Takeout Robot.pdf

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Vol.266 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M

Consilience Technology YUDO-SUNS 는 HOT-RUNNER 의세계적인메이커인 YUDO 그룹의가족입니다. YUDO-SUNS 는플라스틱산업의 Take-Out Robot, Factory Automation, Auxiliary Equipment, Aut

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FLANINSIGHT_Company Introdution


General Catalog Part 1 Integrated Engineering Solution Take-Out Robot Take-Out Robot Heating & Cooling system Drying & Feeding system

Integrated Engineering Solution Your Best Partner Contents

The Leader of Injection Molding Industry Company history Established YUDO Developed and marketed Take-out Robot Established YUDO-STAR (Seoul) (Joint company with STAR SEIKI (Japan). Launched into export Take-out Robot. Established YUDO-STAR R&D center Established YUDO-SUNS (Auxiliary equipments) Established YUDO-ROBOTICS (Gantry loader, Human server) Opened AUTO-FEEDING exhibition Established WEIHAI YUDO MACHINARY CO., LTD. (China) 30th anniversary of YUDO Awarded 23th Gold Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit (from the president of Korea) Francis Yu A day of trade : Ten million dallar, prize for top of export

Take - Out Robot Integrated Engineering Solution by YUDO Take-Out Robot Factory Automation Hot Runner Solutions Hot Runner System Hot Runner 04

Integrated Engineering Solution Injection molding process needs a lot of different element. YUDO is only company to respond directly on customer's requests which is related to various problems of injection molding. We provide a "turn-key system" according to customer's demands. Heating & Cooling Solutions PET Preform Total Solution Drying & Feeding Solutions 05

Take - Out Robot Line-up Drive & Vertical speed Mold Clamping force (ton) Small-sized I.M.M Middle-sized I.M.M Large-sized I.M.M 0 30 80 100 150 180 220 350 450 550 850 1000 1300 1600 2000 3000 4500 All AC servo, 2X All AC servo, 2X Linear/ AC servo, 2X All AC servo, 1X Linear/ AC servo, 1X AC servo (traverse)2x AC servo (traverse)1x Swing type 06

Integrated Engineering Solution Specification Type IMM (TON) Series Payload (kg) Vertical unit Driven method Product Runner Telescopic Traverse Crosswise Vertical Traverse Type Side Entry Type Swing Type Belt Conveyor 07

Take - Out Robot Crosswise driving type Take-out robot with stable structure (All axes AC SERVO) G I G A - 1 0 1 2 Applications Specification Remarks YUCON-700 08

Integrated Engineering Solution General Specifications Model X-axis) Y-axis) (Z-axis) Stroke Stroke Speed Stroke Speed Max payload Outer Dimensions Swing Type Traverse Type Side Entry Type (mm) Outer dimension Model A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Belt Conveyor 09

Take - Out Robot Ultra large sized robot with digital control YUCON-500 Specification Remarks Common Specifications Power source Air pressure Driving method Vertical Crosswise Traverse Posture (mm) Repeatability General Specifications Model Stroke(mm) (N/Cycle) (kva) (kg) Dry cycle(sec) Vertical Crosswise Traverse Air consumption Max. power consumption Payload All 10 Applications

Integrated Engineering Solution Outer Dimensions MEGA-1800s Series Side Entry Type Swing Type Traverse Type MEGA-2000 / 2500 / 3000 Series Belt Conveyor Model (mm) Outer dimension A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R 11

Take - Out Robot All axes AC Servo take -out robot(telescopic structure) Applications Specification Remarks YUCON-500 12

Integrated Engineering Solution Common Specifications Power source Air pressure Driving method Vertical Crosswise Traverse Posture (mm) Repeatability General Specifications Stroke(mm) (N/Cycle) (kva) (kg) Dry cycle(sec) Model Vertical Crosswise Traverse Air consumption Max. power consumption Payload All Traverse Type Side Entry Type Outer Dimensions Swing Type Model (mm) Outer dimension A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Belt Conveyor 13

