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2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628

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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

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한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구



중학영어듣기 1학년






합격기원 2012년 12월 정기모의고사 해설.hwp

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Page 2 of 8 Here s how we can change the previous sentence to use honorific speech, to show extra respect to the father. 아버지가어디에계세요? Where s dad? Usin

소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


제 2 장 골프장의 경영

_KF_Bulletin webcopy

6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관







step 1-1



중학영어듣기 2학년

Unit 1 reading.hwp

Unit 2. Spring Is Here Spring Is Here Spring is (here / in). The snow is melting. Spring is here. The (flowers / bees) are blooming. Spring is here. T


4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정


바르게 읽는 성경


Testimonial 처음 있었던 주말의 Business English과정을 듣다.

182 동북아역사논총 42호 금융정책이 조선에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 일제 대외금융 정책의 기본원칙은 각 식민지와 점령지마다 별도의 발권은행을 수립하여 일본 은행권이 아닌 각 지역 통화를 발행케 한 점에 있다. 이들 통화는 일본은행권 과 等 價 로 연


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Output file


Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp DOI: : Researc





다문화 가정의 부모

2번 대화를듣고, 남자의심정으로가장알맞은것을고르시오. W :Hey,Mark.WhatareyoudoingthisSaturdaynight? M :Nothingmuch.I m probablyjustgoingtostayhome. W :Oh,realy? M :Yeah.Ireal

수능 CAT


윤 리 제3교시 2012년 10월 고2 모의 대학수학능력시험 문제지 1 시간: 70분 점수:100점 성명 수험 번호 문제지의 해당란에 성명과 수험 번호를 정확히 쓰시오. 답안지의 해당란에는 수험생이 지켜야 할 일 에 따라 필요한 사항을 모두 기입 (표기)한 후, 답을 정확히 표시하시오. 문항에 따라 배점이 다르니, 각 물음의 끝에 표시된 배점을 참고하시오. 3점 문항에 만 점수가 표시되어 있습니다. 점수 표시가 없는 문항은 모두 2점입니다. 4. 다음을 듣고, 남자가 하는 말의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 1 천연 성분의 진통제를 광고하려고 2 신약 개발의 어려움을 호소하려고 3 자연 치유 요법의 장점을 소개하려고 4 통증 완화를 위한 식이요법을 권장하려고 5 유기농 식품의 건강 증진 효과를 설명하려고 1번부터 22번까지는 듣고 답하는 문제입니다. 1번부터 20번까지 는 한 번만 들려주고, 21번부터 22번까지는 두 번 들려줍니다. 방 송을 잘 듣고 답을 하기 바랍니다. 1. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 1 I think he s in a traffic jam. 2 I m very sorry to keep her waiting. 3 He has a lot of free time these days. 4 I have a different opinion about him. 5 Some friends will show up tomorrow. 5. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 제안으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 1 연설이 끝난 후 관객의 반응을 확인하라. 2 청중의 반응에 따라 연설 내용을 수정하라. 3 연설문 작성 전에 청중의 성향을 파악하라. 4 연설을 시작할 때 청중의 호기심을 자극하라. 5 연설을 시작하기 전에 객석의 청중과 대화하라. 2. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 1 I ll bring them this food right now. 2 Let us know where you re moving. 3 I feel the same way. Let me arrange it. 4 Thanks for dinner. I ll treat you next time. 5 I don t want to know when they ll come here. 6. 다음을 듣고, 여자가 하는 말의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 1 음악 애호가들의 최근 동향 2 음악의 다양성을 받아들이는 자세 3 음악을 통해 세대차를 줄이는 방법 4 각 사회의 문화를 반영하는 음악의 속성 5 음악이 인간 사회에 미치는 부정적인 영향 3. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 1 I d like to pick up some local dishes. 2 Some non-smoking tables are available. 3 I m not quite familiar with the food here. 4 Don t cut in. Please go back to your place. 5 I ll let the kitchen know that you re in a hurry. 7. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 하는 말의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 1 온라인 쇼핑몰이 증가하는 이유 2 가격 할인이 판매자에게 미치는 영향 3 전시 상품을 돋보이게 하는 사진 기술 4 온라인 판매자가 고객의 신뢰를 얻는 비결 5 온라인 쇼핑 시 상품의 품질을 확인하는 방법 2012년 10월 고2 1

