introduced ourselves to the class. Today, we re going to play the Give One and Get One game. DEVELOPMENT Talk and Play Now I can Give One and Get One 1. Let s play a card game. Think about your favorite things. 2. How to Play Give One and Get One Please write down your names and your favorite colors, sports, movies, subjects, songs, and seasons on the cards. Read the example dialog together. Stand up and walk around. Have a conversation as in the example dialog and find a friend whose favorite is the same as yours. Exchange cards with that friend. When you finish exchanging all the cards, go back to your seats. 3. Does anyone want to tell the class about a friend? Step 2 A: Hi, I m Minho. Nice to meet you. B: Hi, I m Jenny. Nice to meet you, too. A: My favorite color is yellow. What s your favorite color? B: It s blue. Step 3 Sounds Which one do you hear? 1. (I am, I m) Minho. 2. (He is, He s) my favorite singer. 3. (You are, You re) my friend. Jennys favorite color is blue. Now I can... Workbook pp.285~286 A: Hi, I m Minho. Nice to meet you. B: Hi, I m Jenny. Nice to meet you, too. A: My favorite sport is baseball. What s your favorite sport? B: I like baseball, too. A: Hi, I m Siwon. Nice to meet you. B: Hi, I m Kevin. Nice to meet you, too. A: My favorite movie is The Lion King. What s your favorite movie? B: My favorite movie is The Lion King, too. A: Hi, I m Yujun. Nice to meet you. B: Hi, I m Somi. Nice to meet you, too. A: My favorite song is Let It Be. What s your favorite song? B: I like Dancing Queen. A: Hi, I m Yubin. Nice to meet you. B: Hi, I m Jinsu. Nice to meet you, too. A: My favorite subject is art. What s your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is English. SCRIPTS Sounds 1. I m Minho. 2. He s my favorite singer. 3. You re my friend. 46 Lesson 1

PLUS + Basic Advanced PLUS + Sounds 1.be 2. 3. CD-ROM Now I can... CONSOLIDATION Roll the Dice 1. 2. 3. Let s check how much you achieved in the listening and speaking part. Can you introduce yourself to your classmates? Can you talk about your likes and favorites to your classmates? Today, we played the Give One and Get One game using expressions to introduce ourselves and ask and answer about our likes and favorites. Check if you can introduce yourself to your classmates and if you can ask and answer questions about your likes and favorites with your classmates. Next class, we re going to read My Heart Map. Advanced Basic Listen and Answer 1. (1) I (like / don t like) fruit. (2) My favorite sport is (basketball / baseball). (3) A: What s your favorite animal? B: It s (dogs / cats). 2. Look and Talk A: Hi, I m Minji. Nice to meet you. B: Hi, I m Ted. Nice to meet you, too. A: I like sports. What do you like? B: I like music. 1. name Suho Kelly likes movies sports 2. name Kevin Sujin likes Indian food Korean food Workbook 1 Who s the man in the picture? 5 Not really. I like sports. 3 I see. So, do you like hip hop music? 2 He s a famous hip hop singer in my country. 4 Yes. It s my favorite music. Do you like hip hop music, too, Minho? Listen and Answer A: Hi, I m Suho. Nice to meet you. B: Hi, I m Kelly. Nice to meet you, too. A: I like movies. What do you like? B: I like sports. 1.Jenny 3. name Jenny likes music. Her favorite music is hip hop music. Sue Tim Minho likes sports. Soccer is his favorite sport. 2.TF (1) T F (2) T F likes music dramas Lesson 1 285 Guess Who Game A: What s your favorite sport? B: It s soccer. A: What s your favorite color? B: It s blue. A: I got it. You are Alex. name Alex baseball bananas Tim baseball Mina Chris baseball 286 Workbook A: What s your favorite subject? B: It s music. A: What s your favorite fruit? B: It s bananas. A: I got it. You are Sujin. Heart to Heart 47

4 Textbook CD-ROM Before You Read heart map INTRODUCTION Last class, we played the Give One and Get One game using expressions to introduce ourselves and ask and answer questions about our likes and favorites. Today, we re going to read My Heart Map. post show thing problem togetherlove spaghettisunday favorite fan heart blog map cook member people club little like rap music different heart map Hajun s heart map shows his favorite people and. things Heart to Heart 15 DEVELOPMENT Before You Read My Heart Map heart map Look at the words in A. There are several key words. What do you want to talk about when you introduce yourself? Put a check mark in the box. Look at the words in B. Are there any words you don t know? Then look up the meaning with your partner. Background Knowledge heart map heart map heart mapbrain map mind map Reading Skills WordCloud Word Cloud heart map Look at the title of the reading and read the first paragraph. What does Hajun s heart map show? Fill in the blank. 48 Lesson 1

