02 다문화포커스 Multiculture Focus 2014 년 5 월 10 일 ( 월간 ) 제 49 호 Predecessors in Korean Living Help Newcomers 한국생활은내가선배, 뒤에서후배를돕는다 Immigrant Based Volunteer

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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp DOI: (LiD) - - * Way to




20145 www.dasarangnews.com The main stadium of Asian Games Incheon 2014 completed 2014 인천아시아경기대회주경기장완공 Wanted dasarang 032)881-9441 Photo News 45 억아시아인축제의성화가활활타오를 2014 인천아시아경기대회주경기장이마침내 그웅장한모습을드러냈다. 파도, 하늘, 춤을모티브로디자인한주경 기장은전체 5 층규모로아시아최대규모를 자랑한다. 대지면적은 63 만 1 천 975 m2이며관 람석은 6 만 2 천 818 석이다. 서구연희동에자 리잡은주경기장에서는 9 월 19 일개막식과 10월 4일폐회식을비롯해육상경기는물론마라톤결승지점으로활용됨으로써아시아인의눈이집중된다. From this moment I am an adult The magnificence of the main stadium of Asian Games Incheon 2014 where the torch of the festival fiercely blazes for 45 hundred million of asian people, was finally revealed. The main stadium designed from the motive of wave, sky and dance, has the full extent of a five-story building and boasts of the largest scale in Asia. It has the area of 631,975m2 and seats of 62,818 spectators. The main stadium located in Yeonhui-dong of Seo-gu attracts attention from asians, holding opening ceremony on Sep. 19th and closing ceremony on Oct. 4th and used for not only athletic sports, but also the finish line of marathon. The stadium s elongated form stretching from its north to south sector is the figuration of light coming in to its main circular ground. The seats of the grandstand were spaced out for comfortable viewing and designed to offer a great view from every seat. Especially the 534 seats for the disabled were arranged with rotary wheelchair seats and companion seats. Conspicuously, half of the grandstand are variable seats. The 30,000 variable seats in the east sector will be deconstructed after the games. Instead, it will be replaced by green space and various convenience facilities. It will turn into a diverse cultural entertainment facility, including a large movie theater, a discount store, a banquet hall, a beauty clinic and a sports center. The main stadium was constructed with an evironmentally friendly Green approach. For heating and air-conditioning, geothermal technology is used. Indoor lighting is provided by the stadium is solar panels. Rain water collected from the rooftops are stored and recyled for watering the grounds of the main stadium. The south of the main stadium has a cricket stadium with 2,300 seats. Cricket is similar with a baseball game and widely popular in countries like UK, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. 남북으로긴형태의경기장은원형그라운드에빛이들어오는모습을형상화했다. 일반관중석은쾌적한관람을위해넓은간격으로설치했으며모든좌석에서경기장이잘보이도록설계했다. 특히장애인관람석 534 석은장애인과노약자를고려하여회전식휠체어석과동반자석을함께배치했다. 눈에띄는것은관람석의 50% 는가변석이다. 동쪽가변석 3만석은대회이후에철거된다. 이자리에는입체녹지공간과각종편익시설이들어선다. 대형영화관, 할인점, 연회장, 뷰티클리닉, 스포츠센터등다양한문화엔터테인먼트시설로거듭난다. 주경기장은자연과환경을고려한 그린경기장 으로조성했다. 지열을모아냉난방으로활용하고태양광은주경기장의실내조명으로사용한다. 지붕위로내린빗물은저장고에모아그라운드조경용수로재사용한다. 주경기장남측에는 2천300 석의스탠드를갖춘크리켓경기장이있다. 크리켓은야구와흡사한룰을갖고있는종목으로영국을비롯해인도, 파키스탄, 방글라데시등에서인기가높은스포츠다. 글 사진김민영편집장 Article by Editor Kim Min Young gem0701@hanmail.net 이순간부터나는 어른 Adrian Mark Ramphersad who is a native English teacher from Canada of a middle school in Incheon is experiencing a korean traditional adult ceremony. In the ceremony, men wore traditional adult costumes donned with traditional headwear enjoying traditional snacks and beverages. Women wearing traditional adult attires put on a hairpin called a binyeo and drank tea. On the day, Seo-gu cultural center gave them quote of wisdom as a gift to awaken them to social responsibility and duty as an adult. the Adult Ceremony is held annually on the Monday of the third week of May (May. 19, 2014). 인천의중학교원어민교사인애드리안마 크램퍼사드 ( 캐나다 ) 씨가한국전통성년의식 을체험중이다. 성인식에서남자는어른의복 장을하고관모를쓰며술과안주를마셨다. 여 자는어른의복장을하고비녀를꽂으며차를 마셨다. 이날서구문화원에서는그들에게좋 은글을선물하여성인으로서사회에대한책 임과의무를다하도록일렀다. 성년의날 은매 년 5 월세쨋주월요일 (2014 년 5 월 19 일 ) 이다. 글 사진김민영편집장 Photograph and article by Editor Kim Min Young gem0701@hanmail.net The 43rd National Junior Sports Festival A field of dream and challenge Welcome to Incheon, the economic capital and the heart of Korea 5월꿈과도전의장 - 대한민국의심장, 경제수도인천으로여러분을초대합니다 Strong Body, Strong Mind, Strong Country 몸도튼튼, 마음도튼튼, 나라도튼튼! 제 43 회전국소년체육대회 Hosted by Korea Sports Council (KSC) Arranged by City of Incheon, Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education and Incheon Sports Council Sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Ministry of Education Venue : Incheon Munhak Stadium and other 43 places 주최 대한체육회주관 인천광역시, 인천광역시교육청, 인천광역시체육회후원 문화체육관광부, 교육부 장소 인천문학경기장등 43 개소

02 다문화포커스 Multiculture Focus 2014 년 5 월 10 일 ( 월간 ) 제 49 호 Predecessors in Korean Living Help Newcomers 한국생활은내가선배, 뒤에서후배를돕는다 Immigrant Based Volunteer Group 이주배경주민나눔봉사단 Immigrant Based Volunteer Group is in a conference in Bupyeonggu Multiculture Support Center 부평구다문화지원센터에서회의중인 이주배경주민나눔봉사단 When migratory birds move, there is a leader among these birds. Due to the bird s sacrifice of mostly withstanding wind pressure, other birds can fly smoothly. Doesn t an immigrant marriage need a mentor like the birds? Bupyeong-gu Immigrant based volunteer group took initiative to pay the roles of a mentor. The volunteer group has 22 female immigrants who have lived in Korea from 3 to 10 years. Each member is sent to one of twenty two Dongs in Bupyeong-gu to meet a new immigrant. They afford immigrants useful information such as Korean culture or benefits and relevant institutions. Sui Hong Yen(from China, nine-year) who is in charge of Bupyeong 4-dong emphasizes that it is important to interchange feelings with immigrants. She said I visit and talk with them. Although they have lived in Korea for a long time, they can still feel the loneliness. They need this kind of attention. Also, I started volunteering with hope for their happiness. The group, supported by Bupyeong-gu office is run as part of a program by Bupyeonggu Multiculture Support Center. They say that it is crucial to gather new information and to pass this onto the immigrant women. Song Bongsun manager from the support center said that the activities of the volunteer group significantly help immigrants to settle down as local citizens. The fact that the immigrant women who used to be a recipient now are a helper, means a lot to them. As Bupyeonggu has the biggest number of foreigners in Incheon, it is anticipated that the group activities go a long way towards foreigners settlement in Incheon. Inquiry. 032-511-1800~01, 1809 (Bupyeonggu Multiculture Support Center) 철새가비행을할때조차이끌어주는이가있다. 바람의저항을가장많이받는새의희생으로뒤따르는새들은보다쉽고편리한비행을할수있게된다. 나라에서나라로이주하는결혼이민자에게도이런이끔이, 즉 멘토 가필요하지않을까? 부평구 이주배경주민나눔봉사단 이멘토로나섰다. 이주배경주민나눔봉사단 ( 이하봉사단 ) 은 22명의이주여성들이모여활동한다. 적게는 3년, 많게는 10년이상한국생활을한 배테랑이주민들이다. 봉사단원들은부평구 22개동에한사람씩파견돼담당지역의새로운이주민들을만나고있다. 봉사단은처음한국생활을시작한이주민들에게한국의문화나복지혜택, 관련기관소개등다양한정보를제공한다. 부평 4동을담당하는쉬홍옌 ( 중국출신, 9년차 ) 씨는 이주민과의감정교류가중요하다 고강조했다. 그녀는 수시로가정방문을해서이야기를나눈다 면서 한국생활을오래했어도여전히외로움을느낄수있다. 다문화여성들에게는이런관심이필요하다 고했다. 또한, 다들행복하게살았으면좋겠다는마음에봉사를시작하게되었다. 고말했다. 봉사단은부평구청지원, 부평구다문화지원센터사업의일환으로운영된다. 이들은부평구다문화지원센터와담당동사무소에서새로운정보를습득, 이주민여성들에게전달해주는허브역할을해내고있다. 부평구다문화지원센터송봉선팀장은 봉사단원분들의활동이이주민들이지역주민으로서정착하는데많은도움을주고있다 며 수혜자의입장이던이주여성들이도움자로서활동을하면서스스로자긍심을갖는것에도의미가있다 고말한다. 한편부평구는인천시내외국인이가장많이거주하고있는지역으로, 봉사단활동이인천시외국인정착지원에많은도움이될것으로기대된다. 