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49-9분동안 표지 3.3


2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직


소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

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Unit Five: Conversation Three.




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_KF_Bulletin webcopy

1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운

2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628




I m really into taking pictures. It seems that the little girl is angry with us. Forms Women from East Asia also have been wearing makeup since ancien




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55호 1면

3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

Find and circle the words. 1 : 머리 : 눈 : 코 : 입 : 이 : 목 : 어깨 : 귀 : 팔 : 손 : 다리 : 발 She shakes her head. Close your eyes. We smell with our nose. Open you


1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Dad, look at this. I made a birthday card for Grandma. M: Wow, you decorated it with dried flowers. W: Yes

How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활



PART1 2 Script W When do we land? M In two hours. W What would you like to have? M I ll have the fish & chips. W Can I try this on? M Sure, the fitting room is over there. W How much does it cost? M A dollar fifty. pp. 08-17 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Script W I baked some cookies. Pick your favorite. M Wow! Looks yummy. I d like a round cookie, please. W A round one? You mean the one with a star? M No, I mean the cookie with a bear on it. 2 1 50 Script W Why are you in such a hurry? M What do you mean? W You re pushing the close button as soon as the elevator opens. M Am I? So what s the problem with that? W Don t you know the price of oil is going up? If you don t wait for the door to close automatically, you ll waste electricity. M Oh, I m sorry. I didn t know that. I ll remember to wait next time. Script W Let s go to a concert. M Sounds great! W How often do you watch TV? M Almost every day. W How much is this? M Just a minute, please. It s 2,500 won. W When is your final test? M It s too difficult for me. W How about a glass of milk? M Yes, please. Thanks. TV 2500

6 6 1 5 Script W Good morning, Peter. Did you have a good trip? M I did. It was great. Did anyone call for me while I was gone? W Yes, you have a message from Lisa. M What did she say? W She said she would visit you this Saturday afternoon. M When did she call? W She called last Thursday, April 2nd. Peter. Lisa 4 2 Lisa Peter Thursday Script W Look at the dark clouds! It s going to rain. Did you hear the weather forecast for tomorrow? M Yes. I heard there will be heavy rain all day. I don t think we can have a picnic tomorrow. W Sorry to hear that. I hope it will be fine tomorrow. M Me, too. I don t know why things always go wrong when I plan something. Script M So-ra, let s go to the soccer game this weekend. W I m afraid I can t. It s our homeroom teacher s wedding day. M But his wedding day is next Sunday. W Oh, that s right. Then what time shall we meet? M Let s make it at six in the evening. W That s too late. How about an hour earlier? M Good, see you then. Script M Hi, where are you going? W I m going to work. M Do you always walk to work? W I usually walk to my office, but today I ll take the subway. P A R T 1 3

Script W Do you have any plans this weekend? M Yes, I m going to visit my grandfather. W You went to see him last weekend for his birthday, didn t you? M I did, but I should help him work on his farm. He s been very busy these days. W What a good grandson! Script M Good morning. May I help you? W I like the skirt on display. Can you show me one? M Sure. What size do you wear? W A size six. M Here you are. W May I try this on? M Yes, you may. The fitting room is over there. 6 skirt, size, try on, fitting room M I d like tickets for the movie, Transformers. W What time? M For the 3:30 show. W Sorry. We have no tickets for that time. M That s too bad. I really want to see that movie at 3:30. 3 30 3 30 3 30 (disappointed) Script M Look at this ad. Pets are welcome! and All meals are 10% off on Saturdays. W What kind of food can we eat? M American and Mexican food. W When is it open? M From Monday to Saturday. W Where is the restaurant? M It s on Central Street. W Let s go to the restaurant this Saturday. 10% Central Street 4 Script W Good evening. How can I help you? Script W Welcome to the L.A. Art Museum. My name is Mrs.

