Our work starts as soon you lodge your Development Approval... Based on our marketing experiences, we will prepare a SWOT Analysis for your project an

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PowerChute Personal Edition v3.1.0 에이전트 사용 설명서


A full service creative marketing agency for your property developments

Our work starts as soon you lodge your Development Approval... Based on our marketing experiences, we will prepare a SWOT Analysis for your project and tailor make a campaign that successfully launches your project. Whether your development is for owner occupiers or investors or you might appoint real estate agents or sell it in-house, we have solutions for you. Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Marketing plan, branding strategies, budget forecasts and more... Desketing s specialist team will prepare a pre-sale campaign with you. We understand the property market and have access to all advertising channels. We keep media performance records for the last 6 month. During the first stage of the campaign, we will have a complete branding strategy, marketing plan and budget forecast. On-line media Signage Social media Press advert SMS marketing PR

Project name: Penarth Residences Colour PMS BLACK PMS cool gray 8 Typography Heading Century Gothic Bold a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Typography Paragraph Century Gothic Regular a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Brochures It s the outline of the campaign and a great presentation tool The project usually kicks off with a brochure, it is a perfect theme guide to the entire campaign. The brochure format can either be digital or print. Once it s sign off, we will extend it to other media. Eg. web design, press advert, signage. A brochure is an introduction to the project, not so much a selling tool. Other marketing methods such as call for action, fear of loss etc are supported by other promotion materials such as flyers and letterbox drops.

Press &print media Desketing is the major booking agency for local newspapers and property magazines. We design and deliver the campaign to your potential buyers...

Effective online presentation on mobile, laptop and tablets Website for property developments today is not so much about designing a presentable website to introduce the project. It is to generate leads, with a strong call to action to produce leads for sales-force. With multiple platforms, an effective website will need to be well presented on all devices, including mobiles, laptops and tablets. We can also set up a CRM system to make sure your successful leads are followed up and produce reports for your sales meetings.

Social Media Channels, we have got it covered Wish to r out to broader audiences with different media sources? Picking the right social media platform is more important than you think... Did you know an average Australian spends more than 21mins on Facebook? That s more than they read newspapers and watching TV adverts. Twitter on the other hand, with its follow function, is a more powerful tool for branding. Instagram is a much more powerful platform for the age group between 15-21 years. Defining your target audience can really make a big saving on your marketing budget...

ascent street 80 8.1 79 3.1 78 23.6 3 2 29.6 1(D) 600m2 6.0 11.1 19.0 47 12.9 523m2 527m2 527m2 4 75 76 74 17.5 421m2 4.9 20.2 461m2 71 17.5 421m2 72 390m2 85 6 43 15.7 474m2 49 15.7 83 7 42 50 15.3 15.3 467m2 70 41 9 497m2 52 40 558m2 558m2 8 51 491m2 7.8 4.9 10 39 3.1 11 477m2 54 38 68 (Q) 28.1 53 7.0 82(T) 929m2 14.3 1319m2 21. 4 55 14.7 17.7 309m2 10.6 18.5 Future ARISE Sales Centre 17.5 59 600m2 609m2 60 31 58 533m2 18 17.5 32 17 586m2 33 17.5 16 586m2 525m2 57 skyview avenue 34 36 15 phoenix street 419m2 56 518m2 35 419m2 7.5 aspire street 16.5 509m2 61 16.5 30 19 FUTURE RESIDENTIAL arise Boulevard 37 14 67(Q) 1347m2 25.0 (40.7) 13 3.4 10.5 900m2 81(T) 3.1 496m2 7.6 3.4 534m2 108 109 461m2 7.0 84 462m2 69 10. 4 384m2 308m2 308m2 384m2 86 skyview avenue 5 388m2 388m2 388m2 388m2 44 48 475m2 87 arise Boulevard 73 20.2 390m2 45 88 90 Hillcrest street 384m2 308m2 89 21 20 29 62 16.5 505m2 63 557m2 28 17.4 574m2 11.1 6.5 16.5 515m2 22 16.7 16 0 479m2 27 16 1 497m2 32.3 23 26 16.6 468m2 16.5 457m2 65 484m2 64 29.7 479m2 26.9 24 18.8 25 18.1 459m2 455m2 66 489m2 RELEASE 1A CENTRAL PARK Freehold titles Disabled W/C Kitchenette Sales Office Open Hour Monday - Friday 10-4pm Saturday - Sunday 9-4pm PH: 07 3711 7722 Web: www.ariseatrochdale.com.au Licence No: 12345678 AT R O C H E D A L E Gardner road Preserved Parklands Protected Habitats THE NEW GENERATION, INTEGRATED MASTER PLANNED COMMUNITY www.ariseatrochedale.com.au All information is indicative only and subject to change. No responsibility is accepted for the information. This document does not form part of any contract and does not constitute a representation. We recommend seeking independent advice. 12.3 11.3 25m2 544m2 2 544m2 46 25.0 616m2 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 91 11.1 98 341m2 384m2 92 77 24.0 4.9 30.0 24.0 Your Future 30.0 97 96(D) 617m2 94 () 600m2 93 13.7 59.4 3.1 14.8 95 3000m2 34.1 46.1 20.8 5 20.5 40.0 59.4 FUTURE RESIDENTIAL GATEWAY PARK 31.7 17.9 21.2 7.8 7.8 10.7 () 12.8 18.5 13.1 (20.2) 24.9 23.5 29 4 29.4 21.1 () 5.5 30.5 31.2 29.8 31.6 30.8 30.1 31.9 3.2 28.9 24.0 28.8 4.9 26.5 29.3 3.1 3.6 29.7 4.9 30.2 5.5 3 6.4 30.6 3.1 31.7 Master Plan 32.0 Aircondition Connectivity Through Neighbourhoods Walking & Cycle Trails We are the booking agency to major billboard companies which means we get a better offer and an advantage to pick the locations for our customers. 6.6 32.4 Signage is great to continue building your branding and present it in front of your target audience. 28.5 Getting an on-site sales office? Or creating foot traffic to your project? We have a team that specialises in this area. Our Vision Signage, Billboard & Outstanding Sales Office The Residential Standard of Excellence... Exceeded We ll Grow With You