PRE -READING Before we read, let s look at the title and the picture first. What do you see? What is inside the heart map? WHILE -READING 1. CD-ROM Let s watch the CD-ROM and understand the main idea. 2. Let s read the text and understand the details. 3. Let s study the new words and expressions. heart map heart map I am Song Hajun. 1I beami am ~ My name is ~ This is my heart map. This is ~ It shows my favorite people and things. Itmy heart mapit3 -speoplethingsand my favoritepeoplethings POST -READING Answer this question. Q. What does Hajun s heart map show? Words and Expressions heart n. My teacher has a warm heart. map n. This is a world map. show v. The picture shows a dog. favorite a. Spring is my favorite season. people n. Most people like music. thing n. Mina likes making things with her hands. It shows Hajun s favorite people and things. PLUS + heart map brain map,mind map CONSOLIDATION Today, we read the first part of My Heart Map. Next class, we re going to read the rest of the text. Let s find out what Hajun likes. Heart to Heart 49

5 Textbook CD-ROM Jinsu After You Read Rap Music Rap Music Spaghetti INTRODUCTION Today, we re going to read about the people and things Hajun likes. We re also going to answer some questions about the text. DEVELOPMENT Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1. He is Hajun s best friend. Q2. He likes rap music. Q3. His favorite food is spaghetti. My Heart Map After You Read A, B, C PRE -READING Look at the subtitles. Who and what does Hajun like? WHILE -READING 1. Let s read the text and understand the details. 2. Let s study the new words and expressions. I don t like animals, but Jinsu loves them. don tdo not don tdoesn t3 It s not a problem. A-Yo Words and Expressions different a.same rap n. post v. fan n. Itbe benot I am a member of A-Yo. of My favorite food is curry and rice. 50 Lesson 1

Read and Complete Best Friend: Jinsu Jinsu and I are very different, but we are good friends. Hajun likes his dad s spaghetti.hajun s dad is a great cook. isn t rap Favorite Music: music I am a member of A-Yo. It is the school s rap music club. Hajun likes animals. likes music doesn t like animals Hajun and his club members write stories together. rap songs spaghetti Favorite Food: Dad cooks it for me and my sister on Sundays. Read and Correct It is the school s rap music club. ItA-Yo We write rap songs together and post them on our blog. andpost wethemrap songs My little sister Sumi loves it, too. My little sistersumiitspaghetti too Dad cooks it for us on Sundays. 3Dad-sus on Sundays He isn t a great cook, but we like his spaghetti. isn tis notbut POST -READING Q1~Q3 Answer questions 1, 2 and 3 on page 17. 18 Lesson 1 Think and Talk I like Sundays. I have a lot of free time on Sundays. ARead and Complete A-Yo B Read and Correct CThink and Talk I love soccer. I play it with my friends after lunch. I like roses. They are very pretty. Read and Complete 1. Look at the blog. Whose blog is it? Read the blog and fill in the blanks with the words from the text. 2. Let s check the answers together. Read and Correct 1. Read the sentences and correct the part that is not true. 2. Let s check the answers together. Think and Talk What do you like? Why do you like it? Think of one thing and talk about it with your partner. CONSOLIDATION PLUS + Today, we finished reading My Heart Map and answered some questions about the text. Next class, we re going to do a reading project and learn about some greetings in other countries. Heart to Heart 51