Johnson and I will be your guide. This museum has three floors and contains many works from famous artists. First we will go to the modern arts room. Then we will see Picasso s paintings on the second floor. Please stay with me until the tour is over. Thank you for your attention. Let s go. L.A. Johnson 3 2 L.A. Script M Hello, Ms. Kim. W Hi, how was the city tour? M It was wonderful. W I am glad you liked it. Seoul has many interesting places to visit. M It has so many historical palaces. W Yes, it really does. How about going to Gyeongbok Palace tomorrow? M That would be nice. That would be nice. Script W Wow! You play the guitar very well. Are you going to be a musician? M I like music, but I don t know what I want to be yet. What would you like to be in the future? W I m interested in cooking. I want to be a famous cook. M Right. Last time you made me spaghetti, it was really delicious! Script M Good morning. How can I help you? W I m looking for a book called, The Secret Garden. Could you help me find it? M Let me check on the computer. W Okay. M We have it, but someone has borrowed it. He ll return it on Saturday. W Thank you. I ll come back then. The Secret Garden look for, book, check, borrow, return Script W Tim, what are you going to do this weekend? M I don t have any plans, why? P A R T 1 5

W Well... are you interested in hiking? M Hiking? Yes, I am. W I m going on a hike with my basketball team. Do you want to join us? M I d love to, but I have to stay home and do my homework. Sorry. Tim Script M Kate, can I borrow some money? W What for? M I want a soda, but I don't have enough money. W Okay. How much do you need? M I have one dollar, but a soda costs one fifty. W Okay. Here's fifty cents. Kate 1 50 1.5 1 50 with me? W Sure, I d love to. I can t wait. Susan Mike Big Band The Big Band Script M Mr. Kim was a famous doctor. He made lots of money. But he was not happy because he was too busy. Thinking it s never too late to change his job, he started to attend a cooking school, and finally when he was 50, he became a chef. Now, he owns a restaurant and enjoys his job. He is happy now. 50 Better late than never. 6 Script [Telephone rings. M Hello. May I speak to Susan, please? W Speaking. M This is Mike. What are you doing? W I m doing my science homework. What s up? M The Big Band concert is next week. Can you come

PART2 pp. 20-23 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 01 rain, except, cloudy 02 teenagers, How, about, already 03 Europe, wish, could, travel, Europe 04 Korean, history, title, reservation 05 get, to, traffic, jam 06 first, prize, look, busy 07 finish, make, up, for 08 parking, space, disabled, only 09 log, on, message, reply 10 Come, join, special, experience 11 interested, sailor, scientist 12 regularly, stairs, instead, of 13 make, it, leave, get, to 14 visit, National, Museum, free, time 15 meal, delicious, order, full 16 backpack, color, carry, same, model 17 improve, score, why, don t, you 18 everywhere, walk, up, gain, weight 19 snowy, rainy, raindrops, feel, calm 20 temples, peaceful, stay, temples pp. 24-27 01 02 MP3 MP3 MP3 03 I wish ~ 04 05 30 1 40 06 1 P A R T 2 7

8 1 07 Alex Linda 11 Linda Alex 08 09 ID 10 11 Justin 12 13 12 30 1 1 10 30 1 10 30 1 40 14 15

16 17 18 TV 19 20 pp. 28-31 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 01 heavy, pencil, case, pocket 02 nearest, opposite, to, following, me 03 cats, and, dogs, become, weak 04 surprised, first, prize, deserve 05 get, off, take, rather 06 Would, like, to, afraid 07 machine, prices, type, out, learn 08 help, me, with, one, hour, later 09 tight, eating, out, far, from, here 10 lawyer, grow, up, news 11 crossing, rushed, ran, away, rules 12 Wonderful, ever, read, boring, cover 13 problem, with, blackboard, front, row 14 fan, taking, a, shower, library 15 hand, in, report, had, to, use 16 a, little, cheaper, What, else 17 midterm, exam, enough, sleep, feel, better 18 Congratulations, contest, boring, unbelievable 19 stay, home, go, skating 20 looking, for, size, in, size, 7seven pp. 32-35 01 P A R T 2 9

10 02 03 Alex Jenny Jenny Jenny 04 1 1 05 1 2 06 10 4 07 08 12 2 2 1 2 1 3 09 2

10 11 12 13 Dylan Brown Dylan Brown 14 15 Bob 16 20 15 17 16 15 16 17 18 1 P A R T 2 11

