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Find and circle the words. 1 : 머리 : 눈 : 코 : 입 : 이 : 목 : 어깨 : 귀 : 팔 : 손 : 다리 : 발 She shakes her head. Close your eyes. We smell with our nose. Open you

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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해


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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

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#1_초급 본문








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Unit Five: Conversation Three.


PowerPoint 프레젠테이션



April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습



Lesson 6 Colors Are Speaking to You. A B C D Are you worried about something? How about going for a walk? make help Blue can make people feel sad. Purple help you sleep well. Some doctor s use colors to change people's feelings. I feel so sad. 06 Colors Are Speaking to You 161

Getting Ready Students can list things that affect their emotions. Students can listen to the targeted expressions in a short dialogue. Teaching Point Warm-up Teacher s Talk A Think and Say In this lesson, you ll have a chance to think about things that can affect your emotion. Some activities can make you happy, others can make you sad. Did you know that colors can also change our moods? B Listen, Choose, and Say Listen carefully and choose the answer from what you heard. Does anyone know the answer? If so, raise your hand. Could you please read the sentence out loud? C Choose and Say Look at those words with different forms and choose the correct word form for each sentence. Did you find the answer? Can you read it aloud? (A) : Activities Think and Say Getting Ready Listen, Choose, and Say 92-94 110-117 & From Listening to Speaking Choose and Say Getting Ready AOB(A) Listening A, Listening 1(A) Speaking B, Speaking 1(A) 95 112-117 From Listening to Speaking Listening C, Listening 2(A) Listening Tips(A) Speaking D, Speaking 2(A) 96-97 118 Speaker s Corner Action Guided Speaking Are you worried about something How about~? Speaker s Corner AOB(A) Reading AOB(A) 98-99 119 Reading Reading 162 Lesson 06

B Listen, Choose, and Say Are you worried about something? How about~? about C Choose and Say make (pp) to to feel Counseling Therapy Read and Talk 100-101 120-123 After Reading & From Reading to Speaking Reading Map Step 1, 2 Reading A / O / B(A) After Reading AOB(A) Grammar To 102-103 124-127 Writer s Corner Guided Writing Writer s Corner AOB(A) Writer s Corner A / O / B(A) Station 1 104-105 128-129 Final Station Station 2 Station 3 Challenge On Your Own AOB(A) 06 Colors Are Speaking to You 163

From Listening to Speaking Students can listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. Students can ask other people s feelings and respond in a proper way. Teaching Point O B Why do you think so? A What words did you hear? A Listening Script A Are you worried about something? B Yes. We have exams tomorrow. A Did you study for it? B Yes, but I always feel anxious before an exam. go for a walk walk take a walk ex. Let s go for a walk to get some fresh air. share with Teacher s Talk A Listening Listen carefully and find the reason why the boy is worried. Listen to each dialogue and match the dialogue with each person's feeling and the reason why he/she feels that way. B Speaking Look at the example dialogue, can you see how the conversation develops? There are two practice questions. Work in pairs to make a new dialogue using the phrases given below each picture. You did a good job. / Well done. / Great! C Listening Now you re going to hear a dialogue. Listen carefully and find what they are going to do on the weekend. You will hear three dialogues now. Listen and match the dialogue to the pictures. D Speaking Everyone has problems sometimes. What do you do when your friend is in trouble? You can give an advice using the expression, How about ~ing? Now work in pairs to make a new dialogue using the given pictures and phrases. (p.112~p.117) <Listening> Teaching Point A key word O B Full sentence A (p.112) A Quick Look script O (p.114) A Quick Look sharecomputer worried something gothemovies script so down B (p.116) A Quick Look feel anxious Nothing going to the movies script He always feels tired. It can make him feel active Because bright colors can help him. 164 Lesson 06

