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2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628



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55호 1면



희망사항말하기 Do you think people will use time machines someday? Yes! Then, I wish I could go back to visit my childhood. < 정보 > 정보전달하기 How did Mr. Han bec

2014 HSC Korean Continuers


Unit 8 Make Life Easier A: Are you sure Minji will be a good inventor? B: Yes, I m sure. She s curious about everything. A: The first cell phone was bigger than a hamburger. B: I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. Inventing things is my hobby. to Think of ways to solve your problems. Words bright cool ex. I wanted to look cool. creative creatively curious disappear appear drop easily engineer eraser even ex. Even a child can answer it. exchange happen hard hobby instantly ex. I recognized her voice instantly. introduce invent invention inventor lollipop peel ready remote ex. He lives in the remote country from the city. sleepy someday 130 still string swallow ex. He quickly swallowed the rest of his coffee. tape ex. She taped the pictures to the wall. taste way Phrases be curious about ex. My younger brother is curious about everything. blow one s nose cell phone come up with ex. I can t come up with the right expression. fill A with B A B ex. The child filled a box with sand. from A to B A B look around look for not ~ anymore paper towel remote control thanks to ex. Our success is thanks to him. win first place 1

Words 01 sleepy 02 curious 03 hobby 04 even 05 creative 06 ready 07 happen 08 inventor 09 cool 10 hard 11 lollipop 12 bright 13 drop 14 still 15 taste 16 someday 17 easily 18 invention 19 swallow 20 creatively 21 eraser 22 string 23 disappear 24 invent 25 peel 26 way 27 instantly 28 engineer 29 exchange 30 introduce 31 remote 32 tape Phrases 33 blow one s nose 34 look around 35 be curious about 36 paper towel 37 remote control 38 not ~ anymore 39 fill A with B 40 win first place 41 come up with 42 from A to B 43 look for 44 cell phone 45 thanks to p.194 Unit 8 131 Words 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 132 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Phrases 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 1 A B A B p.194

1 You walk too (quick / quickly). I can t follow you. 2 A (bright / brightly) idea has suddenly struck me. 3 I recognized her voice (instant / instantly). 4 I can solve this problem. It is (easy / easily). 5 When I was young, I was everything. 6 You should think if you want to be an inventor. 7 Do you know a way to an orange easily? 8 Most cars can start by control. look for come with up thanks to look around 9 I like to bookstores. 10 How did you the idea? 11 We have to a parking space. 12 his efforts, he passed the examination. play : player 13 invent : 14 art : 15 engine : 16 cook : 17 direct : p.194 strike struck struck recognize way start parking space effort examination Unit 8 133 A: Are you sure Minji will be a good inventor? B: Yes, I m sure. She s curious about everything. Are you sure that ~? Are you certain that ~? I m surecertain. I have no doubt. / Without a doubt. I m not surecertain. I can t say for sure. I don t think it s possible. 1 A: a robot can play soccer, Anna? Anna B: Yes,. I it in a magazine. 2 A: Jiho, to the Invention Expo this weekend? B: Um, I m. I have to ask my mom. 3 A: Sally will be a good inventor? Sally B: Yes, I m sure. She always to solve problems. 4 A: Who will? B: Minji will, I think. A:? B: Yes, I m sure. She s everything. 134

p.194 A: The first cell phone was bigger than a hamburger. B: I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. Excuse me? I m Sorry? May I beg your pardon? Pardon me? Can you say that again? I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. What did you say? Are you with me? Do you understand me? Do you Know what I mean? Do you follow me? You Got it? Do you understandhearwhat I m saying? 5 A: TV remote controls in 1956. TV 1956 B: I m sorry, but that again? 6 A: Leonardo da Vinci was and also. B: me? I didn t. 7 A: I cell phones were invented Martin Cooper in 1973. 1973Martin Cooper B: Can you, please? 8 A: The first cell phone was a hamburger. B: I m sorry, but. A: The first cell phone was bigger than a hamburger. B: that? A: I read it in a book. Unit 8 135 p.194 A: 1. the news? B: What news? A: Darae 2. in the Bright Ideas Contest. 1 B: I know. She wants to 3. someday. A: 4. she ll be a good one? B: Yes, 5.. She s curious about everything. A: I 6. she invents a homework robot soon. B: That ll 7.. Let s ask her to. A: This is a 8. yo-yo. It ice cream. B: 9., I didn t hear you. A: It makes ice cream. I open it and 10. cream and sugar. B: But 11. does that make ice cream? A: I play with the yo-yo 12.. Then it s. 10 B: The ice cream 13.? A: Yes. Here, 14.. (A) Are you sure? (B) Look. I can use both hands. (C) That s look interesting. What is it? (D) Yes, I m sure. I wear it on my head when it rains. (E) Now, I understand. I think I should buy one. (F) Why did you they invent this? (G) It s an umbrella. 136

1 solve (1) A: Are you Sally will be a good inventor? B: Yes, I m sure. She always looks for ways to solve problems. artist (2) A: Leonardo da Vinci was an artist and also inventor. B: Excuse me? I didn t. [2~3] A: Darae won first place in the Bright Ideas Contest. B: I know. She wants to be an inventor someday. A: Are you sure she ll be a good one? B: She s curious about everything. win first prize someday be curious about 2 3 Yes, I m pretty sure. No, I m not sure. I m sorry? You re welcome. Yes, I do. 4 A: This is a special yo-yo. It makes ice cream. B: I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. A: May I use your pen? B: I beg your pardon? A: May I use your pen? I have no pens. A: I think Tom will be a good teacher. B: Me, too. I m not sure that. A: Did you hear the news? B: What news? A: Alex invented the stay-awake candy. A: Who invented jeans? B: Can you say that again? A: Who invented jeans? Unit 8 137 p.194 5 pencil with eraser A: Pencils with erasers were invented in 1858. B: A: Pencils with erasers were invented in 1858. Pardon me? Sorry? I m sorry to hear that. Can you say that again, please? What did you say? 6 The first cell phone was bigger than a hamburger. (A) How did you know that? (B) The first cell phone was bigger than a hamburger. (C) I read about it in a book. (D) I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. [7~8] A: Sally, do you know about the Bright Ideas Contest for the English-only room? B: Can you, Hojin? A: The Bright Ideas Contest for the English-only room. Are you interested? B: Well, I don t know. A: There are lots of prizes. B: A: Yes, I m sure. Write down your ideas and drop them in the idea box by November 15. B: That doesn t sound easy, but I ll give it a try. English-only write down try 7 8 Hojin explains the Bright Ideas Contest to Sally. The Bright Ideas Contest is for the English-only room. There are a lot of prizes in the contest. The deadline of the contest is November 15. Sally is not sure to give a try for the contest. 138