문의 : 032-511-1800~01, 1809 ( 부평구다문화지원센터 ) 글 사진차지은기자 Photograph and article by Cha Ji Eun minsable@hanmail.net Notice Board 험장주관으로지난 4 월 27 일외국인근로자를 취학전자녀자모모임구성 자녀방과후학습 다래교실 개강 위해 pc 학과시험을실시했다. 이날총 65 명이인 남구다문화가족지원센터는자녀의취학전준 부평구다문화가족지원센터는다문화가정자녀 Driving License computer-based exam can be taken in Incheon Foreign Workers Support Centers The Namdong-gu Multicultural Family Support Center held the computer-based Driver s License examination for foreign workers on the 27th of April, with the supervision of Incheon Driving License Exam Center. A total of 65 took the exam in Incheon Foreign Workers Support Center. The exam was available in 12 languages, including English, Chinese, Vietnamese and Cambodian. 찾아가는운전면허 PC 학과시험 실시 남동구다문화가족지원센터는인천운전면허시 천외국인력지원센터에서학과시험을치렀다. 시험은영어, 중국어, 베트남어, 캄보디아어등 12 개언어로출제되었다. Group meetings for parents preparing their child for elementary school The Namdong-gu Multicultural Family Support Center formed a monthly parents meeting offering information about elementary education for those preparing their child for elementary school. These meetings will also provide talks with elementary school teachers. Meetings are held at 1pm, last Saturdays of every month til December. 비사항및초등학교생활전반에관한정보를제공하는 현장교사와함께하는교실이야기 를진행하고자모모임을구성했다. 자모모임은 12 월까지, 매월마지막주토요일오후 1시에진행할예정이다. Darae class for after school study commenced The Bupyeong-gu Multicultural Family Support Center has opened an after school study support classes for children of multicultural families. Classes available to 4~6th graders (up to 6 students), middle and high school students (up to 7 students). Darae after school classes start April 21st til Feb 2015. 방과후학습지도교육을위해초등학교 4~6학년 6명, 중 고등학생 7명을대상으로 다래교실 을 4월 21일부터 2015년 2월까지운영한다. Mom s homemade food - Korean Food Culture Class The Gyeyang-gu Multicultural Family Support Center is holding a Korean food culture class for married immigrants. These classes will provide immigrant wives a chance to learn more about Korean Food and to socialize with Korean volunteers. Classes are held once a month, Mondays of every fourth week of each month(first class starts May 19) til November.

03 May 05. 2014 Multiculture Plaza 다문화광장 Hannuri School 한누리학교 Hannuri School High Five the Principal 한누리학교 교장선생님과스스럼없이하이파이브 Combined Multicultural Elementary, Middle, and High School in Nonhyun-dong 초 중 고통합다문화학교논현동에있다 Hannuri School is the first combined multicultural school in Korea where 200 children with different appearances, ages, and places of birth happily get along well together. It has afforded commissioned education to 147 students from 17 countries for a year since the school s foundation on March 1st, 2013. It is available for any children of multicultural families or foreign workers who have difficulty in adjusting to ordinary school, regardless of where they reside, to apply. The applicants in middle school can use the dormitory. Currently the school selects students through nonscheduled admission. Colorful halls and classrooms, a neat cafeteria and a nice dormitory in the building surrounded with a lot of flags, were designed to offer an environmental-friendly space. There is a total of 15 classes; 6 classes for elementary schoolers, 3 classes for middle schoolers, 3 classes for high schoolers and 2 college preparation classes. The total number of students is 225, with 15 students in each class. The regular curriculum is a half that of an ordinary school and the rest is filled with diverse specialized classes; Korean language, Korean culture, and character and adjustment process. The arts or physical education including taekwondo, crafts, and ocarina classes are a nourishment for their character and emotion. In snatches Principal Bak Hyungsik and students in Hannuri School warmly pose together 박형식교장과한누리학교학생들이다정하게포즈를취하고있다. of time, they get multicultural education. They also spend a lot of time outside the classroom. While experiencing outside events like World Citizen s Day, Korea-China Culture Festival and Incheon Pungmul Festival, they naturally form a sense of value of a multicultural society. All children coming from different countries still have something in common. They all greet with a cheerful look. The innocent look on their face when they hi-five for example. For those from multicultural families who worried about school life, Don t hesitate to call us. It will be very helpful to talk with a professional consultant teacher, said the principle Bak Hyungsik. Address: Nonhyun Gojanro (Nonhyun-dong 640-2), Namdong-gu, Incheon Inquiry 032-422-2102 태어난나라, 생김새, 나이도다른 200 여 명의아이들이매일웃으며어울리는한누리 학교는전국최초의초. 중. 고통합다문화공 립학교이다. 2013 년 3 월 1 일개교해한해 동안 17 개나라에서온 147 명의학생을위 탁교육했다. 중도입국자녀, 외국인근로자 의자녀, 일반학교적응이어려운다문화가 정의자녀라면거주지역에상관없이 지원이가능하고중학생이상은기숙 사이용도가능하다. 현재수시입학제 로운영하고있다. 세계각국의국기가게양된건물에 알록달록한복도와교실, 깔끔한교내 식당, 쾌적한기숙사는자연친화적인 공간으로꾸며졌다. 학급수는초등학 교 6학급, 중학교 3학급, 고등학교 3학급, 디딤돌 2학급등모두 15 학급으로학급당 15 명씩총정원은 225명이다. 정규교육과정은일반학교의 50% 로정도이고나머지는한국어와한국문화, 인성및생활과정등다양한특성화교육으로채워진다. 태권도, 공예, 오카리나를비롯한예체능시간은인성과감성의자양분이된다. 틈틈이각나라에대한다문화교육도받는다. 교실밖에서의시간도많다. 세계인의날, 한중문화축제, 인천풍물축제 등외부행사를즐기는동안생생한체험을하며자연스레다문화에대한가치관이형성된다. 모두다른곳에서온아이들이지만공통점이있다. 하나같이밝은표정으로인사를한다는것. 교장선생님과스스럼없이하이파이브를하는얼굴이천진하다. 다문화가정의학교생활로인해고민하는이들에게박형식교장은 망설이지말고학교로전화를걸어주세요. 전문상담교사와이야기하면많은도움이될것입니다 라고전했다. 주소 : 인천시남동구논현고잔로 215( 논현동 640-2) 문의 : 032-422-2102 글 사진주란기자 Photograph and article by Ju Ran rri0217@naver.com 엄마의손맛 진행 Understanding Multiculturalism 다문화이해하기동반체험 their local community, are planning to give 계양구다문화기족지원센터는자원봉사자와결 group experience 연수구다문화가족지원센터는연수구내다문 back to their local community through help- 혼이민자들간의화합과한국음식문화체험의 The Yeonsu-gu Multicultural Family Sup- 화가족및일반가족, 한부모가정을대상으로 ing struggling neighbors in neglect. This 기회를제공하기위해매월 1 회 ( 넷째주월요일 port Center is planning to implement a 더불어사는공동체의식을함양하기위한프로 year, for one year, the group will volunteer 5/19) 11 월까지진행할계획이다. program for families of multicultural back- 그램을분기별로진행할계획이다. 한국민속 in activities like cleaning in the Injung Reha- Help find my child s dream education The Jung-gu Multicultural Family Support Center held an educational class for parents needing help in finding their child s future dreams on March 24th. 우리아이꿈찾기 교육중구다문화가족지원센터는지난 3월 24일, 자녀의적성에맞는진로를찾기위해 우리아이꿈찾기 교육을진행하였다. grounds, as well as Korean families and single-parent families, on raising awareness of living in a multicultural community and fostering multiculturalism. There will be 4 get-together days in this program: Korean Folk Village experience ( Inside Korean History ), Imjingak Pavilion experience ( Our Wish is Unification ), Mud Flat experience ( Mystical Tideland ), Cheese Making Village experience ( The pizza I made is the best! ), and more. 촌체험 ( 한국의역사속으로 ~~) 과임진각체험 ( 우리의소원은통일 ~), 갯벌체험 ( 신비한갯벌 ), 임실치즈마을 ( 내가만든피자가최고야!) 등총 4회다. Rainbow Volunteer Group helping our communities The Seo-gu Multicultural Family Support Center and the Rainbow volunteer group, which includes marriage immigrants and multicultural families who have been supported and helped by various institutions in bilitation Center. The Rainbow Volunteer Group consists of 10 families, a total of 27 members. 무지개봉사단 나눔손길진행서구다문화가족지원센터는 무지개봉사단 을통해결혼이민자를포함한다문화가정이지역사회기관에서받은도움을소외된이웃에게환원하기위한활동을한다. 올해는인정재활원에서 1년간기관청소활동을진행할예정이다. 봉사단원은다문화가족 10세대로총 27명이다.