Script A Are you angry about something, Army? B Yes, my brother will not share the computer with me. A Emma, you look excited. Are you excited about something? B Yes. I m going shopping with my friend. A Olivia, you look so sad. What's wrong? B My grandmother is in hospital. C Listening Script A Junsu, what are you doing this weekend? B Nothing special. A How about going to the movies with me? B Sounds great. Script A I'm hungry. B How about having a snack with me? A I'm thirsty. B How about drinking some cold water? A You look tired. How about having some chocolate? B Thanks. I really need something sweet. look look How about going to the movies? How about Listening Tips - [b] [v] b v [p] [f] [b][v] [p][f] Tongue Twister Peter Piper picked a peck or pickled peppers. It was better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter. Script A / O / B A Are you worried about something? B Yes. We have exams tomorrow. A Did you study for it? B Yes, but I always feel anxious before an exam. A Junsu, what are you doing this weekend? B Nothing special. A How about going to the movies with me? B Sounds great. A Why do you look so down, Minsu? B Because it s Monday today. I always feel tired on Monday mornings. A Well, how about wearing something bright? Red can make you feel more active. B Good thinking. Thanks, Dad. <Speaking> Teaching Point A O B A (p.113) A Quick Look worried, cold sad, comedy O (p.115) A Quick Look ex. A Are you worried about something? B No. I m just tired. / A How about getting some rest? B (p.117) A Quick Look ex. B Yes. I won the game! A Wow. Congratulations! How about taking a picture? B That s a good idea. 06 Colors Are Speaking to You 165

Speaker s Corner Students can ask each other s interests and worries. Students can express their feelings. Students can make a suggestion using the expression, How about~? Teaching Point A Action exam examination test quiz mid-term exam final exam anxious about anxiety ex. I m anxious about his health. something green -thing Teacher s Talk A Action I m going to play a video clip of the dialogue three times. Just watch the video for the first two times so you can get the basic storyline. And then, open your book to page 96 and read the dialogue while you listen. What are the speakers talking about? How do you feel before an exam? Now, let s memorize the dialogue together in groups. Because his English exam is tomorrow. It can calm him down. (p.118) Who? Students in Suin s class Where? In the classroom When? During a class meeting B Guided Speaking Before you listen to the dialogue, please look at the cartoon and guess what the situation is. 166 Lesson 06

Now I m going to play the dialogue, listen carefully and fill in the blanks. Let s take a look at the speaking tips at the bottom of the page together. In some words, some letters are not pronounced even though they are in the spelling like / l / in calm, / gh / in neighbor, or / k / in know. B Guided Speaking on + s on s Bright colors can make you feel happy make feel Example answers for Guided Speaking What s wrong with you? / Anything wrong? Why don t you wear something bright? Are you worried about something? How about wearing something bright? Students in Suin's class are talking about next week's basketball game. Mr. Park Trevis, are you worried about something? Trevis You know, we have a basketball game with Class 5 next week. Mr. Park Don t worry. We ll beat Class 5. We are a much stronger team. Suin But I m also anxious about the game. Can we do something for my anxiety? Mr. Park How about wearing something red on that day? Suin Something red? Why? Trevis Oh, I know why! It s because red colors can make people feel active, right? Mr. Park Exactly. Colors can change our feelings. Suin That is interesting! Speaking Tips Intonation Letters and Sounds (silent) Melting Pot (Diversity) 06 Colors Are Speaking to You 167

Reading Students can read a short story about colors effect on people s emotion. Students can find detailed information from the text. Students can answer the before and while reading questions. Teaching Point Reading AOB(p.119) word count Yes. Different colors can give different feelings. Before Reading More Questions Q What is your favorite color? A I like violet the best. Q What does black color remind you of? A It reminds me of darkness. Q Have you ever thought why many restaurants signboards are red? A Yes, maybe it s because red color gives appetite. calm down ex. Rainy days calm people down. For example help with help blue helps with headaches help... with ~ ex. He said he d help me with my work. stay away from stay away from ex. I have a terrible cold now, stay away from me. Instead instead of ex. Give me this instead. put green plants on your desk put put put green plants on your desk ex. Put the box on the shelf. Blue does. It helps me sleep better. 168 Lesson 06

(p.119) purple orange black sadness happiness brightness Hana is a math genius. He can wear something bright on Mondays. Green color calms you down. Yellow makes you feel happy. Teacher s Talk Before we read the passage, please look at the Before Reading question and answer it. Now, let s hear the recorded passage. Listen carefully and find what this story is about. Time s up. Now, let s read together sentence by sentence. Try to follow my speed. This time, read silently. While you read it, underline every sentence that has make, help or feel in it so that we can study more about them later. 06 Colors Are Speaking to You 169