6 Textbook CD-ROM Workbook(pp.287~288) Reading Project 167 1 2 3 4 INTRODUCTION Last class, we finished reading My Heart Map. Today, we re going to do a reading project. We ll also find out about some greetings in other countries. DEVELOPMENT After You Read D Around the World Now I can... Reading Project 1. Make groups of four to six and talk about what you want to put on your cube. 2. We re going to make a cube using the template on page 167. Write about Hajun on the cube. Then cut it out and fold it. You need to glue the sides together. 3. Now roll the cube and introduce Hajun by talking about what is written on the top side of the cube. D France Namaste. India Bonjour. As-salāmu ąlaykum. Now I can... heart map heart map Saudi Arabia Nĭ hăo. saying hello around the world Heart to Heart 19 Hajun s Heart Map (Your Own): Hajun s heart map shows his favorite people and things. Jinsu: Hajun s best friend is Jinsu. Hajun and Jinsu are different. Hajun likes music, but Jinsu likes sports. Jinsu loves animals, but Hajun doesn t like animals. Rap Music: Hajun loves rap music. He s a member of his school s rap music club, A-Yo. Spaghetti: Hajun s favorite food is spaghetti. His little sister Sumi also loves it, too. Hajun s Dad (Your Own): Hajun s Dad cooks spaghetti on Sundays. He is not a great cook, but Hajun and his sister like his spaghetti. PLUS + Workbook pp.287~288 Graphic Organizer 52 Lesson 1

CONSOLIDATION D. Reading Project a ʑᵡ 1. 제목이 있는 면을 제외한 모든 면에 글이 포함되도록 할 것 2. 큐브를 굴려 나온 면에 대해 이야기할 때 주어, 동사를 포함한 완전 한 문장으로 말할 것 평가항목/ 반영비율 성취 수준 상 중 하 과제 완성 (20%) 내용 (40%) 주제와의 연관성 (20%) 창의성 (20%) 언어 사용 (20%) 협업 (20%) 오늘 배운 내용을 요약하고, 다음 시간에 배울 내용을 안내한다. Today, we completed Hajun s blog and talked about his favorites. We also learned about greetings in other countries. Next class, we re going to study the grammar points of this lesson. Workbook 제시된 조건을 큐브에 정리한 큐브에 본문을 어휘와 어법의 과업을 수행할 모두 충족하여 내용이 본문을 정리한 방식이 사용이 적절함 때 모둠원 모 과제를 완성함 기 반 으 로 잘 창의적임 두가 적극적인 구성됨 태도로 협업함 제시된 조건 중 일부를 충 족하여 과제를 완성함 큐브에 정리한 내용 중 일부 가 본문과의 연관성이 다소 부족함 큐브에 본문을 정리한 방식에 창의성이 다소 부족함 제시된 조건을 큐브에 정리한 전혀 충족하지 내용 중 많은 못함 부분이 본문과 의 연관성이 부족함 큐브에 본문을 정리한 방식에 창의성이 발현 되지 않음 어휘와 어법의 사용에 약간의 오류가 있으나 의미 전달에 지장이 없음 과업을 수행할 때 모둠원들 간의 협업이 다소 부족함 어휘와 어법의 사용에 많은 오류가 있어 의미 전달에 지장을 줌 과업을 수행 할 때 모둠원 들 간의 협업 이 미흡함 Word Study 색칠한 부분에 알맞은 철자를 넣어 단어를 완성해 봅시다. S R V W 1. d 2. S 3. s 4. f 5. r 6. s 7. c Basic (지도서 287 쪽) 조건 i r i a a p o (인터넷에 게시물을) 올리다, 게시하다 f f e ob l s t e vo r p m agh ok 다른 r en t em r i t e u s i c e t t i 문제 여자 형제 가장 좋아하는 랩 음악 스파게티 요리하다; 요리사 Read and Choose 본문의 내용과 일치하면 T, 일치하지 않으면 F로 이동하여 미로를 빠져나가 봅시다. 1. Hajun s best friend is Jinsu. 5. Hajun s father is a great cook. 9 9 1. 교과서에 제시된 세계 여러 나라의 인사하는 사진을 살펴본다. Let s look at the pictures of people in different countries. They are greeting each other. 9 9 9 추측하여 연결해 보게 하고, 정답을 확인한다. Let s read the greetings together. Guess the country each greeting is from and then connect the greeting with its country. Then, let s check the answers together. Lesson 1 1. The colors of my two dogs are different. One is black and the other is white. 2. A: What s your favorite color? B: I like blue very much. 찾아본 후, 함께 공유하도록 한다. post favorite Read and Complete 다음은 하준이의 주변 사람들이 하준이에 대해 한 말입니다. 본문의 내용에 맞게 완 성해 봅시다. Hajun and I are different. Hajun likes music, but I like sports. I love animals, but Hajun doesn t like them. 1. My brother and I love spaghetti. Dad cooks it for us on Sundays. 2. ḥᙹ 3. Hajun and we are members of rap A-Yo. It is the school s music club. rap songs We write together and post them on our blog. Now I can... 제시된 읽기 목표를 얼마나 성취하였는지 점검하는 활동을 통해 자신의 학습 과정을 되돌아보게 한다. Let s check how much you achieved in the reading part. t eren diff 4. A: Are you a good cook? B: Of course, I am. I make great spaghetti. Advanced (지도서 288 쪽) *출처: Say Hello: 12 Ways People Greet Each Other Around the World, opodo, http://www. opodo.co.uk cook 3. A: Where do you post your travel pictures? B: I post them on my own blog. What greetings do people in other countries use? Let s look up greetings around the world on the Internet and share the information with others. Further Information 287 Word Study 다음 상자에서 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 골라 문장을 완성해 봅시다. 3. 교과서에 제시된 검색어로 다른 나라의 인사말 관련 정보를 더 태국의 전통 인사법: 두 손을 모으고 팔과 팔꿈치를 몸에 붙인 채 Wai 라 고 말하면서 고개를 숙인다. 이때 합장한 손이 위로 올라갈수록 공경의 정 도가 커진다. 이스라엘의 인사법: 서로 마주 서서 상대방의 어깨를 주무르면서 Shalom, Shalom! 하면서 인사한다. Shalom 은 우리말로 평화 라는 뜻이다. 4. Hajun is a member of the school s soccer club. 3. Hajun likes animals. 2. 세계 여러 나라의 인사말을 함께 읽고, 어느 나라의 인사말일지 2. Jinsu doesn t like sports. ᙹ ᵡᯕ᮹ ᦥญ Ǎ 288 영역별 Workbook Heart to Heart 53

