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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로







#1_초급 본문

istening L T est

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4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

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55호 1면


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희망사항말하기 Do you think people will use time machines someday? Yes! Then, I wish I could go back to visit my childhood. < 정보 > 정보전달하기 How did Mr. Han bec

PowerPoint 프레젠테이션





수능 CAT

Find and circle the words. 1 : 머리 : 눈 : 코 : 입 : 이 : 목 : 어깨 : 귀 : 팔 : 손 : 다리 : 발 She shakes her head. Close your eyes. We smell with our nose. Open you






How to use this book 1 Dialogue Good morning A: Good morning. How are you? B: I m fine. And you? A: Fine, thank you. B: I m Peter. What s your name? A: My name is Jane. Good morning Good morning 2 Expressions 3 Practice - Good morning. - Good afternoon. - Good evening. - How are you? = How are you doing? = How are things (with you)? = How is everything (with you)? A: Good morning! B: Good! A: How? B: Fine. A: Nice to see you. B: to see you, too. Dialogue Expressions Practice

Level 1- B Contents Lesson 1. How much is it? Lesson 2. I m an only child. Lesson 3. Where do you work? Lesson 4. You can make a chocolate cake, can t you? Lesson 5. Do you like watching movies? Lesson 6. Can I ask you a question? Lesson 7. How do you like your new job? Lesson 8. What does he look like? Lesson 9. What are you going to do this weekend? Lesson 10. What are you doing now? Lesson 11. What do you want to do today? Lesson 12. Do you want to go out for dinner? Lesson 13. When do you expect him back? Lesson 14. I d like to take these books out, please. Lesson 15. I d like a window seat, please. Lesson 16. What sports do you play? Lesson 17. Let s have breakfast together on Sunday. Lesson 18. I m not tall enough. Lesson 19. You re working slowly. Lesson 20. You re not allowed to park here. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40

Lesson 01 How much is it? * Dialogue A: May I help you? B: Yes, I m looking for a lamp to give as a present. A: Well, how is this one? B: This is a beautiful lamp! How much is it? A: It s seventy-eight dollars. B: That's a reasonable price! I ll take it. A: Will that be cash or credit? B: I ll pay in cash. * Expressions - How much is it? = How much will you charge me for it? = How much does it cost? = How much do I have to pay for it? = What is the price of it? - Will that be cash or credit? = Will that be cash or charge? = How would you like to pay for this? = How will you be paying for this? Ans. I ll pay in cash. / I ll pay by credit card. Vocabulary & Expressions reasonable charge cost - I ll take it. = I d like to buy this one, please. = I ll get this one. = I think I ll take this one. 2

* Practice A: That's a beautiful car! B: is it? A: It's $50,000. B: That's too expensive! A: This looks great! B: How much it? A: Will that be or? B: I ll pay cash. * Review How much will you me for it?? A. cost B. charge C. pay D. price ( ) A. I m looking for black gloves. B. May I help you? C. I m sorry but they are all sold out. 1) take, I, one, will, this 2) much, is, how, this,? 3) pay, I, credit card, will, by * Answers 3

Lesson 02 I m an only child. * Dialogue A: How many brothers and sisters do you have? B: I m an only child. How about you? A: I have two brothers and one sister. B: Are you the eldest among your siblings? A: No, I m the youngest out of the four. B: Do you live with your parents? A: No, I live away from my parents. B: I guess you miss them a lot. * Expressions - How many brothers and sisters do you have? = Do you have any siblings? = Do you have any brothers and sisters? = How many siblings do you have? Vocabulary & Expressions - I m an only child. = I m the only child in my family. = I have no brothers and sisters. = I have no siblings. among sibling out of away from - I live away from my parents. = I don t live at my parents house. = I don t live with my family. = I live on my own. 4

* Practice A: Do you have any? B: No, I m an child. A: How many and do you have? B: I have two brothers. A: Do you your parents? B: No, I live my parents. * Review I m an only child. A. I have no siblings. B. I m the only child in my family. C. I have only one child. D. I have no brothers and sisters. Are you the youngest your siblings? A. between B. among C. in D. of 1) live, you, with, do, your, parents,? 2) live, from, my, I, away, parents 3) guess, you, miss, lot, I, a, them * Answers 5