04 생활 Living Learn Inchoen Life by Experience 체험하며인천생활익히기 2014 년 5 월 10 일 ( 월간 ) 제 49 호 Onnuri Voucher is just like Cash 이거돈이랑똑같네, 온누리상품권 Onnuri voucher? I ve heard of it but. There is a voucher for the traditional market which can be used like cash. With this voucher you can feel kindness and generosity in the traditional market. Even migrant women often can be seen using these vouchers. Although not familiar with the vouchers, how were they able to use them easily? Lee Hyejung(25) and Hong Ban(25), migrant women from Vietnam, are Working moms who take on childcare, homemaking plus work, on a daily basis. They went to Bupyeong gang Market, the former auction market of agro and fishery products. Hyejung said In this market, I can get ingredients that I would use in Vietnam. There is a variety of fish and the cost of meat is very cheap. I heard many migrant women like myself come here for grocery shopping. They, who got used to the directions of the market, easily find stores which sell great ingredients at a low cost. These women, who thoroughly examine fruits, portray a Professional housewives aura. After a pleasant shopping session, they decided to appease their hunger with kimchi mak noodle. Ms. Lee handed over the voucher of 10,000 won to the merchant and received the noddle and cash in change. Hong Ban said, I ve never used vouchers. I always gave it to my husband. But it is convenient to use them just like cash. Lee Hyejung agreed with her, saying In Vietnam, we don t have this kind of vouchers so I am not used to it. But it is easy to use, especially on holidays. When I give allowances to cousins or family-in-laws, they get uncomfortable taking money. Since I started giving them vouchers instead, they were willing to take them, so I was very pleased. Lee Hyejung(left) and Hong Ban(right) is buying foods using a Onnuri voucher. 이혜정 ( 좌 ) 씨와홍반 ( 우 ) 씨가온누리상품권으로음식을구입하고있다. Onnuri vouchers are used exclusively for the traditional markets issued by the Small and Medium Business Administration and Market Management Promotion Agency. They issue paper vouchers of 5,000 won and 10,000 won, as well as electronic vouchers. Actually you have to use more than 60% of the price in order to get change. Nevertheless, most of merchants give change even for products of 1,000 won. Besides, buying vouchers by cash you can get a 5% discount(at best 30%). You can purchase Onnuri vouchers in any ten banking institutions; the Post Office, The Saemaeul finance firm, Industrial Bank of Korea, Woori Bank and so on. 료를많이구할수있어요. 특히생선의종류가다양하고육류도굉장히저렴해요. 저말고도많은이주여성들이이곳에서장을본다고들었어요. 라고전한다. 시장길이익숙한그녀들은넓은시장에서도맛있고저렴한가게를금방찾아낸다. 생선과정육, 과일까지꼼꼼히살피는그녀들은어느덧 주부 9단 의포스를뿜어내고있다. 한참시장나들이를즐기던그들은김치묵국수로요기를하기로했다. 이씨는온누리상품권 1만원권을상인에게건 넸다. 김치묵국수와함께돌아온거스름돈은현금이다. 홍반씨는 그동안상품권을써본적이없어요. 생기면남편한테주었는데, 상인들도현금이랑똑같이취급하니까편리한것같아요. 라고말한다. 이혜정씨도고개를끄덕이며말을이었다. 베트남에는이런상품권이없어서생소했어요. 하지만사용법이어렵지않아서좋더라고요. 특히명절때조카나시댁식구한테용돈을드릴때, 현금은받기불편해했는데, 상품권으로드렸더니부담없이받으셔서기분좋게드릴수있었어요. 온누리상품권은중소기업청과시장경영진흥원에서발행하는전통시장전용상품권이다. 종이상품권 5천원권과 1만원권을발행하고, 전자상품권도판매한다. 액면금액의 60% 이상을사용해야잔액 ( 거스름돈 ) 을받을수있지만, 대부분의시장상인들은 1천원만구입해도나머지를현금으로거슬러주고있다. 또한, 개인이현금으로상품권을구매하면 5% 할인 ( 최대 30만원 ) 을해주고있어보다저렴한쇼핑이가능하다. 온누리상품권은전국우체국, 새마을금고, 기업은행, 우리은행, 신협등 10 개금융기관에서구매할수있다. 문의. 1544-4090 글 사진차지은기자 Photograph and article by Cha Ji Eun minsable@hanmail.net Information Piece / 토막정보 Then, what is the culture voucher? 그럼, 문화상품권은뭐지? Contact.1544 to 4090 Onnuri Voucher is specialized for the 온누리상품권이전통시장에특화된상품 온누리상품권이요? 들어는봤는데. 현금처럼사용이가능한전통시장전용상품권이있다. 이상품권한장이면전통 traditional market, while Culture Voucher is for leisure and cultural life. The feature is that the culture voucher can be used in a 권이라면, 문화상품권은여가및문화생활에유용한상품권이다. ( 주 ) 한국문화진흥에서발행하는문화상품권은각종영화관및 movie theater, a bookstore, a amusement 시장의넉넉한인심을느껴볼수있다. 쇼서점, 놀이공원, 프랜차이즈음식점과인터 park, franchise restaurants and online 핑에나선이주여성들의손에도온누리상넷쇼핑몰등사용처가다양하다는것이특 shopping malls. In oder to use it online, 품권이들려있다. 상품권이생소했던그징이다. 온라인에서사용할경우에는컬쳐 create an account in Culture Land (http:// 들, 어렵지않게쓸수있을까? 베트남출신이주여성이혜정 (25) 씨와홍반 (25) 씨는육아와살림그리고직장까지다니는 워킹맘 이다. 그들이찾아간곳은 부평 www.cultureland.co.kr) and put the voucher number in. You can get a refund of the change; for the voucher of 5,000won, it is 80% and for the one of 10,000won, it is 60%. Culture voucher can be purchased in 랜드 (http://www.cultureland.co.kr) 계정생성후상품권번호입력만으로사용할수있다. 상품권은 5천원권의경우액면가의 80% 이상, 1만원권은 60% 이상사용후잔액을환불받을수있다. 문화상품권은전국서점및편의점, 국민 깡시장. 예전에농수산 nationwide bookstores, convenient stores, 은행, 제일은행, 우체국, 온라인등에서구물경매시장이있던곳 Kukmin Bank, Cheil Bank, post office and 매가가능하다. 최근모바일문화상품권이이다. 이혜정씨는 부평 online. A mobile culture voucher has been 발행돼보다쉽게접할수있게되었다. 대부시장에서는베트남에서 recently issued so that it is more accessible. You can buy it mostly by cash and, in 분현금으로구입할수있지만일부매장에먹던음식과비슷한재 some stores, by credit card as well. 서는신용카드로도구매할수있다.