7 Textbook CD-ROM bebe Use It Play with It I am Song Hajun. I am Tim. You are kind. She is strong. We are smart. I am not strong. You are not alone. Kevin is not an actor. They are not famous. Tim Minsu active not tall strong Tim not shy cheerful not tall strong am is is is not are are not Listen Speak INTRODUCTION Find the Dog Step 1 Read Write Last class, we reviewed the text and did a few activities. Today, we re going to learn the grammar points of this lesson. Step 2 1. Ted 2. Jane 3. Ms. Smith DEVELOPMENT Language in Use A be 20 a. b. c. d. be 1. be We ll learn about the use of the verb be. The verb be is used in different forms with different subjects. Let s read the sentences and find out how to use the verb be. 2. CD- ROM Look at the information in the chart and fill in the blanks. Then, let s check the answers together. 3. These three people are looking for their dogs. Listen to them talk about their dogs. Match each dog with its owner. With your partner, describe the dogs in your own words. Grammar Focus A _be be I am hungry. You are beautiful. He is a teacher. They are my brothers. be I m (=I am)cold. She s (=She is)at home. You re (=You are)my friend. bebenotbenot amnot You aren t (= are not)a child. PLUS + 1. 2. be CONSOLIDATION Today, we learned how to use the verb be. Next class, we re going to learn about other verbs. SCRIPTS 1. B: My dog isn t big. Its ears are very long. 2. G: My dog is brown. It s big and strong. Its ears are not long. 3. W: My dog is very tall. It s black. Its tail isn t long. 54 Lesson 1

Textbook CD-ROM 8 I like music. I love rap music. I don t like horror movies. You know me well. You don t have a car. Amy runs fast. He doesn t watch TV. We have many fans. They don t play soccer well. I like ~ Name Minho Sujin chocolate cats soccer Minho and Sujin like chocolate. 1. Minho likes cats. 2. Sujin doesn t like cats. 3. Minho and Sujin don t like soccer. Name Yours Play with It Use It be Listen Speak Read Write This is Poky. Poky has three big eyes. It doesnt have a nose. It has a small mouth. Draw and Talk Step 1 Step 2 Name Poky Name INTRODUCTION Last class, we learned how to use the verb be. Today, we re going to learn how to use verbs other than the verb be. DEVELOPMENT Heart to Heart 21 Language in Use B Grammar Focus B_ be 3-es -s -s,-x,-o,-ch,-sh -es y-y -ies He gets up early. She goes to school early. My brother studies English at school. eats,makes,plays passes, fixes, goes, teaches,finishes studies,tries do not =don tdoes not=doesn t I know him well.i do not (=don t)know him well. He gets up early.he does not (=doesn t)get up early. PLUS + Guess What A:It s an animal.it has a pouch.it jumps high. B:Oh,it s a kangaroo. 1. To make the present tense of most verbs, add -s to the end of the verb if the subject of the sentence is the third person singular. Unlike the verb be, you need don t or doesn t to make a negative sentence. When the subject is the third person singular, use doesn t in front of the verb. 2. Look at the chart and make sentences with the information in the chart. Let s check the answers together. 3. Imagine an alien and draw it. Explain how the alien looks to your partner. Have your partner draw the alien as you explain. Compare your partner s drawing with your original drawing. CONSOLIDATION Today, we learned about the simple present tense of verbs other than the verb be. Next class, we re going to do a writing activity. Heart to Heart 55