Lesson 03 Where do you work? * Dialogue A: Let me ask you a question. What do you do for a living? B: I m a chef. A: That's interesting. How long have you had this job? B: Over 5 years. A: Then, where do you work? B: I work at Lakeview Restaurant. A: Oh, really? I ve been there several times and the food was delicious. B: Thank you. * Expressions - How long have you had this job? = How long have you been working here? = How many years have you been working here? Vocabulary & Expressions Other Expressions: I m currently unemployed. several currently unemployed = I m not working right now. = I have no job at the moment. = I m (in) between jobs. = I don t work now. 6

* Practice A: What do you do? B: I m a nurse. A: How long this job? B: Just over a week. A: Where you? B: I work Plaza Hotel. A: Oh, really? I ve been there times. * Review I m currently unemployed. A. I don t work. B. I have no job. C. I m in between jobs. D. I m taking a break. 1) Q: (work) A: He works at the hospital. 2) Q: (living) A: She s a lawyer. 1) times, there, I, been, several, have 2) ask, me, let, question, you, a * Answers 7

Lesson 04 You can make a chocolate cake, can t you? * Dialogue A: Can you make a banana cake tonight? B: No, I can't. A: Why not? B: I don't have any ingredients for banana cake. A: Then, what do you have? B: There are some chocolates. A: You can make a chocolate cake, can t you? B: Certainly. Give me just one hour. * Expressions <<Tag questions>> Positive sentence + Negative tag Kathy plays the violin, doesn t she? You were late, weren t you? Tom will be here soon, won t he? Negative sentence + Positive tag You didn t lock the door, did you? She doesn t like a cat, does she? Mary shouldn t go there, should she? Vocabulary & Expressions ingredient tag question ** Meaning of yes and no in answer to a negative sentence: ex. You didn t lock the door, did you? Yes. (= Yes, I locked the door.) No. (= No, I didn t lock the door.) 8

* Practice A: you make apple juice right now? B: No,. A: Why? B: I don t have. A: Then, you can make coffee, you? B: Yes,. * Review 1) You re tired,? 2) Susan can speak German,? 3) a lot of people here, aren t there? 4) Tony s on holiday,? 5) going out today, are you? 6) It s a nice day,? 7) Michael runs fast,? 8) You haven t seen Chris today,? 9) a good film, wasn t it? 10) Annie won t be late,? 1) make, pasta, can, you, tonight,? 2) give, minutes, me, just, ten * Answers 9

Lesson 05 Do you like watching movies? * Dialogue A: Do you like watching movies? B: Sure. It s one of my hobbies. A: What kind of movies do you like? B: I like comedies and dramas. A: What's your favorite movie? B: Gone with the wind. A: Oh, it's a famous movie. B: Do you like it too? A: Not really, I don't like it very much. It's so tedious for me. * Expressions Other Expressions: - Do you want to catch a movie? = How about watching a movie? = Do you want to go to the movies? = Do you want to watch a movie? = Why don t we catch a movie? = Let s go watch a movie. = Would you like to go to the movies? Vocabulary & Expressions horror tedious - What s showing today? = What movies are currently playing? = What film is on now? 10

* Practice A: Do you like movies? B: Sure. A: What do you like? B: I like horror movies. A: What s your movie? B: My movie is Star Wars. A: Do you like a classic movie? B: No, I don t. It s boring. * Review A. Then, how about tomorrow? B. No, not tonight. I have work to do. C. Do you want to catch a movie tonight? D. Okay. Then, let s meet in front of Ruke s diner at 6 P.M. I like independent movies. A. What s your least favorite movie? B. Do you like to go to the movies? C. What kind of movies do you like? D. What movie do you dislike the most? 1) don t, very, I, like, horror, much, movies 2) like, you, movies, watching, do,? * Answers 11

Lesson 06 Can I ask you a question? * Dialogue A: Pardon me. Can I ask you a question? B: Certainly. A: Can I park here? B: Yes, this is a free parking lot. A: Thanks. B: You're welcome. * Expressions - Can I ask you a question? = May I ask you a question? = Mind if I ask you a question? = Can I ask you something? Ans. Why not? Sure. Of course. / Certainly. No problem. - Can I park here? = Is it okay to park here? = Could I leave my car here? = Is this a parking lot? = Do you mind if I park here? Vocabulary & Expressions lot leave customer resident employee handicapped Other Expressions: Customer parking only Resident parking only Employee parking only Parking for handicapped only 12