Take - Out Robot The new standard of Linear servo robot Applications Specification Remarks YUCON-500 14

Integrated Engineering Solution Common Specifications Power source Air pressure Driving method Vertical Crosswise Traverse Posture (mm) Repeatability AC220V10%, 50/60Hz 0.5MPa(5kgf/cm 2 ) AC servo Linear servo Air cylinder 90 fixed 0.01 YUCON-500 General Specifications Stroke(mm) (N/Cycle) (kva) (kg) Dry cycle(sec) Model Vertical Crosswise Traverse Air consumption Max. power consumption Payload All Traverse Type Side Entry Type Outer Dimensions Belt Conveyor Swing Type Model (mm) Outer dimension A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R 15

Take - Out Robot The innovation of Linear servo robot for Ultra high speed Applications Specification Remarks YUCON-500 16

Integrated Engineering Solution Common Specifications Power source Air pressure Driving method Vertical Crosswise Traverse Posture (mm) Repeatability General Specifications Model Stroke(mm) (N/Cycle) (kva) (kg) Dry cycle(sec) Vertical Crosswise Traverse Air consumption Max. power consumption Payload All Outer Dimensions Traverse Type Side Entry Type Swing Type Linear Servo Motor Belt Conveyor 17

Take - Out Robot Linear servo type robot optimized for high accuracy / Small product injection molding process Applications Specification Remarks YUCON-500 18

Integrated Engineering Solution Common Specifications Power source Air pressure Driving method Vertica Crosswise Traverse Posture (mm) Repeatability General Specifications Model Stroke(mm) (N/Cycle) (kva) (kg) Dry cycle(sec) Vertical Crosswise Traverse Air consumption Max. power consumption Payload All Traverse Type Outer Dimensions Belt Conveyor Swing Type Side Entry Type (mm) Outer dimension Model A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R 19

Take - Out Robot Servo control for traverse Applications Specification Remarks YUCON-250 20

Integrated Engineering Solution Common Specifications Power source Air pressure Driving method Vertica Crosswise Traverse Posture (mm) Repeatability General Specifications Stroke(mm) (N/Cycle) (kva) (kg) Dry cycle (sec) Model Vertical Crosswise Traverse Air consumption Max. power Consumption Payload Take-out All Outer Dimensions Traverse Type Belt Conveyor Side Entry Type Swing Type Model (mm) Outer dimension A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S 21

Take - Out Robot Economic Take-out robot with servo on traverse Applications Specification Remarks AC ServoAIR Cylinder YUCON-250 22

Integrated Engineering Solution Common Specifications Power source Air pressure Driving method Vertical Crosswise Traverse Posture (mm) Repeatability General Specifications Model Stroke(mm) (N/Cycle) (kva) (kg) Dry cycle (sec) Vertical Crosswise Traverse Air consumption Max. power Consumption Payload Take-out All EX-800 EX-800s Outer Dimensions Traverse Type Belt Conveyor Swing Type Side Entry Type Model (mm) Outer dimension A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R 23

Take - Out Robot Parallel Traverse Type Parallel Traverse Type Robot Save 20% space Parallel traverse type robot is an ideal system to maximize the space of factory. Applicable to 2 color system. Applications Normal type Parallel traverse type YUCON-500 24

Integrated Engineering Solution Common Specifications Power source Air pressure Driving method Vertical Crosswise Traverse Posture (mm) Repeatability General Specifications Model MEGA-1800-2P Vertical Stroke(mm) Traverse (N/Cycle) Air consumption Max. power consumption (kg) Payload Traverse Type MEGA-1800-3P MEGA-1800-4P MEGA-2000-2P MEGA-2000-3P MEGA-2000-4P MEGA-2500-2P MEGA-2500-3P MEGA-2500-4P Side Entry Type Outer Dimensions Belt Conveyor Swing Type 25