9 Textbook CD-ROM Workbook(pp.289~290) Step 1 Plan heart map be badminton I play badminton with my father every weekend. Step 2 Write heart map Check Together INTRODUCTION Last class, we learned about the present forms of various verbs and how to use them in sentences. Today, we re going to draw our own heart maps and write about our likes and favorites. DEVELOPMENT Think and Write Check Together heart map Step 1 Plan Think about the people and things you like and write them down. Step 2 Write Step 1heart map Draw a heart map on paper. Try to include more than three things in it. After you re done, write about yourself. heart map Step 3 Share Show your heart map to your friends and talk about your likes and favorites with your friends. 22 Step 3 Share Lesson 1 Check Together Workbook pp.289~290 I like many people and things. These are my favorite people and things. I like K-pop music. Do you see this tall man? He is my favorite singer, Eddie Lee. His voice is really nice. My best friend is Semi. She and I like movies and we often talk about movies and movie stars. I like my cell phone. It is white and its screen is big. With my cell phone, I talk with my friends, take pictures, and listen to music. Writing Strategies planning draftingrevisingeditingpublishing planning drafting revising editing 56 Lesson 1

ᯙᖒ PLUS+ Workbook 학급 전체 학생들이 각각 메모지에 자신을 소개하는 그림을 그리거나 문장을 쓴 후, 모든 메모지를 큰 하트 모양이 되도록 붙여 봄으로써, 소 속감과 유대감을 높일 수 있다. be ᔍ 주어진 동사 중 알맞은 것을 골라 문장을 완성해 봅시다. 1. I am 2. You 3. They ᙹᵡᄥ ᙹᨦ PLUS+ Basic not hungry. are 4. Sue not famous. is 5. Tim and I 6. He Step 1에서 사용할 수 있는 단어나 표현을 미리 제시하여 very handsome. are a great cook. are is students. not a singer. Think and Write a ʑᵡ 조건 1. 좋아하는 대상을 세 개 이상 쓰고, 각각을 설명하는 문장을 덧붙일 것 2. 모든 문장을 주어와 동사를 갖춘 완전한 문장으로 쓸 것 Basic (지도서 289 쪽) 그중에서 골라 쓸 수 있게 한다. Advanced 자신이 좋아하는 것 이외에, 자신을 효과적으로 소개할 수 있는 다양한 내용을 덧붙여 글을 쓰게 한다. ᯝၹ ᔍ 다음은 Chris, Alex, Tim이 좋아하는 것을 나타낸 표입니다. 표를 보고 문장을 완성해 봅시다. VRFFHU PDWK UDS PXVLF Chris Alex Tim 평가항목/ 반영비율 성취수준 상 중 하 Rap 과제 완성 (20%) 내용 (30%) 언어 사용 (30%) Mu sic 구성 (20%) 1. Chris and Tim 제시된 조건을 모 자기소개 내용이 어휘와 어법의 사 글의 구성 및 문장 두 충족하여 과제 모두 적절함 용이 적절함 과 문장 간의 연결 를 완성함 관계가 자연스러움 제시된 조건 중 일 자기소개 내용 중 어휘와 어법의 사 부를 충족하여 과 일부가 적절함 용이 의미 전달에 제를 완성함 지장을 주지 않는 범위 내에서 약간 의 오류가 있음 글의 구성 및 문장 과 문장 간의 연 결 관계가 다소 매끄럽지 못하나 내용 전달에 지장 이 없음 제시된 조건을 전 자기소개 내용이 어휘와 어법의 사 혀 충족하지 못함 미흡함 용에 많은 오류가 있어 의미 전달에 지장을 줌 글의 구성 및 문장 과 문장 간의 연결 관계가 논리적으 로 맞지 않음 like 3. Chris likes 4. Chris and Alex rap music. like doesn t 2. Alex rap music. soccer. don t like math, but Tim be ᔍ 주어진 단어를 이용하여 다음 그림을 묘사하는 문장을 완성해 봅시다. I have two dogs, Hope and Joy. They are very different. 모범 답 black, but Joy white. Hope big, but Joy is small. is Hope s ears short, but are long. are Joy s ears Hope Joy CONSOLIDATION 오늘 배운 내용을 요약하고, 다음 시간에 배울 내용을 안내한다. Today, we drew our own heart maps and wrote a self introduction. Next class, we re going to do a team project. is is Hope Advanced (지도서 290 쪽) With a partner, check your writing and your partner s writing by answering the three questions in the Check Together box. it. 289 Check Together Check Together를 활용해서 자신이 쓴 글과 친구들이 쓴 글을 검토하고 서로 의견을 나누게 한다. likes KLWH ELJ VPDOO ORQJ VKRUW ELJ VPDOO EODFN ZKLWH ORQJ VKRUW EODFN Z ᯝၹ ᔍ 민호와 Tim의 일요일 일과표를 보고, 다음 문장을 완성해 봅시다. Minho Tim read books wash the dog play soccer with Tim play soccer with Minho morning afternoon do his homework watch movies listen to music study English evening Minho reads books in the morning. 1. Minho his 2. Tim plays soccer homework. washes 3. Minho and Tim the play 4. In the evening, Minho with dog Tim in the afternoon. He also does in the morning. soccer together in the afternoon. listens to music, and Tim studies English. 290 영역별 Workbook Heart to Heart 57