* Practice A: Can I you a? B: Yes, of course. A: Do you if I here? B: Only if you re going to the Supermarket. A: Is it to park here? B: I m afraid this parking is for customers only. * Review Sophie: ( ) me. Can I ( ) you a question? Tom: ( ). A. Excuse, give, Certainly B. Pardon, give, Sure C. Excuse, ask, Of course D. Pardon, ask, Why? Can I park here? A. Is it okay to park here? B. Is this a parking lot? C. Could you leave your car here? D. Do you mind if I park here? 1) is, this, free, lot, a, parking 2) only, for, parking, handicapped 3) parking, resident, only * Answers 13

Lesson 07 How do you like your new job? * Dialogue A: Hi, Tony. How s it going? B: Nothing much. I just got a new job at a hotel. A: Really? How do you like your new job? B: It s really exciting, but I don t like the manager. He grumbles all the time. A: That's too bad. What hotel do you work for? B: Plaza Hotel. A: That's funny. My brother works there, too. B: Oh, that's interesting. What does he do? A: Actually, he's the manager! * Expressions - How do you like your new job? = How are you doing with your new job? = How s your new job? = I haven t seen you for ages. = I haven t seen you for a while. - He grumbles all the time. = He always complains. = He s constantly complaining. = He s always dissatisfied. = He s full of complaints. Vocabulary & Expressions grumble all the time actually constantly dissatisfied 14

* Practice A: Hi, Mary. How s it? B: I a new job. A: How your new job? B: It s really. A: My manager all the time. B: That s. What hotel do you? A: Crown Hotel. * Review ( ) A. I got a new job. B. Hi, Jane. What are you doing these days? C. Really? How do you like your new job? D. I m satisfied with what I m doing. She grumbles all the time. A. She s constantly making problems. B. She always grumbles. C. She s constantly complaining. D. She s always dissatisfied. 1) company, for, you, do, what, work,? 2) there, too, I, actually, work * Answers 15

Lesson 08 What does he look like? * Dialogue A: Can you please help me? I ve lost my child. B: Where did you last see your child? A: He was sitting on a bench a while ago. B: What does he look like? A: He has short brown hair and has freckles. B: Oh, I saw him. He went to the restroom around that corner. A: Really? Thanks a lot. B: No problem. * Expressions - I ve lost my child. = I can t find my child. = My child is missing. = I m looking for my child. - Where did you last see your child? = Where was the last place you ve seen him / her? = Where were you together last? Vocabulary & Expressions - What does he look like? = Can you describe his looks? = Can you tell me what he looks like? = Can you describe him? = Can you tell me the details of him? = Describe him for me, please. freckle describe detail tail 16

* Practice A: Can you help me? I ve my dog. B: What does your dog? A: He a long tail and big ears. A: I can t my cell-phone. B: Where did you see it? A: What your brother? B: tall and handsome. A: Did you see him? B: Yes, he to the post office that corner. * Review lost last describe freckles details 1) Can you tell me the of your cat? 2) My younger sister has. 3) I my car key again! 4) When was the time you saw her? 5) Can you your car? What does he look like? A. He s generous and diligent. B. He wears glasses. C. He likes driving. D. He s an easygoing person. 1) last, you, dog, where, see, your, did,? 2) ago, he, here, standing, while, was, a * Answers 17

Lesson 09 What are you going to do this weekend? * Dialogue A: What are you going to do this weekend? B: I m going to visit my parents. How about you? A: I m going to go to the movies with my friends. B: What movie are you going to watch? A: I haven t decided yet, but I want to see something hilarious. B: I see. Then, have a nice weekend and see you next Monday! A: You, too! * Expressions - What are you going to do this weekend? = Do you have any plans for this weekend? = Did you make any plans for this weekend? = What is your plan for this weekend? = Are you doing anything for this weekend? Vocabulary & Expressions Ans. I don t have any plans. = I m not doing anything this weekend. = I don t have any particular plans. = I have nothing on my calendar. = I have nothing in particular. decide hilarious plan particular - be going to + infinitive verb ex. I m going to go to the library. She s going to take a shower. We re going to go shopping. 18

* Practice A: What are you tonight? B: I don t have any. A: Then, how going to the movies tonight? B: Great! A: What she going to do? B: She visit her parents. A: a nice weekend! B: You,! * Review What are you going to do this weekend? A. I have no plans. B. I play basketball every other weekend. C. I ll call you soon. D. Sorry, I already have an appointment. particular decide plans yet anything 1) We re not doing tonight. 2) Do you have any for this weekend? 3) Julie didn t finish her interview. 4) Did you where to go? 1) movie, to, what, watch, going, you, are,? 2) next, you, see, week,! * Answers 19