19 Luis 20 7 01 taking, a, taxi, join, us 02 What, for, blind, people, satisfied, with 03 own, store s, other, side, save 04 altogether, That, comes, to 05 I, expected, beat, by, 3three, to, 1one 06 cleaned, up, natural, soap 07 clear, sky, perfect, put, on 08 nice, on, looking, forward, to 09 wrong, with, look, fat, several 10 something, special, make, a, reservation 11 will, be, held, for, free 12 You d, better, Never, mind 13 place, to, exercise, next, to 14 not, yet, Could, you, lend, me 15 rest, go, hiking, join, you 16 feel, like, pleased, with, looking, around 17 getting, dark, bring, my, umbrella 18 take, care, of, give, them, shots 19 took, pictures, bought, a, cap 20 enjoying, ourselves, agree, with, you pp. 40-43 01 12 pp. 36-39 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 02 Molly

Green Camp 03 04 2 50 1 50 2 50 1 50 1 05 TV 3 1 players which team 06 Joshua Green Camp 07 Riverside 08 09 10 P A R T 2 13

14 11 10 11 12 13 2 14 Jenny Jenny Matthew 7 15 16 2 1 Emily 17 6 Samantha 18 8 19 Darwin

20 10 pp. 44-47 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 01 who, guesses, insect, wings, colorful 02 thunderstorm, rained, heavily 03 leaves, in, minutes, one, way 04 Anything, comfortable, looks, good, on 05 have, a, bad, cold, take, a, rest 06 how, to, get, to, right, beside 07 ran, away, a, little, old 08 How, many, bottles, a, little, expensive 09 bark, at, me, stare, at, smile, at 10 unusual, hobby, won, a, prize 11 reading, club, a, member, of 12 teenagers, built, on, Teenagers, hang, out, with 13 fried, boiled, any, way 14 reserve, tickets, what, day 15 take, students, to, school, drive, slowly pp. 48-51 16 freezing, pass, the, exam 17 come, across, coming, behind, dangerous, situation 18 lives, of, tigers, How, fantastic 19 have, an, appointment, mind, waiting 20 Lost, and, Found, brown, backpack 01 02 03 45 8 8 12 8 45 04 P A R T 2 15

16 05 Green 06 Julie Mason Street Saint Road Mason Street Saint Road Julie 07 08 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,50034,500 09 Tony Thank you for your advice. 10 11 12 13 4 Lucy 14

2 7 7 2 15 16 That s too bad. 17 18 TV 19 White 30 Would you mind ~? mind No Yes No 20 pp. 52-55 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 P A R T 2 17

18 01 good, at, drawing, model, airplanes, pilot 02 where, should, put, drawers 03 all, by, yourself, searched, on 04 garage, sale, bargain, drop, by 05 angry, without, saying, anything 06 line, up, line, up, line, wife, son 07 I ve, been, here, not, come, yet 08 was, invented, each, other, carry, it 09 get, to, public, library, It, takes 10 post, office, post, office, send, package 11 guide, book, how, to 12 Welcome, will, be, delayed 13 run, out, of, pollution, other, ways 14 it s, broken, send, another, one 15 nervous, do, well, Don t, be, nervous 16 my, cousin, 3three, years, younger 17 find, a, site, close, the, sea 18 on, Thursday, already, have, other, plans 19 so, depressed, couldn t, rest 20 ask, you, a, favor, nice, of, you 01 pp. 56-59 02 Sarah 03 Brown Brown 04 Kelly 211-366-8895 356 Queens Street 05 MP3 MP3 06 5 5 15 2 5 1 07

1 12 2 12 1 1 08 100 09 MP3 20 10 11 Louis 12 14-A 11 1 11 1 12 13 14 ABC 3544-2899 15 Heather P A R T 2 19