05 May 05. 2014 Living Tip 생활정보 Ask Anything to 120 Michuhol Call Center 무엇이든물어보세요 120 미추홀콜센터 The immigrant woman, Ha Jooyoung, is counselling in Mongolian. 몽골출신이주여성하주영씨가몽골어로상담하고있다. Where can you get a lot of information civil appeals. The most largest number to settle down in Korea? Information is of inquiries is about bus information, illegal parking and transportation. power in this fast changing society. Migrant women and foreign workers are The center gives multi-language service such as English, Vietnamese and more likely to struggle when trying to acquire information than that of the local Koreans. 120 Michuhol Call Center charge of the language service and one Mongolian. There are 4 counsellors in reliably provides various news and information, such as civil affairs. migrant woman from Mongolia and the of them is Ha Jooyoung who is an im- Michuhol Call Center communicates only immigrant counsellor from Mongolia. They provide native languages to with citizens 24/7 and about sixty staff receives two, three thousand calls everyday. The center takes charge of provid- You can even take counseling sessions foreigners whose Korean is poor. ing information relevant to city news, with a translation service. The center is transportation, water service, and accept also eyes and ears for all Incheon citizens which offer sign language consultations through video telephone. Lee Kyungjin instructor said marriage immigrant women inquire about immigration information such as visa or passports, foreign workers ask for information related to wages. They particularly make good use of our translation service to communicate with a business proprietor. Furthermore, we regularly send migrant women information of multi-culture events. The center has expanded their counselling service since it opened in December, 2011. Currently they support a water service business of Nam-gu and Yeonsu-gu, planning to include other autonomous districts to the service. Use of foreign language consultation (Mon.-Fri. 9A.M. ~ 6P.M.) 032-120 9 Select number for language consultant Smart app. Michuhol Call Center is available in English Sign language counselling: 070-7947-9005 한국생활정착에필요한여러정보는어디 서구할수있을까? 급변하는사회에서정보 는힘이다. 이주여성이나외국인노동자는한 국인에비해정보습득에취약한것이사실. 미추홀콜센터 120 에서는다양한소식과민 원업무등의정보제공으로인천시민들에게 힘이되어주고있다. 미추홀콜센터 ( 이하센터 ) 는 365 일, 24 시간 시민들과소통한다. 60 여명의직원들이매일 2, 3 천통의전화를받는다. 센터는시 구정 소식및교통정보, 상수도관련정보를제공하고있으며민원접수도담당하고있다. 120 콜센터에가장많이들어오는문의는버스정보및불법주정차관련문의등의교통안내인것으로집계된다. 센터에서는영어와베트남어, 몽골어등의다국어상담서비스를지원하고있다. 외국어서비스를제공하는 외국어팀 의상담사는총 4명. 그중몽골출신이주여성하주영씨는몽골어부문을담당하고있는유일한이주여성상담사다. 이들은한국어가서툰외국인들에게모국어서비스를제공하고있다. 이밖의언어는통역서비스를활용한상담이가능하다. 또, 화상전화를통한수화상담을진행해모든인천시민들의눈과귀가되어주고있다. 이경진교육강사는 결혼이민여성들은비자나여권문제같은출입국관련문의를가장많이하고, 외국인노동자들은임금관련문의를많이하세요. 특히사업주와의사소통이힘들어통역서비스를주로이용하고있습니다. 또, 이주여성들에게는주기적으로다문화관련행사정보를문자로보내드리고있습니다. 라고전한다. 미추홀콜센터는 2011 년 12월에문을연뒤, 상담분야를늘려나가고있다. 현재남구, 연수구, 상수도업무를통합지원하고있으며, 나머지자치구도통합서비스할계획이다. 외국어상담이용방법 ( 평일오전 9시 ~ 오후 6시 ) 032-120 9 언어별안내번호선택후상담진행 스마트앱 미추홀콜센터 에서도외국어지원 수화상담 : 070-7947-9005 글 사진차지은기자 Photograph and article by Cha Ji Eun minsable@hanmail.net Taste of Tang, Thailand s Soup Tasting Multi Culture through Food: One of the 3 Best Soups of the World, Tom Yam Kung 톡쏘는태국의맛 _ 세계 3대수프, 양꿍 Tom Yam Kung, is a popular dish from central Thailand. Thailand never experienced invasions from other countries but Thai cuisine was influenced by various different Asian traditions. Thailand s abundance of seafood and rice, advantages of its geographical location and environment, blended with herbs and spices from India, and chilies from Portugal, are the core ingredients of Thai cuisine. Tom Yam Kung was derived from a mix of different Asian cultures, one being the Chinese use of pots and chopsticks. Tom means soup, Yam means sour, Kung means prawn. Tom Yam Kung is made by simmering together the main ingredients: prawns, lemongrass, lime, and chilli. A harmony of sweet, sour and spicy flavors, this soup boasts depth and complexity, and is considered a health food. The herbs and spices used in Thai foods help with fast digestion and gets rid of displeasing odors and flavors. One of the herbs in Tom Yam Kung, the coriander, a.k.a. cilantro, has a unique fragrance which mosquitoes despise, a blessed herb indeed. Its nutritiousness and unique flavors won the taste buds of the world, rating Tom Yam Kung as one of the three of World s Best Soups. The other soups: the Bouillabaisse, a Mediterranean seafood soup from France, and the luxurious Shark s Fin Soup from China. Try Tom Yam Kung, you will be able to enjoy tastes of various cultures blended harmoniously with the added tang, one of Thai s stand out flavors. 태국중부지역을대표하는음식 양꿍 (Tom Yam Kung). 태국은외세의침략이없었던나라이지만음식은다양한나라의영향을받았다. 지리적특성과환경으로쌀, 해산물이풍부하고인도의커리같은향신료, 포르투갈에서들어온칠리가음식의주재료로쓰인다. 여기에중국인이사용하던냄비와젓가락등의문화가섞여양꿍이탄생했다. 은국물, 양 은새콤하다, 꿍 은새우라는뜻으로새우, 레몬그라스, 라임잎, 고추등을넣고끓인다. 매운맛과신맛, 달콤함이섞여오묘하고깊은맛을내는보양식이다. 향신료는소화를촉진하고혹시모를불쾌한향과맛을없앤다. 특히고유의향을가진고수는모기의접근까지막아주는고마운향신료. 독틋한맛과향, 영양으로프랑스의지중해식해물탕부이야베스, 중국의럭셔리수프샥스핀과함께세계 3대수프의하나로도꼽힌다. 양꿍을천천히음미하면다양한문화와조화를이루면서도톡쏘는태국의참맛을느낄수있다. 글 사진주란기자 Photograph and article by Ju Ran rri0217@naver.com

06 피플 People I am a Incheon Citizen 나는인천인 2014 년 5 월 10 일 ( 월간 ) 제 49 호 The family Story of Choi Mubin from Pakistan I like Korea full of Jung (affection) 파키스탄에서온최무빈씨의알콩달콩가족이야기 _ 정이많은한국이좋아요 From the left, the wife Sa Era, Syamireu, Choi Mubin, Alriswiba, Minal and Syahire. 좌측부터아내사에라씨, 샤미르군, 최무빈씨, 알리쉬바얄, 미날양, 샤히르군 Choi Mubin(41) is a Incheon citizen who given a Korean citizenship in 2005. He lives in Bupyeong and is one of Pakistanis who is involved in exporting used cars in Incheon. Since he came to Korea for a trade business in 1996, his family has been living happily in Incheon. In his cozy and neat house, there are total six people who get along well; his wife Sa Era Mubin(33), Choi Syahireu(7), Choi Minal(5), and twin brothers, Choi Syamireu(3) and Choi Alriswiba. He and his children all adopted Choi as their family names, following the name of his Korean friend who helped him a lot in his early Korean life. Despite the tough life in the foreign country, with children who need constant care from their parents and wife who still thinks Korean is difficult, Choi Mubin is quite dependable. He met his wife, wearing a hijab with a coy smile, by arrangement in Pakistan in 2006 and they got engaged. After coming back to Korea, he kept in touch with his loving fiancé via international phone calls. He married her in 2007 and his wife who was an elementary school teacher came