2 윤 리. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람의 관계를 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 고르시오. 12. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 잠을 자지 못한 이유를 고르시오. 1 의사 간호사 3 학부모 담임교사 5 학교장 수학 담당 교사 2 보건교사 학생 4 간호사 환자 보호자 1 보고서 작성 때문에 2 어머니 간호 때문에 3 기말고사 준비 때문에 4 몸이 너무 아팠기 때문에 5 아버지를 기다려야 했기 때문에 9. 대화를 듣고, 그림에서 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오. 1 2 3 4 13. 대화를 듣고, 오디션에 관해 두 사람이 언급하지 않은 것을 고르시오. 1 심사 위원 2 지역 오디션 장소 3 주최 방송국 4 대회 상금 5 결선 날짜 5 10. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 할 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 1 세탁물 찾아오기 2 토마토소스 사오기 3 파스타 요리법 검색하기 4 회의 자료 작성 도와주기 5 세탁한 옷을 옷장에 정리하기 14. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 지불할 금액을 고르시오. 1 $150 2 $160 3 $170 4 $200 5 $300 11. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 남자에게 부탁한 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 1 포스터 그리기 2 회의 시간 정하기 3 세미나실 청소하기 4 회의 장소 알아보기 5 회원들에게 전화하기 15. Montreal Jazz Festival에 관한 다음 내용을 듣고, 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오. [3점] 1 여름에 열리는 행사이다. 2 1년에 한 번씩 개최된다. 3 세계에서 규모가 가장 큰 재즈 축제이다. 4 약 2천 명의 세계적인 음악가들이 모인다. 5 야외 공연보다 실내 공연이 더 많다. 2012년 10월 고2 2

윤 리 3 16. Drill에 관한 다음 내용을 듣고, 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오. 1 아프리카의 숲에 서식한다. 2 보통 이삼십 마리가 무리를 지어 서식한다. 3 수컷이 암컷보다 땅에 더 오래 머문다. 4 과일은 먹지만 나뭇잎은 먹지 않는다. 5 지난 30년 동안 개체수가 절반 미만으로 줄었다. 20. 다음 상황 설명을 듣고, James가 Michael에게 할 말로 가장 적절 한 것을 고르시오. James: 1 I want to extend my contract with the Stars. 2 It s true that I m going to join the Stars tomorrow. 3 Well, you should know verbal contracts are not valid. 4 That s not acceptable. I d rather retire than play football. 5 I ve promised I would sign a contract with the Dolphins. 17. 다음 표를 보면서 대화를 듣고, 여자가 구입할 체중계를 고르시오. [3점] Model Body Fat Measure Capacity The Number Function of Batteries 1 WM-201 200kg 4 2 WM-202 200kg 2 3 WM-203 150kg 2 4 WM-204 200kg 2 5 WM-205 150kg 4 [21~22] 다음을 듣고, 물음에 답하시오. 21. 남자가 하는 말의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? 1 위대한 과학자들의 학교생활 2 창의력이 뛰어난 학생들의 특징 3 영재 학생에게 적합한 과학 수업 4 과학자에 대한 처우 개선의 필요성 5 과학 수업 시간을 늘려야 하는 이유 1. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. Woman: 1 This stone is too heavy to lift alone. 2 You re welcome anytime. Come talk to me. 3 I feel fresh when I visit a big public garden. 4 My mom gave me the duty of watering garden. 5 You re tired of watering, but plants need water. 22. 남자가 한 말의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 1 Darwin은 창의적인 학생이었다. 2 Darwin은 자연사에 관심이 많았다. 3 Darwin은 학교에서 요구하는 것에 흥미가 있었다. 4 Curie의 학교는 매우 엄격했다. 5 Curie는 모든 과목에서 뛰어난 학생이었다. 19. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [3점] Man: 1 No. Mexican food is too spicy and salty for me. 2 I m sorry, but you should have had a light meal. 3 I can t visit the restaurant your friend recommended. 4 Okay, then we d better hurry because I have no time. 5 That s why the place becomes packed during lunch time. 이제 듣기 말하기 문제가 끝났습니다. 23번부터는 문제지의 지 시에 따라 답을 하기 바랍니다. 2012년 10월 고2 3