Take - Out Robot Optimized for Stack-Mold Full Servo type Take-out robot for picking products of Stack mold and simultaneous picking and insert operation at a top and bottom of the mold. Applications YUCON-500 26

Integrated Engineering Solution Common Specifications Power source Air pressure Driving method Vertical Crosswise Traverse Posture (mm) Repeatability General Specifications Stroke(mm) (N/Cycle) (kg) Dry cycle(sec) Model Vertical Crosswise Traverse Air consumption Max. power consumption Payload Take-out All SIGMA-1200STM SIGMA-1500STM MEGA-1800STM MEGA-2000STM Traverse Type Outer Dimensions Belt Conveyor Swing Type Side Entry Type Model (mm) Outer dimension A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R SIGMA-1200STM SIGMA-1500STM MEGA-1800STM MEGA-2000STM 27

Take - Out Robot Side Entry type high speed take-out robot Features Common Specifications Power source Air pressure Driving method Vertical Crosswise Traverse Posture Applications (mm) Repeatability General Specifications Model Stroke(mm) (N/Cycle) (kg) Dry cycle(sec) Entry Crosswise Vertical Posture Air consumption Max. power consumption Payload Take-out All ZEBA-1200X ZEBA-1500X-STM ZEBA-1700X-STM YUCON-500 28

Integrated Engineering Solution Outer Dimensions Side Entry Type Swing Type Traverse Type Belt Conveyor 29

Take - Out Robot Simple & compact swing type sprue picker SMUS 600 For two-plate molds For with three-plate molds Specifications Stroke 30

Integrated Engineering Solution SMUS-300 SMUS-450 SMUS-600 SMUS-800 Traverse Type Swing Type Side Entry Type Side entry type Robot for under 30 ton of IMM Applications Stroke Belt Conveyor 31

Take - Out Robot Simple & compact swing type sprue picker Outer Dimensions STEC-K4 32

Integrated Engineering Solution Convenient user-friendly program by smart CNC technology Side Entry Type Traverse Type Features Convenience USER PROGRAM Easy program management Send a mail when the alarm rings Alarm history, operation records Language support Take-out robot monitoring Safe Collision detection Work limited area setting Anti-vibration control Swing Type Belt Conveyor Performance(Energy-saving) Servo sleep Power consumption display 33

Take - Out Robot Enhanced performance and energy saving! (Max-18%) Features Convenience USER PROGRAM Easy program management Production monitoring and E-mail sending Alarm history, operation records Language support Safe Collision detection Work limited area setting Performance Servo sleep power consumption display 34

Integrated Engineering Solution Optimized control and communication Side Entry Type Traverse Type Features Counter Alarm Record Swing Type Convenience 1) Alarm records by the hour 2) Mold memory function up to 100 items 3) Production quantity set-up function (Convenient production management) 4) Down/Upload by PC and USB memory stick 5) Easy control (improve screen switching speed) 6) Language support Performance 1) RT1 function controlling each SERVO axis 2) Drop location up to 99 points adjustable, which link to next process easily Languages Support USB Memory Download Belt Conveyor 35

Take - Out Robot Features USB PORT Features 36

Integrated Engineering Solution Belt conveyor Standard type Belt Conveyor system Swing Type Side Entry Type Traverse Type (Flat Type) (Slope Type) Specifications & Driving Power Length Width 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000 17,000 200 300 400 500 Belt Conveyor 600 700 800 900 1000 37