to Korea. Sa Era remembers her first meeting with him saying his first impression was great, I was not afraid. I thought living in Korea would be just fine. I am content with my current life in Korea. She is busy doing a lot of activities with her children who go to kindergarten, and have meetings with Pakistani women twice a week. She has no difficulty in adjusting to Korean culture. She even makes a joke saying I have a total Korean style. She twice applied for the citizenship, but failed due to her Korean skills so that it makes her the only Pakistani in his family. She gave a hint that she wants to study Korean hard for the citizenship and, if possible, to be a teacher to inform of Pakistan to Korea. In Pakistan, Choi Mubin majored in physics and worked as a computer graphic designer in an advertisement company. His curiosity working in a company not relevant to his major, led to studying abroad. Completing a language course in the University of Foreign Languages and Seoul University, he got into Seoul University as an Electricity and Electronic Engineering major but he faced language barriers reading major books and stopped studying in his sophomore year. Instead, he did a part time job of translating and worked in a fabric export company. Starting an exporting business of used cars, he moved to Incheon in June, 2004. When he started the business, he did not even have an office. Now he has a decent office with several employees. His company exports cars, heavy machines, scrap iron, fabric and blankets to Libya, Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries. The teeth of an elephant, this means that the elephant has great teeth but when chewing food, it uses its tiny teeth, implying his business, that he has to do a lot of work but the outcome is not that satisfying. Choi Mubin said People misunderstand Pakistan. There are a lot of bad stories about Islam culture, but these are not true. Many Pakistanis came for getting labor jobs, and a few for starting a business. People think all Pakistanis are labor workers and disregard them. That is why Pakistani wives are reluctant to tell their husbands job. He questioned Five fingers are all different but how can individuals be the same? He, who speaks English, Arabic, Hindi, Korean, as well as Pakistani, is working as a translator. He does paperwork and translates for foreigners in needs in the Immigration Office, the Department of Justice, the prosecution and the police station. Choi Mubin who once dreamed of being a UN Secretary-General has a busy life as a Korean Mr. Choi and a trader. 최무빈 (41) 씨는 2005 년귀화한한국국적의인천인이다. 현재부평에거주하고있는그는인천에서중고자동차수출사업을하는파키스탄인중초기멤버다. 1996년무역사업차한국으로건너온이후그와그의가족은알콩달콩인천사람으로살아가고있다. 아담하고깔끔하게정돈된그의집에는아내사에라무빈 (33) 씨와최샤히르 (7) 군, 최미날 (5) 양, 그리고쌍둥이남매최샤미르 (3) 군, 최알리쉬바양등 6명의식구가복작복작행복을담고있다. 그와자식들은모두 최 씨다. 무빈씨가한국생활초기에도움을주었던형친구의성을딴것이다. 한참손이많이가는시기의아이들과아직은한국어가어색한아내. 타국의생활이녹록치않을텐데가장최무빈씨의어깨는듬직하기만하다. 발행처인천광역시대변인실 발행인인천광역시장 편집장김민영 취재주란, 차지은 행정간행물신고번호인천중라 00009 디자인 제작성광디자인 ( 주 ) 032-881-9441

May 05. 2014 People 07 피플 코끼리이빨이에요. 코끼리이빨? 코끼리는멋진상아가있지만정작음식을씹는이빨은매우작다는말이다. 하는일은많지만수입은흡족하지못한다는의미다. 최무빈씨는말한다. 파키스탄에대한오해가있다. 이슬람문화에대해안좋은이야기많지만그것은사실과다르다. 면서 파키스탄에서근로자들이많이오지만사업하는사람도적지않다. 파키스탄하면으레근로자일것이라고생각하고무시한다. 파키스탄인아내들은남편의국적을말하려하지않는다. 이미지가좋지않으니그렇다. 손가락 5개가다다르듯나라마다다다른데어떻게똑같을 수있나? 라고반문한다. 파키스탄어는물론영어. 아랍어, 인도어, 그리고한국어를구사하는그는현재통역사로도활동중이다. 출입국관리소와법무부, 검찰과경찰서등에서봉사하는마음으로어려움에처한외국인을대상으로서류작성과문제해결을위한통역을하고있다. 어릴적 UN사무총장을꿈꾸었던최무빈씨는한국인최씨로서무역인으로바쁜삶을살아가고있다. 글 사진김민영편집장 Photograph and article by Editor Kim Min Young gem0701@hanmail.net Choi Mubin in front of the office in the car exporting district, Seogu Wonchangdong. 서구원창동자동차수출단지내사무실앞에서최무빈씨. 수줍은미소를감추듯히잡을두르고있는 열심히한국어를배워다시귀화신청을하그의아내와는파키스탄에서 2006년중매로고기회가된다면파키스탄을알리는강사로약혼을하면서한번만났다. 알라에게물어보활동하고싶다. 는뜻을살며시전한다. 는기도 ( 이스테카아라 ) 를마친뒤였다. 한국최무빈씨는파키스탄에서물리학을전공하으로돌아온그는국제전화로사랑을키웠고광고회사에서컴퓨터그래픽디자이너로일다. 초등학교교사인그녀와 2007 년결혼했했다. 전공과무관한직종에서근무하던그의고아내사에라씨를한국으로불러들였다. 호기심은유학으로이어졌다. 1996년외국어사에라씨는남편과의첫만남을 첫인상이대학교와서울대학교에서어학코스를마치고좋았다 라고기억한다. 한국에가면그냥잘서울대학교전기전자공학과에입학했다. 어살수있겠다생각해서두려움은없었어요. 려운한국어전공서적의벽에부딪히면서 2 지금의한국생활은만족해요. 유치원을다니학년때휴학했다. 는아이들과활동할것도많고주 2회는한국대신그는통역아르바이트를했다. 원단을에거주하는파키스탄여자들과모임을갖기수출하는무역회사에서일을배웠고중고자도한다. 한국문화적응에는별어려움이없동차수출을본격적으로하면서아예인천으다. 그녀는농담처럼말한다. 저는딱한국스로이사왔다. 2004 년 6월이다. 처음무역을타일인것같아요. 시작했을때는사무실도없었지만지금은어그녀는귀화신청을두차례했지만모두불합엿한사무실과여러명의직원둔사장님이격. 이유는한국어실력이다. 최무빈씨가족다. 자동차와중장비, 고철, 원단, 담요등을중유일한파키스탄인은아내뿐이다. 리비아, 이집트, 중동등에수출한다. Gun/Gu 군구 Total 합계 Joonggu 중구 Donggu 동구 Namgu 남구 Yeonsugu 연수구 Namdonggu 남동구 Bupyeonggu 부평구 Gyeyanggu 계양구 Seogu 서구 Ganghwagun 강화군 Ongjingun 옹진군 Total population 총인구 Incheon Demographics < 인천광역시인구통계 > Total 계 Population of registered residents 주민등록인구 Male 남 Female 여 The number of households 세대수 (Late March, 2014 / 2014. 3 월말현재 ) Total 계 Foreigners 외국인 Male 남 Female 여 2,938,056 2,886,580 1,451,704 1,434,876 1,123,401 51,476 30,626 20,850 113,250 109,379 56,542 52,837 48,585 3,871 1,982 1,889 75,807 74,774 37,698 37,076 30,877 1,033 580 453 417,648 410,716 207,560 203,156 171,420 6,932 3,495 3,437 309,148 304,243 152,101 152,142 109,309 4,905 2,513 2,392 519,848 507,937 253,475 254,462 195,693 11,911 8,719 3,192 565,245 556,743 277,996 278,747 214,608 8,502 4,126 4,376 346,469 343,451 172,290 171,161 128,847 3,018 1,296 1,722 502,595 492,024 248,864 243,160 183,086 10,571 7,500 3,071 67,300 66,703 33,526 33,177 29,858 597 337 260 20,746 20,610 11,652 8,958 11,118 136 78 58 Incheon Carrying on the Legacy Traditional Embroidery Every Stitch of Silk Transforms into a Painting 비단실, 한땀한땀그림이되다 Silk threads go up and down on silk fabric. Lee Jongae(71) is an artist who preserves the traditional embroidery art, delicately sewing with a thread and needle. As her hands get busy, silk fabric is embroidered with traditional patterns like a painting. She first started sewing up torn patches of cloths but now her hands sew works of art. She is finishing the form of a crane which has embroidered patches on the breast of an official uniform for the highest position, Young Euijung. Depending on the ranks of positions, the number and the shape of a crane and a cloud vary. A long time ago, not everyone was able to do embroidery because only women of noble birth were allowed to do it. Embroidery was considered one of the virtues women had to obtain for cultivating their mind. The artist s works are completed in three months to a year. 비단실이비단천의위와아래로오르내린다. 바늘에비단실을꿰어섬세하게움직이는이는전통자수를이어가는이종애 (71) 작가다. 그녀의손이분주해지는만큼비단천에는그림을그리듯전통문양이박힌다. 옷을만들거나뜯긴옷을꿰매는것에서시작한바느질이그녀의손에서작품으로거듭나고있다. 그는지금학을완성시키고있다. 조선시대관료중으뜸인영의정관복의중심을장식하는흉배다. 벼슬의높고낮음에따라학의수와구름의수가다르고모양도달리한다. 아주먼옛날, 자수는아무나할수있는장식이아니었고아무나여유롭게놓는것이아니었다. 자수는과거양반가의여인들만이놓을수있게허락됐다. 자수는여성이갖춰야할덕목중하나로마음의수양을쌓는의미가담겼다. 그의작품들은짧게는 3개월에서길게는 1년동안의기간에완성된다. 글 사진김민영편집장 Photograph and article by Editor Kim Min Young gem0701@hanmail.net