4 윤 리 23. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? Let s not reinvent the wheel. As you know, it means we don t need to spend our time creating something that already exists. However, there is a point that we should not misunderstand: We need to know about the wheel. Most of what we do in our lives has been done before by somebody else. When we overlook what they have already achieved, we are forced to repeat it, which leads to wasting our energy. So if you want to improve yourself, don t hesitate to learn from the past. It will save you a lot of effort and energy. 1 항상 새로운 것을 추구하라. 2 과거의 성공에 안주하지 마라. 3 창의력 개발에 시간을 투자하라. 4 다른 사람의 조언에 의존하지 마라. 5 발전하려면 과거의 것을 먼저 배우라. 24. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? To test whether hot streaks in sports actually exist, two scholars examined the statistics for a number of teams from 190 to 192. When they analyzed the Boston Celtics free-throw ratio, they discovered that if a player made his first shot, he made the second shot 75 percent of the time. But when the player missed the first shot, the likelihood of making the second shot remained exactly the same. And when they researched the individual players scoring streaks in free-throw records at home games, the two scholars concluded that none of the players were statistically more likely to make a second shot when it followed a first good shot. 26. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? Information technology is growing and changing rapidly. If someone were to attempt to own the latest versions of every high-tech innovation that came along, no time would be left for work or play. He would spend all day downloading software and upgrading systems. He would never actually use any of the new stuff he found so necessary to buy in the first place. Too many people believe that the best strategy is to own the latest and greatest technological breakthroughs regardless of cost or benefit. A neighbor may purchase a new piece of technology, and they want to follow him or her immediately. Even though they have no idea how to use it, they are about to spend a fortune purchasing it. [3점] *breakthrough: (과학 기술 등의) 획기적인 발견(물) 1 Successful Life of Early Adopters 2 High Technology of Creating Profit 3 Pros and Cons of High-Tech Innovation 4 Great Contributions of Technology to Humans 5 The Trap of Keeping Up with High Technology 27. 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? *hot streak: 연속적인 호조 1 첫 번째와 두 번째 자유투 성공률은 상관관계가 없다. 2 연습이 경기 능력을 향상시키는 유일한 요소는 아니다. 3 자유투 성공률이 높은 팀이 경기에서 이길 확률도 높다. 4 경기에서 연속해서 이기려면 실력과 운이 동시에 필요하다. 5 선수들은 홈경기에서 실력을 더 많이 발휘하는 경향이 있다. 25. 밑줄 친 her[her]가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? I once watched my aunt warn 1her six-year-old daughter about unsuitable behavior. The little girl was jumping on the bed. The aunt said in a calm voice, Tania, please stop jumping on the bed. But Tania continued jumping, ignoring the request. A moment later, the aunt repeated 2her request, this time with a little more emphasis, very deliberately and calmly: Tania, I am asking you to please stop jumping on the bed. When the little girl still continued, the aunt gently took hold of her arm in order to get 3her attention. Tania got the message and stopped immediately. The aunt accomplished all this without shouting or even raising 4her voice. 5 Her manner was patient, firm, respectful, and effective. *deliberately: 신중하게 The graph above shows the trend in visitors to three social networks in Japan Mixi, Twitter, and Facebook from December 2009 to December 2010. 1Mixi was at the top spot in the first month in the graph, but finished second in December 2010. 2 Although the number of total unique Mixi visitors stayed between 12 and 16 million, Mixi didn t grow much through the period compared to Twitter. 3 Of the three social networks, Twitter showed the biggest change in the number of total unique visitors starting from about 5 million users in December 2009 to over 14 million users in December 2010. 4 It was sometime in August 2010 that Twitter began to have more total unique visitors than Mixi. 5Facebook started with less than 4 million total unique visitors in December 2009, reaching about 6 million in December 2010. *unique visitor: 순 방문자 2012년 10월 고2 4