10 ᙹᨦ ᵡእ Textbook CD-ROM Step 1 We All Love Nature 모둠원들이 좋아하는 것들로 노래 가사를 바꾸어서 모둠별로 노래 를 부를 수 있다. A: I love mountains. B: I love bears. &: I love flowers. Review를 통해 이 단원에서 배운 내용을 점검하고 Check Yourself D: I love blue birds. 인성 팀 프로젝트를 통해 사회성과 배려심을 기를 수 있다. 창의 각 모둠별로 개성을 살려 다양한 내용으로 노래를 개사할 수 All: We all like sunny days. We all love nature. 있다. Listen 다음은 I Love the Mountains 라는 노래를 개사한 것입니다. 가사를 보면서 노래를 들어 봅시다. 활동으로 자신의 학습을 되돌아본다. Team Project 음악 Step 2 Plan 네 명이 한 모둠이 되어 위와 같이 노래를 개사하려고 합니다. 노래를 개사하기 위해 모둠원 각자가 좋아하는 것과 모두가 좋아하는 것을 이야기해 보고 아래 표를 채워 봅시다. 타 교과 연계, 진로 가사를 바꿔 노래 부르는 활동을 통해 창작 활동 을 경험해 보고 진로 탐색의 기회를 가질 수 있다. Name I love We all like / love ḡ ᔢ᮹ ᮹ᱱ Step 3 Check Yourself를 통해 자신의 학습을 되돌아보고 자기 주도적으로 Sing 위에서 작성한 표를 바탕으로 노래 제목과 가사를 완성한 후, 노래를 불러 봅시다. 추가 학습을 진행할 수 있게 지도한다. 6 8 I. love INTRODUCTION. Last class, we drew our own heart maps and wrote self introductions. Today, we re going to do a team project with a song. DEVELOPMENT Review Check Yourself love. I love.i love We 단원에서 학습한 내용 점검하기 학습 목표 달성도 확인 및 추가 학습 계획 세우기 like. We all love Boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da. Boom Heart to Heart Ʊŝ ᩑĥ ഭ 모둠별로 노래 가사를 바꾸어 좋아하는 것 소개하기 all [모둠원 전체] 지난 시간에 배운 내용을 복습하고, 오늘 배울 내용을 소개한다. Team Project. I [모둠원 각자] 23 ᦦ 이 노래의 원곡은 I Love the Mountains 라는 미국 folk song으로, I love ~라는 단순한 가사로 되어 있어서 I love 뒤에 자신이 좋아하는 대상을 넣어 개사하여 부르기 좋은 노래이다. I Love the Mountains (folk song) I love the mountains, I love the rolling hills, Team Project Step 1 Listen 개사한 I Love the Mountains 노래를 가사 에 유의하며 음정에 익숙해지도록 충분히 들려준다. The following is the song I Love the Mountains. Pay attention to the words in blue while listening to the melody of the song. Let s listen again so that we can know the song better. Step 2 Plan 네 명이 한 모둠이 되어, 모둠원 각자가 좋아하는 것과 모두가 좋아하는 것으로 제시된 표를 채워 보게 한다. Make groups of four. Fill in the table by writing new words for the song with your favorites and the group s favorites. Step 3 Sing 완성된 표를 바탕으로 노래 제목과 가사를 완성 한 후, 노래를 불러 보게 한다. Based on the table, complete the words of the song and give the song a new title. Then sing the song. 58 Lesson 1 I love the flowers, I love the daffodils, I love the fireside when all the lights are low Chorus: Boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da *출처: I Love The Mountains, nurseryrhymes.org, www.nurseryrhymes.org ᩑĥ ᖒ ʑᵡ [9음01-01] 악곡의 특징을 이해하며 개성 있게 노래 부르거나 악 기로 연주한다. [9음01-03] 음악의 구성을 이해하여 주어진 조건에 따라 간단한 음악 작품을 만든다. ᮹ಆ PLUS+ 다양한 타 교과 융합 활동 완성된 노래에 안무를 짜서 공연을 하거나 rap song으로 만들어 보게 하는 등 다양하고 재미있는 활동을 할 수 있다. 모둠별로 뮤 직 비디오를 제작하여 수업 시간에 함께 보면 더욱 즐거운 수업이 될 수 있다.