08 여행 Travel 2014 년 5 월 10 일 ( 월간 ) 제 49 호 My Love from the Star in Incheon The Love Course of Do Min-joon and Cheon Song-yi 별에서온그대 in 인천 - 도민준과천송이의사랑코스 The love story of an alien and a human goes beyond four hundred years. My love from the star(aka by Byeorgeudae; literally) has swept through mainland China from Korea. Even though the television series has already ended, the heat of Cheon Song-yi effect and Do Min-joon fever is still hot. Incheon is a location for the main scenes in the series. Because of that, people have become interested in Incheon and relevant tour packages started coming up. Why don t we take a walk in Incheon along the location of My love from the star where famous scenes and lines were filmed? 외계인과인간의 400년세월을초월한사랑이야기, 별에서온그대 ( 이하별그대 ) 가한국을넘어중국대륙까지휩쓸었다. 드라마는막을내렸지만 천송이효과 와 도민준앓이 의열기는여전히뜨겁다. 인천은주요장면의촬영지이다. 이로인해인천에대한관심이덩달아높아지며이와연계한관광상품이속속출시됐다. 명장면, 명대사를남긴별그대속인천을함께거닐어보자. The beginning of love Songdo tion of Cheon Song-yi. As the first pub- Seoksan and Incheon Metropolitan City Museum Four hundred years ago, when Do Min-joon landed on Earth trying to help lic museum in Korea opened in April, 1946, you can see the history of Incheon at a glance. a young girl who was riding in a palan- 사랑이시작된그곳 - quin on a cliff, everything began. Song- 송도석산, 인천시립박물관 do Seoksan near Incheon Bridge, also 400 년전도민준이지구에불시착하던 known as the cliff of destiny where he 날, 절벽에서가마탄여인을구하며모든 rescued Cheon Song-yi in a car whose 것이시작됐다. 브레이크가고장난자동차 brake had broken down. As the ordinary stone mountain has turned into a special place, it became the main tourist attraction. It is Incheon Metropolitan City Museum located in halfway up Chunglangsan that got attention as Do Min-joon revealed his identity in front of a jade hairpin which implied reincarna- 속천송이의목숨을구하며 운명의절벽 이라고도불린곳은인천대교인근의송도석산. 평범한돌산이특별한공간으로거듭나며핵심관광상품이됐다. 천송이의환생을암시한사랑의옥비녀앞에서도민준이정체를밝히며관심을받은곳은청량산중턱에자리한인천시립박물관이다. 1946 년 4월개관한한국최초의공립박물관으로인천의역사를한눈에둘러볼수있다. toward Cheon Song-yi through a psychology class. The parking lot in which he said the famous line, Hide when it is your fault, to her who was in trouble stranded by journalists is in the Songdo campus of Incheon University. The university has a wide campus and sophisticated buildings offering a unique view. The scenes of her driving in her 대한애정의변화를보여주던강의실, 기자들에게갇혀난감한상황에빠진천송이 Confirmation of love Incheon University, Songdo central road and Eurwangni Beach The classroom where Do min-joon showed the change of love favorite car boongboongi and of his running through rain to rescue her were shot in the central road near Incheon University. The place where he serenaded leaving a perfectly happy scene, is Eurwangni Beach in Youngudo. It is 에게 잘못이있을때만숨어 라는명대사를남긴주차장은인천대학교송도캠퍼스. 넓은교정과세련된건물로이국적인풍광을자랑한다. 천송이가애마 붕붕이 와드라이브를하는장면, 도민준이천송이를구하기위해빗속을뚫고달리던장면은인 the main beach in Incheon that people 천대학교인근의센트럴로에서촬영됐다. have constantly come every four sea- 도민준이사랑의세레나데를선보이며 완 sons for the harmony of white sand and 벽하게행복한 명장면으로남은밤바다는 the beautiful sunset. Do min-joon from 용유도을왕리해변이다. 아담한백사장과 the star and Cheon Song-yi from Earth 아름다운일몰이어우러져사계절내내발 has completed their love like this. Their 길이끊이지않는인천의대표해변이기도 sweet love still lingers there and people 하다. 외계에서온도민준과지구의천송 adore this place. 이는이렇게인천의곳곳에서사랑을완 성했다. 그들의달콤한사랑은아직도그 사랑을확인한그곳- 인천대학교, 송도센트럴로, 을왕리해변도민준이심리학강의를통해천송이에 곳에남아사람들의부러움을사고있다. 글. 주란기자 Article by Ju Ran rri0217@naver.com

May 05. 2014 Culture 09 문화 Mother s Silk Road - photo exhibition by Choi, Byeong Gwan 최병관사진전 어머니의실크로드 In the occasion of the family month, in Sandui Village of Nonhyeon-dong, 5 월가정의달, this May, an exhibition gives us a Namdong-gu, and has been taking 가족과함께사진을 chance to reflect on our mothers is pictures of his hometown with his 감상하며어머니를 opening. Choi Byeong Gwan s Moth- camera ever since he could remember. 다시생각해볼수 er s Silk Road exhibition is a photo He was the first of non-official civil- 있는전시회가남동 essay comprised of images of child- ians to capture images of the cease-fire 문화예술회관에서 hood hometown village sceneries, and line territory stretching 155 miles from 열린다. precious ephemeral objects that gives the west of Maldo Island to the south 최병관작가의 어 a sense of nostalgia. The main theme, end of Haegeum River, traveling back 머니의실크로드 사 Mother s Silk Road is presented and forth 3 times between years 1996 진전은추억속고향 through 6 stories: Longing for Mother, Vanished Hometown, Silk Road of Penance, Sorae Port and Salt Field, My mother who loved flowers, Would she be living on the Moon?, consisting a total of 69 photographs on exhibit. The exhibition also includes 3 motion film works (60mins worth) and all of the photographer s published books and documents on display. Choi Byeong Gwan was born and raised in Incheon. He was born to 1998. In 2010, Choi gained international attention from his solo exhibition held in the United Nations headquarters, New York, hosted by Ban Ki Moon, the UN Secretary-General, titled Seeking Peace and Life in Korea s DMZ. Exhibition Duration: May 1st~31st (closed Mondays) Opening Hours : 10am~6pm Location : Namdong Culture and Art Center, Hwa-so Gallery Free Admission For Inquiry call 453-5710 마을의풍경과함께사라져가는소중한것들을다시느낄수있는포토에세이전이다. 어머니의실크로드 를바탕으로 6개의이야기인 그리운어머니 사라진고향 고행의실크로드 소래포구와염전 유난히꽃을좋아하신어머니 달나라에계실까? 로이어지며총 69점이전시된다. 이와함께최병관의영상자료 3편 (60여분) 과그간에출간된서적및자료등도전시된다. 최병관은인천토박이다. 남동구논현동산뒤마을에서태어나지금까지그곳 에서살면서사라져가는고향풍경을카 메라에담고있다. 또한전쟁이끝난지 반세기만에민간인최초로 1996~98 년 까지휴전선 155 마일서쪽말도부터동 쪽끝해금강까지 3 회왕복, 사진작업을 했다. 그는 2010 년미국뉴욕유엔본부 에서반기문총장주관으로개인전 한국 의비무장지대평화와생명을찾아서 를 열어국내외시선을끌었다. 