After Reading & From Reading to Speaking After Reading Students can fill in the blanks of a dialogue. Students can match physical and emotional symptoms with helpful colors. Students can do a self-check with happiness check list. Teaching Point Reading Map Teacher s Talk A Read and Talk Now here is a dialogue which has a very similar situation to the passage we've just learned, read it carefully and fill in the blanks using the information you got from the passage. And then role play the dialogue with your partner. B Reading Map We learned colors can help people s feeling through the passage. Look at Reading Map, there are three people who have each trouble. Let s match the person, the color, and how colors help. (p.120~p.123) Bright yellow green Reading A / O / B Teaching Point A O B After Reading AOB (p.123) A (p.120) to change excited surprised relaxed The students who worried about their exams. O (p.121) with headaches you sleep better B (p.122) different How about wearing yellow socks? Stay with something bright. Reading Tips Different colors give different feelings. For example, red makes people feel more active and green can calm people down. Blue helps with headaches and purple helps you sleep better. Bright colors make you feel happy. You will not have the Monday blues. make 170 Lesson 06

From Reading to Speaking More questions (Tips) <Tips> Keep your thoughts reasonable and think positively. Be a big giver. Be yourself. Get a job you love. Develop a strong relationship with your family. Choose your friends carefully. Do what you can for those less fortunate than yourself. Keep learning. Set goals. Be healthy. Rainy days too too Rainy days calm us down, too on a rainy day on Teaching Point ICT When you do feel anxious? What makes you happy? As we learned in this lesson, your feelings can change according to the color you see. Now we know that yellow can make people feel happy and blue calms you down or make you feel sad. There are a lot more that we can find about colors' effect on our emotion. So I want you to search the Internet for more information on this topic. Please write the site address you visited and try to get specific information. 1 What is the name of the site you visited? Write the domain address, too. 2 What is the information about? 3 Did you find anything new from the Internet? Tell me more about it. (happiness) 06 Colors Are Speaking to You 171

Writer s Corner Students can use the verb make and help grammatically. Students can express the purpose of an action using to infinitive. Students can write a poem related to colors. Teaching Point (form) make help to Teacher s Talk A Grammar make help - Some verbs like make and help should be used with more caution in terms of grammar because the words that can be used with these verbs are restricted. - Look at these two sentences. 1) Bright weather makes me feel great. 2) Bright weather makes me to feel great. The first sentence is grammatical but the second one is not correct. Can you see the difference? Yes, when we want to say something makes somebody do something, we should use the verb alone without attaching anything to the verb. To - To-infinitive has many different meanings according to the context it is used in. In this lesson, we ll learn how to express the purpose of an action using to-infinitive. - Let s say I m going to the bookstore this evening and it's because I want to buy a novel. In this case, we can make the sentence short by saying I m going to the bookstore to buy a novel. - Humans have five senses. We see, we smell, we feel, we hear and we taste. When we talk about these sensory experiences, we can put adjectives after these verbs like in Flowers smell good. - Remember, it is natural to use adverbs to express your feelings in Korean but in English you always have to use adjectives after these sensory verbs. B Guided Writing - Colors are deeply related to every part of our life. Think about it carefully and discuss with your friends and write a poem about colors. You can use the words below the example poem if needed. calm sad happy (p.124~p.127) Writer s Corner AOB (p.124) Teaching Point (Accuracy) (Fluency) Red makes people feel active. Green calms people down. Purple helps people sleep better. We use our eyes to see. We use our mouth to eat. We use our nose to smell. Sometimes I m sad. I always feel tired. 172 Lesson 06