16 3 13 3 13 16 20 20 17 18 19 Rachel pp. 60-63 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 01 to, catch, flies, into 02 half, past, shall, we, meet 03 large, circle, small, triangle, triangle, I, described 04 four, seasons, changes, a, lot, clear, skies 05 cutting, down, spending, throw, away 06 on, left, side, behind 07 sore, throat, stop, coughing, headache 08 I d, like, to, buy, each, each 09 can t, stop, playing, You d, better, not 10 planned, to, study, reviewed, proud, of pp. 64-67

11 safe, ways, personal, information, in, person 12 going, on, a, picnic, need, my, help 13 hit, vase, favorite, told, the, truth 14, I d, like, to, For, how, many 15 20twenty, questions, made, up, my, mind 16 Congratulations, can, have, Good, luck 17 crosswalk, far, away, against, rules 18 give, hand, appreciate, your, help 19 How, often, every, meal 20 For, what, meeting, my, friend 01 02 Linda 3 30 3 30 03 Jake 04 Jeffrey 4 05 (therefore, so) 06 07 08 4 4 2,000 P A R T 2 21

500 3 4 2,000500 3 1,500 3,500 09 10 30 14 Green Garden 3 15 15 20 4 20 4 16 22 11 12 Tony Tony 13 16 Megan 17

18 Cathy No problem. / My pleasure. / You re welcome. 19 1 2 6 4 1 3 20 2 30 For what? pp. 68-71 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 01 garage, sale, preparing, for, sale 02 get, to, take, from, here 03 make, it, back, by 04 full, marks, spend, on, studying 05 Take, subway, get, off, nearest 06 drawing, cartoons, classical, music, feel, relaxed 07 getting, cold, Take, off, put, on 08 It, sounds, like, safe 09 hard, to, find, such, a, smart, girl 10 was, absent, from, terrible, cold 11 traveled, 5five, countries, visit 12 as, happy, as, say, thanks, to 13 turning, brown, needs, sunlight 14 hit, by, a, car, getting, better 15 too, loose, in, another, size 16 in, good, condition, used, one, by, half 17 look, nice, Which, one 18 free, time, have, a, party 19 ask, your, advice, perfect 20 national, holiday, fell, down pp. 72-75 01 CD CD 02 5 P A R T 2 23

24 03 2 3 30 4 4 04 3 05 1 3 06 07 (raining cats and dogs) 08 09 2 Spencer 10 Jessica 11 Jessy 5

12 13 14 Harry Harry 15 16 6 1 cutting down by half 30,000 17 15 18 19 20 P A R T 2 25

26 5 pp. 76-79 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 01 full, of, dark, stay, home 02 nearest, bank, show, me, the, way 03 How, many, need, your, change 04 It, costs, per, pay, for, this 05 United, States, each, other, every, month 06 come, with, us, call, me, back 07 usually, find, eat, food, in, pairs 08 take, your, order, For, here, to, go 09 the, wrong, number, That s, OK 10 passed, away, Don t, lose, heart 11 Front, desk, send, right, up 12 30thirty, minutes, left, on, time 13 next, week s, exam, with, the, dentist 14 cut, into, spread, ate, them, up 15 Help, yourself, to, try, this, on 16 already, have, one, slow, manage 17 driving, habit, sleepy, driving, awake, sleepy 18 some, more, time, would, like, to, have 19 lived, next, door, Please, say, hello 20 envy, you, in, a, car, accident pp. 80-83 01 02 03 3 450 50 3 450 1 150 04 1 2 4 20 4 20 05 Donald Adams 16

06 07 08 1,800 1,000 1,000 3,800 09 Steven 476-3479 467-3479 476 3479 467 3479 10 Tim Jenny 11 102 12 4 30 30 4 30 30 4 13 14 P A R T 2 27

15 Yes, what is it?i m sorry, I can t. 16 Ryan 19 Ann Smith Tim Harrison 20 David 28 17 18 01 not, toys, most, serious, serious, right, way 02 works, at, designs, makes, buildings 03 surfing, the, Internet, looking, out 04 for, everything, That ll, be 05 was, born, in, interested, in, drawing pp. 84-87 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 pp. 88-91