Inventing things is my hobby. He started putting hard candy on a stick. -ing to to to CollectingTo collectstamps is my hobby. My dream is travelingto travelaround the world. He likes readingto readbooks. I m interested in swimming. enjoyfinishadmitmindstopavoidgive up I really enjoy walking in the forest. Would you mind opening the window? She finished eating dinner. They enjoy making the cookies. to likelovehatebeginstart She likes to wear sunglasses. She likes wearing sunglasses. I hate to go out when it snows. I hate going out when it snows. She began to cry. She began crying. They start to have dinner. They start having dinner. to wanthopedecideexpect 1 Finding a good job is difficult. ( ) 2 One of your duties is helping your mother. ( ) 3 Paul enjoyed having dinner with his friends. ( ) 4 Mary finished talking on the phone. ( ) 5 Lisa is proud of having lots of friends. ( ) Unit 8 139 to Think of ways to solve your problems. I have lots of things to do this weekend. to to He has no one to help him. I have something to tell you. Would you like something to drink? to He has no friends to play with. (play with friends) Give me a chair to siton. (sit on a chair) I have no knife to cut with. (cut with a knife) I have a book to read. There are many places to visit in Korea. Give him something to eat. She needs something to drink. He has a lot of work to do. I can t decide now. Can you give me some time to think? 6 I have lots of work (do / to do / doing). 7 It is a good time (go / to go / going) on a picnic. 8 I need food (eat / to eat / eating) in winter. 9 We needed a ball to play (with / on). 10 I m looking for a house (to live (with / in.) 140 p.195

1 practice (1) John practiced (play / playing / to play) the violin. (2) When did you begin (learn / learning / to learn) English? (3) I kept (think / thinking / to think) about the result. (4) He continued (work / working / to work) for a long time. (5) The salesman didn t avoid (go / going / to go) into new areas. result continue avoid 2 A: Do you want something to? B: No. I need something. 3 look forward to play listen read see (1) to music is Susan s hobby. She wants to be a musician. (2) Tom s first interest is computer games. (3) Bora has lots of comic books. She enjoys them. (4) Minji is looking forward to you again. 4 write about (1) Please give me some money to drink. (2) I m thirsty. I need something to write about. (3) She needs some stories to buy books. 5 Sam has many places in the future. He enjoyed a soccer game. to visit to play to visit playing visiting to play visiting playing visit play Unit 8 141 p.195 6 (1) Jim likes the magazine. (read) (2) I don t mind. (wait) (3) We decided at home. (stay) [7~8] 7 (Gyeongju / are / see / places / in / there / many / to) 8 (has / to / in / study / he / a good room) 9 simple Be curious about everything and think of ways solving some of life s simple problems. For example, do you like oranges? Peeling them is hard, isn t it? How can you peel an orange easily? Think about it. I m sure you can be an inventor, too! peel inventor 10 Inventing things is my hobby. be good for would you mind (-ing) ~? Taking a walk is good for health. Brush your teeth before going to bed. We are visiting my old friend tomorrow. Would you mind sitting next to you? I finished reading the book last night. 142

Be an Inventor! Hello, everyone. I m James Hyland. People often call me Mr. Gadget. Inventing things is my hobby. I try to think creatively. Even as a child, I was very curious about everything. I always looked for creative ways to solve problems. call try to Even when I was a child be to In elementary school, I used to lose my erasers. I dropped them in class, and they just disappeared. One day I thought about how to solve this problem. I came up with an idea: I put a string around my eraser and taped losing erasers often the string onto the desk. That solved my problem! I didn t lose erasers anymore. used to my erasers how to put put-put-put I put a string around my eraser and taped the string onto the desk. not ~ anymore Bright ideas will come to you if you look for them. I ll give you another example. Do you still love lollipops? Why did someone come up with that idea putting candy on a stick? Well, kids love candy, but they often drop or swallow it. So someone came up with the idea and started putting hard candy on a stick. It solved the problem. candy putting candy on a stick putting candy on a stick bright ideas 4give 3give to kids start to James Hyland T F 1 His nickname is Mr. Gadget. ( ) 2 His hobby is inventing things. ( ) 3 When he was a child, he was always getting into trouble. ( ) 4 After taping his eraser onto the desk, he used to lose his erasers. ( ) 5 Lollipop was invented because kids often drop or swallow candy. ( ) creatively even look for creative way drop disappear come up with string tape not ~ anymore still lollipop swallow Unit 8 143 Can I tell you one more story? People were looking for a way to send letters more quickly. Ray Tomlinson, a computer engineer, found a way to send messages from his computer to other computers. He sent the first e-mail from A to B A B message in 1971. Thanks to his idea, people now can exchange messages almost instantly around the world. to to Inventions happen when you look for creative ways to solve your everyday problems. Remote controls, paper towels, and many other inventions are good examples. Look around, and you ll see lots of inventions. They make your life easier. So, be curious about everything and think of ways to solve some of life s simple problems. For example, do you like oranges? Peeling them is hard, isn t it? How can you peel an orange easily? Think about it. I m sure you can be an inventor, too! How can you peel an orange easily? to and... lots of inventions make to oranges the way to peel oranges easily cf. either 6 Ray Tomlinson was the man that found a way messages using. 7 Now we can instantly because of Ray Tomlinson s. 8 Look for to solve problems, and will happen. 9 A lot of around us make easier. 10 When we everything, we can, too. 144 p.195 engineer from A to B A B thanks to exchange instantly invention happen remote control paper towel look around peel easily

