DVB-S2 a), a), a) A Simple Carrier Frequency Recovery Scheme for DVB-S2 Systems Jong Kyu Oh a), Eun Chul Yoon a), and Joon Tae Kim a) DVB-S2., DVB-S2 20% (Offset).. Fitz,. 80%. Abstract In this paper, a simple Carrier Frequency Recovery(CFR) scheme is introduced. In relating the use of consumer-grade equipment and satellite transmission environments, carrier frequency recovery have to recovery a large initial Carrier Frequency Offset(CFO), which is 20% normalized CFO, for DVB-S2 receivers. For these reasons, conventional CFR schemes for DVB-S2 systems need significant hardware complexity. Introduced CFR scheme employs Fitz algorithm for coarse CFR and recovers a coarse CFO accurately, and a simple pilot block correlation algorithm is employed for fine CFR. Introduced scheme reduce the number of multiplication operations by 80% and does not need any additional memory without degrading the achievable performance. Keyword: Carrier Frequency Recovery, Carrier Synchronization, DVB-S2 Systems. 2 DVB-S2(Digital Video Broadcasting via stellite) [1] (High-Definition, HD) a) Konkuk Univ. Dept. of Electronic Engineering : (jtkim@konkuk.ac.kr) 2009 () (No. R01-2008-000-11882-0) (20091228),(201032),(201032). 1 DVB-S 30MHz SD(Standard Definition) (Convolution) -(Reed-Solomon) (QPSK, Quadrature Phase Shift Keying)., HD, (Return Link). DVB-S2
LDPC(Low Density Parity Check) 16 & 32 (APSK, Amplitude and Phase- Shift Keying) DVB-S2 30% [1]. DVB-S2 (SNR, Signal to Noise Ratio), (Offset). DVB-S2. DVB-S2 (SNR, Signal-to-Noise Ratio), DVB-S2. SNR. ACM(Adaptive Coding and Modulation) VCM(Variable Coding and Modulation) [1], DA(Data-Aided). [2] D&M(Delay & Multiply) [3], L&R [4] (accumulator).. D&M, L&R. DVB-S2. Fitz [5], (correlation) [6]. [2], 80%.. 1. DVB-S2 1 DVB-S2. FECFRAME (interleaving), 64800 16200 1. DVB-S2 Fig. 1. DVB-S2 Physical Layer Frame Structure
. FECFRAME 90 (Slot). 26 SOF (Start of Frame), 64 PLS(Physical Layer Signaling Code) PL HEADER. 16 36, 16 [1]... D&M(Delay & Multiply) [3],. L&R [4] (feed-forward),. D&M, (1). 2. [2]. 2 [2],. [2] (Un-coded BER).,,,,. DVB-S2 36, [2] 2. D&M 3 20%. D&M DA, DA [3]. Baseband Signal(1x) Demux Frame Control To Carrier Phase Recovery Pilot Symbol NCO NCO Delay & Multiply Coarse CFO Estimator L&R Fine CFO Estimator with accumulator CFR PLL 2. [2] Fig. 2. Introduced Carrier Frequency Recovery Scheme in [2]
Pilot Symbol R(1) L p -1 å i= 1 Z -1 R(2) L p -1 å i= 2 1/ Lp -1 Z -2 Z -3 R(3) L p -1 å i= 3 1/ Lp - 2 1/ Lp - 3 M å k = 1 Accumulator over L pilot blocks Arg 2 M +1 ^ D f R( m) L p -1 å i= M Z -M 1/ Lp - M 3. L&R Fig. 3. L&R fine carrier frequency offset estimator with an accumulator, (Loop noise bandwidth). L&R. (arc-tangent). () D&M (2), L&R 3 (3).,, (16 x 90 = 1440),. [2], () 18 () 1,000. D&M 34 1, L&R 18 477. 1000., L&R 9 500,. <1> [2],. 1. [2] Table 1. Hardware complexity of carrier frequency recovery scheme in [2] D&M (D=2) 34 1 L&R (M=9) 288 1 500
[2]. 10,.. arg 16 90*16+36=1476. 16 & 32 NDA [2]. 3. 5 Fitz [5], [6]. [2],. q One pilot block (36 pilot symbols) Pilot Data Pilot t q current q old n q Ù k Number of Symbols 4. Fig. 4. Pilot-aided linear interpolator Baseband Signal(1x) Demux Frame Control To Carrier Phase Recovery Pilot Symbol NCO NCO Fitz Coarse CFO Estimator Simple Pilot Block Correlator CFR PLL 5. Fig. 5. Introduced carrier frequency recovery scheme in this paper
,. [2], 0.023 0.0023.. 20%,. D&M [3], L&R [4], Fitz [5], M&M [7] M&M [8]. M&M, M&M, Fitz, L&R (5)~(8). arg,,,. M&M, M&M. arg,. 36, 6, 13 20% 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 D&M(M=2) Fitz(M=2) L&R(M=2) Original M&M(M=9) Modified M&M(M=9) Estimated CFO 0.1 0-0.1-0.2-0.3-0.4-0.5-0.5-0.4-0.3-0.2-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Normalized CFO 6. Fig. 6. Estimation range of coarse carrier frequency offset estimators
36. 2. M&M M&M 9. Fitz, L&R D&M, 20% 2. 12 M&M M&M,. 20% ( : -0.2 +0.2). 7, M&M. M&M -. D&M,. Fitz L&R, L&R -. Fitz. M&M Fitz, & 2. 2. Table 2. Number of operations of coarse carrier frequency offset estimators Fitz(M=2) 73 2 M&M(M=9) 287 8 M&M(M=9) 287 1 D&M(D=2) 34 1 L&R(M=2) 73 1 10-3 10-4 Original M&M(M=9) Modified M&M(M=9) D&M Fitz(M=2) L&R(M=2 Variance 10-5 10-6 10-7 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 SNR 7. Fig. 7. Variance performance of coarse carrier frequency offset estimators
Previous Pilot Block (36 Symbols) 16 Data Slots Current Pilot Block (36 Symbols) 8. Fig. 8. Simple pilot block correlation algorithm for the fine carrier frequency offset estimation [2] 80%,. After Carrier Freq. Recovery Baseband Signal [6],. Demux Pilot signal Sin/Cos ROM,. 36.,,. 3 [2]. Phase. Error Detector 9. Fig. 9. Carrier phase recovery scheme. 36 (10). arg 3. [2] Table 3. Hardware complexity comparisons between carrier frequency recovery scheme in [2] and introduced carrier frequency recovery scheme [2] D&M (D=2) Fitz (M=2) 34 73 1 2 L&R (M=9) 288 36 1 1 500 X
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