01 02 Sun Bridge (architect) 03 06 last, for, will, be, held 07 takes, care, of 08 so, dirty, pick, up, clean, up 09 you, had, them, go, back, to, school 10 following, advice, shape, sounds, Say, aloud 11 Where, to, do, I, owe, you 12 very, upset, makes, me, mad 13 don t, have, to, already, made 14 grow, up, all, kinds, of, sports 15 she s, out, lost, her, wallet 16 spelling, test, have, to, prepare, spelling 17 the, same, age, How, often 18 anything, in, particular, What, time, shall, we 19 see, the, menu, I ll, have 20 Be, careful, hurt, my, leg, hurts 04 1 2 4 1 3 3 3 2 1 1 50 05 Lisa 4 2 Lisa 06 Orange 12 8 79 Orange High School Lincoln Hall Orange High School Orange High School County High School 2 Lincoln Hall County High School 07 Jason gentle, takes care of, never makes fun of other boys and girls Jason 08 P A R T 2 29

30 09 17 Peter 10 11 Hilton 1 18 12 Emily 13 14 15 Mark Ann Ann Mark Ann 16 Alice Attention... A-T-T-E-N-T-I-O-N... 17

18 Harry Potter 6 20 5 50 19 20 01 02 pp. 92-95 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 01 Usually, by, bus, I, walked 02 written, in, understand, culture 03 I, can, borrow, already, bought 04 What s, up, before, starts 05 free, time, not, quite, right 06 prepared, hard, too, nervous, take, warm, bath 07 heavy, rain, is, expected, put, off 08 agree, with, really, appreciate 09 going, hiking, It s, broken, dropped, it 10 going, out, now, take, an, umbrella 11 my, weight, in, my, shoes, feel, angry 12 square, sticker, send, messages, collect 13 going, camping, broke, down, stayed, at, home 14 eating, out, close, to, my, house 15 make, safe, Don t, touch, heaters 16 express, train, boarding, on, platform 17 invitation, housewarming, party, flowers, cake 18 August, 15thfifteenth, shall, I 19 around, the, world, many, places, to, tourists 20 Try, using, it, get, it pp. 96-99 P A R T 2 31

32 Tim Tim 03 John 04 Kevin Sarah Sarah Kevin 3 5 30 3 30 5 4 30 4 30 05 Anna 06 07 08 09 Susan Alex Bob

10 Kevin 10 11 Cathy David Cathy Cathy 12 13 Andrew 14 Jenny Kim s Kitchen Kim s Kitchen 15 16 3 30 9 express train, platform 17 18 Jack 8 13 8 15 11 8 15 8 13 P A R T 2 33

19 20 01 in, the, sky, through, the, telescope 02 are, you, enjoying, changed, to, snow 03 swimming, hiking, climbing, delicious 04 go, right, ahead, next, to 05 speech, contest, how, happy, I, was 06 most, more, least, less 07 big, fan, sing, like, you, Practice, stage 08 nonstop, from, to, arriving, at 09 To, the, airport, traffic, miss 10 form, name, address, telephone, sign 11 sorry, about, forgot, won t, happen, again 12 do, something, turn, off 13 don t, feel, like, playing, That s, fine 14 all, my, fault, wrong, bus, on, time 15 not, healthy, skipped, bad, habit 16 out, taking, care, of, broke, leg 17 come, back, How, long, A, week 18 help, yourself, want, some, more 19 broke, got, hit, by, follow, rules 20 kind, of, you, afraid, I, can t pp. 106-109 34 pp. 102-105 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 01 02

03 04 How long ~? For Since Last year. 05 06 10 07 Tony Rogers 08 9 09 20 20 10 5 11 Maria Tony 7 P A R T 2 35

36 12 Andrew We can save lots of energy. 13 Wallace and Gromit 5 14 15 Jim 11 16 Cathy Tiffany Tiffany Tiffany 17 7 18 Julia Julia 19