Lesson 10 What are you doing now? * Dialogue A: What is Josh doing? B: He s going to bed now. A: He always goes to bed before midnight. B: What are you doing now? A: I m making sandwiches for picnic tomorrow. B: Are you going on a picnic tomorrow? A: Yes, would you like to join us? B: No thanks. I have a date with Susan. * Expressions - Present continuous ex. What are you doing now? Is it raining? Vocabulary & Expressions go on a picnic appointment - Present simple ex. I always go to the bed before midnight. It doesn t rain very much in winter. 20

* Practice A: What are they doing now? B: having lunch. A: What she doing? B: fighting with her mom. A: Are doing your homework? B: No, watching TV. A: he doing something wrong? B: No,. * Review 1) The train is never late. It always (leave) on time. 2) Look at the river! It (flow) very fast today! 3) The water (boil). Can you turn it off? 4) Most people (learn) to swim when they are young. 5) (you / read) the newspaper every day? What are they doing? A. They re going to the beach. B. They re going to have a barbeque party. C. They re going to do their homework. D. They re going to have a coffee break. 1) always, a, wears, he, hat 2) you, listening, the, are, radio, to,? * Answers 21

Lesson 11 What do you want to do today? * Dialogue A: What do you want to do today? B: I want to go hiking. A: What do your children want to do today? B: They want to go swimming. A: What does your husband want to do? B: He wants to buy a new cell phone. A: What does your mother-in-law want to do? B: She wants to go to a museum. * Expressions - to want to / need to / like to + infinitive verb ex. What do you want to do? I want to go hiking. What do you need to do? I need to take a rest. What do you like to do? I like to read. - Vocabulary & Expressions go hiking mother-in-law museum rest decide hope agree plan fail promise refuse expect attempt 22

* Practice A: What do you want to do today? B: I eat something special. A: What do those children need to do? B: They play outside. A: What do they like to eat? B: They eat pizza. * Review 1) Q. What do you to have? A. I want a red car. 2) Q. Where do you need? A. I to go to the drugstore. 3) Q. What do? A. They like to watch a movie. 1) books, Jane, to, likes, read 2) wants, Japanese, Michael, to, learn 3) hospital, to, they, the, to, need, go * Answers 23

Lesson 12 Do you want to go out for dinner? * Dialogue A: Do you want to go out for dinner? B: Today? I'm sorry I can't. A: Why? B: Because I have to work until late tonight. A: I'm sorry to hear that. B: How about tomorrow? A: Sure. Sounds good. * Expressions - How about (going) tomorrow? = What about (going) tomorrow? = Why don t we go tomorrow? = Let s go tomorrow. Other Expressions : What about next week? = How about next week? = How does next week sound? = Is next week good? Vocabulary & Expressions go out until Ans. That s a good idea. = That sounds good. = Sounds good. = That sounds like a good idea. = What a good idea! 24

* Practice A: Do you want to for a nice meal? B: Sounds great! Where to? A: How about out for some hamburgers? B: I d love to, but I can t. A:? B: Because I have a meeting soon. How tomorrow? A: Okay. * Review A. How come? B. I d love to, but I can t. C. Let s go out for lunch. D. Because I have to finish this report by 2 P.M. How about going to the concert? A. What about going to the concert? B. Let s go to the concert. C. Why don t we go to the concert? D. What do you think about going to the concert? 1) study, have, I, late, to, until. 2) afternoon, about, tomorrow, how,? * Answers 25

Lesson 13 When do you expect him back? * Dialogue A: Sales Department, can I help you? B: Yes, can I speak to Mr. Lee, please? A: I m afraid he s not here. B: When do you expect him back? A: He ll be back in 2 hours. B: Then, I ll call back then. A: Okay, but would you mind leaving your name? B: Oh, sure. It s John Smith. A: Thank you, Mr. Smith. * Expressions - Can I speak to Mr. Lee, please? = May I speak to Mr. Lee, please? = I d like to speak to Mr. Lee, please. = Is Mr. Lee there? Vocabulary & Expressions - He s not here. = He s not available at the moment. = He s not in at the moment. = He s out at the moment. department expect available at the moment - When do you expect him back? = When will he be back? = When can I expect to talk to him? = When is he going to return? 26