윤 리 5 2. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] When the European explorers arrived in the Pacific in the 1700s, they 1marveled at the accuracy of native Polynesian navigators. Despite the lack of any instruments, charts, or knowledge of mathematics, native navigators were so competent that the Europeans took them aboard their own ships. The Europeans discovered 2that the natives navigated mainly by memory. Polynesian navigators, by rote memorization, 3knowing when and where certain stars would come up and when and where they would go down. A sailor would remember a trip from one island to 4another through this method. Natives also knew that certain fish stayed nearer to islands than others, as 5did certain birds, flying insects, and types of seaweed. It made them keep on course. *rote: 기계적인 29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것 은? [3점] We often tend to think of certain things as unlucky. Actually, such tendency is not 1limited to American culture. Take the fear of the number thirteen, for example. In early 2007, in response to countless customer complaints, Brussels Airlines of Belgium 2altered the thirteen dots in their airline logo to fourteen. If you want to sit in the thirteenth row on your Air France flight, you won t 3succeed, as there isn t one. Last year, on one Friday the thirteenth, the number of car accidents shot up by 51 percent in London and 32 percent in Germany most likely due to drivers 4lowered anxiety about the date. Other numbers, too, have been associated with bad luck. After two Flight 191s crashed, Delta and American each permanently 5retired the flight number. 1 Washington Irving이 쓴 소설의 등장인물이다. 2 아버지로부터 농장을 물려받았다. 3 아내로부터 항상 불평하는 소리를 들었다. 4 일주일에 이틀 넘게 일을 하지 않았다. 5 낚시나 사냥을 하는 것에는 관심이 없었다. [31~36] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 31. Robert Allen, the former chairman of Delta Airlines, first introduced me to the term: unrecoverable asset, when he used it to describe an empty airline seat. No matter what price we are charging for a seat on a flight, Allen said, If the plane takes off and the seat is empty, the value of that seat drops to zero and it becomes an unrecoverable asset. Once that aircraft leaves the gate, the empty seat is gone forever and we have no chance of getting a penny for it. I have never forgotten this point. Allen recognized the obvious and summed it up in terms everyone could understand. The value of an airline seat is directly related to the likelihood of having someone sit in it. Whether the price is $1,000 or $1, the seat has value only if it is. 1 changed 3 vanished 5 compared 2 expected 4 occupied 30. Rip van Winkle에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? Rip van Winkle is a character in an American story written by Washington Irving which has almost become a legend. He lived in a village by the Hudson River and owned a farm passed down to him by his father. Rip van Winkle was miserable because his wife always complained to him. She had a good reason for her constant complaints. Her husband could never work more than two days a week, and let his farm get into a bad condition. He was always ready to do odd jobs to help a neighbor, to make kites, or tell stories to children. If he wasn t doing such things, he would be out patiently fishing or walking with his dog looking for game to shoot. While everyone liked him, his children went ragged, and his wife grew more critical each day. 32. I once saw a TV news feature story about two professional golfers. They were the same age, had gone to PGA school together, and were nearly equal in their skills. Two people could not be more alike unless they were twins. One of them had won several major tournaments that year and earned huge sums of money. The other was working as a golf instructor at a country club and had never won anything. When they were interviewed, it became evident that there was one big difference between the two golfers. The winning golfer, when asked about his future goals, said his goal was to be the best golfer in the world. The other fellow said his goal was to keep making a living playing golf. That is, one had, but the other did not. 1 bigger goals 3 more money 5 steady energe 2 natural gifts 4 enough support 2012년 10월 고2 5