Plus Checkup Love Eunji Kim Love Pink hope It makes us dream Green jealousy It never allows you to look at another person. Gray marriage It brings two people together until they get old. Love make help What made you (come / to come) to this country? come Can you help me (do / doing) the science homework? do To We use a knife to cut meat. I am so sorry to hear that. To see is to believe. I studied hard to pass the exam. Today I made a lot of mistakes, I feel really (fool / stupid). stupid You look (happy / happily) today. happy B Guided Writing Writing Tips ex. I like Friday. / I like July. / I like summer. Writer s Corner A / O / B Teaching Point A O B O A (p.125) Life is full of colors. There are four seasons in a year. Monday is the first day of the week. Saturday, month, year, season, year, spring O (p.126) Writer s Corner A ex. Sunday, Sunday, March, March, third month, summer, Summer, second, season B (p.127) Writer s Corner A ex. sevensundaysundaymonthsmonth is MarchMarch third month seasons season summer Summer is the second season. 06 Colors Are Speaking to You 173

Final Station Station Teaching Students can practice their learning of vocabulary, grammar, and communicative functions challenging themselves with various tasks. station (task) (PASS O/X) station Teaching Point Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 To anxious active headache match You get a headache when you are anxious. Be active! This shirt matches well with your skirt. Challenge A B (Information gap) What (p.128~p.129) Teacher s Talk We ve almost finished lesson 6 in last class, so today we re going to check your learning with four different tasks. I want you to make a group of 4 to 6 with the friends who sit close to you. I ll put the signs of Station 1, 2, 3, and 4 in different places in our classroom. You have to move around with your group members to complete each task. In each station, please work together and help each other to finish the task in 8 minutes. 174 Lesson 06

Station 1 Station 2 Script A You look worried, Junsu. What s the problem? B Oh, I have lots of problems. First, I got up late. So I m really hungry. I have a headache too. A That s too bad. What else? B I have homework tomorrow, but I can t do it. It s too hard! A Well... How about going to the doctor? / How about having a snack? / How about calling your teacher? Station 3 I use a pencil to write down my ideas. I wear bright colors to be happy. I go to school to learn many things. I listen to music to feel relaxed. I go to bed early to get up early. Challenge What color is number 2? It s orange. / What color is number 3? It s yellow. / What color is number 4? It s purple. / What color is number 5? It s green. / What color is number 6? It s pink. / What color is number 7? It s blue. On Your Own (Activities p.128~p.129) Script How about wearing something bright? Red does. wear wearing relax relaxed A You look so down. Are you okay? B It s nothing. A Come on. Tell me. Are you worried about something? B Well. I have an English speaking test tomorrow and I m not ready. A Don t worry. I ll help you. Let s practice together. A You look so happy, Minsu. Are you excited about something? B Yes, today is my birthday. A Congratulations! B Thanks. So Hana, how about coming over today after school? My mom made a birthday cake for me. A Sounds great! How about wearing something bright? Red does. wear wearing relax relaxed 06 Colors Are Speaking to You 175

Amy is going to the movies with her best friend, Jina. Amy. Tom got a terrible grade on the math test. Tom. Hana s younger brother broke her favorite CD. Hana. Spelling (Amy / She) is happy / excited. (Tom/He) is sad / frustrated / worried / blue. (Hana / She) is upset / angry / sad. A : Last month, my mom bought me a new cell phone. I got the phone bill today and it s too high. B : How about using the cell phone less? A : I think I should. A : Last night I studied for today s English test until 3 a.m. I m too tired now. B : A : I think I have a bad cold now. I have a headache and a fever. B : Spelling How about taking a break? How about taking some rest? How about getting some sleep? How about going to see a doctor? How about going to the hospital? How about taking medicine/pills? 176 Lesson 06

We use a mirror to look at ourselves. To Spelling We use a pencil to write (down) something. We use a fork to pick up fruit/food. We use a computer to surf the Internet / to play games. We use a knife to cut meat. We use a spoon to eat rice/soup. We read a book to get knowledge. Today is Mini s birthday. Her family and friends prepared many things for her. Her mother is baking cookies in the kitchen. The cookies (smell). Her friends give her flowers. The flowers look beautiful. Her father brings a birthday cake. The cake (taste). Her sister sings a birthday song for Mina. The song (sound). Now, Mina (feel). Spelling s The cookies smell nice/delicious. The cake tastes delicious / yummy. The song sounds great/good. Now, Mina feels happy. 06 Colors Are Speaking to You 177