* Practice A: I to Johnson, please? B: Sorry, he s not in. A: When do you him? B: He ll in one hour. A: you mind your name? B: Oh, it s Kathy Park. A: Thank you, Ms. Park. * Review He s not ( ) at the moment. A. be B. available C. exist D. possible When do you expect him back? A. He should be back in 30 minutes. B. He expects you to call him back. C. He ll call you soon. D. He ll be there shortly. 1) Michael, I, speak, may, please, to,? 2) call, I, hours, back, in, will, two * Answers 27

Lesson 14 I d like to take these books out, please. * Dialogue A: I d like to take these books out, please. B: Sure. Do you have your student ID with you? A: Yes. Here it is. B: Thanks. Here are your books. A: By the way, how long can I borrow them? B: Please return the books in 2 weeks. There s an overdue fine after 2 weeks. A: Oh, I see. Thank you. * Expressions - I d like to take these books out, please. = Can I check these books out? = May I borrow these books? = I d like to check these books out. - Do you have your student ID with you? = I need to see your student ID, please. = Could you show me your student ID? = Your student ID, please. Vocabulary & Expressions check out by the way borrow overdue fine - How long can I borrow them? = How long can I check out these books? = How long can I keep these books? 28

* Practice A: I d like to this book, please. B: Could you me your? A: Do you have your student ID you? B: Here. A: How can I this book? B: Please the book 10 days. A: There s an after 10 days. B: Oh, I see. * Review Do you have your driver s license with you? A. Could you show me your driver s license? B. I need to see your driver s license, please. C. When did you get your driver s license? D. Your driver s license, please. 1) this, how, check, long, out, I, book, can,? 2) it, here, is * Answers 29

Lesson 15 I d like a window seat, please. * Dialogue A: I d like to reserve a round-trip flight from Seoul to Boston. B: When will you be leaving? A: I ll be leaving on September 20th and coming back on October 15th. B: What class would you like? A: I d like an economy class. B: Where would you like to sit? A: I d like a window seat, please. B: Your reservation has been made. Please confirm it three days before your leaving date. A: Thank you. B: You re welcome. * Expressions - When will you be leaving? = When are you planning to leave? = On what date will you be leaving? = When is your leaving date? - I d like an economy class. = Economy class will do for me. = I ll go with economy class. Vocabulary & Expressions reserve round-trip window seat confirm prior to departure - Please confirm it three days before your leaving date. = Please confirm it three days before your traveling date. = Please confirm it three days prior to your departure. 30

* Practice A: I d like to a flight from Seoul to New York. B: When will you? A: What would you like? B: Economy class will me. A: would you like to? B: I d like a, please. A: Please your reservation before your. B: Oh, I see. Thank you. * Review Q: A: I m leaving this Saturday and returning next Wednesday. A. How long are you going to be there? B. What s your schedule like? C. Do you have any plans for summer vacation? D. Did you leave on Saturday? confirm departure reserve sit seat 1) Would you mind if I next to you? 2) I d like to a roundtrip train ticket from Seoul to Busan. 3) When is your date? 4) You need to your reservation number. 1) please, I, like, window, would, a, seat 2) do, economy, will, for, class, me * Answers 31

Lesson 16 What sports do you play? * Dialogue A: What sports do you play? B: I play hockey and baseball. A: Who do you play baseball with? B: I play with some friends from work. We have a team. A: Where do you play? B: We play at Hunter Park. A: How often do you practice? B: We practice once or twice a week. A: When do you practice? B: We practice on Sundays. A: What time do you start practicing? B: We start at ten o'clock in the morning. * Expressions - Making questions: What / Who / Where / How often / When / What time ~? ex. What is your hobby? Who do you like the most? Vocabulary & Expressions Where do you live? on Sundays How often do you study? practice When do you go to school? What time do you get up? 32

* Practice - do you want to be in the future? - do you study English with? - do you go to bed? - do you want to go? - do they exercise? - do you take a shower? * Review who what how often what time 1) do you have lunch? 2) do you want to buy for Jane s birthday present? 3) do you go shopping in a month? 4) do you live with? 1) Q. A. I use the computer for about 5 hours a day. 2) Q. A. I bought this car a year ago. 3) Q. A. My parents live in Seoul. * Answers 33

Lesson 17 Let s have breakfast together on Sunday. * Dialogue A: Let's have breakfast together on Sunday. B: Okay. Come to my house. My family always has a Japanese-style breakfast on Sundays. A: Really? What do you have? B: We usually have fish, rice, and soup. A: Fish for breakfast? That's interesting. B: Sometimes we have a salad, too. And we always drink green tea. A: Well, I never eat fish for breakfast, but I want to try new things. * Expressions - Frequency adverbs - always, usually, sometimes, often, never ex. They are always usually sometimes late often never I always usually sometimes eat breakfast. often never Vocabulary & Expressions try frequency adverb 34