Listen and Talk 1 A: Did you hear the news? B: What news? A: Alex invented the stay-awake candy. B: I know. Alex gave me one just now. A: Really? Are you sure it ll work? B: Yes, I m sure. He s a good inventor. 4 A: Then I ll ask him to give me one, too. him to 2 A: Hi, Sue. What is that on your head? B: Can you say that again, please? I can t hear well because I have a cold. A: What are you wearing on your head? B: This is my new invention. It s a tissue box. A: A tissue box? What is it for? B: I have to blow my nose all the time. I can use it anytime. = must = tissue box A: That s cool. Read and Do Today I met an inventor, James Hyland. His nickname is Mr. Gadget. He is interested in solving problems and making new things. He says thinking creatively is important. inventor = James Hyland Mr. Gadget introduced two interesting inventions to us. They were lollipops and e-mails. Kids often dropped or swallowed candy. But putting hard candy on a stick solved the problem. Sending and receiving letters was slow. E-mails solved the problem. Thanks to Ray Tomlinson, we now have a way to exchange messages almost instantly around world. to = two interesting inventions Think and Write Play with a Yo-yo and Make Ice Cream! This is our new invention to make ice cream in a fun way. It is a yo-yo, but to it can make ice cream. Using the invention is easy. Just open it and fill it with cream and sugar. Then play with the yo-yo for ten minutes. You can taste real ice cream! That is cool, isn t it? = yo-yo Listen & Talk stay-awake work have a cold blow one s nose Read and Do nickname creatively drop swallow Think and Write Unit 8 145 Be an Inventor! Hello, everyone. I m James Hyland. 1. People Mr. Gadget. 2. is my hobby. 3. I try to. 4. Even, I was very curious about everything. 5. I always creative ways problems. 6. In elementary school, I my erasers. 7. I dropped them, and they just disappeared. 8. One day I thought about this problem. 9. I an idea: I put a string around my eraser and taped the string onto the desk. That solved my problem! 10. I lose erasers. 11. Bright ideas will come to you you them. I ll give you another example. 12. Do you love lollipops? 13. Why did someone that idea on a stick? 14. Well, kids love candy, but they often or it. 15. So someone came up with the idea and hard candy on a stick. 16. It. 17. one more story? 18. People were looking for a way more quickly. 19. Ray Tomlinson, a computer engineer, found a way to send messages his computer. He sent the first e-mail message in 1971. 20. his idea, people now can messages around the world. 21. Inventions happen you look for creative ways to solve your everyday problems. 22. Remote controls, paper towels, and many other inventions are. 23. around, lots of inventions. 24. They make. 25. So, everything and to solve some of life s simple problems. For example, do you like oranges? 26. them is hard, isn t it? 27. peel an orange? Think about it. 28. you can be an inventor, too! 29. an orange easily? 146 p.195 James Gadget 2. Hyland1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Ray Tomlinson 1971 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

Gadget Unit 8 147 p.195 Ray Tomlinson 148

Words + Reading Listen and Talk 1 A: the news? B: What news? A: Alex invented the stay-awake candy. B: I know. Alex just now. A: Really? it ll work? B:,. He s a good inventor. A: Then I ll me one, too. 2 A: Hi, Sue. What is that on your head? B:, please? I well because I have a cold. A: What are you wearing on your head? B: This is my. It s a tissue box. A: A tissue box? is it? B: I have to all the time. I can use it. A: That s cool. Read and Do Today I met an inventor, James Hyland. His nickname is Mr. Gadget. 1. He solving problems and new things. 2. He says thinking is important. Mr. Gadget introduced two interesting inventions to us. They were lollipops and e-mails. 3. Kids often dropped or. 4. But hard candy solved the problem. 5. was slow. E-mails solved the problem. 6. Ray Tomlinson, we now have a way almost instantly around world. Think and Write 1. This is our new invention ice cream in a fun way. It is a yo-yo, but it can make ice cream. 2. is easy. 3. Just open it and cream and sugar. 4. Then the yo-yo for ten minutes. You can taste real ice cream! 5., isn t it? p.196 Listen and Talk A: B: A: Alex B: Alex A: B: A: A: Sue B: A: B: A: B: A: Read and Do James Hyland Gadget 1. 2. Gadget 3. 4. 5. 6. Ray Tomlinson Think and Write 1. 2. 3. 4. 10 5. Unit 8 149 bright cool creative curious engineer exchange hobby instantly invent peel swallow taste curious 1 : eager to know or learn, esp. about something unfamiliar : 2 : someone whose job is to design or build roads, bridges, machines, etc. : 3 : at once; immediately : 4 : intelligent and quick-witted; shining strongly, or with plenty of light : 5 : to make, design, or think of a new type of thing : 6 : low in temperature, but not cold; very attractive, fashionable, interesting, etc. : 7 : to make food or drink go down your throat : 8 : to give to, and receive from, one another : 9 : to have or experience the flavor of : 10 : to remove the skin from fruit or vegetables : 11 : an activity that you enjoy doing in your free time : 12 : involving the use of imagination to produce new ideas or things : ABC In elementary school, I used to lose my erasers. I dropped them in class, and they just (A) appeared / disappeared. One day I thought about (B) how to / what to solve this problem. I came up with an idea: I put a string (C) with / around my eraser and taped the string onto the desk. That solved my problem! I didn t lose erasers anymore. (A) (B) (C) appeared how to with appeared how to around disappeared how to around disappeared what to with disappeared what to around 150