Grammar and Writing MikeJenny Mike Jenny Sam Jina Favorite Animal cats dogs Listening and Speaking Hajun writes rap songs with his club members and posts Words them on their and blog. Reading pp. 16~17 Q: What is the boy s favorite subject? It s His favorite subject isenglish. Q1: Do you like music? Yes, I do. / No, I don t. Q2: Who s your favorite singer? My favorite singer is John Lennon. This is my best friend, Jinsu. He likes sports, and he loves animals. Tim is are like have doesn t like Hello! My name is Tim. I have one brother, Ben. We are from Canada. Ben and I like soccer. I also like music, but Ben it. doesn t like This is my cat, Coco. She is a baby. She like milk, but she don t like fish. likes doesn t like Grammar Listening and and Writing Speaking Words and Reading T F Hajun s best friend is Jinsu. T F Hajun likes music. T F Hajun is in the school s rap music club. T F Hajun s dad cooks pizza on T F Sundays. Picture Here This is my friend Suji. He / She is funny. He / She likes English but he/she doesn t like music. We are good friends. Team Project 1. 2. Listening and Speaking 1. MikeJenny Listen to the dialog and match Mike and Jenny with their favorites. Script B: Hi, I m Mike. Nice to meet you. G: Nice to meet you, too. I m Jenny. B: I like music. How about you, Jenny? G: I don t like music much. I like movies. MikeJenny p.12 2. Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks in the table. Script G: Sam, do you like animals? B: Yes, I do. G: What s your favorite animal? B: Oh, I love cats. How about you, Jina? What s your favorite animal? G: I love dogs. I have two dogs at home. Heart to Heart 59

Sam p.12 3. Listen to the dialog and answer the question. Script G: I like math. How about you? B: I don t like math. It s difficult for me. G: What subject do you like? B: I like English. It s my favorite subject. p.12 4. Answer the following questions in your own words. p.12 Words and Reading 5. Fill in the blank based on the text. p.17 Rap Music 6. T,F Read the sentences. Check T if it s true and F if it s false based on the text. 1 2 3 4 pp.16-17 7. Complete Hajun s introduction of Jinsu. -esdoesn t pp.20-21 9. Read the sentences and correct the underlined parts. 3-es doesn t pp.20-21 10. Complete an introduction of a friend. be pp.20-21 Check Yourself 1. Let s check how many questions you answered correctly. Color the boxes if your answers were right. 2. learning goals What did you learn in this lesson? Check your learning goals again. Did you reach your goals? 3. What did you learn? What do you want to learn more about? What did you do well and what do you need to work on more? Take some time to think and write down your thoughts. CONSOLIDATION Today, we reviewed Lesson 1. In this lesson, we learned how to introduce ourselves and ask and answer questions about our likes and favorites. We also read My Heart Map and drew our own heart maps. Next class, we re going to start Lesson 2. p.17 Grammar and Writing 8. Tim Complete Tim s introduction with the given words. Make sure the verbs match with the subjects. beis are 33 60 Lesson 1