* Practice A: Do you ever have fish for breakfast? B: Yes, I do. I really love fish!!! No, I do. I really hate fish!!! A: What do you have for lunch? B: I have a sandwich and coffee for lunch. But, I bring a hamburger. * Review We always watch a movie together. A. on Saturday B. on Saturdays C. on the Saturday D. on the Saturdays We have rice, salad and green tea. A. What do you buy? B. What do you like to eat? C. What do you eat for breakfast? D. What food do you like the most? 1) six hours, a, usually, I, day, sleep, for 2) never, is, Jane, late, meeting, the, for * Answers 35

Lesson 18 I m not tall enough. * Dialogue A: Are you trying to pick some oranges, Jodie? B: Yes, but I can't reach them, Bob. I'm not tall enough. A: That s okay. Let me get them for you. But, they look too green. B: You're right. They probably aren't ripe enough to eat. A: Why don't we buy some oranges at the market? B: That s a good idea but I don't have enough money. A: I've got 5 dollars. Is that enough? B: That's enough to buy whole bag of oranges. Let's go! * Expressions - adjective enough + noun ex. She s smart enough to go to Harvard. He s rich enough to buy BMW. We don t have enough time to finish this report. You have enough books to read. Vocabulary & Expressions probably ripe Other Expressions : Is it organic? = Were these organically grown? = Are these organic? 36

* Practice A: you to help that man? B: Yes,. I m trying to help. A: They aren t clean to drink. B: Yes, you re right. A: Can you lend me some money? B: I m afraid I can t have. * Review probably ripe reach try too 1) They to be here on time, but they can t because of the traffic jam. 2) Those bananas aren t yet. 3) I still have my old army pictures. 4) We picked all the fruit we could. 5) Amanda is young to get married. 1) warm, swim, is, enough, it, outside, to 2) have, pencils, enough, you, do,? 3) tall, reach, Steve, is, the, enough, to, shelf * Answers 37

Lesson 19 You re working slowly. * Dialogue A: You re working slowly. When can you finish the project? B: When is the due date? A: The deadline is 5 o clock on Friday and we have to meet the deadline. B: Then, I m going as fast as I can. A: Are you sure? B: Yes, it ll be done by Friday morning. A: That sounds great. * Expressions - When can you finish it by? = When can you finalize it? = How soon will it be over? = When will it be done? - I m going as fast as I can. = I ll be done soon. = I ll make short work of it. - Adjectives and Adverbs <<Adjectives>> <<Adverbs>> She s a good typist. She types well. bad badly. slow slowly. quick quickly. careful carefully. Vocabulary & Expressions due date deadline finalize 38

* Practice A: You are a quick player. B: You play. A: I a slow reader. B: I read. A: They bad singers. B: They sing. A: He is a skier. B: He skies. * Review A. Then, I ll finish it tonight. B. When is the due date? C. The deadline is tomorrow morning. When will you be ( )? A. soon B. finalize C. finish D. done 1) driver, you, careful, a, are 2) have, they, fast, run, to * Answers 39

Lesson 20 You re not allowed to park here. * Dialogue A: Excuse me, sir. B: What s the matter? A: You re not allowed to park here. B: Oh, really? A: Yes. There s a sign. B: Hmm. Parking for Handicapped Only. I didn t see it. Thanks for telling me. A: You re welcome. * Expressions - What s the matter? = What s the problem? = What seems to be the problem? = What s going on? - You re not allowed to park here. = You can t park here. = You are not supposed to park here. = It s against the law to park here. Vocabulary & Expressions allowed be supposed to against - You re welcome. = My pleasure. / It's my pleasure. / The pleasure's all mine. No big deal. / It's nothing. / Don't mention it. / Not at all. 40

* Practice A: Hey! You re not to go in there B: Oh, sorry. A: me. B: What s the? A: There s a sign. B: I didn t see it. Thanks for me. A: You re. * Review You re not ( ) to bring ice cream in here. A. followed B. coming C. going D. allowed Thanks for visiting me. A. Me, too. B. It s my pleasure. C. That s okay. D. It s all right. 1) seems, what, problem, be, the, to,? 2) here, can, you, not, park * Answers 41