Global Network & Service Germany Czech Finland Netherlands Poland UK France Slovakia Italy Romania Weihai Portugal Turkey Iran Qingdao Korea Japan Syria China Tokyo Israel Bangladesh Suzhou Nagoya Spain Kunshan Egypt Taiwan India Dongguan Philippines Thailand Hongkong Vietnam Malaysia Headquarter Plant Subsidiary Sales office Agency MAXICO U S A Ohio Colombia Singapore Peru Indonesia South Africa Australia New Zealand Chile Brazil Solution Base China(Dongguan, Suzhou, Weihai), U.S.A., Portugal Argentina Subsidiaries Japan, Taiwan, Hongkong, India, Bangladesh, Iran, Brasil, U.K. France, Spain, Turkey, Romania, Slovakia Agencies Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia&Newzealand, Israel, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Poland, Denmark, Netherlands, U.S.A, South Africa (Domestic sales offices) YUDO-SUNS Global Network U.S.A GA MEXICO BRASIL SOUTH AFRICA SLOVAKIA Zeren INDIA Vasai CHINA Weihai Kunshan Tianjin Dongguan THAILAND Chonburi MALAYSIA INDONESIA BANGLADESH Dhaka VIETNAM Hanoi YUDO CO.,LTD. Hot runner systems - MODU system - Temperature controller - Manifold system - Sequence timer - Nozzle system YUDO-SUNS CO.,LTD. Auto-feeding system Auxiliary system - Mold temp. controllers - Chillers - Dryers - Blenders - Auto loaders - RICH system 38