20 pp. 110-113 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 01 fly, pilot, making, music 02 almost, done, Under, the, bed 03 What, happened, not, my, fault, broke 04 Take, it, easy, get, ready, nervous 05 October, let, me, know, phone, number 06 ready, to, order, need, anything, else 07 40forty, minutes, left, good, idea 08 news, information, every, day, useful 09 sure, Absolutely, with, me 10 go, dancing, Can, I, bring 11 weekend, fantastic, spent, Lake 12 violent, fight, better, place, say, that, again 13 give, me, a, ride, not, a, problem 14 more, free, time, 7seven, hours, week 15 What, happened, watch, stopped, didn t, check 16 small, size, in, size, Perfect 17 looks, younger, for, a, living 18 pick, up, speed, accident 19 amuse, ourselves, sounds, fun 20 Who s, calling, twisted, ankle pp. 114-117 01 02 03 Tom 5 04 05 10 25 P A R T 2 37

06 1 Big Mix Burger 2 Cheese Mix 1 1 4 1 5 07 7 40 7 40 6 20 08 TV TV 10 2 11 Tom 12 You can say that again. 38 09 13 Mark Maria 14

7 7 1 15 10 16 19 16 85 90 90 17 Diana 45 18 19 Dora DVD Brian Rudy Dora 20 Brown Linda Brown pp. 118-121 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 P A R T 2 39

40 01 02 pp. 122-125 01 made, of, glass, see, yourself 02 cook, dinner, doing, the, dishes 03 Weekend, Escape, the, stress, relax 04 doesn t, include, You d, better, call 05 sick, in, hospital, go, with, you 06 what, looks, like, long, brown, hair 07 always, smiles, comfortable, bright, side 08 call, at, pay, for, meals 09 can t, wait, the, way, see, a, doctor 10 2two, thousand, 3three, thousand, off, coupon 11 busy, watching, not, fair, already, cleaned 12 fight, with, make, her, angry 13 canceled, you re, free, check, them 14 terrible, cold, put, your, feet 15 take, a, message, call, me, this, evening 16 a, hamster, raise, a, dog 17 do, me, a, favor, decorating, using, balloons 18 already, fully, reserved, How, about, instead 19 grow, up, beautiful, music, listen, to, it 20 the, concert, on, Saturday, the, best, concert 03 Mary s Garden 2 607-555-1234 04 3 4 800 800 05 06 Jason Tommy Tommy 07 Alex Alex

08 39 Bay Cruise 755-2212 39 755-2212 09 Central Park Linda Smith TV TV 10 2 3 10% 100010% 900 11 Cathy 12 13 Mike 14 Steven P A R T 2 41

15 Kim s Company Ms. Kim Mr. Lee L-E-E 2 2 233-3312 233 3312 Mr. Lee 16 19 20 42 17 Ben Jenny 14 Jenny 18 Blue Cafe pp. 126-129 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 01 not, too, hot, enjoy, sunshine 02 go, to, the, movies, violin, lesson 03 free, time, interested, in, with, my, dishes 04 Fill, it, up, cash, charge, change 05 dentist, rotten, pulled, out 06 rather, stay, home, table, tennis 07 by, train, take, a, ship, rent, a, car 08 look, upset, not, fair, try, harder 09 to, sit, on, stood, right, away 10 Speaking, cannot, come, to, school pp. 130-133

11 Anything, else, What s, like, likes, to 12 not, good, at, keep, a, diary 13 phone, call, get, in, touch, with 14 don t, smoke, gas, station, don t, smoke 15 your, major, art, design, satisfied, with 16 borrow, pocket, money, already, spent 17 upset, stayed, up, to, study 18 to, see, her, fruit, cake, instead 19 how, get, Which, one, prefer 20 what, happened, though, lost, found 01 Linda Park 02 Jason Jason 03 1 1 2 04 fill it up 05 Jim Jim 06 07 08 Laura Laura 09 Jimmy Jimmy P A R T 2 43

44 10 Baker Brian Brian Brian 11 12 13 14 10 Venus Seaport 15 Steve Sally Harvard 3 Harvard 16 10 10 17 B A