Lesson 6. Colors Are Speaking to You 1. 5. purple exam match headache calm A : How do you feel today? B : I feel. 2~3 A: May I help you? B: Yes, I m looking for a shirt. A: What is your favorite color? B: I like dark colors, like black or grey. A: Did you know that colors can change your feelings? How about wearing bright colors? They will make you feel happy. B: Oh, I didn t know that. Then, I ll take this green shirt. A: Good choice! 2. classroom clothing store hospital movie theater post office 3. Which other colors can make you feel happy? yellow black dark brown grey dark purple 4. Jihun : Minsu : Yes. I have an important exam tomorrow. Jihun : Don t worry too much. You can get great grade. What s wrong? Do you have any problem? Is there any problem? Do you feel anxious? Are you worried about something? tired good sad sleep relaxed 6. - I use a pen write down my ideas. - I listen to music be happy. - I drink milk be taller. too in to at on 7~9 There are many ways. Wearing red can make people feel more active. Listening to dance music will make you feel happy, too. How about weather? People usually feel good on sunny days but gloomy on rainy days. Food also can help people s feelings. Sweet food makes people feel better. Do you know any other ways? 7. food weather color flower music 8. to love your life to help you healthy to make many friends to be a good person to change people's feeling 9. You are in a sad mood. What will help you feel better? chocolate vegetables water meat milk 178 Lesson 06

10. colors can make you red active purple sleep better orange relaxed yellow happy Q: What does the yellow color do for you? Q: A 1. 2. 3. How do you feel when you see green colors? What day is today? wear / relaxed / bright / to / I / colors / feel look up Which season do you like the most? Why? 2. How about go to the library? B 1. 3. Sundayisthelastdayoftheweek. 2. What are you worried about? Why? O 1. doctors use colors. 3. What can change your feelings? Give three examples. TV from TV. It makes me feel happy. A around make go going Sunday is the last day of the week. O For, example stay, away I wear bright colors to feel relaxed. ex. I feel comfortable. ex. Today is Monday. ex. I like winter. I can go skiing with my friends. B How about going for a walk? ex. I am worried about my eyes. It is getting bad. I need to go see an eye doctor. ex. Reading books can change my feelings. Playing computer games makes me happy. Chatting with my friends makes me feel relaxed. 06 Colors Are Speaking to You 179

Type Dictation Date: / / Name: (P. 96) Speaker's Corner Hana : Seho, are you 1) about something? Seho: Yes, My English 2) is tomorrow. Hana : Did you study for it? Seho : Yes, I did. But I 3) feel anxious before an exam. Hana : Well, how about wearing something 4)? Seho : Something green? Why? Hana : 5) can change your feelings. Green will 6) you 7). Seho : I see. Good thinking. (P. 98-99) Reading Colors 1) up our world. Different colors can give different feelings. Red can make people feel more 2). Blue can 3) people down or make them feel sad. Some doctors use colors to change people s feelings. For example, blue helps with 4) and purple helps you sleep 5). Just look around you. Colors are speaking to you every day. Are you worried about exam? 6) away from dark colors. Instead, put green plants on your desk. They can calm you down. What about orange? You will feel 7). Do you have the Monday 8)? Then wear something bright. Yellow is a good color. It can make you feel happy. Oh, wait! Yellow does not 9) your school uniform. How about wearing yellow 10) then? worried exam always green Color calm down make active calm headaches better Stay relaxed blues match socks 180 Lesson 06

Type Words Date: / / Name: 1 cold 2 happy 1) 2) 3 3) darkness 4 bright 4) 5 5) loveliness 6 sad 6) anxious calm headache purple uniform - the color of blue and red mixed together - feeling worried or nervous - the special set of clothes worn by children at school - a continuous pain in the head - to make somebody/something become quiet and more relaxed coldness happiness dark brightness lovely sadness purple anxious uniform headache calm 06 Colors Are Speaking to You 181