Integrated Engineering Solution ASIA & OCEANIA CHINA YUDO (HONG KONG) ENTERPRISE CO. LTD. TEL : + 852 2344 5180 FAX : + 852 2344 5018 e-mail : info@yudohotrunner.com.hk YUDO TRADING CO., LTD. TEL : + 86 769 8539 4466 FAX : + 86 769 8539 4455 e-mail : info@yudo.com.cn YUDO TIANJIN OFFICE TEL : + 86 22 5839 9351 FAX : + 86 22 5839 9352 e-mail : tianjin@yudo.com.cn YUDO (SUZHOU) H.R.S. CO. LTD. TEL : + 86 512 6504 8882 FAX : + 86 512 6504 1221 e-mail : shanghai@yudosuzhou.com YUDO (SHANGHAI) OFFICE TEL : + 86 21 5138 6422 FAX : + 86 21 5138 6433 e-mail : pur2@yudosuzhou.com YUDO (NINGBO) OFFICE TEL : + 86 574 8711 3033 FAX : + 86 574 8711 8363 e-mail : ningbo@yudosuzhou.com YUDO (QINGDAO) TRADING CO. LTD. TEL : + 86 532 8765 1698 FAX : + 86 532 8765 1632 e-mail : qingdao@yudoqingdao.com YUDO (QINGDAO) TRADING CO., LTD (WEIHAI) OFFICE TEL : + 86 631 5672 582 FAX : + 86 631 5672 582 e-mail : wh@yudoqingdao.com YUDO (QINGDAO) TRADING CO., LTD (DAILIAN) OFFICE TEL : + 86 131 3002 3765 e-mail : dl@yudoqingdao.com CHINA WEIHAI YUDO-SUNS CO.,LTD. (YUDO-SUNS) TEL : +86 631 597 2588 FAX : +86 631 597 2589 E-mail : weihaiyudo@yudosuns.com.cn KUNSHAN YUDO-SUNS CO LTD TEL : + 86 512 5791 0286 FAX : + 86 512 5791 0285 E-mail : sklee@yudosuns.com JAPAN TAIWAN KUNSHAN YUDO-SUNS CO.,LTD. (TIANJIN REP OFFICE.) TEL : +86 22 5839 9351 FAX : +86 22 5839 9352 E-mail : jwchoi@yudosuns.com KUNSHAN YUDO-SUNS CO.,LTD. (DONGGUAN REP OFFICE.) TEL : +86 769 8155 7622 FAX : +86 769 8155 7522 YUDO JAPAN CO., LTD. TEL : + 81 3 6400 4071 FAX : + 81 3 6400 4072 e-mail : yuja@yudojpn.co.jp - Osaka Office TEL : + 81 6 6338 9571 FAX : + 81 6 6338 9572 e-mail : yuja@yudojpn.co.jp - Nagoya Office TEL : + 81 52 745 0361 FAX : + 81 52 745 0362 e-mail : yuja@yudojpn.co.jp YUDO-ROBOTICS JAPAN CO., LTD. TEL : +81 568 63 5511 FAX : +81 568 63 5000 e-mail : sano@yudorobotics.co.jp YUDO CO., LTD. (TAIWAN BRANCH) TEL : + 886 2 2205 6677 FAX : + 886 2 2205 0151 e-mail : yudotw@yudotw.com.tw INDIA YUDO HOT RUNNER INDIA PVT. LTD. TEL : + 91 250 245 1155 FAX : + 91 250 245 1158 e-mail : vishal@yudo.co.in / yudo@yudoindia.com BANGLADESH YUDO (BD) PVT. LTD. TEL : + 88 2 9014 632 FAX : + 88 2 9014 609 e-mail : palas@yudohot.com SINGAPORE THAILAND WANCO INDUSTRIAL PTE. LTD. TEL : + 65 6264 1166 FAX : + 65 6268 5645 e-mail : sales@wanco.com.sg WANCO INDUSTRIAL (THAILAND) CO., LTD. MALAYSIA VIETNAM INDONESIA AUSTRALIA SYRIA ISRAEL IRAN Tel : +66 2 174 7236-40 Fax : +66 2 174 7235 e-mail : sales@thaiwanco.com SAN YU ENGINEERING THAI CO.,LTD TEL : +66 38 311911 e-mail : thai-lsk@hotmail.com MAWANCO SDN BHD. TEL : + 60 3 8945 2127 FAX : + 60 3 8945 2133 e-mail : mawanco@po.jaring.my WANCO INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. (VIETNAM REP. OFFICE) TEL : + 84 8 9351207 FAX : + 84 8 8439409 e-mail : wanco_vietnam@hcm.fgt.vn PT. GAYA STEEL TEL : + 62 21 89832277 FAX : + 62 21 89834477 e-mail : gayasteel@naver.com STM AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. TEL : + 61 3 9885 9795 FAX : + 61 3 9885 2756 e-mail : sales@stm.net.au NEWZEALAND STM SALES LTD. TEL : + 64 9 820 6454 FAX : + 61 3 9885 2756 e-mail : sales@stm.net.au SAWAS TRADING GROUP TEL : + 963 21 2254756 FAX : + 963 21 9885 2756 e-mail : swsco@scs-net.org ASI-AFASPEM ISRAEL LTD. TEL : + 972 4 6802770 FAX : + 972 4 6802770 e-mail : hrmolds@netvision.net.il YUDO.ir TEL : + 98 21 22066506~7 FAX : + 98 21 22361214 e-mail : sales@yudo.ir AMERICA & EUROPE & AFRICA U.S.A. BRASIL U.K. YUDO INC. (Head Office) TEL : + 1 614 873 1300 FAX : + 1 614 873 6873 e-mail : yudo@yudousa.com - Central Territory (Sales Office) TEL : + 1 630 529 7487 FAX : + 1 630 529 7469 e-mail : ksalemi@yudousa.com - Mid-Western Territory (Sales Office) TEL : + 1 440 834 0167 FAX : + 1 440 425 0304 e-mail : akitzmiller@yudousa.com - Westem Territory (MEXICO Sales Office) TEL : + 1 805 480 4922 FAX : + 1 805 432 1680 e-mail : jcescalante@yudousa.com - Canada (CANADA Sales Office) TEL : + 1 905 304 1680 FAX : + 1 905 304 9934 e-mail : gsands@yudousa.com - WIZ TECH, INC TEL/FAX : +1 334 296 1368 e-mail : wiztech7@naver.com MEXICO (YUDO-SUNS) TEL : +52 1 664 350 3044 e-mail : iskim@yudosuns.com PAULO ENGENHARIA. LTDA. 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