18 Rachel 19 9 20 Patrick Patrick 01 Nick Nancy 01 Which, glass, almost, full 02 a, little, rest, have, dinner, study 03 took, the, subway, heavy, rain 04 cloudy, gray, first, half, then 05 leaves, at, leave, here 06 forgot, to, prepare, so, stupid 07 for, a, cut, for, a, shampoo, haircut, shampoo 08 Nothing, special, any, flour, bring, some 09 purpose, Business, How, long 10 what, makes, call, postpone, it 11 what, if, been, here, before, can, carry 12 May, I, use, need, anything, else 13 What, kind, don t, need, attention 14 glass, part, light, invented, it 15 something, wrong, make, sound, repair, it 16 end, of, have, the, time 17 traveling, around, leaving, it, inside 18 Congratulations, nice, of, you, public, speaking 19 I ve, read, very, helpful, familiar, with 20 poor, score, looks, nervous pp. 138-141 Nancy pp. 134-137 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 02 Tom 1 P A R T 2 45

46 03 Jason Central Park Jason 04 6 Jenny Walker 50% 13 05 7 4 3 30 06 07 8 20 4 8 4 12 08 flour flower 09 2 10 Jennifer White Frank Thomas Frank 11

12 Annie Tommy 13 14 15 MP3 MP3 16 1 4 30 17 18 19 Jason P A R T 2 47

48 Jason 20 Patrick Patrick pp. 142-145 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 01 rain, later, a, little, cloudy 02 get, her, make, a, special, cake 03 bike, ride, help, fix 04 be, disappointed, learned, a, lot 05 Why, don t, you, How, terrible 06 any, umbrellas, flowers, printed 07 something, to, drink, That s, all 08 part-time, job, too, young, for, the, job 09 earlier, How, long, by, air 10 I, don t, like, just, both 11 Can, make, it, 1one, hour, later 12 from, Europe, passed, like, days 13 to, cross, my, fault, too, late 14 terrible, headache, take, some, medicine 15 pets, hard, work, good, for, us pp. 146-149 01 02 16 go, shopping, clean, my, house, help, you 17 take, the, subway, heavy, traffic 18 score, disappointed, with, important, to, start 19 taking, away, getting, worse, died, out 20 your, first, visit, Korean, Folk, Village, 03 04 Kevin

05 06 07 3 50 1 4 50 08 15 18 09 3 8 50 8 3 10 11 3 4 1 3 5 12 2 2 2 2 2 P A R T 2 49

13 It s all my fault. 14 3 2 15 16 Jason Jason Jason 18 Jack 19 20 50 17

01 02 5 40 pp. 150-153 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 01 find, parking, You d, better 02 between, the, windows, walking, behind 03 so, fresh, keep, our, nature, clean 04 How, far, takes, couldn t, be, better 05 hit, by, bike, was, broken, got, hurt 06 better, than, the, worst, of, all 07 Lost, Found, Office, left, bag, returned 08 wearing, a, coat, snow, balls, runny, nose 09 How, long, stay, 2two, nights 10 out, of, walk, to, the, park, fishing 11 today, Friday, probably, leave, tomorrow 12 Fill, out, this, form, weigh, it 13 moved, to, couldn t, contact, have, to, go 14 remind, you, boring, boots 15 Let s, change, from, 6six, to, 7seven 16 borrow, buy, a, book, lend, you 17 between, 11eleven, 2two, reservation 18 for, saying, so, A, pianist, an, actress 19 What, color, color, in, that, color 20 fresh, healthy, What, like, the, most pp. 154-157 4 14 03 04 10 2 Jake 05 Samantha 06 P A R T 2 51

52 07 08 09 1 35 35 70 10 11 Brown 12 1,500 13 Judy 3 545-6731 Robert 14 15 Tim Joan 6 7 6 1 6 7