6 윤 리 33. After the terrorist attacks in the early 2000s, one simple-minded view of government, that taxpayers know better what to do with their money than the government does, was proven to be untrue. Individual taxpayers cannot track down a terrorist, do research on bioterrorism, or protect planes. The government takes money out of my paycheck, and it does what I can t do for myself using the money. It is also true that there are things that would make me better off that I cannot buy for myself. I cannot build a missile defense system, or install traffic lights, or solve trade problems with China. Government can do what. 1 it needs to do to lower taxes 2 the law allows it to carry out 3 companies are unwilling to do 4 each individual can t deal with 5 the minority of taxpayers agree on 35. I teach a course on assertive behavior. At the conclusion of one session, I was heartened to hear that many of the men said they d found the courage to ask someone for a date. But my satisfaction was undermined when five men told me privately that they should not have wasted their time in my workshop. I was puzzled until I ran into a female class member later that day. Thank you for teaching such a worthwhile course, she told me, Five men have asked me out recently, and thanks to your advice, I had the courage to say no! At the very moment, it occurred to me. 1 A good beginning is half done 2 Make hay while the sun shines 3 A friend in need is a friend indeed 4 Empty vessels make the most sound 5 One man s meat is another man s poison *assertive: 단정적인 [3점] 34. In 1995 Alan Newman founded the Magic Hat Brewery, in Burlington, Vt. Since then he has grown it into a multimilliondollar operation that sells more than 15,000 barrels of wine a year. He does it by staying close to home despite his long-term goal to sell nationally. Marketing, selling, and actually shipping goods in hundreds of different directions can easily be a big burden for a new company, Newman explains. It s less fascinating but more realistic to. Newman chooses a state or metropolitan area, waits for sales to reach a saturation point, and then moves into a neighboring territory. He also keeps prices steady. Magic Hat wine is delivered, sold, and consumed in four states. *saturation: 포화 [3점] 1 show all sales products at once 2 focus on one item in the beginning 3 take on one small territory at a time 4 hire someone rather than do on your own 5 use national network to advertise products 36. While gender and education have an effect on the spread of health behaviors, the type of relationship also matters a great deal. Not all social ties are equal. For example, we find that friends affect each other more than spouses do in the spread of obesity. When a team of researchers first noted this, they were confused because spouses often eat together, exercise together, and spend more time with each other than friends do. However, when the researchers looked more deeply, they found that friends and siblings are affected much more easily by peers of the same sex than by peers of the opposite sex. Thus, although spouses are typically friends, they are also of the opposite sex, and the former factor can. [3점] 1 bring disharmony to the relationship 2 have its effect weakened by the latter 3 help spouses realize their partner s supports 4 lead spouses to get exercise together regularly 5 have less impact on losing weight than the latter can 2012년 10월 고2 6

윤 리 7 37. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? There are some very common problems made by Internet cafe owners which may bring down their own business. First of all, the number of computers has a major impact on your businesses performance. Imagine that your Internet cafe is always 100% full. Customers have to wait for their turn. (A), you will think this is a good sign for your business. But unfortunately, this sign will only bring your business down. In the future, people will always think your Internet cafe is full, so they will avoid your Internet cafe and go to your competitors Internet cafes. (B), to solve this problem, you must make sure your Internet cafe is always ready for more customers. Your customers will be very happy if there are always computers available for them when they come. (A) (B) 1 Of course Similarly 2 Of course Therefore 3 Instead Similarly 4 For example However 5 For example Therefore 39. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? To do this, they needed lots of water, so they built canals to divert two rivers that had previously flowed into the Aral Sea. Here s a story that demonstrates how careful governments must be with water shortage. The Aral Sea, in Kazakhstan, Central Asia, was once the fourth largest lake in the world. ( 1 ) However, in the 1960s the local government decided it would be a great idea to change local prairie land into cotton fields. ( 2 ) The lake s water began to dry up and become very salty. ( 3 ) The fish in it died, so the local fishermen could no longer earn a living. ( 4 ) The wind blew the salt onto the land, so crops could not grow. ( 5 ) Although the government had tried to make things better, their actions made the situation very much worse. *prairie: 초원 40. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 3. 주어진 문장에 이어질 다음 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점] Unable to be satisfied with waiting for customers in the booth at his first major computer-industry show, Kenny Nolan, CEO of Power Batteries, decided to target taxi customers. (A) Nolan says the unconventional marketing of using the prize money generated 275 orders worth $14,794 in sales. We spent $400 and got some great exposure that we couldn t get any other way, he also says. (B) To obtain the taxi drivers cooperation, some of the company s employees acted as if they were real taxi customers, and awarded a $100 bill to every driver who gave them a Power Batteries catalog. (C) In the meantime, four drivers received $100 each, and the word got around. Nolan promoted his business by leading local taxi drivers to hand out catalogs to any passengers who were going to or coming from the show. 1 (A)-(B)-(C) 2 (B)-(A)-(C) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) 5 (C)-(B)-(A) What s bothering you? Do you have many what if thoughts? Sometimes your mind is obsessed with an imaginary situation to come after the present, which often creates fear and concern. There is no way that you can cope with such a situation because it doesn t exist. However, you can stop such thoughts, simply by acknowledging this moment. Become aware of your breathing and feel the air flowing in and out of your body. All that you ever have to deal with in real life is this moment. Ask yourself what problem you have right now, not next year, tomorrow, or five minutes from now. You can always cope with the now, but you can never cope with the future. The answer will be there when you need it. You should concentrate on the (A), realizing that caring about the future too much will only bring (B). (A) (B) 1 past loss of confidence 2 past unreliable answers 3 present loss of confidence 4 present unnecessary worries 5 impossible unnecessary worries 2012년 10월 고2 7