p.196 1 I always looked for creative ways solve problems. 2 In elementary school, I used to losing my erasers. 3 Ray Tomlinson found a way to send messages from his computer with other computers. 4 How can you peel an orange easy? 5 Bright ideas will come to you how you look for them. 6 I try to think creative. 7 Why did someone come up with that idea put candy on a stick? 8 Inventions happen when you look after creative ways to solve your everyday problems. 9 People were looking for a way to send letters better quickly. 10 Thanks to his idea, people now can exchange messages almost instant around the world. 11 Looking around, and you ll see lots of inventions. Inventions happen when you look for creative ways to solve your everyday problems. Remote controls, paper towels, and many other inventions are good examples. Look around, and you ll see lots of inventions. They make your life easier. So, be curious about everything and thinking of ways to solve some of life s simple problems. Unit 8 151 1 easy easily quick quickly instant instantly creative creatively love lovely 2 to cause something to go from your mouth down into your stomach peel swallow respond distance publish 3 Don t try control me. He used play baseball. I don t know how drive a car. to as of at in 4 He came up with an idea and invented the car in 1885. looked upon met upon hit upon got upon turned upon 152 5 A: Can you go shopping with me this weekend? B: Um, I m not. I have to ask my mom. sure bored pretty surely upset 6 A: Who invented jeans? B: I m sorry? A: Who invented jeans? I m sorry to hear that. Say that again, please. You can say that again. I m sorry for your jeans. I m sorry, but I don t know. 7 A: Who will be a good inventor? B: Minji will, I think. A: Are you sure? B: Yes, I m sure. She s curious about everything. She likes to put things together. She always looks for answers. She is interested in invention. She likes to follow daily routine. Grammar + Reading

8 A: Did you hear the news? B: What news? A: Jiho invented the stay-awake candy. B: I know. Jiho gave me one just now. A: Really? Are you sure it ll work? B: Yes, I m sure. I sleep too much. A: Then, I ll ask him to give me one, too. 9 A: The first cell phone was bigger than a hamburger. B: A: The first cell phone was bigger than a hamburger. B: How do you know that? A: I read about it in a book. Are you sure? What did you say? Excuse me? I beg your pardon? I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. 10 A: That looks interesting. What is it? B: It s an umbrella. A: Are you sure? B: Yes, I m sure. I wear it on my head when it rains. A: Why did they invent this? B: Look. I can use both hands. A: Now I understand. I think I should buy one. 11 (eat / to / bought / I / food / some) = 12 There is no chair to sit on. We stopped to have a rest. It s difficult to keep a diary. There were many things to do. He got up early not to be late for school. They are planning to have a party. 13 When I travel, I take. read a book a book reading to read a book to a book read a book to read 14 Jane has many books. She enjoys read. 15 My hobby is invent things. Can I have something drink? Playing computer games is fun. It s a good time going on a picnic. I have a lot of homework finishing. Unit 8 153 (16~17) 16 (see) = I m looking forward her tomorrow. 17 (put things) = This shirt has no pocket. 18 So, be curious about everything and think of ways to solve some of life s simple problems. For example, do you like oranges? Peeling them is hard, isn t it? How can you peel an orange easy? Think about it. I m sure you can be an inventer, too! 19 I think she can do it. ( ) My friend Sue is an inventor. ( ) She enjoys inventing new things. ( ) She always thinks about ways to solve problems. ( ) She wants to invent a robot to clean her room. ( ) 154 (20~21) Hello, everyone. I m James Hyland. People often call me Mr. Gadget. Invent thing is my hobby. I try to think creatively. Even as a child, I was very curious about everything. I always looked for creative ways to solve problems. In elementary school, I used to lose my erasers. I dropped them in class, and they just disappeared. One day I thought about I came up with an idea: I put a string around my eraser and taped the string onto the desk. That solved my problem! I didn t lose erasers anymore. 20 Invent Inventing Invented To inventing Invents 21 She is used to using chopsticks. This pen is used to write something I used to visit my grandmother every week. He s used to hard work. You will get used to it. 22 (23~24) Can I tell you one more story? People were looking for a way to send letters more. Ray Tomlinson, a computer engineer, found a way to send messages from his computer to other computers. He sent the first e-mail message in 1971. Thanks to his idea, people now can exchange messages almost around the world.

23 quick instant quick instantly quickly instant quickly instantly instantly quickly 24 The Birth of E-mail The Origin of Letters The History of Computers The Life of Ray Tomlinson The Inconvenience of E-mail 25 This is our new invention to make ice cream in a fun way. It is a yo-yo, but it can make ice cream. Using the invention is easy. Just open it and fill it with cream and sugar. Then play with the yo-yo for ten minutes. You can taste real ice cream! That is cool, isn t it? (26~27) In elementary school, I used to lose my erasers. I dropped them in class, and they just disappeared. One day I thought about how to solve this problem. I an idea: I put a string around my eraser and taped the string onto the desk. That solved my problem! I didn t lose erasers anymore. 26 looked around asked for disappeared came up with was curious about 27 Which is true about the passage? I often lose my erasers these days. I didn t use erasers a lot. One of my friends solved my problem. I m an elementary school student now. Thanks to my idea, I didn t lose my erasers. (28~30) Inventing things can be a way solve problems. As an example, I would like introducing one invention: the car. Karl Benz was looking for a way move without walking. He came up with an idea and invented a car in 1885. We think it is the most useful invention because we can move fast and easy. 28 29 T F (1) Karl Benz invented a car. ( ) (2) Karl Benz wanted to move without driving. ( ) 30 Well, kids love candy, but they often drop or swallow it. Bright ideas will come to you if you look for them. ( ) I ll give you another example. ( ) Do you still love lollipops? ( ) Why did someone come up with that idea putting candy on a stick? ( ) So someone came up with the idea and started putting hard candy on a stick. ( ) It solved the problem. Unit 8 155 p.196 (31~33) (33~35) October 11, Tuesday Today I met an inventor, James Hyland. His nickname is Mr. Gadget. He is interested in solving problems and making new things. He says thinking creatively is important. Mr. Gadget introducing two interesting inventions to us. They were lollipops and e- mails. Kids often dropped or swallowed candy. But putting hard candy on a stick solved the problem. Sending and receiving letters were slow. E-mails solved the problem. Thanks to Ray Tomlinson, we now have a way to exchange messages almost instantly around the world. 31 article essay diary novel poem Inventions happen when you look for creative ways to solve your everyday problems. Look around, and you ll see lots of inventions. They make your life easier. So, be curious about everything and think of ways to solve some of life s simple problems. For example, do you like oranges? Peeling them is hard, isn t it? How can you peel an orange easily? Think about it. I m sure you can be an inventor, too! 34 An inventor must be smart. Your life is full of inventions. Inventions are often answers to everyday problems. The most useful inventions are made by famous scientists. If you want to be an inventor, be curios about everything. 32 35 Inventions peeling oranges paper towel nail clipper opener remote control 33 Mr. Gadget Ray Tomlinson Mr. Gadget 156