Type Grammar & Writing Date: / / Name: She got up early going to school. [ ] The bread smells well. [ ] The tea makes me to feel relaxed. [ ] Amy s birthday is in july. [ ] The soup tastes so sweetly. [ ] How about go for a walk? [ ] The weather can change our feelings. Sunny days can make us (feel/to feel) happy. A warm day can make us feel (relax/relaxed), and a cool day can make us feel (active/actively). Wait! What about bad weather? There s good news. Cloudy days can also calm us down. Rainy days too. How about (read/reading) a book on a rainy day? The weather (are/is) speaking to you every (day/days). worried you are something about. see about going a doctor how to. makes happy shopping going me. to go good feel in July sweet going for feel relaxed active reading is day Are you worried about something? How about going to see a doctor? Going shopping makes me happy. 182 Lesson 06

Lesson 4 ~ Lesson 6 1. blue and red green and blue green and yellow yellow and red 6. 2. $50 $45 $48 $40 7. 3. 8. a basketball club a baseball club a reading club a listening club 4. 9. 5. 10. Don t take a picture. Don t make a noise. Don t turn off a cell phone. Don t run. Lesson 04~06 183

11. 16. 12. 17. Saturday 3:00 Saturday 3:30 Sunday 3:00 Sunday 3:30 13. 18. Jinwoong Paul Minsu John 19. 14. 15. 20. spaghetti pizza steak hamburger 184 Lesson 06

Script (Lesson 04 ~ 06) 1 W: Can I help you? M: I want an umbrella for my mom. W: How about this one? M: How much is it? W: 20,000 won, but you can have two for 35,000 won. M: Do you have any other colors? W: We have green, yellow, blue and red. M: I ll take the green and yellow. 2 W: Look at my watch. I bought it yesterday! Isn t it beautiful? M: Yes, it looks very pretty. How much did you spend for your new watch? W: The original price was fifty dollars and I had only forty-eight dollars. But, the watch was on sale, 10% off. So I bought it. M: Wow, you were lucky. When does the sale end? W: It will end this weekend. 3 W: What s the matter with you? M: I have a terrible headache. W: I think you have a cold. M: I played soccer in the rain last night. W: Why don t you go see a doctor? M: But I hate going to the doctor. W: Then, take some medicine and rest at home. M: Okay, I will. Thank you. 4 W: I can t get up early. M: Why don t you go to bed early? M: What s the problem? W: I spent too much money on games. W: How much is this? M: I m sick. W: Why don t you be nice to your friends? M: Good idea. Thanks. 5 W: Where do you spend most of your money? Many of you spend money on snacks, shopping, or games, but you should save money. When you get your money, try to save 50% in your bank account. Then, you can save a lot of money after many years later. It s the first step to having a good spending habit. 6 W: Tomorrow is my grandmother s birthday. M: Did you buy anything for her? W: I did, but I regret it now. M: Why? What did you buy? W: I bought a scarf with pretty check patterns. M: That sounds good. Was it too expensive? W: No, it wasn t. M: Then why do you regret it? W: Because my mom bought the same one from another store. 7 M: Hello, are you Jina? W: Yes, it is. Who s calling? M: Hi, this is Taeho. What are you doing? W: I m doing my homework. How about you? M: Me too. I have a question about the homework. W: What is it? M: I can t solve the math problem. Can you help me? W: Hm... I ll show you my homework tomorrow. Is that okay? M: Great! Thank you. 8 M: You look worried. W: I can t choose a club to join. M: I like playing basketball. Let's join the basketball club. W: I like basketball, but I m not a good player. M: What do you like to do? W: Well, I love reading. M: Reading is good for us, then let's join the reading club. W: That s a good idea! 9 W: Jungho, long time no see. Nice to see you again. M: I missed you a lot. W: Look at you. You look different. You are much taller. M: I know. Many things have changed. I have pimples, and I m heavier than before. W: Because you are growing up now. 10 M: Welcome to British museum! Before you look around, let me tell you some rules. Don t take pictures inside the museum. It s not good for the colors in the paintings. Don t run and make noise inside. It can bother others. And turn off your cell phone, please. Remember to keep these rules. Enjoy your time. Thank you. 11 W: Do you exercise every day? M: No, I don t. I want to exercise, but I don t know what to do. W: You can do many things. I go jogging every night. That keeps me healthy. M: Where do you go jogging? W: Near my apartment. There is a nice park. M: Why do you go jogging every day? W: Because I m overweight, and I want to lose weight. Lesson 04~06 script 185