윤 리 [41~43] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. (A) My first job after high school was selling vacation packages via telephone. One day, I was connected to a man whose name was Frank. When he answered the phone, he sounded a bit out of breath. I started with my normal pitch, expecting to hear the normal I don t want any and be hung up on. (B) At this point, I was in tears, and couldn t control myself. We ended the call. After a few moments, I decided to write down his address, and just send (a) him a card telling him that I appreciated his advice and that I would pray for him and his family. Shortly after, I received a nice letter back from Frank, along with a picture of his family. We continued to write back and forth, and became very fond of each other. (C) Instead, he spoke in a weak voice and began to tell me how (b) he wished he could take a vacation like the one I was offering, but couldn t because he was dying of lung disease. He explained how he was on oxygen in the hospital, and it took almost all his energy just to get to the phone to answer the call. He asked me if I smoked, which I did, and then begged me to stop. (c) He told me smoking is what was killing him. He told me to spend every day with my loved ones, and tell them all the time how much I love them. (D) It was about a year later that I received a letter from his son, and when I started to read it, my eyes were filled with tears. He told me how Frank s battle with the disease had finally come to an end, and he passed away shortly before Christmas. (d) He wanted to thank me for the letters I had written to Frank. I attended Frank s funeral. To my surprise, they read the first letter I had written to Frank to show how (e) he affected a 19 year old he had never even met. 41. 주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적 절한 것은? 43. 위 글의 I 에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 1 고등학교를 졸업하고 전화 통신 판매원으로 일했다. 2 Frank와 편지로 연락을 주고받았다. 3 Frank로부터 담배를 끊으라는 조언을 들었다. 4 Frank의 아들로부터 편지 한 통을 받았다. 5 Frank의 장례식에 참석하지 못했다. [44~45] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. Some years ago, I decided to throw a surprise party for my best friend Stella, because she had just landed her dream job. She had been my buddy since elementary school, and I felt as pleased as anything. I had heard one of the best French restaurants in town had attractive party rooms. One afternoon, I happily went to the restaurant and found the seated restaurant manager wearily looking over his reservation book. I began excitedly talking about Stella and asked to see the party room. Without a smile, he said, Zee room ees een zee back. You can go zee eet eef you like. (The room is in the back. You can go see it if you like.) CRASH. What a party pooper! His sullen mood kicked all the party spirit out of me, and I no longer wanted to rent his stupid space. I left his restaurant vowing to find a place where the management would at least appear to share the joy of the happy occasion. Realizing that your feelings are shared by some others can make you feel happy and secure. Every mother knows this instinctively. To quiet a crying infant, Mama doesn t just shake her finger and shout, Quiet down. No, Mama picks her baby up. Mama cries, Ooh, ooh, oh, trying to understand baby s misery for a few moments. Mama then gradually shifts the sounds into hush-hush happy sounds. Your customers are all big babies! if you want them to start buying. *sullen: 시무룩한 44. 위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 1 Importance of Constant Staff Training 2 A Party That Taught Me of Friendship 3 Sharing Others Feeling Can Affect Them 4 What Is the Best Way to Soothe Your Babies? 5 Taste of Food: The Key to Your Restaurant Success 1 (B)-(D)-(C) 3 (C)-(D)-(B) 5 (D)-(C)-(B) 2 (C)-(B)-(D) 4 (D)-(B)-(C) 45. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 1 Match their mood 2 Create a new trend 3 Prepare for new products 4 Share your management policy 5 Analyze their spending patterns 42. 밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 확인 사항 답안지의 해당란에 필요한 내용을 정확히 기입(표기)했는지 확인하시오. 2012년 10월 고2