전시기간 : 5 월 1 일 ~31 일 ( 월요일휴무 ) 관람시간 : 오전 10 시 ~ 오후 6 시 전시장소 : 남동문화예술회관갤러리화 소 관람료 : 무료 문의 : 453-5710 10 sat "Hungry Caterpillar" - English Storytelling for children Bupyeong Art Center, Haenuri Theater 10:30am, 1:30pm, 3:30pm 20,000won per person / 500-2000 어린이영어스토리텔링 배고픈애벌레 부평아트센터해누리극장 오전 10 시 30 분, 오후 1 시 30 분, 3 시 30 분 전석 2 만원 ( 500-2000) 11 sun "Hanwool Sori" - 2014 Traditional Art on Sundays, regular show Incheon Jonghap Art and Culture Center, Outdoor Concert Hall 5pm / Korean Folk Music Association 875-4644 2014 일요전통예술상설공연 한울소리 인천종합문화예술회관야외공연장 오후 5 시 / 인천국악협회 875-4644 Calendar May 13 tue Musical "Wizard of Oz" Incheon Lifelong Learning Center, Michoo Hall 10:30am, 1:30pm / Free Admission 899-1516~7 뮤지컬 오즈의마법사 인천평생학습관미추홀 오전 10 시 30 분, 오후 1 시 30 분 / 무료 899 1516~7 14 wed The 2nd Seasonal Concert by Incheon Catholic Choir Incheon Jonghap Art and Culture Center, Main Concert Hall 7:30pm / invites only / 765-6962 인천카톨릭혼성합창단제 2 회정기연주회 인천종합문화예술회관대공연장 오후 7 시 30 분 / 초대 765-6962 15 thu 16 fri 17 sat 18 sun "Kim Ka On Jazz Trio" Brunch Concert 10am 10,000won per seat 580-1163 브런치콘서트 김가온재즈트리오 서구문화회관대공연장 오전 10 시 / 전석 1 만원 580-1163 "We are One" by Pyeongyang Folk Art Company Incheon Jonghap Art and Culture Center, Outdoor Concert Hall 7pm / Free Admission / 420-2742 평양민속예술단 우리는하나 인천종합문화예술회관야외공연장 오후 7 시 / 무료 / 420-2742 "Stick Curl Koong Kwang" Doodream Concert Incheon Jonghap Art and Culture Center, Outdoor Concert Hall 7pm / Free Admission 420-2742 두드림콘서트 스틱컬쿵쾅 인천종합문화예술회관야외공연장 오후 7 시 / 무료 / 420-2742 2014 Platform Choice, "Time is Weight" Collaboration Incheon Art Platform Concert Hall 6pm / 10,000won Dance Company 760-1005 공동기획 2014 플랫폼초이스 시간은무게다 인천아트플랫폼공연장 오후 6 시 / 1 만원 댄스컴퍼니 760-1005 21 wed 23 fri 24 sat 25 sun "Earnest and Celestine", Sarangbang Cinema Bugae Culture Sarangbang 7pm / Free Admission 505-5950 사랑방시네마 어네스트와셀레스틴 부개문화사랑방 오후 7 시 / 무료 505-5950 "Geralda and the Giant", One-man Papercup Puppet Show Bupyeong Culture Sarangbang 7:30pm / 3,000won / 505-5995 종이컵인형 1 인극 제랄다와거인 부평문화사랑방 오후 7 시 30 분 / 3 천원 / 505-5995 "Sound Box" - A delightful collaboration Incheon Jonghap Art and Culture Center, Outdoor Concert Hall 7pm / Free Admission 420-2742 흥겨운콜라보레이션 사운드박스 인천종합문화예술회관야외공연장 오후 7 시 / 무료 / 420-2742 "Kim Myung Nam, the Sound Maker, and Cho Kyung Gon, the Master," Traditional Art on Sundays, regular show Incheon Jonghap Art and Culture Center, Outdoor Concert Hall 5pm / Incheon Folk Art Association 875-4644 일요전통예술상설공연 김명남소리꾼조경곤고수 인천종합문화예술회관야외공연장 오후 5 시 / 인천국악협회 875-4644 28 wed 29 thu 30 fri 31 sat Adventures of the Picky Eater - Eating Lifestyle Educational Musical Incheon Jonghap Art and Culture Center, Small Concert Hall 10:30am, 1pm/ Free Admission Sarang Theater Comapny, Komasesang 010-2898-0014 식생활교육뮤지컬 편식쟁이모험 인천종합문화예술회관소공연장 오전 10 시 30 분, 오후 1 시 / 무료 사랑극단꼬마세상 010-2898-0014 Seasonal Performance by the Dance Department of Incheon Art High School Incheon Jonghap Art and Culture Center, Main Concert Hall 7pm/ invites only / 433-3176 인천예고무용과정기발표회 인천종합문화예술회관대공연장 오후 7 시 / 초대 / 433-3176 "Our Star Ilho and the Spotted Cow," Sarangbang Cinema Bugae Culture Sarangbang 7pm / First-come-first served Free 505-5950 사랑방시네마 우리별일호와얼룩소 부개문화사랑방 오후 7 시 / 선착순무료 505-5950 "Anderson & Low," Classic Masterpiece Series III Incheon Jonghap Art and Culture Center, Main Concert Hall 7pm / R-seat 30,000won, S-seat 20,000won 1588-2341 명품클래식시리즈 Ⅲ 앤더슨 & 로 인천종합문화예술회관대공연장 오후 7 시 / R 석 3 만원, S 석 2 만원 1588-2341

10 2014 AG 2014 Asian Games 2014 년 5 월 10 일 ( 월간 ) 제 49 호 Multinational Press Corps of IncheonAG Public Relations; IAG Crew 인천 AG 홍보다국적기자단 IAG 크루 It is a tragedy. Families, citizens and the whole nation all broke down in tears. A tragic accident which should have never happened occurred on April 19th. The Sewol ferry of the Incheon to Jeju route sank in the sea off Jindo island. Of 476 passengers aboard the ferry, 36 were Incheon citizens of whom only 19 were rescued. Incheon has set up a group memorial altar in Seo-gu International St. Mary s Hospital in order to mourn for the victims of this accident and share sorrow with citizens. Furthermore, Incheon supported efficient funeral process for the victims and covered all expenses for cremation and enshrinement use of Bupyung Sunghwawon and Manwalldang. In particular, Incheon actively requested that Incheon citizens be included as recipients of compensation concerned with the designation of special disaster areas. They also asked for government measures to have the victims apply to exemptions by the local government when the victims use other area s cremation facilities. 인천아시아경기대회조직위원회는해외 홍보강화를위해공식영문블로그 (blog. incheon2014ag.com) 를개설하고영문블 로그기자단 IAG 크루를운영하고있다. 국 내외거주하는외국인으로구성된이들은 2014 인천아시아경기대회와관련된뉴스 뿐만아니라인천관광, 한류등다양한정 보를제공하고있다. 현재총 12 개국 20 명으로구성된 2 기 IAG 크루는다양한온라인채널로세계방 방곡곡에아시아경기대회의정보를전하 고있다. 이들은공식영문블로그에게재 되는다양한주제의영문기사를작성하고 각자의 SNS 계정으로해외에홍보하고있 다. 이달 16 일까지는제 3 기 IAG 크루를모 집한다. 이번에선발하는 3 기는 6 월부터대 Lawrence (U.K. IAG crew) 로렌스 ( 영국 IAG 크루 ) Lawrence is an Incheon citizen living in Imhakdong, Gyeyanggu. He is an active member of the blog press corps, making use of his experience of working as a journalist in London. When working related to the 2012 London Olympics, he got interested in sports events and when he heard news of the Asian Games held in Incheon, he decided to be a member in the press corps. As a IAG crew, he reports sports news, sports players and culture of U.K. on the blog of the Asian Games. 회폐막일인 10월 4일까지활동한다. 지원하려면영문블로그 (blog.incheon2014ag. com/3rd_crew) 에서지원서를다운로드후작성해이메일 (iagoc@incheon2014ag.org) 로제출하면된다. A piece of Interview 로렌스는계양구임학동에살고있는인천사람이다. 런던에서기자로일한경험을살려현재블로그기자단으로활동중이다. 우연히 2012년런던올림픽과관련된일을한것을계기로스포츠이벤트에관심을갖게되었다. 그는한국, 그것도자신이살고있는인천에서아시아경기대회가개최된다는소식을듣고자연스레블로그기자단에참여하게됐다. IAG크루로서그는 2014 인천아시아경기대회공식영문블로그에영국의스포츠, 선수, 문화를전하고있다. Incheon AG Public Relations, Fun Run in Kyrgyzstan 인천 AG 홍보, 키르기스스탄에서 Fun Run~ On the 4th of last month, Incheon Asian Games Organizing Committee with Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) and National Olympic Committee of Kyrgyzstan hosted Fun Run in the capital Bishkek of Kyrgyzstan, which was an overseas promotional event. In the event held in Victory Park, local important figures and the OCA delegation attended to wish a successful opening. Also 800 of youths and citizens took part and local press came for coverage, the event had a high profile. The committee plans to conduct the Fun Run campaign before opening of the Games in additional five countries which will include Bangladesh, Brunei, and Japan. 인천아시아경기대회조직위원회는지난 달 4 일키르기스스탄의수도비슈케크에서 아시아올림픽평의회 (OCA), 키르기스스탄 국가올림픽위원회 (NOC) 와공동으로해외 홍보행사인 펀런 (Fun Run) 을개최했다. 빅토리파크에서열린이날행사에는현지주요인사와 OCA대표단등이참석해대회의성공적개최를기원했다. 또청소년과일반시민 800여명이자리를함께하고현지언론이현장취재하는등대회에대한높은관심을보였다. 조직위는펀런캠페인을대회개최전까지방글라데시, 브루나이, 일본등약 5개국가도시를추가로순회하며진행할예정이다. News of Supporters / 서포터즈뉴스 The 5th of the Youth Supporters for 2014 Incheon AG Starts Off 2014 인천 AG 청년서포터즈 5 기출발 The 5th of the youth supporters for 2014 Incheon AG has just started to go into action. They completed orientation last April and will start activities for the successful opening of the Games. 