12 M: Jessica, what are you doing? W: I m cleaning my room. Mom told me to do that. She was angry because of my messy room. M: Can you help me? I m fixing the radio. I broke it. Dad is coming soon. W: Sorry, I have to finish cleaning. Why don't you tell dad? M: I can t. He will be mad about it. 13 W: I m very hungry. Are you eating chocolate? M: Yes, do you want some? W: Sure. It looks delicious and I love sweet things. M: Look! There is a sign. W: What does it say? M: Oh, we can t eat here. W: I didn t see that sign. Let s go out and have lunch together. 14 W: Are you excited about something? M: Yes. Our family is moving next month. W: Where are you moving to? M: We re moving to Sadang-dong. W: Why does that make you excited? M: Because that place is my hometown. I was born in Sadang. I still have many friends there. W: Good for you, but sad for me. M: Don t worry. I'll come to see you. 15 M: Shall we eat out tonight? W: Sounds great! What do you want to eat? M: You know I like spaghetti and pizza. W: Sorry, I had them yesterday. M: Really? Then, how about eating steak instead? W: That s fine. Do you know a good steak restaurant? M: There is a new restaurant around the corner. Let s go there. 16 W: Are you worried about something? M: Yes, I am. I have a big Taekwondo contest tomorrow. W: You can do it. You are the best player in our school. M: But I m really nervous. W: How about having a cup of rosemary tea? M: Why? W: I read in the article that rosemary tea can help people calm down. M: That s a good information. Thanks. 17 M: Mijin, do you have any special plan for this Saturday? W: Why? M: How about going shopping with me? W: I m sorry I can t. I m busy on Saturdays. M: When are you free? W: Sunday is okay. M: Great. Let s meet on Sunday at 3:30. W: See you then. 18 W: How tall are you, John? M: I m 170 centimeters tall. W: Are you taller than Minsu and Paul? M: No, they are over 175 centimeters. Paul is taller than Minsu. W: Is Paul the tallest in your classroom? M: No, Jinwoong is the tallest student. W: How tall is he? M: He s 182 centimeters tall. 19 M: You look so happy. W: Yes, I feel great. M: What makes you so happy? W: I hate hot days. I don t like summers. I can t sleep at night these days. But I heard a good news. It will rain tomorrow. Then it will be cooler than today. M: Wow. I m glad to hear that. How long will it rain? W: For three days. 20 W: You look sick. Are you okay? M: I don t feel well. W: What s wrong? Do you have a flu? M: I think so. I have a runny nose, a headache, and a dry cough. W: That s too bad. How about going to see a doctor? M: I went there an hour ago. I m going to the pharmacy. Do you know where it is? W: Go straight one block and turn left. You can see it between the bank and bookstore. 186 Lesson 04~06

2 [Lesson 4~6] Topic 1. Check Your Spending Habit! Step 1 Step 2 ITEMS Step 3 clothes books games others pants The alchemist play station3 :Star Wars Useful expressions A How much did you spend? B I spent 57 dollars on games. A Hmm... That s expensive. B Yes, I regret it now. A Why don t you cut down on your spending? watch PRICE($) 35 8.3 57 24 Topic 2. Good Tips for Your Health Step 1 overweight toothache / decayed tooth tired / sleepy / drowsy Step 2 Health Tip Site take exercise brush teeth three times a day. take a rest /sleep sound Step 3 A You don t look good today. Do you have any problem? B Yes. I feel really tired. I couldn t sleep well yesterday because of today s exam. A Well, exam is over now. How about going home early to take a rest? B That s a good idea. Lesson 04~06 2 187

Lesson 4 ~ Lesson 6 Have Fun Write the word. 1. p e s s t 2. a s e m 3. c m y w d Lesson 4 <> Lesson 5 <> <> Lesson 6 <> 1. pimple economics spending habits sweat theater 2. anxious squeeze exam meal 3. clam money yellow worried draw 188 Lesson 04~06