1 usually instantly friendly prettily creatively 2 = Most children dinosaurs. 3 He is taller than his brother. when he was young, he thought very creatively. 2, 4, and 6 are numbers. eveneven muchmuch soso oddodd asas 4 Please help me. Can you help me? Could you give me a hand? Will you do me a favor? Is there anything I can do for you? 5 A: Are you sure? B: Sure. Yes, I m sure. No, I m not sure. Make sure of it. I m pretty sure. (5~6) A: Is that a yo-yo? B: Yes. This is a special yo-yo. A: I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. B: It makes ice cream. I open it and fill it with cream and sugar. A: But how does that make ice cream? B: I play with the yo-yo for ten minutes. Then it s ready. A: The ice cream is ready? B: Yes. Here, taste it. 6 You can open it. It makes ice cream. Do you like playing with a yo-yo? I like strawberry ice cream best. My mom bought it for me yesterday. 7 A sad tired bored worried surprised 8 I m James Hyland. People often call me to Mr. Gadget. Inventing things are my hobby. I try to think creatively. Even as a child, I was very curiosity about everything. I always looked after creative ways to solve problems. Unit 8 157 9 He has two sons to take care of. All you can do is just to wait for me. I was the first runner to get there. I was surprised to read the article. This joke is too hard to understand. Please promise to remember our beautiful memories. 10 look for come up with swallow instant curious quick A little boy was about everything around him. When he had a problem, he always ways to solve it. Many of his ideas didn t work, but he usually a new bright one soon. His inventions made life easier for everybody. His name was Thomas Edison. 11 When I was in elementary school, Jack often felt sleepy in class, and this was a big problem. Solving this problem was (easy, difficult). He know an inventor who liked to think creativity. So he asked the inventor (to help / helping) him. The inventor came up with a bright idea. He invented the stay-(awake / wake) candy. 158 p.197 12 I wanted to get a perfect score. He planned to get married to the poor girl. He has a few close friends to ask for help. We expect to see the sunset. She needed to know herself. (13~15) Inventions happen when you look for creative ways (solve) your everyday problems. Remote controls, paper towels, and many other inventions are good examples. Look around, and you ll see lots of inventions. They make your life easier. So, be curious about everything and think of ways to solve some of life s simple problems. For example, do you like oranges? (Peel) them is hard, isn t it? How can you peel an orange easily? Think about it. I m sure you can be an inventor, too! 13 14 15

1 cool cold hard easy bright dark full empty right wrong 2 a hard sweet made of boiled sugar on a stick ex. is especially popular among little babies. 3 I didn t lose erasers anymore. = I erasers. 4 A: Balloons were invented in 1824. B: A: Balloons were invented in 1824. Pardon? Could you repeat that? Are you with me? Sorry, but I didn t hear you. Can you say that again, please? 5 A: What is your hobby? B: I like (ride a bike). (6~7) A: That looks interesting. What is it? B: It s an umbrella. A: Are you sure? B: No, I m not sure. I wear it on my head when it rains. A: Why did they invent this? B: Look. I can use both hands. A: Now I understand. I think I should buy one. 6 7 Unit 8 159 8 London is a good place to visit. Sora turned on the light to read a book. Mina studied hard to do well on the exam. Sumi went out to buy eggs. I went to Busan to see my grandparents. 9 This problem isn t difficult, so you can solve it. Use e-mail to exchange messages more Inventors try to think to solve problems. easily quick creative easily quickly creative easy quick creatively easy quickly creatively easily quickly creatively 10 I m sure that we will have a homework robot soon. They think that you are a liar. It s very dangerous that a child drives a car. My dream is that I can be a doctor someday. He has a robot that everybody wants to have. He didn t know that I was so sad at that time. 160 11 A: Did you hear the news? B: What news? A: Alex invented a stay-awake candy. B: I know. Alex gave me one just now. A: Really? Are you sure it ll work? B: Yes, I m sure. He s a good inventor. A: Then I ll ask him to give me one, too. (12~14) A: Is that a yo-yo? B: Yes. This is a yo-yo. It makes ice cream. A: I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. B: It makes ice cream. I open it and fill it with cream and sugar. A: But how does that make ice cream? B: I play with the yo-yo for ten minutes. Then it s ready. A: The ice cream is ready? B: Yes. Here, taste it. 12 usual special simple complex instant 13 A B A.