1 1 p. 267 1. My brother cooks Tteokbokki on Sundays. It s very delicious. My brother is a great. singer friend teacher classmate cook [5-6 ] A: Hi, I m Kim Minho. Nice to meet you. B: Hi, I m Jenny Parker and I m from Canada. A: Who s the man in the picture? B: He s a famous hip hop singer in my country. A: I see. So, do you like? B: Yes. It s my favorite music. Do you like music, too? A: Not really. I like sports. My favorite sport is soccer. 2. A: What s your favorite? B: I like math. 5. English sport subject movie music 3. A: Jenny, what is your f food? B: I love Bibimbap. How about you? A: My f food is pizza. 6. Jenny Jenny Jenny Jenny 4. AC A: Hi, I m Chris and I m from America. Nice to meet you. (A) My favorite subject is science. What s your favorite subject? (B) Hi, I m Mina from Korea. Nice to meet you, too. (C) It s math. It s so fun. (A) (B) (C) (A) (C) (B) (B) (A) (C) (C) (A) (B) (C) (B) (A) 7. A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too. A: What s your favorite country? B: I m Sumi. I m from Korea. A: What do you like? B: I like sports. A: What s your favorite music? B: It s hip hop music. A: My favorite season is spring. How about you? B: I love winter. Heart to Heart 61

Lesson 1 8. Dream Middle School 12. I study English every day. it Minsu and his brother are strong. We She teaches me and my friends. us Mr. Lee s father is a famous actor. His Tom and Jerry are close friends. They 13. She and I twins. My parents at home. You my best friend. They from Australia. Yuna, my best friend, a singer. 9. My favorite color is purple. Mike cooks Italian food well. Hajun likes music and sports. They do their homework together. My brother and I am in the same school. 14. Minho, you like music? He and I not like fast food. is are be do does 10. I amn t an English teacher. She s not my favorite singer. We re from Toronto, Canada. Junha doesn t like big animals. My friends don t enjoy computer games. [15-16 ] I m Song Hajun. This is my heart map. It shows 15. and / things / my / people / favorite 11. in from with A: Hi, I m Jina. Are you a new student? B: Yes. I m Kayla. I m South Africa. A: Who s the girl the picture? B: She s my favorite singer. 16. heart map heart map 62 Lesson 1

[17-19 ] My best friend is Kim Jinsu. We am very different. I like music, Jinsu likes sports. I don t like animals, Jinsu loves them. It s not a problem. We are good friends. 17. 18. My Hobby My School My Best Friend My Favorite Sport My Pet Dog 21. A-Yo A-Yo [22-24 ] My favorite is spaghetti. My little sister Sumi loves it, too. Dad cooks it us Sundays. He isn t a great cook, but we like his spaghetti. 22. club animal food subject music 19. that but or so then [20-21 ] I love rap music. I am a member of A-Yo. It is the school s rap music club. We write rap songs together and post them on our blog. We have many fans. 23. in on for in for on on in on for 24. 20. 25. Heart to Heart 63

p. 273 Minho s Heart Map I m Kim Minho, and this is my heart map. Tongki I have a dog. His name is Tongki. He doesn t have long legs, but he s really fast. He likes balls. He is a good soccer player. We play soccer together. Chansu My best friend is Hong Chansu. Chansu and I are very different. I love movies, but Chansu doesn t like them much. Chansu loves birds, but I don t. These differences are not a problem. We understand each other well. Cooking I love cooking. I am a member of the school s cooking club. We meet every Friday after class and cook together. We have many great recipes. We post them on our blog. 1. Complete the table. Best Friend Pet Hobby Kim Minho 2. Check TTrueor FFalse Minho and Chansu love movies. Chansu loves birds. Tongki is a good soccer player. Minho s cooking club meets every Saturday. T F T F T F T F 64 Lesson 1