Construction presentation and site maintain We recommend whipper snipping manicuring be done to bring the presentation in line with the prestige nature of the estate. We have a specialist team and contracted slashers/ landscapers to look after your estate and make sure it s always presented at its peak.

We understand and we care, that s why we host weekly meetings for status updates From the start of the campaign, we understand communication is one of the key elements to success. We will host weekly meetings with you and your sales force. In the weekly meetings, we will provide the status update and leads report, discuss upcoming advertising media and some key facts to prompt your sales team. We are not a real estate agency. Desketing will act as your internal marketing force to support and guide your sales team.

*Conditions apply *Artist Impression *Conditions apply 概 念 圖 謹 供 參 考 *Conditions apply *Artist Impression The ability to enter multicultural markets Our team at Desketing is able to service different markets in order to maximise sale potential. We understand the needs of different cultures can be very different to the Australian market. With the current low interest rates and weak Australian dollar, property developments in Australia will attract a lot international buyers. It is important to have campaigns tailored to these different markets. PAVING THE WAY FOR FUTURE URBAN LIVING OPeN for INsPectION Sat 11am - 1pm 豪 華 時 尚 新 市 鎮 南 區 商 圈 生 活 機 能, 大 眾 運 輸 交 通 方 便, 通 風 採 光 即 佳, 超 優 質 社 區 綠 地 環 繞 開 放 參 觀 週 六 11am-1pm PAVING THE WAY FOR FUTURE URBAN LIVING OFF THE PLAN 분양중 3 Bedroom Home from $ 518K 4 Bedroom+Study $ 593K from $15K eligible* Stay one step ahead of the rest by securing a luxuriously You ll be impressed by the high standards: finished and spaciously designed freehold home in this Open-plan living & dining areas with 600x600 floor tiles. intelligently planned estate. Superb 2.7m high ceiling on both levels. Sleek kitchens with ample storage & bench space. Limited to 32, of these generously sized two-storey Heavenly alfresco decks and lush landscaping. homes are on large blocks, some with elevated aspects Beautiful downstairs powder room & laundry. and are available for off-the-plan purchase. Spacious rumpus retreat & sizeable bedrooms upstairs. Masters with stunning ensuite, balcony and large robes. The semi-detached design gives you the freedom to own both house & land with no body corporate to worry So whether you re downsizing, upgrading, first time buying, about, ever! investing or growing as a family there s something that suits what you need now, and into the future. Choose from a selection of intuitive 3 or 4 bedroom floor plans, some with additional study / media room and all LImIted OPPORtUNIty, Act NOW! with upstairs living area. Alex stevenson 0421 638 618 or e-mail Upmarket and exquisitely finished, with Miele appliances, astevenson.sunnybankhills@ljh.com.au quality Laminex