14 With this yo-yo, you can not only and but also. 15 Inventing things can be a way to solve problems. As an example, I would like to introduce one invention:. Karl Benz was looking for a way to move without walking. He came up with an idea and invented a car in 1885. We think it is the most useful invention because we can move fast and easily. 16 People were looking for a way to send letters more quickly. Ray Tomlinson, a computer engineer, found a way to send messages from his computer to other computers. He sent the first message in 1971. Thanks to his idea, people now can exchange messages almost instantly around the world. postcard spam mail computer letter e-mail (17~19) Hello, everyone. I m James Hyland. People often call me Mr. Gadget. Inventing thing is my hobby.. Even as a child, I was very curious about everything. I always looked for creative ways to solve problems. In elementary school,. I dropped them in class, and they just disappeared. One day I thought about how to solve this problem. I came up with an idea: I put a string around my eraser and taped the string onto the desk. That solved my problem! I didn t lose erasers anymore. 17 creatively / I / think / try / to 18 Choose the best expression for the blank. I used my erasers. I used to lose my erasers. I was used to losing my erasers. I always need my own erasers. I bought erasers as much as I could. 19 James Unit 8 161 (20~21) Bright ideas will to you if you look for them. I ll give you another example. Do you still love lollipops? Why did someone up with that idea putting candy on a stick? Well, kids love candy, but they often drop or swallow it. So someone started putting hard candy on a stick. It solved the problem. 20 come look have take go 21 How to make and enjoy lollipops Famous inventors around the world An example of inventions that solved a problem Another invention made by the lollipop inventor Many trials and errors to invent lollipops 22 This is our new invention to help students. It is the K-Robot. It can do homework for you. Using the invention is simple. Just sit and wait for five minutes. Your homework will be ready. That is cool, isn t it? Help Mom with Cleaning Robot! Buy K-Robot and Be Free from Your Homework! Using K-Robot Is Simple! Dancing Robot will Help You Lose Weight! Enjoy Cool Summer with K-Robot! 162 p.197 (23~25) Inventions happen when you for creative ways to solve your everyday problems. Remote controls, paper towels, and many other inventions are good examples. around, and you ll see lots of inventions. They make your life easier. So, be curious about everything and think of ways to solve some of life s simple problems. For example, do you like oranges? How can you peel an orange easily? Think about it. I m sure you can be an inventor, too! 23 getget useuse makemake taketake looklook 24 Peeling them are hard, aren t they? Peel them are hard, aren t they? Peeling them are hard, isn t it? Peel them is hard, isn t it? Peeling them is hard, isn t it? 25 Which is NOT true about the passage? Inventions make our life more convenient. People invent things to think creatively. A remote control is an example of inventions. A need to make things better makes inventions. If you are curious about everything, you can be an inventor, too.

1 easy easily creative creatively hard hardly instant instantly curious curiously 2 He was always curious things around him. What are you looking now? He came up a great idea all of a sudden. of into for about up for with after of about for with with about with 3 to remove the skin from fruit or vegetables taste swallow peel chop grow 4 It s very in Autumn. Her idea was so that everybody liked it. Try to keep when you are angry. 5 A: Crayons were invented Binney and Smith. B: A: Crayons were invented Binney and Smith. You can say that again. What did you say? I beg your pardon? Say that again, please. Sorry? 6 A: Are you sure a robot can play soccer? B: Yes, I m sure. I read about it in a magazine. A: Who will be a good inventor? B: Hojin will, I think. A: Are you sure we will travel to the stars someday? B: I m sorry to hear that. A: Can you go to the Invention Expo this weekend? B: Um, I m sure. My mom will allow me to go. A: Are you sure Sally will be a good inventor? B: Yes, I m sure. She always looks for ways to solve problems. 7 Put the sentences in the correct order. (A) Minji will, I think. (B) Yes, I m sure. She thinks of ways to solve problems. (C) Are you sure? (D) Who will be a good inventor? (A) (C) (B) (D) (D) (C) (A) (B) (C) (b) (A) (D) (B) (A) (C) (D) (D) (A) (C) (B) Unit 8 163 8 A: That looks interesting. What is it? B: It s an umbrella. A: Are you sure? B: Yes, I m sure. I wear it on my head when it rains. A: B: Look. I can use both hands. A: Now I understand. I think I should buy one. How did they invent this? Who invented this? Why did they invent this? How can we use our hands? Where can we use this? 9 A: Are you sure we can live in Mars someday? B: Yes, I m sure. Mars is too far from the earth. No, I m not sure. Many spaceships have already landed on it. No, I m not sure. I read about it in a magazine. Yes, I m sure. People say our science can make it. Yes, I m sure. We have to think more creatively. 10 He doing the homework with her. finished enjoyed considered liked decided 164 11 I was really happy to see him again. He has a lot of things to do. Do you want something to eat? I need a book to read. I have a lot of pictures to show you. 12 In elementary school, I was used to lose my erasers. I dropped them in class, and they just disappeared. One day I thought about how to solve this problem. I came up with an idea. 13 The birds are singing merrily in the forest. I enjoy playing computer games after school. We can do many things by speaking English. Teaching him was not easy to me. His hobby is making a model plane. 14 Thomas Edison A little boy was curious about everything around him. When he had a problem, he looked for ways to solve it. Many of his idea didn t work, but he usually came up with a new bright one soon. His inventions made life easier for everybody. His name was Thomas Edison. friendly indifferent diligent creative lovely