5,000 selected supporters among 10,000 applicants in just the two month period was five times the number compared to that of last year. They are split into teams of 44 participating countries counting North Korea and South Korea as one team. The youth supporters accomplishing the duty as a citizen diplomatic through communities of participating nations and association activities will begin public relations exercise as of June. The youth supporters are rooting for the weak nations on sports and unpopular sports, and trying to have Asians get together in the Asian Games. If you encounter the supporters on the street or in the stadium, please delightfully welcome them. Article by Cha Jieun minsable@hanmail.net 2014 인천아시아경기대회청년서포터즈 5 기가움직이기시 작했다. 지난 4 월출정식을마친청년서포터즈는올해열리는 인천아시아경기대회의성공개최를위한활동을시작한다. 두달 간 1 만명이지원해선발된서포터즈는총 5,000 명. 지난해의 5 배나되는인원이다. 이들은아시안게임출전국 45 개국중한국 과북한은한반도팀으로통합해 44 개국가별로나뉘어활동한 다. 출전국커뮤니티와연계활동을통해민간외교관으로서역 할을수행할청년서포터즈는오는 6 월부터본격적인홍보활동 을시작할계획이다. 청년서포터즈는스포츠약소국및비인기 종목을응원하고, 2014 인천아시아경기대회에서아시아인이하 나로소통할수있도록노력하고있다. 길에서, 경기장에서그들 을마주친다면반갑게맞아주자. 글. 차지은기자 minsable@hanmail.net Recruiting 2014 AG Citizen Supporters 2014AG 시민서포터즈모집 Anyone interested in the Asian Games can be a supporter. The citizen supporters, divided into several teams for each stadium, will participate in support activities during the Games. The number of recruitment is 50,000 and it plans to recruit until that number has been reached. You can apply on the web site (http://supporters.incheon2014.kr) or through a town or dong office. For inquiry 032-440-4932~3 아시안게임에관심이있는시민이라면누구라도서포터즈가될수있다. 시민서포터즈는대회기간동안경기장별로나뉘어응원활동을하게된다. 모집인원은 50,000 명이며인원도달시까지모집할예정이다. 시민서포터즈전용홈페이지 (http://supporters.incheon2014.kr) 및관할읍 면 동주민센터를통해신청가능하다. 문의 032-440-4932~3

11 May 05. 2014 Incheon News 인천뉴스 Tragedy of Sewol Ferry, Citizens Together amid Grief 세월호의비극, 그슬픔시민과함께하다 It is a tragedy. Families, citizens and the 발해제주도로가던여객선세월호가진도 whole nation all broke down in tears. A 앞바다에서침몰했다. 이배에탑승한 476 tragic accident which should have never 명중인천시민은 36 명이었다. 이중 19 명 happened occurred on April 19th. The Sewol ferry of the Incheon to Jeju route sank in the sea off Jindo island. Of 476 passengers aboard the ferry, 36 were Incheon citizens of whom only 19 were rescued. Incheon has set up a group memorial altar in Seo-gu International St. Mary s Hospital in order to mourn for the victims of this accident and share sorrow with citizens. Furthermore, Incheon supported efficient funeral process for the victims and covered 만이구조됐다. 인천시는이번사고희생자들을추모하기위해서구국제성모병원과시청앞미래광장에합동분향소를설치하고시민과함께슬픔을나눴다. 또이번사고희생자들의원활한장례절차를지원했으며부평승화원과만월당이용에따른화장비용과봉안비용도전액면제했다. 특히, 정부의특별재난지역지정과관련해인천시민피해자도수혜대상에포함될 all expenses for cremation and enshrinement use of Bupyung Sunghwawon and Manwalldang. In particular, Incheon actively requested that Incheon citizens be included as recipients of compensation concerned with the designation of special disaster areas. They also asked for government measures to have the victims apply to exemptions by the local government when the victims use other area s cremation facilities. 비극이다. 가족도시민도국민도모두울었다. 지난 4월 16일결코일어나서는안될비극적인사고가일어났다. 인천을출 수있도록적극적으로건의했다. 이번사고희생자가타지역화장시설을사용할경우해당지방자치단체조례의감면조항을적용받을수있도록정부차원의조치도건의했다. Russia Street in Incheon 러시아특화거리조성한다 A Russian street will be constructed in an area of Woo hyun-ro in Jung-gu, Incheon. According to an agreement on Korea-Russia visa waivers, it is planned to create International Town Russia specialized street near Sinpo-dong to attract Russian tourists entering the country through Incheon International airport and Incheon Harbor. The name of Yeonan dock s square is Saint Petersburg square. There is a memorial stone of Russia Bariyarkham, a suicide bomber who died in Incheon front sea in 1904 during Russo-Japanese War. It is a meaningful place where the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, visited in person last year, laying flowers on the memorial stone. Incheon plans to develop tour programs like holding a Russian art festival, connecting this place with the specialized street. Songdo 4th Bridge Completed in October 송도4교 10월에완공한다 Songdo 4th bridge, the fourth bridge for entry and exit of Songdo international city, will be completed in the late September. Songdo 4th bridge connecting from Gojan-dong to Songdo 5 7 Gong-gu is a cable-stayed bridge with the total length subsequently, cable and ground plate installation is still ongoing. Incheon Free Economic Zone Authority plans to build Songdo 5th bridge, linking Gojan-dong to Songdo international city after reclamation of Songdo 11 Gong-gu is finished. 이다. 남동구고잔동 송도 5 7공구를연결하는송도4교는총연장 1천10m의사장교로접속교 618m와사장교 392m로구성된다. 지난달초 93m 높이주탑을올렸으며이어케이블과상판설치작업이진행된다. 인천경제자유구역청은송도 11공구 of 1,010m consisting of 618m access bridge 매립이끝나면고잔동에서송도국제도시를 and 392m cable-stayed bridge. In early 송도국제도시진 출입을위한 4번째교잇는송도5교도설치할계획이다. last month 93m pylon was built up and 량인송도4교가오는 10월말완공될예정 Future Sports Stars of Korea All Gather 스포츠꿈나무들인천에모인다 bringing forth young athletes dreaming of becoming Korea s future sports stars. Young athletes will have a chance to test and challenge themselves, stepping closer to make their dreams a reality. This year, Incheon will host a big line of Sports events; the 43rd National Junior Sports Championships, 2014 Incheon Asian Games, the 11th Asian Para Games. The 43rd National Junior Sports Championships will consist of 33 sports in 43 venues around Incheon. The young athletes are welcomed for various new facilities, including Munhak Park Tae Hwan Swimming Arena, 10 more stadiums built for the Asian Games, and 5 Samsan Sports Centers. A total of 15 new facilities, and 12 training facilities, which includes Dowon swimming pool, will be ready to accommodate the young athletes. Outdoor facilities are under repair work to fa- The 43rd National Junior Sports Championships 제43회전국소년체육대회개최 From the 24th to 27th of this month, for 4days, the 43rd National Junior Sports Championships will be held in Incheon, Shooting(Chungwon), cilitate 4 sporting events; Rowing(Yongin), Canoeing(Yongin), Cycling(Uijeongbu). 인천시중구우현로일대에러시아거리가조성된다. 한 러비자면제협정체결에따라인천국제공항과인천항을통해입국하는러시아관광객을유치하기위해신포동인근에국제타운러시아특화거리가조성될계획이다. 연안부두의광장이름은상트페테르부르크광장이다. 그곳에는 1904년러일전쟁시인천앞바다에서자폭한러시아바리야크함의추모비가있다. 지난해한국을방문한블라디미르푸틴러시아대통령이직접방문해추모비에헌화를할정도로의미있는장소이다. 인천시와특화거리와이곳을연계해러시아예술제개최등관광프로그램을개발할계획이다. 인천에서이달 24일부터 27일까지 4일간미래스포츠스타들의꿈과도전의장이될 제43회전국소년체육대회 가열린다. 올해인천에서는빅스포츠이벤트가연이어열린다. 제43 회전국소년체육대회는 2014인천아시아경기대회와제11회장애인아시아경기대회및 2014 전국장애인체육대회등을사전점검하고준비하는역할도한다. 제43회전국소년체육대회는 43개경기장에서총 33개종목이열릴예정이다. 문학박태환수영장등아시아경기대회를대비해지은신설경기장 10개소와삼산체육관등기존시설 5개소를포함총 15개경기장과도원수영장등 12개훈련시설이경기장으로선수들을맞는다. 새로짓거나아시아경기대회를위해보수중인조정 ( 용인 ), 카누 ( 용인 ), 사격 ( 청원 ), 사이클 ( 의정부 ) 4개종목은관외경기장에서진행할계획이다.