cabinetry with Caesar stone benches to kitchen and bathrooms, these first-class homes will capture the attention of all generations with their flexible layout and superior features ticking off the essentials on your checklist. LOcAtION standouts: Walk to Runcorn train station Walk to local playing fields Walk to Runcorn Tavern 3 minutes to Pinelands Plaza 3 minutes to Runcorn Primary 5 minutes to Market Square 5 minutes to Warrigal Square 7 minutes to University Quick access to M2 & M3 Register your interest NOW! Penarth.com.au 豪 華 3 房 + 雙 廳 $ 518K 起 Penarth Residences 是 由 Diligent Development 全 新 開 發 的 豪 華 住 宅 區, 有 著 奢 華 的 裝 潢 和 寬 敞 設 計 是 不 容 買 家 錯 過 的 好 地 方 僅 有 32 套, 每 套 均 為 2 層 家 居, 搭 配 一 流 的 建 材 和 精 美 的 配 備 買 方 將 持 有 土 地 所 有 權, 且 永 遠 無 需 擔 心 管 理 費 及 物 業 費! 多 方 位 的 平 面 設 計, 買 方 可 選 擇 3 房 或 4 房 以 及 各 種 額 外 的 搭 配 如 書 房 或 多 媒 體 室, 加 上 二 樓 的 起 居 廳 Penarth Residences 絕 對 能 提 供 給 您 不 同 的 生 活 需 求 這 些 一 流 家 居 均 採 用 高 檔 和 精 美 裝 飾, 廚 房 搭 配 奢 華 的 廚 具, 優 質 的 櫥 櫃, 與 合 成 石 質 檯 面 4 房 雙 廳 + 書 房 $ 593K 起 $15K 政 府 補 助 * 您 一 定 會 對 其 高 標 準 印 象 深 刻 : 開 放 式 客 廳 和 餐 廳, 鋪 設 有 600X600 地 面 瓷 磚 兩 層 樓 均 有 2.7 公 尺 優 質 天 花 板 時 尚 廚 房 配 有 充 足 儲 物 區 及 檯 面 空 間 優 質 戶 外 露 台 額 外 的 化 妝 間 和 洗 衣 房 寬 敞 的 起 居 聽 和 臥 室 主 臥 配 有 靚 麗 衛 浴 套 房, 陽 台 和 超 大 衣 櫃 無 論 您 是 換 小 屋 者, 翻 新 者, 首 置 者, 投 資 者 或 是 成 長 型 大 家 庭, 這 有 您 現 在 和 未 來 需 要 的 配 備 機 會 有 限, 欲 購 從 速! Becky Zhang 張 小 姐 0499 430 491( 中 文 ) bzhang.sunnybankhills@ljh.com.au Alex Stevenson 0421 638 618(Eng) astevenson.sunnybankhills@ljh.com.au 地 理 位 置 優 越 : 步 行 即 至 Runcorn 火 車 站 步 行 即 至 當 地 運 動 場 步 行 即 至 Runcorn Tavern 3 分 鐘 即 至 Pinelands Plaza 3 分 鐘 即 至 Runcorn 小 學 5 分 鐘 即 至 Market Square 5 分 鐘 即 至 Warrigal Square 7 分 鐘 即 至 大 學 便 捷 至 M2&M3 Visit our pop-up store at Sunnybank Plaza 17th - 30th November Register your interest NOW! Penarth.com.au 3 Bedroom Home from $ 518K 4 Bedroom+Study $ 593K from 럭셔리한 시공과 넓은 공간을 극대화한 디자인, 종합적 분석에 의한 투자 가치 최적 지역에 지어지는 도심 생활권의 유럽풍 주택으로 여러분을 초대 합니다. 여유 있는 공간, 고급 자제 와 고급 내장제를 사용하여 건설되는 디럭스한 2층 개인 주택 32 세대를 OFF THE PLAN 으로 구매 할수있습니다. 유니크한 복합 디자인은 편리함과 안락함을 모두 염두한 배려를 만족 시킵니다. 관리비 (BODY CORPORATE) 가 없고 최소의 관리만으로 편리하게 생활할 수 있습니다. 3 또는 4 베드룸 중 선택 가능하며, 별도의 스터디 또는 미디어룸을 선택 할 수 있습니다. 세심하게 디자인 된 플로어 플랜은 실용성이 극대화 되었습니다. 유럽풍의 부엌과 완벽한 마감으로 수준 높은 있는 만족감을 제공합니다. $15K eligible* Stone 벤치등을 사용하여 부엌과 화장실의 퀄리티를 더욱 높였습니다. 고객이 원하는 모든 체크리스트를 만족 시킬수 있는 최고급의 개인 주택을 권해 드립니다. 아래와 같은 높은 퀄리티를 제공합니다 Open-plan living & dining 공간과 고급 타일을 사용한 플로어 2.7m 의 높은 천장으로 넓은 느낌을 극대화 우아한 주방과 넓고 다양한 수납 공간 데크를 이용한 아름다운 야외 공간 넓은 방 사이즈와 더불어 제공되는 1층 2층에 있는 넓은 거실 고급스러운 마스터룸 과 Ensuite, 발코니 그리고 여유있는 옷장 지금 전화 주셔서 좋인 기회를 놓치지 마세요. KEVIN AHN 안철균 0488 088 599 KAHN.SUNNYBANKHILLS@LJH.COM.AU 최고의 위치: 도보로 갈수 있는 Runcorn 기차역 도보 갈 수 있는 로컬 운동장 도보로 갈 수 있는 Runcorn Tavern 3분거리의 파인랜드 쇼핑센터 3분거리의Runcorn Primary 5분거리의 Market Square 5분거리의 Warrigal Square 7분 거리에 위치한 대학교 M2와 M3 에 근접 Visit our pop-up store at Sunnybank Plaza 17th - 30th November Register your interest NOW! Penarth.com.au

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