(15~16) Inventions happen when you look for creative ways to solve your everyday problems. Remote controls, paper towels, and many other inventions are good (A). Look around, and you ll see lots of inventions. It solved the problem. They make your life easier. So, be curious about everything and think of ways to solve some of life s simple problems. For (B), do you like oranges? Peeling them is hard, isn t it? How can you peel an orange easily? Think about it. I m sure you can be an inventor, too! 15 AB example(s) message(s) case(s) problem(s) way(s) 16 17 Why did someone come up with that idea putting candy on a stick? Well, kids love candy, but they often drop or swallow it. So someone came up with the idea and started putting hard candy on a stick. It solved the problem. candy stick kid lollipop idea (18~19) Hello, everyone. I m James Hyland. People often call me Mr. Gadget. Inventing things is my hobby. I try to think creatively. Even as a child, I was very curious about everything. I always looked for creative ways to solve problems. 18 What is the purpose of the passage? to persuade to criticize to appreciate to introduce to apologize 19 1 2 3 4 5 (20~22) Bright ideas will come to you if you look for them. I ll give you another example. Do you still love lollipops? did someone come up with that idea putting candy on a stick? Well, kids love candy, but they often drop or swallow it. someone came up with the idea and started putting hard candy on a stick. It solved the problem. 20 shining strongly with plenty of light strong and easy to see intelligent and brilliant happy and full of energy successful or promising Unit 8 165 21 How And Why Also How But Why So When Or 22 (23~25) Hello, everyone. I m James Hyland. People often call me Mr. Gadget. Inventing thing is my hobby. I try to think creatively. Even as a child, I was very curious about everything. I always looked for creative ways to solve problems. In elementary school, I used to lose my erasers. I dropped them in class, and they just disappeared. One day I thought about how to solve this problem. I came up with an idea: I put a string around my eraser and taped the string onto the desk. That solved my problem! I didn t lose erasers anymore. Bright ideas will come to you if you look for them. I ll give you another example. Do you still love lollipops? Why did someone come up with that idea putting candy on a stick? Well, kids love candy, but they often drop or swallow it. So someone came up with the idea and started putting hard candy on a stick. It solved the problem. Can I tell you one more story? People were looking for a way to send letters more quickly. Ray Tomlinson, a computer engineer, found a way to send messages from his computer to other computers. He sent the first e-mail message in 1971. Thanks to his idea, people now can exchange messages almost instantly around the world. 166 p.198 Inventions happen when you look for creative ways to solve your everyday problems. Remote controls, paper towels, and many other inventions are good examples. Look around, and you ll see lots of inventions. They make your life easier. So, be curious about everything and think of ways to solve some of life s simple problems. For example, do you like oranges? Peeling them is hard, isn t it? How can you peel an orange easily? Think about it. I m sure you can be an inventor, too! 23 erasers bright ideas lollipops Ray Tomlinson inventions 24 You can be aan if you always look for ways to life s simple problems. 25 An inventor must be smart. If you want to be an inventor, be curious about everything. The most useful inventions are made by famous scientists. Simple solutions are different from inventions. Inventions are often answers to everyday problems.

(1~3) A: Sally, do you know about the Bright Ideas Contest for the English-only room? B: Say that again, please? A: The Bright Ideas Contest for the English-only room. Are you interested? B: Well, I don t know. A: There are lots of prizes. B: Are you sure? A: Yes, I m sure. Write down your ideas and drop them in the idea box by November 15. B: That doesn t sound easy, (it / but / a / I ll / try / give). 1 2 3 Q: What do you do if you want to take part in the contest? A: 4 A: B: Yes, I m sure. I read about it in a magazine. 5 I Jane I often feel sleepy in class, and this is a big problem. I know an inventor who likes to think creatively. I ask the inventor to help me. (6~8) 6 (give a topic, write about) My Korean teacher. 7 (play basketball) Do you have time? 8 (interested in, different cultures) She is interested in. Unit 8 167 (9~10) 9 Would you mind to open the window? 10 Spring is the best season visit there. (11~13) Invent things can be a way solve problems. As an example, I would like to introduce one invention: the car. Karl Benz was looking for a way to move without walking. He came up with an idea and invented a car in 1885. We think it is the most useful invention because 11 12 Why did Karl Benz invent a car? 13 168 p.198 14-1 (1) This is a difficult question (answer). (2) Did you have enough time (finish)? 14-2 (1) things / inventing / to / problems / can / a / be / solve / way (2) wants / room / Sue / to / clean / invent / robot / a / clean / her / to 14-3 (1) (true friends) (2) (be afraid of) (3) (look for)

too 3 What kind of ~? usually 4 CanCouldyou ~? 6 10 be 13-1 be 13-3 (1) be are (2) wake woken Unit 8 Make Life Easier p.131 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A B 40 1 41 42 A B 43 44 45 p.132 1 remote 2 drop 3 easily 4 invention 5 swallow 6 creatively 7 eraser 8 string 9 exchange 10 disappear 11 hobby 12 creative 13 ready 194 14 happen 15 inventor 16 invent 17 peel 18 way 19 instantly 20 even 21 introduce 22 tape 23 sleepy 24 curious 25 cool 26 hard 27 engineer 28 lollipop 29 bright 30 still 31 taste 32 someday 33 look for 34 win first place 35 paper towel 36 come up with 37 from A to B 38 cell phone 39 not ~ anymore 40 thanks to 41 remote control 42 blow one s nose 43 look around 44 be curious about 45 fill A with B p.133 1 quickly 2 bright 3 instantly 4 easy 5 curious about 6 creatively 7 peel 8 remote 9 look around 10 come up with 11 look for 12 Thanks to 13 inventor 14 artist 15 engineer 16 cook 17 director pp.134~135 1 Are you sure I m sure read about 2 can you go not sure 3 Are you sure looks for ways 4 be a good inventor Are you sure curious about 5 were invented can you say 6 an artist an inventor Excuse hear you 7 heard that by say that again 8 bigger than I didn t hear you How do you know about p.136 1 Did you hear 2 won first place 3 be an inventor 4 Are you sure 5 I m pretty sure 6 hope 7 be cool do that 8 special makes 9 I m sorry but 10 fill it with 11 how 12 for ten minutes ready 13 is ready 14 taste it (C) (G) (A) (D) (F) (B) (E) pp.137~138 1 (1) sure (2) hear you 2 3 4 5 6 (D) (B) (A) (C) 7 Say that again Are you sure? 8 2 Are you sure ~? one an inventor 4 Me too. I m not sure that. I m sure that. 8 Sally pp.139~140 1 2 3 4 5 6 to do 7 to go 8 to eat 9 with 10 in pp.141~142 1 (1) playing (2) learningto learn (3) thinking (4) working, to work (5) going 2 (1) to drink (2) to eat 3 (1) Listening To listen (2) playing to play (3) reading (4) seeing 4 (1) (2) (3) 5 6 (1) reading to read (2) waiting (3) to stay 7 There are many places to see in Gyeongju. 8 He has a good room to study in. 9 to solve 10 1 to practicekeepavoid begincontinue 5 to to visit enjoy playing 6 to like to mind decide to 10 be-ing pp.143~144 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 first to send computer 7 exchange messages idea 8 creative ways inventions 9 inventions our life 10 are curious about be an inventor p.146 1 often call me 2 Inventing things 3 think creatively 4 as a child 5 looked for to solve 6 used to lose 7 in class 8 how to solve 9 came up with 10 didn t anymore 11 if look for 12 still 13 come up with putting candy 14 drop swallow 15 started putting 16 solved the problem 17 Can I tell you 18 to send letters 19 from to other computers 20 Thanks to exchange almost instantly 21 when 22 good examples 23 Look and you ll see 24 your life easier 25 be curious about think of ways 26 Peeling 27 How can you easily 28 I m sure 29 How can you peel pp.147~148 1 People often call me Mr. Gadget. 2 Inventing things is my hobby. 3 I try to think creatively. 4 Even as a child, I was very curious about everything. 5 I always looked for creative ways to solve problems. 6 In elementary school, I used to lose my erasers. 7 One day I thought about how to solve this problem. 8 I came up with an idea: I put a string around my eraser and taped the string onto the desk. 9 That solved my problem! I didn t lose erasers anymore. 10 Bright ideas will come to you if you look for them. 11 Why did someone come up with that idea - putting candy on a stick? 12 Kids love candy, but they often drop or swallow it. 13 So someone came up with the idea and started putting hard candy on a stick. 14 Can I tell you one more story? 15 People were looking for a way to send letters more quickly. 16 Ray Tomlinson, a computer engineer, found a way to send messages from his computer to other computers. 17 Thanks to his idea, people now can exchange messages almost instantly around the world. 18 Inventions happen when you look for creative ways to solve your everyday problems. 195