16 5 3 5 3 17 11 2 23 11 2 3 18 Rachel 3 Rachel Rachel 19 20 pp. 158-161 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 01 coke, not, either, just, drink, milk pp. 162-165 02 clean, dishes, cake, busy, now 03 a, little, heavy, blue, goes, well 04 today, cloudy, raining, heavily, now 05 leaving, at, 3three, 2two, a, half, hours 06 you, lent, me, want, to 07 a, sale, on, on, sale, discount 08 returning, a, book, essay 09 through, stop, light, didn t, see 10 not, in, need, her, help 11 still, go, hiking, got, partner 12 eat, salad, didn t, have 13 stop, playing, with, me, go, with, you 14 failed, the, exam, way, of, studying 15 waiting, for, something, wife, called, you, ordered 16 hardly, hear, him, in, a, weak, voice 17 a, lot, to, do, Let s, together 18 lose, weight, eat, too, much, hate, exercise 19 perfect, look, on, me, great 20 missed, the, bus, be, late P A R T 2 53

54 01 Susan Susan 02 John 03 04 Liberty Island 05 3 2 30 2 3 2 30 5 30 06 07 Kenny s Shoes Silver Jims Cool Walkers Silver Jims 40 Cool Walkers 30 10% Silver Jims Silver Jims 4010% 36 08 Ashley 09

10 Linda Linda 233-4321 Linda 11 12 Kelly Kelly 13 Are you with me? 14 15 6 Alvin Paul 7 7 16 Roy 17 John P A R T 2 55

18 Justin 15 160cm 70kg 19 01 looks, fine, now, not, a, cloud 02 on, a, diet, try, green, tea 03 starts, at, an, hour, a, half 04 by, airmail, Let, me, weigh, it 05 hurry, up, walk, fast, in, time 06 mind, if, open, No, stranger, here 07 lost, the, game, Come, on, good, enough 08 coming, right, away, right, away 09 captain, ship, travel, around, come, true 10 turn, off, exits, both, No, photographs 11 boarding, pass, good, flight 12 something, to, eat, left, it 13 Why, don t, we, meet, can t, wait 14 full, name, date, of, birth, lawyer 15 results, of, contest, winner, contest 16 borrow, beach, house, fine, view 17 even, don t, look, feel, all, alone 18 stopped, raining, around, city, favorite, places 19 eat, for, dinner, eat, out, cook 20 I m, lost, Which, bus, far, from, here pp. 170-173 20 Kelly Brian Brian 20 Kelly Kelly Brian 01 56 pp. 166-169 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 02

03 Maggie Roger 3 1 3 1 1 30 04 25 05 07 2:4 08 Joe Joe 09 06 10 11 238 49G 39 5 30 30 from Seoul to New York P A R T 2 57

58 12 13 Jennifer Robert Robert 14 John Brown 1980 1 25 237-4901 15 3 2 16 Samantha 2 17 18 19 Ann

20 Maple Street Coex Mall Coex Mall Coex Mall 16 come, with, me, take, there 17 a, favor, I m, dying, to 18 How, about, buying, what, was, thinking 19 into, fashion, impossible, dream 20 getting, hungry, wasn t, good, expected 01 pp. 174-177 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 01 going, to, beach, play, soccer pp. 178-181 02 3three, taller, than, me 03 leave, leaves, next, bus, At 04 opposite, from, Opposite, from, next, to 05 go, abroad, Serving, enjoy, traveling 06 throat, difficult, to, say, Take, medicine 07 trip, fantastic, easy, way, kindly 08 on, time, put, off, put, off 09 attention, the, ride, ticket, office 10 looks, really, young, look, like, sisters 11 long, face, hurts, see, a, doctor 12 first, trip, to, famous, places 13 checking, very, dangerous, always, help 14 way, to, the, bookstore 15 green, nature, looks, fresh, red, powerful, energy 02 Jenny Kate 3cm 169cm 3cm 169cm Jenny 166cm 03 11 30 5 12 30 15 12 30 3 12 30 3 04 P A R T 2 59

60 05 Jack 06 07 Jennifer 08 Jack 10 Brown 09 10 Jenny 11 David 12

13 Paul Paul 14 Nicole Bryan Alex Alex 15 Lisa 16 Sarah Kevin 17 Sue 18 Luis 19 Jessica Mark 20 P A R T 2 61