19 Look around, and you ll see lots of inventions. 20 They make your life easier. 21 So, be curious about everything and think of ways to solve some of life s simple problems. 22 Peeling them is hard, isn t it? 23 How can you peel an orange easily? 24 I m sure you can be an inventor, too! p.149 Listen and Talk 1 Did you hear gave me one Are you sure Yes I m sure ask him to give 2 Can you say that again can t hear new invention What for blow my nose anytime Read and Do 1 is interested in making 2 creatively 3 swallowed candy 4 putting on a stick 5 Sending and receiving letters 6 Thanks to to exchange messages Think and Write 1 to make 2 Using the invention 3 fill it with 4 play with 5 That is cool pp.150~151 2 engineer 3 instantly 4 bright 5 invent 6 cool 7 swallow 8 exchange 9 taste 10 peel 11 hobby 12 creative 1 I always looked for creative ways to solve problems. 2 In elementary school, I used to lose my erasers. 3 Ray Tomlinson found a way to send messages from his computer to other computers. 4 How can you peel an orange easily? 5 Bright ideas will come to you if you look for them. 6 I try to think creatively. 7 Why did someone come up with that idea putting candy on a stick? 8 Inventions happen when you look for creative ways to solve your everyday problems. 9 People were looking for a way to send letters more quickly. 10 Thanks to his idea, people now can exchange 196 messages almost instantly around the world. 11 Look around, and you ll see lots of inventions. pp.152~156 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I bought some food to eat. 12 13 14 read reading 15 16 to seeing 17 to put things in 18 19 20 21 22 how to solve this problem 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 (1) T (2) F 30 31 32 33 34 35 2 8 10 12 to 13 take a book book to 14 enjoy read reading 15 inventingto invent to drink to go to finish 16 look forward to to 17 pocket to 18 peel easily 20 Invent Inventing To invent 21 used to begetused to -ing use 23 send exchange 25 That 28 to solve to introduce to move easy easilyfast 29 Karl Benz 32 introducing introduced pp.157~158 1 2 are curious about 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 curious looked for came up with 11 difficult to help awake 12 13 to solve PeelingTo peel 14 15 Inventions ~ problems. 3 even 4 Is there anything I can do for you? 8 call me to call me are is curiosity curious after for 9 11 ask to to 12 to 13 ways to to 15 pp.159~162 1 2 Lollipop 3 lost no morelonger 4 5 ridingto ridea bike 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 play with it maketasteice cream 15 the car 16 17 I try to think creatively 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 not ~ anymore: = no more longer 4 Are you with me? 5 -ing like to 8 to place 9 10 that that 13 15 He came up with the idea and invented a car in 1885. 17 try to 18 21 24 peeling them them oranges 197

isn t it? pp.163~166 1 2 3 4 cool 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 inventor solve 25 1 -ly hard hard hardly 4 cool 5 A 10 decidedecide to 11 to 12 being 13 used to be used to +ing was used to used to 15 A B For example 16 19 20 bright 21 198 Why So 25 pp.167~168 1 I m sorry? Excuse me? Pardon (me)? I beg you pardon? I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. 2 but I ll give it a try 3 Write down my ideas and drop them in the idea box by November 15. 4 Are you sure a robot can play soccer? 5 Jane often feels sleepy in class, and this is a big problem. She knows an inventor who likes to think creatively. She asks the inventor to help her. 6 gave us a topic to write about 7 to play basketball with me 8 learning about different cultures 9 Would you mind opening the window? 10 Spring is the best season to visit there. 11 Inventing To inventthings can be a way to solve problems. 12 Because he wanted to move without walking. 13 we can move fast and easily 14-1 (1) This is a difficult question to answer. (2) Did you have enough time to finish? 14-2 (1) Inventing things can be a way to solve problems. (2) Sue wants to invent a robot to clean her room. 14-3 (1) I have a lot of true friends to help me. (2) She has nothing to be afraid of. (3) They are looking for a house to live in. 1 Excuse me? I msorry? Pardon me? I beg your pardon? Can you say that again? I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. 2 give it a try try 5 1 3 -s 7 to with me 8 11 to Inventing To invent a way solve to solve